البطالة في عيد العمال ماذا انجزنا؟
Unemployment|in|Labor|Workers|What|have we achieved
Chômage le jour de la fête du Travail Qu'avons-nous accompli ?
Unemployment on Labor Day: What have we achieved?
في الأول سؤال هل لديك وظيفة؟ هل العامل الأردني محمي في ظل القوانين الحالية؟ البطالة؟
in|the first|question|do|you have|job|is|worker|Jordanian|protected|under|the shadow of|laws|current|unemployment
First question: Do you have a job? Is the Jordanian worker protected under the current laws? Unemployment?
كيف نناقشها اليوم في يوم العمال؟
How|we discuss it|today|on|Day|Labor
How do we discuss it today on Labor Day?
كل ذلك وأكثر سأناقشه مع ضيوفي
all|that|and more|I will discuss it|with|my guests
All of that and more I will discuss with my guests.
أمين عام وزارة العمل أستاذ فاروق الحديدي مساء الخير
Secretary General of the Ministry of Labor, Professor Farouk Al-Hadidi, good evening.
مساء النور يا حي الله بيك
evening|light|O|alive|God|with you
Good evening, welcome.
أيضاً أرحب برئيس الاتحاد العام لنقابات عمال الأردن الماز المعايطة
also|I welcome|by the president|union|general|of the unions|workers|Jordan|Al-Maz|Al-Ma'ayta
I also welcome the President of the General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions, Al-Maz Al-Ma'ayta.
مساء الخير أهلاً بك سيدي
evening|good|welcome|to you|sir
Good evening, welcome sir.
وقبل أن نبدأ حديثاً مع ضيوفنا الكرام
and before|to|we start|a conversation|with|our guests|honorable
Before we start a conversation with our esteemed guests.
سنتابع معكم أراءة مواطنين حول فرص العمل في السوق الأردني طبيعي سويياً
We will follow up|with you|opinions|citizens|about|job opportunities|work|in|market|Jordanian|naturally|together
We will continue with you the opinions of citizens about job opportunities in the Jordanian market.
فرصة عمل ما في فرص ونصلنا من عمري 38 سنة وما في شغل بالبلد
opportunity|work|not|there is|opportunities|we reached|from|my age|years|and not|there is|work|in the country
There is no job opportunity, I am 38 years old and there is no work in the country.
ما في شغل
there is|in|work
There is no work.
بندور على الفاضي كله
We are looking|for|the empty|all
We're looking for nothing at all.
أنا غير متفائل بإيجاد فرصة عمل بعد التخرج
I|not|optimistic|in finding|opportunity|job|after|graduation
I'm not optimistic about finding a job after graduation.
ولكن إذا اشتغلت على نفسي وتعبت سوف أحصل على فرصة عمل
but|if|I worked|on|myself|and I tired|I will|get|on|opportunity|job
But if I work on myself and put in the effort, I will get a job opportunity.
متفائل ألاقي شغل لأنه لكل مجتهد نصيب وإن شاء الله رح نلاقيه
optimistic|I will find|job|because|for every|diligent|share|and if|||will|we will find it
I'm optimistic about finding work because every diligent person has their share, and God willing, we will find it.
يطيك العافية
may give you|health
May you be well.
صراحة موضوع سوق العمل غير متفائلين حالياً
Honestly, we are not optimistic about the job market right now.
لما نشوف أعداد البطالة العالية جداً
when|we see|numbers|unemployment|very high|very
When we see the very high unemployment rates.
وخصوصاً إن جوان الخدمة المدنية
Especially since the aspects of civil service.
أوقف بعض التعدينات والقطاع الخاص
stopped|some|mining operations|and the private|sector
Some mining operations and the private sector have stopped.
ونشوف بعد فترة جائحة كورونا قلت كثير فرص العمل
and we see|after|period|pandemic|Corona|decreased|a lot|opportunities|work
We see that after the COVID-19 pandemic, job opportunities have decreased significantly.
صراحة هو من الممكن أن ألاقي وظيفة أو ممكن لا
Honestly, I might find a job or I might not.
أنا أدرس عمل سبراني
I am studying cybersecurity.
في حال هسا إن شاء الله تيسرت الأمور ولقيت وظيفة يعني
in|case|now|if|||ease|matters|and I found|job|that means
If things go well, I hope to find a job.
بكون مثلاً الراتب 300 أو 400 دينار
it is|for example|salary|or|dinars
The salary would be, for example, 300 or 400 dinars.
بس فعلياً أنا ما رح يكفيني كشب في بداية حياتي
but|actually|I|not|will|be sufficient for me|as a man|in|the beginning|my life
But actually, it won't be enough for me as a young person at the beginning of my life.
اتخرجت بالـ 2019
I graduated|in the
I graduated in 2019.
وإن شاء الولد لدينا كثير فيها شغل
and if|wills|the boy|we have|a lot|in it|work
And if the child is willing, we have a lot of work in it.
فقدمنا على الهندسة الحمد لله
we advanced|in|engineering|praise|to God
So we moved on to engineering, thank God.
بس ما رجعنا ولا توفقنا بأي شيء
but|not|we returned|nor|we succeeded|in anything|thing
But we didn't return or succeed in anything.
بتقدم بدهم إياك الدوم السنة بدون خبرة
I apply|they want|you|all the time|year|without|experience
They want you to advance for a year without experience.
بس شان تكسب الخبرة بس مجانة
but|in order to|gain|experience||for free
But just to gain experience, but for free.
فهذا الشيء موضوع مع أي شباب يكون متخرج
so this|thing|is discussed|with|any|young men|are|graduates
This thing is a topic with any young people who have graduated.
فعشان هيك كان الواحد طرق إنه يترك الهندسة
so|like this|was|one|thought|that|leaves|engineering
That's why one was considering leaving engineering.
ويفوت في مجال غير مجاله وغير تخصصه
and misses|in|field|not|his field|and not|his specialization
And entering a field outside of their field and specialization.
اللي يتعب سبع أو ثمان سنوات دراسة عليه
who|studies hard|seven|or|eight|years|study|on him
Those who study for seven or eight years are exhausted.
حلق بخبرتي هون أنا إلي أكتر من 15-16 سنة بالنفق
Soar|with my experience|here|I|have|more|than|years|in the tunnel
Based on my experience here, I have been in the tunnel for more than 15-16 years.
بشعر إنه الطلاب بدرسوه هالأربع سنين، خمس سنين
I feel|that|students|study it|these four|years|five|years
I feel that the students study it for these four years, five years.
بعد ما يخلص الدراسة بقعد بدون شغل سنة
after|not|he finishes|studying|I will stay|without|work|year
After they finish their studies, they sit without work for a year.
بعدين بقعد يدور على شغل يأسس حاله
later|he will sit|to search|for|job|to establish|
Then he will sit and look for a job to establish himself.
بيصير عمره 26-27 سنة
he becomes|his age|years
He will be 26-27 years old.
والإستات وعماله بده يكون حاله يعني
|and his work|should|be|his situation|I mean
And he needs to have a situation, I mean.
الصراحة مش كتير
Honestly, not much.
لأنه في كتير يعني في هاي المجالات أو في هذا التخصص كتير طلاب بدرسوه
because|in|many|I mean|in|this|fields|or|in|this|specialization|many|students|study it
Because there are many students studying in these fields or in this specialization.
فمش كنا رايح تصحي لنا فرصة عمل فيه
so we weren't|we|going to|wake up|us|opportunity|work|in it
So we weren't going to have job opportunities in it.
إذاً كانت هذه أراء حول توفر فرص العمل في السوق المحلي
So these were opinions about the availability of job opportunities in the local market.
دولة الكرام، مساء الخير مرة أخرى أهلاً وبركاته
State|of honor|evening|good|once|again|welcome|and his blessings
Good evening again, welcome and greetings to the State of Dignity.
أهلاً بكم وأنا بدي أبدأ منك سيد فاروق
Welcome|to you|and I|want|to start|from you|Mr|Farouk
Welcome, and I would like to start with you, Mr. Farouk.
واليوم فيه تساؤلات مهمة حول نسب البطالة الدقيقة في الأردن
and today|there are|questions|important|about|rates|unemployment|accurate|in|Jordan
Today, there are important questions regarding the accurate unemployment rates in Jordan.
عنا نسب كتير عنا 30% عنا 55% بالشاب 50% بالشاب
we have|percentages|many|we have|we have|in the male|in the male
We have many rates, we have 30%, we have 55% among the youth, 50% among the youth.
أرقام تصدر هنا وهنا
Numbers|are issued|here|and here
Numbers are being issued here and there.
بدنا أرقام دقيقة في هذا الجانب
We need|numbers|accurate|in|this|aspect
We need accurate numbers on this aspect.
واليوم بدي أسمع وجهة نظرك فيه جزء كبير من الأراء المستطلة اليوم
and today|I want|to hear|perspective|your opinion|in it|part|large|of|opinions|circulating|today
Today, I want to hear your opinion; there is a large part of the opinions surveyed today.
