(67) Slow Korean Conversation - #7 What I think of the US - YouTube
(67) Langsame koreanische Konversation - #7 Was ich von den USA halte - YouTube
(67) Conversación lenta en coreano - #7 Lo que pienso de EE.UU. - YouTube
(67) Conversation coréenne lente - #7 Ce que je pense des Etats-Unis - YouTube
(67) Langzaam Koreaans gesprek - #7 Wat ik van de VS vind - YouTube
(67) Powolna rozmowa po koreańsku - #7 Co myślę o USA - YouTube
(67) Slow Korean Conversation - #7 What I think of the US - YouTube
자 상준이 안녕
Hello, Jang-jun.
자 오늘은 요 얘기를 한번 더 해보자, 미국 얘기.
now|today|this|conversation|once|more|let's talk about|America|story
So today, let's talk about this again, the topic of the US.
아 좋아요
ah|is good
Oh, sounds good.
왜냐하면 선생님 유튜브 채널을 보고 있는 분들 중에 미국 사람들이 많거든
Because there are many Americans among those who are watching the teacher's YouTube channel.
그래서 상준이가 미국에 대해 갖고 있는 생각,
so|Sang-jun|about America|regarding|having|is|thought
So I think it would be interesting to talk about Sang-jun's thoughts on America.
거기에 대해서 얘기를 하면 재미있을 것 같애.
What is the first thought that comes to mind about America?
미국에 대해서 떠오르는 생각 첫번째, 뭐가 있어?
about America|regarding|that comes to mind|thought|first|what|is
I think of the large electronic billboards in the city.
저는 도시에 있는 커다란 전광판이 생각나요.
I|in the city|that is|large|electronic billboard|I think of
예를 들면?
for example|if
For example?
빌딩과 빌딩 가운데 도로를 두고 있죠.
the building|building|in the middle|road|separating|is
There is a road between the buildings.
그 양 옆에 있는 빌딩에 코카콜라 광고나 옷 광고나...
that|sheep|next to|is|building|Coca-Cola|advertisement|clothing|advertisement
On the buildings on both sides, there are Coca-Cola ads or clothing ads...
엄청 멋있는 것 같아요.
I think it's really cool.
It's flashy.
혹시 뉴욕... 영화나 광고에 나오는 뉴욕 메디슨 스퀘어 가든, 거기 거리 풍경 본 적 있어?
by any chance|New York|in movies|in advertisements|appearing|New York|Madison|Square|Garden|there|street|scenery|seen|instance|have
Have you ever seen the street scenery of New York, like Madison Square Garden that appears in movies or advertisements?
제가 영어 독해책을 풀면서 항상 나오는 게 미국 이야기 거든요.
I|English|reading book|while solving|always|coming out|thing|American|story|you see
I always come across American stories while solving English reading comprehension books.
그래서 미국 스퀘어 광장은 어떻게 생긴 지도 알고 있는 것 같아요.
so|American|square|square|how|looks|map|I know|being|thing|seems
So I think I know what American squares look like.
아 그렇구나. 근데 한번 가보고 싶다, 그 말이지?
ah|I see|but|once|go|want to|that|you mean
Oh, I see. But you want to visit it at least once, right?
네. 그리고 미국에서 즐기는 크리스마스도 즐겨보고 싶고,
yes|and|in the US|enjoying|Christmas|want to enjoy|I want to
Yes. And I also want to enjoy Christmas in America.
저는 추수감사절에 먹는… 뭐였더라?
I|on Thanksgiving|eat|what was it
What do we eat on Thanksgiving... what was it?
맞아요. 저는 칠면조가 정말 먹고 싶어요.
that's right|I|turkey|really|eating|want to
That's right. I really want to eat turkey.
나는 많이 먹어봤는데.
I|a lot|have eaten
I've eaten a lot.
칠면조가 맛있는 거 같아요 치킨이 더 맛있는거 같아요?
I think turkey is delicious, but I think chicken is more delicious?
치킨이 훨씬 더 맛있어.
Chicken is much tastier.
