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The Infographics Show, Most Epic Ways People Quit Their Jobs - Funny True Stories

Most Epic Ways People Quit Their Jobs - Funny True Stories

We've all had one of those days.

At least, if you clicked this video, you probably have.

You've just had a terrible day at work, but you find solace in one simple thought.

You could chuck in the towel now.

Just walk in there, screaming that you're quitting, and never go back.

Wouldn't that feel amazing?

My friends, it's this moment that separates the boys from the men.

If you're going to quit your job, go out in style.

Don't tell your boss that you're handing in your notice while meekly looking at the

floor, or send a letter in the post.

Do something they'll remember forever.

And if you'd like to take some inspiration from legends that have quit through the medium

of interpretative dance, marching bands, and rap songs, then keep watching.

The normal way to resign is to Google ‘how to structure a resignation letter', copy

and paste a template, add your own personal touch, and send it off.

At least, that's what I've been doing.

Don't tell me I've been doing this wrong all my life.

And that's what our first member of the Epic Job Quitters club did.

Kind of.

How can that be an epic way to resign, I hear you ask?

Well, the devil is in the detail – this guy didn't quite go the conventional route.

Instead of bothering to put in some nice, fluffy words about being grateful for the

experience given and wishing everyone in the company the best, he kept things straight

to the point.

In the letter he put out, the title was ‘untitled resignation letter' and the contents contained

two words.

I quit.


But that's nothing compared to this next letter.

Sometimes it's better to say nothing at all than to just be a rude jerk.

Just joking, the more rude the better in the Epic Job Quitters Club.

This next person wrote a letter that looked like it was scribbled by a six-year-old who's

just learned to write, that said:

“Y-y-y-yeah I'm gonna have to put in my two weeks' notice.

If you can go ahead and note my last day here is March 8th, that would be gr-r-r-re-a-a-at.”

In case you didn't realize, that's a reference to the 1999 comedy Office Space.

Let's hope the boss was a fan of the show and has a good sense of humor, or he could

definitely have taken things the wrong way.

But you've got to give them credit: at least they gave in their two weeks' notice.

That's more than can be said for most of the folk in this club.

There was someone else who decided to write their resignation letter not on paper, not

even on, I don't know, cardboard, but on toilet roll.

That certainly sends a strong message out.

In case the manager missed the subtlety and thought maybe their employee was just being

resourceful, the writer made sure there were no misunderstandings.

The note stated that the toilet paper was chosen because it symbolizes how the company

has treated them, and that the paper would also be disposed of where the company is going.


They even added a picture of a toilet in the end, in case the reader couldn't be sure

quite where the company was going.

If you think that's savage, you haven't seen anything yet.

It gets crazier than a few half-hearted letters written on questionable materials.

Point in case, or rather point in cake… oops, I think I just gave that one away.

One employee decided to write his entire resignation letter as icing on a cake.

And credit to him, because if I'd tried that, it would have come out as a load of

unintelligible scribbles, but he actually managed to write an entire letter without

messing it up.

It wasn't just a lame two-word ‘I resign' type letter either – no, he went in.

On the cake, the man confessed he'd recently become a father and had realized how precious

life is.


He also explained his desire to pursue his cake business, which makes sense really.

He's obviously talented at what he does, so good for him.

A true businessman, he even signed the letter with the name of his business, Mr Cake, and

plugged his website.

A genius move, since the picture then went viral.

I checked his website, and he's still going strong, so he clearly made the right decision.

I guess you could say his internet virality was the icing on the cake…get it…

Weirdly, Mr Cake isn't the only one who has resigned through the medium of cake.

Who'd have thought it?

However, this second guy was a bit less brutal.

He simply expressed that he'd enjoyed his time in the role but needed to move on to

spend time with his family after experiencing health issues.

I think he actually baked a cake so he could enjoy and share it with his coworkers.

That is, quite literally, sickening.

The next epic way a person has quit their job might not be that funny, but you can't

deny it's clever.

One computer geek did what all computer geeks dream of doing: he resigned without having

to talk to anyone.


By creating a custom pop-up on their boss' computer.

So, instead of the pop up asking if you want to authorize a program, close a tab, or save

a document, it simply stated that the web designer was quitting immediately.

If the computer user wanted to find out why, they could contact HR to see how bad they'd

effed up.

And this pop up gave more options than simply ‘okay' or ‘close.'

Instead, it asked if the user wanted to ignore the message, speak to HR, or renegotiate.

After being told I'd effed up for an ambiguous reason via a computer screen, I probably wouldn't

feel very inclined to renegotiate - but hey, it's always nice to have options.

But you don't need to know how to code to be able to resign in a cool way.

The guys I'm about to tell you about next resigned in even more unbelievable ways by

using the more humble resources available to them.

The first legend worked in a two-in-one Taco Bell/KFC, and I've got to say, I already

feel his pain.

But, as if having to deal with two lots of annoying customers wasn't enough already,

he'd been forced to work 22 days simultaneously without a break and then been denied a holiday

for July 4.


Can you blame him for wanting to resign in a way that would be remembered?

There was a readerboard placed conveniently outside the workplace, which he made use of

by writing a message on it that said: “I quit, from Adam – eff you.”

Although us here at the Infographics Show would never condone the use of foul language,

I've got to say, you go Adam!

Stick it to the man and follow your dreams!

Another guy who seemed to work exclusively as a sign operator – because apparently,

that's a real job – put a sign up one day that said ‘my boss can change his own

damn sign, I quit.'

Well, that's straight to the point.

If you're going to quit, I say quit in a way that will bring joy to others, and I'm

sure that sign brought joy to everyone who walked past it.

But still, all these people basically resigned through writing, whether they wrote on a cake

or a huge sign.

But how about telling someone you're quitting out loud to your boss in a ridiculous way?