مطالبة على مقاعد دراسة طالبة جامعيين أو طالبة حديثية تخرج
Claim|on|seats|study|female student|university|or|female student|recent|graduate
Demand for study seats for university students or recent graduates.
وبحكوا عن لقوا ولا ما لقوا فرصة عملهم
And they talk|about|they found|or|not|they found|opportunity|their work
And they are talking about whether they found their job opportunities or not.
متفائلة لقوا فرصة عملهم
optimistic|they found|opportunity|their work
Optimistic about finding their job opportunity.
وهذا الجيل اليوم داخل السوق
and this|generation|today|entering|market
And this generation is now entering the market.
بدي أسمع وجهة نظرك تفضل سيدي
I want|to hear|perspective|your|please|sir
I would like to hear your opinion, please go ahead, sir.
يا سيدي أول شيء بدايةً بدي أشكرك على هذا اللقاء في هذا اليوم
O|my sir|first|thing|initially|I want|to thank you|for|this|meeting|on|this|day
Sir, first of all, I want to thank you for this meeting today.
اللي منحتفل فيه إحنا في عيد العمال
which|we celebrate|in|we|on|Labor|Day
What we celebrate is Labor Day.
نشامة ونشميات الأردن
men of honor|women of honor|Jordan
The men and women of Jordan.
اللي يبدلوا الجهد الكبير في بناء هذا البلد
those who|exert|effort|great|in|building|this|country
Who put in great effort in building this country.
ومتالته وعزته
and his example|and his glory
And its glory and pride.
وبهذا المناسبة اسمح لي باسم معاني وزير العمل
|occasion|allow|me|in the name of|the meanings of|Minister|Labor
On this occasion, allow me on behalf of the Minister of Labor
وزملاء في وزارة العمل أن ننقل تمنيات وتحياتنا للأخوان
and colleagues|in|Ministry|Labor|to|convey|best wishes|and our greetings|to the brothers
and my colleagues at the Ministry of Labor to convey our wishes and greetings to the brothers
العمال في كل مواقع عملهم وفي كل فئاتهم وتخصصاتهم
workers|in|all|sites|their work|and in|all|their categories|and their specializations
workers in all their workplaces and in all their categories and specialties
اللي هم بنيت هذه البلد على سواعدهم
who|they|built|this|country|on|their arms
who built this country on their shoulders.
يا سيدي القضية اللي بتحكي فيها مؤشرات البطالة
O|my sir|issue|that|you are talking|about|indicators|unemployment
Sir, the issue you are talking about is the unemployment indicators.
أرقام البطالة هناك مرجعية واحدة فقط في البلد
Numbers|Unemployment|There|Reference|One|Only|In|The country
There is only one reference for unemployment figures in the country.
التي تصدر عنها كل ما يتعلق في بيانات سوق العمل
which|issues|from it|all|what|related|in|data|market|labor
It is the source of all data related to the labor market.
ومنها مؤشرات البطالة أو نسب البطالة
Including unemployment indicators or rates.
وهذه بحكم القانون مخولة إلى دائرة الإحصاءات العامة
and this|by the law|law|authorized|to|Department|Statistics|General
This is legally authorized to the Department of Statistics.
التي تقوم بإجراء مسوحات ربعية لتحديد نسب البطالة
which|conducts|by conducting|surveys|quarterly|to determine|rates|unemployment
Which conducts quarterly surveys to determine unemployment rates.
للذكور والإناث وحسب المناطق الجغرافية
for males|and females|according to|regions|geographical
For males and females and according to geographical areas.
وضمن مسح لعينات تتبع الأسس والمعايير العالمية
and within|survey|of samples|tracking|foundations|and standards|global
And within a survey of samples that follow global standards and criteria.
وتتوافق مع المعايير والأسس اللي بتعتمدها منظمة العمل الدولية
and complies|with|standards|and principles|that|it adopts|organization|labor|international
It complies with the standards and foundations adopted by the International Labour Organization.
وبالتالي لا يوجد أي مصدر في الأردن يحدد نسب البطالة
and therefore|not|there is|any|source|in|Jordan|specifies|rates|unemployment
Therefore, there is no source in Jordan that specifies the unemployment rates.
وتوزيعها جغرافيا أو على الذكور والإناث
and its distribution|geographically|or|among|males|and females
And their geographical distribution or by gender.
إلا دائرة الإحصاءات العامة وهو الرقم الرسمي المعتمد في الأردن
Except for the Department of Statistics, which is the official figure adopted in Jordan.
طيب قداش الرقم الرسمي؟
okay|how much|number|official
So what is the official number?
سيدي في عام 2022 بلغت نسبة البطالة 22 أو معدل البطالة 22.8%
Sir, in 2022, the unemployment rate reached 22 or an unemployment rate of 22.8%.
على 10 مليون هاي؟
Is that out of 10 million?
هذه سيدي بتحكي عن بطالة بين الأردنيين
This, sir, refers to unemployment among Jordanians.
بين الأردنيين؟
Among the Jordanians?
نعم سيدي
yes|my sir
Yes, sir.
مش من 10 مليون؟
Not from 10 million?
من 10 مليون الأردنيين على تخاص البطالة
From the 10 million Jordanians regarding unemployment.
على 7 مليون من انقاذها مش هي؟
on|million|from|saving her|not|she
Isn't it about saving 7 million?
7 مليون تقريبا
Approximately 7 million.
بحب أعطيك بس رقمين حجم قوة العمل الأردنية سيدي
I love|to give you|just|two numbers|size|labor|workforce|Jordanian|sir
I would like to give you just two numbers about the size of the Jordanian workforce, sir.
هي 1.838.657 هذا تعني من هم الأردنيين كنهم في سن العمل
It is|this|means|who|they|Jordanians|since they|in|age|working
It is 1,838,657, which means those are the Jordanians who are of working age.
قداش سيدي سن في سن العمل؟
how much|my sir|age|in|year|work
What is the working age in years?
1.838.657 فرد
1,838,657 individuals
بس اسمحلي أنت قلت الرقم على 7 مليون
but|allow me|you|said|number|was|million
But excuse me, you said the number was 7 million.
نعم سيدي هاي قوة العمل اللي تقاس منهم في سن العمل في الأردن
Yes|sir|this|labor|force|that|is measured|from them|at|age|work|in|Jordan
Yes, sir, this is the labor force that is measured in working age in Jordan.
هذولا 23 مليون منهم عاطرين على العمل
These|million|of them|unemployed|in|work
There are 23 million of them unemployed.
هذول سيدي يعمل منهم 1.418.820 فرد
these|my master|works|from them|individual
Out of these, sir, 1,418,820 are working.
والمتعطلون 419.837 اللي هني بشكله نسبة 22.80
and the unemployed|which|here|forms|percentage
And the unemployed are 419,837, which represents a rate of 22.80.
يعني احنا عنا 400.000 عاطرين على العمل
it means|we|have|unemployed|on|work
So we have 400,000 unemployed.
419.837 حسب أرقام دائرة الأحصاءات العامة المنشورة بموجب أحكام القانون
according to|numbers|Department|statistics|General|published|under|provisions|law
419.837 according to the figures published by the General Statistics Department under the provisions of the law.
هذا عام 22؟
Is this year 22?
عام 22
Year 22
كويس بس احنا في أرقام أخرى بتقول نسبة البطالة بين الشباب أعلى بكثير من
good|but|we|in|numbers|other|say|rate|unemployment|among|youth|higher|by much|than
That's good, but we have other figures that say the unemployment rate among youth is much higher than.
تصل لـ 50% من مثلاً
reaches|to|of|for example
Reaches up to 50% of, for example,
والله يا سيدي كل شخص يستطيع أن يحدد رقم جزافاً
I swear by God|O|my master|every|person|can|to|determine|number|randomly
By God, sir, every person can arbitrarily set a number.
ولكن التحدي هو إذا كان يستطيع أن يضع القاعدة العلمية والمنهج العلمي والمنهج البحث السليم المعتمد
but|the challenge|is|if|he|can|to|establish|the principle|scientific||scientific||research|sound|established
But the challenge is whether they can establish the scientific basis, the scientific method, and the proper research methodology.
وليس نسب دون ما يكون فيها أي مرجعية علمية ولا أي مرجعية بحثية أو أي مرجعية حصائية
and not|attribution|without|anything|is|in it|any|reference|scientific|nor|any|reference|research|or|any|reference|statistical
And not percentages without any scientific reference, research reference, or statistical reference.
كل واحد بقدر يحكي البديه
every|one|can|speak|the truth
Everyone can speak the obvious.
ولكن في حكم القانون دارة الأحصاءات العامة وهي دائرة نفتخر في أدائها
but|in|the rule of|law|Department|Statistics|General|and it is|a department|we take pride|in|its performance
However, in the rule of law, the General Statistics Department is an institution we take pride in its performance.
وليس فقط في موضوع البطالة دارة الأحصاءات العامة تقوم بمسوحات مختلفة في مختلف التخصصات
And not only in the issue of unemployment, the General Statistics Department conducts various surveys in different specialties.
وهي المرجعية المعتمدة دون غيرها
and it is|reference|approved|without|others
It is the recognized reference above all others.