나는. 왜냐하면 내 입맛에는 칠면조는 너무 뻑뻑해.
I think so. Because turkey is too dry for my taste.
저는 그래도 칠면조를 한번은 먹어보고 싶어요.
I|still|turkey|at least once|trying|want to
I still want to try turkey at least once.
그리고 미국에서는 할로윈을... 직접 의상을 제작해서 사용한다고 들었는데 정말 재미있을 것 같고
and|in the US|Halloween|directly|costume|making|using|I heard|really|fun|thing|seems
And I heard that in the U.S. for Halloween... people make their own costumes and use them, which sounds really fun.
집집마다 문을 두드리면서 사탕을 얻는 것이 정말 재미있는거 같아요.
at each house|door|knocking|candy|getting|thing|really|fun|seems
I think it's really fun to go door to door to get candy.
그건 정말 재밌어.
that|really|is fun
That's really fun.
한국에서는 그러면 경찰서 가거든요.
in Korea|then|police station|I go
In Korea, you would go to the police station for that.
진짜? 왜?
Really? Why?
한국에서는 “똑똑. Trick or treat” 하면은 경찰에서 잡아가요.
in Korea|knock knock|trick|or|treat|if|by the police|takes you away
In Korea, if you say 'knock knock. Trick or treat,' the police will take you away.
아 진짜?
Oh really?
무단 주거 출입자라고.
They said it's a trespasser.
어린아이가 그래도 잡아가?
the child|still|takes away
Do they really take a child away?
어린아이는 안 잡아가요.
the child|not|taking away
They don't take children away.
그래도 부모님한테 경고를 주죠.
still|to my parents|warning|I give
But they do give a warning to the parents.
아, 아이한테 이런 걸 시키지 말아라, 그런 경고?
ah|to the child|this kind of|thing|make|not|such|warning
Ah, is that a warning not to make the child do such things?
어 그렇구나.
oh|I see
Oh, I see.
그러면은 한국에도 할로윈을 지내는 사람들이 있어?
then|in Korea|Halloween|celebrating|people|there are
So, are there people in Korea who celebrate Halloween?
한국에서도 학교에서는 선생님들이 사탕이나 초콜릿을 나눠주시고요,
in Korea|at school|teachers|candy or|chocolate|give out
In Korea, teachers also give out candies or chocolates at school,
친구끼리도 선물을 해요.
between friends|gift|give
and friends exchange gifts too.
하지만 직접 의상을 만들어서 입고 다니지는 않아요.
but|directly|clothing|making|wearing|going around|I don't
But I don't actually make and wear costumes.
아 그렇구나.
ah|I see
Oh, I see.
사실 미국도 의상을 만드는 사람은 많이 없고 주로 사서 입어.
actually|in America|clothing|making|people|many|not|mainly|buying|wear
In fact, there aren't many people in the U.S. who make costumes, and they mostly buy them.
뭐 스파이더맨, 뭐 아이언맨, 뭐 원더우먼, 뭐 이런 거.
what|Spider-Man||Iron Man||Wonder Woman||like this|thing
Like Spider-Man, Iron Man, Wonder Woman, and things like that.
재미있을 것 같아요.
That sounds like it would be fun.
재밌어. 특히 밤에 굉장히 많은 사람들이 돌아다닌다는 게 재밌어.
it's fun|especially|at night|very|many|people|walking around|fact|is fun
It's fun. Especially, it's interesting that a lot of people are walking around at night.
그리고 저는 미국에 있는 자유의 여신상도 보고 싶어요.
and|I|in America|that is|of freedom|statue|seeing|want to
And I want to see the Statue of Liberty in the United States.
얼마나 클 거 같애?
how much|big|thing|do you think
I wonder how big it is?
책에서 봐서는 잘 모르겠지만 그래도 이만하지는 않을까요?
from the book|seeing|well|I don't know|still|not this good|wouldn't it be
I can't tell from the book, but it can't be that small, right?
글쎄, 모르지.
well|I don't know
Well, I don't know.