That takes courage.

One warehouse worker quit his job by announcing his resignation over the intercom, and proceeded

to run around the warehouse like a madman yelling to everyone that he was quitting and


We've all fantasized about it, but he went and actually did it, and I respect that.

If you thought it took courage to just say the words ‘I quit' to your boss, try singing

a whole song about it.

A Popeye's Chicken employee performed a song he'd written himself, all about why

he was quitting, and proceeded to rap it in front of his co-workers and customers.

He even had a mic and background track.

He was prepared.

The other workers loved it, with everyone getting their groove on.

If I was his boss, I'm not even sure I'd be annoyed.

You might think it can't get better than that, but trust me: it can.

One guy's unusual hobby of being part of a marching band came in handy when he decided

to quit his job at a hotel.

He surprised his manager with an entire band, instruments and all, and after announcing

his resignation, the band broke out into what can only be described as… a complete racket.

I'm not sure he'll be able to count on a good letter of recommendation for the next


Some epic ways to resign ended up getting recorded and going viral, but that wasn't

their primary motivation.

Imagine quitting purely through a viral video.

For one woman who already worked for a video and animation firm, going down that route

seemed like a natural step.

So, what did she do in her video?

She did a …interpretative dance.

To Kanye West.

Yep, you heard me right.

To the sound of Kanye West's ‘Gone', she filmed herself dancing manically in her

workplace at 4:30 in the morning.

In the subtitles, she explained that the company she worked for was ‘amazing,' but she

also had some pretty scathing criticism, saying that her boss only cared about views and quantity.

Therefore, she had decided to finally quit and claim her life back, and the video ended

with her turning the lights off and calmly leaving.


It seems like her views-obsessed boss missed out on a good thing though, because the video

was seen by almost 20 million people and received more than 120,000 likes.

Not bad.

But at least that resignation kind of…made sense.

She was a video editor, so she quit by making a video – doing so would directly help her

future job prospects.


What about using your position of authority to make a fool of your coworkers and manager?

Maybe not such a good idea – but that's what one woman did.

Radio host Inetta the Moodsetta had previously told listeners that she had a very important

announcement, and it turned out that announcement was her resignation.

Oh, but she didn't just quit.

She went in deep with explaining her motives.

Innetta said she felt her coworkers were constantly looking over her shoulder, lying to her, talking

about her behind her back, and went on a rant about it.

She even went into details lamenting about her salary and the lack of a raise!

It might have been stupid in terms of employability, but I've got to say, she did a pretty good


You're probably struggling to believe it at this point, but these resignations actually

get weirder.

Imagine a CEO going for a dramatic, alternative resignation.

That's what Jonathan Schwartz, the former CEO of Sun Microsystems did when he posted

his resignation online.

On Twitter.

As a haiku, the most skilled form of poetry out there.

You want to hear what it says, don't you?

Of course you do.

Well here goes.

Financial crisis.

Stalled too many customers CEO no more

Come to think of it, how does a CEO resign?

Aren't they just firing themselves?

But moving on…

One thing is to be spiteful and sassy to your employer when you quit, and another is to

be spiteful and sassy whilst also spending a ton of your employer's money.

That's exactly the route Conan O'Brien went down once he realized he was probably

going to be dropped from his talk show on NBC.

Not prepared to go quietly, O'Brien decided to spend a ridiculous amount of the show's

budget in revenge.

And when I say a ridiculous amount of money, I'm not talking about a few thousand dollars

– I'm talking about more than a million dollars.

If that's not petty, I'm not sure what is.

The talk host decided to introduce a new character on his show, a Bugatti Veyron Mouse, which

is a Bugatti sports car complete with fake mouse ears and whiskers.

If you're not a car nerd, a Bugatti Veyron is a car model that's one of the most expensive

in the world.

The car then performed to the sound of Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones, which came with EXTREMELY

steep royalty fees.

It's funny because it…wasn't funny at all.

He literally spent all that money just to get back at his bosses.

It's amazing he actually pulled this off without anyone stopping him.

It wasn't exactly a resignation, more like a way of guaranteeing he'd be fired, but

it still must have felt pretty sweet.

If watching this video made you want to quit your job in a crazy way too, then our message

to you is: don't … hesitate any longer!

It will feel amazing, and give the rest of the internet a right laugh.

To help you find a new job, check out our video about surprisingly high-paying jobs

you can do from your bedroom.

Or you can check out this other video instead, either way you're not allowed to quit on

us so keep watching!

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Most Epic Ways People Quit Their Jobs - Funny True Stories Hầu hết|Hoành tráng|||Nghỉ việc||||| Majority of|Legendary|||||||| En Epik|Efsanevi|||İstifa etmek||||| |||||||engraçado|| ||||Звільнення||||| Die epischsten Arten, wie Menschen ihren Job kündigen - Lustige wahre Geschichten Οι πιο επικοί τρόποι με τους οποίους οι άνθρωποι παραιτούνται από τη δουλειά τους - Αστείες αληθινές ιστορίες Las formas más épicas en que la gente renuncia a su trabajo - Historias reales divertidas Les façons les plus épiques de quitter son emploi - Histoires vraies et drôles I modi più epici con cui le persone lasciano il lavoro - Storie vere e divertenti 人々が仕事を辞める最も壮大な方法 - 滑稽な実話 Najbardziej epickie sposoby, w jakie ludzie odchodzą z pracy - zabawne, prawdziwe historie As formas mais épicas de as pessoas se despedirem dos seus empregos - Histórias verdadeiras e engraçadas Самые эпичные способы, которыми люди увольняются с работы - Забавные истории İnsanların İşten Ayrılmalarının En Destansı Yolları - Komik Gerçek Hikayeler 人们辞职的最史诗般的方式 - 有趣的真实故事 人們辭職的最史詩般的方式 - 有趣的真實故事

We've all had one of those days.