كويس بس أنا بدي أوضح الرقم 419 ألف أردني
Good, but I want to clarify the number 419 thousand Jordanian.
out of order
فوق الثمانتاشر سنة متعطل عن العمل
Over eighteen years old, unemployed.
يبحث عن العمل
He searches|for|work
Looking for work.
يبحث عن العمل ولا يجد
He searches|for|work|and not|he finds
He is looking for work and cannot find it.
لا يجد عمل
does not|find|job
He cannot find a job.
هيك الرقم الدقيق
this way|number|precise
This is the exact number.
يبحث عن العمل
He searches|for|work
Looking for work
هذا نهاية عام 22
This is the end of year 22
آخر أسبوعين من إجراء المسوحات
last|two weeks|of|conducting|surveys
The last two weeks of conducting surveys
يعني لما بتعمل أنت المسيح
it means|when|you do|you|the Christ
It means when you do the Christ
بيكون آخر أسبوعين بحث عن عمل ولم يجد عمل
it will be|last|two weeks|search|for|job|and not|he finds|job
He has been looking for a job for the last two weeks and has not found one.
الساد مازن وأنت رئيس اتحاد عام لغباء عمال أردن
the sixth|Mazen|and you|president|union|general|of stupidity|workers|Jordan
Al-Saad Mazen,你是一个针对约旦工人愚蠢行为的总工会的负责人
Mr. Mazen, you are the president of the General Union of Jordanian Workers' Stupidity.
واليوم في ملاحظتين
and today|in|two observations
And today there are two observations.
وسأتيك لموضوع
and I will come to you|for the topic
And I will come to you about the topic
أنه اليوم
it is|today
that today
سؤال أنتو كاتحاد عام
question|you (plural)|as a general union|general
is a question for you as a general union
شو عندكم فرص عمل
what|do you have|job opportunities|work
What job opportunities do you have?
شو بتوفر فرص عمل
what|provides|job opportunities|work
What job opportunities are available?
وين العمال بيشتغل وكيف بيشتغل وظروف عمالهم
where|workers|work|and how|they work|and the conditions|of their work
Where do workers work, how do they work, and what are their working conditions?
كل هذا سأسأل
all|this|I will ask
I will ask all of this.
ولكن قبل ذلك في يوم العمال
But before that, on Labor Day.
الملاحظة التي تكون دارجة
the observation|that|is|common
The observation that is common
ليس في أردن وحده في كل عالم
is not|in|Jordan|alone|in|every|world
is not only in Jordan but in the whole world
فالعمال يتبعون الإجازة في الأول من أيارهم غير العمال
And the workers|follow|holiday|on|first|of|May|non|workers
Workers follow the holiday on the first of May, unlike non-workers
صحيح إلى حد ما
Somewhat true
يعني هي لا أدري هناك في لبس في اتخاذ القرارات الحقيقة
it means|she|not|I know|there|in|confusion|in|making|decisions|truth
I mean, I don't know, there is some confusion in making real decisions
في أصل الأعياد الدينية والقومية وما إلى ذلك
in|origin|the holidays|religious|and national|and what|to|that
Regarding the origins of religious and national holidays and so on
ربما الحكومة تفهم أن هذا ينطبق على
maybe|the government|understands|that|this|applies|to
Perhaps the government understands that this applies to
الذين يعملون في الجهاز الاداري
Those who work in the administrative apparatus
في حين أن الذين يعملون في القطاع الخاص
Whereas those who work in the private sector
لا ينطبق عليهم بعض الأعياد
does not|apply|to them|some|holidays
Some holidays do not apply to them
إلا الأعياد زي عيد الفطر وعيد الأضحى فقط
except|holidays|like|Eid|Al-Fitr|and Eid|Al-Adha|only
Except for holidays like Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha only
وهذا يعني فهم خاطئ
and this|means|understanding|wrong
And this means a misunderstanding
على الأقل أنا من وجهة نظري
at|least|I|from|perspective|my view
At least from my point of view
أن يوم العمال العالمي يفترض أن يكون للعمال
that|day|workers|international|is supposed|to be|be|for the workers
That International Workers' Day is supposed to be for the workers
هناك فيه قضية جدلية في هذا الموضوع الحقيقة
There|in it|issue|controversial|in|this|topic|truth
There is a controversial issue in this topic, in fact.
وأحنا يعني كثير
and we|mean|a lot
And we, I mean, a lot.
لا أريد أن أقول استدمنا
I do not|want|to|say|we were addicted
I don't want to say we became addicted.
لكن خلنا نقول اختلفنا
but|let's|say|we disagreed
But let's say we disagreed.
مع صانعي القرار في هذه القضية
With the decision-makers in this matter
احنا من وجهة نظرنا أنه لا
From our point of view, no
الأعياد يفترض أن يعني
holidays|are supposed|to|mean
Holidays are supposed to mean
يستفيد منها الذين يعملون في الجهاز الاداري
benefit|from it|those|work|in|apparatus|administrative
Those who work in the administrative apparatus benefit from it.
والذين يعملون في القطاع الخاص
And those|work|in|sector|private
And those who work in the private sector.
لأن تعريف العامل كل من يعمل
Because the definition of a worker is anyone who works.
بعجر فهو عامل
with a limp|he is|worker
By definition, he is a worker.
سواء كان في القطاع العام أو في القطاع الخاص
Whether in the public sector or in the private sector
وفي كثير من الدول
and in|many|of|countries
And in many countries
الذين يعملون في القطاع العام
Those who work in the public sector
والذين يعملون في القطاع الخاص
And those|work|in|sector|private
And those who work in the private sector
يخضعون إلى قانون واحد حقيقة
they are subject to|to|law|one|truth
They are subject to one law, in fact.
اللي هو قانون زي قانون العمل
Which is a law like labor law.
لدينا على سبيل المثال
we have|for|example|instance
We have, for example.
لكن احنا بجوز تاريخيا
But we, perhaps historically.
فيه قانون اسمه قانون الخدم المدني
there is|law|called|law|civil|service
There is a law called the Civil Service Law.
وقانون الخدم العسكري وقانون العمل
and the law|military|service|and the law|labor
And the Military Service Law and the Labor Law.
لا زال هذا يعني يلقي بضراله على
not|still|this|means|throws|with his harm|on
This still means it casts its shadow on.
تفكير صانعي القرار
The thinking of decision-makers.
إذن لا بد من أنه
then|not|necessity|of|that he
So it must be that
يعني هذه القضية
this issue means
خير نقول
good|we say
let's say good
I mean
لكي نعالجه
in order to|treat him
To treat it
تعالج وتحسر
treat|and regret
It is treated and regretted
أنا وجدت نظري حقيقة
I|found|my vision|reality
I found my theory to be true
والله بحكي جد
I swear by God|I am speaking|seriously
I swear I'm serious.
my master
وهو قال لك هاينا مضلومين إحنا من داوم
and he|said|to you|here we are|oppressed|we|from|work
And he told you that we are oppressed, we are working.
يا سيدي بداوم
O|my master|I work
Oh sir, we are working.
ولكن القانون عطاه حقه
but|the law|gave him|his right
But the law gave him his rights.
أولا يا سيدي في العطل الرسمي
first|O|my sir|in|holidays|official
First, sir, during official holidays.
لا يجوز أن تشل حركة البلاد
The movement of the country should not be paralyzed.
وبالتالي يجب أن يكون هناك عمال
and therefore|there should|to|be|there|workers
Therefore, there must be workers.
طبعاً أنا بأطلق
of course|I|will shoot
Of course, I am launching.
أنا أطلق نقب عمال بحكم
I|launched|drilling|workers|by decree
I am launching a labor recruitment.
المسمى في القانون
According to the title in the law.
حتى يديموا الحياة
So that they can sustain life.
إذا ما نحكي عن المرافق الأساسية
if|not|we talk|about|facilities|essential
If we talk about the basic facilities
يجب أن يكون موجودين كهرباء
There should be electricity
خدمات صحية خدمات مختلفة
Health services and various services
بعدين يا سيدي
later|O|my sir
Then, my dear sir
الأعياد هي موسم
holidays|are|a season
Holidays are a season
رزقة للأصحاب العمل
livelihood|for the owners|work
of prosperity for business owners
وخاصة في قطاع المطاعم
especially in the restaurant sector
في قطاع الترفية
In the entertainment sector
في قطاع السياحة
In the tourism sector
فيجب أن يكون هناك عمال وكل العالم
must|to|be|there|workers||the world
There should be workers and the whole world
العمال يشتغلوا أيام العطلة
The workers|work|days|holiday
Workers work on holidays
لكن القانون أعطاهم حقهم
but|the law|gave them|their rights
But the law gave them their rights.
قالوا اليوم بيوم نص
They said|today|by the day|text
They said today is the day of half.
بمعنى إذا كان راتبك دينار في هذا اليوم
meaning|if|was|your salary|dinar|on|this|day
Meaning if your salary is one dinar on this day.
اليوم العادي
the day|ordinary
The regular day.
في يوم بأخذ دينار نص
On|a day|I will take|dinar|half
One day I take half a dinar.
