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Nuntii Latini (September 2006 - ...), 06-11-17


Rumsfeld munus deposuit

17.11.2006, klo 11.19

Novus minister defensionis Civitatum Americae Unitarum creatus est Robert Gates, pristinus director Rei exploratoriae centralis (CIA) sexaginta tres annos natus.

Successit in locum ministri Donald Rumsfeld, cui munus deponendum erat, postquam factio eius comitiis factis cladem accepit.

Rumsfeld magistratu suo sex annos functus maxime in eo reprehendebatur, quod bellum in Afganistania et Iraquia eo administratore male gereretur.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

De obstinatione Cubanorum

17.11.2006, klo 11.18

Cooperatio Unionis Europaeae et Cubae multum difficultatis habet Cubanis obstinate recusantibus, quominus auxilium populis egentioribus praebitum a civitatibus Europaeis recipiant.

Condiciones enim politicas sibi propositas non accipiunt.

Monendum tamen est necessitudines inter utramque partem commerciales florere et dimidiam fere partem peregrinorum, qui Cubam obeunt, ex Europa venire.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

Copiae silvarum augentur

17.11.2006, klo 11.17

Credebatur iam in eo esse, ut silvae orbis terrarum in annos deminuerentur. Quae condicio rerum autem ex inopinato in melius conversa est, ut censet grex investigatorum internationalis, cui praeest Pekka Kauppi, professor Universitatis Helsinkiensis.

Cum copia arborum in multis orbis partibus, praesertim in Sinis et India, magno incremento augeatur, fieri posse, ut interitus silvarum triginta annis proxime futuris omnino impediatur.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

Multi ex hemicrania laborant

17.11.2006, klo 11.17

Amplius quinquies centena milia Finnorum, praesertim feminae aetatis iam constantis, morbo hemicraniae laborant.

Quae quamvis ita sint, saepe fit, ut hoc incommodum in sedibus operandi parvi pendatur. Huc accedit, quod plerique hoc vitio aegrotantes aut medicum adhibere nolunt aut remedium sumere cunctantur.

Dicitur hemicrania in Europa frequentior esse quam asthma, diabetes mellitus, epilepsiaque, si haec tria in unum conferantur.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

Torvalds in heroum numero

17.11.2006, klo 11.16

Redactores actorum septimanalium Americanorum nomine Time, cum anniversarium sexagesimum editionis suae Europaeae celebrare vellent, sexaginta homines elegerunt, quos pro heroibus habent.

Unus eorum est Linus Torvalds, programmator Finnus triginta septem annos natus, cui titulus herois propterea datus est, quod systema in machinis computatoriis operandi sollertissime renovavit.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

De cognitione geographiae

17.11.2006, klo 11.16

Cognitio geographiae iuvenibus Americanis pessima est, ut patet ex percontatione, quam National Geographic nuper divulgavit.

Duae partes illorum adulescentium Iraquiam in mappa mundi ponere non sciebant, et tertia pars respondentium ne civitates Ludoviciam et Mississippiam quidem in tabula Civitatum Americae Unitarum repperit, quamvis tempestates has regiones affligentes effecissent, ut instrumenta communicativa omnium oculos ad eas converterent.

(Tom Bergman)

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06-11-17 17.11.06 06-11-17 06-11-17 06-11-17 2017 年 6 月 11 日 11/06/17 17年6月11日

Rumsfeld munus deposuit ||legte nieder Rumsfeld|gift|he/she/it placed Rumsfeld resigned

17.11.2006, klo 11.19 Klo

Novus minister defensionis Civitatum Americae Unitarum creatus est Robert Gates, pristinus director Rei exploratoriae centralis (CIA) sexaginta tres annos natus. ||||||ist erstellt||||||Rei||||||| ||of defense||||was created||Robert|Gates|former|director|of the thing|of the exploration|central|CIA|sixty||| The new Secretary of Defense of the United States of America was created by Robert Gates, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) at the age of sixty-three. Новый министр обороны Соединенных Штатов Америки был назначен Робертом Гейтсом, бывшим директором Центрального разведывательного управления (ЦРУ) в возрасте шестидесяти трех лет.