At least, if you clicked this video, you probably have. ||||нажали на||||| ||||selected||||| ||||tıkladıysanız||||| ||||натиснули на|||||

You've just had a terrible day at work, but you find solace in one simple thought. |||||||||||comfort|||| |||||||||||niềm an ủi|||| |||||||||||Trost|||| ||||||||||bulmak|teselli bulmak|||| |||||||||||megnyugvást|||| |||||||||||安慰|||| |||||||||||розраду||||

You could chuck in the towel now. ||give up|||give up| |có thể|bỏ cuộc|||bỏ cuộc| ||aufgeben|||das Handtuch werfen| |pes edebilirsin|pes etmek|||havlu atmak|şu anda ||bedobni|||| ||放弃|||认输| ||кинути|в|рушник|здатися| Теперь можешь бросить полотенце. 你现在可以放弃了。

Just walk in there, screaming that you're quitting, and never go back. |||||||bỏ việc|||| |||||||resigning|||| ||||bağırarak|||istifa ediyorum|||| 就冲进去,尖叫着你要辞职,然后永远不再回去。

Wouldn't that feel amazing? 那感觉会多么美妙呢?

My friends, it's this moment that separates the boys from the men. ||||||phân biệt||||| ||||||distinguishes||||| ||||||ayırt eder||||| ||||||відрізняє||хлопців|||чоловіків 朋友们,就是这一刻区分孩子和成年人的时候。

If you're going to quit your job, go out in style. 如果你要辞职,就要有风度地离开。

Don't tell your boss that you're handing in your notice while meekly looking at the ||||||resigning|||resignation letter||submissively||| ||||||teslim etmek|||||çekingen bir şekilde||| |||||||||||szelíden||| Ne mondd el a főnöködnek, hogy beadod a felmondásodat, miközben szégyenlősen nézel. 不要在谦卑地看着的情况下告诉你的老板你要辞职。

floor, or send a letter in the post. ||||letter||| ||||Mektup, harf||| 在地板上写字,或寄一封信。

Do something they'll remember forever. 做一些让他们永远记得的事情。

And if you'd like to take some inspiration from legends that have quit through the medium |||||||cảm hứng từ||huyền thoại||có được|bỏ cuộc|||phương tiện |||||||||||||||Medium |||||||motivation from legends||mythical figures||||||through the means |||||||ilham almak||efsanelerden ilham||||aracılığıyla||aracılığıyla |||||||натхнення від легенд||легенди|||||| 如果您想从通过这种方式退出的传奇人物身上汲取灵感

of interpretative dance, marching bands, and rap songs, then keep watching. |expressive||parading|||Rap music|||| |diễn giải|múa interpretative|diễu hành||||||| |interpretativen||||||||| |yorumlayıcı||yürüyüş yapmak|||rap şarkıları|||| |értelmező||||||||| |解释性||行进||||||| |інтерпретаційний||марширування||||||| Az értelmező táncokról, katonai zenekarokról és rap dalokról van szó, akkor folytassuk a nézést. 解释性舞蹈、军乐队和说唱歌曲,那就继续观看。

The normal way to resign is to Google ‘how to structure a resignation letter', copy ||||辞职|||||||||| ||||kündigen||||||||Kündigungsschreiben verfassen|| ||||step down||||||||quitting one's job|| ||||звільнитися з роботи||||||оформити||відставка|| ||||istifa etmek||||||yapılandırmak||İstifa mektubu|| Az normális módja az lemondásnak az, hogy rákeresünk a Google-ban a 'hogyan struktúráld az lemondó levelet' kifejezésre, másoljuk 辞职的正常方式是搜索“如何撰写辞职信结构”,复制

and paste a template, add your own personal touch, and send it off. |粘贴||模板||||||||| |||Vorlage||||||||| |insert||||||||||| |||şablon|||||kişisel dokunuş|||| |||шаблон||||||||| és beillesztjük a sablont, adjunk hozzá saját személyes érintést, majd küldjük el. 粘贴模板,加入您个人的触感,然后发送出去。

At least, that's what I've been doing.

Don't tell me I've been doing this wrong all my life. Đừng||||||||||

And that's what our first member of the Epic Job Quitters club did. ||||||||||Job Leavers|| 这就是我们史诗式辞职俱乐部的第一位成员所做的事情。

Kind of. 有点。

How can that be an epic way to resign, I hear you ask? 你可能会问,这怎么能成为一个史诗般的辞职方式呢?

Well, the devil is in the detail – this guy didn't quite go the conventional route. ||细节魔鬼|||||||||||| |||||||||||||hagyományos| Nos, az ördög a részletekben rejlik – ez a srác nem igazán követte a hagyományos utat. 魔鬼就在细节之中——这家伙并没有完全走常规的路线。

Instead of bothering to put in some nice, fluffy words about being grateful for the ||||||||温馨的|||||| ||sich bemühen|||||||||||| ||making an effort||||||light and airy||||thankful|| ||турбуватися||||||пишномовні||||вдячний за|| 没有必要费心写一些关于对于......感到感激的美好甜蜜的话语。

experience given and wishing everyone in the company the best, he kept things straight |||||||||||||honest and clear 他传达了经验并祝公司的每个人一切顺利,他说得很直接

to the point. 简明扼要。

In the letter he put out, the title was ‘untitled resignation letter' and the contents contained ||||||||||辞职信||||| |||||||||unbetitelt|||||Inhalt enthalten| |||||||||"untitled resignation letter"|||||letter's details| 在他发布的信中,标题是'无题辞职信',内容包括

two words. 两个词。

I quit. 我退出。

Classy. 优雅的 Elegant. Elegant and sophisticated 优雅。

But that's nothing compared to this next letter.

