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Ted Talks, One Simple Method to Learn Any Language | Scott Young & Vat Jaiswal | TEDxEastsidePrep (1)

One Simple Method to Learn Any Language | Scott Young & Vat Jaiswal | TEDxEastsidePrep (1)

Transcriber: Alina Siluyanova Reviewer: Denise RQ

Scot Young: We want to start off with a question for you.

By a show of hands, how many of you have put in time and effort

into learning another language?

Maybe you took a high school Spanish class,

or maybe you took a lot of Rosetta Stone,

but you can't confidently speak that language right now.

Vat Jaiswal: OK. That's most of you here.

Some of you are raising both of your hands.

So, we've tried learning a few languages ourselves,

we're going to talk about it in a minute.

But let's talk about what is the problem,

what is the main issue that is holding everybody back

from learning languages.

Could it be that you're using the wrong program of study,

and if you were to use a perfect program or the application,

then you'd be able to learn the language?

SY: Well, here the track record isn't too good.

Out of the 1,000 Americans who responded to the General Social Survey,

only 7 claimed that they could speak another language very well,

and had actually learned it in school.

And if you consider self-study programs, like Rosetta Stone or Pimsleur,

well, they can work some of the time, but they have another problem:

huge drop out rates.

[NFLC], at the University of Maryland

did a study that took an enthusiastic group of volunteers

and found that only 6% put in more than 100 hours with the program,

which is far less than what you'd need using these programs

to become fluent in any language.

VJ: OK, well, maybe then the problem is

that you don't live in the country that uses this language,

and if you were to move there, you'd be able to learn it.

SY: Here I have to agree with you, Vat.

Living in the country that speaks the language, definitely helps.

It provides motivation and an opportunity for immersion.

But it's not the answer to all of your problems.

If you go to the country and you don't yet speak the language,

what are you going to do?

Are you going to rely on other expats and locals who speak English

to help you to get by?

And that's going to create a bubble of English,

it is going to isolate you from immersing yourself.

So, we know an extreme example.

We know of an American businessman who went to Korea,

married a Korean woman, had children in Korea,

lived in Korea for 20 years,

still couldn't have a decent conversation in Korean.

So, living in the other country helps, but it is not a silver bullet

that will answer all of your problems on its own.

VJ: OK, well, finally maybe the problem is that you're simply too old,

and you should've tried learning the language as a kid

because kids learn the languages faster, right?

SY:This is actually a pervasive myth.

Steven Brown of Einstein University

and Jennifer Larson-Hall of Qiushi University

reviewed the literature and found

adults actually learn languages faster than children in the short run.

It's only when we talk about

reaching native-like levels of pronunciation and grammar

where children start to show an upper hand over an adult.

So, definitely, if you want to just be able to communicate with people,

have conversations, there is no reason

you can't learn a second language at any age.

VJ: If those are not the core issues, what is the core issue?

We have a completely different hypothesis,

and to explain this concept

I want you to look at this image of the ocean.

Now, if you look at the water, you're going to see 2 distinct zones:

zone at the bottom where the waves are breaking,

an the zone at the top where the water is relatively calm.

Now, I want you to imagine you're standing on the shore,

and you want to swim out into the ocean.

When you first start swimming out into the ocean,

you ARE going to be in this first zone where the waves are breaking.

And swimming in this zone is incredibly difficult,

you feel this incredible resistance,

the waves come crushing down on you,

and they constantly try to push you back to the shore.

However, if you were to push through this zone and get to the second zone,

suddenly, swimming becomes a lot easier

and more importantly, the waves are not trying to push you back,

you're no longer feel this incredible resistance.

So, we believe that language learning works very similar to this.

When you first start learning a language,

you're going to be in this first zone

which we call 'the zone of fear' or 'the zone of frustration',

because this is where you fear using the language,

this is where you fear making mistakes,

this is where you fear embarrassing yourself.

And learning a language in this zone is very difficult:

the waves represent this negative feedback

and this constantly tries to push you back to the shore.

However, if you were to push past this zone

and get to the second zone where the waters are calmer,

suddenly language learning becomes a lot easier, and a lot more fun.

Mind you, I'm not saying that you're perfect

when you reach the second zone,

or maybe you only know a few words, but you're able to use them confidently,

maybe you're able to have some simple conversations.

And language only goes from being always frustrating

to now being rewarding, most of the time.

So, the core issue, we believe, that a lot of the people have

is that people get stuck in this zone of fear and frustration

for longer than they have to,

and for some people, forever.

And if all you see is negative feedback,

it's very hard to motivate yourself to learn further and improve yourself,

and learn the language that you really want to learn.

So, ideally, you'd use a different method,

a method that allows you to get past this zone very quickly

and very efficiently,

so you can get to the part where language learning

is fun and easy as quickly as you can.

SY: We believe we have this method, a method that cuts through the waves

and gets you to the easier part of language learning

as quickly and efficiently as possible.

It's very simple.

Don't speak in English.

And, that might sound a little obvious or simplistic,

but it's actually really powerful.

When you force yourself to speak the language you're trying to learn,

and you learn words and phrases by necessity,

not the order it comes up in the textbook

That means you automatically learn the most frequent vocabulary

and the most important words for your situation.

Next, because you don't know many words and phrases,

you're going to overuse what you do know.

This results in effects psychologists call overlearning

which allows you to access that information automatically.

You don't need to get your tongue tight or hesitating

when you're using basic words and phrases.

And finally, because you're not allowed to speak in English

you're going to easily develop conversational work-arounds

to handle situations that are above your level.

That is going to be from learning simple phrases like:

"What does this mean?" and "How do you say this?

in the language, relatively early on,

to being able to efficiently use things like Google Translator and dictionaries

to integrate new words and phrases into your conversations

while you're having them.

VJ: So how do we know that this method works?

Well, we know that this method works because we've tried it for ourselves.

So, last year Scott and I did an experiment.

But we tried to learn four different languages,

and we went to four different countries

to learn these languages over a year.

And we used the same no-English rule to learn the languages.

So, first we went to Spain to learn Spanish over 3 months,

then we went to Brazil to learn Portuguese over 3 months,

then over to mainland China to learn Mandarin over 3 months,

and finally over to Korea to learn Korean over 3 months.

And we found that this no-English rule worked incredibly well.

As a matter of fact, near the end of our travels in each country,

we were confidently able to have conversations with native speakers

pretty much about any subject,

and going by our daily lives,

using the language that we were trying to learn.

So we actually have a short video that we would like to show you

that captures the kind of progress that we were able to make

using this no English rule just under 3 months for each country.

So, take a look.


SY: This might seem a little bit extreme.

After all, wouldn't it be a lot easier to speak some English

when you're trying to learn the language

even if it is not quite as fast as this no-English rule?

We actually believe that this is a misconception.

And to argue that why it is a misconception,

I'd like to reference an experience that I had.

You see, years before we did this challenge,

I had a different opportunity to learn a second language.

I was in the university and I had an opportunity

to study abroad for a year in France.

And like this trip, I was very eager to learn the local language.

I bought books, I downloaded podcasts,

I really wanted to become fluent in French.

The only difference that I had no specific rule

against speaking in English.

I figured, "I'll go there and I'll speak as much English as I need to,

and I'll just try to practice French whenever I can."

And after a year of living in France,

and pushing myself to study every single day,

I did get to a point where I could have a conversation,

but it was never easy, it always felt difficult,

it always felt like I was a little out of place.

And contrast that to that of my more recent experience in Spain.

Once again, we have the motivation and opportunity,

but this time we have the no-English rule.

From the very first day we came to Spain,

we decided we were only going to speak in Spanish.

And, as you can probably imagine,

with limited Spanish skills it was very difficult in the beginning.

We had to communicate to each other

almost exclusively through our dictionaries for these first few days.

