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Friends S02, Friends S02E10 2d

Friends S02E10 2d

So what? So he drank a lot tonight. Now that I think about it, I don't think... ...I've ever seen Fun Bobby without a drink. And did you notice how he always starts his stories with... ..."Okay, I was so wasted!" Or "Oh, we were so bombed!" "So I wake up and I'm in this dumpster in Connecticut!" Have you been with him when he wasn't drinking? We just happen to go to a lot of places where you might drink. How do you go to a wine-tasting without having a drink? Or to a club, or to the... ...zoo. Rach, does this have nonfat milk? I don't know, taste it. Too late, you already had some. What do you say we make these coffees Irish? Cake! Yeah, we're gonna get some cake. It seems like you've been making an awful lot of stuff "Irish" lately. I'd make them Belgian, but the waffles are hard to get into that flask. Yeah, okay. Maybe it's none of my business. Or maybe it is, I don't know. I'm worried about you. This isn't the first time somebody said something to me about this. But I always made excuses, like "I'm just a social drinker." Or "Come on, it's Flag Day!" So, what are you saying now? I guess I'm saying... ...I'll try and quit. I like that you worry about me. So, what's going on? I am gonna try and quit drinking. Oh! Why? Guess who's back in show biz! Lorne Greene? No. You know why? Because he's dead. Oh, no. This is gonna seem bittersweet now... ...but Joey, that's who! My agent called with an audition for Days Of Our Lives! Kick ass! We have to celebrate! We should do a soap opera theme. We could all sleep together, then one of us could get amnesia! When do you get off? We'll do something tonight. Well, actually, I'm already done. But I kind of got plans. You have other friends? I have a date. What? With a man? No, with Crule John. What's so strange about me having a date? With Crule John. What about Ross?

Friends S02E10 2d Amici S02E10 2d Друзья S02E10 2d Friends S02E10 2d Друзі 2 сезон 10 серія

So what? So he drank a lot tonight. Now that I think about it, I don't think... ...I've ever seen Fun Bobby without a drink. And did you notice how he always starts his stories with... ..."Okay, I was so wasted!" Or "Oh, we were so bombed!" Або "Ой, нас так розбомбили!" "So I wake up and I'm in this dumpster in Connecticut!" «Тож я прокинувся й опинився в цьому смітнику в Коннектикуті!» Have you been with him when he wasn't drinking? We just happen to go to a lot of places where you might drink. How do you go to a wine-tasting without having a drink? Or to a club, or to the... ...zoo. Rach, does this have nonfat milk? Рач, це нежирне молоко? I don't know, taste it. Too late, you already had some. Надто пізно, у вас уже було. What do you say we make these coffees Irish? Що скажете, якщо ми зробимо цю каву ірландською? Cake! Yeah, we're gonna get some cake. It seems like you've been making an awful lot of stuff "Irish" lately. Здається, останнім часом ви робите дуже багато «ірландських» речей. I'd make them Belgian, but the waffles are hard to get into that flask. Я б зробив їх бельгійськими, але вафлі важко потрапити в ту колбу. Yeah, okay. Maybe it's none of my business. Or maybe it is, I don't know. I'm worried about you. This isn't the first time somebody said something to me about this. But I always made excuses, like "I'm just a social drinker." Але я завжди знаходив собі виправдання, на кшталт: "Я просто п'ю для спілкування". Or "Come on, it's Flag Day!" Або "Ну ж бо, це ж День прапора!" So, what are you saying now? I guess I'm saying... ...I'll try and quit. I like that you worry about me. So, what's going on? I am gonna try and quit drinking. Oh! Why? Guess who's back in show biz! Вгадайте, хто повернувся в шоу-бізнес! Lorne Greene? No. You know why? Because he's dead. Oh, no. This is gonna seem bittersweet now... ...but Joey, that's who! Зараз це здасться гірким... ...але Джої, ось хто! My agent called with an audition for Days Of Our Lives! Kick ass! We have to celebrate! We should do a soap opera theme. Ми повинні зробити тему мильної опери. We could all sleep together, then one of us could get amnesia! Ми могли б спати всі разом, тоді один із нас міг би отримати амнезію! When do you get off? Коли ти закінчуєш? We'll do something tonight. Well, actually, I'm already done. But I kind of got plans. You have other friends? I have a date. What? With a man? No, with Crule John. What's so strange about me having a date? Що дивного в тому, що я йду на побачення? With Crule John. What about Ross?