Sometimes it's better to say nothing at all than to just be a rude jerk. ||||||||||||||rude person |||||||||||||грубий|грубіян ||||||||||||||bunkó 有时候,最好什么也不说,而不是表现得像个粗鲁的混蛋。

Just joking, the more rude the better in the Epic Job Quitters Club. ||||unhöflicher|||||||| 开玩笑的,越粗鲁越好,在史诗式辞职俱乐部。

This next person wrote a letter that looked like it was scribbled by a six-year-old who's |||||||||||潦草写的|||||| |||||||||||messily written|||||| |||||||||||нашкрябаний|||||| 下一个人写了一封信,看起来像是一个六岁孩子胡乱写的。

just learned to write, that said:

“Y-y-y-yeah I'm gonna have to put in my two weeks' notice. „I-i-i-igen, muszáj lesz a két hetes felmondásomat beadnom. “是-是-是的,我需要提交两周辞职通知。

If you can go ahead and note my last day here is March 8th, that would be gr-r-r-re-a-a-at.” |||||||||||||||||great|||||| Ha feljegyezhetné, hogy a utolsó napom itt március 8-a lesz, az nagy-on j-j-j-ó lenne.” Если вы можете отметить, что мой последний день здесь - 8 марта, это будет гр-р-р-ре-а-а-ать". 如果您可以提前备注,我最后工作日是3月8日,那就太好了。”

In case you didn't realize, that's a reference to the 1999 comedy Office Space. |||||||Anspielung auf||||| ||||||||||funny movie|| Abban az esetben, ha nem tűnt volna fel, ez egy utalás a 1999-es Office Space című komédiára. 如果您没有意识到,这是对1999年喜剧《办公室空间》的参考。

Let's hope the boss was a fan of the show and has a good sense of humor, or he could ||||||||||||||||sense of humor||| 希望老板是这个节目的粉丝并且有良好的幽默感,要不然他可能会误会。

definitely have taken things the wrong way. 但你必须承认他们很有魄力:至少他们提前两周通知了。

But you've got to give them credit: at least they gave in their two weeks' notice. |||||||||||||||advance warning 至少他们提前两周通知了。

That's more than can be said for most of the folk in this club. ||||||||||人们||| ||||||||||Leute||| ||||||||||people||| ||||||||||людей||| 这个俱乐部大部分人都做不到。

There was someone else who decided to write their resignation letter not on paper, not |||||||||заява про звільнення||||| 还有一位决定在卫生纸上而不是纸张上写辞职信的人。

even on, I don't know, cardboard, but on toilet roll. |||||纸板|||| |||||Pappe|||| |||||cardboard tube|||| 这比俱乐部里的大多数人做的都多。

That certainly sends a strong message out. 这确实传达了一个强烈的信息。

In case the manager missed the subtlety and thought maybe their employee was just being ||||||微妙之处|||||||| ||||||Feinheit|||||||| ||||||nuanced hint|||||||| ||||||finom célzás|||||||| 如果经理错过了微妙之处,可能觉得他们的员工只是在资源利用上很厉害,作者确保没有误解。

resourceful, the writer made sure there were no misunderstandings. 足智多谋|||||||| clever and creative|||||||| 资源利用上很厉害的话,作者确保没有误解。

The note stated that the toilet paper was chosen because it symbolizes how the company ||indicated||||||selected|||represents||| 该便条说明选择卫生纸是因为它象征着公司如何

has treated them, and that the paper would also be disposed of where the company is going. ||||||||||处理掉|||||| ||||||||||entsorgt|||||| ||||||||||gotten rid of|||||| ||||||||||утилізовано|||||| 已对它们进行处理,并且报纸也会被处理掉,在公司要去的地方。

Burn. 燃烧。

They even added a picture of a toilet in the end, in case the reader couldn't be sure ||||||||||||||the audience||| 他们甚至在最后加了一张厕所的图片,以防读者搞不清楚

quite where the company was going. 公司的发展方向令人迷惑不解。

If you think that's savage, you haven't seen anything yet. ||||残酷||||| ||||brutal||||| ||||brutal||||| ||||Якщо ти думаєш, що це жорстоко, ти ще нічого не бачив.||||| 如果你认为那很野蛮,那你还没见过更疯狂的。

It gets crazier than a few half-hearted letters written on questionable materials. |||||||||||可疑的|材料 |||||||||||fragwürdig| |||||||lacking enthusiasm||||| 事情变得比在可疑材料上草率写几封信更疯狂。

Point in case, or rather point in cake… oops, I think I just gave that one away. ||||||||my mistake|||||||| 举个例子,或者说蛋糕中的例子……哎呀,我想我刚刚泄露了答案。

One employee decided to write his entire resignation letter as icing on a cake. ||||||||||糖霜装饰||| ||||||||||Zuckerguss||| |||||||quitting one's job|||frosting||| Один сотрудник решил написать все свое заявление об уходе, как глазурь на торте. 一名员工决定将整份辞职信写在蛋糕上作为糖衣。

And credit to him, because if I'd tried that, it would have come out as a load of 值得赞扬的是,如果换做是我,这样写出来可能会变成一团糟。

unintelligible scribbles, but he actually managed to write an entire letter without |潦草字迹|||||||||| Sorry, I can't translate the text as it appears to be incomplete or unclear. Could you please provide more context or clarify the text?||||||||||| Unreadable handwriting persists.|Unreadable handwriting|||||||||| sikerült egy levelet|firkálmányok|||||||||| 虽然他写的是难以理解的涂鸦,但他竟然成功地写了一封完整的信,而且没有弄糟它。

messing it up. vermasseln|| 这不仅仅是一个简单的两个字“我辞职”的信件,不,他还写了更多。

It wasn't just a lame two-word ‘I resign' type letter either – no, he went in. ||||无聊的||||||||||| ||||uninspired||||||||||| Это было не просто неубедительное письмо из двух слов типа "Я ухожу в отставку" - нет, он вошел внутрь. 他并不是随随便便写了一封简短的辞职信,而是动了脑筋。

On the cake, the man confessed he'd recently become a father and had realized how precious |||||||||||||||珍贵的 |||||gestand||||||||||kostbar |||||admitted||||||||||how valuable life 蛋糕上,这个男人坦白说他最近成了父亲,意识到了多么宝贵

life is.