But after 2 weeks something changed,

it started to get a bit easier.

After a month even easier.

And by the third month we were in Spain, it'd become so easy,

that living our lives entirely in Spanish was automatic.

We didn't have to think about studying or practicing,

it was completely invisible in our lives.

And what's more, after just 3 months in Spain,

our Spanish, both of our Spanish, was much better than my French was

after a year of living in France and deliberately studying it.

And so, when you're evaluating the difficulty of a method,

particularly in learning languages,

it's not really fair to look at that initial sliver of difficulty

because you have to look at how much effort

you're going to be putting in not just in the beginning,

but day after day, month after month

in order to finally being able to learn this language.

And what we found is not even just that the no English rule is faster,

but that when you take it over this longer view,

it is actually easier than any other method we've tried

for learning a language.

VJ: And I'd like to speak about another misconception

that a lot of people have

is that you'd somehow be able to completely avoid making mistakes

when you first start learning a language.

And that's simply not true.

Actually making mistakes is very good because it means you're using the language

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One Simple Method to Learn Any Language | Scott Young & Vat Jaiswal | TEDxEastsidePrep (1) |||||||||Vat|Jaiswal| |||||||||Vat|| Eine einfache Methode, jede Sprache zu lernen | Scott Young & Vat Jaiswal | TEDxEastsidePrep (1) Un método sencillo para aprender cualquier idioma | Scott Young & Vat Jaiswal | TEDxEastsidePrep (1) Une méthode simple pour apprendre n'importe quelle langue | Scott Young & Vat Jaiswal | TEDxEastsidePrep (1) Un metodo semplice per imparare qualsiasi lingua | Scott Young & Vat Jaiswal | TEDxEastsidePrep (1) 모든 언어를 배우는 간단한 방법 | 스콧 영 & 바트 자이스왈 | TEDxEastsidePrep (1) Um método simples para aprender qualquer língua | Scott Young & Vat Jaiswal | TEDxEastsidePrep (1) Один простой метод изучения любого языка | Scott Young & Vat Jaiswal | TEDxEastsidePrep (1) Herhangi Bir Dili Öğrenmek İçin Basit Bir Yöntem | Scott Young & Vat Jaiswal | TEDxEastsidePrep (1) 学习任何语言的一种简单方法 | Scott Young 和 Vat Jaiswal | TEDxEastsidePrep (1)

Transcriber: Alina Siluyanova Reviewer: Denise RQ ||Siluyanova||| ||Siluyanova||| Traductor: Luz Alejandra Magre Colorado Revisor: Gonzalo Mena Traducteur: Thomas Gabiache Relecteur: eric vautier Переводчик: Aleks Teri Редактор: Olga Mansurova Çeviri: Gülsüm Öztürk Gözden geçirme: Ramazan Şen

Scot Young: We want to start off with a question for you. Scot||||||||||| Scot||||||||||| Scot Young: Queremos empezar con una pregunta. SY : Tout d'abord, on voudrait vous poser une question. Скотт Янг: Для начала мы хотим задать вам вопрос. Scot Young: Size bir soru sorarak başlamak istiyoruz.

By a show of hands, how many of you have put in time and effort À main levée, combien d'entre vous ont consacré du temps et des efforts Поднимите руки, кто из вас тратил много времени и усилий, Başka bir dil öğrenmeye zaman ve çaba sarf edenler

into learning another language? dans l'apprentissage d'une langue ? чтобы выучить иностранный язык? elini kaldırabilir mi?

Maybe you took a high school Spanish class, Vous avez peut-être fait espagnol au lycée, Возможно, вы учили испанский в средней школе Belki lisede İspanyolca dersi almışsınızdır

or maybe you took a lot of Rosetta Stone, |||||||Rosetta| ou bien vous vous êtes beaucoup servi de Rosetta Stone, или много занимались с помощью Rosetta Stone, ya da Rosetta Stone programından öğrenmişsinizdir,

but you can't confidently speak that language right now. mais vous ne savez pas parler cette langue avec assurance. но всё ещё не можете уверенно говорить на этом языке. ama şimdi o dili kendinize güvenerek konuşamıyorsunuzdur.

Vat Jaiswal: OK. That's most of you here. Vat Jaiswal: Bien. La mayoría. VJ : OK, il y en a pas mal. Ват Джейсвол: Хорошо. Большинство из вас. Vat Jaiswal: Tamam. Çoğunuz öyle.

Some of you are raising both of your hands. Algunos están levantando ambas manos. Il y en a qui lèvent les deux mains. Некоторые из вас подняли обе руки. Bazılarınız her iki elini de kaldırdı.

So, we've tried learning a few languages ourselves, Nosotros hemos tratado de aprender algunos idiomas Donc nous, on a essayé d'apprendre quelques langues. А мы попытались выучить несколько языков самостоятельно Biz bir kaç dili kendi kendimize öğrenmeyi denedik,

we're going to talk about it in a minute. y de eso vamos a hablar. On va en parler dans un instant. и поговорим об этом через минуту. birazdan bundan bahsedeceğiz.

But let's talk about what is the problem, Pero veamos cuál es el problema, Mais voyons d'abord quel est le problème, Давайте рассмотрим, в чём проблема, Ancak önce problemin ne olduğunu konuşalım.

what is the main issue that is holding everybody back cuál es el principal obstáculo que nos impide quel est le principal obstacle qui empêche tout le monde какова главная трудность, которая удерживает всех Herkesi dil öğrenmekten geri çeken

from learning languages. aprender idiomas. d'apprendre des langues. от изучения языков. ana mesele ne?

Could it be that you're using the wrong program of study, Puede ser que usemos el programa de estudio equivocado. Peut-être que vous n'utilisez pas le bon programme d'apprentissage, Может быть, вы используете неправильную программу обучения, Yanlış bir çalışma programı kullanıyor olabilir misiniz?

and if you were to use a perfect program or the application, Y si se usara el programa perfecto, et que si vous pouviez utiliser le programme ou l'application idéale, и если бы вы пользовались хорошей программой или приложением, Eğer mükemmel bir program kullanıyor olsaydınız,

then you'd be able to learn the language? ¿entonces seríamos capaces de aprender el idioma? vous pourriez alors apprendre la langue ? вы смогли бы выучить язык? o zaman dili öğrenebilmiş olmaz mıydınız?

SY: Well, here the track record isn't too good. aquí|||||||| SY: Bueno, aquí los antecedentes no son muy buenos. Eh bien sur ce point, le bilan n'est pas très bon. СЯ: Ну, статистика не очень хорошая. SY: Burada geçmiş performans çok iyi değil.

Out of the 1,000 Americans who responded to the General Social Survey, De los 1000 estadounidenses que respondieron la encuesta, Sur les 1000 Américains qui ont répondu à l'Enquête sociale générale, Из 1 000 американцев, которые участвовали во Всеобщем социологическом опросе, Genel Sosyal Anketi yanıtlayan 1.000 Amerikalıdan

only 7 claimed that they could speak another language very well, solo 7 afirmaron que podían hablar muy bien otro idioma, seuls 7 ont affirmé pouvoir parler une autre langue très bien, только семь заявили, что могут говорить на другом языке очень хорошо sadece 7'si bir başka dili çok iyi konuşabildiğini söyledi.

and had actually learned it in school. y que lo aprendieron en la escuela. en l'ayant apprise à l'école. и выучили его ещё в школе. Ve onu da okulda öğrenmişlerdi.

