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Steve's Language Learning Tips, ChatGPT, AI & Language Learning with @LucaLampariello (2)

ChatGPT, AI & Language Learning with @LucaLampariello (2)

but everybody is different. Steve: Uh, I agree.

Steve: I agree. I agree. Or, and sometimes if it's structured properly that it's part of, uh,

say a 15 minute interesting, um, podcast fully accurately transcribed, but you're

able to go into some of those sentences. Steve: It's also with a thing like matching

pairs where you, you're not getting it wrong. It's very easy, you know,

it's either right or you can try again, kind of thing. Easy. No failure, slight effort,

uh, at getting at some of the details, but I agree with you. It's five, ten percent. That is... gives

me a chance to segue into the subject of ChatGPT. Steve: So you're making the point that we wanna

engage, I think this is important, even if we're speaking or writing to people, we wanna engage

with the language in high resonance situations. So ChatGPT, it's, it's called the generational,

pre-trained text, I think. So what it is, it only deals with text. So you can't talk to GPT, right?

Steve: But you can generate text. So I did a variety of things experimenting with it.

First of all, I asked ChatGPT how it applies to language learning. So, by the way, you can find

ChatGPT on the internet. It's not an app, but you basically, you know, keep that website on your,

you know, top of your screen there. Steve: You can go there anytime you want

and ask a question. So first question I asked was, you know, how does it apply to language learning?

And they basically said, well, you can chat with the GPT and so you can have a conversation. Not

something I would do. I'm not interested in having a conversation with a machine.

Steve: uh, and you can't speak to it. You can only type because it's text-based. I mean, you can,

you know, record it, uh, uh, you know, create text with a dictation software somewhere else,

but ChatGPT won't do it. So then the second thing they said, it can correct your mistakes. So you

send in your message in whatever you're studying, and back it comes correct.

Steve: maybe the only application I see is if I've got slightly inaccurate transcripts of

something. I'll send it there. They can correct it. Put in punctuation,

not a big one. The third one was it can provide you with explanations or examples of grammar. So

I went in, I said, give me 10 examples of, uh, you know, the instrumental case in Russian.

Steve: Uh, it right away gives you 10 examples, two of which were wrong, but I'm assuming they'll

get better. Right? Uh, I said get one of the 10 basic grammar principles in Spanish, and one of

them, they gave me 10. Of course ser and estar is there basic, you know, you can get it wrong. It

doesn't matter really for communication, but one of them was you have to use the personal pronoun

with the verb, that's wrong, uh, in Spanish. Steve: Uh uh, and then to me the biggest one is

generation of learning. Like we're thinking for LingQ, we might like simplify something

that's very difficult so that a learner can have a first pass through something that's

been simplified and then go at it a second time with, you know, more words that he has

to learn or she, uh, or say, tell me a story. Steve: You can go to ChatGPT and say, create a

story using high frequency vocabulary that talks about a fisherman, and they'll produce a story in,

uh, in, in whatever language in Italian, and then you can go in there and use that

as learning material. So just a quick summary. Those were the four things that they recommended.

Steve: And, uh, what's your reaction to where, where do you think the greatest

application might Steve: be?

Luca: So I used it a kind of, uh, the way, uh, the way you used it or the way they suggested.

I've been toying with it a little bit, but my colleague is doing a lot of research into figuring

out how to do this also, not just for language learning, but also for production of content.

Luca: For example, for, um, writing stuff that we want to produce, also for YouTube videos. There's

a, a, a variety of ways in each you can use it. Specifically speaking about language learning,

I believe one thing that would be very beneficial is again, um, the

creation of content. I tried it with Serbian. Luca: I've been learning Serbian for a year now,

and I, I said something like I gave this um, create a story of an Italian guy,

um, charging to Serbia, falling in love with an with a Serbian girl, right? And, and, uh,

you have to use 350 words. So it created a story. Um, and that's fine. I've been toying it with it,

I think, I think, um, I had this very interesting conversation with a, with another YouTuber,

who's a very good friend of mine, Rocky. Luca: And we talked about the fact that the,

the ChatGPT is, it can be a great tool, but it doesn't have to be a substitute, a replacement

for the way we think. Like if we, uh, and how we think if we rely too much on machines,

then we run the risk of not thinking, uh, anymore. That's the first thing. And when

it comes to language journey, I gotta tell you, there's so much content out there, and you can

create your own content even without ChatGPT that I, I haven't used it that much. I might use it,

but not, not necessarily for language learning, uh, but for other things I might facilitate

um, you know, some tasks like writing, some articles, can give me ideas,

but the idea for me is always, okay, give me some ideas, then I'm gonna develop them.

