Unit 17: Situation Dialogue 1
Texteinheit 17: Situationsdialog 1
Unit 17: Situation Dialog 1
Unidad 17: Diálogo de situación 1
Unità 17: Dialogo sulla situazione 1
Unidade 17: Diálogo de situação 1
Раздел 17: Ситуационный диалог 1
Enhet 17: Situationsdialog 1
Ünite 17: Durum Diyaloğu 1
Розділ 17: Ситуаційний діалог 1
아만다: 여기 롯데 백화점 가는 버스 서요?
Amanda|here|Lotte|department store|to the Lotte department store|bus|wait
Amanda: Fährt dieser Bus zum Lotte Department Store hier?
Amanda: Is this bus going to Lotte Department Store?
Amanda: É esta a paragem de autocarro da loja de departamentos Lotte?
사람1: 예.
Person 1: Ja.
Person 1: Yes.
아만다: 롯데 백화점 가요?
|Lotte department store|department store|going to
Amanda: Gehst du zum Lotte-Kaufhaus?
Amanda: Are you going to Lotte Department Store?
Amanda: Vamos à Loja de Departamento Lotte?
버스 기사1: 아니요, 안 가요.
|bus driver|no, I'm not||
|kierowca autobusu|||
Busfahrer 1: Nein, ich gehe nicht hin.
Bus Driver 1: No, I'm not going.
161 번 버스 타세요.
Nehmen Sie den Bus Nummer 161.
Take bus number 161.
Apanhar o autocarro 161.
아만다: 아저씨!
Amanda: Uncle!
이 버스 롯데 백화점 가죠?
|bus|Lotte|department store|let's go
Fahren Sie diesen Bus zum Lotte-Kaufhaus?
Is this bus going to Lotte Department Store?
버스 기사2: 네, 빨리 타세요
bus|bus driver||quickly|get on
Busfahrer 2: Ja, steigen Sie schnell ein.
Bus driver 2: Yes, ride fast