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eat pray love by elizabeth gilbert full, Eat Pray Love ch 5-2

Eat Pray Love ch 5-2

The first summer of Liz and David looked like the falling-in-love montage of every romantic movie you've ever seen, right down to the splashing in the surf and the running hand-in-hand through the golden meadows at twilight.

At this time I was still thinking my divorce might actually proceed gracefully, though I was giving my husband the summer off from talking about it so we could both cool down. Anyway, it was so easy not to think about all that loss in the midst of such happiness. Then that summer (otherwise known as “the reprieve”) ended. On September 9, 2001, I met with my husband face-to-face for the last time, not realizing that every future meeting would necessitate lawyers between us, to mediate. We had dinner in a restaurant. I tried to talk about our separation, but all we did was fight. He let me know that I was a liar and a traitor and that he hated me and would never speak to me again. Two mornings later I woke up after a troubled night's sleep to find that hijacked airplanes were crashing into the two tallest buildings of my city, as everything invincible that had once stood together now became a smoldering avalanche of ruin. I called my husband to make sure he was safe and we wept together over this disaster, but I did not go to him. During that week, when everyone in New York City dropped animosity in deference to the larger tragedy at hand, I still did not go back to my husband. Which is how we both knew it was very, very over. It's not much of an exaggeration to say that I did not sleep again for the next four months. I thought I had fallen to bits before, but now (in harmony with the apparent collapse of the entire world) my life really turned to smash. I wince now to think of what I imposed on David during those months we lived together, right after 9/11 and my separation from my husband. Imagine his surprise to discover that the happiest, most confident woman he'd ever met was actually—when you got her alone—a murky hole of bottomless grief. Once again, I could not stop crying. This is when he started to retreat, and that's when I saw the other side of my passionate romantic hero—the David who was solitary as a castaway, cool to the touch, in need of more personal space than a herd of American bison. David's sudden emotional back-stepping probably would've been a catastrophe for me even under the best of circumstances, given that I am the planet's most affectionate life-form (something like a cross between a golden retriever and a barnacle), but this was my very worst of circumstances. I was despondent and dependent, needing more care than an armful of premature infant triplets. His withdrawal only made me more needy, and my neediness only advanced his withdrawals, until soon he was retreating under fire of my weeping pleas of, “Where are you going? What happened to us?” (Dating tip: Men LOVE this.) The fact is, I had become addicted to David (in my defense, he had fostered this, being something of a “man-fatale”), and now that his attention was wavering, I was suffering the easily foreseeable consequences. Addiction is the hallmark of every infatuation-based love story.

It all begins when the object of your adoration bestows upon you a heady, hallucinogenic dose of something you never even dared to admit that you wanted—an emotional speedball, perhaps, of thunderous love and roiling excitement. Soon you start craving that intense attention, with the hungry obsession of any junkie. When the drug is withheld, you promptly turn sick, crazy and depleted (not to mention resentful of the dealer who encouraged this addiction in the first place but who now refuses to pony up the good stuff anymore—despite the fact that you know he has it hidden somewhere, goddamn it, because he used to give it to you for free). Next stage finds you skinny and shaking in a corner, certain only that you would sell your soul or rob your neighbors just to have that thing even one more time. Meanwhile, the object of your adoration has now become repulsed by you. He looks at you like you're someone he's never met before, much less someone he once loved with high passion. The irony is, you can hardly blame him. I mean, check yourself out. You're a pathetic mess, unrecognizable even to your own eyes. So that's it. You have now reached infatuation's final destination—the complete and merciless devaluation of self. The fact that I can even write calmly about this today is mighty evidence of time's healing powers, because I didn't take it well as it was happening. To be losing David right after the failure of my marriage, and right after the terrorizing of my city, and right during the worst ugliness of divorce (a life experience my friend Brian has compared to “having a really bad car accident every single day for about two years”) . well, this was simply too much. David and I continued to have our bouts of fun and compatibility during the days, but at night, in his bed, I became the only survivor of a nuclear winter as he visibly retreated from me, more every day, as though I were infectious. I came to fear nighttime like it was a torturer's cellar. I would lie there beside David's beautiful, inaccessible sleeping body and I would spin into a panic of loneliness and meticulously detailed suicidal thoughts. Every part of my body pained me. I felt like I was some kind of primitive springloaded machine, placed under far more tension than it had ever been built to sustain, about to blast apart at great danger to anyone standing nearby. I imagined my body parts flying off my torso in order to escape the volcanic core of unhappiness that had become: me. Most mornings, David would wake to find me sleeping fitfully on the floor beside his bed, huddled on a pile of bathroom towels, like a dog. “What happened now?” he would ask—another man thoroughly exhausted by me. I think I lost something like thirty pounds during that time.