Luca: So I never rely not even 50%, I just be it content creation, uh, language learning,

uh, or whatnot. Call me old fashioned. I'm still like kind of a little bit resistant.

Steve: No, I'm with you. Luca: Sometimes. So,

um, when it comes to, you know, there's a revolution coming about, I always say, okay,

well just let me gimme, gimme a second, right? Luca: I always rely on some very solid tools I,

that I believe are solid tools. I think it will change a lot of things, ChatGPT,

but I believe that language learning still happens here. And I think the whole still, uh, thinking

with your own head and using your head to, for problem solving for content creation,

like everybody's talking about GPT nowadays but the reality is that with the tools we now have,

with the other tools that the internet provides, and technology provides in general we can do so

many things when it comes to content creation and language learning. So ChatGPT might be at

the top of the pyramid in the sense that, oh, if you want to use it, that's fine, but I'm not

in a rush to use it because I'm learning... I'm very comfortable the way I use, uh, the tools are

already have at my disposal to learn languages. This is just my take of course. Everybody...

Steve: I, I agree with you. Steve: You know, if I go back to

your example of, of a podcast discussion about an earthquake in China and people,

real live voices and real people, that is, you know, that grabs you, that's high resonance.

Steve: So, and, and if you told ChatGPT to create a story about an earthquake in China,

I mean, how interesting is that? It's not authentic. It's not real. Uh, on the other hand,

if you had to create a press release on something, you might go to ChatGPT. Again, I'm not sure that

you wouldn't be further ahead to use your own imagination to create a press release, you know,

that that really meant something to you. Steve: Uh, and also in terms of grammar,

I mean, I, I asked ChatGPT for, you know, examples of let's say the instrumental case.

If I Google instrumental case in Russian, I'm gonna get so many different websites

with explanations and examples, which are actually produced by people and that are

correct. So I don't have to question whether this thing from ChatGPT is correct or not.

Luca: Yep. Steve: So... but it's early days.

It's early days, and I was, uh, learning Korean and they had an, I downloaded an article from,

uh, ... or some somewhere, and they were talking about ChatGPT and Naver in Korea

that's coming up with theirs and the Chinese and, and Bing. And so there's a lot of competition.

Steve: And, and, and the other thing too is we're getting ChatGPT free of charge. There's

an enormous investment in computing power, so it's not going to be free going forward.

So it's a bit of a flashy object right now. And, and there could be applications, but, uh,

we'll have to wait and see. I agree with you. Technology favors the language learner. It's not

gonna make it unnecessary to learn languages. I think that's kind of a conclusion.

Steve: We don't know how we're gonna use each individual example of, of, um,

you know, technology. But technology is coming our way. It's bringing language learner learning,

you know, closer to us. I think that's kind of a, a conclusion in, in my view, what do say?

Luca: Agreed. Uh, I, I think, again, I, I have two, two points. The first thing:

the human being uh, you know, sometimes people when they, when they tell me, oh,

so you know why you're learning languages in 20 years, you will not need to learn languages

anymore. I think it's BS, pardon my French, in the sense that human beings right, have, have a desire

to communicate. So there's, you cannot replace a machine with the fact that you can speak directly

with a human being, um, by voice. That's the first thing. And the second important thing is that,

yes, of course technology is going to change the world. The world is changing very fast. Technology

is like stepping up, so to speak. But the reality is that I believe that we still have to rely on

our brain and use the tools in a savvy way. Luca: Otherwise technology is gonna devour us.

I, I really like uh, a quote. I don't remember exactly who said that, but um, when I read it,

it really stuck with me and said, um, screens devour your time while books feed your mind.

You know? So, uh, you have... Steve: Very good, very good.