And if you consider self-study programs, like Rosetta Stone or Pimsleur, Y si consideramos los programas de autoestudio como Rosetta Stone o Pimsleur, Quant aux programmes autodidactiques, comme Rosetta Stone ou Pimsleur, Если брать программы самообучения типа Rosetta Stone или Pimsleur, Rosetta Stone veya Pimsleur gibi kendi kendine çalışma programı düşünürseniz,

well, they can work some of the time, but they have another problem: bueno, pueden funcionar algunas veces, pero tienen otro problema: ils sont parfois efficaces, mais ils posent un autre souci : они работают какое-то время, но у них другая проблема: bazen işe yarayabilir, ama onların da başka bir sorunu var:

huge drop out rates. unas tasas de deserción altísimas. des taux élevés d'abandon. огромный процент отсева. bırakma oranları çok yüksek.

[NFLC], at the University of Maryland NFLC||||| [NFLC], en la Universidad de Maryland L'Université du Maryland Центр иностранных языков в университете Мэриленда [NFLC], Maryland Üniversitesinde

did a study that took an enthusiastic group of volunteers hizo un estudio sobre un grupo de voluntarios entusiastas a mené une étude sur un groupe de volontaires enthousiastes, провёл исследование с группой энтузиастов-добровольцев hevesli bir grup gönüllüyle bir çalışma yaptı ve

and found that only 6% put in more than 100 hours with the program, y encontró que solo el 6% le dedicó más de 100 horas al programa, et a constaté que seuls 6% ont utilisé le logiciel plus de 100 heures, и выяснил, что только 6% занимались с программой более ста часов, bu programlara sadece yüzde 6'sının 100 saatten fazla zaman harcadığını buldu.

which is far less than what you'd need using these programs que es mucho menos de lo que se necesita para que con esos programas ce qui est très inférieur au temps requis d'utilisation de ces logiciels что намного меньше времени, нужного для работы с этими программами, Ki bu, bir dilde akıcı olmak için, bu tarz programlarda

to become fluent in any language. se llegue a dominar cualquier idioma. pour parler une langue couramment. чтобы свободно говорить на любом языке. gerekenden çok daha az bir süre.

VJ: OK, well, maybe then the problem is VJ||||||| VJ: Tal vez el problema es OK, alors peut-être que le problème, ВД: Хорошо, может дело в том, VJ: Tamam, belki o zaman problem,

that you don't live in the country that uses this language, que no vives en un país en que se hable el idioma, c'est que vous n'habitez pas le pays où on parle cette langue, что вы не живёте в стране, где говорят на этом языке, bu dilin kullanıldığı ülkede yaşamamanızdır

and if you were to move there, you'd be able to learn it. pero si te mudaras ahí, serías capaz de aprenderlo. et que si vous y déménagiez, vous pourriez l'apprendre. и если бы вы переехали туда, вы смогли бы выучить его? ve belki oraya taşınacak olsaydınız öğrenebilecektiniz.

SY: Here I have to agree with you, Vat. SY: Aquí estoy de acuerdo contigo. SY : Tout à fait d'accord, Vat. СЯ: Здесь я соглашусь с тобой, Ват. SY: Seninle aynı fikirde olmak zorundayım, Vat.

Living in the country that speaks the language, definitely helps. Vivir en el país en el que se habla el idioma, ayuda. Vivre dans le pays où on parle la langue, c'est un vrai plus. Безусловно, жизнь в стране изучаемого языка способствует его изучению. Dilin konuşulduğu ülkede yaşamak kesinlikle yardımcı oluyor.

It provides motivation and an opportunity for immersion. Provee motivación y oportunidad de inmersión. Ça vous motive et vous permet de vous immerger. Это даёт мотивацию и возможность погружения в среду. Daha iyi öğrenmek için bir fırsat ve motivasyon veriyor.

But it's not the answer to all of your problems. Pero no es la respuesta a todos tus problemas. Mais ça ne résoudra pas tous vos problèmes. Но не решает всех ваших проблем. Ancak problemlerinizin tamamının cevabı bu değil.

If you go to the country and you don't yet speak the language, Si vas al país y todavía no hablas el idioma, Si vous allez là-bas sans savoir parler la langue, qu'allez-vous faire ? Если вы едете в страну и пока ещё не говорите на её языке, O ülkeye gittiğiniz halde halen dili konuşamıyorsanız,

what are you going to do? ¿qué vas a hacer? Allez-vous vous reposer sur d'autres expatriés ou des anglophones что вы будете делать? ne yapacaksınız?

Are you going to rely on other expats and locals who speak English ¿Vas a confiar en otros extranjeros y locales que hablen inglés pour vous en sortir ? Будете надеяться на других приезжих и местных, говорящих по-английски, İdare etmek için, İngilizce konuşan yöre halkına ve gurbetçilere mi

to help you to get by? para sobrevivir? Et ça va vous isoler dans une bulle d'anglais полагаясь на их помощь? bel bağlayacaksınız?

And that's going to create a bubble of English, Se crea una burbuja de inglés, Но это создаст пузырь английского языка Bu bir İngilizce baloncuğu yaratacak,

it is going to isolate you from immersing yourself. te aislas de tu propia inmersión. и будет изолировать вас от погружения в среду. kendinizi bu işe daldırmanıza engel olacak.

So, we know an extreme example. Conocemos un caso extremo. И мы знаем экстремальный случай. Uç bir örnek verelim.

We know of an American businessman who went to Korea, Sabemos de un hombre de negocios que se fue a Corea, on connaît un homme d'affaires américain parti en Corée ; Мы знаем об американском бизнесмене, который уехал в Корею, Kore'ye giden Amerikalı bir iş adamı tanıyoruz,

married a Korean woman, had children in Korea, se casó con una coreana, tuvo hijos en Corea, il a épousé une Coréenne, a eu des enfants en Corée, женился на кореянке, вырастил детей в Корее, kendisi bir Koreli ile evli ve Kore'de çocukları oldu,

lived in Korea for 20 years, ha vivido en Corea por 20 años, a vécu 20 ans en Corée, прожил в Корее двадцать лет 20 yıl Kore'de yaşadı

still couldn't have a decent conversation in Korean. y aun no ha tenido una conversación decente en coreano. et il n'arrivait toujours pas à bien converser en coréen. и до сих пор не может правильно разговаривать на корейском. ama halen Kore dilinde düzgün bir sohbet yapamıyor.

So, living in the other country helps, but it is not a silver bullet Vivir en otro país ayuda, pero no es el remedio Поэтому жизнь в другой стране помогает, но это не панацея, Evet, o ülkede yaşamak yardımcı olur ama sorunlarınıza tek başına cevap verecek

that will answer all of your problems on its own. que resuelve todos los problemas. которая поможет решить все ваши проблемы. sihirli bir değnek değildir.

VJ: OK, well, finally maybe the problem is that you're simply too old, VJ: Bien, finalmente el problema tal vez sea que ya estas muy viejo, ВД: Хорошо, в конце концов, возможно, проблема в том, что уже слишком поздно, VJ: Son olarak, belki de sorun çok yaşlı olmanızdır

and you should've tried learning the language as a kid y que debiste aprender el idioma de pequeño, что вам надо было пытаться учить язык в детском возрасте, ve çocukken öğrenmeyi denemeniz gerekiyordu,

because kids learn the languages faster, right? pues los niños aprenden los idiomas más rápido, ¿no? car les enfants apprennent une langue plus vite, non ? потому что дети учат языки быстрее, верно? çünkü çocuklar daha hızlı öğrenir, değil mi?

SY:This is actually a pervasive myth. |||||pervasivo| SY: Esto es en realidad un mito generalizado. SY : En fait, c'est un mythe très répandu. СЯ: Это весьма распространённый миф. SY: Bu aslında çok yaygın bir efsanedir.

