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01.Speaking, 127.Living for today not tomorrow

127.Living for today not tomorrow

Sarah talks about things she wants to do in the future and why she lives in the now.






Adam: Hi Sarah.

Sarah: Hi.

Adam: Today we're talking about bucket list. Things you want to do before you die. Do you have anything?

Sarah: Actually, no. I don't have a bucket list. And the reason why is because I've already done or I'm currently doing the things that I want to do. In addition, I like to live in the now, so like the present, like what's happening. So I really don't think of the distant future very much, just like what's in front of me.

For example, I'm going to Singapore soon, in about 10 days. And I'm really looking forward to that and the new adventure and things that I'll get to do there.

Adam: What sort of things do you have in mind to explore in Singapore?

Sarah: First of all, swing dancing. My favorite kind of dance currently is Lindy hop swing dancing. And Singapore is one of the places in Asia that has several swing dance meet-up groups. So I look forward to dancing several of the nights while I'm there, but also trying all of the delicious food and just exploring a country that I've never been to.

Adam: Wow, great. What are some of the things that you have wanted to do in the past that you have accomplished already?

Sarah: I think living in foreign countries. I've already lived in two foreign countries and I plan on living in foreign countries probably the rest of my life. So that's a big one. And I think just everyday things, like finishing college and getting two master's degrees and being able to support myself. It's all things that are important to me.

Adam: Yeah. Those are really great things. What are your two degrees in?

Sarah: My first degree is in teaching English to speakers of other languages. This degree allows me to be able to live in other countries and to teach English. And then my other degree is in global studies. So it's like an inter-cultural degree where I learned about different cultures and religions.

Adam: That's really great. Have you ever eaten anything exotic or had any really interesting experiences that most people might not have had when you're traveling to these different places and fulfilling your goals?

Sarah: I've definitely eaten a lot of different things, most of which I'm not really sure what a lot of it was. The strangest probably – jellyfish, maybe. I'd also gotten a chance to ride a lot of different animals. I've ridden a camel, donkey, horse, elephant, and even an ostrich. So that's pretty exciting.

Adam: Yeah. That's really interesting. Have you done any other extreme activities?

Sarah: Yeah. I've been skydiving before. I've been volcano boarding. I'm trying to think what else I have done. I haven't been bungee jumping. I think that's probably one of the only ones that I haven't done as of right now. But I really have no desire to do that one, so.

Adam: Wow. That's great. You've lived a good life.

127.Living for today not tomorrow 127.Living for today not tomorrow 127.明日ではなく今日のために生きる 127. viver para hoje e não para amanhã 127.Жить сегодня, а не завтра 127.Yarın için değil bugün için yaşamak 127.жити сьогоднішнім днем, а не завтрашнім

Sarah talks about things she wants to do in the future and why she lives in the now. Сара рассказывает о том, чем она хочет заниматься в будущем и почему она живет сегодняшним днем.






Adam: Hi Sarah.

Sarah: Hi.

Adam: Today we're talking about bucket list. Adam: Dziś mówimy o liście życzeń. Адам: Сегодня мы говорим о списке желаний. Things you want to do before you die. Вещи, которые вы хотите сделать, прежде чем умереть. Do you have anything? У тебя есть что-нибудь?

Sarah: Actually, no. I don't have a bucket list. У меня нет списка желаний. And the reason why is because I've already done or I'm currently doing the things that I want to do. И причина этого в том, что я уже сделал или делаю сейчас то, что хочу сделать. In addition, I like to live in the now, so like the present, like what's happening. Кроме того, мне нравится жить настоящим, поэтому нравится настоящее, нравится то, что происходит. So I really don't think of the distant future very much, just like what's in front of me. Так что я действительно не очень думаю о далеком будущем, как и о том, что впереди.

For example, I'm going to Singapore soon, in about 10 days. Я, например, скоро еду в Сингапур, дней через 10. And I'm really looking forward to that and the new adventure and things that I'll get to do there. И я действительно с нетерпением жду этого, новых приключений и того, чем я там буду заниматься.

Adam: What sort of things do you have in mind to explore in Singapore? Adam: Jakie rzeczy planujesz zwiedzić w Singapurze? Адам: Что вы планируете исследовать в Сингапуре?