Luca: O o of, of course, I, I like, I like, we spend a lot of time on front of a screen

whether we want it or not, but when I read a book, the, the thing that happens

is that really stimulates my imagination. Luca: And also when I'm in front of a screen,

time changes like you can, you can spend four hours watching YouTube stuff and then four hours

go by and you realize, oh, I've spent four hours doing that. While you're reading a book, your

brain is working so much that and your imagina... it stimulates your imagination that really you

feel like it's feeding, it's food for your mind. Luca: So I always say screens devour your mind

while books feed it, and you have to find a balance. It's difficult nowadays not to

spend time in front of a screen. We're doing it right now to talk, but I believe that a

savvy combination of um... I, I still, I like saying the books are an incredible technology.

Back in the day when they were invented, it's an amazing technology that still nowadays...

Steve: The Killer app, reading is the killer app.

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ChatGPT, AI & Language Learning with @LucaLampariello (2) ChatGPT, KI und Sprachenlernen mit @LucaLampariello (2) ChatGPT, IA y aprendizaje de idiomas con @LucaLampariello (2) ChatGPT, AI & Language Learning avec @LucaLampariello (2) ChatGPT、ルカ・ランパリエッロ@LucaLamparielloとAIと言語学習 (2) ChatGPT, IA e aprendizagem de línguas com @LucaLampariello (2) ChatGPT, @LucaLampariello ile Yapay Zeka ve Dil Öğrenimi (2) 与 @LucaLampariello 一起聊天 GPT、人工智能和语言学习 (2) 與@LucaLampariello 聊天GPT、AI 和語言學習 (2)

but everybody is different. Steve: Uh, I agree.

Steve: I agree. I agree. Or, and sometimes if  it's structured properly that it's part of, uh, スティーブ:同意します。同意します。または、場合によっては、適切に構造化されていれば、

say a 15 minute interesting, um, podcast  fully accurately transcribed, but you're disons un podcast intéressant de 15 minutes entièrement transcrit avec précision, mais vous êtes 15 分間の興味深いポッドキャストは完全に正確に書き起こされていますが、あなたは

able to go into some of those sentences. Steve: It's also with a thing like matching de ces phrases. Steve : C'est aussi le cas avec des choses comme l'appariement それらの文のいくつかに入ることができます。スティーブ:マッチングみたいなものも一緒です

pairs where you, you're not getting  it wrong. It's very easy, you know, paires où vous, vous ne vous trompez pas. C'est très facile, あなたが間違っていないペア。とても簡単です

it's either right or you can try again, kind  of thing. Easy. No failure, slight effort, ||||||||||||||ligero esfuerzo| それが正しいか、もう一度試すことができるかのどちらかです。簡単。失敗なし、ほんの少しの努力、

uh, at getting at some of the details, but I agree  with you. It's five, ten percent. That is... gives ええと、詳細のいくつかを取得する際に、私はあなたに同意します. 5、10 パーセントです。つまり...

me a chance to segue into the subject of ChatGPT. Steve: So you're making the point that we wanna ||||dar paso a|||||||||||||| ChatGPT の話題に移るチャンスです。スティーブ:つまり、あなたは私たちが望んでいることを強調しています

engage, I think this is important, even if we're  speaking or writing to people, we wanna engage 従事する、これは重要だと思います

with the language in high resonance situations.  So ChatGPT, it's, it's called the generational, avec la langue dans des situations de forte résonance. Donc ChatGPT, c'est, c'est ce qu'on appelle le générationnel, 共鳴の高い状況で言語を使用します。 ChatGPTはジェネレーションと呼ばれます 與語言在高度共鳴的情況下。所以 ChatGPT,它被稱為世代,

pre-trained text, I think. So what it is, it only  deals with text. So you can't talk to GPT, right? 事前に訓練されたテキストだと思います。つまり、テキストのみを扱います。 GPTと話すことはできませんよね?