Steven Brown of Einstein University Steven Brown de Einstein University S. Brown, de l'université Einstein, et J. Larson-Hall, de l'université Qiushi, Стивен Браун из Университета Янгстауна Einstein Üniversitesinden Steven Brown

and Jennifer Larson-Hall of Qiushi University |||||Qiushi| y Jennifer Larson-Hall de Qiushi University и Дженифер Ларсон-Холл из Университета Кюсю ve Qiushi Üniversitesinden Jennifer Larson-Hall

reviewed the literature and found revisaron la literatura y encontraron ont relu les travaux et ont découvert сделали обзор литературы и выяснили, literatürü taradılar ve

adults actually learn languages faster than children in the short run. que los adultos aprenden idiomas a corto plazo, más rápido que los niños. que les adultes apprennent une langue plus vite que les enfants à court terme. что взрослые учат языки быстрее детей на некотором этапе. yetişkinlerin kısa vadede dili çocuklardan daha hızlı öğrendiklerini buldular.

It's only when we talk about Solo si hablamos de Ce n'est que lorsqu'il faut maîtriser la prononciation et la grammaire Но это только, когда мы говорим Çocuklar ancak,

reaching native-like levels of pronunciation and grammar alcanzar el nivel de un nativo en pronunciación y gramática, о достижении уровня носителя языка по произношению и грамматике, telaffuz ve dil bilgisinde yerli seviyesine erişmede

where children start to show an upper hand over an adult. es donde los niños empiezan a mostrar ventajas sobre los adultos. que l'enfant est plus avantagé que l'adulte. когда у детей проявляется преимущество перед взрослым. bir yetişkini geçebilir.

So, definitely, if you want to just be able to communicate with people, Si solo quieres ser capaz de comunicarte con la gente, Donc si vous voulez simplement pouvoir parler avec les natifs, Поэтому ясно: если вы хотите просто общаться с людьми, Eğer sadece insanlarla iletişim kurmak,

have conversations, there is no reason tener conversaciones, no hay razón on peut tout à fait apprendre une seconde langue à tout âge. разговаривать, то нет причины, ikinci bir dili her yaşta öğrenememeniz için bir sebep yok.

you can't learn a second language at any age. para no poder aprender otro idioma a la edad que sea. по которой вы не можете выучить второй язык в любом возрасте.

VJ: If those are not the core issues, what is the core issue? VJ: Si es así, ¿cuál es entonces el problema? VJ : Si rien de tout ça ne pose problème, quel est le vrai problème ? ВД: Если корень проблемы не в этом, тогда в чём он? VJ: Eğer bunlar ana meseleler değilse, ana mesele nedir?

We have a completely different hypothesis, Tenemos una hipótesis completamente distinta, Nous avons une hypothèse radicalement différente, У нас есть совершенно другая гипотеза, Bizim tamamen farklı bir tezimiz var

and to explain this concept y para explicarla et pour expliquer ce concept, и чтобы объяснить эту концепцию, ve bu düşüncemizi açıklamak için

I want you to look at this image of the ocean. quiero que miren esta imagen del mar. je vais vous demander de regarder cette image de l'océan. пожалуйста, взгляните на это изображение океана. bu okyanus görüntüsüne bakmanızı istiyoruz.

Now, if you look at the water, you're going to see 2 distinct zones: Ahora, si miran el agua, se ven dos zonas distintas: Si vous regardez l'eau, vous pouvez distinguer 2 zones : Если вы посмо́трите на воду, то увидите две разные зоны: Eğer suya bakarsanız, iki belirgin bölge göreceksiniz:

zone at the bottom where the waves are breaking, la zona de abajo donde las olas se rompen, une zone en bas où les vagues se brisent, зону внизу, где разбиваются волны, altta, dalgaların kırıldığı yerdeki bölge

an the zone at the top where the water is relatively calm. y la de arriba donde el agua está calmada. et une zone en haut où l'eau est relativement calme. и зону вверху, где вода относительно спокойна. ve üstte nispeten suyun sakin olduğu bölge.

Now, I want you to imagine you're standing on the shore, Ahora, quiero que imagines que estás de pie en la orilla, Maintenant, imaginez que vous vous trouvez sur le rivage, Теперь представьте, что вы стоите на берегу океана Şimdi, kendinizi sahilde duruyor halde düşünmenizi istiyorum

and you want to swim out into the ocean. y quieres nadar ahí en el mar. et que vous voulez aller nager. и хотите поплавать в океане. ve okyanusa doğru yüzmek istiyorsunuz.

When you first start swimming out into the ocean, Cuando empiezas a nadar, Lorsque vous commencez à nager, Когда вы впервые начнёте плавать в океане, Okyanusa doğru yüzmeye başladığınızda

you ARE going to be in this first zone where the waves are breaking. vas a estar en esa primera zona donde las olas se rompen. vous vous trouvez dans la première zone, là où les vagues se brisent. вы попадёте в первую зону, где разбиваются волны. dalgaların kırıldığı ilk bölgede olacaksınız.

And swimming in this zone is incredibly difficult, Y nadar en esta zona es muy difícil; Et il est incroyablement difficile de nager dans cette zone : Плавать в этой зоне чрезвычайно тяжело, Ve bu bölgede yüzmek son derece zor,

you feel this incredible resistance, se siente una resistencia increíble, l'eau y est très résistante, вы чувствуете сильное сопротивление, bu inanılmaz direnci hissedeceksiniz,

the waves come crushing down on you, las olas te quieren aplastar, et les vagues viennent s'abattre sur vous волны обрушиваются на вас dalgalar sizi ezecek

and they constantly try to push you back to the shore. y tratan constantemente de empujarte de vuelta a la orilla. tout en essayant constamment de vous repousser vers le rivage. и постоянно пытаются вытолкнуть вас обратно на берег. ve sizi sürekli kıyıya itmeye çalışacak.

However, if you were to push through this zone and get to the second zone, Sin embargo, si atraviesas esa zona y llegas a la otra, Mais si vous résistez et avancez jusqu'à la zone suivante, Однако, если вы прошли эту зону и добрались до второй, Ancak, eğer bu bölgeyi geçebilirseniz ve ikinci bölgeye gelebilirseniz,

suddenly, swimming becomes a lot easier de repente, nadar se vuelve más sencillo, nager devient alors bien plus facile внезапно плыть становится намного легче, aniden, yüzmek çok daha kolay olacak

and more importantly, the waves are not trying to push you back, y sobretodo, las olas ya no tratan de hacerte regresar. et surtout, les vagues n'essayent plus de vous repousser, и, что ещё более важно, вóлны не пытаются оттолкнуть вас назад, ve daha da önemlisi, dalgalar sizi geri itmeyecek,

you're no longer feel this incredible resistance. Desaparece esa increíble resistencia. vous ne sentez plus cette incroyable résistance. вы больше не чувствуете невероятного сопротивления. bu inanılmaz direnci artık hissetmeyeceksiniz.

So, we believe that language learning works very similar to this. Creemos que aprender un idioma funciona de manera muy similar. Nous pensons qu'apprendre une langue, ça ressemble beaucoup à ça. Мы полагаем, что изучение языка работает похожим образом. Bu yüzden, biz dil öğrenmenin de buna çok benzer olduğuna inanıyoruz.

When you first start learning a language, Cuando empiezas a aprender un idioma, Quand on commence à apprendre une langue, Когда вы впервые начинаете изучать язык, Bir dil öğrenmeye başladığınızda,

you're going to be in this first zone vas a estar en esa primera zona on se trouve dans cette première zone вы попадаете в эту первую зону, önce ilk bölgede olacaksınız,

which we call 'the zone of fear' or 'the zone of frustration', a la que llamamos "zona del miedo" o "zona de la frustración", que nous appelons « zone de la peur », ou « zone de la frustration », которую мы называем «зоной страха» или «зоной разочарования», ki biz bu bölgeye "korku bölgesi" ya da "yılgınlık bölgesi" diyoruz,

because this is where you fear using the language, porque es cuando temes usar el idioma. car c'est là qu'on a peur de parler la langue ; так как в этой зоне вы боитесь использовать язык, çünkü burada dili kullanmaya korkuyorsunuz,

this is where you fear making mistakes, Aquí es cuando temes cometer errores. c'est là qu'on a peur de faire des erreurs ; вы боитесь делать ошибки, burada hata yapmaya korkuyorsunuz,

this is where you fear embarrassing yourself. Es aquí cuando te da temor pasar vergüenzas. c'est là qu'on a peur de se ridiculiser. боитесь оказаться в неловком положении. burada kendinizi utandırmaya korkuyorsunuz.

