How to say it beats me - The English We Speak - YouTube
Wie man es sagt, schlägt mich - The English We Speak - YouTube
How to say it beats me - El inglés que hablamos - YouTube
Comment dire qu'il me bat - The English We Speak - YouTube
Come dire che mi batte - L'inglese che parliamo - YouTube
どう言えば勝てるのか - The English We Speak - YouTube
Hoe je het beste kunt zeggen - The English We Speak - YouTube
Como dizer que me bate - O inglês que falamos - YouTube
Как сказать, что это меня побеждает - The English We Speak - YouTube
Як сказати, що це б'є мене наповал - The English We Speak - YouTube
怎么说它打败了我 - The English We Speak - YouTube
怎麼說它打敗了我 - The English We Speak - YouTube
Hello and welcome to The English We Speak. I'm Feifei
Üdvözöljük a The English We Speak oldalon. Feifei vagyok.
and hello, I'm Rob.
Hey Rob, do you know what's going on
in the office today?
ma az irodában?
The boss has been shouting, Helen's crying
A főnök kiabál, Helen sír.
and Neil doesn't look very happy either.
és Neil sem tűnik túl boldognak.
Beats me.
Nem tudom.
Ouch. What did you do that for?
Jaj. Miért csináltad ezt?
You said 'beat me'.
Azt mondtad, hogy "győzz le".
No, no. I mean it beats me.
Nem, nem, nem. Úgy értem, ez engem ver.
You are strange Rob.
Furcsa vagy Rob.
No Feifei. I said 'it beats me' to mean
Nem Feifei. Azt mondtam, hogy "megver engem".
I don't know or I don't understand something.
Nem tudom vagy nem értek valamit.
Non so o non capisco qualcosa.
I knew that Rob , I just liked hitting you
Tudtam, Rob, csak szerettelek megütni.
Lo sapevo, Rob, mi piaceva solo colpirti
with this stick!
ezzel a bottal!
con questo bastone!
Very funny. Shall we hear some examples?
Nagyon vicces. Halljunk néhány példát?
It beats me how Stephanie ever got that promotion.
Nem is értem, hogy Stephanie hogyan kaphatta meg ezt az előléptetést.
A: Can you believe that Dave and Andrea are
A: El tudod hinni, hogy Dave és Andrea
still married! He's always bossing her around.
még mindig házas! Mindig csak parancsolgat neki.
B: It beats me why she stays with him.
It beats me how Jen can afford a new sports car when
she only works part-time.
So that is 'it beats me' - a phrase used for
saying that you do not know or understand
something. So there's no beating involved!
valamit. Szóval nem kell verekedni!
qualcosa. Quindi non c'è coinvolgimento di colpi!
Definitely not. So now I can safely say,
Egyáltalán nem. Így most már nyugodtan mondhatom,
Decisamente no. Quindi ora posso dire con sicurezza,
it beats me what's going on in the office -
nem tudom, mi folyik az irodában -
mi sfugge cosa stia succedendo in ufficio -
I haven't got a clue.
Well the situation seemed very tense and the boss was
shouting something about mice.
yelling about mice|||
Mice? Ah yes, well in that case, it could be that I left my
Egerek? Ah igen, nos, ebben az esetben, lehet, hogy én hagytam el a
lunch on my desk overnight
and it's possible the mice have found it
and eaten it. They do get everywhere.
és megette. Mindenhová eljutnak.
Mice! In our office? I hate mice.
Ouch! Why are you beating me again?
Aú! Miért ütsz megint?
I think it's time to go. Bye.