Steve: But you can generate text. So I did  a variety of things experimenting with it. Steve : Mais vous pouvez générer du texte. J'ai donc fait toute une série d'expériences. Steve: でも、テキストを生成することはできます。ということで、いろいろ実験してみました。

First of all, I asked ChatGPT how it applies to  language learning. So, by the way, you can find Tout d'abord, j'ai demandé à ChatGPT comment il s'applique à l'apprentissage des langues. Au fait, vous pouvez trouver まずはChatGPTに語学学習への応用について聞いてみました。ちなみに、あなたは見つけることができます

ChatGPT on the internet. It's not an app, but you  basically, you know, keep that website on your, ChatGPT sur Internet. Ce n'est pas une application, mais vous gardez ce site web sur votre, インターネット上の ChatGPT。これはアプリではありませんが、基本的には、そのウェブサイトを自分の

you know, top of your screen there. Steve: You can go there anytime you want vous savez, en haut de votre écran. Steve : Vous pouvez y aller quand vous voulez 画面の上部にあります。スティーブ: いつでも行っていいよ

and ask a question. So first question I asked was,  you know, how does it apply to language learning? et poser une question. La première question que j'ai posée était la suivante : comment cela s'applique-t-il à l'apprentissage des langues ? と質問します。私が最初に尋ねた質問は、語学学習にどのように適用されるかということでした。

And they basically said, well, you can chat with  the GPT and so you can have a conversation. Not Et ils ont dit, en gros, que vous pouviez discuter avec le GPT et que vous pouviez donc avoir une conversation. Pas そして、彼らは基本的に、GPTとチャットできるので、会話ができると言っていました。いいえ

something I would do. I'm not interested  in having a conversation with a machine. 私がすること。機械との会話には興味がありません。

Steve: uh, and you can't speak to it. You can only  type because it's text-based. I mean, you can, Steve : Euh, et vous ne pouvez pas parler. On ne peut que taper parce que c'est du texte. Je veux dire, vous pouvez, スティーブ: ええと、それに話しかけることはできません。テキストベースなので入力しかできません。つまり、あなたは、

you know, record it, uh, uh, you know, create  text with a dictation software somewhere else, vous savez, l'enregistrer, euh, euh, vous savez, créer un texte avec un logiciel de dictée ailleurs, 録音して、別の場所でディクテーション ソフトウェアを使用してテキストを作成し、

but ChatGPT won't do it. So then the second thing  they said, it can correct your mistakes. So you mais ChatGPT ne le fait pas. La deuxième chose qu'ils ont dite, c'est qu'il peut corriger vos erreurs. Donc vous しかし、ChatGPT はそれを行いません。彼らが言った2番目のことは、それはあなたの過ちを正すことができるということです。だからあなた

send in your message in whatever you're  studying, and back it comes correct. envoyez votre message dans le domaine que vous étudiez, et il vous sera retourné correctement. あなたが勉強しているものであなたのメッセージを送ってください、そしてそれは正しく返ってきます。

Steve: maybe the only application I see is if  I've got slightly inaccurate transcripts of |||||||||||ligeramente||| Steve : peut-être que la seule application que je vois est si j'ai des transcriptions légèrement inexactes de スティーブ: 私が目にする唯一のアプリケーションは、私が少し不正確なトランスクリプトを持っている場合です.

something. I'll send it there. They  can correct it. Put in punctuation, quelque chose. Je l'enverrai là-bas. Ils pourront le corriger. Mettre de la ponctuation, 何か。そこに送ります。彼らはそれを修正することができます。句読点を入れて、

not a big one. The third one was it can provide  you with explanations or examples of grammar. So pas très important. La troisième est qu'il peut vous fournir des explications ou des exemples de grammaire. Donc 大きなものではありません。 3 つ目は、文法の説明や例を提供できることです。それで

I went in, I said, give me 10 examples of, uh,  you know, the instrumental case in Russian. J'y suis allé, j'ai dit, donnez-moi 10 exemples de, euh, vous savez, le cas instrumental en russe. 私は入って、言いました、ええと、あなたが知っているように、ロシア語のインストルメンタルケースの例を10個ください。

