It was just a walk.Barker didn't have to poop.He had already pooped that morning.They walked by Moonbucks.People were sitting outside Moonbucks.People were drinking coffee.People were eating muffins.People were reading newspapers.People were using their computers.It was a warm, sunny day.Suddenly, Barker stopped.He squatted.He pooped on the sidewalk.He pooped in front of everyone.He pooped in public."Barker!Shame on you!"she yelled.She ran into Moonbucks.She went into the bathroom.She grabbed a paper toilet seat cover.She went back outside.She picked up the poop with the paper toilet seat cover.She took the poop back inside.She flushed it down the toilet.She asked the Moonbucks clerk for a large cup of hot water.She poured it on the brown spot on the sidewalk.
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199. No Doggy Bag
199. No Doggy Bag
199. Sem saco para cães
She took her little dog for a walk.
Și-a scos cățelul la plimbare.
It was just a walk.
A fost doar o plimbare.
Barker didn’t have to poop.
Barker nu a trebuit să facă caca.
He had already pooped that morning.
Făcuse deja caca în acea dimineață.
They walked by Moonbucks.
Au trecut pe lângă Moonbucks.
People were sitting outside Moonbucks.
Oamenii stăteau în fața Moonbucks.
People were drinking coffee.
Oamenii beau cafea.
People were eating muffins.
Oamenii mâncau brioșe.
People were reading newspapers.
Oamenii citeau ziare.
People were using their computers.
Oamenii își foloseau computerele.
It was a warm, sunny day.
A fost o zi caldă, însorită.
Suddenly, Barker stopped.
Brusc, Barker s-a oprit.
He squatted.|蹲下
S-a ghemuit.
He pooped on the sidewalk.
A făcut caca pe trotuar.
He pooped in front of everyone.
A făcut caca în fața tuturor.
He pooped in public.
A făcut caca în public.
Shame on you!"
Să vă fie rușine!"
she yelled.
a strigat ea.
She ran into Moonbucks.|||月亮咖啡
A dat peste Moonbucks.
She went into the bathroom.
A intrat în baie.
She grabbed a paper toilet seat cover.
Ea a luat un capac de hârtie pentru toaletă.
She went back outside.
S-a întors afară.
She picked up the poop with the paper toilet seat cover.
A adunat rahatul cu capacul de hârtie de la toaletă.
She took the poop back inside.
A dus rahatul înapoi în casă.
She flushed it down the toilet.
A aruncat-o în toaletă.
She asked the Moonbucks clerk for a large cup of hot water.
I-a cerut vânzătoarei de la Moonbucks o cană mare de apă caldă.
She poured it on the brown spot on the sidewalk.
A turnat-o pe pata maro de pe trotuar.