사실 나는 가서 봤는데 정확하게 얼마나 큰 지는 몰라.
actually|I|went|saw|exactly|how|big||I don't know
Actually, I went to see it, but I don't know exactly how big it is.
야, 한 가지 물어볼 게 있는데
hey|one|thing|to ask|thing|there is
Hey, I have one question to ask.
미국에 대해서 안 좋게 생각하는 점, 또는 뭐 무서운 점, 그런 거 있어?
about America|regarding|not|positively|thinking|point|or|something|scary||such|thing|is
Are there any negative or scary things you think about the United States?
미국에서는 총기 소지가 가능하다는 게 무서워요.
in the United States|firearm|possession|is possible|fact|is scary
It's scary that gun possession is allowed in the United States.
사람들이 총을 가지고 다닐 수 있고
People can carry guns around.
가게에서 살 수도 있어, 뭐 월마트 이런 데서.
at the store|live|possibility|is|like|Walmart|such|places
You can buy it at the store, like at Walmart.
월마트 알아?
Walmart|do you know
Do you know Walmart?
보통 편의점 같은 거 아닐까요?
usually|convenience store|like|thing|isn't it
Isn't it usually like a convenience store?
아니야. 굉장히 큰 데야.
No. It's a very big place.
그거는 한국의 이마트랑 비슷해.
that|of Korea|E-Mart|is similar
It's similar to E-Mart in Korea.
굉장히 커, 월마트 가게는.
It's really big, the Walmart store.
굉장히 크겠네요.
very|will be big
It must be really big.
근데 거기서 총을 걸어놓고 팔어.
But they sell guns there.
그러면은 간단하게 뭐 신분증 체크하고, 신분증 확인하고
Then they simply check your ID and verify your ID.
그 다음에 또 뭐 한 몇 가지 확인할 거야.
that|next|again|what|one|few|things|will check|will
After that, they will check a few more things.
그리고 그냥 사탕 사듯이 사는 거야.
and|just|candy|as if buying|living|is
And you just buy it like candy.
저는 총을 가지고 다니는게 정말 무서워요.
I|gun|carrying|around|really|is scary
I'm really scared of carrying a gun.
아 진짜?
Oh really?
근데 비디오 게임에선 총을 쏘지?
but|video|in the game|gun|shoot
But you shoot guns in video games, right?
that's right
That's right.
is it different
Is it different?
비디오 게임에서는...
video|in the game
In video games...
비디오 게임도 무섭긴 하지만 아무래도 실제 총이 더 무서운 것 같아요.
Video games can be scary, but I think real guns are scarier.
음 그렇구나.
hmm|I see
Oh, I see.
자 마지막으로 대화를 마무리하는 차원에서
now|finally|conversation|concluding|in terms of
Now, to wrap up the conversation.
이 동영상을 보고 있는 미국 아저씨 아줌마 형 누나들한테 한 마디!
this|video|watching|is|American|uncle|aunt|older brother|to older sisters|one|word
A word to the American uncles, aunts, brothers, and sisters watching this video!
미국에 사는 미국인들은 정말 부러워요.
in America|living|Americans|really|envy
I'm really envious of Americans living in the U.S.
곧 크리스마스가 다가오는데 저 대신 재미있게 즐겨주세요.
soon|Christmas|is approaching|me|instead|enjoyably|have fun
Christmas is coming soon, so please enjoy it on my behalf.
예, 여러분 들으셨죠?
yes|everyone|you heard
Yes, you heard that right?
상준이는 미국에서 크리스마스를 한번쯤 보내고 싶어합니다.
Sang-jun|in the USA|Christmas|at least once|spend|wants to
Sang-jun wants to spend Christmas in America at least once.
여러분들 상준이 대신에 재미있게 즐겁게 크리스마스를 보내시길 바랍니다.
you all|Sang-jun|instead of|fun|joyfully|Christmas|spend|I hope
I hope you all have a fun and enjoyable Christmas instead of Sang-jun.
그러면은 안녕히 계세요.
Then, goodbye.
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