Steve: Uh, it right away gives you 10 examples,  two of which were wrong, but I'm assuming they'll Steve : Euh, il vous donne tout de suite 10 exemples, dont deux sont erronés, mais je suppose qu'ils le seront. スティーブ: ええと、すぐに 10 の例が表示されます。そのうちの 2 つは間違っていました。

get better. Right? Uh, I said get one of the 10  basic grammar principles in Spanish, and one of よくなる。右?ええと、スペイン語の 10 の基本的な文法原則の 1 つと、

them, they gave me 10. Of course ser and estar is  there basic, you know, you can get it wrong. It ||||||그것||있다||||||||||| 彼らは私に 10 を与えました。もちろん、ser と estar は基本的なものです。それ

doesn't matter really for communication, but one  of them was you have to use the personal pronoun コミュニケーションにはあまり関係ありませんが、そのうちの1つは人称代名詞を使用する必要があることでした

with the verb, that's wrong, uh, in Spanish. Steve: Uh uh, and then to me the biggest one is 動詞で、それは間違っています、ええと、スペイン語では。 Steve: ええと、それから私にとって最大のものは

generation of learning. Like we're thinking  for LingQ, we might like simplify something first stage|||||||||||| 学びの世代。私たちがLingQで考えているように、何かを単純化したいかもしれません

that's very difficult so that a learner can  have a first pass through something that's これは非常に難しいため、学習者が最初に何かを通過することができます。

been simplified and then go at it a second  time with, you know, more words that he has 単純化されてから、彼が持っているより多くの単語でもう一度やり直します

to learn or she, uh, or say, tell me a story. Steve: You can go to ChatGPT and say, create a 学ぶために、または彼女、ええと、または言って、私に話をしてください。 Steve: ChatGPT にアクセスして、

story using high frequency vocabulary that talks  about a fisherman, and they'll produce a story in, 漁師について話す高頻度の語彙を使用したストーリーで、ストーリーを作成します。

uh, in, in whatever language in Italian,  and then you can go in there and use that ええと、イタリア語のどんな言語でも、そこに行ってそれを使うことができます

as learning material. So just a quick summary.  Those were the four things that they recommended. 学習教材として。というわけで簡単にまとめ。以上が、彼らが推奨する4つのことでした。

Steve: And, uh, what's your reaction to  where, where do you think the greatest スティーブ: そして、ええと、あなたの反応はどこですか? どこが一番素晴らしいと思いますか?

application might Steve: be? アプリケーションはスティーブかもしれません: でしょうか?

Luca: So I used it a kind of, uh, the way, uh,  the way you used it or the way they suggested. ルカ: それで、私はそれを、あなたが使用した方法、または彼らが提案した方法で使用しました。

I've been toying with it a little bit, but my  colleague is doing a lot of research into figuring 私は少しいじっていますが、私の同僚はそれを理解するために多くの研究を行っています

out how to do this also, not just for language  learning, but also for production of content. 言語学習だけでなく、コンテンツの制作についても、これを行う方法を説明します。

Luca: For example, for, um, writing stuff that we  want to produce, also for YouTube videos. There's ルカ:たとえば、ええと、私たちが作りたいものを書いたり、YouTube ビデオのために書いたりします。あります

a, a, a variety of ways in each you can use it.  Specifically speaking about language learning, A、A、それぞれに色々な使い方ができます。具体的に言語学習について言えば、

I believe one thing that would be  very beneficial is again, um, the 非常に有益なことが 1 つあると思います。

creation of content. I tried it with Serbian. Luca: I've been learning Serbian for a year now, コンテンツの作成。セルビア語でやってみました。ルカ: 私はセルビア語を勉強して 1 年になります。

and I, I said something like I gave this  um, create a story of an Italian guy, |||||||di**||||||||| そして私は、私がこれを与えたようなことを言いました、イタリア人の男の物語を作ります、

um, charging to Serbia, falling in love with  an with a Serbian girl, right? And, and, uh, ええと、セルビアに突撃して、セルビアの女の子と恋に落ちましたよね?そして、そして、ええと、 嗯,衝鋒到塞爾維亞,愛上塞爾維亞女孩,對吧?還有,還有,呃,

you have to use 350 words. So it created a story.  Um, and that's fine. I've been toying it with it, ||||||||||||||||시도해보다||| 350 ワードを使用する必要があります。それで物語を作った。ええと、それで結構です。私はそれでそれをいじってきました、