وترك له الخيار
and left|to him|the choice
And I leave him the choice.
ولكن إحنا بنقول دائماً
But we always say.
إنه هذه بلد
it is|this|country
That this is a country.
يجب أن تدوم الحياة فيها
must|to|last|life|in it
Life must last in it
الخدمات والمرافق
Services and facilities
والنقل والموانئ
and transport|and ports
Transportation and ports
and the filter
And the refinery
يعني بالشتاء
means|in winter
It means in winter
إحنا عطلة عنا عطلة رسمية
We|have a holiday|we have|holiday|official
We have a holiday, we have an official holiday
مصفاة البترول يا سيدي
refinery|oil|O|my sir
The oil refinery, sir
كوادرها وموزعي الغاز
its staff|and distributors|gas
Its staff and gas distributors
موزعي المحروقات
Fuel distributors
ده مشتغلوا
this|his work
This is their work
فبالتالي كل واحد في عنده خياراته
so|every|one|in|has|his options
Therefore, everyone has their own options
في إنه إذا بده يعمل يأخذ إضافة
in|that|if|he wants|to work|he takes|addition
If they want to make an addition
يوم بيوم نص في هذا الجانب
day|by day|text|in|this|aspect
Day by day, we are monitoring this aspect.
وإحنا هذا منراقب عليه
|this|monitor|on him
And we are closely monitoring this.
منراقبة شديدة في وزارة العمل
There is strict monitoring in the Ministry of Labor.
بأنه كل عامل إذا
That every worker if
اشتغل في أيام العطل الرسمية
He works|on|days|holidays|official
Worked on official holidays
وعطل رسمية بيضم يوم الجمعة
and holidays|official|include|day|Friday
And official holidays include Friday
وإنت بتعرف عمان يوم الجمعة
And you know Amman on Friday
في بعض القطاعات هو
in|some|sectors|it is
In some sectors it is
زي ما بقوله البيك تايم
like|not|I tell him|the boss|time
As the big time says
عندهم بالشغل
they have|at work
They have it at work
فبالتالي يجب
Therefore, it should
يأخذ يوم عطلة بداله
takes|day|holiday|instead of him
Take a day off instead
هذا قانوني
this|my law
This is legal.
إذا بده يأخذ يوم عطلة بداله يتم الاتفاق مع صاحب العمل ومفيه المشكلة
if|he wants|to take|day|off|instead|is|agreement|with|employer|work|and there is no|problem
If he wants to take a day off instead, an agreement must be made with the employer and there is no problem.
وهذا قانوني
and this|is my law
And this is legal.
إما أن يتفق مع صاحب العمل على يوم عطلة
Either he agrees with the employer on a day off.
مكان هذا اليوم
The place of this day
هو يأخذ بدل هذا اليوم يوم عطلة
He|takes|instead of|this|day|day|holiday
He takes instead of this day a day off
إذا اشتغل بأخذ يوم عطلة
if|he worked|by taking|day|off
If he works by taking a day off
أو بأخذ
or|by taking
Or by taking
أجر يوم نص
Daily wage half
فهذا بالأجر تبعه طبعا هذا بالاتفاق التراضي
so this|by payment|followed him|of course|this|by agreement|mutual consent
This is of course based on mutual agreement regarding the wage.
بالتراضي ما بينها وبين صاحب العمل
by mutual consent|what|between her|and|employer|work
By mutual consent between her and the employer.
وأنه سمازن السؤال
And that answers the question.
ماذا نقدم لعمالنا اليوم قوانيننا
what|do we offer|to our workers|today|our laws
What do we offer our workers today? Our laws.
تحميهم قوانيننا جيدة
Our laws protect them|our laws|good
Our laws protect them well.
عمالنا مرتاحين
Our workers|are comfortable
Our workers are comfortable.
أول شيخ
The first elder.
هنفرق بين خضيثنا القوانين جيدة والعمال مرتاحين
We will differentiate|between|our conversation|laws|good|and the workers|are comfortable
We will differentiate between our good laws and the comfortable workers.
كويس القوانين جيدة
good|the laws|are good
Good, the laws are good.
قوانين جيدة نعم أنا يعني
Good laws, yes, I mean.
أشهد بأنه قانون العمل الاردني
I bear witness|that it is|law|labor|Jordanian
I testify that it is the Jordanian labor law.
يعني يتفوق عن غيره
It means it excels over others.
من كثير من القوانين المعمول بها
from|many|of|laws|applied|by them
From many of the laws in force.
ربما في الدول العربية وغيرها
Perhaps in Arab countries and others.
في الدول العربية حتى
In Arab countries even.
يمكن بجوز في بعض الدول المتقدمة
it is possible|maybe|in|some|countries|developed
It may be the case in some developed countries.
العقد شريعة المتعاقدين
contract|law|of the contractors
The contract is the law of the contracting parties.
ما فيه لا فصل تعسف ولا كذا ولا كذا
there is not|in it|no|section|oppression|nor|such and such|nor|such and such
There is no arbitrary section or anything like that.
العقد شريعة المتعاقدين
contract|law|of the contractors
The contract is the law of the contracting parties.
حتى بالساعة بيشتغلون
even|by the hour|they work
They even work by the hour.
احنا قانوننا فيه حماية
we|our law|has|protection
Our law has protection in it.
وفر الحماية
And it provides protection.
لكن المشكلة في التطبيق
but|the problem|in|the application
But the problem is in the implementation.
and the practice
and the practice
يعني فيه خروقات
it means|there are|violations
means there are violations
وفيه مخالفات
and in it|violations
and there are infractions
يعني على سبيل المثال للحصر
it means|for|the sake of|example|for limitation
for example, to be specific
القانون حدد
the law|specified
The law specified
وضع حد أدنى للأجر
setting|minimum|wage|for the wage
a minimum wage
هذا الحد الأدنى للأجر
this|minimum|wage|for the wage
This minimum wage
للعامل غير الماهر
for the worker|unskilled|skilled
for unskilled workers
الذي ينزل إلى سوق العمل لأول مرة
The one who enters the job market for the first time
على اعتبار انه كل ما اكتسب خبرة
Considering that the more experience one gains
اكثر وكل ما زادت سنوات الخدمة
more|and every|as|increased|years|service
and the more years of service increase
يزداد الراتب
the salary increases.
كثير من القضاعات بتعتبر انه
Many|of|the questions|consider|that
Many of the critics consider that
هذا قرآن ميتين وستين مفيش يزيد ولا تعرف
this|Quran|two hundred|sixty|there is no|increase|nor|you know
this is the Quran of two hundred and sixty, there is no increase or knowledge
يلا بقيت كمان عشر سنوات ولا خمستاشر سنة
come on|it became|another|ten|years|or|fifteen|year
Come on, it will be another ten years or fifteen years
هذا فهمه للقانون
this|understanding|of the law
This is his understanding of the law
فهم غير جيد يعني القانون
understanding|not|good|means|the law
Poor understanding means the law
وضع حتى لا يظلم
put|so that|not|be wronged
Set up so that no one is wronged
الذي يعمل لأول مرة
who|works|for the first|time
For those who are working for the first time
يعني هذا سقف للراتب
means|this|ceiling|for the salary
This means a ceiling for the salary
هذا حد أدنى
This is a minimum
حد أدنى
ايضا في كثير من القضايا
Also in many cases
الذي تفضل في عطوفته بالنسبة
which|you prefer|in|his kindness|regarding
Which you preferred in his Excellency regarding
هو فهم الحكومة
He|understands|the government
He understands the government.
للعطلة انه اذا جاء دوام العامل
for the holiday|it|if|comes|work|worker
Regarding the holiday, if the worker comes to work.
وانا معهم مش لازم
and I|with them|not|necessary
And I am with them, it doesn't have to.
يعني يتسكر البلد
it means|will be closed|the country
I mean, the country should not be closed.
يعني تعطي الحياة
it means|gives|life
It means giving life.
لكن في هذه القضية
But in this case,
لا يعترفون العديد من
do not|recognize|many|of
many employers do not acknowledge that it is supposed to be
اصحاب العمل بانه يفترض انه
employers|work|that he|assumes|that he
the case.
يصرف له حسب القانون
is paid|to him|according to|the law
He is paid according to the law.
الساعة بساعة وربع
The time|at one o'clock|
An hour and a quarter.
بساعة ونص او بساعتين
in an hour|and a half|or|in two hours
An hour and a half or two hours.
ما بيعترف له بيقول له لا احنا قطاع خاص وما لنا علاقة
not|admits|to him|he says|to him|no|we|sector|private||to us|relationship
He is not recognized; they tell him no, we are a private sector and we have nothing to do with it.
من هون جاء القضية الجدلية
This is where the controversial issue came from.
ولو كان بيصرف له عدد
and if|was|he is paying|to him|amount
And if he was being paid a number.
ما عنا مشكلة نهائيا
we don't have|have|problem|at all
We have no problem at all.
لا بل حصنا اللي في القطاع العام بيشتغلوا
no|but|our fortress|those|in|public|sector|work
No, rather, we are fortifying those who work in the public sector.
