[바른 한국어 2급] 7-2 물냉면으로 할게요.
correct|Korean|level 2|with cold noodles|I will have
[Korrektes Koreanisch Stufe 2] 7-2 Ich nehme Brunnenkresse-Nudeln.
[Coreano Correcto Nivel 2] 7-2 Tomaré fideos con berros.
[Coreano corretto livello 2] 7-2 Prendo dei tagliolini al crescione.
[正しい韓国語2級】7-2 水冷麺にします。
[7-2 Ik wil waterkersnoedels.
[Correct Korean Level 2] 7-2 I'll have cold noodles with water.
물냉면으로 할게요.
with cold noodles|I will have
I'll have cold noodles with water.
여러분, 안녕하세요?
Hello everyone?
오늘은 ‘비빔냉면은 매우니까 물냉면으로 할게요'를 공부하겠습니다.
today|bibim naengmyeon|is spicy|with mul naengmyeon||
Today, we will study 'Since bibim naengmyeon is too spicy, I'll have cold noodles with water.'
여러분, 우리 지난 시간에 음식에 대해서 공부했지요.
everyone|we|last|time|about food|regarding|studied
Everyone, we studied food last time.
오늘도 지난 시간에 이어서 음식과 관련된 것들을 공부할 건데요.
today|last|time|continuing|food|related|things|study|we will
Today, we will continue studying things related to food.
오늘은 음식 주문하기를 공부할 거예요.
today|food|ordering|study|I will
Today, we will learn how to order food.
식당에서 먹고 싶은 음식이 있을 때,
at the restaurant|eating|want|food|there is|when
When there is food you want to eat at a restaurant,
어떻게 주문할까요?
how|should I order
How should we order?
같이 공부해 봐요.
Let's study together.
또, 어휘에서는 요리와 관련된 어휘와 표현을 공부하고,
also|in vocabulary|cooking|related|vocabulary|expressions|study
Also, in vocabulary, we will study words and expressions related to cooking,
문법에서는 ‘는데요', ‘으로/로'를 배우겠습니다.
in grammar|'but' 'although'|||I will learn
and in grammar, we will learn '는데요' and '으로/로'.
자, 먼저 대화를 들어 보세요.
Well, first listen to the conversation.
오늘 대화에서는 준수가 학교 근처에 있는 식당에 점심을 먹으러 갔는데요.
today|in the conversation|Junsoo|school|near|that is|to the restaurant|lunch|to eat|went
In today's conversation, Junsu went to a restaurant near the school for lunch.
종업원이 준수가 있는 테이블에 와서 주문을 받습니다.
the waiter|Jun-su|at|table|comes|order|takes
The waiter comes to Junsu's table to take the order.
준수는 무슨 음식을 주문할까요?
Junsoo|what|food|should order
What food will Junsu order?
한 번 들어 보세요.
Give it a listen.
네, 잘 들었어요?
yes|well|did you hear
Yes, did you hear it well?
준수는 무슨 음식을 주문했어요?
What food did Jun-su order?
네, 냉면을 주문했지요.
yes|naengmyeon|I ordered
Yes, he ordered cold noodles.
그런데 무슨 냉면을 주문했어요?
but|what|naengmyeon|did you order
So, what kind of cold noodles did you order?
bibim naengmyeon
Bibim naengmyeon?
cold buckwheat noodles
Mul naengmyeon?
내용을 더 자세히 알아보기 전에
the content|more|in detail|to find out|before
Before finding out more details
먼저 대화에 나온 어휘와 문법부터 공부해 볼까요?
first|in the conversation|that comes out|vocabulary|grammar|study|shall we
First, shall we study the vocabulary and grammar that came up in the conversation?
먼저 어휘입니다.
First, the vocabulary.
따라 읽어 보세요.
Please read along.
‘종업원'은 식당에서 주문을 받고 음식을 가져다 주는 사람이에요.
'the waiter'|'at the restaurant'|'the order'|'receiving'|'food'|'bringing'|'to'|'person'
'The 'waiter' is the person who takes orders and brings food in a restaurant.
식당에 갔는데, 무슨 음식이 맛있는지 모르겠어요.
the restaurant|I went|which|food|is delicious|I don't know
I went to a restaurant, but I don't know what food is delicious.
그러면, “종업원에게 물어 보세요.”
then|to the employee|ask|please
Then, 'Ask the waiter.'
종업원에게 물어 보고 싶은 게 있어요.
to the employee|ask|about|I want|thing|there is
I have something I want to ask the waiter.
그럼 종업원을 불러야겠지요?
then|the employee|should call
Then we should call the waiter, right?
그래서 식당에 같이 간 사람에게 부탁합니다.
so|to the restaurant|together|went|to the person|I ask
So I ask the person I went to the restaurant with.
“종업원 좀 불러 주세요.”
waiter|a little|call|please
"Please call the waiter."
보통 한국에서 종업원을 부를 때 가장 많이 하는 말은 “저기요.”, “여기요.”예요.
usually|in Korea|the waiter|to call|when|most|often|used|words|excuse me|over here|are
Usually, in Korea, the most common phrases to call a waiter are "Excuse me." or "Over here.".
다음 어휘입니다.
Here is the vocabulary.
따라 읽어 보세요.
Please read along.
몇 분이세요?
how many|are you
How many minutes is it?
여러분이 식당에 가면 종업원이 제일 먼저 이렇게 말합니다.
you all|to the restaurant|when|the waiter|most|first|like this|speaks
When you go to a restaurant, the waiter first says this.
“어서 오세요.
welcome|please come in
몇 분이세요?”
how many|are you
"How many people are you?"
“몇 분이세요?”는 ‘몇 명이서 같이 왔어요?'
how many|are you||how many||together|came
"How many people are you?" means 'How many people came together?'
라는 뜻이에요.
That's what it means.
대답은 “두 명이요.”, “세 명이요.” 이렇게 할 수 있어요.
the answer|two||three||like this|can|possibility|be
The answer can be "two people" or "three people."
또, 회식 때문에 식당을 예약하려고 하는데요.
also|company dinner|because of|restaurant|I am trying to reserve|I am
Also, I am trying to make a reservation at a restaurant because of a company dinner.
단체로, 그룹으로 가지요?
as a group|in a group|we go
Are you going as a group?
그러면 종업원이 이렇게 물어 봅니다.
then|the waiter|like this|asks|I see
Then the waiter will ask like this.
“모두 합쳐서 몇 분이세요?”
all|combined|how many|are you
"How many minutes in total?"
이 말은 ‘오는 사람이 모두 몇 명이에요?
this|statement|coming|person|all|how many|are there
This means 'How many people are coming?'.
'라는 뜻이에요.
다음 어휘입니다.
Here is the next vocabulary.
따라 읽어 보세요.
Please read along.
‘쪽'은 방향을 말해요.
|to the direction|speaks
‘Direction' refers to a direction.
