Vlog Brothers 2.
01. The Myth Reawakens
Vlog Brothers 2.
02. Who Am I?! - Some thoughts on Personal Identity
Vlog Brothers 2.
03. Men Running on Tanks and the Truth about Book Editors
Vlog Brothers 2.
04. Zero Severed Hands: On Star Wars and Making Things
Vlog Brothers 2.
05. The Looking for Alaska Movie, Davos, and Hufflepuff Shade.
Vlog Brothers 2.
06. Why Are Vegetarians Annoying? (An Exploration of a Cultural Rift)
Vlog Brothers 2.
07. Why the Word "Millennial" Makes me Cringe.
Vlog Brothers 2.
08. Doing the Hard(er) Thing (and some very bad news)
Vlog Brothers 2.
09. Kindness.
Vlog Brothers 2.
10. Thanks, Lemon.
Vlog Brothers 2.
11. The Extraordinary Story of Hussam: Teenager, Writer, and Syrian Refugee.
Vlog Brothers 2.
12a. Brazil's Government is Falling Apart...and it's Good News? Part 1/2.
Vlog Brothers 2.
12b. Brazil's Government is Falling Apart...and it's Good News? Part 2/2.
Vlog Brothers 2.
13. Literally Hitler.