يوم العطلة فيه كثير منهم بيداوم
day|holiday|in it|many|of them|work
On the holiday, many of them still work.
اللي في الصحة اللي بيمرضين
those|in|health|who|get sick
Those in healthcare who are sick.
طبعا بيداوموا حتى لو كان عطلة
of course|they work|even|if|it was|holiday
Of course, they work even if it's a holiday.
يعني ما بتعطل حياة زي ما تفضلت انت
it means|not|disrupts|life|like|not|you preferred|you
It doesn't stop life, as you mentioned.
لكن احنا عنا المشكلة
but|we|have|the problem
But we have the problem
في تفسير القوانين وفي فهم القوانين
in|interpretation|laws|and in|understanding|laws
in interpreting the laws and in understanding the laws
وهي يعني
and it means|
And this means
كمان انا بقول يعني
also|I|say|I mean
Also, I mean
فيه جزء منها مسئولية الحكومة
it has|part|of it|responsibility|government
Part of it is the responsibility of the government.
كيف مسئولية الحكومة
How is it the responsibility of the government?
تنظيم العلاقة
regulating the relationship.
بين الشركاء الاجتماعيين
Between social partners
بين العمال واصحاب العمل
between|workers|and employers|work
Between workers and employers
بيرفع مستوى الوعي
Raises the level of awareness
لدى الشريحتين
has|the two SIM cards
我有两张 SIM 卡
Among the two groups
عليها دور كبير حقيقة انه
on it|role|big|truly|that it
It has a significant role, in fact,
فيه عندك منظمات اصحاب عمل ومنظمات عمال
there is|with you|organizations|employers|work|and organizations|workers
you have employers' organizations and labor organizations.
منظمات اصحاب العمل
Employers' organizations,
اللي هم مثلا
who|they|for example
for example,
غرفة الصناعة وغرفة التجارة
Chamber|Industry|and Chamber|Commerce
Chamber of Industry and Chamber of Commerce
عليهم دور كبير
They have|role|big
They have a significant role
في رفع مستوى الوعي لدى
in raising awareness among
اصحاب العمل وتفسيرهم
employers|work|and their interpretation
business owners and explaining to them
بقضية القوانين والانظمة
regarding the issue of|laws|and regulations
Regarding the issue of laws and regulations
وان ادى ذلك الى
And this led to
عمل ندوات ودورات وما
conducting|seminars|workshops|and more
Holding seminars and courses and what
الى ذلك حتى بالتالي
To that ultimately
كيف بدنا احنا نكرس مفهوم
how|we want|we|to establish|concept
How are we going to establish the concept
الشراكة الاجتماعي لانه هذا اقتصاد
of social partnership because this is an economy
اذا ما فيه كان تعاون
if|not|there is|was|cooperation
if there is no cooperation
بين اطراف الانتاج ما بينهذا
between|factors|production|what|between this
between the production parties?
الاقتصاد ولازم
economy|and necessary
The economy is necessary.
نتجرد من قضية النظر الوحادية
we detach|from|issue|perspective|unilateral
We must rid ourselves of the issue of unilateral perspective.
انه انا بدى حق ارباحه بس لانه
that|I|want|right|his profits|but|because
I want my profits just because.
اذا بقيت انا انظر الى هذه النظرة
if|I stay|I|look|at|this|gaze
If I continue to look at it from this perspective.
مصير الاقتصاد رح
The fate of the economy is going to be
يعني ينزل واول
it means|he descends|and first
that it will decline, and first
المتضررين ايضا هم اصحاب
the affected|also|they|owners
the ones affected are also the owners
العمل في هذه الحالة يعني
of businesses in this case.
ثقافة الاستثمار
Investment culture
ثقافة اصحاب العمل اللي
The culture of business owners
هي تنظر الى تحقيق
Which looks at achieving
الربحي ورفع مستوى
profitability|and raising|level
Profitability and raising the level
المؤسسات غير موجودة
The institutions do not exist.
لدى العديد من اصحاب العمل الحقيقة
has|many|of|employers|work|the truth
Many employers have the truth.
وانت حكيتنا حد ادنى الاجور
and you|told us|minimum|wage|salaries
And you told us about the minimum wage.
نعم وانتم موجودين
yes|and you|are present
Yes, and you are present.
مناسب حد ادنى الاجور اليوم الموجود
The minimum wage today is appropriate.
والله سيدي شوف هذه قضية
I swear by God|my master|look|this|issue
Honestly, sir, look at this issue.
بحب اسأل وضح شغلة فيها
I love|to ask|clarify|thing|in it
I would like to ask you to clarify something about it.
احنا في عام
We are in the year
2020 رفع الحد الادنى الاجور
2020, the minimum wage was raised
ربعين دينار طيب
to forty dinars, okay
and it was
and it was
يعني اربعين دينار
That means forty dinars.
على 220 كانت نسبة رفع حد
On 220, the increase rate was good.
احنا في قرار للجلسة الثلاثية
we|in|decision|for the session|three-way
We are in a decision for the tripartite session.
وصار اتفاق عليه في بداية
and it became|agreement|on it|at|the beginning
An agreement was reached at the beginning
عام الاربع
of the fourth year
سيكون هناك رفع حد
there will be|there|increase|limit
There will be an increase in the
الادنى الاجور
minimum wage
بما يعادل نسبة تضخم
equivalent to|equals|rate|inflation
equivalent to the inflation rate
لعام الاثنين وواحد وعشرين
for the year|two|and one|and twenty
for the year twenty-one
واثنين وعشرين وثلاثة وعشرين
and two|twenty|and three|twenty
and twenty-two and twenty-three
حتى يكون فيه تعويض
so that|there is|in it|compensation
so that there is compensation
احنا موضوع الكورونا
We are talking about the coronavirus.
ويعني خلينا نقول
and it means|let's|say
And let's say.
اسمح لي بس
Allow me just.
نحكي عن اربع وعشرين
We talk|about|four|twenty
Let's talk about twenty-four.
سنرفع الحد الادنى الاجور
We will raise|the minimum|wage|salaries
We will raise the minimum wage.
هذا موجب قرار
This is a decision requirement.
لجنة الثلاثية
The tripartite committee.
ما بين الحكومة واصحاب العمل
what|between|the government|and employers|labor
Between the government and employers.
وتم التوافق عليه
|agreement|on it
It was agreed upon
تحسب نسبة تضخم في عام
The inflation rate is calculated for the year
الواحد وعشرين واثنين وعشرين وثلاثة وعشرين
twenty-one, twenty-two, and twenty-three
يجمعوا مع بعض
They gather|with|each other
They are combined together
نعم الى الحد الادنى للاجور
Yes|to|minimum|wage|for wages
Yes to the minimum wage
وبالتالي بيكون فيه
and thus|there will be|in it
And thus there will be
عندنا زيادة في الرواتب
we have|increase|in|salaries
An increase in salaries
نقطة وحيدة
A single point
بحب اوضحها بانه
I love|clarify it|that
I would like to clarify that
الفترة من عام الالفين وعشرين
period|from|year|two thousand|and twenty
the period from the year two thousand and twenty
لنهاية الاثنين وعشرين
by the end of|Monday|twenty
to the end of twenty-two
وبدايات اليوم فترة عصيبة كانت
and the beginnings|of the day|period|difficult|was
and the beginnings of today was a difficult time.
يعني كل
It means everything
المنظوم الاقتصادي سيدي كانت تعاني
economic system|economic|my lord|was|suffering
The economic system, sir, was suffering
and thus
And thus
كان للنظرة باللجنة الثلاثية
was|for the perspective|in the committee|three-party
There was a perspective from the tripartite committee
بانه احنا بهمنا
that|we|care about them
That we care about
استدامة العمل استدامة
Sustainability of work is sustainability
الانتاج وحتى
production|and even
of production and even
ما نحصر وظايف
not|we limit|jobs
not limiting jobs
يعني رفع الحد الادنى للاجور
means|raising|minimum|wage|for wages
It means raising the minimum wage.
كان يؤدي الى انك تخصر بعض الوظائف
It would lead to losing some jobs.
فبالتالي كان كل الاجماع
Therefore, there was a consensus.
بانه احنا بدنا نخلي الاقتصاد
that|we|want|to keep|the economy
That we want to keep the economy.
الاردني يتعافى
The Jordanian|recovers
The Jordanian is recovering
ويستمر في النمو
and continues|in|growth
and continues to grow
ويحقق نمو
and achieves|growth
and achieves growth
حتى في بداية العام الالفين واربع
even|in|beginning|year|two thousand|and four
even at the beginning of the year two thousand and four
وعشرين لما بيصير زيادة حد
and twenty|when|becomes|increase|limit
And twenty when there is an increase in the limit
الادنى للاجور بيكون
minimum|wage|will be
The minimum wage will be
متوازن ومقبول
Balanced and acceptable
وفيه امكانيات القطاع الخاص
and it has|capabilities|sector|private
And there are possibilities in the private sector
انه يقدر يتحمل وهذا بنحكي
he|can|endure|and this|
He can endure this, and we are talking about it.
