2. Catullus, si qua recordanti, Icebreaker 1
||if any|to the one remembering|
2. Catullus, wenn Sie sich erinnern, Icebreaker 1
2. Catullus, if you remember, Icebreaker 1
2. Catulle, si vous vous en souvenez, Icebreaker 1
2. Катулл, якщо ви пам'ятаєте, Криголам 1
1 si qua voluptas est homini
if|"any"|pleasure||"to a man"
recordanti benefacta priora
3 cum cogitat
|he thinks
se esse pium,
to be|to be|pious
3 nec violasse sanctam fidem,
nor|to have violated|holy|faith
nec in ullo foedere
4 abusum numine divum
abuse|divine power|divine power
ad homines fallendos ,
to|men|to be deceived
5 multa gaudia manent tibi,
|many joys|remain|for you
6 in longa aetate,
parata ex hoc ingrato amore.
7 nam quaecumque
homines possunt
8 aut dicere aut facere
bene cuiquam,
well|to anyone
9 haec dicta
these|these sayings
que que facta sunt a te.
and|and|deeds||by you|
10 quae omnia perierunt
which|all things|perished
credita ingratae menti.