이쪽, 그쪽, 저쪽
this side|that side|that side over there
this way, that way, over there.
이렇게 말할 수 있어요.
like this|speak|possibility|can
You can say it like this.
여러분이 식당에 가면 종업원이
you|to the restaurant|when|the waiter
When you go to a restaurant, the waiter
자리를 가리키면서 이렇게 말합니다.
the seat|while pointing|like this|says
points to a seat and says this.
“손님, 이 쪽에 앉으세요.”
guest|this|side|please sit
"Sir/Madam, please sit here."
또는 종업원이 여러분에게 자리까지 안내해 주면서, 이렇게 말해요.
or|the waiter|to you|to your seat|guides|while|like this|says
Or the staff will guide you to your seat and say this.
“손님, 이 쪽으로 오세요.”
"Guest, please come this way."
다음 어휘입니다.
Next vocabulary.
따라 읽어 보세요.
Please read along.
뭘 드릴까요?
what|shall I give you
What can I get you?
‘뭘 드릴까요?
what'|should I give you'
‘What can I get you?
'는 무엇을 줄까요?라는 뜻이에요.
is|what|should I give|that|means
' means what shall I give you.
보통 식당에서 종업원이 주문을 받을 때 하는 말이지요.
usually|in the restaurant|the waiter|order|receiving|when|doing|words
It's something that a waiter usually says when taking an order at a restaurant.
식당에 가서 메뉴를 보고 있으면, 종업원이 와서 주문을 받아요.
the restaurant|I go|menu|looking|if|the waiter|comes|order|takes
When you go to a restaurant and are looking at the menu, a waiter comes and takes your order.
그 때, 종업원이 이렇게 말합니다.
that|time|the employee|like this|speaks
At that time, the waiter says this.
“어서 오세요.
welcome|please come in
뭘 드릴까요?”
what|shall I give you
What would you like to have?"
또, 곧 부모님 생신이에요.
also|soon|my parents|is my parents' birthday
Also, it's my parents' birthday soon.
선물을 드리고 싶은데 무엇이 좋은지 모르겠어요.
gift|to give|I want|what|is good|I don't know
I want to give them a gift, but I don't know what would be good.
그러면 다른 사람에게 이렇게 물어볼 수 있어요.
then|other|to person|like this|ask|possibility|is
Then you can ask someone else like this.
“부모님 생신 선물로 뭘 드릴까요?”
my parents|birthday|as a gift|what|should I give
"What should I give for my parents' birthday gift?"
이제 배운 어휘를 확인해 볼까요?
now|learned|vocabulary|check|shall we
Shall we check the vocabulary we learned now?
식당에서 일하는 사람이에요.
at the restaurant|working|
It's a person who works in a restaurant.
주문도 받고 음식도 가져다 줘요.
the order|receiving|food|bringing|to me
They take orders and bring food.
what is it
What is it?
식당에 가면 먼저 종업원이 몇 명이서 같이 왔는지 물어봐요.
the restaurant|when|first|the waiter|how many||together|came|asks
When you go to a restaurant, the waiter first asks how many people have come together.
네, 맞아요.
yes|that's right
Yes, that's right.
‘몇 분이세요?'
how many|are you
'What minute is it?'
‘방향'을 나타내는 말이에요.
It's a word that indicates 'direction'.
이, 그, 저….
this|that|that (over there)
This, that, those....
네, 맞아요.
yes|that's right
Yes, that's right.
이쪽, 그쪽, 저쪽.
this side|that side|that side over there
This side, that side, that side.
It's 'side', right?
마지막, 종업원이 주문을 받을 때 어떻게 물어봐요?
last|the waiter|order|receiving|when|how|do you ask
Lastly, how does the waiter ask when taking an order?
네, 그렇지요.
yes|that's right
Yes, that's right.
‘뭘 드릴까요?'
what'|should I give you'
'What can I get for you?'
잘 하셨어요!
You did well!
이제 대화를 같이 한 번 보지요.
now|conversation|together|one|time|let's see
Now let's take a look at the conversation together.
오늘 대화에서는 준수가 학교 근처 식당에 점심을 먹으러 갔어요.
today|in the conversation|Junsoo|school|nearby|to the restaurant|lunch|to eat|went
In today's conversation, Junsoo went to a restaurant near the school for lunch.
종업원이 준수를 보고 먼저 인사 합니다.
the employee|Jun-soo|seeing|first|greeting|does
The employee greets Jun-su first.
“어서 오세요.”
welcome|please come in
그리고 종업원은 준수에게 몇 명이서 같이 왔는지 물어봐요.
and|the employee|to Jun-su|how many||together|came|asks
And the employee asks Jun-su how many people came together.
“몇 분이세요?”
how many|are you
"How many are you?"
이 말은 ‘몇 명이서 같이 왔어요?
this|statement|how many|people|together|came
This means 'How many people came together?'
'라는 뜻이지요.
' that's the meaning.
그런데 오늘 준수는 혼자 왔어요.
However, today Jun-su came alone.
그래서, “한 명인데요.”라고 말합니다.
So, he says, 'It's just one person.'
이 말을 듣고 종업원은 준수에게 자리를 안내해주고, 또 주문을 받아요.
this|word|hearing|the employee|to Jun-su|seat|guides|also|order|takes
Hearing this, the employee guides Jun-su to a seat and takes his order.
“그럼 이 쪽에 앉으세요.
then|this|side|please sit
"Then please sit over here.
뭘 드릴까요?”
what|shall I give you
What would you like to have?"
여러분, 준수는 오늘 무엇을 먹고 싶어 해요?
you all|Jun-su|today|what|eat|want to|does
Everyone, what does Jun-su want to eat today?
네, 냉면이요.
yes|cold noodles
Yes, naengmyeon.
그래서 “냉면 주세요.”라고 말해요.
so|cold noodles|please give me|that|I say
So you say, 'Please give me naengmyeon.'
그런데, 냉면은 물냉면도 있고, 비빔냉면도 있지요?
but|naengmyeon|mulnaengmyeon|exists|bibimnaengmyeon|also exists
However, there are both mul-naengmyeon and bibim-naengmyeon, right?
그래서 종업원이 준수에게 물어봅니다.
so|the waiter|to Jun-soo|asks
So the waiter asks Junsu.
“물냉면이요, 비빔냉면이요?”
cold noodle soup|spicy mixed cold noodles
"Cold noodles, or spicy cold noodles?"
그런데 준수는 매운 음식을 별로 안 좋아해요.
but|Junsoo|spicy|food|not very|not|likes
However, Jun-su doesn't really like spicy food.
그래서, 물냉면을 선택해요.
so|cold noodle|I choose
So, he chooses cold noodles.
“비빔냉면은 매우니까 물냉면으로 할게요.”
bibim naengmyeon|is spicy|with mul naengmyeon|I will have
"Since the spicy cold noodles are hot, I'll go with cold noodles."