عن مقدار الضخم
About the huge amount.
واحد وعشرين اثنين وعشرين ثلاث وعشرين
one|and twenty|two|and twenty|three|and twenty
Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three.
الحقيقة سيدي
the truth|my sir
The truth, sir.
يعني ربما قبل ثلاثين سنة
it means|maybe|before|thirty|years
Maybe thirty years ago
ما كانش فيه فرق
there was no difference
بين الحد الادنى للاجور ومستوى
between|minimum|wage|for wages|and level
between the minimum wage and the level
الاجور وتكاليف المعيشة فرق
wages|and costs|living|difference
of wages and the cost of living.
بسيط ولذلك فيه طبقة وسطة
simple|and therefore|it has|layer|middle
Simple and therefore there is a middle layer.
كانت موجودة المشكلة
was|present|the problem
The problem was present.
عنى ثلاث مشاكل حقيقة
There are actually three problems.
and the level
and the level
of wages
والحد الاأدنى
and the minimum|allowable
and the minimum
الحد الادنى مائتين وستين
minimum|two hundred sixty||
the minimum is two hundred and sixty
مستوى الاجور من اربعمية وخمسين
level|wages|starting from||and fifty
The wage level is from four hundred and fifty
لخمسمية دينار
for five hundred|dinars
to five hundred dinars
تكاليف المعيشة فوق الثمانية
The cost of living is above eight
يعني في انا هوتين
it means|in|I|Houtin
I mean, there are two things.
موجودات من بين الحد الادنى
There are existences among the minimum limit.
ومستوى الاجور
and the level|wages
And the wage level.
قبل ثلاثين سنة ما كانت موجودة
thirty years ago|thirty|years|not|was|existing
Thirty years ago, they did not exist.
وهذا ما خلق
and this|what|created
And this is what created
مشكلة في الطبق الوسطى
A problem in the middle plate
اذا راحت الطبق الوسطى حقيقة الى حد ما
if|went|the dish|middle|truth|to|limit|somewhat
If the middle plate goes away, it is somewhat true
هذي لازم نركز عليها
This|must|we focus|on it
We must focus on this
ويجب وجوبا ان نعالج
and it is obligatory|necessarily|to|we treat
It is mandatory that we address
هذه ولن تحل مشكلة البطالة
this|and will not|solve|problem|unemployment
this, and the unemployment problem will not be solved
الا اذا علجنا هذه الخضية
unless|if|we addressed|this|issue
unless we address this issue
لانه من اسباب
because it is one of the reasons
مشكلة البطالة عزوف بعض الشباب
The problem of unemployment is the reluctance of some youth
عن الاقبال عن فرص العمل المتاحة
to pursue available job opportunities
بسبب انه الـ 260 دينار
because|it is|the|dinars
because the 260 dinars
ما بيكفوني مواصلات
not|enough for me|transportation
are not enough for transportation.
لا خليني قاعد في الدار
no|let me|sitting|in|the house
No, let me stay at home.
سأعود بعد فاصل قصير لنتحدث عن فرص العمل المتاحة
I will return|after|break|short|to talk|about|opportunities|work|available
I will return after a short break to talk about available job opportunities.
كيف يمكن ان نزيد هذه الفرص
How can we increase these opportunities?
كيف يمكن الشاب التحدث في بداية الحلقة
how|can|the young man|to speak|in|the beginning|the episode
How can the young man speak at the beginning of the episode?
ان يطمئنوا على
that|they feel reassured|about
To reassure them about
مستقبلهم في توفير
their future|in|provision
their future in providing
او في ايجاد فرصة
or in finding an opportunity.
لتعمل بعد تخرجه
to work|after|his graduation
To work after graduation
We continue
We continue
We continue
We continue
We continue
We continue
We continue
We continue
We continue
We continue
We continue
We continue
نواصل الحوارنا وعضوثنا الكرام
We continue|our dialogue|and our members|honorable
We continue our dialogue, dear members.
انت وقفت سافاروق على قضية توفير
You stood, Safarouq, on the issue of providing
فرص عمل اليوم
job opportunities|work|today
job opportunities today.
كيف للسوق ان يوفر فرص عمل هذا بدون استثمار
how|for the market|to|provide|opportunities|work|this|without|investment
How can the market provide job opportunities without investment?
لكن اليوم دوركم كوزارة عمل
but|today|your role|as a Ministry|Labor
But today, your role as the Ministry of Labor.
يا سيدي زي ما حكيت انت توفير فرص العمل
O|my sir|like|what|you said|you|providing|opportunities|work
Sir, as you mentioned, providing job opportunities
هي ناتج عن تحقيق
is a result of achieving
نمو اقتصادي
economic growth
بدون استثمار
Without investment
لا يمكن انك تخلق
You cannot create
فرص العمل بالعدد المطلوب
job opportunities|work|in the required quantity|required
Job opportunities in the required numbers
خاصة ان قدرة الاقتصاد
Especially since the capacity of the economy
الاردني الطبيعي في الفضاء العادي
The natural Jordanian in ordinary space
بنحكي عن 40
We talk|about
We are talking about 40
ل45 الفرصة عمل
for 45|opportunity|work
to 45 job opportunities
وبالتالي كل ما زدت حملية الاستثمارات زاد
and thus|all|what|increased|volume of|investments|increased
Thus, the more you increase investment activities, the more it increases
معدل النمو كل ما
The growth rate whenever
ولد فرص عمل كبيرة
it creates great job opportunities
الوزارة سيدي ضمن
the ministry|my lord|within
The ministry, sir, includes
her priorities
it in its priorities.
وضمن اولويات العكومة
and within|priorities|the government
Among the government's priorities
تنفيذ برامج لدعم
Implementation|Programs|to support
is the implementation of programs to support
اولويات التشغيل
employment priorities
ومنها البرنامج الوطني للتشغيل
including|program|national|for employment
including the national employment program
اللي بديره وزارة العمل
The one managed by the Ministry of Labor
وبرنامج الشباب والتكنولوجيا
and the program|youth|and technology
And the youth and technology program
والوظائف اللي بديره وزارة الاقتصاد الرقمي
and the jobs|that|provided by|Ministry|Economy|Digital
And the jobs managed by the Ministry of Digital Economy
في مجال قطاعات تكنولوجيا المعلومات
in|the field|sectors|technology|information
In the field of information technology sectors
برنامج التشغيل
Operating program
الوطني احنا بدأنا
We started the national
بتنفيذه في 3 سبعة
by its implementation|on|July
implementation on July 3
and it was done
And it was
العدد اللي تم تعيينه
The number that was appointed
بحدود 21800
Around 21800
اردني في هذا البرنامج
Jordanian in this program
في مختلف التخصصات والقطاعات
in|various|disciplines|and sectors
in various specialties and sectors
موزعين جغرافيا
geographically distributed
هذا البرنامج بوفر
this program provides
دعم لشركات القطاع الخاص
support|for companies|sector|private
Support for private sector companies
ب130 دينار لمدة 6 شهر
at 130|dinars|for a duration of|months
130 dinars for 6 months
زائد 10 دلانير
Plus 10 dinars
مواصلات و 10 دلانير ضمان اجتماعي
Transportation and 10 dinars for social security
برضه لمدة 6 شهر
Also for a duration of 6 months
مع بعض النفقات اللي هي
Along with some expenses that are
علاقة في عملية التدريب والتأهيل
relationship|in|process|training|and rehabilitation
Related to the training and qualification process
for work
For work
والهدف انه العامل سيدي ثبت
and the goal|that|worker|my master|is established
The goal is that the worker, my master, is established.
علميا بانه العامل
It has been scientifically proven that the worker.
اذا التحق في العمل واستمر لمدة
if|he joined|in|work|and continued|for a duration
If he joins the work and continues for a period of.
6 شهر وبلش يفكر
months||to think
6 months and starts to think.
في كيفية تنظيم
On how to organize
نفسه ليستمر في هذا
himself|to continue|in|this
himself to continue in this
هذه المهنة
لانه اول 3 شهر هم
because|first|months|they are
because the first 3 months are
بيكون في حالة هو بحالة
will be|in|condition|he|in condition
It will be in a state, he is in a state.
التفكير وانه بنفع بنفعش
thinking|and that|benefits|does not benefit
Thinking about whether it is useful or not.
بزبط مزبط شو هاي
It is adjusted, what is this?
لكن اذا جاوز مدة 6 شهر
But if it exceeds 6 months.
بيكون استقر
will be|settled
He will settle down.
وقرر انه يبقى
and he decided|that he|stays
And he decided to stay.
في هذه المهنة بشكل كبير
In this profession significantly.
خاصة في قطاعات كثيرة
Especially in many sectors.
It proves
نجاح هذه الفكرة
the success of this idea
اذا كان هذا مقروم
if this is accompanied
بتدريب عملي ومهني
with training|practical|and professional
by practical and professional training
حتى يعزز مهاراته
until|he enhances|his skills
to enhance his skills
في قطاع التكنولوجيا المعلومات
in the information technology sector
نفس الفكرة اللي بيطبق في
same|idea|that|is applied|in
the same idea that is applied in
برنامج تشغيل الوطني
the national operating program
بيعطي دعم للشركات في تشغيل
provides|support|to companies|in|operations
Provides support to companies in operation
في قطاع
In the sector
التكنولوجيا المعلومات
Information technology
لكن في شغلة
But there is something
يعني بحب اوضحها انا
I mean|I love|to clarify it|I
I mean, I want to clarify it.