He also explained his desire to pursue his cake business, which makes sense really. ||||Wunsch||verfolgen||||||| ||||||follow through with||||||| 他还解释了他想要经营自己的蛋糕生意的愿望,这确实说得通。

He's obviously talented at what he does, so good for him. ||Skilled|||||||| 他显然在自己所做的事情上很有天赋,这对他来说是件好事。

A true businessman, he even signed the letter with the name of his business, Mr Cake, and 一个真正的商人,他甚至以他的生意名称Mr Cake签署了这封信。

plugged his website. beworben|| promoted|| népszerűsítette|| 他推广了他的网站。

A genius move, since the picture then went viral. |Brilliant|||||||widely spread online 这是个天才的举动,因为照片随后迅速传播开来。

I checked his website, and he's still going strong, so he clearly made the right decision. |looked at|||||||||||||| |ellenőriztem|||||||||||||| 我查看了他的网站,他仍然非常活跃,所以显然他做对了决定。

I guess you could say his internet virality was the icing on the cake…get it… |||||||网络爆红|||||||| |||||||online fame|||||||| |||||||internetes népszerűsége|||||||| 我猜你可以说他的网络病毒性是锦上添花……懂吗……

Weirdly, Mr Cake isn't the only one who has resigned through the medium of cake. |||||||||辞职了||||| Strangely enough|||||||||stepped down||||| 奇怪的是,蛋糕先生并不是唯一一个通过蛋糕辞职的人。

Who'd have thought it? Who would||| 谁会想到呢?

However, this second guy was a bit less brutal. ||||||||不那么残忍 然而这第二个人要温和一些。

He simply expressed that he'd enjoyed his time in the role but needed to move on to ||stated|||||||||||||| 他简单地表示他享受了这个角色, 但由于健康问题需要转变并花时间与家人在一起。

spend time with his family after experiencing health issues. ||||||going through|| 在经历健康问题后,他花时间与家人在一起。

I think he actually baked a cake so he could enjoy and share it with his coworkers. ||||prepared by baking||||||||give to||||colleagues 我想他确实烤了一个蛋糕,这样他就可以和同事们一起享受。

That is, quite literally, sickening. ||||令人作呕 ||||Das ist, ganz wörtlich, ekelerregend. ||||nauseating 这真的是令人作呕。

The next epic way a person has quit their job might not be that funny, but you can't 下一个史诗般的方式一个人辞职可能并不好笑,但你不能

deny it's clever. abstreiten|| Refuse to acknowledge|| отрицать, что это умно. 拒绝它很聪明。

One computer geek did what all computer geeks dream of doing: he resigned without having ||极客|||||极客||||||| |||||||tech enthusiasts||||||| 一个计算机极客做到了所有计算机极客梦寐以求的事情:他辞职而不用与任何人交谈。

to talk to anyone. 与任何人交谈。

How? 如何?

By creating a custom pop-up on their boss' computer. |||自定义|||||| 通过在他们老板的电脑上创建一个自定义弹出窗口。

So, instead of the pop up asking if you want to authorize a program, close a tab, or save |||||||||||授权||||||| |||||||||||genehmigen||||||| |||||||||||grant permission|||||browser window section|| |||||||||||engedélyez|||||fül bezárása|| 因此,与其弹出窗口问您是否要授权一个程序,关闭一个标签,或保存

a document, it simply stated that the web designer was quitting immediately. |The document|||said||||web designer||| 一个文件,它只是简单地声明网络设计师立即辞职。

If the computer user wanted to find out why, they could contact HR to see how bad they'd |||the computer user|||||||||Human Resources||||| 如果计算机用户想找出原因,他们可以联系人力资源部门,看看情况有多糟

effed up. 搞砸了| vermasselt| Messed up.| 很糟糕。

And this pop up gave more options than simply ‘okay' or ‘close.' И это всплывающее окно давало больше возможностей, чем просто "хорошо" или "закрыть". 这个弹出窗口提供的选项不仅仅是'好'或'关闭'。

Instead, it asked if the user wanted to ignore the message, speak to HR, or renegotiate. |||||||||||||||重新谈判 |||||||||||||||neu verhandeln |||||||||||||||revise terms |||||||||||||||переглянути умови 相反,它询问用户是否想要忽略消息,与人力资源部交谈,或重新谈判。

After being told I'd effed up for an ambiguous reason via a computer screen, I probably wouldn't ||||||||模棱两可|||||||| ||||||||mehrdeutig|||||||| ||||messed up||||unclear or vague|||||||| ||||||||félreérthető okból||keresztül|||||| После того как мне сказали, что я облажался по непонятной причине на экране компьютера, я бы, наверное, не стал 如果被告知我因为一个含糊不清的原因搞砸了,通过计算机屏幕,我可能不会很开心。

feel very inclined to renegotiate - but hey, it's always nice to have options. ||geneigt|||||||||| ||feel like|||||||||| ||hajlandó|||||||||| 感觉很想重新谈判 - 但是,拥有选择总是件好事。

But you don't need to know how to code to be able to resign in a cool way. 但是,您不需要知道如何编码才能以酷炫的方式辞职。