Eat Pray Love ch 5-2 Eat Pray Love, Kapitel 5-2 Come, reza, ama, cap. 5-2 Есть, молиться, любить гл. 5-2 Ye Dua Et Sev bölüm 5-2

The first summer of Liz and David looked like the falling-in-love montage of every romantic movie you’ve ever seen, right down to the splashing in the surf and the running hand-in-hand through the golden meadows at twilight. Первое лето Лиз и Дэвида выглядело как монтаж влюбленных из всех романтических фильмов, которые вы когда-либо видели, вплоть до плескания в прибое и бега рука об руку по золотым лугам в сумерках.

At this time I was still thinking my divorce might actually proceed gracefully, though I was giving my husband the summer off from talking about it so we could both cool down. В то время я все еще думала, что мой развод действительно может пройти изящно, хотя я давала своему мужу лето от разговоров об этом, чтобы мы оба могли остыть. O sıralar, ikimiz de sakinleşelim diye kocama bu konuyu konuşmaması için yaz tatili veriyor olsam da, boşanmamın aslında zarafetle ilerleyeceğini düşünüyordum. Anyway, it was so easy not to think about all that loss in the midst of such happiness. В любом случае, было так легко не думать обо всех этих потерях среди такого счастья. Then that summer (otherwise known as “the reprieve”) ended. Затем это лето (иначе известное как «отсрочка») закончилось. On September 9, 2001, I met with my husband face-to-face for the last time, not realizing that every future meeting would necessitate lawyers between us, to mediate. 9 сентября 2001 года я в последний раз встретилась с мужем лицом к лицу, не понимая, что каждая будущая встреча потребует присутствия между нами адвокатов в качестве посредника. We had dinner in a restaurant. I tried to talk about our separation, but all we did was fight. Я пытался говорить о нашей разлуке, но мы только и делали, что ссорились. He let me know that I was a liar and a traitor and that he hated me and would never speak to me again. Он дал мне понять, что я лжец и предатель, и что он ненавидит меня и никогда больше не заговорит со мной. Two mornings later I woke up after a troubled night’s sleep to find that hijacked airplanes were crashing into the two tallest buildings of my city, as everything invincible that had once stood together now became a smoldering avalanche of ruin. Через два утра я проснулся после беспокойного ночного сна и обнаружил, что угнанные самолеты врезаются в два самых высоких здания моего города, а все непобедимое, что когда-то стояло вместе, теперь превратилось в тлеющую лавину руин. İki sabah sonra sıkıntılı bir uykunun ardından uyandığımda, kaçırılan uçakların şehrimin en yüksek iki binasına çarptığını ve bir zamanlar bir arada duran yenilmez her şeyin şimdi için için yanan bir yıkıntı çığına dönüştüğünü gördüm. I called my husband to make sure he was safe and we wept together over this disaster, but I did not go to him. Я позвонила мужу, чтобы убедиться, что он в безопасности, и мы вместе оплакивали это бедствие, но я не пошла к нему. During that week, when everyone in New York City dropped animosity in deference to the larger tragedy at hand, I still did not go back to my husband. 그 주에 뉴욕시의 모든 사람들이 더 큰 비극에 대해 열의를 표출했을 때, 나는 여전히 남편에게 돌아 가지 않았습니다. В течение той недели, когда все жители Нью-Йорка перестали враждебно относиться к предстоящей трагедии, я так и не вернулась к своему мужу. Which is how we both knew it was very, very over. هذه هي الطريقة التي عرفنا بها كلانا أن الأمر انتهى للغاية. Вот откуда мы оба знали, что все очень, очень кончено. It’s not much of an exaggeration to say that I did not sleep again for the next four months. I thought I had fallen to bits before, but now (in harmony with the apparent collapse of the entire world) my life really turned to smash. 