انه اليوم الشباب
it is|today|youth
That today, young people
يجب ان لا يحصروا
should not limit
العمل اللي بيبحثوا عنه في مجال
job|that|they are looking|for|in|field
the work they are looking for to a specific field.
التخصص اللي اتخرجوا فيه من الجامعة
major|that|graduated|in it|from|university
The major they graduated in from university
الا في بعض القطاعات
except in some sectors
اللي عليها طلب
who|on her|request
that are in demand
و لكن اليوم
but today
قطاع السياحة
Tourism sector
عليها طلب كبير
on her|demand|large
It has a high demand
قطاع التكنولوجيا المعلومات عليها طلب
sector|technology|information|on it|demand
Information technology sector has demand
قطاع الهندسي
Engineering sector
هندسي بحكي في مجال التصنيع
Engineering is talking in the field of manufacturing
عليها طلب
on her|request
There is demand for it
في قطاعات
In sectors
كل ما يتعلق فيه موضوع
everything|that|relates|in it|topic
Everything related to this topic
الطاقة المتجددة
Renewable energy
كل ما يتعلق فيه موضوع
everything|that|relates|in it|topic
Everything related to this topic
حماية البيئة و حفاظ على البيئة
Environmental protection and conservation
كل هذه تخصصات مطلوبة في قطاع
All these are required specialties in the sector
اللوجستيكس يعني انتفرجوا اخو بعض الجامعات
logistics|means|they are competing|brother|some|universities
Logistics means that some universities are collaborating.
اللي دخلوا التخصصات
those who|entered|majors
Those who entered the new specializations.
الجديدة خرجينهم مطلوبين في السوق العمل
new|their graduates|needed|in|market|labor
Graduates are in demand in the job market.
لان السوق اليوم
Because the market today.
اصبح متغير يتطلع
has become a variable looking
الى تخصصات و مهن
for specializations and professions
that are not
اليوم نحكي قاعدين احنا عن الاقتصاد الاخضر
Today|we talk|sitting|we|about|economy|green
Today we are talking about the green economy.
الاقتصاد الاخضر
The green economy.
يتطلع على الديجيتال ايكونومي
looks forward|to|digital|economy
It looks at the digital economy.
كل ياتي بكرة نحكي على
everyone|comes|tomorrow|we talk|about
Tomorrow we will talk about everything.
الرقماني و كل ما يتعلق
The digital and everything related to it
فيه موضوع الرقماني و موضوع
there is|topic|digital|and|topic
The topic of digital and the topic
الكودينغ و هذا الحكي
of coding and this talk
لا يعني انه خريج تخصص معين
does not|mean|that he|graduate|major|specific
It does not mean that he is a graduate of a specific major.
في جامعة اردنية
At a Jordanian university.
بعيد عن هذا الطلب
Far from this request.
انه ما يأهل نفسه يفوت في برامج
That he does not qualify himself to enter programs.
لانه صار عنده
because|became|he has
Because he has become a part of it.
قاعد الاساسية
The basic sitting.
والفكر الاساسي
and the thought|fundamental
And the basic thought.
و يستطيع ان يكون لديه اثنين تلاتة دزبات مدخصصات
and|he can|to|be|have|two|three|subjects|specialists
And he can have two or three specialized adjustments.
يستطيع ان ينتقل
He can transition
من تخصصه الراكد
from|his specialization|stagnant
from his stagnant specialization
الى التخصص المطلوب في سوق العمل
to the specialization required in the job market
و هذا الي يجب انه احنا
and this is what we must do.
كلنا نطلع عليه
we all|look|at it
We all look at it.
قدمنا برامج للشباب قلنا لهم
We presented|programs|for the youth|we told|them
We presented programs for the youth and told them.
اخوان ترى اللي مخلص من هذا التخصص
brothers|you see|who|graduated|from|this|major
Brothers, those who have completed this specialization.
هذا ما يأهل سوق العمل اليوم
This does not qualify for the job market today.
انا بقدر اطورك
I|can|develop you
I can develop you.
حتى تلاقي فرصة عمل تدرس
until|you find|opportunity|job|you study
So you can find a job opportunity to study.
هذه الدورة و هذه الدورة و تلك الدورة
This course, and this course, and that course.
طبعا يا سيدي موجود في سوق العمل
of course|O|my sir|available|in|market|work
Of course, sir, it is available in the job market.
موجود و لكن ليس بالكم الكافي
available|and|but|not|in quantity|sufficient
Available but not in sufficient quantity
مش بالكم الكافي
not|with your mind|sufficient
Not in sufficient quantity
و لكن
القاعدة اصبحت موجودة اليوم
the rule|has become|present|today
The base has become available today
نطلع على بعض المؤسسات
we look at|at|some|institutions
Let's look at some institutions
بعض الجهات
Some entities
اللي بتدير مثل هذه المشاريع
that manage such projects
بعض الجامعات المتخصصة في هذا الجانب
Some universities specialized in this area
و اليوم عندنا في وزارة التعليم
and|today|we have|in|Ministry|Education
And today we have at the Ministry of Education
the high
Higher Education
اصبح اذا من
it has become if from
راقم من لاجي انه فيه تخصصات
I think|from|Laji|that|there are|specializations
There are specializations that have emerged.
جديدة اصبحت تدخل
new|has become|enters
New ones have started to enter.
لغيات التعليم
Into the fields of education.
او لغيات استكمال
Or into the fields of completion.
التمكين المهني في هذا الجانب
Professional empowerment in this aspect
طبعا فاروق دي اسألك سؤال ممكن سؤال
of course|Farouk|this|I ask you|question|possible|question
Of course, Farouk, can I ask you a question?
بعد اذنك اخرجي اذا تكرمت
after|your permission|please exit|if|you are so kind
Please excuse me if you don't mind.
لكن فيه سؤال مهم جدا
but|there is|question|important|very
But there is a very important question.
اليوم كم عامل
today|how many|workers
How many workers today?
وافد موجود في السوق المحلي تقديم
How many expatriates are present in the local market?
يا سيدي احنا عندنا
O|my master|we|have
Sir, we have
بعامل ل2002
with a factor|for 2002
one worker for 2002.
عدد العمال
Number of workers
اللي حصلوا على تصريح
those who|obtained|on|permit
who obtained a valid work permit
عمل ساري كانت في نهاية
at the end of
عام 2022 حوالي
2022 was about
300 الف عامل
300 thousand workers
وقديش عنا مخالف
how much|we have|violations
And how many violations do we have
An estimate
سيدي هذا انا بدي اقدر
sir|this|I|want|to be able to
Sir, I want to estimate this
انا بدي احكي لك شغلة و اكون منصف
I|want|to tell|you|something|and|I will be|fair
I want to tell you something and be fair.
واضح اللي بقولك بقدر
clear|that|I tell you|I can
It's clear what I can tell you.
اقدر كم عامل مخالف
I can|how many|worker|illegal
I can estimate how many violations there are.
فيه في الاردن لا تردج عليه
there is|in|Jordan|not|respond|to him
There are in Jordan, don't respond to him.
لا ترد عليه
do not|reply|to him
Do not respond to him.
ابدا ابدا مش مليون عامل
Never, never, not a million workers.
عنا ابدا سيدي
we have|never|my master
We never have, sir.
وانا بحب اوضح شغلة يا سيدي
and I|love|clarify|thing|oh|my sir
And I want to clarify something, sir.
هاي شغلة مهمة جدا
This is a very important matter.
اعرفي العامل
know|the worker
Know the worker.
المخالف والمقيم المخالف
The violator and the violator resident.
ما يرشد
What does not guide.
فيه فرق بين العامل المخالف
there is|a difference|between|worker|violator
There is a difference between the violating worker.
وفيه فرق بين المقيم المخالف ويعمل
And there is|a difference|between|resident|violator|and works
And there is a difference between the violating resident who works.
بعض الاخوان من عدة دول
Some brothers from several countries.
لهم مضى اللجوء السياسي
to them|has passed|asylum|political
They have been granted political asylum.
هذول بيشتغلوا
These are working.
لكن هذول غير مسرح لهم انهم يعملوا
but|these|not|allowed|to them|they|work
But these are not allowed to work.
ولكن بيشتغلوا بسوق العمل
but|they work|in the market|labor
However, they are working in the labor market.
هل اعتبر انا عامل مخالف
Do|I consider|I|worker|violator
Should I consider myself an illegal worker?
بحكومة قانون العمل انه فات على الاردن
by the government|law|labor|that|has passed|on|Jordan
According to the labor law, it has passed for Jordan.
بفيزة عمل
with a visa|work
With a work visa.
وبعدين ما طلعش تصريح عمل
and then|not|issued|permit|work
And then a work permit was not issued.