I think, I think, um, I had this very interesting  conversation with a, with another YouTuber, 別の YouTuber と、非常に興味深い会話をしたと思います。

who's a very good friend of mine, Rocky. Luca: And we talked about the fact that the, 私のとても良い友達です、ロッキー。ルカ: そして、その事実について話しました。

the ChatGPT is, it can be a great tool, but it  doesn't have to be a substitute, a replacement ChatGPT は優れたツールになる可能性がありますが、代替品である必要はありません。 ChatGPT 是,它可以是一個很棒的工具,但它不一定是替代品、替代品

for the way we think. Like if we, uh, and  how we think if we rely too much on machines, 私たちの考え方のために。機械に頼りすぎたらどう思うか

then we run the risk of not thinking, uh,  anymore. That's the first thing. And when そうなると、考えなくなるリスクがあります。それが最初のことです。そしていつ

it comes to language journey, I gotta tell you,  there's so much content out there, and you can 言語の旅に関して言えば、あなたに言わなければならない、そこにはたくさんのコンテンツがあり、あなたはできる

create your own content even without ChatGPT that  I, I haven't used it that much. I might use it, ChatGPT がなくても独自のコンテンツを作成できますが、私はあまり使用していません。使えるかも、

but not, not necessarily for language learning,  uh, but for other things I might facilitate 必ずしも言語学習のためではありませんが、私が促進する他のことのために

um, you know, some tasks like writing,  some articles, can give me ideas, ええと、執筆や記事などのいくつかのタスクは、私にアイデアを与えることができます。

but the idea for me is always, okay, give  me some ideas, then I'm gonna develop them. しかし、私にとってのアイデアは常に、オーケー、いくつかのアイデアをくれれば、それを発展させるつもりです。

Luca: So I never rely not even 50%, I just be  it content creation, uh, language learning, ルカ: 私は 50% も頼っていません。コンテンツの作成、ええと、語学学習、

uh, or whatnot. Call me old fashioned. I'm  still like kind of a little bit resistant. ||etcetera or similar||||||||||||| ||y cosas así||||||||||||| o lo que sea. Llámame anticuado. Todavía soy como un poco resistente. ええと、または何でも。旧式と呼んでください。私はまだ少し抵抗があるようです。

Steve: No, I'm with you. Luca: Sometimes. So, スティーブ:いいえ、私はあなたと一緒です。ルカ:時々。それで、

um, when it comes to, you know, there's a  revolution coming about, I always say, okay, ええと、革命が起こっているということになると、私はいつもこう言います。

well just let me gimme, gimme a second, right? Luca: I always rely on some very solid tools I, ||||dame un segundo|||||||||||||| ちょっと、ちょっと待ってくださいね。ルカ: 私は常にいくつかの非常に堅実なツールに頼っています。 好吧,讓我給我,給我一點時間,對吧?盧卡:我總是依賴一些非常可靠的工具,

that I believe are solid tools. I think  it will change a lot of things, ChatGPT, それは確かなツールだと思います。いろいろ変わると思います、ChatGPT、

but I believe that language learning still happens  here. And I think the whole still, uh, thinking しかし、ここでも言語学習が行われていると私は信じています。そして、私は全体がまだ考えていると思います

with your own head and using your head to,  for problem solving for content creation, 自分の頭で、頭を使って、コンテンツ制作の問題解決のために、

like everybody's talking about GPT nowadays but  the reality is that with the tools we now have, 最近みんながGPTについて話しているように

with the other tools that the internet provides,  and technology provides in general we can do so インターネットが提供する他のツールや、テクノロジーが一般的に提供するものを使用して、そうすることができます

many things when it comes to content creation  and language learning. So ChatGPT might be at コンテンツの作成と語学学習に関しては、多くのことが言えます。したがって、ChatGPT は

the top of the pyramid in the sense that, oh,  if you want to use it, that's fine, but I'm not ピラミッドの頂点という意味で

in a rush to use it because I'm learning... I'm  very comfortable the way I use, uh, the tools are 勉強中なので急いで使っています... 使い方はとても快適です、ええと、ツールは

already have at my disposal to learn languages.  This is just my take of course. Everybody... ||||이용할 수 있는||||||||||| 言語を学ぶためにすでに自由に使えます。もちろん、これは私の見解です。みんな...