나는 조금 전에 쓰러졌다 고 생각했지만 지금은 (전 세계의 명백한 붕괴와 조화를 이루어) 내 인생이 실제로 부 s졌다. Раньше я думал, что развалился на куски, но теперь (в гармонии с кажущимся крахом всего мира) моя жизнь действительно превратилась в крах. I wince now to think of what I imposed on David during those months we lived together, right after 9/11 and my separation from my husband. 나는 우리가 9/11과 남편과 헤어진 직후에 함께 살았던 몇 달 동안 다윗에게 부과 한 것을 생각하기 위해 이겼습니다. Я сейчас содрогаюсь при мысли о том, что я навязала Дэвиду в те месяцы, что мы жили вместе, сразу после 11 сентября и моей разлуки с мужем. Imagine his surprise to discover that the happiest, most confident woman he’d ever met was actually—when you got her alone—a murky hole of bottomless grief. Вообразите его удивление, когда он обнаружил, что самая счастливая и уверенная в себе женщина, которую он когда-либо встречал, на самом деле была — когда вы оказывались с ней наедине — мутной дырой бездонного горя. Once again, I could not stop crying. Я снова не мог перестать плакать. This is when he started to retreat, and that’s when I saw the other side of my passionate romantic hero—the David who was solitary as a castaway, cool to the touch, in need of more personal space than a herd of American bison. 그때가 그가 퇴각하기 시작했을 때, 그리고 나는 열정적 인 로맨틱 영웅의 다른면을 보았을 때였습니다. 다윗은 가난하고 냉담하고 독창적이었습니다. Именно тогда он начал отступать, и именно тогда я увидел другую сторону моего страстного романтического героя — Дэвида, одинокого, как потерпевший кораблекрушение, прохладного на ощупь, нуждающегося в большем личном пространстве, чем стадо американских бизонов. David’s sudden emotional back-stepping probably would’ve been a catastrophe for me even under the best of circumstances, given that I am the planet’s most affectionate life-form (something like a cross between a golden retriever and a barnacle), but this was my very worst of circumstances. 다윗의 갑작스러운 정서적 백 스텝핑은 아마도 지구상에서 가장 애정 어린 생명체 (골든 리트리버와 따개비의 십자가와 같은 것)라는 점을 감안할 때 최상의 상황에서도 나에게 재앙이되었을 것입니다. 최악의 상황. Внезапное эмоциональное отступление Дэвида, вероятно, стало бы для меня катастрофой даже при самых благоприятных обстоятельствах, учитывая, что я самая ласковая форма жизни на планете (что-то вроде помеси золотистого ретривера и ракушки), но это было мое самое худшее из обстоятельств. I was despondent and dependent, needing more care than an armful of premature infant triplets. Я был подавлен и зависим, нуждаясь в большей заботе, чем охапка недоношенных тройняшек. His withdrawal only made me more needy, and my neediness only advanced his withdrawals, until soon he was retreating under fire of my weeping pleas of, “Where are you going? Его уход сделал меня еще более нуждающимся, а моя нужда только усилила его уход, пока вскоре он не стал отступать под огнем моих плачущих мольб: «Куда ты идешь? What happened to us?” (Dating tip: Men LOVE this.) Что случилось с нами?" (Совет для свиданий: мужчины ЛЮБЯТ это.) The fact is, I had become addicted to David (in my defense, he had fostered this, being something of a “man-fatale”), and now that his attention was wavering, I was suffering the easily foreseeable consequences. 사실, 나는 데이비드에 중독되어 있었고 (내 방어에서 그는“사람이 좋아하는 것”인 것을 육성했으며) 이제 그의 관심이 흔들리고 있었기 때문에 쉽게 예측할 수있는 결과를 겪고있었습니다. Дело в том, что я пристрастился к Дэвиду (в свою защиту, он способствовал этому, будучи в некотором роде «роковым мужчиной»), и теперь, когда его внимание колебалось, я страдал от легко предсказуемых последствий. Addiction is the hallmark of every infatuation-based love story. Зависимость — отличительная черта каждой любовной истории, основанной на увлечении.

