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developing tactics for listening, 8- pronunciation

8- pronunciation

1. Did you call a plumber?

2. Did you try pouring plain soda on it?

3. Did you offer to replace it?

4. Did you call a locksmith?

5. Did you take it to the dry cleaners?

6. Did you buy a new one?

8- pronunciation 8- pronuncia 8- wymowa 8- pronúncia 8- произношение

1. Did you call a plumber? ¿Llamaste a un fontanero?

2. Did you try pouring plain soda on it? ¿Has probado a echarle sosa?

3. Did you offer to replace it? 3. ¿Te ofreciste a sustituirlo?

4. Did you call a locksmith? 4. ¿Llamaste a un cerrajero?

5. Did you take it to the dry cleaners? ¿Lo llevaste a la tintorería?

6. Did you buy a new one? 6. ¿Compraste uno nuevo?