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Positive Psychology, 3.16 (V) Try This At Home - Know and Grow Your Strengths

3.16 (V) Try This At Home - Know and Grow Your Strengths

[MUSIC] One of the main interests in positive psychology which comes out of out interest in flow is work on character strengths. So we're very interested in what your five highest strengths are. So on the website authentichappiness.org, there's something called the VIA Signature Strengths test. So to do this, I'd like you all to go to the website, take the VIA Signature Strengths test, it's free. This will tell you what your five highest strengths are. So they might be something like gratitude, fairness, humour, social intelligence, and the like. So that's the background for this excercise. So you know what your five higher strengths are. And two and a half million people have taken these tests. So there are highly valid and will tell you what your best in and this not about talent so it's not about IQ or perfect pitch. These are about the human virtues. Okay, so you know what your highest strength is. Now here's part two of the exercise. I'd like you all to close your eyes. Now think of something that you have to do at work. Once a day or frequently that you don't like doing. Okay, open your eyes. Okay, now let me tell you about the exercise. Your job is now to, knowing what your highest strength is, to think of a way of doing this thing you don't like doing using your highest strength. Now let me illustrate this in a way that will make sense to you. So, one of my students at the University of Pennsylvania, would study in Van Pelt Library until midnight every night. And then he had to walk from Van Pelt to 52nd and Baltimore at midnight. This is a long, dark, dangerous walk. And this is the part of the day that he dreaded the most. So when he closed his eyes that walk came to mind. So his job was to take his highest strength and make the walk using it. So turned out his highest strength was humor and playfulness. So what he did was he bought a stopwatch and a pair of roller blades, and declared that the walk was an Olympic event. And he would time it every night trying to best his personal time. And so he did this, and he found that he liked doing it very much, it made the walk much easier. And then when he got to his Olympic best time, he would take a longer route like a high hurdles to do it. So the point of this exercise is to take things you don't like doing and find the lone cut your highest strength. Now, turns out when people do that, six months later they're less depressed and they have higher life satisfaction. So this is the theme of knowing what you're best at. Knowing your highest strengths, and using them more at work. Designing your life, not to correct your weaknesses, but to use your highest strength more.

3.16 (V) Try This At Home - Know and Grow Your Strengths

[MUSIC] One of the main interests in positive psychology which comes out of out interest in flow is work on character strengths. [音楽]フローへの関心から生まれるポジティブ心理学の主な関心の1つは、キャラクターの強さに関する研究です。 So we're very interested in what your five highest strengths are. したがって、私たちはあなたの5つの最高の強みが何であるかに非常に興味を持っています。 So on the website authentichappiness.org, there's something called the VIA Signature Strengths test. したがって、ウェブサイトauthentichappiness.orgには、VIA Signature Strengthsテストと呼ばれるものがあります。 So to do this, I'd like you all to go to the website, take the VIA Signature Strengths test, it's free. だから、これを行うには、すべての人がウェブサイトにアクセスして、VIA Signature Strengthsテストを受けてください、それは無料です。 This will tell you what your five highest strengths are. これはあなたの5つの最高の強みが何であるかを教えてくれます。 So they might be something like gratitude, fairness, humour, social intelligence, and the like. したがって、それらは感謝、公平、ユーモア、社会的知性などのようなものかもしれません。 So that's the background for this excercise. それが、この運動の背景です。 So you know what your five higher strengths are. あなたの5つのより高い強さが何であるかを知っています。 And two and a half million people have taken these tests. そして、250万人がこれらのテストを受けました。 So there are highly valid and will tell you what your best in and this not about talent so it's not about IQ or perfect pitch. したがって、非常に有効なものがあり、あなたのベストを教えてくれます。これは才能ではなく、IQや完璧なピッチではありません。 These are about the human virtues. これらは人間の美徳についてです。 Okay, so you know what your highest strength is. さて、あなたはあなたの最高の強さが何であるかを知っています。 Now here's part two of the exercise. 次に、演習のパート2を示します。 I'd like you all to close your eyes. みなさんに目を閉じてほしい。 Now think of something that you have to do at work. ここで、仕事でしなければならないことを考えてください。 Once a day or frequently that you don't like doing. 1日に1回、または頻繁に行うことを好まない。 Okay, open your eyes. さて、目を開けて。 Okay, now let me tell you about the exercise. さて、ここでエクササイズについて話しましょう。 Your job is now to, knowing what your highest strength is, to think of a way of doing this thing you don't like doing using your highest strength. あなたの仕事は今、あなたの最高の強さを知って、あなたの最高の強さを使って行うのが好きではないこのことを行う方法を考えることです。 Now let me illustrate this in a way that will make sense to you. 次に、これをあなたにとって意味のある方法で説明しましょう。 So, one of my students at the University of Pennsylvania, would study in Van Pelt Library until midnight every night. したがって、ペンシルバニア大学の私の学生の1人は、毎晩深夜までヴァンペルト図書館で勉強していました。 And then he had to walk from Van Pelt to 52nd and Baltimore at midnight. そして、彼は真夜中にヴァン・ペルトから52番とボルチモアまで歩かなければなりませんでした。 This is a long, dark, dangerous walk. これは長く、暗い、危険な散歩です。 And this is the part of the day that he dreaded the most. そして、これは彼が最も恐れた日の一部です。 So when he closed his eyes that walk came to mind. だから彼が目を閉じたとき、その散歩が頭に浮かんだ。 So his job was to take his highest strength and make the walk using it. だから彼の仕事は彼の最高の力を発揮し、それを使って散歩をすることでした。 So turned out his highest strength was humor and playfulness. 彼の最大の強みはユーモアと遊び心でした。 So what he did was he bought a stopwatch and a pair of roller blades, and declared that the walk was an Olympic event. そこで彼がやったことは、ストップウォッチとローラーブレードを購入し、その散歩はオリンピックのイベントだと宣言したことです。 And he would time it every night trying to best his personal time. そして、彼は自分の個人的な時間を最大限に活用しようとして毎晩それを計るでしょう。 And so he did this, and he found that he liked doing it very much, it made the walk much easier. そして、彼はこれをしました、そして、彼は彼がそれをするのがとても好きであるとわかりました、それは歩行をはるかに容易にしました。 And then when he got to his Olympic best time, he would take a longer route like a high hurdles to do it. そして、彼がオリンピックのベストタイムに達したとき、彼はそれを行うために高いハードルのような長いルートを取ります。 So the point of this exercise is to take things you don't like doing and find the lone cut your highest strength. したがって、このエクササイズのポイントは、あなたがするのが嫌いなことをして、孤独があなたの最高の力を切ることを見つけることです。 Now, turns out when people do that, six months later they're less depressed and they have higher life satisfaction. 今、人々がそれを行うと、6ヶ月後、彼らは落ち込みが少なくなり、人生の満足度が高くなります。 So this is the theme of knowing what you're best at. だから、これはあなたが得意なことを知ることのテーマです。 Knowing your highest strengths, and using them more at work. あなたの最高の強みを知り、仕事でもっと活用する。 Designing your life, not to correct your weaknesses, but to use your highest strength more. 自分の弱さを正すのではなく、自分の最高の力をもっと使うように、人生をデザインする。