Trenta-sis: Felip va tenir una gran família quan era jove
||Felip|(he) had|to have|a|large|family|when|(he) was|young
Trenta-sis: Felip had a large family when he was young.
A) El nostre veí Felip va tenir una gran família quan era jove.
|The|our|neighbor|Felip|(he) had|to have|a|large|family|when|(he) was|young
A) Our neighbor Felip had a large family when he was young.
Va tenir dona i tres fills.
He had|to have|wife|and|three|children
He had a wife and three children.
Tuvo mujer y tres hijos.
Va tenir dos nois i una noia, és a dir dos fills i una filla.
He had|to have|two|boys|and|one|girl|is|a|to say||sons|||daughter
He had two boys and a girl, that is, two sons and a daughter.
Va tenir també un germà i una germana.
He also had a brother and a sister.
Però el Felip no va parlar amb el seu germà durant molt de temps.
But|the|Felip|not|(he) did|talk|with|the|his|brother|for|a long|of|time
But Felip did not speak with his brother for a long time.
Com que el Felip es va canviar de casa, vivien molt lluny l'un de l'altre.
As|that|the|Felip|himself|(past tense marker)|changed|from|house|they lived|very|far|one|from|the other
Because Felip moved houses, they lived very far from each other.
El germà del Felip havia estat metge.
Felip's brother had been a doctor.
I la germana del Felip havia estat dentista.
And Felip's sister had been a dentist.
El Felip era actor de cinema i televisió.
Felip was a film and television actor.
Era molt diferent del seu germà i de la seva germana.
Was|very|different|from the|his|brother|and|from|the|her|sister
He was very different from his brother and sister.
B) Jo tinc una gran família.
B) I have a large family.
Tinc una dona i tres fills.
I have|a|wife|and|three|sons
I have a wife and three children.
Els meus tres fills son dos nois i una noia, és a dir, tinc dos fills i una filla.
The|my|three|children|are|two|boys|and|one|girl|is|a|in other words|I have|||and|one|daughter
My three children are two boys and a girl, that is, I have two sons and a daughter.
També tinc un germà i una germana.
Also|I have|a|brother|and|a|sister
I also have a brother and a sister.
Però no parlaré amb el meu germà durant molt de temps.
But|not|I will talk|with|my|my|brother|for|a long|of|time
But I will not speak with my brother for a long time.
Com que ens canviarem de casa, viurem molt lluny l'un de l'altre.
As|we|ourselves|will change|of|house|we will live|very|far|one|from|another
Because we will move houses, we will live very far from each other.
El meu germà començarà a practicar per ser metge.
The|my|brother|will start|to|practice|in order to|to be|doctor
My brother will start practicing to become a doctor.
La meva germana començarà a estudiar per ser dentista.
The|my|sister|will start|to|study|to|be|dentist
My sister will start studying to become a dentist.
Jo soc actor de cinema i televisió.
I am a film and television actor.
Soc molt diferent del meu germà i de la meva germana.
I am|very|different|from the|my|brother|and|from|the|my|sister
I am very different from my brother and sister.
A) 1) El Felip va tenir una gran família quan era jove.El Felip tenia una gran família?
|The|Felip|(past tense auxiliary verb)|to have|a|large|family|when|was|young|||had|a|large|family
A) 1) Did Felip have a large family when he was young? Did Felip have a large family?
Sí, el Felip va tenir una gran família quan era jove.
Yes|the|Felip|(he) had|to have|a|large|family|when|(he) was|young
Yes, Felip had a large family when he was young.
2) El Felip tenia tres fills.
2) Felip had three children.
El Felip tenia dos fills?
Did Felip have two children?
No, el Felip no tenia dos fills.
No, Felip did not have two children.
Tenia tres fills.
He had|three|children
He had three children.
3) El Felip també tenia un germà i una germana.
3) Felip also had a brother and a sister.
El Felip tenia una germana?
Did Felip have a sister?
Si, el Felip tenia un germà i una germana.
Yes, Felip had a brother and a sister.
4) El Felip no parla amb el seu germà des de fa molt de temps.
The|Felip|does not|speaks|with|his|own|brother|since|of|ago|a long|of|time
4) Felip has not spoken to his brother for a long time.
El Felip ha parlat amb el seu germà últimament?
Has Felip spoken to his brother recently?
No, el Felip no parla amb el seu germà des de fa molt de temps.
No|the|Felip|not|talks|with|his|his|brother|since|of|ago|a long|of|time
No, Felip has not spoken to his brother for a long time.
B) 5) El Felip i el seu germà viuran molt lluny l'un de l'altre.
|The|Felip|and|his|own|brother|will live|very|far|each other|from|the other
B) 5) Felip and his brother will live far away from each other.
On viuran el Felip i el seu germà?
Where|will live|the|Philip|and|the|his|brother
Where will Felip and his brother live?
Viuran molt lluny l'un de l'altre.
They will live|very|far|one|from|each other
They will live far away from each other.
6) El germà del Felip començarà a practicar per ser metge.
The|brother|of|Felip|will start|to|practice|in order to|become|doctor
6) Felip's brother will start practicing to become a doctor.
Què començarà a fer el germà del Felip?
What|will start|to|do|the|brother|of|Felip
What will Felip's brother start doing?
El germà del Felip començarà a practicar per ser metge.
The|brother|of|Felip|will start|to|practice|to|be|doctor
Felip's brother will start practicing to become a doctor.
7) La germana del Felip començarà a estudiar per ser dentista.
The|sister|of|Felip|will start|to|study|to|be|dentist
7) Felip's sister will start studying to become a dentist.
Quins estudis farà la germana del Felip?La germana del Felip començarà a estudiar per ser dentista.
What|studies|will do|the|sister|of|Felip|The|sister|of|Felip|will start|to|study|to|be|dentist
What will Felip's sister study? Felip's sister will start studying to become a dentist.
8) El Felip és actor de cinema i televisió.
8) Felip is a film and television actor.
Què fa el Felip?
What does Felip do?
El Felip és actor de cinema i televisió.
Felip is a film and television actor.
9) El Felip és molt diferent del seu germà i de la seva germana.
The|Felip|is|very|different|from the|his|brother|and|from|the|his|sister
9) Felip is very different from his brother and sister.
El Felip és igual que el seu germà i la seva germana?
The|Felip|is|the same|as|his|his|brother|and|the|his|sister
Is Felip the same as his brother and sister?
No, el Felip no és igual.
No|the|Felip|not|is|the same
No, Felip is not the same.
És molt diferent del seu germà i de la seva germana.
It is|very|different|from the|his|brother|and|from|the|her|sister
He is very different from his brother and sister.