And learning a language in this zone is very difficult: Aprender un idioma en esa zona es muy difícil: Et c'est très difficile d'apprendre une langue dans cette zone : И изучать язык в этой зоне очень сложно: Ve bu bölgede dil öğrenmek çok zor:

the waves represent this negative feedback las olas representan la reacción negativa les vagues représentent ces résultats négatifs, волны приносят отрицательную реакцию, dalgalar bu negatif geri bildirimi temsil ediyor

and this constantly tries to push you back to the shore. que constantemente trata de empujarte hacia la orilla. et elles essayent constamment de vous repousser vers le rivage. которая постоянно пытается оттеснить вас обратно на берег. ve bu sizi sürekli olarak sahile geri itiyor.

However, if you were to push past this zone Pero si logras atravesar esa zona Mais si on arrive à franchir cette zone Однако если вам удастся пройти через эту зону Ancak, eğer bu bölgeyi aşabilirseniz

and get to the second zone where the waters are calmer, y llegas a la siguiente, donde el agua es más tranquila, pour parvenir à la seconde zone, où les eaux sont plus calmes, и добраться до второй, где вóды спокойнее, ve suyun daha sakin olduğu ikinci bölgeye gelebilirseniz,

suddenly language learning becomes a lot easier, and a lot more fun. el aprendizaje del idioma se vuelve mucho más fácil y divertido. alors tout de suite, apprendre la langue devient bien plus facile et amusant. неожиданно изучение языка становится намного легче и веселее. aniden dil öğrenmek çok daha kolay ve daha eğlenceli olacak.

Mind you, I'm not saying that you're perfect Bueno, no digo que vaya a ser perfecto Attention, je ne dis pas qu'on est parfait lorsqu'on atteint la seconde zone ; Заметьте, я не говорю, что вы отлично заговорите, Unutmayın, ikinci bölgeye ulaştığınızda

when you reach the second zone, cuando alcances la segunda zona. когда достигнете второй зоны, mükemmel olduğunuzu söylemiyorum,

or maybe you only know a few words, but you're able to use them confidently, Tal vez solo sabrás algunas palabras, pero serás capaz de usarlas con confianza. может, зная лишь несколько слов, вы будете уверенно их использовать, belki bir kaç kelime biliyorsunuz ama güvenli bir şekilde kullanabiliyorsunuz,

maybe you're able to have some simple conversations. Quizás puedas tener algunas conversaciones simples возможно, вы будете способны вести простые беседы. belki de onlarla basit konuşmalar yapabiliyorsunuz.

And language only goes from being always frustrating y el aprendizaje pasará, de permanente frustración Но язык переходит из состояния постоянного разочарования Ve dil, daima sinir bozucu olmaktan

to now being rewarding, most of the time. a sentirse recompensado, la mayor parte del tiempo. в нечто, приносящее удовольствие бо́льшую часть времени. çoğu zaman ödüllendirilmeye gider.

So, the core issue, we believe, that a lot of the people have Creemos que el problema principal para mucha gente es que Мы полагаем, что главной проблемой у большинства людей является то, Bu nedenle, biz inanıyoruz ki, pek çok insanın asıl meselesi

is that people get stuck in this zone of fear and frustration se quedan atascados en esa zona de miedo y frustración c'est qu'on reste coincé dans cette zone de peur et de frustration что эти люди застревают в этой зоне страха и разочарования insanların bu korku ve yılgınlık bölgesinde gerektiğinden daha uzun

for longer than they have to, más tiempo del que deben, plus longtemps que nécessaire ; voire sans fin, pour certains. дольше чем следует, ve bazılarının da ebediyyen

and for some people, forever. y en algunos casos, se quedan ahí para siempre. а некоторые и навсегда. sıkışıp kalması.

And if all you see is negative feedback, Si lo único que ves son reacciones negativas, И если вы видите лишь негативную реакцию, Ve tek gördüğünüz olumsuz geri bildirim ise,

it's very hard to motivate yourself to learn further and improve yourself, es muy difícil motivarte a aprender más y a mejorar, очень тяжело мотивировать себя учиться дальше и совершенствоваться, fazlasını öğrenmek için kendinizi motive etmeniz ve kendinizi geliştirmeniz

and learn the language that you really want to learn. para llegar a manejar el idioma que te interesa. изучать язык, который вы действительно хотите выучить. ve gerçekten öğrenmek istediğiniz dili öğrenmeniz çok zor.

So, ideally, you'd use a different method, Idealmente, se trata de usar otro método diferente; Donc dans l'idéal, vous adopteriez une autre méthode, В идеале нужно использовать другой метод, Tercihen, farklı bir metot kullanırdınız,

a method that allows you to get past this zone very quickly un método que nos permita superar esa zona rápidamente qui vous permettrait de franchir cette zone très vite et très efficacement который позволит вам пройти первую зону очень быстро ve bu metot, bölgeyi çok çabuk ve etkin bir şekilde geçmenizi sağlayacak

and very efficiently, y con eficiencia, и очень эффективно, bir metot olurdu.

so you can get to the part where language learning para llegar a la parte donde aprender так что вы сможете добраться туда, где изучение языка Böylece, dil öğrenmenin eğlenceli ve kolay olduğu kısma

is fun and easy as quickly as you can. es divertido y fácil, lo más pronto posible. становится весёлым и лёгким делом. mümkün olduğunca çabuk geçebilirsiniz.

SY: We believe we have this method, a method that cuts through the waves SY: Creemos tener este método; una forma de atravesar las olas SY : Nous pensons avoir cette méthode, une méthode qui fend les vagues СЯ: Мы полагаем, что знаем этот метод, который прорезается сквозь волны

and gets you to the easier part of language learning y llevarte a la parte sencilla del aprendizaje, et vous amène à la phase facile de l'apprentissage и переносит вас к более лёгкой части изучения языка

as quickly and efficiently as possible. tan rápido y eficientemente como sea posible. aussi vite et efficacement que possible. так быстро и эффективно, как это возможно. bir metoda sahip olduğumuza inanıyoruz.

It's very simple. Es muy simple. Elle est très simple : Это очень просто. Çok basit.

Don't speak in English. No hables inglés. ne parlez QUE dans la langue apprise. Не говорите на английском языке. Ana dilinizi konuşmayın.

And, that might sound a little obvious or simplistic, Puede sonar un tanto obvio o simplista, Et ça peut paraître un peu évident ou simpliste, Это может показаться немного очевидным или упрощённым, Çok açık ve basit gibi gelebilir

but it's actually really powerful. pero en verdad es muy poderoso. mais en fait, c'est très efficace. но на самом деле это очень эффективно. ama aslında gerçekten güçlü.