That's good.
그럼 이제 대화 속 문법을 같이 볼까요?
then|now|conversation|in|grammar|together|shall we see
Then shall we look at the grammar in the conversation?
첫 번째 문법입니다.
||is grammar
This is the first grammar.
문장을 같이 보지요.
the sentence|together|we see
Let's look at the sentences together.
“한 명인데요.”
"It's one person."
오늘 대화에서 준수는 식당에 갔는데,
today|in the conversation|Jun-su|to the restaurant|went
Today, in the conversation, Junsoo went to a restaurant,
종업원이 준수에게 몇 명이서 같이 왔냐고 물어봤지요?
the waiter|to Jun-soo|how many||together|came|asked
and the waiter asked Junsoo how many people came together, right?
그럼, 준수는 ‘는데요'를 사용해서, “한 명인데요.”라고 말했어요.
Then, Junsu used 'ndeyo' to say, 'There is one person.'
이렇게 준수는 ‘한 명'이라고 말하면서, 종업원이 자리를 안내해 주기를 기대해요.
like this|Junsoo|'one|person'|while saying|the waiter|seat|guide|to|expect
In this way, Junsu says 'one person' while expecting the staff to guide him to a seat.
그러면, ‘는데요'를 사용해서 “한 명인데요.”라고 말합니다.
Then, he uses 'ndeyo' to say, 'There is one person.'
이렇게 ‘는데요'는 듣는 사람의 반응을 기대하면서 말할 때 사용해요.
like this|'neundeyo'|listening|person's|reaction|while expecting|speaking|when|is used
In this way, 'ndeyo' is used when speaking while expecting a response from the listener.
같이 읽어 볼까요?
together|read|shall we
Shall we read together?
“한 명인데요.”
"It's one person."
잘 하셨어요.
You did well.
문장을 계속 보지요.
the sentence|continuously|we see
Let's continue looking at the sentences.
“저는 매운 음식 못 먹는데요.”
"I can't eat spicy food."
여러분이 친구와 밥을 먹기로 했는데, 친구가 매운 음식을 먹자고 해요.
you all|with your friend|meal|to eat|decided|friend|spicy|food|to eat|suggests
You decided to have a meal with a friend, and your friend suggests eating spicy food.
그런데 여러분은 매운 음식을 잘 못 먹어요.
However, you don't handle spicy food well.
그래서 친구가 다른 음식을 먹자고 여러분에게 말할 것을 기대하면서 말할 때 ‘는데요'를 사용해서 말합니다.
so|my friend|other|food|to eat|to you|talking|thing|while expecting|talking|when|'nundeyo'|using|I say
So, while expecting your friend to suggest eating something else, you use '는데요' to express this.
그래서, “저는 매운 음식 못 먹는데요.”라고 말해요.
So, I say, "I can't eat spicy food."
그럼 아마 친구는 여러분들에게
then|probably|friend|to you all
Then, your friend will probably say to you,
“아, 그럼 우리 매운 음식 말고 다른 음식 먹으러 가요.”라고 말하겠지요?
ah|then|we|spicy|food|other|other|food|to eat|go||
"Oh, then let's go eat something other than spicy food."
그럼 문장을 같이 읽어 볼까요?
then|sentence|together|read|shall we
Shall we read the sentences together?
“저는 매운 음식 못 먹는데요.”
"I can't eat spicy food."
잘 하셨어요.
You did well.
문장을 하나 더 보지요.
sentence|one|more|let's see
Let's look at one more sentence.
“오늘은 몸이 좀 안 좋은데요.”
today|body|a little|not|is good
"I'm not feeling well today."
여러분, 친구가 여러분에게 “오늘 만날 수 있어요?”라고 물어봤어요.
you all|friend|to you|today|meet|possibility|is||
Everyone, a friend asked you, "Can we meet today?"
그런데 여러분은 오늘 몸이 좀 안 좋아요.
but|you all|today|body|a little|not|is good
But you are not feeling well today.
친구와 다른 날 만났으면 좋겠어요.
with my friend|another|day|I meet|would be good
You would prefer to meet your friend another day.
친구가 여러분에게 ‘다른 날 만나자'고 말할 것을 기대하면서 말할 때,
my friend|to you|another|day||saying|thing|while expecting|saying|when
When a friend expects you to say, 'Let's meet another day,'
‘는/은데요'를 사용해서, “오늘은 몸이 좀 안 좋은데요.”라고 말합니다.
|||today|body|a little|not|is good||
you can use 'but' to say, 'I'm not feeling well today.'
그럼 친구는 아마 여러분들에게 “그래요?
then|friend|probably|to you|is that so
Then your friend will probably say to you, 'Really?'
그럼 오늘은 쉬고 다른 날 만나요.”라고 말하겠지요.
then|today|resting|another|day|we meet|that|will say
Then let's rest today and meet another day.
문장을 같이 읽어 보지요.
the sentence|together|read|shall we
Let's read the sentence together.
“오늘은 몸이 좀 안 좋은데요.”
today|body|a little|not|is good
"I'm not feeling well today."
잘 하셨어요.
You did well.
‘는데요'는 먼저 ‘한 명이다'처럼,
‘는데요' is like ‘there is one person' first,
‘명사+이다'뒤에도 쓸 수 있는데요.
||usable'|possibility'|there is
It can also be used after 'noun + is'.
그 때는 ‘ㄴ데요'가 와서 ‘이다'와 ‘ㄴ데요'가 만나서 ‘인데요'가 돼요.
At that time, 'ㄴ데요' comes, and 'is' and 'ㄴ데요' combine to become '인데요'.
그래서, ‘한 명이다'는 ‘한 명인데요'가 돼요.
So, 'there is one person' becomes 'there is one person, you know'.
그리고 또 ‘는데요'는 ‘먹다'처럼 동작동사와도 쓸 수 있어요.
and|also|'neundeyo'|like 'meokda'|with action verbs|can use|possibility|is
And also, '는데요' can be used with action verbs like 'to eat'.
항상 동작동사 뒤에는 ‘는데요'가 옵니다.
always|action verb|after|'는데요'|comes
After action verbs, '는데요' always comes.
그래서 ‘먹다'는 ‘먹는데요'가 돼요.
so|'to eat'|'is eating'|becomes
So '먹다' becomes '먹는데요'.
그리고 또, ‘는데요'는 ‘좋다'처럼 상태 동사와도 같이 쓸 수 있어요.
and|also|'neundeyo'|like 'jota'|state|with the verb|together|use|possibility|is
And also, '는데요' can be used with state verbs like '좋다'.
그런데 상태 동사와 쓸 때는 이렇게 ‘좋다'처럼 받침이 있으면 뒤에 ‘은데요'가 오고,
but|state|with the verb|using|when|like this||final consonant|if there is|after||
However, when used with state verbs, if there is a final consonant like in '좋다', '은데요' comes after.