The guys I'm about to tell you about next resigned in even more unbelievable ways by |||||||||stepped down|||||| 接下来我要告诉你的这些人,以更令人难以置信的方式辞职了

using the more humble resources available to them. |||modest|||| 利用他们可利用的更低调资源。

The first legend worked in a two-in-one Taco Bell/KFC, and I've got to say, I already ||famous person|||||||Taco Bell||Kentucky Fried Chicken||||||| 第一个传奇人物在一家Taco Bell/KFC的分店工作,我得说,我已经感同身受。

feel his pain. 但是,好像已经要应付两拨烦人顾客还不够,

But, as if having to deal with two lots of annoying customers wasn't enough already, 他还要继续面对。

he'd been forced to work 22 days simultaneously without a break and then been denied a holiday ||||||连续不断地|||||||拒绝了|| ||||||gleichzeitig|||||||verweigert|| |||||||||||||Refused|| ||||||одночасно|||||||позбавлений права|| его заставили работать 22 дня подряд без перерыва, а затем отказали в отпуске 他被迫连续工作22天,没有休息,然后被拒绝放假。

for July 4. 7月4日。

Ouch. That hurts. 哎呀。

Can you blame him for wanting to resign in a way that would be remembered? 你能怪他想以一个让人记住的方式辞职吗?

There was a readerboard placed conveniently outside the workplace, which he made use of |||告示牌||方便地|||工作场所||||| |||Anzeigetafel||günstig platziert|||||||| |||message board||easily accessible|||||||| 他在工作场所外方便地放置了一个显示屏,他利用了这个显示屏

by writing a message on it that said: “I quit, from Adam – eff you.” ||||||||||||去你的| |||||||||||Adam|"fuck"| написав на нем послание, которое гласило: "Я ухожу, от Адама - пошел ты". 在上面写下了一条信息,上面写着:“我辞职了,来自亚当,滚你的。”

Although us here at the Infographics Show would never condone the use of foul language, |||||信息图表节目||||容忍||||粗俗的| |||||||||billigen||||anstößig| |||||||||approve of||||offensive or vulgar| |||||Infografika Show||||helyeselnék||||| 尽管我们在这里的信息图表节目绝不会容忍使用粗言秽语,

I've got to say, you go Adam! 我不得不说,亚当,你太棒了!

Stick it to the man and follow your dreams! 对抗|||||||| 与当权者作对,追随你的梦想吧!

Another guy who seemed to work exclusively as a sign operator – because apparently, ||||||||||标牌操作员|| ||||||||||Zeichenbediener|| ||||||||||sign controller|| 另一位男士似乎专门从事标识操作员工作 - 因为显然

that's a real job – put a sign up one day that said ‘my boss can change his own Это настоящая работа - однажды повесить табличку с надписью "Мой босс может изменить свой собственный 这是一份真正的工作——有一天放了个牌子,上面写着‘我老板可以自己换掉这个该死的牌子,我辞职。’

damn sign, I quit.' 嗯,直截了当。

Well, that's straight to the point. 这是一份真正的工作——有一天放了个牌子,上面写着‘我老板可以自己换掉这个该死的牌子,我辞职。’

If you're going to quit, I say quit in a way that will bring joy to others, and I'm ||||||||||||||Freude bereiten|||| Если вы собираетесь уволиться, то я говорю, что увольняйтесь так, чтобы это приносило радость другим, и я 如果你要辞职,我建议以一种能给他人带来快乐的方式辞职。

sure that sign brought joy to everyone who walked past it. 可以肯定,这个标志给经过的每个人带来了快乐。

But still, all these people basically resigned through writing, whether they wrote on a cake 但是,所有这些人基本上都通过书面方式辞职,无论是在蛋糕上写还是在巨大的标牌上写。

or a huge sign. 或是一个巨大的标牌。

But how about telling someone you're quitting out loud to your boss in a ridiculous way? ||||||||||||||lächerlich| 但是,试想一下用荒谬的方式向老板大声宣布你要辞职?

That takes courage. 那需要勇气。

One warehouse worker quit his job by announcing his resignation over the intercom, and proceeded |仓库|||||||||||对讲机|| |||||||ankündigen|||||Gegensprechanlage||fuhr fort |storage facility||||||declaring||||||| |raktári dolgozó|||||||||||hangosbemondó rendszeren|| 一名仓库工人通过对讲机宣布辞职并离职。

to run around the warehouse like a madman yelling to everyone that he was quitting and |||||||疯子|大喊大叫||||||| ||||||||herumschreiend||||||| |||||||crazed person|shouting||||||| 像个疯子一样在仓库里疯狂奔跑,对每个人喊着他要辞职并

celebrating. 庆祝。

We've all fantasized about it, but he went and actually did it, and I respect that. ||幻想过||||||||||||| ||fantasiert||||||||||||| ||dreamed about||||||||||||| 我们大家都幻想过,但他去真的做了,我尊重这一点。

If you thought it took courage to just say the words ‘I quit' to your boss, try singing

a whole song about it.

