다시 읽는 5분 고전 / 데미안의 진짜 주인공은? / 헤르만 헤세
again|reading|5-minute|classic|of Demian|true|protagonist|Hermann|Hesse
5 Minute Classics Reread / ¿Quién es el verdadero Damien? / Hermann Hesse
再読する5分間の名作 / ダミアンの本当の主人公は誰?
5-minutowa powtórka z klasyki / Kim naprawdę jest Damien? / Hermann Hesse
Rereading 5-Minute Classics / Who is the real protagonist of Demian? / Hermann Hesse
<데미안>은 1919년 헤르만 헤세가
Demian|is|in 1919|Hermann|Hesse
<Demian> is a work published in 1919 by Hermann Hesse
에밀 싱클레어라는 가명으로 출간한 작품이다.
Emil|Sinclair|under the pseudonym|published|work
under the pseudonym Emil Sinclair.
이 무렵 헤세는 제1차 세계대전과 우울증,
this|around|Hesse|||World War|depression
Around this time, Hesse was dealing with World War I and depression,
그리고 편집증으로 힘든 시기를 겪었다.
and|with paranoia|difficult|period|went through
And I went through a difficult time with paranoia.
그래서 <데미안>은 에밀 싱클레어의 이야기이지만,
So <Demian> is the story of Emil Sinclair,
자신의 내면을 들여다 보고 있는 헤세
one's|inner self|looking into|seeing|is|Hesse
but it is also Hesse looking into his own inner self,
스스로의 이야기이기도 하다.
of myself|story|is
making it a story about himself.
작품 속에서 에밀 싱클레어는 데미안을 만나,
the work|in|Emil|Sinclair|Demian|meets
In the work, Emil Sinclair meets Demian,
결국 내면 속 자신과 마주하게 된다. 당신도
eventually|inner|inside|with myself|face|becomes|you also
and ultimately confronts his inner self. Have you also
헤세와 싱클레어처럼 데미안과 만난 적이 있는가?
Hesse|like Sinclair|with Demian|met|experience|do you have
met Demian like Hesse and Sinclair?
당신의 내면을 들여다보고 있는가?
your|inner|looking into|are
Are you looking into your inner self?
에밀 싱클레어는 자신이 살고 있는
Emil Sinclair learned exemplary things in the world he lived in.
세계 안에서 모범적인 것들을 배웠다.
world|in|exemplary|things|I learned
On the other side, there was another world.
그 반대편에는 또 다른 세계가 있었는데
that|on the other side|another|different|world|existed
This was a place that followed impulses rather than exemplary things.
모범적인 것보다는 충동적인 것을 따르는 곳이었다.
exemplary|than|impulsive|thing|following|was place
싱클레어는 자신의 세상에 만족했지만
Sinclair|his|world|was satisfied
Sinclair was satisfied with his own world,
마음 깊은 곳에서는 반대편
heart|deep|in place|opposite side
but deep down,
세계에 대한 호기심이 자라고 있었다.
the world|about|curiosity|growing|was
curiosity about the other world was growing.
그러던 중, 반대편 세계의 크로머를 만나게 되고 그에게 인정받고자
during that time|in the midst of|opposite|of the world|Kromer|I meet|and|to him|in order to be recognized
Then, he met Cromer from the other world and wanted to be recognized by him.
도둑질을 하게 된다.
He becomes a thief.
그때부터 에밀 싱클레어의 세상은 도둑질을 한 죄책감으로
from that time|Emil|Sinclair's|world|of stealing|having|with guilt
From that moment, Emil Sinclair's world begins to crumble little by little under the guilt of having stolen.
조금씩 무너지기 시작한다. 그 무렵,
little by little|collapsing|begins|that|time
Around that time,
학교에 데미안이 전학오게 된다.
to the school|Damian|transfer|comes
Damian transfers to the school.
싱클레어는 다른 아이들과 달리
Sinclair|other|with children|unlike
Unlike other kids, Sinclair
성숙한 데미안을 동경하며 자신이 도둑질한 사실과 크로머를
mature|Demian|longing for|myself|stolen|fact|Kromer
admired the mature Demian and confessed that he was afraid of the fact that he had stolen and of Kromer.
두려워하고 있다는 것을 털어놓는다.
being afraid|that|thing|confesses
Since the theft incident,
도둑질 사건 이후로
어린 시절을 거친 싱클레어는 본능적인 충동을 속으로 꾸준히 갈망했다. 그 후
young|childhood|having gone through|Sinclair|instinctive|impulse|inwardly|steadily|longed for|that|after
Having gone through childhood, Sinclair consistently yearned for instinctive impulses within.
기숙학교로 학교를 옮기며
to the boarding school|school|transferring
자연스럽게 데미안과도 멀어졌다. 싱클레어는
naturally|with Demian|became distant|Sinclair
he moved to a boarding school,
그 곳에서 자신이 살고 있던 세계에서 벗어나 충동적이고
that|place|oneself|living|was|in the world|escaping|impulsive
naturally distancing himself from Demian. Sinclair was
방탕한 삶을 살았다.
I lived a dissolute life.
그러나 속으로는 그런 자신의 삶에 죄책감을
However, deep down, I felt guilt about my life.
가지며 때때로 데미안을 떠올리기도 했다.
having|sometimes|to Demian|I would think of|I did
Sometimes I would think of Demian.
그 무렵의 싱클레어는 꿈 속에 나타나는 한
At that time, Sinclair was haunted by a figure that appeared in his dreams.
여인에 심취해있기도 했다.
the woman|was infatuated|was
He was also infatuated with the woman.
그 여인의 이름은 베아트리체.
The woman's name was Beatrice.
