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ESOL and New Scots stories, Meeting a friend

Meeting a friend

Last Saturday, I was very busy. I made plans to meet my friend for coffee in Irvine town centre at 11.30.

On Saturday morning, I woke up at 07.30. First, I prayed before sunrise, then I made breakfast for my family.

At 08.30, I cleaned the house then did my English homework on the computer. When I finished my homework, I looked at my watch: it was ten o'clock. I thought I had time to go to supermarket to buy some things.

When, I was in the supermarket, my friend called me to ask where I was. I told her I was in in the supermarket. She asked me why I wasn't in the café. I said it wasn't 11.30 yet. She said it was already 11.45. I was confused, so I looked at my watch: it was still 10 o'clock! Oh no! I realised my watch battery was dead. I said sorry to my friend and explained the problem. She told me not to worry. She said she could wait for me.

Finally, I met my friend at 12.15 in the café. I was a little late, but we still had time for a good chat together. I had tea. My friend had coffee. We both had chocolate cake. It was delicious. We stayed in the café for over an hour together. After, My friend went home then I went to a shop to get a new battery for my watch.

Meeting a friend Treffen mit einem Freund Meeting a friend Encuentro con un amigo Rencontrer un ami 友人との出会い Encontrar um amigo Встреча с другом Bir arkadaşla buluşmak 与朋友见面

Last Saturday, I was very busy. El sábado pasado estuve muy ocupado. Samedi dernier, j'ai été très occupée. Geçen Cumartesi çok meşguldüm. I made plans to meet my friend for coffee in Irvine town centre at 11.30. ||||||||||Irvine||| Um 11.30 Uhr wollte ich mich mit meinem Freund auf einen Kaffee im Stadtzentrum von Irvine treffen. J'ai prévu de rencontrer mon amie pour un café dans le centre ville d'Irvine à 11h30. 私はアーバインの町の中心部で 11 時 30 分に友人とコーヒーを飲みに会う計画を立てました。 Arkadaşımla 11.30'da Irvine şehir merkezinde kahve içmek için plan yaptık.

On Saturday morning, I woke up at 07.30. ||||acordei|| Am Samstagmorgen wachte ich um 07.30 Uhr auf. El sábado por la mañana, me desperté a las 07.30. Le samedi matin, je me suis réveillé à 07h30. Cumartesi sabahı 07.30'da uyandım. First, I prayed before sunrise, then I made breakfast for my family. ||||amanhecer||||||| Zuerst habe ich vor Sonnenaufgang gebetet, dann habe ich meiner Familie Frühstück gemacht. Primero, oré antes del amanecer, luego preparé el desayuno para mi familia. J'ai d'abord prié avant le lever du soleil, puis j'ai préparé le petit-déjeuner pour ma famille. まず、日の出前に祈り、それから家族のために朝食を作りました。 Önce gün doğmadan dua ettim, sonra ailem için kahvaltı hazırladım.

At 08.30, I cleaned the house then did my English homework on the computer. ||limpei|||||||||| Um 08.30 Uhr habe ich das Haus geputzt und dann meine Englisch-Hausaufgaben am Computer gemacht. A las 08.30, limpié la casa y luego hice mi tarea de inglés en la computadora. À 8 h 30, j'ai fait le ménage, puis j'ai fait mes devoirs d'anglais sur l'ordinateur. Saat 08.30'da evi temizledim ve ardından bilgisayarda İngilizce ödevimi yaptım. When I finished my homework, I looked at my watch: it was ten o'clock. Cuando terminé mi tarea, miré mi reloj: eran las diez. Lorsque j'ai terminé mes devoirs, j'ai regardé ma montre : il était dix heures. Ödevimi bitirdiğimde saatime baktım: saat ondu. I thought I had time to go to supermarket to buy some things. Ich dachte, ich hätte Zeit, in den Supermarkt zu gehen und ein paar Dinge zu kaufen. Pensé que tenía tiempo para ir al supermercado a comprar algunas cosas. Je pensais avoir le temps d'aller au supermarché pour acheter des choses. Azt hittem, van időm elmenni a szupermarketbe, hogy vegyek néhány dolgot. Süpermarkete gidip bir şeyler almak için zamanım olduğunu düşündüm.