Steve: I, I agree with you. Steve: You know, if I go back to スティーブ:私はあなたに同意します。スティーブ: ほら、もし戻ったら

your example of, of a podcast discussion  about an earthquake in China and people, |||||||||terremoto en China|||| 中国の地震と人々についてのポッドキャストの議論のあなたの例は、

real live voices and real people, that is, you  know, that grabs you, that's high resonance. 本物の生の声と本物の人々、つまりあなたをつかむ、それは高い共鳴です。

Steve: So, and, and if you told ChatGPT to  create a story about an earthquake in China, スティーブ: それで、もしあなたが ChatGPT に中国の地震についての記事を作成するように指示したとしたら、

I mean, how interesting is that? It's not  authentic. It's not real. Uh, on the other hand, つまり、それはどれほど面白いですか?本物ではありません。それは本当ではない。一方、

if you had to create a press release on something,  you might go to ChatGPT. Again, I'm not sure that 何かについてプレス リリースを作成する必要がある場合は、ChatGPT にアクセスできます。繰り返しますが、よくわかりません

you wouldn't be further ahead to use your own  imagination to create a press release, you know, ||||||||||||||comunicado de prensa|| 自分の想像力を使ってプレス リリースを作成することは、これ以上先を行くことはありません。

that that really meant something to you. Steve: Uh, and also in terms of grammar, それがあなたにとって本当に意味のあることです。スティーブ: ええと、文法に関しても、

I mean, I, I asked ChatGPT for, you know,  examples of let's say the instrumental case. つまり、私は ChatGPT に、楽器のケースとしましょう。

If I Google instrumental case in Russian,  I'm gonna get so many different websites ロシア語でインストルメンタル ケースを Google で検索すると、さまざまなウェブサイトが表示されます。

with explanations and examples, which are  actually produced by people and that are 実際に人々によって作成された説明と例を使用して、

correct. So I don't have to question whether  this thing from ChatGPT is correct or not. 正しい。したがって、ChatGPT からのこのことが正しいかどうかについて疑問を呈する必要はありません。

Luca: Yep. Steve: So... but it's early days.

It's early days, and I was, uh, learning Korean  and they had an, I downloaded an article from, まだ始まったばかりで、私は韓国語を学んでいました。

uh, ... or some somewhere, and they were  talking about ChatGPT and Naver in Korea ええと... またはどこかで、彼らは韓国のChatGPTとNaverについて話していました

that's coming up with theirs and the Chinese and,  and Bing. And so there's a lot of competition. それは彼らと中国人、そしてBingを思いついています。そして、多くの競争があります。

Steve: And, and, and the other thing too is  we're getting ChatGPT free of charge. There's ||||||||||||||sin costo alguno| Steve: そして、そして、もう 1 つは、ChatGPT を無料で入手できることです。あります

an enormous investment in computing power,  so it's not going to be free going forward. ||inversión enorme|||||es||||||| コンピューティング能力への莫大な投資であるため、今後無料になることはありません。

So it's a bit of a flashy object right now.  And, and there could be applications, but, uh, ||||||llamativo||||||||||| だから今はちょっと派手なオブジェクトです。そして、アプリケーションがあるかもしれませんが、ええと、

we'll have to wait and see. I agree with you. Technology favors the language learner. It's not |||||||||||||||그렇지 않아요| 様子を見る必要があります。仰るとおりです。テクノロジーは語学学習者に有利です。そうではありません

gonna make it unnecessary to learn languages.  I think that's kind of a conclusion. 할 거야|||불필요하게|||||생각해요||||| 言語を学ぶ必要がなくなります。みたいな結論だと思います。

Steve: We don't know how we're gonna  use each individual example of, of, um, スティーブ: 個々の例をどのように使用するかはわかりません。

you know, technology. But technology is coming  our way. It's bringing language learner learning, ご存知のように、テクノロジーです。しかし、テクノロジーは私たちの道を歩んでいます。それは言語学習者の学習をもたらし、

you know, closer to us. I think that's kind of  a, a conclusion in, in my view, what do say? あなたが知っている、私たちの近くに。私の見解では、それは一種の結論だと思います。