싱클레어는 밤낮으로 그녀를 그리려 노력했으나
Sinclair|day and night|her|to draw|tried
Sinclair tried to draw her day and night, but
이상적인 여인의 모습이 완성되어갈수록
ideal|woman's|appearance|as it becomes complete
as the image of the ideal woman was being completed,
그것은 데미안과 닮아갔다.
it|with Demian|resembled
It began to resemble Demian.
싱클레어는 그 그림을 바라보다가 마침내 그림 속의 인물이 베아트리체도,
Sinclair|the|picture|while looking at|finally|painting|in|character|Beatrice
As Sinclair looked at the painting, he finally realized that the figure in the painting was not Beatrice,
데미안도 아닌
nor Demian,
바로 자기 자신과 같음을 느끼게 된다.
right|self|with oneself|sameness|makes feel|becomes
but rather himself.
완성된 그림을 데미안에게 보낸 후
completed|picture|to Demian|sent|after
After sending the completed drawing to Demian,
어느날 싱클레어는 수업 중,
one day|Sinclair|class|during
one day Sinclair, during class,
자신의 책에 꽂힌 한개의 쪽지를 발견한다.
your|in the book|stuck|one|note|discovers
discovers a note stuck in his book.
그 쪽지는 데미안에게서 온 그림의 대한 답이었다.
that|note|from Demian|that came|picture|regarding|was the answer
The note was a response to the drawing from Demian.
"새는 알에서 나오려고 투쟁한다. 알은 세계이다. 태어나려고 하는 자는 한 세계를 깨뜨리지 않으면 안 된다.“
the bird|from the egg|trying to come out|struggles|the egg|is the world|trying to be born|who is|one|one||breaking|unless|not|must
"The bird fights to break out of the egg. The egg is the world. Anyone who wants to be born must destroy a world."
헤세는 제1차세계대전 당시 독일 포로후원센터에서 근무하며
Hesse||World War I|during|German|at the prisoner support center|working
Hesse worked at a German prisoner support center during World War I,
데미안의 원고를 집필하였다. 이 시기의 헤세는 3번의 결혼과 아버지의 죽음 등
where he wrote the manuscript for Demian. During this time, Hesse went through several major crises,
여러가지 큰 위기를 겪어내며
various|big|crises|going through
including three marriages and the death of his father.
<클링조어의 마지막 여름>과 <데미안>을 집필하게 된다. 이 작품들은 자전적이며
He will write <The Last Summer of the Klingon> and <Demian>. These works are autobiographical and
내면의 관한 이야기를 그려내고 있다.
depict stories about the inner self.
헤세가 <데미안>의 등장인물인
Hesse uses the pseudonym
에밀 싱클레어로 가명을 써서
Emil Sinclair, a character from <Demian>.
작품을 발표한 점. 그리고 실제 헤세가 선교사의 아들로 태어나 수도원 학교에 다녔고,
the work|presented|point|and|actually|Hesse|of a missionary|as a son|born|monastery|to school|attended
The fact that he published his work. And that Hesse was actually born the son of a missionary and attended a monastery school,
시인의 꿈을 안고 도망 친 뒤
the poet|dream|carrying|escape|after|behind
after running away with the dream of becoming a poet,
자살기도와 정신병원
suicide attempt|mental hospital
experiencing suicide attempts and time in a mental hospital,
수감등 힘든 시기를 겪은 것으로 봤을 때 <데미안>은 단순 소설
and going through difficult times, it can be seen that <Demian> is not just a simple novel.
작품이 아닌 헤세가 스스로 내면을 성찰한
the work|not|Hesse|by himself|inner self|reflecting on
It can be said that this is an autobiographical work in which Hesse reflects on his own inner self.
자전적인 작품이라고 할 수 있다.
It is an autobiographical work.
작품 말미에서 싱클레어는 데미안과
the work|at the end|Sinclair|with Demian
At the end of the work, Sinclair is lying wounded in the war, facing the Cromer he had feared so much.
전쟁 통에서 부상을 입고 누워, 그토록 두려워했던 크로머에
war|in|injury|sustaining|lying|so|feared|to the enemy
대한 이야기도 웃으면서 나눌수 있게 된다.
about|conversation|while laughing|we can share|be|becomes
You can also share stories about the world while laughing.
그리고 얼마의 시간이 지나 눈을 떴을 때 싱클레어는
And after some time has passed, when he opens his eyes, Sinclair
홀로 어두운 거울 앞에서 데미안과
alone|dark|mirror|in front of|with Demian
finds himself facing a completely identical version of Demian,
완전히 똑같아진, 데미안 그 자체의 자신과 마주하게 된다.
completely|identical|Demian|that|of itself|with myself|facing|becomes
the very essence of Demian.
우리는 때때로 내가 원하는 내 모습이 무엇인지,
we|sometimes|I|wanting|my|appearance|what is
Sometimes we don't know what kind of person I want to be,
내 마음이 어떤 지 모를 때가 있다.
my|heart|what|is|not knowing|time|there
or how my heart truly feels.
또 주어진 것에 안주하거나
also|given|to thing|settling for
There are also times when we settle for what we have,
그것에 낙담할 때도 있다.
about it|discouraged|sometimes|is
or feel discouraged by it.
그러나 또 다른 세계에 다가가기 위해서는
however|another|different|to the world|approaching|in order to
However, in order to approach another world,
지금 자신이 안고 있는 세계를 깨고 나와야 하듯이,
now|oneself|embracing|is||breaking|must come out|as if
one must break out of the world they are currently holding onto,
내면으로 향하는 길은 자기가 확신했던 것들을 과감하게 내려놓고
inward|heading|path|oneself|was confident about|things|boldly|letting go of
the path inward will require boldly letting go of what one was certain of,
다시 질문해야 하는 과정일 것이다.
again|have to ask|the|process|will be
and it will be a process of questioning again.
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