‘크다, 예쁘다, 바쁘다, 아프다'처럼 받침이 없으면 뒤에 받침‘ㄴ데요'가 옵니다.
'big'|'pretty'|'busy'||'final consonant'|'if there is not'|'after'|'final consonant'||
Words like 'big, pretty, busy, sick' do not have a final consonant, so the final consonant 'ㄴ데요' comes after.
그런데 ‘좋다'는 받침이 있으니까 뒤에 ‘은데요'가 와서 ‘좋은데요'가 됐어요.
but|'good'|final consonant|because it has|after|'은데요'|comes|'좋은데요'|became
However, since 'good' has a final consonant, '은데요' comes after, making it 'good, you know'.
따라해 보세요.
follow along|please
Try repeating after me.
한 명이다, 한 명인데요.
There is one person, there is one person, you know.
먹다, 먹는데요.
eat|I am eating
to eat, I'm eating.
좋다, 좋은데요.
good|it's good
to be good, it's good.
잘 하셨어요.
You did well.
그럼 이제 두 번째 문법을 같이 보지요.
then|now|second|ordinal|grammar|together|we look at
Then let's look at the second grammar together.
두 번째 문법은 ‘으로/로'입니다.
The second grammar is '으로/로'.
문장을 같이 봐요.
the sentence|together|we see
Let's look at the sentence together.
“비빔냉면은 매우니까 물냉면으로 할게요.”
bibim naengmyeon|is spicy|with mul naengmyeon|I will have
"Since bibim naengmyeon is too spicy, I'll have mul naengmyeon."
여러분, 오늘 대화에서 종업원이 준수에게
you all|today|in the conversation|the employee|to Jun-su
Everyone, in today's conversation, the waiter said to Junsu
물냉면을 먹을 건지, 비빔냉면을 먹을 건지 물어봤지요.
the cold noodle soup|eat|whether|the spicy mixed noodles|eat|whether|I asked
I asked whether he would eat cold noodles with broth or spicy cold noodles.
그런데 준수는 매운 것을 별로 안 좋아 하니까 ‘물냉면'을 선택했어요.
but|Junsoo|spicy|thing|not very|not|like|because|'cold water noodles'|chose
However, Jun-su doesn't really like spicy food, so he chose 'cold noodles with broth'.
그러면, 물냉면 뒤에 ‘으로'를 붙여서 “물냉면으로 할게요.”라고 말해요.
then|cold noodle dish|behind|'euro'|attaching|with the cold noodle dish|I will have||
Then, he adds '으로' to 'cold noodles with broth' and says, 'I'll have cold noodles with broth.'
이렇게 ‘으로'는 여러 가지 중에서 어떤 것을 선택할 때 사용합니다.
like this|'euro'|many|options|among|which|thing|to choose|when|is used
In this way, '으로' is used when choosing one from several options.
문장을 같이 읽어 볼까요?
the sentence|together|read|shall we
Shall we read the sentence together?
“비빔냉면은 매우니까 물냉면으로 할게요.”
bibim naengmyeon|is spicy|with mul naengmyeon|I will have
"Since bibim naengmyeon is too spicy, I'll go with mul naengmyeon."
잘 하셨어요.
Well done.
문장을 하나 더 보지요.
sentence|one|more|let's see
Let's take a look at one more sentence.
“날씨가 더우니까 반팔 티셔츠로 할게요.”
the weather|is hot|short-sleeved|t-shirt|I will wear
"Since it's hot, I'll go with a short-sleeve t-shirt."
이번에는 여러분이 티셔츠를 사러 옷 가게에 갔는데요.
this time|you|t-shirt|to buy|clothing|store|I went
This time, you went to a clothing store to buy a t-shirt.
거기에서 반팔 티셔츠도 있고, 긴팔 티셔츠도 있어요.
There are both short-sleeve and long-sleeve t-shirts there.
그런데 옷 가게 직원이 여러분들에게, “반팔 티셔츠를 사실 거예요?
but|clothes|store|employee|to you|short-sleeve|t-shirt|going to buy|are
However, the store employee asks you, "Are you going to buy a short-sleeve t-shirt?"
긴팔 티셔츠를 사실 거예요?”하고 물어봤어요.
"Are you going to buy a long-sleeve t-shirt?" I asked.
그런데 요즘 날씨가 더워요.
but|these days|weather|is hot
But the weather has been hot these days.
그래서 여러분은 반팔 티셔츠를 선택해요.
So you choose a short-sleeve t-shirt.
그러면, 뒤에 ‘로'를 붙여서, “반팔 티셔츠로 할게요.”라고 말할 수 있습니다.
then|at the back|'ro'|by attaching|short-sleeved|t-shirt|I will do||||
Then, by adding '로' at the end, you can say, "I'll go with a short-sleeve t-shirt."
문장을 같이 읽어 볼까요?
the sentence|together|read|shall we
Shall we read the sentence together?
“날씨가 더우니까 반팔 티셔츠로 할게요.”
the weather|is hot|short-sleeved|t-shirt|I will wear
"Since it's hot, I'll wear a short-sleeved t-shirt."
잘 하셨어요.
Well done.
‘으로/로'는 명사와 같이 쓰는데요.
||noun|together|is used
‘으로/로' is used with nouns.
‘물냉면'처럼 명사에 받침이 있으면, 뒤에 ‘으로'를 씁니다.
|to the noun|final consonant|if there is|after||we use
If a noun has a final consonant like 'mulnaengmyeon', we use 'euro' after it.
그래서 ‘물냉면'은 ‘물냉면으로'가 돼요.
So 'mulnaengmyeon' becomes 'mulnaengmyeoneuro'.
그런데 ‘티셔츠'는 어때요?
but|'t-shirt'|how about
But what about 't-shirt'?
명사에 받침이 없지요?
the noun|final consonant|does not have
It doesn't have a final consonant, right?
그러면 뒤에 ‘로' 가 와서 ‘티셔츠로'가 돼요.
then|behind|'ro'|subject marker|comes||becomes
Then the '로' comes after, making it '티셔츠로'.
따라해 보세요.
follow along|please
Try repeating after me.
물냉면, 물냉면으로
cold buckwheat noodles|with cold buckwheat noodles
Mul-naengmyeon, mul-naengmyeon-ro
티셔츠, 티셔츠로
t-shirt|with the t-shirt
T-shirt, t-shirt-ro
잘 하셨어요.
Well done.
그럼 이제 마슬기 씨와 함께 오늘의 대화를 연습해 보세요.
Now, please practice today's conversation with Ms. Maslgi.
교사: 지금부터는 마슬기 씨와 함께 오늘의 대화를 연습해 보겠습니다.
teacher|from now|Masulgi|with|together|today's|conversation|practice|we will
Teacher: From now on, we will practice today's conversation with Ms. Maslgi.