When, I was in the supermarket, my friend called me to ask where I was. Als ich im Supermarkt war, rief mich mein Freund an und fragte, wo ich sei. Cuando estaba en el supermercado, mi amigo me llamó para preguntarme dónde estaba. Alors que j'étais au supermarché, mon ami m'a appelé pour me demander où j'étais. Süpermarketteyken arkadaşım nerede olduğumu sormak için beni aradı. I told her I was in in the supermarket. Ich sagte ihr, ich sei im Supermarkt. Le dije que estaba en el supermercado. Je lui ai dit que j'étais au supermarché. Ona süpermarkette olduğumu söyledim. She asked me why I wasn't in the café. ||||||||café Sie fragte mich, warum ich nicht im Café sei. Me preguntó por qué no estaba en el café. Elle m'a demandé pourquoi je n'étais pas au café. Bana neden kafede olmadığımı sordu. I said it wasn't 11.30 yet. Ich sagte, es sei noch nicht 11.30 Uhr. Dije que aún no eran las 11:30. J'ai dit qu'il n'était pas encore 11h30. Daha 11.30 olmadı dedim. She said it was already 11.45. Sie sagte, es sei bereits 11.45 Uhr. Dijo que ya eran las 11.45. Elle m'a dit qu'il était déjà 11 h 45. Saatin 11.45 olduğunu söyledi. I was confused, so I looked at my watch: it was still 10 o'clock! Ich war verwirrt und schaute auf meine Uhr: Es war immer noch 10 Uhr! Estaba confundido, así que miré mi reloj: ¡todavía eran las 10 en punto! J'étais confus et j'ai regardé ma montre : il était encore 10 heures ! Összezavarodtam, ezért az órámra néztem: még mindig 10 óra volt! Kafam karışmıştı, bu yüzden saatime baktım: saat hala 10'du! Oh no! Olamaz! I realised my watch battery was dead. ||||bateria|| Ich stellte fest, dass die Batterie meiner Uhr leer war. Me di cuenta de que la batería de mi reloj estaba agotada. Saatimin pilinin bittiğini fark ettim. I said sorry to my friend and explained the problem. Le pedí perdón a mi amigo y le expliqué el problema. Je me suis excusé auprès de mon ami et lui ai expliqué le problème. Arkadaşımdan özür diledim ve sorunu anlattım. She told me not to worry. Sie sagte, ich solle mir keine Sorgen machen. Bana endişelenmememi söyledi. She said she could wait for me. Sie sagte, sie könne auf mich warten. Dijo que podía esperarme. Elle a dit qu'elle pouvait m'attendre. Azt mondta, hogy meg tud várni engem. Beni bekleyebileceğini söyledi.

Finally, I met my friend at 12.15 in the café. Schließlich traf ich meinen Freund um 12.15 Uhr im Café. Nihayet 12.15'te kafede arkadaşımla buluştum. I was a little late, but we still had time for a good chat together. Llegué un poco tarde, pero todavía teníamos tiempo para una buena charla juntos. J'étais un peu en retard, mais nous avons quand même eu le temps de discuter. Biraz geciktim ama yine de birlikte güzel bir sohbet için zamanımız oldu. I had tea. Ich hatte Tee. tomé té J'ai pris du thé. Teát ittam. Çay içtim. My friend had coffee. Arkadaşım kahve içti. We both had chocolate cake. İkimiz de çikolatalı pasta yedik. It was delicious. Çok lezzetliydi. We stayed in the café for over an hour together. Wir blieben über eine Stunde lang zusammen in dem Café. Nous sommes restés dans le café pendant plus d'une heure. Kafede bir saatten fazla birlikte kaldık. After, My friend went home then I went to a shop to get a new battery for my watch. Danach ging mein Freund nach Hause und ich ging in ein Geschäft, um eine neue Batterie für meine Uhr zu besorgen. Después, mi amigo se fue a casa y luego fui a una tienda a comprar una batería nueva para mi reloj. Après, mon ami est rentré chez lui et je suis allé dans un magasin pour acheter une nouvelle pile pour ma montre. Arkadaşım eve gittikten sonra saatime yeni bir pil almak için bir dükkana gittim.