Successit in locum ministri Donald Rumsfeld, cui munus deponendum erat, postquam factio eius comitiis factis cladem accepit. |||||||Amt|abzugeben|||||||| |||minister|Donald|Rumsfeld||office|to be resigned||after|his party||elections|done|defeat| He succeeded Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who had to resign after his party was defeated in the elections. Он сменил госсекретаря Дональда Рамсфелда, которому пришлось уйти в отставку после поражения его партии на выборах.

Rumsfeld magistratu suo sex annos functus maxime in eo reprehendebatur, quod bellum in Afganistania et Iraquia eo administratore male gereretur. |office||||having performed||||was being criticized||||Afghanistan||||administrator|badly|was being conducted During his six years in office, Rumsfeld was criticized mainly for the fact that the war in Afghanistan and Iraq was being conducted badly by that administrator. За шесть лет пребывания у власти Рамсфелда критиковали главным образом за то, что война в Афганистане и Ираке велась этим администратором плохо.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

De obstinatione Cubanorum |of the obstinacy|of the Cubans On the obstinacy of the Cubans

17.11.2006, klo 11.18

Cooperatio Unionis Europaeae et Cubae multum difficultatis habet Cubanis obstinate recusantibus, quominus auxilium populis egentioribus praebitum a civitatibus Europaeis recipiant. Cooperation||||||difficulty||the Cubans|obstinate|refusing|that (they)|aid||the poorer|provided||||receive The cooperation between the European Union and Cuba has a lot of difficulties with the Cubans obstinately refusing to accept the aid provided by the European states to the needy people. Сотрудничество между Европейским Союзом и Кубой имеет много трудностей, поскольку кубинцы упорно отказываются принимать помощь, предоставляемую европейскими государствами нуждающимся людям.

Condiciones enim politicas sibi propositas non accipiunt. |for|policies||proposed||they accept For they do not accept the political conditions proposed to them. Ибо они не принимают предложенные им политические условия.

Monendum tamen est necessitudines inter utramque partem commerciales florere et dimidiam fere partem peregrinorum, qui Cubam obeunt, ex Europa venire. it must be warned|nevertheless||necessities||both||commercial|to flourish||half|about||of the travelers||Cuba|visit|||to come It should be noted, however, that the commercial relations between the two sides are flourishing and that almost half of the foreigners who visit Cuba come from Europe. Однако следует отметить, что торговые отношения между двумя сторонами процветают и что почти половина иностранцев, посещающих Кубу, приезжают из Европы.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

Copiae silvarum augentur the forces|of the forests|are increased Forest resources are increasing

17.11.2006, klo 11.17

Credebatur iam in eo esse, ut silvae orbis terrarum in annos deminuerentur. it was believed|||it||||the circle||||would be diminished It was already believed that the world's forests were being reduced in years. Уже считалось, что леса мира сокращаются с годами. Quae condicio rerum autem ex inopinato in melius conversa est, ut censet grex investigatorum internationalis, cui praeest Pekka Kauppi, professor Universitatis Helsinkiensis. |condition||||the unexpected||better|turned|||thinks|the group|of the investigators|||is in charge of|Pekka|Kauppi|professor||of Helsinki This situation has unexpectedly changed for the better, according to an international group of researchers led by Pekka Kauppi, a professor at the University of Helsinki. Эта ситуация неожиданно изменилась к лучшему, считает международная группа исследователей под руководством профессора Хельсинкского университета Пекки Кауппи.

Cum copia arborum in multis orbis partibus, praesertim in Sinis et India, magno incremento augeatur, fieri posse, ut interitus silvarum triginta annis proxime futuris omnino impediatur. |the abundance||||world||especially||China||||increase|increases|to be|to be possible||the destruction|of the forests|||next|in the next thirty years|entirely|is prevented Since the amount of trees in many parts of the world, especially in China and India, is increasing at a great rate, it is possible that the destruction of forests will be completely prevented in the next thirty years. Поскольку количество деревьев во многих частях света, особенно в Китае и Индии, увеличивается быстрыми темпами, вполне возможно, что уничтожение лесов будет полностью предотвращено в ближайшие тридцать лет.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

Multi ex hemicrania laborant ||hemicrania| Many suffer from migraines

17.11.2006, klo 11.17

Amplius quinquies centena milia Finnorum, praesertim feminae aetatis iam constantis, morbo hemicraniae laborant. more|five times|hundred|||especially||of age||of constant|from the disease|of migraines| More than 500,000 Finns, especially women of middle age, suffer from migraines. Более пятисот тысяч финнов, особенно женщин постоянного возраста, страдают заболеванием мигрени.