It all begins when the object of your adoration bestows upon you a heady, hallucinogenic dose of something you never even dared to admit that you wanted—an emotional speedball, perhaps, of thunderous love and roiling excitement. Все начинается с того, что объект вашего обожания дарит вам головокружительную, галлюциногенную дозу того, чего вы никогда не осмеливались признавать, что хотели — эмоционального спидбола, возможно, громоподобной любви и волнующего возбуждения. Soon you start craving that intense attention, with the hungry obsession of any junkie. Вскоре вы начинаете жаждать этого интенсивного внимания с голодной одержимостью любого наркомана. When the drug is withheld, you promptly turn sick, crazy and depleted (not to mention resentful of the dealer who encouraged this addiction in the first place but who now refuses to pony up the good stuff anymore—despite the fact that you know he has it hidden somewhere, goddamn it, because he used to give it to you for free). Когда наркотик отказывают, вы сразу же становитесь больным, сумасшедшим и истощенным (не говоря уже об обиде на дилера, который в первую очередь поощрял эту зависимость, но теперь отказывается больше расплачиваться хорошими вещами, несмотря на тот факт, что вы знаете, что у него есть наркотики). он где-то спрятан, черт возьми, потому что он давал его вам бесплатно). Next stage finds you skinny and shaking in a corner, certain only that you would sell your soul or rob your neighbors just to have that thing even one more time. Следующий этап находит вас тощим и трясущимся в углу, уверенным только в том, что вы продали бы свою душу или ограбили своих соседей, только бы получить эту вещь еще раз. Meanwhile, the object of your adoration has now become repulsed by you. Между тем объект вашего обожания теперь стал для вас отталкивающим. He looks at you like you’re someone he’s never met before, much less someone he once loved with high passion. Он смотрит на тебя так, как будто ты тот, кого он никогда раньше не встречал, а тем более тот, кого он когда-то любил страстно. The irony is, you can hardly blame him. Ирония в том, что его вряд ли можно винить. I mean, check yourself out. Я имею в виду, проверьте себя. You’re a pathetic mess, unrecognizable even to your own eyes. Ты жалкий беспорядок, неузнаваемый даже для твоих собственных глаз. So that’s it. Ну это все. You have now reached infatuation’s final destination—the complete and merciless devaluation of self. Теперь вы достигли конечной точки страстного увлечения — полной и безжалостной девальвации себя. The fact that I can even write calmly about this today is mighty evidence of time’s healing powers, because I didn’t take it well as it was happening. Тот факт, что я могу даже спокойно написать об этом сегодня, является убедительным свидетельством исцеляющей силы времени, потому что я не очень хорошо это воспринимал, когда это происходило. To be losing David right after the failure of my marriage, and right after the terrorizing of my city, and right during the worst ugliness of divorce (a life experience my friend Brian has compared to “having a really bad car accident every single day for about two years”) . Потерять Дэвида сразу после краха моего брака, и сразу после того, как мой город терроризирован, и прямо во время самого ужасного уродства развода (жизненный опыт, который мой друг Брайан сравнил с «действительно ужасной автомобильной аварией каждый божий день в течение около двух лет»). well, this was simply too much. ну, это было просто слишком. David and I continued to have our bouts of fun and compatibility during the days, but at night, in his bed, I became the only survivor of a nuclear winter as he visibly retreated from me, more every day, as though I were infectious. 데이비드와 나는 낮에는 계속 재미와 화합을 유지했지만 밤에 침대에서 잠자는 것처럼 매일 밤 나에게서 눈에 띄게 퇴각하면서 핵 겨울의 유일한 생존자가되었습니다. У нас с Дэвидом продолжались приступы веселья и совместимости в течение дня, но ночью, в его постели, я стала единственной выжившей после ядерной зимы, когда он заметно отдалялся от меня, с каждым днем все больше, как будто я был заразен. I came to fear nighttime like it was a torturer’s cellar. Я стал бояться ночи, как подвала мучителя. I would lie there beside David’s beautiful, inaccessible sleeping body and I would spin into a panic of loneliness and meticulously detailed suicidal thoughts. Я лежала рядом с прекрасным, недоступным спящим телом Дэвида и кружилась в панике одиночества и тщательно продуманных суицидальных мыслей. Every part of my body pained me. I felt like I was some kind of primitive springloaded machine, placed under far more tension than it had ever been built to sustain, about to blast apart at great danger to anyone standing nearby. Я чувствовал себя какой-то примитивной подпружиненной машиной, находящейся под гораздо большим напряжением, чем она когда-либо могла выдержать, готовой взорваться на части, подвергая большой опасности всех, кто стоит поблизости. I imagined my body parts flying off my torso in order to escape the volcanic core of unhappiness that had become: me. Я представил, как части моего тела отлетают от моего туловища, чтобы вырваться из вулканического ядра несчастья, которое стало мной. Most mornings, David would wake to find me sleeping fitfully on the floor beside his bed, huddled on a pile of bathroom towels, like a dog. По утрам Дэвид просыпался и обнаруживал, что я судорожно сплю на полу рядом с его кроватью, свернувшись на груде полотенец, как собака. “What happened now?” he would ask—another man thoroughly exhausted by me. "Что сейчас случилось?" — спрашивал он — еще один человек, измученный мной. I think I lost something like thirty pounds during that time. Думаю, за это время я сбросил около тридцати фунтов.