Luca: Agreed. Uh, I, I think, again, I,  I have two, two points. The first thing: ルカ:そうですね。ええと、私は、もう一度、私は、2 つ、2 つのポイントを持っていると思います。最初のもの:

the human being uh, you know, sometimes  people when they, when they tell me, oh, 人間は、ええと、時々人々が私に言うとき、

so you know why you're learning languages in  20 years, you will not need to learn languages 20年で言語を学ぶ理由がわかれば、言語を学ぶ必要はない

anymore. I think it's BS, pardon my French, in the  sense that human beings right, have, have a desire もう。私はそれがBSだと思います、私のフランス語を許してください、人間が正しい、持っている、欲望を持っているという意味で

to communicate. So there's, you cannot replace a  machine with the fact that you can speak directly コミュニケーションをとること。つまり、直接話すことができるという事実で機械を置き換えることはできません。

with a human being, um, by voice. That's the first  thing. And the second important thing is that, 人間と、ええと、声で。それが最初のことです。そして2番目に重要なことは、

yes, of course technology is going to change the  world. The world is changing very fast. Technology はい、もちろんテクノロジーは世界を変えようとしています。世界は急速に変化しています。テクノロジー

is like stepping up, so to speak. But the reality  is that I believe that we still have to rely on いわばステップアップのようなものです。しかし、現実には、私たちはまだ頼らなければならないと信じています

our brain and use the tools in a savvy way. Luca: Otherwise technology is gonna devour us. ||||||||smart|||||||| ||||||||현명하게|||||||집어삼키다| ||||||||inteligente|||De lo contrario||||devorarnos| 私たちの頭脳と知識のある方法でツールを使用します。ルカ: そうしないと、テクノロジーが私たちをむさぼり食います.

I, I really like uh, a quote. I don't remember  exactly who said that, but um, when I read it, 私は、引用が本当に好きです。誰が言ったのか正確には覚えていませんが、それを読んだとき、

it really stuck with me and said, um, screens  devour your time while books feed your mind. ||se quedó conmigo||||||||||||alimentan|| それは本当に私に固執し、ええと、本があなたの心を養う間、スクリーンはあなたの時間をむさぼり食うと言った。

You know? So, uh, you have... Steve: Very good, very good. ほら?スティーブ: とてもいい、とてもいい。

Luca: O o of, of course, I, I like, I like,  we spend a lot of time on front of a screen ルカ: もちろん、私は、好きです、好きです、私たちはスクリーンの前で多くの時間を過ごします

whether we want it or not, but when I  read a book, the, the thing that happens 望むと望まざるとに関わらず、本を読んでいるときに起こること

is that really stimulates my imagination. Luca: And also when I'm in front of a screen, それは本当に私の想像力を刺激します。ルカ: あと、スクリーンの前にいるときも、

time changes like you can, you can spend four  hours watching YouTube stuff and then four hours 時間は自由に変えられます。YouTube のコンテンツを 4 時間視聴してから 4 時間を費やすことができます。

go by and you realize, oh, I've spent four hours  doing that. While you're reading a book, your 通り過ぎると、ああ、私はそれをするのに4時間費やしたことに気づきます.あなたが本を読んでいる間、あなたの

brain is working so much that and your imagina...  it stimulates your imagination that really you ||||||||想像||||||| 脳はとても働き、あなたの想像力は... それはあなたの想像力を刺激します

feel like it's feeding, it's food for your mind. Luca: So I always say screens devour your mind それはあなたの心の食べ物です。ルカ: だから私はいつもスクリーンがあなたの心をむさぼり食うと言います

while books feed it, and you have to find  a balance. It's difficult nowadays not to 本がそれを養っている間、あなたはバランスを見つけなければなりません。現代ではそうしないのは難しい

spend time in front of a screen. We're doing  it right now to talk, but I believe that a 画面の前で時間を過ごす。私たちは今話し合っていますが、私はそれを信じています

savvy combination of um... I, I still, I like  saying the books are an incredible technology. ingeniosa combinación de|||||||||||||||

Back in the day when they were invented, it's  an amazing technology that still nowadays... それらが発明された当時、それは今でも驚くべき技術です...

Steve: The Killer app,  reading is the killer app. スティーブ: キラー アプリ、読書はキラー アプリです。