A Popeye's Chicken employee performed a song he'd written himself, all about why |大力水手|||表演了|||||||| |Popeye's Chicken||||||||||| 一位 Popeye's Chicken 的员工表演了一首他自己写的歌曲,全都是关于为什么

he was quitting, and proceeded to rap it in front of his co-workers and customers. ||||继续||||||||||| ||||fortfuhr||||||||||| 他要辞职,并开始在同事和顾客面前说唱。

He even had a mic and background track. ||||microphone||| 他甚至还有麦克风和背景音轨。

He was prepared. 他早就准备好了。

The other workers loved it, with everyone getting their groove on. |||||||||尽情舞动| |||||||||in Schwung kommen| |||||||||ritmusra kap| Другим работникам это понравилось, и все стали настраиваться на нужный лад. 其他工人都喜欢这个,每个人都热情洋溢地加入进来。

If I was his boss, I'm not even sure I'd be annoyed. |||||||||||bothered 如果我是他的老板,我甚至不确定自己会感到恼火。

You might think it can't get better than that, but trust me: it can. 你可能会认为事情无法再好了,但相信我:事情可以更好。

One guy's unusual hobby of being part of a marching band came in handy when he decided |||||||||行进||||||| |||||||||||||nützlich||| |||||||||||||proved useful||| Необычное хобби одного парня - участие в маршевом оркестре - пригодилось ему, когда он решил 有个人不寻常的爱好是加入行进乐队,当他决定辞去酒店工作时派上了用场。

to quit his job at a hotel. 他让他的经理大吃一惊,带来了整支乐队,带来了乐器,然后宣布

He surprised his manager with an entire band, instruments and all, and after announcing ||||||||乐器||||| ||||||||musical instruments||||| 他用一整支乐队给经理一个惊喜,乐器齐全。在宣布这个消息后,

his resignation, the band broke out into what can only be described as… a complete racket. |||||||||||||||喧闹声 |||||||||||||||Krach |||||||||||||||loud noise |||||||||||||||nagy zaj 他辞去职务后,这支乐队变得有点像……一团杂乱无章。

I'm not sure he'll be able to count on a good letter of recommendation for the next |||||||||||||Empfehlungsschreiben||| |||||||||||||reference letter||| Я не уверена, что он сможет рассчитывать на хорошее рекомендательное письмо в следующем 我不确定他是否能指望得到下一个角色的好推荐信。


Some epic ways to resign ended up getting recorded and going viral, but that wasn't 有些史诗般的辞职方式最终被记录下来并在网上走红,但这并不是

their primary motivation. |Main| 他们的主要动机。

Imagine quitting purely through a viral video. ||rein|||| ||solely|||| 想象纯粹通过一个病毒视频辞职。

For one woman who already worked for a video and animation firm, going down that route 对于一名已经在视频和动画公司工作的女性来说,走这条路

seemed like a natural step. 似乎是一个自然的下一步。

So, what did she do in her video? 那么,她在视频中做了什么?

She did a …interpretative dance. |||解释性| |||interpretative| |||értelmező| Она исполнила... интерпретационный танец. 她做了一个……解释性舞蹈。

To Kanye West. |To Kanye West| 致坎耐西·维斯特。

Yep, you heard me right. 是的,你没听错。

To the sound of Kanye West's ‘Gone', she filmed herself dancing manically in her |||||||||||疯狂地|| |||||||||||manisch|| |||||Kanye West's|||recorded herself dancing|||frantically|| 伴随坎耐西·维斯特的《Gone》声音,她拍摄了自己疯狂跳舞的视频

workplace at 4:30 in the morning. 早上4点30分在工作场所。

In the subtitles, she explained that the company she worked for was ‘amazing,' but she ||<captions>|||||||||||| 在字幕中,她解释道,她工作的公司是‘了不起的',但她

also had some pretty scathing criticism, saying that her boss only cared about views and quantity. ||||尖锐的批评|||||||||||数量 ||||vernichtend||||||||||| ||||harshly critical|||||||was concerned with||number of views|| ||||maró kritika||||||||||| 也进行了一些相当严厉的批评,称她的老板只关心点击量和数量。

Therefore, she had decided to finally quit and claim her life back, and the video ended As a result||||||||||||||| 因此,她决定最终辞职,重新拥有自己的生活,视频结束了

with her turning the lights off and calmly leaving.


It seems like her views-obsessed boss missed out on a good thing though, because the video |||||besessen von Ansichten||||||||||| |||||||||||||even so||| 看起来,她注重观点的老板错过了一件好事,因为这个视频

was seen by almost 20 million people and received more than 120,000 likes. |||||||got||| 被近2000万人观看,并获得了超过120,000个赞。

Not bad. 不错。

But at least that resignation kind of…made sense. 但至少那种辞职有点合理。

She was a video editor, so she quit by making a video – doing so would directly help her 她是一名视频剪辑师,所以她通过制作视频来辞职 - 这样做可以直接帮助她的未来工作机会。

future job prospects. ||未来工作前景 ||Zukunftsaussichten ||Future job opportunities ||jövőbeli munkalehetőségek 未来的工作前景。

Perfect! 完美!

What about using your position of authority to make a fool of your coworkers and manager? ||||||Power or control||||||||| 怎么样利用你的权威地位愚弄你的同事和经理?

Maybe not such a good idea – but that's what one woman did. 也许不是一个好主意 - 但这就是一个女性所做的事情。

Radio host Inetta the Moodsetta had previously told listeners that she had a very important ||伊内塔|||||||||||| ||No translation needed.||No translation needed|||||||||| 电台主持人Inetta the Moodsetta之前告诉听众她有一个非常重要的

announcement, and it turned out that announcement was her resignation. ||||||Ankündigung||| 公告,结果证明这个公告就是她辞职。

Oh, but she didn't just quit.

She went in deep with explaining her motives.

Innetta said she felt her coworkers were constantly looking over her shoulder, lying to her, talking Innetta said|||||||||||||||

about her behind her back, and went on a rant about it. |||||||||发牢骚|| |||||||||Schimpftirade|| |||||||||angry tirade||

She even went into details lamenting about her salary and the lack of a raise! |||||抱怨||||||||| |||||klagte|||Gehalt||||||Gehaltserhöhung |||||complaining about||||||||| |||||panaszkodva||||||||| Она даже стала в подробностях сетовать на свою зарплату и отсутствие прибавки к ней!