When you force yourself to speak the language you're trying to learn, Si te obligas a hablar el idioma que deseas, Lorsque vous vous forcez à parler la langue que vous apprenez, Когда вы заставляете себя говорить на языке, который изучаете, Kendinizi öğrenmeye çalıştığınız dili konuşmaya zorlarsanız

and you learn words and phrases by necessity, aprendes las palabras o frases por necesidad, et que vous devez apprendre des mots et expressions и у́чите слова и фразы по мере необходимости, ve gerekli kelime ve cümleleri öğrenirseniz,

not the order it comes up in the textbook no en el orden del libro de texto. sans suivre l'ordre présenté dans votre manuel, а не так, как они даются в учебнике, -ders kitabındaki sırayla değil-

That means you automatically learn the most frequent vocabulary Así aprendes automáticamente el vocabulario más frecuente alors vous apprenez automatiquement les mots les plus fréquents вы автоматически у́чите наиболее употребительные слова bunun anlamı, otomatik olarak en sık kullanılan kelimeleri ve

and the most important words for your situation. y las palabras importantes para tu situación. et les plus importants pour votre situation. и слова, наиболее важные в вашей ситуации. durumunuz için en önemli kelimeleri öğreniyorsunuz demektir.

Next, because you don't know many words and phrases, Luego, como no sabes muchas palabras y frases, Comme vous connaissez peu de mots et d'expressions, Далее, так как вы не знаете многих слов и выражений, Sonra, çok kelime ve ifade bilmediğiniz için,

you're going to overuse what you do know. vas a sobreutilizar las que sí sabes. vous utilisez à fond ce que vous savez. вы будете чаще применять то, что знаете. bildiklerinizi fazlasıyla kullanacaksınız.

This results in effects psychologists call overlearning ||||||sobreaprendizaje Provoca lo que los psicólogos llaman sobreaprendizaje Les psychologues appellent ça le surapprentissage : Это приведёт к тому, что психологи называют заучиванием, Bu, psikologların aşırı öğrenme dedikleri etkilerle sonuçlanır,

which allows you to access that information automatically. que permite acceder a la información automáticamente. ça vous permet d'accéder à ces informations automatiquement. что позволяет вам использовать информацию машинально. ki bu da sizi otomatik olarak o bilgiye iletir.

You don't need to get your tongue tight or hesitating No pasa que se te enrede la lengua o que vaciles Vous n'avez plus à vous montrer hésitant Вам не нужно напрягать язык или сомневаться, Temel kelime ve ifadeleri kullanırken

when you're using basic words and phrases. cuando usas palabras y frases básicas. en utilisant du vocabulaire de base. когда вы используете основные слова и выражения. dilinizi kasmanıza ya da tereddüt etmenize gerek yok.

And finally, because you're not allowed to speak in English Y finalmente, como no puedes hablar en inglés, Et enfin, puisque l'anglais vous est interdit, В конце концов, так как вам нельзя говорить по-английски, Ve sonuçta, ana dilinizi konuşmanıza izin verilmediği için,

you're going to easily develop conversational work-arounds |||||||soluciones tienes que desarrollar soluciones alternas en la conversación vous créez facilement des solutions alternatives en conversation вы будете легко развивать разговорные навыки, seviyenizi aşan durumlarla başa çıkmada,

to handle situations that are above your level. para manejar situaciones más avanzadas. pour gérer des situations au-delà de votre niveau. справляясь с ситуациями выше вашего уровня знания языка. konuşmayla ilgili geçici çözümler geliştireceksiniz.

That is going to be from learning simple phrases like: Así, pasarás de decir frases simples como: Vous apprendrez des formules toutes simples comme Вы сможете сначала выучить простые фразы типа: Nispeten ilk zamanlarda,

"What does this mean?" and "How do you say this? "¿Qué significa esto?" o "¿cómo se dice lo otro?" « Ça veut dire quoi ? » et « Comment on dit ça ? » «Что это значит? Как сказать это?» "Bunun anlamı ne?" ve "Bunu nasıl söylersiniz?"

in the language, relatively early on, en el otro idioma, relativamente pronto, assez tôt en apprenant la langue, на раннем этапе изучения языка gibi ifadeler öğrenmekten,

to being able to efficiently use things like Google Translator and dictionaries a ser capaz de usar eficientemente Google Translator y diccionarios pour pouvoir utiliser efficacement Google Traduction et des dictionnaires и эффективно использовать средства типа Google-переводчика и словарей yeni kelime ve ifadeleri konuşmalarınıza dahil edebilmek için

to integrate new words and phrases into your conversations para integrar nuevas palabras y frases en tus conversaciones afin d'intégrer de nouveaux mots et expressions для добавления новых слов и фраз в вашу речь, Google Çeviri ve sözlük gibi şeyleri etkili biçimde kullanabilmeye

while you're having them. a medida que las obtienes. dans vos conversations. когда они у вас появятся. geçiş yapacaksınız.

VJ: So how do we know that this method works? VJ: ¿Cómo sabemos que este método funciona? VJ : Alors, comment savons-nous que cette méthode fonctionne ? ВД: Откуда мы знаем, что этот метод работает? VJ: Bu metodun işe yaradığını nasıl mı biliyoruz?

Well, we know that this method works because we've tried it for ourselves. Sabemos que funciona porque lo hemos probado nosotros mismos. Eh bien, c'est parce qu'on l'a essayée nous-mêmes. Мы знаем этот метод, потому что испытали его на себе. Biliyoruz, çünkü kendimize denedik.

So, last year Scott and I did an experiment. El año pasado Scott y yo hicimos un experimento. L'an dernier, Scott et moi avons fait une expérience. В прошлом году Скотт и я провели эксперимент. Geçen yıl, Scott ve ben bir deney yaptık.

But we tried to learn four different languages, Tratamos de aprender cuatro idiomas diferentes, Mais on a essayé d'apprendre 4 langues différentes Мы попробовали выучить четыре разных языка Fakat biz dört farklı dil öğrenmeye çalıştık

and we went to four different countries y fuimos a cuatro países diferentes et on s'est rendus dans 4 pays différents и путешествовали по четырём разным странам, ve bu dilleri bir yılda öğrenmek için

to learn these languages over a year. para aprender esos idiomas durante un año. pour apprendre ces langues en un an. чтобы выучить их языки за один год. dört farklı ülkeye gittik.

And we used the same no-English rule to learn the languages. Nos impusimos la regla del no-inglés para poder aprender. Et on a utilisé cette même règle : « ne parler que dans la langue ». Мы выполняли правило не применять английский, чтобы учить эти языки. Ve dilleri öğrenmek için aynı ana-dil-yok kuralını kullandık.

So, first we went to Spain to learn Spanish over 3 months, Primero fuimos a España por 3 meses, para aprender español. Donc on est d'abord allés en Espagne pour apprendre l'espagnol en 3 mois, Сначала мы поехали в Испанию, чтобы выучить испанский за три месяца, Önce, İspanyolcayı 3 ayda öğrenmek için İspanya'ya gittik,

then we went to Brazil to learn Portuguese over 3 months, Luego fuimos a Brasil por 3 meses, para aprender portugués. puis on est allés au Brésil pour apprendre le portugais en 3 mois, потом мы поехали в Бразилию учить португальский три месяца, sonra Portekizceyi 3 ayda öğrenmek için Brezilya'ya gittik,

then over to mainland China to learn Mandarin over 3 months, Luego a China 3 meses para aprender mandarín puis en Chine pour apprendre le mandarin en 3 mois, затем в материковый Китай учить мандаринский диалект три месяца sonra da Mandarin dilini 3 ayda öğrenmek için Çin topraklarına gittik

and finally over to Korea to learn Korean over 3 months. y finalmente a Corea 3 meses para aprender coreano. et pour finir, en Corée pour apprendre le coréen en 3 mois. и, наконец, в Корею, чтобы изучить корейский за три месяца. ve en sonunda Koreceyi 3 ayda öğrenmek için Kore'ye gittik.

And we found that this no-English rule worked incredibly well. Así vimos que esta regla de no inglés funcionó muy bien. Et on a trouvé cette règle incroyablement efficace. И мы выяснили, что это правило работает невероятно хорошо. Ve anladık ki bu ana-dil-yok kuralı inanılmaz bir şekilde işe yarıyor.

