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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), No fear (Halloween Special): The English We Speak - YouTube

No fear (Halloween Special): The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello, and welcome to The English

We Speak... I'm Feifei... Argh!

Rob: And I'm Rob. Ah Halloween!

I love Halloween, Feifei. Are you looking

forward to trick or treating?

Feifei: No fear!

Rob: No fear? You mean 'yes fear!'

Halloween's all about fear!

Feifei: That's what I don't like about it.

Rob: What's not to like? There's ghosts

and witches and jack-o'-lanterns!

Come on, Feifei!

Get on your broomstick and let's go!

Feifei: No fear, Rob!

Rob: Why do you keep saying 'no fear',

Feifei? You're kind of missing the point.

Feifei: No, you are missing the point, Rob.

'No fear' is an expression which actually

means 'certainly not', 'no way'.

Rob: Ah, I get it. So by saying 'no fear',

you mean 'absolutely not'.

Feifei: That's right. Let's hear some

examples before my legs turn to jelly.

A: Fancy that Justin Bieber concert?

B: No fear! I can't stand him.

A: Why don't we stay in tonight and watch

golf on the TV.

B: Golf?! No fear. I'd do anything other

than watch golf.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English. We're learning the

expression 'no fear', which means

'absolutely not', 'no way'.

Rob: So come on Feifei, fear is fun.

Let's go trick or treating!

Feifei: No fear, Rob!

Rob: Yes fear!

Feifei: No fear! Actually, Rob, what's that

thing... behind you?

Rob: What thing?

Feifei: Don't move but it's just...

reaching out a bony hand and...

about to touch your shoulder...

Rob: I'm outta here. Argh!

Feifei: Well, at least that gets me

out of Halloween for another year. Bye!

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No fear (Halloween Special): The English We Speak - YouTube Keine Angst (Halloween Special): Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Sin miedo (Especial Halloween): El inglés que hablamos - YouTube No fear (Halloween Special) : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube 怖くない(ハロウィーン・スペシャル):私たちが話す英語 - YouTube Sem medo (Especial de Halloween): O inglês que falamos - YouTube Без страха (специальный выпуск к Хэллоуину): The English We Speak - YouTube Korku Yok (Cadılar Bayramı Özel): Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube No fear (Halloween Special): Англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube 无所畏惧(万圣节特辑):The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello, and welcome to The English

We Speak... I'm Feifei... Argh! Mówimy... Jestem Feifei... Argh!

Rob: And I'm Rob. Ah Halloween!

I love Halloween, Feifei. Are you looking Uwielbiam Halloween, Feifei. Czy patrzysz

forward to trick or treating? ||||dolcetto o scherzetto przekazać oszukać lub leczyć?

Feifei: No fear! Feifei: Bez strachu!

Rob: No fear? You mean 'yes fear!' Rob: Bez strachu? Masz na myśli „tak, strach!”

Halloween's all about fear!

Feifei: That's what I don't like about it. Feifei: To mi się w tym nie podoba.

Rob: What's not to like? There's ghosts Rob: Czego nie lubić? Są duchy

and witches and jack-o'-lanterns! |streghe||zucche intagliate|| i czarownice i latarnie dyni!

Come on, Feifei!

Get on your broomstick and let's go! |||Scopa volante||| Wsiadaj na miotłę i chodźmy!

Feifei: No fear, Rob!

Rob: Why do you keep saying 'no fear', Rob: Dlaczego ciągle mówisz „bez strachu”,

Feifei? You're kind of missing the point. ||un po'|||| Feifei? Tracisz sens. Фейфей? Ти не розумієш, про що я.

Feifei: No, you are missing the point, Rob. Feifei: Nie, nie rozumiesz, Rob.

'No fear' is an expression which actually ||||||in realtà "Немає страху" - це вислів, який насправді

means 'certainly not', 'no way'. oznacza „z pewnością nie”, „nie ma mowy”. означає "звичайно ні", "нізащо".

Rob: Ah, I get it. So by saying 'no fear',

you mean 'absolutely not'.

Feifei: That's right. Let's hear some

examples before my legs turn to jelly. przykłady, zanim moje nogi zamienią się w galaretę.

A: Fancy that Justin Bieber concert? A: Masz ochotę na koncert Justina Biebera?

B: No fear! I can't stand him. |||||sopportare| B: Bez strachu! Nie mogę go znieść. Не бійся! Я його терпіти не можу.

A: Why don't we stay in tonight and watch

golf on the TV.

B: Golf?! No fear. I'd do anything other B: Golf?! Bez strachu. zrobiłbym cokolwiek innego

than watch golf. niż oglądać golfa.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English. We're learning the

expression 'no fear', which means

'absolutely not', 'no way'.

Rob: So come on Feifei, fear is fun.

Let's go trick or treating! Chodźmy oszukać lub leczyć!

Feifei: No fear, Rob!

Rob: Yes fear!

Feifei: No fear! Actually, Rob, what's that

thing... behind you? rzecz... za tobą?

Rob: What thing?

Feifei: Don't move but it's just...

reaching out a bony hand and... protendendo|||ossuta|| wyciągając kościstą rękę i...

about to touch your shoulder... zaraz dotkniesz twojego ramienia...

Rob: I'm outta here. Argh! ||fuori di qui|| Rob: Wychodzę stąd. Ach!

Feifei: Well, at least that gets me Feifei: Cóż, przynajmniej to mnie dostaje Фейфей: Ну, принаймні, це дає мені

out of Halloween for another year. Bye! 今年もハロウィンはお預け。さようなら! z Halloween na kolejny rok. Do widzenia! не святкуватимемо Хелловін ще один рік. Бувайте!