It might have been stupid in terms of employability, but I've got to say, she did a pretty good ||||||||就业能力|||||||||| ||||||||Beschäftigungsfähigkeit|||||||||| ||||||||job prospects|||||||||| 就就业来说,这样做可能很愚蠢,但我得说,她确实干得很好

job. 工作。

You're probably struggling to believe it at this point, but these resignations actually |||||||||||辞职事件| |||||||||||job departures| 你可能很难相信,但这些辞职其实

get weirder. |更奇怪 |more unusual

Imagine a CEO going for a dramatic, alternative resignation. Представьте себе генерального директора, который собирается драматически уйти в отставку. 想象一下一位首席执行官选择戏剧性、另类的辞职方式。

That's what Jonathan Schwartz, the former CEO of Sun Microsystems did when he posted |||施瓦茨||||||微系统公司|||| |||Jonathan Schwartz||previous CEO||||Sun Microsystems||||put online 这就是太阳微系统前首席执行官乔纳森·施瓦茨(Jonathan Schwartz)在网上发布辞职信时所做的。

his resignation online. 他的辞职信让人耳目一新。

On Twitter.

As a haiku, the most skilled form of poetry out there. ||俳句|||||||| ||Masterful poetic form||||||art of verse|| 作为俳句,是最熟练的诗歌形式。

You want to hear what it says, don't you? 你想听听它说了什么,不是吗?

Of course you do. 当然你想。

Well here goes.

Financial crisis. |Finanzkrise 财务危机。

Stalled too many customers CEO no more 停滞不前|||||| Zu viele Kunden|||||| Halted|||||| Megakadt túl sok ügyfél miatt, vezérigazgató nem bírja tovább.|||||| 顾客太多,CEO不干了

Come to think of it, how does a CEO resign? 仔细想想,CEO怎么辞职?

Aren't they just firing themselves? |||解雇| |||dismissing| Разве они не увольняют сами себя? 他们难道不是在自毁前程吗?

But moving on… 但是继续吧…

One thing is to be spiteful and sassy to your employer when you quit, and another is to |||||恶意的||无礼|||||||||| |||||gehässig||frech|||||||||| |||||vindictive||bold and cheeky|||boss||||||| |||||rosszindulatú|||||||||||| 辞职时对雇主恶意和狂妄一回事,另一回事是

be spiteful and sassy whilst also spending a ton of your employer's money. ||||同时|||||||| |Malicious||Bold and cheeky|while|||||||| |rosszindulatú||||||||||| быть злобным и нахальным и при этом тратить кучу денег своего работодателя. 虽然花了老板大量的钱,但还要心怀恶意和狂妄。

That's exactly the route Conan O'Brien went down once he realized he was probably |||路线|柯南·奥布莱恩||||||||| ||||Conan O'Brien|Conan O'Brien|||||||| 当康恩·奥布莱恩意识到自己可能会被NBC的脱口秀节目淘汰时,他就采取了同样的做法。

going to be dropped from his talk show on NBC. |||||||||National Broadcasting Company 正是康恩·奥布莱恩走的那条路。

Not prepared to go quietly, O'Brien decided to spend a ridiculous amount of the show's ||||||||||||||show's time Не желая уходить спокойно, О'Брайен решил потратить смехотворное количество времени на шоу.

budget in revenge. ||报复预算 以复仇为预算。

And when I say a ridiculous amount of money, I'm not talking about a few thousand dollars 当我说一笔可笑的金额时,我不是指几千美元

– I'm talking about more than a million dollars. - 我说的是一百万美元以上。

If that's not petty, I'm not sure what is. |||kleinlich||||| |||trivial||||| 如果这不算小气,我不知道什么才算。

The talk host decided to introduce a new character on his show, a Bugatti Veyron Mouse, which |||||||||||||布加迪威龙鼠|威龙|| |||||||||||||Bugatti Veyron|Bugatti Veyron|Bugatti Veyron Mouse| 脱稿的主持人决定在节目中引入一个新角色,布加迪威龙老鼠,

is a Bugatti sports car complete with fake mouse ears and whiskers. |||||||||||胡须 |||||||||||facial hair strands 是一辆带有假老鼠耳朵和胡须的布加迪跑车。

If you're not a car nerd, a Bugatti Veyron is a car model that's one of the most expensive |||||书呆子|||威龙|||||||||| 如果你不是车迷,布加迪威龙(Bugatti Veyron)是一款最昂贵的车型之一。

in the world.

The car then performed to the sound of Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones, which came with EXTREMELY 然后汽车以滚石乐队的《满足》的声音表演,这是极其...

steep royalty fees. 高额版税|高额版税|费用 |hohe Lizenzgebühren|Lizenzgebühren High|licensing fees|charges magas jogdíjak|| высокие роялти. 高额的版税费。

It's funny because it…wasn't funny at all. 这很有趣,因为…一点都不好笑。

He literally spent all that money just to get back at his bosses. ||||||||||||superiors Он буквально потратил все эти деньги, чтобы отомстить своим боссам. 他为了报复老板,真的花了所有的钱。

It's amazing he actually pulled this off without anyone stopping him. 令人惊讶的是,他实际上做到了,没有人阻止他。

It wasn't exactly a resignation, more like a way of guaranteeing he'd be fired, but ||||||||||sicherzustellen|||| ||||||||||Ensuring|||| 这并不完全是一次辞职,更像是一种确保他会被解雇的方式,但是

it still must have felt pretty sweet. 这仍然一定让他感觉很美好。

If watching this video made you want to quit your job in a crazy way too, then our message

to you is: don't … hesitate any longer! ||||zögern|| ||||wait|| ||||вагатися||

It will feel amazing, and give the rest of the internet a right laugh.

To help you find a new job, check out our video about surprisingly high-paying jobs

you can do from your bedroom.

Or you can check out this other video instead, either way you're not allowed to quit on 你也可以看另一个视频,无论如何,你都不能放弃。

us so keep watching!