As a matter of fact, near the end of our travels in each country, De hecho, hacia el final de nuestros viajes en cada país, En fait, vers la fin de nos voyages dans chaque pays, Фактически ближе к концу наших путешествий в каждой стране Aslında, her ülkede kaldığımız sürenin sonuna doğru,

we were confidently able to have conversations with native speakers éramos capaces de tener conversaciones con los locales, con toda confianza on pouvait, avec assurance, discuter avec des locuteurs natifs мы могли спокойно разговаривать с местными o dilin yerlileriyle herhangi bir konuda güvenli bir şekilde

pretty much about any subject, acerca de casi cualquier tema, sur presque n'importe quel sujet, на любую тему достаточно хорошо sohbet edebiliyorduk

and going by our daily lives, y de mantener nuestras vidas diaras et on se débrouillait quotidiennement, и продолжали в нашей повседневной жизни ve öğrenmeye çalıştığımız dili kullanarak

using the language that we were trying to learn. usando el idioma que intentábamos aprender. en pratiquant la langue qu'on essayait d'apprendre. использовать тот язык, который пытались выучить. günlük hayatımızı geçirebiliyorduk.

So we actually have a short video that we would like to show you Tenemos un video corto que nos gustaría mostrar aquí, On voudrait vous montrer une courte vidéo У нас есть короткое видео, которое мы хотели бы вам показать. Size, her bir ülkede 3 ay kalarak ana-dil-yok kuralını kullanıp

that captures the kind of progress that we were able to make que muestra nuestros progresos logrados qui montre bien le genre de progrès qu'on a pu faire Оно фиксирует прогресс, которого мы достигли kaydettiğimiz ilerlemeyi gösteren

using this no English rule just under 3 months for each country. usando esta regla del no-inglés, solo por 3 meses en cada país. sans parler anglais, en un peu moins de 3 mois pour chaque pays. за три месяца в каждой стране, используя правило не применять английский. kısa bir video göstermek istiyoruz.

So, take a look. Aquí se puede ver. Regardez. Итак, давайте посмотрим. Lütfen bir bakın.

(Video) (Video) (Vidéo) (Видео) (Video)

SY: This might seem a little bit extreme. SY: Esto puede parecer un poco extremo. SY : Ça peut paraître un peu extrême. СЯ: Это может показаться немного экстремальным. SY: Biraz uç gibi görünebilir.

After all, wouldn't it be a lot easier to speak some English ¿No sería más fácil hablar algo de inglés Après tout, ne serait-il pas plus facile de parler un peu anglais В конце концов, может проще иногда говорить по-английски, Neticede, yeni dili öğrenirken biraz ana dilinizi konuşmak,

when you're trying to learn the language mientras tratas de aprender, quand vous apprenez la langue, когда вы пытаетесь выучить язык, ana-dil-yok kuralı kadar hızlı olmasa bile

even if it is not quite as fast as this no-English rule? aunque posiblemente no avances tan rápido? même si c'est plus lent qu'avec notre règle ? даже если не так быстро, как с правилом не применять английский? daha kolay olmaz mıydı?

We actually believe that this is a misconception. Pensamos que esta es una idea equivocada. Nous, on pense en fait que cette idée est fausse. Мы действительно считаем, что это будет плохая идея. Biz bunun yanlış kanı olduğuna inanıyoruz.

And to argue that why it is a misconception, ||||||||Missverständnis Y para argumentar por qué es una idea errónea, Et pour vous montrer pourquoi, Чтобы доказать, почему это плохая идея, Ve neden yanlış kanı derseniz,

I'd like to reference an experience that I had. me gustaría referir una experiencia que tuve. j'aimerais vous parler d'une situation que j'ai vécue. я хотел бы сослаться на свой личный опыт. yaşadığım bir deneyime atıfta bulunacağım.

You see, years before we did this challenge, Verán, años antes de afrontar este reto, Plusieurs années avant qu'on se lance ce défi, Видите ли, задолго до этого эксперимента Bu zorlu işe girişmeden yıllar önce,

I had a different opportunity to learn a second language. tuve una oportunidad diferente de aprender un segundo idioma. j'avais une autre occasion d'apprendre une seconde langue. у меня была другая возможность выучить второй язык. ikinci bir dili öğrenmek için farklı bir fırsatım vardı.

I was in the university and I had an opportunity Estaba en la universidad y tuve la suerte J'étais à l'université, et j'avais l'occasion Я учился в университете и получил возможность Üniversitedeydim ve Fransa'da bir yıl

to study abroad for a year in France. de estudiar por un año en Francia. d'étudier un an à l'étranger, en France. учиться за границей год во Франции. yurt dışı eğitimi alma şansım oldu.

And like this trip, I was very eager to learn the local language. Como quería aprender el idioma local, Et pour ce voyage, j'étais très impatient d'apprendre la langue locale. И в этой поездке я жаждал выучить местный язык. Ve aynı bu seyahatim gibi, yerel dili öğrenmeye çok istekliydim.

I bought books, I downloaded podcasts, compré libros y descargué podcasts. J'ai acheté des livres, téléchargé des podcasts, Я купил книги, скачал подкасты, Kitaplar aldım, podcast'ler yükledim,

I really wanted to become fluent in French. De verdad quería dominar el francés. je voulais vraiment parler français couramment. я действительно хотел свободно говорить по-французски. gerçekten Fransızcayı akıcı olarak konuşmak istiyordum.

The only difference that I had no specific rule La única diferencia es que no tuve la regla La seule différence, c'est que je n'avais aucune règle spécifique Единственная разница была в том, что у меня не было этого правила Tek fark, ana dili konuşmaya karşı

against speaking in English. de no hablar en inglés. m'interdisant de parler anglais. не говорить на английском. belli bir kuralım yoktu.

I figured, "I'll go there and I'll speak as much English as I need to, Pensaba: "Iré y hablaré tanto inglés como necesite, Je me disais : « J'irai là-bas et parlerai anglais autant que nécessaire, Я полагал, что поеду туда и буду говорить по-английски столько, сколько нужно, "Oraya gideceğim ve ihtiyacım olduğu kadar İngilizce konuşacağım

and I'll just try to practice French whenever I can." y trataré de practicar el francés cada vez que pueda". et j'essayerai de pratiquer le français quand je pourrai. » и просто пытаться практиковаться по-французски, когда смогу. ve imkanım oldukça Fransızca konuşmayı deneyeceğim" diye düşündüm.

And after a year of living in France, Luego de un año viviendo en Francia, Et après un an à vivre en France, И после года жизни во Франции Ve Fransa'da bir yıl yaşadıktan sonra

and pushing myself to study every single day, esforzándome con el estudio todos los días, en me poussant à étudier jour après jour, я заставлял себя учить язык каждый день. ve kendimi her gün çalışmak için zorladıktan sonra,

I did get to a point where I could have a conversation, llegué al punto de poder mantener conversaciones, j'en suis arrivé au point où je pouvais converser, И я достиг момента, когда смог разговаривать, sohbet edebilecek noktaya geldim,

but it was never easy, it always felt difficult, pero nunca fue fácil, siempre me pareció difícil, mais ce n'était jamais facile, j'avais toujours du mal, но это не было легко, я всегда испытывал трудности ama asla kolay değildi, daima zordu,

it always felt like I was a little out of place. j'avais toujours l'impression que je n'étais pas vraiment à ma place. и чувствовал себя не в своей тарелке.

And contrast that to that of my more recent experience in Spain. Comparons ça avec mon voyage plus récent en Espagne : Полной противоположностью этому стал мой недавний опыт в Испании.