Sarah: First of all, swing dancing. Сара: Во-первых, свинг. My favorite kind of dance currently is Lindy hop swing dancing. Мой любимый вид танца в настоящее время - линди-хоп свинг. And Singapore is one of the places in Asia that has several swing dance meet-up groups. A Singapur to jedno z miejsc w Azji, które ma kilka grup tanecznych swingowych. А Сингапур — одно из мест в Азии, где есть несколько свинговых танцевальных групп. So I look forward to dancing several of the nights while I'm there, but also trying all of the delicious food and just exploring a country that I've never been to. Так что я с нетерпением жду возможности потанцевать несколько ночей, пока я там, а также попробовать всю вкусную еду и просто исследовать страну, в которой я никогда не был. Bu yüzden oradayken birkaç gece dans etmeyi, ama aynı zamanda tüm lezzetli yemekleri denemeyi ve hiç gitmediğim bir ülkeyi keşfetmeyi dört gözle bekliyorum.

Adam: Wow, great. What are some of the things that you have wanted to do in the past that you have accomplished already? Что из того, что вы хотели сделать в прошлом, вы уже сделали? Geçmişte yapmak isteyip de başardığınız şeylerden bazıları nelerdir?

Sarah: I think living in foreign countries. Сара: Я думаю, что живу в других странах. I've already lived in two foreign countries and I plan on living in foreign countries probably the rest of my life. Я уже жил в двух зарубежных странах и планирую жить в других странах, возможно, до конца своей жизни. So that's a big one. Так что это большой. And I think just everyday things, like finishing college and getting two master's degrees and being able to support myself. И я думаю о повседневных вещах, таких как окончание колледжа, получение двух степеней магистра и возможность содержать себя. Ve üniversiteyi bitirmek, iki yüksek lisans derecesi almak ve kendimi geçindirebilmek gibi gündelik şeyleri düşünüyorum. It's all things that are important to me.

Adam: Yeah. Those are really great things. Это действительно замечательные вещи. What are your two degrees in? Jakie masz dwa stopnie naukowe? В чем ваши два высших образования?

Sarah: My first degree is in teaching English to speakers of other languages. This degree allows me to be able to live in other countries and to teach English. Эта степень позволяет мне жить в других странах и преподавать английский язык. And then my other degree is in global studies. А вторая моя степень — глобальные исследования. So it's like an inter-cultural degree where I learned about different cultures and religions. Так что это похоже на межкультурную степень, где я узнал о разных культурах и религиях.

Adam: That's really great. Адам: Это действительно здорово. Have you ever eaten anything exotic or had any really interesting experiences that most people might not have had when you're traveling to these different places and fulfilling your goals? Вы когда-нибудь ели что-нибудь экзотическое или получали какие-то действительно интересные впечатления, которых не было у большинства людей, когда вы путешествовали по этим разным местам и выполняли свои цели? Hiç egzotik bir şey yediniz mi veya bu farklı yerlere seyahat ederken ve hedeflerinize ulaşırken çoğu insanın yaşamamış olabileceği gerçekten ilginç deneyimler yaşadınız mı?

Sarah: I've definitely eaten a lot of different things, most of which I'm not really sure what a lot of it was. Сара: Я определенно ела много разных вещей, большинство из которых я не совсем уверена, сколько именно. The strangest probably – jellyfish, maybe. Самое странное наверное — медузы, может быть. I'd also gotten a chance to ride a lot of different animals. Я также получил возможность покататься на многих разных животных. I've ridden a camel, donkey, horse, elephant, and even an ostrich. ||||||||||ostrich Ik heb op een kameel, ezel, paard, olifant en zelfs een struisvogel gereden. Я ездил на верблюде, осле, лошади, слоне и даже на страусе. So that's pretty exciting. Dus dat is best spannend. Так что это довольно интересно.

Adam: Yeah. That's really interesting. Have you done any other extreme activities? Heb je nog andere extreme activiteiten gedaan? Занимались ли вы другими экстремальными видами деятельности?

Sarah: Yeah. I've been skydiving before. Я раньше прыгал с парашютом. I've been volcano boarding. |||riding down Ik ben aan het vulkaanboarden geweest. Я катался на вулкане. I'm trying to think what else I have done. Я пытаюсь думать, что еще я сделал. I haven't been bungee jumping. Я не прыгал с банджи. I think that's probably one of the only ones that I haven't done as of right now. Myślę, że to prawdopodobnie jedno z niewielu, których nie zrobiłem w tej chwili. Я думаю, что это, вероятно, один из немногих, которые я не сделал прямо сейчас. But I really have no desire to do that one, so. Ale ja naprawdę nie mam ochoty tego robić, więc. Но у меня действительно нет никакого желания делать это, так что. Ama gerçekten bunu yapmak gibi bir arzum yok, yani.

Adam: Wow. That's great. You've lived a good life. Ты прожил хорошую жизнь.