마슬기 씨, 안녕하세요?
Hello, Ms. Maslgi?
학생: 네, 선생님, 안녕하세요?
Student: Yes, teacher, hello?
교사: 네, 슬기 씨, 제가 오다가 슬기 씨와 베카타 씨에게 주고 싶어서 선물을 샀어요.
teacher|yes|Seulgi|Mr/Ms|I|while coming|Seulgi|with Mr/Ms|Bekata|to Mr/Ms|giving|wanting to|gift|bought
Teacher: Yes, Seulgi, I bought a gift because I wanted to give it to you and Bekata on my way here.
학생: 어, 정말요?
Student: Oh, really?
the gift
A gift?
교사: 네, 떡인데요, 바람떡하고 대추단자떡이에요.
teacher|yes|is rice cake|with wind rice cake|is jujube rice cake
Teacher: Yes, it's rice cake, specifically wind rice cake and jujube rice cake.
슬기 씨는 무슨 떡으로 할래요?
Seulgi|씨는|what|rice cake|do you want
Teacher: What kind of rice cake do you want, Seulgi?
학생: 저는 대추를 좋아하니까 대추가 있는 떡으로 할게요.
student|I|jujube|like|jujube|with|rice cake|will choose
Student: I like jujubes, so I'll go with the rice cake that has jujubes.
교사: 네, 알겠어요.
teacher|yes|I understand
Teacher: Okay, got it.
수업 끝나고 드릴게요.
class|after|I will give you
I'll give it to you after class.
학생: 네!
Student: Yes!
교사: 그럼 먼저 우리 오늘의 대화를 연습해 볼까요?
teacher|then|first|our|today's|conversation|practice|shall we
Teacher: Then shall we practice our conversation for today first?
학생: 네!
Student: Yes!
교사: 여러분도 마슬기 씨와 함께 오늘의 대화를 듣고, 따라 읽으세요.
teacher|you all|Masulgi|with|together|today's|conversation|listen to|along|read
Teacher: Everyone, listen to today's conversation with Ms. Masulgi and read along.
교사: 잘 하셨어요.
Teacher: Well done.
그럼 이번에는 우리가 대화 속 주인공이 되어서 연습해 볼까요?
then|this time|we|conversation|in|protagonist|becoming|practice|shall we
Now, shall we practice by becoming the main characters in the conversation?
학생: 네, 좋아요.
Student: Yes, sounds good.
교사: 저는 종업원, 슬기 씨는 준수가 되어서 같이 연습해 봐요.
Teacher: I will be the employee, and Seulgi will be Junsoo, so let's practice together.
학생: 네!
Student: Yes!
교사: 와, 슬기 씨, 잘 하셨어요.
Teacher: Wow, Seulgi, you did well.
학생: 감사합니다.
student|thank you
Student: Thank you.
그런데 대화를 연습하니까 정말 냉면이 먹고 싶네요.
But practicing conversation really makes me want to eat cold noodles.
교사: 그렇죠?
teacher|isn't it
Teacher: Right?
me too
Me too.
우리 수업 끝나고 같이 먹으러 갈까요?
we|class|after|together|to eat|shall we go
Shall we go eat together after our class?
학생: 네, 좋아요!
Student: Yes, sounds good!
교사: 네, 좋습니다.
teacher|yes|is good
Teacher: Yes, that's good.
그럼 이제 오늘의 대화를 다시 한 번 들어 봐요.
Then let's listen to today's conversation one more time.
학생: 네!
Student: Yes!
교사: 지금부터는 말하기, 듣기 연습을 해 보겠습니다.
teacher|from now|speaking|listening|practice|will do|I will
Teacher: From now on, we will practice speaking and listening.
베카타 씨, 안녕하세요?
Ms. Bekata, hello?
학생: 안녕하세요?
Student: Hello?
교사: 네, 베카타 씨, 친구들과 잘 만났어요?
teacher|yes|Bekata|Mr/Ms|with friends|well|did you meet
Teacher: Yes, Ms. Bekata, did you have a good time with your friends?
학생: 네, 재미있었어요.
student|yes|was fun
Student: Yes, it was fun.
선생님께서 지난 시간에 추천해 주신 곳에도 가봤는데요,
the teacher|last|time|recommended|to me|place|I went to
I also went to the place you recommended last time,
정말 대박이었어요.
really|was a big success
It was really amazing.
교사: 와, 정말요?
Teacher: Wow, really?
그렇게 맛있었어요?
that|was delicious
Was it that delicious?
그 식당은 만둣국도 맛있지만 칼국수도 맛있어요.
that|restaurant|dumpling soup|is delicious but|knife-cut noodles|is also delicious
That restaurant has delicious dumpling soup, but the knife-cut noodles are also tasty.
학생: 네, 친구는 칼국수로 주문했는데, 그것도 맛있다고 했어요.
student|yes|my friend|kalguksu|ordered|that|said it was delicious|was
Student: Yes, my friend ordered kalguksu, and they said it was delicious.
교사: 네, 그렇죠.
teacher|yes|that's right
Teacher: Yes, that's right.
저도 생각하니까 정말 먹고 싶네요.
I also|when I think about it|really|eating|want
Thinking about it makes me really want to eat it.
베카타 씨, 그럼 오늘도 우리 파이팅해서 같이 말하기 연습부터 해볼까요?
Bekata|Mr/Ms|then|today too|we|by cheering each other on|together|speaking|starting with practice|shall we
Ms. Bekata, shall we cheer each other on and start practicing speaking together today?
학생: 네.
Student: Yes.
교사: 여러분도 베카타 씨와 함께 말하기 연습을 해 보세요.
teacher|you all|Bekata|with|together|speaking|practice|do|try
Teacher: You all try practicing speaking with Ms. Bekata.
교사 : 먼저, ‘는데요'를 사용해서 말해 보세요.
Teacher: First, try using 'ndeyo'.
학생 : 네!
Student: Yes!
교사 : 이재훈 씨와 회사 동료들이 같이 식당에 갔어요.
teacher|Lee Jae-hoon|with|company|colleagues|together|to the restaurant|went
Teacher: Lee Jae-hoon and his colleagues went to the restaurant together.
종업원이 이재훈 씨에게 물어봅니다.
the employee|Lee Jae-hoon|to Mr|asks
The waiter asks Lee Jae-hoon.
“몇 분이세요?”
how many|are you
"How many people?"
이재훈 씨는 ‘세 명'이라고 말하면서 종업원의 자리 안내를 기다려요.
Lee Jae-hoon|Mr|three|people|while|of the waiter|seat|guidance|is waiting
Lee Jae-hoon says 'three' and waits for the waiter to guide them to their seats.
그러면, 어떻게 말할까요?
then|how|should I speak
So, how should I say it?
학생: 세 명인데요.
Student: There are three of us.