Quae quamvis ita sint, saepe fit, ut hoc incommodum in sedibus operandi parvi pendatur. which|although||they are|often|it happens||this|inconvenience||seats|of working|small|be pending Although these things are so, it often happens that this disadvantage hangs in the seats of small operations. Хотя это так, часто случается, что этот недостаток висит в местах мелких операций. Huc accedit, quod plerique hoc vitio aegrotantes aut medicum adhibere nolunt aut remedium sumere cunctantur. to this|it adds||most||fault|sick||doctor|to employ|they are unwilling||remedy|to take|hesitate In addition to this, most people suffering from this disease either do not want to consult a doctor or hesitate to take a remedy. Кроме того, большинство людей, заболевших этим заболеванием, либо не хотят обращаться к врачу, либо не решаются принимать лекарство.

Dicitur hemicrania in Europa frequentior esse quam asthma, diabetes mellitus, epilepsiaque, si haec tria in unum conferantur. it is said|it is said|||more frequent|||asthma|diabetes|mellitus|and epilepsy||||||are compared It is said that migraine is more common in Europe than asthma, diabetes mellitus, and epilepsy, if these three are put together. Говорят, что мигрень в Европе более распространена, чем астма, сахарный диабет и эпилепсия, если объединить эти три фактора.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

Torvalds in heroum numero Torvalds||the heroes| Torvalds is among the heroes

17.11.2006, klo 11.16

Redactores actorum septimanalium Americanorum nomine Time, cum anniversarium sexagesimum editionis suae Europaeae celebrare vellent, sexaginta homines elegerunt, quos pro heroibus habent. Editors|of the acts|of the weekly|||Time||anniversary|sixtieth|of the edition|||celebrate|they would want|sixty||they elected|whom||heroes| The editors of the American weekly magazine called Time, when they wished to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of their European edition, chose sixty men whom they have as heroes. Редакторы американского еженедельника Time, желая отпраздновать шестидесятилетие своего европейского издания, выбрали шестьдесят человек, которых они считают героями.

Unus eorum est Linus Torvalds, programmator Finnus triginta septem annos natus, cui titulus herois propterea datus est, quod systema in machinis computatoriis operandi sollertissime renovavit. one||is|Linus|Torvalds|programmer|Finnish||||||the title|hero|therefore|given|||system||machines|computers|operating|very skillfully|renovated One of them is Linus Torvalds, a thirty-seven-year-old Finnish programmer, who was given the title of hero because he skillfully innovated the operating system of computer machines. Один из них — Линус Торвальдс, тридцатисемилетний финский программист, которому было присвоено звание героя за то, что он умело внедрил операционную систему компьютерных машин.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

De cognitione geographiae |knowledge|geography On the knowledge of geography

17.11.2006, klo 11.16

Cognitio geographiae iuvenibus Americanis pessima est, ut patet ex percontatione, quam National Geographic nuper divulgavit. knowledge|of geography|to the young||very bad|||it is clear||the questioning||National|Geographic|recently|published The knowledge of geography among young Americans is very poor, according to a survey recently published by National Geographic. Согласно исследованию, недавно опубликованному National Geographic, знания географии среди молодых американцев очень плохие.

Duae partes illorum adulescentium Iraquiam in mappa mundi ponere non sciebant, et tertia pars respondentium ne civitates Ludoviciam et Mississippiam quidem in tabula Civitatum Americae Unitarum repperit, quamvis tempestates has regiones affligentes effecissent, ut instrumenta communicativa omnium oculos ad eas converterent. two|parts|of those|of the young men|Iraq||map||to place||knew||||of the respondents|not|cities|Louisiana||Mississippi|indeed||map|||of the United States|found|although|states|was|regions|afflicting|they would have done||instruments|communicative|||||they would convert Two parts of those young people did not know how to place Iraq on the world map, and a third of the respondents did not even find the states of Louisiana and Mississippi on the map of the United States of America, although the storms afflicting these regions caused the communication media to turn everyone's eyes to them. Две части этих молодых людей не знали, как разместить Ирак на карте мира, а треть респондентов даже не нашли на карте Соединенных Штатов Америки штаты Луизиана и Миссисипи, хотя штормы, постигшие эти регионы, заставили средства массовой информации обратить на них всеобщее внимание.

(Tom Bergman)