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ESOL and New Scots stories, The Safari Park

The Safari Park

Last week me and my family went to Blair Drummond Safari Park. Blair Drummond safari park is in Stirling. Stirling is about an hour's drive from Irvine.

We bought the tickets online. Buying tickets online was cheaper than buying them at the ticket office.

We drove through the safari park. We saw many different animals! We saw penguins - these are black and white birds that can't fly but can swim very well. They make a lot of noise!

We also saw lots of monkeys from our car. The monkeys climbed on the car. One tried to steal my handbag from the car window!

My favourite animals were the giraffes. These have very long necks and beautiful eyes. My children wanted to feed the giraffes but it was not allowed.

We didn't see any chimpanzees at the safari park. Chimpanzees are very intelligent animals but sometimes they can be very aggressive!

We also saw rhinos! These animals are huge! We saw a mother rhino with her baby.

We also had a barbeque in the safari park. Fortunately the weather was good!

We also visited the gift shop at the end of the day but we didn't buy anything as it was very expensive!

The Safari Park Der Safaripark Το πάρκο σαφάρι The Safari Park El Safari Park Le parc safari Il Parco Safari サファリパーク 사파리 파크 Safari parkas Het Safaripark Park Safari O Parque Safari Сафари-парк Safari park Safari Parkı Сафарі-парк 野生动物园 野生動物園

Last week me and my family went to Blair Drummond Safari Park. Letzte Woche war ich mit meiner Familie im Blair Drummond Safari Park. Last week me and my family went to Blair Drummond Safari Park. 先週、僕と家族はブレア・ドラモンド・サファリパークへ行きました。 На прошлой неделе мы с семьей ездили в сафари-парк Блэр Драммонд. Prejšnji teden smo se z družino odpravili v safari park Blair Drummond. Blair Drummond safari park is in Stirling. Blair|||||| Der Safaripark Blair Drummond liegt in Stirling. Blair Drummond safari park is in Stirling. Safari park Blair Drummond je v mestu Stirling. Blair Drummond safari parkı Stirling'de. Stirling is about an hour's drive from Irvine. ||||one hour||| Stirling ist etwa eine Autostunde von Irvine entfernt. Stirling is about an hour's drive from Irvine. Стерлинг находится примерно в часе езды от Ирвайна. Stirling, Irvine'den arabayla yaklaşık bir saat uzaklıktadır.

We bought the tickets online. Buying tickets online was cheaper than buying them at the ticket office. Wir haben die Tickets online gekauft. Es war billiger, die Tickets online zu kaufen als an der Kasse. Biletleri internetten aldık. Biletleri internetten almak gişeden almaktan daha ucuzdu.

We drove through the safari park. Wir fuhren durch den Safaripark. Мы проехали через сафари-парк. Safari parkından geçtik. We saw many different animals! Wir haben viele verschiedene Tiere gesehen! Мы видели много разных животных! We saw penguins - these are black and white birds that can't fly but can swim very well. Wir haben Pinguine gesehen - schwarz-weiße Vögel, die nicht fliegen, aber sehr gut schwimmen können. Мы увидели пингвинов - это черно-белые птицы, которые не умеют летать, но прекрасно плавают. Penguenleri gördük - bunlar uçamayan ama çok iyi yüzebilen siyah beyaz kuşlardır. They make a lot of noise! Sie machen eine Menge Lärm! Они производят много шума! Çok gürültü yapıyorlar!

We also saw lots of monkeys from our car. Wir haben auch viele Affen von unserem Auto aus gesehen. Из машины мы также видели много обезьян. Ayrıca arabamızdan çok sayıda maymun gördük. The monkeys climbed on the car. Die Affen kletterten auf das Auto. Обезьяны забрались на машину. Maymunlar arabaya tırmandı. One tried to steal my handbag from the car window! Один пытался украсть мою сумочку из окна машины! Biri arabanın camından el çantamı çalmaya çalıştı!

My favourite animals were the giraffes. My||||| Meine Lieblingstiere waren die Giraffen. En sevdiğim hayvanlar zürafalardı. These have very long necks and beautiful eyes. У них очень длинные шеи и красивые глаза. Bunların çok uzun boyunları ve güzel gözleri vardır. My children wanted to feed the giraffes but it was not allowed. Meine Kinder wollten die Giraffen füttern, aber das war nicht erlaubt. Мои дети хотели покормить жирафов, но это было запрещено. Çocuklarım zürafaları beslemek istedi ancak buna izin verilmedi.

We didn't see any chimpanzees at the safari park. Im Safaripark haben wir keine Schimpansen gesehen. В сафари-парке мы не видели шимпанзе. Safari parkında hiç şempanze görmedik. Chimpanzees are very intelligent animals but sometimes they can be very aggressive! Schimpansen sind sehr intelligente Tiere, aber manchmal können sie auch sehr aggressiv sein! Шимпанзе - очень умные животные, но иногда они могут быть очень агрессивными! Şempanzeler çok zeki hayvanlardır ancak bazen çok saldırgan olabilirler!

We also saw rhinos! サイも見れました! Gergedanları da gördük! These animals are huge! هذه الحيوانات ضخمة! Эти животные огромны! We saw a mother rhino with her baby. Yavrusuyla birlikte bir anne gergedan gördük.

We also had a barbeque in the safari park. Wir haben auch im Safaripark gegrillt. Мы также устроили барбекю в сафари-парке. Ayrıca safari parkında bir barbekü yaptık. Fortunately the weather was good! Zum Glück war das Wetter gut! Neyse ki hava güzeldi!

We also visited the gift shop at the end of the day but we didn't buy anything as it was very expensive! Am Ende des Tages besuchten wir auch den Souvenirladen, aber wir kauften nichts, da er sehr teuer war! We also visited the gift shop at the end of the day but we didn't buy anything as it was very expensive! Günün sonunda hediyelik eşya dükkanını da ziyaret ettik ancak çok pahalı olduğu için hiçbir şey satın almadık! **