교사: 그렇지요?
teacher|isn't it
Teacher: That's right?
그럼 종업원은 아마 세 명에게 잘 맞는 자리를 안내해 주겠지요?
then|the employee|probably|three|to people|well|suitable|seat|guide|will
Then the staff will probably guide us to a suitable table for three, right?
학생: 네!
Student: Yes!
교사: 좋습니다.
teacher|is good
Teacher: Good.
잘 하셨어요!
Well done!
교사: 이번에도 ‘는데요'를 사용해서 말해 보세요.
teacher|this time|'nundeyo'|using|speak|try
Teacher: This time, try to speak using 'neundeyo'.
학생: 네!
Student: Yes!
교사: 조영선 씨가 김유미 씨에게 전화를 했어요.
teacher|Jo Young-sun|Mr/Ms|Kim Yu-mi||phone call|made
Teacher: Ms. Jo Young-sun called Ms. Kim Yu-mi.
그리고 제안합니다.
and|I suggest
And she suggests.
“우리 같이 수영하러 가요.” 그런데 김유미 씨는 어때요?
we|together|to swim|go|but|Kim Yumi|Ms|how about
"Let's go swimming together." But how about Ms. Kim Yu-mi?
학생: 음… 바빠요.
student|hmm|I'm busy
Student: Um... I'm busy.
교사: 그렇죠, ‘바쁘다'.
teacher|that's right|busy
Teacher: That's right, 'busy'.
김유미 씨는 오늘 좀 바빠요.
Kim Yumi|is|today|a little|busy
Ms. Kim Yumi is a bit busy today.
그럼, 먼저 “미안해요.”라고 말하고, 바쁘다고 말하면서 조영선 씨의 대답을 기다립니다.
then|first|I'm sorry|that|saying|that I'm busy|while|Jo Young-sun|Ms|answer|I wait
Then, first say 'I'm sorry,' and while saying you're busy, wait for Ms. Jo Youngsun's response.
그럼 어떻게 말할까요?
then|how|should I speak
So how should I say it?
학생: 미안해요.
student|I'm sorry
Student: I'm sorry.
좀 바쁜데요.
a little|I am busy
I'm a bit busy.
교사: 네, 그렇죠.
teacher|yes|that's right
Teacher: Yes, that's right.
I'm sorry
"I'm sorry.
좀 바쁜데요.”
a little|I am busy
I'm a bit busy."
그럼 조영선 씨는 아마 뭐라고 대답할까요?
then|Jo Young-sun|Mr/Ms|probably|what|will answer
Then what do you think Jo Young-sun would probably respond?
학생: 아마 “괜찮아요.
student|maybe|it's okay
Student: Probably "It's okay."
다음에 같이 가요.” 라고 할 것 같아요.
next time|together|we go|I|will|thing|think
I think I would say, 'Let's go together next time.'
교사: 그렇지요.
teacher|that's right
Teacher: That's right.
잘 하셨습니다!
Well done!
교사: 이번에는 ‘으로/로'를 사용해서 말해 보세요.
teacher|this time|||using|speak|please
Teacher: This time, try to speak using '으로/로'.
학생: 네!
Student: Yes!
교사: 준수가 카페에 갔어요.
teacher|Junsoo|to the cafe|went
Teacher: Junsu went to the cafe.
종업원이 준수에게 물어봅니다.
the employee|to Jun-su|asks
The waiter asks Junsu.
“아이스크림과 녹차, 커피가 있습니다.
ice cream|green tea|coffee|is available
"We have ice cream, green tea, and coffee."
무엇으로 하시겠습니까?”
what|will you do
What would you like to do?
준수는 무엇을 먹고 싶어 해요?
Junsoo|what|eat|wants to|does
What does Junsoo want to eat?
ice cream
Ice cream?
green tea
Green tea?
학생: 아이스크림이요!
student|ice cream
Student: Ice cream!
교사: 그렇지요.
teacher|that's right
Teacher: That's right.
ice cream
Ice cream!
준수는 아이스크림, 녹차, 커피 중에서 ‘아이스크림'을 선택하는 거지요?
Jun-su|ice cream|green tea|coffee|among|'ice cream'|choosing|isn't he
Junsu is choosing 'ice cream' among ice cream, green tea, and coffee, right?
그럼 어떻게 말할까요?
then|how|should I speak
Then how should we say it?
학생: 아이스크림으로 주세요.
student|with ice cream|please give me
Student: Please give me ice cream.
교사: 맞아요.
teacher|that's right
Teacher: That's right.
“아이스크림으로 주세요.” 잘 하셨어요!
with ice cream|please give me|well|you did
"Please make it ice cream." Well done!
교사: 이번에도 ‘으로/로'를 사용해서 말해 보세요.
teacher|this time|||using|speak|try
Teacher: This time, try to use '으로/로' again.
학생: 네!
Student: Yes!
교사: 이재훈 씨는 비행기 표를 예매하려고 하는데요.
teacher|Lee Jae-hoon|Mr|airplane|ticket|trying to book|is
Teacher: Lee Jae-hoon is trying to book a plane ticket.
스튜어디스가 이재훈 씨에게 물어봅니다.
the stewardess|Lee Jae-hoon|to Mr|asks
The flight attendant asks Mr. Lee Jae-hoon.
“창가 쪽과 복도 쪽 중에서 무엇으로 하시겠습니까?”
window|side|hallway|side|among|which|would you like
"Would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?"
베카타 씨, 이재훈 씨는 어디에 앉고 싶어 해요?
Bekata|Mr/Ms|Lee Jae-hoon||where|sit|want to|do
Ms. Bekata, where does Mr. Lee Jae-hoon want to sit?
학생: 창가 쪽에 앉고 싶어 해요.
student|window|side|sitting|want to|do
Student: He wants to sit by the window.
교사: 그렇지요.
teacher|that's right
Teacher: That's right.
창가 쪽!
By the window!
창가 쪽과 복도 쪽 중에서 ‘창가 쪽'에 앉고 싶어 해요.
Among the options of 'by the window' and 'by the hallway', I want to sit 'by the window'.
그럼 어떻게 말할까요?
then|how|should I speak
Then how should we say it?
학생: 창가 쪽으로 주세요.
student|window|towards|please give me
Student: Please give it to me by the window.
교사: 맞아요!
teacher|that's right
Teacher: That's right!
“창가 쪽으로 주세요.” 잘 하셨습니다!
window|towards|please give|well|did
"Please give it to me by the window." Well done!
학생: 네.
Student: Yes.
교사: 이번에는 듣기 연습을 해 볼 거예요.
teacher|this time|listening|practice|will do|see|be
Teacher: This time we will practice listening.
오늘은 준수와 유진이가 아이스크림 전문점에 갔는데요.
today|with Jun-su|Yu-jin|ice cream|to the specialty shop|went
Today, Junsu and Yujin went to an ice cream shop.