Once again, we have the motivation and opportunity, encore une fois, on est motivés et on a le temps, Опять же, у нас были мотивация и возможность, Bir kez daha, motivasyonumuz ve fırsatımız vardı,

but this time we have the no-English rule. pero esta vez teníamos la regla del no-inglés. mais cette fois, on a la règle « Zéro anglais ». но в этот раз у нас было правило не применять английский. ancak bu kez, ana-dil-yok kuralımız vardı.

From the very first day we came to Spain, Desde el primer día en España, Dès le jour de notre arrivée en Espagne, С самого первого дня в Испании İspanya'ya geldiğimiz ilk günden itibaren,

we decided we were only going to speak in Spanish. decidimos que solo hablaríamos en español. on a décidé qu'on parlerait uniquement en espagnol. мы решили говорить только по-испански. sadece İspanyolca konuşmaya karar verdik.

And, as you can probably imagine, Como se pueden imaginar, Et, comme vous pouvez l'imaginer, И как вы можете представить, Ve tahmin edebileceğiniz gibi,

with limited Spanish skills it was very difficult in the beginning. con un español muy limitado era muy difícil al principio. avec notre faible niveau d'espagnol, c'était très dur au début. сначала было очень трудно с ограниченными знаниями испанского. çok az İspanyolca bilgisiyle başlangıçta çok zor oldu.

We had to communicate to each other Esos primeros días teníamos que hablar entre nosotros Il nous fallait communiquer entre nous Нам пришлось общаться друг с другом İlk bir kaç gün, birbirimizle neredeyse

almost exclusively through our dictionaries for these first few days. casi exclusivamente usando diccionarios. presque exclusivement via nos dictionnaires, ces premiers jours. почти исключительно с помощью словарей в эти первые дни. tamamen sözlüklerle konuşmak zorunda kaldık.

But after 2 weeks something changed, Pero 2 semanas después, algo cambió, Mais après 2 semaines, quelque chose a changé : Но после двух недель что-то изменилось, Ancak iki hafta sonra bir şeyler değişti,

it started to get a bit easier. comenzó a volverse más fácil. ça devenait un peu plus facile. нам стало немного легче. her şey kolaylaşmaya başladı.

After a month even easier. Y un mes después, mucho más fácil. Après un mois, encore plus facile. А через месяц ещё легче. Bir ay sonra daha da kolaylaştı.

And by the third month we were in Spain, it'd become so easy, Ya en el tercer mes en España, se volvió tan fácil, Et au bout de notre 3e mois en Espagne, c'était devenu tellement facile К третьему месяцу в Испании стало совсем легко, Ve İspanya'daki üçüncü ayımızda, her şey kolaylaştı,

that living our lives entirely in Spanish was automatic. que la vida enteramente en español, fue algo automático. que vivre nos vies intégralement en espagnol était automatique. так что жизнь целиком на испанском протекала автоматически. hayatımızı tamamen İspanyolca yaşamak otomatikleşti.

We didn't have to think about studying or practicing, No teníamos que pensar en estudiar o practicar, On n'avait pas à penser à étudier ou pratiquer : Нам не нужно было думать об обучении или практике, Ders çalışmayı ya da pratik yapmayı düşünmek zorunda değildik.

it was completely invisible in our lives. Era algo completamente transparente para nuestras vidas. on ne tenait plus du tout compte de ça. мы её практически не ощущали. Hayatımızda tamamen görünmez olmuştu.

And what's more, after just 3 months in Spain, Es más, después de 3 meses en España, Et encore mieux : après seulement 3 mois en Espagne, К тому же после трёх месяцев в Испании Ve dahası, İspanya'da sadece 3 aydan sonra,

our Spanish, both of our Spanish, was much better than my French was nuestro español, el de ambos, era mucho mejor que mi francés, notre espagnol était bien meilleur que ne l'était mon français испанский у обоих стал намного лучше, чем был мой французский her ikimizin İspanyolcası da, benim Fransa'da bir yıl yaşayarak ve okuyarak

after a year of living in France and deliberately studying it. tras un año en Francia estudiándolo deliberadamente. après un an à vivre en France et à l'apprendre posément. после года жизни во Франции и стараний его выучить. edindiğim Fransızcamdan çok daha iyiydi.

And so, when you're evaluating the difficulty of a method, Para evaluar la dificultad de un método, Et lorsque vous évaluez la difficulté d'une méthode, Поэтому когда вы оцениваете сложность любого метода, Ve böylece, bir metodun zorluğunu değerlendirirken,

particularly in learning languages, especialmente para aprender un idioma, surtout pour apprendre une langue, особенно в изучении языков, özellikle de dil öğrenmede,

it's not really fair to look at that initial sliver of difficulty |||||||||porción|| no es justo mirar la etapa inicial de mayor dificultad il ne faut pas regarder seulement les petites difficultés du début : неправильно оценивать только первые трудности, zorluğun başlangıç çıtasına bakmak doğru değil,

because you have to look at how much effort porque hay que mirar el esfuerzo il faut regarder la quantité d'efforts ведь вам понадобится много усилий, çünkü sonunda bu dili öğrenebilmek için,

you're going to be putting in not just in the beginning, que hay que hacer, no sólo al inicio, que vous allez faire, non seulement au début, которые нужно приложить не только в начале обучения, ona sadece başlangıçta değil,

but day after day, month after month sino día a día, mes a mes, mais tous les jours, tous les mois, но день за днём, месяц за месяцем, gün gün, ay ay,

in order to finally being able to learn this language. para lograr finalmente dominar la nueva lengua. afin de pouvoir enfin apprendre cette langue. чтобы в конце концов выучить этот язык. ne kadar çaba sarf edeceğinize bakmalısınız.

And what we found is not even just that the no English rule is faster, Lo que encontramos no es sólo que la regla del no-inglés es más rápida, Et ce qu'on a vu, c'est que non seulement notre règle est plus rapide, Мы выяснили, что учить язык, не применяя английский, не только быстрее, Ve bulduğumuz şey, sadece ana-dil-yok kuralının daha hızlı olduğu değil,

but that when you take it over this longer view, sino que, cuando se sigue en el tiempo, mais que quand on pense sur le long terme, но если подумать обо всём процессе, ayrıca geleceği dikkate aldığınızda,

it is actually easier than any other method we've tried es más fácil que cualquier otro método que hayamos intentado. ça devient plus facile que n'importe quelle autre méthode то он действительно легче, чем любой другой метод, bir dil öğrenmek için denediğimiz diğer metotlardan

for learning a language. pour apprendre une langue. которым мы пытались выучить язык. daha kolay olduğu.

VJ: And I'd like to speak about another misconception VJ: Quiero hablar de otra idea errónea VJ : Et j'aimerais vous parler d'une autre idée fausse ВД: Я бы хотел поговорить о другом заблуждении, VJ: Pek çok insandaki bir başka yanlış kanı üzerine

that a lot of people have que muchas personas tienen, qui est très répandue : которое есть у многих людей. konuşmak istiyorum.

is that you'd somehow be able to completely avoid making mistakes y es que de una u otra forma hay que evitar cometer errores selon elle, on serait capable de ne jamais faire aucune faute Оно состоит в том, что можно избежать ошибок, İlk defa bir dil öğrenmeye başladığınızda, tamamen hata yapmaktan

when you first start learning a language. al principio. quand on commence à apprendre une langue. когда впервые начинаешь изучать язык. bir şekilde uzak durabileceğiniz kanısı.

And that's simply not true. Eso simplemente no es cierto. Et ça, c'est complètement faux. Это просто неправда. Ve bu, tek kelimeyle doğru değil.

Actually making mistakes is very good because it means you're using the language En realidad, cometer errores es bueno porque así estás usando el idioma, Faire des fautes est une très bonne chose, ça veut dire que vous utilisez la langue Делать ошибки — очень хорошо, ведь это значит, что вы говорите на языке, Aslında, hata yapmak çok iyi, çünkü bunun anlamı, dili kullandığınız