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Easy Reading, 90. A Wedding

90. A Wedding

"Tomorrow will be the best day of my life," Betty said.

"Yes, it will be," said her mom. "I'm so happy for you. Paul is such a good man. He will make a great husband and father. And he's so nice. Your dad and I both love him." Betty met Paul after she broke her leg. She broke her leg skiing. Paul was the doctor who fixed her leg. He visited her every day in the hospital. Then he visited her at home. He brought her Get Well cards and gifts. They fell in love with each other. "I never thought a broken leg would be a good thing," Betty told her mom. "But it was the best thing that ever happened to you. Life is strange sometimes," her mom said. After Betty's leg healed, she and Paul started dating. They went to movies and restaurants. They went to the beach. They even went skiing. They were so happy together. One day Paul asked Betty to marry him. "Can we have lots of kids?" she asked. "Of course," he said. "But let ME teach them how to ski." They both laughed.

90. A Wedding 90. Una boda 90. Un mariage 90. Un matrimonio 90.結婚式 90. Um casamento 90. Bir Düğün 90. Весілля

"Tomorrow will be the best day of my life," Betty said. 「明日は私の人生で最高の日になるだろう」とベティは言った。

"Yes, it will be," said her mom. 「そうだね」と母親は言った。 "I’m so happy for you. "良かったですね。 Paul is such a good man. パウロはとてもいい人です。 Pavel este un om atât de bun. He will make a great husband and father. 彼は偉大な夫と父を作ります。 El va face un mare soț și tată. And he’s so nice. そして彼はとても素敵です。 Your dad and I both love him." あなたのお父さんも私も彼を愛しています。」 Betty met Paul after she broke her leg. ベティは足を骨折した後にポールに会った。 She broke her leg skiing. 彼女は脚のスキーを骨折した。 Paul was the doctor who fixed her leg. ポールは彼女の足を固定した医者でした。 He visited her every day in the hospital. 彼は病院で毎日彼女を訪ねた。 Then he visited her at home. それから彼は家で彼女を訪ねた。 He brought her Get Well cards and gifts. 彼は彼女にGet Wellカードとギフトを持ってきました。 I-a adus carduri și cadouri Get Well. They fell in love with each other. 彼らはお互いに恋に落ちた。 "I never thought a broken leg would be a good thing," Betty told her mom. 「足の骨折がいいことだとは思っていなかった」とベティは母親に言った。 "But it was the best thing that ever happened to you. 「しかし、それはあなたに起こった中で最高のものでした。 “但这是发生在你身上的最好的事情。 Life is strange sometimes," her mom said. After Betty’s leg healed, she and Paul started dating. ベティの足が癒された後、彼女とポールは付き合い始めました。 They went to movies and restaurants. 彼らは映画やレストランに行きました。 They went to the beach. 彼らは浜に行った。 S-au dus la plajă. They even went skiing. 彼らはスキーにも行きました。 他们甚至去滑雪。 They were so happy together. 彼らはとても幸せでした。 One day Paul asked Betty to marry him. ある日ポールはベティに彼と結婚するように頼んだ。 "Can we have lots of kids?" 「私たちはたくさんの子供を持つことができますか?」 she asked. 彼女は尋ねた。 "Of course," he said. 「もちろん」と彼は言った。 "But let ME teach them how to ski." 「しかし、私に彼らにスキーの方法を教えさせてください。」 They both laughed. 彼らは両方とも笑った。