두 사람은 무엇을 먹을까요?
two|people|what|will eat
What will the two of them eat?
한 번 들어 보세요.
Listen once.
교사: 베카타 씨, 잘 들었어요?
teacher|Bekata|Mr/Ms|well|did you hear
Teacher: Ms. Bekata, did you hear that well?
학생: 네.
Student: Yes.
저도 아이스크림이 먹고 싶네요.
I also|ice cream|eating|want
I also want to eat ice cream.
교사: 그렇죠?
teacher|isn't it
Teacher: Right?
우리 다음에 먹으러 갈까요?
we|next|to eat|shall we go
Shall we go eat next time?
학생: 네!
Student: Yes!
교사: 네, 좋아요.
Teacher: Yes, sounds good.
그럼 지금은 같이 문제를 풀어 봐요.
Then let's solve the problems together now.
학생: 네!
Student: Yes!
교사: 1번.
teacher|number 1
Teacher: Number 1.
준수 씨는 무엇을 먹으려고 합니까?
Jun-su|Mr|what|is going to eat|is
What is Jun-su trying to eat?
커피, 녹차, 과일빙수, 팥빙수.
coffee|green tea|fruit shaved ice|red bean shaved ice
Coffee, green tea, fruit shaved ice, red bean shaved ice.
학생: 팥빙수요!
student|is a red bean shaved ice dessert
Student: It's red bean shaved ice!
팥빙수로 한다고 했어요.
with red bean shaved ice|I said|I said
I said I would have red bean shaved ice.
교사: 그렇지요.
teacher|that's right
Teacher: That's right.
red bean shaved ice
Red bean shaved ice!
잘 하셨어요.
Well done.
학생: 네.
Student: Yes.
교사: 그럼 2번.
teacher|then|number 2
Teacher: Then number 2.
들은 내용과 같으면 O, 다르면 X 하십시오.
heard|content|if it is the same|O|if it is different|X|please
If it is the same as what you heard, mark O, if different, mark X.
학생: 네!
Student: Yes!
교사: ‘유진 씨는 여기에 자주 왔습니다.'
Teacher: 'Yujin often came here.'
how is it
How about it?
유진이는 아이스크림 전문점에 자주 왔어요?
Yujin|ice cream|to the specialty store|often|came
Did Yujin often go to the ice cream shop?
학생: 음… 달라요.
student|hmm|is different
Student: Um... it's different.
it's the first time
It's my first time.
교사: 그렇지요.
teacher|that's right
Teacher: That's right.
유진이는 처음 와서 뭐가 맛있는지 모른다고 했지요.
Yujin|first|coming|what|is delicious|said not to know|did
Yujin said she doesn't know what's delicious since it's her first time here.
학생: 네.
Student: Yes.
교사: 잘 들으셨습니다.
teacher|well|you listened
Teacher: You listened well.
그럼 다음, ‘과일빙수는 팥과 우유에 과일을 넣은 것입니다.'
then|next|the fruit bingsu|with red bean|in milk|fruit|added|is
Then next, 'Fruit bingsu is made with red beans and milk with fruit added.'
how is it
How is it?
들은 내용과 같아요?
heard|content|is the same
Is it the same as what I heard?
학생: 음… 달라요!
student|hmm|is different
Student: Um... it's different!
교사: 왜요?
Teacher: Why?
학생: 과일빙수는 우유 아니라, 얼음을 넣은 거예요.
student|fruit bingsu|milk|not|ice|added|is
Student: Fruit bingsu has ice in it, not milk.
교사: 네, 맞아요.
teacher|yes|that's right
Teacher: Yes, that's right.
아주 잘 들으셨어요.
very|well|you listened
You listened very well.
과일빙수는 팥과 얼음에 과일을 넣어서 같이 먹는 거지요?
the fruit bingsu|with red bean|ice|fruit|putting in|together|eating|right
Fruit bingsu is made by adding fruit to red beans and ice, right?
학생: 네.
Student: Yes.
교서: 베카타 씨, 오늘도 아주 잘 하셨습니다.
teacher|Bekata|Mr/Ms|today also|very|well|did
Teacher: Ms. Bekata, you did very well today.
학생: 네, 감사합니다!
student|yes|thank you
Student: Yes, thank you!
교사: 그럼 이제 어휘플러스로 가서 요리 관련 어휘와 표현을 더 배워 봅시다.
teacher|then|now|to vocabulary plus|go|cooking|related|vocabulary and|expressions|more|learn|let's
Teacher: Now, let's go to Vocabulary Plus and learn more cooking-related vocabulary and expressions.
어휘 플러스입니다.
vocabulary|is plus
This is Vocabulary Plus.
오늘은 요리 관련 어휘와 표현을 더 배워 봅시다!
Today, let's learn more vocabulary and expressions related to cooking!
고기, 떡볶이의 양을 말할 때, ‘인분'을 사용해서 말해요.
meat|of tteokbokki|amount|talking|when||using|I say
When talking about the amount of meat or tteokbokki, we use 'serving'.
1명이 먹는 양이면, 1인분.
1 person|eating|amount|one serving
If it's the amount for one person, it's one serving.
2명이 먹는 양이면, 2인분.
2 people|eating|amount|2 servings
If it's the amount for 2 people, it's 2 servings.
3명이 먹는 양이면, 3인분.
3 people|eating|amount|3 servings
If it's the amount for 3 people, it's 3 servings.
두 사람이 삼겹살을 먹으러 갔어요.
two|person|pork belly|to eat|went
Two people went to eat pork belly.
‘여기요, 삼겹살 2인분 주세요.'
excuse me|pork belly|for 2 people|please give me
'Excuse me, please give me two servings of pork belly.'
이렇게 주문할 수 있어요.
like this|order|can|be
You can order like this.
‘삼겹살 2인분'
pork belly'|for 2 people'
'Two servings of pork belly'
‘그릇'은 자장면, 냉면, 라면처럼 그릇에 나오는 음식을 주문할 때 사용해요.
'the bowl'|'black bean noodles'|'cold noodles'|'like ramen'|'in the bowl'|'served'|'food'|'when ordering'|'time'|'is used'
'Bowl' is used when ordering food that comes in a bowl, like Jajangmyeon, Naengmyeon, or Ramen.
친구와 같이 자장면을 먹으러 갔어요.
with my friend|together|jajangmyeon|to eat|I went
I went to eat Jajangmyeon with a friend.
그러면, ‘여기 자장면 두 그릇 주세요.'
then|here|black bean noodles|two|bowls|please give me
Then, you can say, 'Two bowls of Jajangmyeon, please.'
이렇게 주문할 수 있어요.
like this|order|can|is possible
This is how you can order.
‘자장면 두 그릇'
black bean noodles'|two'|bowls'
'Two bowls of jajangmyeon'
to sprinkle
후추, 고춧가루, 소금과 같이 가루를 이곳 저곳에 넣을 때, ‘뿌리다'라고 해요.
pepper|red pepper powder|with salt|like|powder|here|there|to put|when|'to sprinkle'|is said
When you put powders like pepper, red pepper flakes, and salt here and there, we say 'to sprinkle'.
음식을 먹을 때, 후추를 넣고 싶어요.
the food|eating|when|pepper|I want to put|I want
When eating food, I want to add pepper.
그러면 이렇게 말하지요.
then|like this|I say
Then let's say it like this.
‘후추 좀 뿌려 주세요.'
pepper'|a little'|sprinkle'|please'
‘Please sprinkle some pepper.'
물, 커피, 콜라와 같이 컵에 마시는 음료수는 ‘잔'을 사용해서 말해요.
water|coffee|cola|together|in the cup|drinking|beverage|'cup'|using|I say
For drinks that are consumed from a cup, like water, coffee, and cola, we use the term ‘cup'.
물을 마시고 싶으면,
water|drinking|if you want
If you want to drink water,
‘물 한 잔 주세요.'
water|one|glass|please give me
'Please give me a glass of water.'
이렇게 말할 수 있어요.
like this|speak|possibility|can
You can say it like this.
‘물 한 잔'
'A glass of water'
음료수나 술은 컵에 마시지만,
the drink|alcohol|in a cup|I drink
While drinks or alcohol are consumed from a cup,
그 전에는 병에 들어있지요.
that|before|in the bottle|is contained
Before that, it is in a bottle.
그러면 주문할 때에는 ‘병'을 사용해서 주문할 수 있어요.
Then, when ordering, you can use 'bottle' to place your order.
‘소주 2병하고 맥주 1병 주세요.'
soju|2 bottles|beer|1 bottle|please give me
'Please give me 2 bottles of soju and 1 bottle of beer.'
to take (a photo)
Take a picture.
여러분, 고기를 먹을 때
you all|meat|eat|when
Everyone, when eating meat
그냥 먹을 수도 있지만
you can just eat it,
소스와 함께 먹을 수도 있지요.
with the sauce|together|eat|possibility|can
or you can eat it with sauce.
이 때, 고기를 소스에 조금 넣었다가 빼는 것을 ‘찍다'라고 해요.
this|time|meat|in the sauce|a little|putting|taking out|thing|'dipping'|is said to be
At this time, putting the meat in the sauce for a moment and then taking it out is called 'dipping'.
‘고기를 소스에 찍어 드세요.'
the meat|in the sauce|dip|please eat
'Please dip the meat in the sauce.'
이제 서로 관계 있는 것끼리 연결하세요.
now|each other|relationship|existing|things|connect
Now connect the related items.
number 1
Number 1.
자장면, 냉면은 무엇을 사용하지요?
black bean noodles||what|are used
What do we use for Jajangmyeon and Naengmyeon?
네, ‘그릇'이지요.
yes|is 'bowl'
Yes, it's 'bowl'.
자장면 한 그릇, 두 그릇, 냉면 세 그릇, 네, 그릇.
black bean noodles|one|bowl|two||cold noodles||||
One bowl of jajangmyeon, two bowls, three bowls of naengmyeon, yes, bowl.
잘 하셨어요!
Well done!
number 2
Number 2.
커피와 녹차는요?
coffee|green tea
What about coffee and green tea?
무엇을 사용하죠?
what|do I use
What do we use?
네, 커피 한 잔, 녹차 세 잔.
yes|coffee|one|cup|green tea|three|cups
Yes, one cup of coffee and three cups of green tea.
It's '잔'.
number 3
Number 3.
맥주, 콜라, 사이다는요?
What about beer, cola, and cider?
네, 맞아요.
yes|that's right
Yes, that's right.
It's a 'bottle'!
맥주 한 병, 콜라 두 병, 사이다 세 병.
One bottle of beer, two bottles of cola, three bottles of cider.
마지막 4번.
Last one, number 4.
불고기, 떡볶이는 무엇을 사용해요?
bulgogi|tteokbokki|what|do you use
What do you use for bulgogi and tteokbokki?
네, ‘인분'.
Yes, 'serving'.
‘인분'을 사용해서 불고기 1인분, 2인분, 떡볶이 3인분.
||bulgogi|one serving|two servings|tteokbokki|three servings
Using 'serving', one serving of bulgogi, two servings, three servings of tteokbokki.
이렇게 말하지요.
like this|I say
This is how you say it.
잘 하셨습니다!
Well done!
교사: 마슬기 씨, 베카타 씨, 오늘 수업도 잘 들었어요?
teacher|Masulgi|Mr/Ms|Bekata||today|class|well|did you listen
Teacher: Mr. Maslgi, Ms. Bekata, did you enjoy today's class?
마슬기: 네!
Maslgi: Yes!
특히 음식 주문하는 방법을 배워서 정말 좋았어요.
especially|food|ordering|method|learning|really|was good
I really liked learning how to order food.
베카타: 맞아요.
Bekata: That's right.
이제 식당에 가면 음식을 더 잘 주문할 수 있겠어요.
now|to the restaurant|if I go|food|more|well|ordering|ability|will be able to
Now I will be able to order food better when I go to a restaurant.
교사: 와, 정말요?
Teacher: Wow, really?
That's great.
우리 오늘은 이렇게 음식 주문하는 방법에 대해서 공부했지요?
we|today|like this|food|ordering|method|about|studied
Today we studied how to order food like this, right?
베카타: 네, 그래서 어휘에서도 요리 관련 어휘와 표현을 공부했어요.
Bekata|yes|so|in vocabulary|cooking|related|vocabulary and|expressions|I studied
Bekata: Yes, so I studied cooking-related vocabulary and expressions.
교사: 네, 맞아요.
teacher|yes|that's right
Teacher: Yes, that's right.
그리고 슬기 씨, 우리 오늘 문법에서는 무엇을 공부했지요?
and|Seulgi|Mr/Ms|we|today|in grammar|what|did we study
And Seulgi, what did we study in grammar today?
마슬기: ‘는데요'와 ‘으로/로'를 공부했어요.
Masulgi: We studied 'ndeyo' and 'euro/ro'.
특히 오늘 배운 ‘으로/로'는 선택을 나타낼 때 사용해요.
especially|today|learned|||choice|indicating|when|is used
In particular, the '으로/로' we learned today is used to indicate a choice.
교사: 와, 오늘도 두 분 다 아주 잘 하셨습니다!
teacher|wow|today too|two|people|both|very|well|did
Teacher: Wow, both of you did very well today!
베카타: 네.
Bekata: Yes.
교사: 좋습니다.
teacher|is good
Teacher: Good.
그럼 오늘 수업은 여기에서 마치겠습니다.
then|today|class|here|will finish
Then we will finish today's class here.
다음 시간에 또 만나요!
next|time|again|we meet
See you next time!
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