ولا فات على الاردن زيارة
and not|missed|to|Jordan|visit
Nor did it pass for Jordan as a visit.
ببعض من قصد العلاج باللجوء
with some|of|intention|treatment|through asylum
Some intended to seek treatment through asylum.
واصبح موجود في سوق العمل
and became|present|in|market|work
And it has become present in the labor market.
وانا مش قادر اعمل معايشي
and I|not|able|make|my living
And I am unable to make a living.
فيه فرق سيدي بين هذول
there is|a difference|my sir|between|these two
There is a difference, sir, between these.
بشكل كبير جدا
Very significantly
يجب الواحد يطلع عليهم
should|one|look|at them
One must look at them
ما عناش عدد
we don't have|number|number
We don't have a number
عدد عمالي مخالفة
number|my workers|violation
Number of labor violations
صعب سيدي
difficult|my sir
It's difficult, sir
وإلا كان خالفوهم وجابوهم
otherwise|they would have|opposed them|and brought them
Otherwise, they would have opposed them and brought them
يكتبوا تصريح
they write|permit
They write a permit
سيدي فيه عندي انا بده اعطيك مثال
sir|there is|with me|I|want|to give you|example
Sir, I have an example to give you.
هل انتو عملتوا تصويب اوضاع جديد
Did|you (plural)|do|adjustment|situations|new
Did you make a new adjustment?
اعطيك اعضاء سيدي
I give you|members|my master
I will give you the members, sir.
احنا عملنا قرار
We made a decision.
وقرار صدر
and a decision|was issued
A decision was issued
عن امتوجيه من مجلس الوزراء
by directive from the Council of Ministers
هذا القرار اولا
This decision first
وقف الاستقدام
is to stop recruitment
باستثناء ثلاث قطاعات
Except for three sectors
العمليين بالمنازل او العاملات في المنازل
workers|in homes|or|maids|in|homes
workers in homes or domestic workers
وذول المعراث المتخصصة
and those|the specialists|specialized
and those specialized professions
عندهم خبرات اللي ممكن طلقوا للمعرفة
They have|experiences|that|can|provide|for knowledge
They have experiences that can lead to knowledge.
for Jordanians
For Jordanians.
وقطاع صناعة الالبسة
and the sector|manufacturing|clothing
And the clothing industry sector.
اللي هو للتصدير للاتحاد الاوروبي
which|is|for export||Union
Which is for export to the European Union.
وبيعترض بشكل رئيسي على العمالة
and he objects|in a way|main|to|labor
And he will mainly object to foreign labor.
الاجنبية من دول شرق اسيا
From East Asian countries.
اللي عندها انتاجية عالية فيها
who|has|productivity|high|in it
Which have high productivity there.
والباقي توقف اليوم
and the rest|stopped|today
And the rest stopped today.
ما فيه عندنا اي استقدام
there is not|any|with us|any|recruitment
There is no recruitment with us.
والهدف من هذا القرار
and the goal|of|this|decision
And the purpose of this decision.
بس انتو قلتوا انو فيه تصويب اوضاع للعاملين
but|you (plural)|said|that|there is|correction|situations|for the workers
But you said that there is a regularization of the workers.
مش تصويب اوضاع سيدي
not|correction|situations|my master
Not a regularization, sir.
تصويب الاوضاع المصطلح هذا يتداول تاريخيا
correction|situations|term|this|is circulated|historically
The term 'rectifying the situation' has been historically circulated.
بانو الحكومة
The government|
The government.
عافت العمال
The workers|refused
The workers have been neglected.
عند اصدار تصريح العمل
When issuing the work permit.
من مبالغ رسوم
From the fees amounts
رسوم معينة
Certain fees
احنا سيدي القرار
we|my master|decision
We, sir, the decision
مبني على
Is based on
حرية امكانية الانتقال
Freedom of movement
للعمال بين
for the workers|between
for workers between
القطاعات الاقتصادية
economic sectors|economic
economic sectors
حتى يسكروا
until|they drink intoxicants
until they are satisfied
الفجوات اللي موجودة
the gaps|that|are present
The gaps that exist
يعني هم كانوا اللي معا تصريح زراعي
it means|they|were|those|with|permit|agricultural
I mean, they were the ones who had an agricultural permit
وديه ينقل على انشاء كان صحيح
where|he transfers|on|construction|was|correct
And this can be transferred as it was correct
اليوم هذا اذا بدك تنقل متاح
today|this|if|you want|move|available
Today, if you want to transfer, it is available
متوفر بشروط
available|with conditions
Available under conditions
مع فيه ضوابط شروط
with|it has|controls|conditions
With controls and conditions
يعني كل ما نستقدم بعد عام
it means|everything|that|we import|after|year
It means that everything we bring in after the year
الواحد وعشرين لا يمكن انه ينتقل
Twenty-one cannot be transferred
بعد واحد وعشرين ليش
After twenty-one, why?
لانه بعد واحد وعشرين لما الوزارة
because|after|one|twenty|when|the ministry
Because after twenty-one, when the ministry
عطت موافقات على الاستقدام كانت بناء
gave approvals for recruitment, it was based
على احتياجات القطاعات الاقتصادية
on the needs of the economic sectors.
ويقولوا ما في عمال
and they say|there|are|workers
And they say there are no workers.
عندنا هاي القطاعات رح توقف وانا
we have|these|sectors|will|stop|and I
These sectors will stop, and I.
متفضل خذوا هاي العمال حسب احتياجاتكم
please|take|this|workers|according to|your needs
Please take these workers according to your needs.
اسمحلو انه ينتقل
let him|that|move
Allow them to transfer.
هذا اللي ايجي استقدام بعد عام
This is the one that will come for recruitment after a year.
الواحد او يعني من بداية عام الواحد وعشرين
One, or I mean from the beginning of the year twenty-one.
بكون ساهمت انا
I will be|contributed|I
I would have contributed.
في عملية خطأ
To a mistake.
طيب عندك تعقيم
okay|do you have|sterilization
Okay, do you have sterilization?
سيدي اولا
my master|first
Sir, first of all,
اذا بدنا نظل نحكي العمال الوافذي
if|we want|to keep|talking|workers|expatriates
if we want to keep talking about the foreign workers,
والظل ومظلش
and the shadow|and it didn't overshadow
and the shade and not being shaded.
هذه قرارات معايير دولية وقرارات سياسية
These are international standards and political decisions.
ويمكن تكون حتى اكبر من
and it could|be|even|bigger|than
And they can even be bigger than.
من قرارات الحكومة
of|decisions|the government
The government's decisions.
هاي وجهة نظرية لكن في معالج
this|perspective|theoretical|but|there is|therapist
This is a theoretical perspective, but there is a treatment.
قرار ما هو احنا اليوم كل الدول
The decision is what we are today, all the countries
you are limiting
are limiting
O children
With children
her cold
Its cold
بس احنا معدودين
but|we|are few
But we are counted
اعقب هذا الموضوع
follow up|this|topic
After this topic
في مهن مغلقة
In closed professions
سيدي اذا بدنا نظم
sir|if|we want|organize
Sir, if we want to organize
انا الحقيقة
I|the truth
The truth is
في احتياجات سوق العمل موجودة في اكتر
in|needs|market|labor|are present|in|more
There are labor market needs that are more available
من قطاع في قطاع
From sector to sector
الانشاءات وفي قطاع الصيانة
In the construction sector and in the maintenance sector
خلي قطاع الزراع على جانعه وخصوصيته
leave|sector|agriculture|on|its side|and its privacy
Leave the agricultural sector on its side and its specificity
قطاع الصيانة بحاجة
The maintenance sector|maintenance|is in need of
The maintenance sector is in need
الى كثير من الشباب وقطاع
To many young people and the construction sector
الانشاءات بحاجة الى كثير من الشباب
constructions|need|to|a lot|of|youth
The construction sector needs many young people
the question
The issue
الان انا بدل ما اقوله بدي اطلع
now|I|instead of|not|tell him|I want|go out
Now instead of telling him I want to go out
بدي اوجد له عامل منافس
I want|to find|for him|worker|competitor
I want to find him a competitive worker
ربما الحكومة
maybe|the government
Maybe the government
يعني لها دور
it means|for her|role
It means it has a role
في تنظيم هذه القضية
in organizing this issue
يعني مثلا اذا جينا على الدول المتقدمة
it means|for example|if|we come|to|countries|developed
For example, if we look at developed countries
قضية شركات الانشاءات
the issue of construction companies
او الانشاءات
or constructions
شركات شركات عملاقة شركات انشاءات
giant companies construction companies
واللي بيشتغلوا فيها
and those|work|in it
and those who work in them
موظفين فيها هذه الشركة
Employees|in this|this|company
employees in this company
ولكن موظف طوبار موظف حداد
But the Tobar employee is a blacksmith.
طوبار موظف باطون موظف
Tobar is a concrete employee.
موظف بوغد طيب
The Bogd employee is good.
ودامه هذا الاجر مجزي وعالي جدا في هذا القطاع
and since|this|reward|compensatory|and high|very|in|this|sector
And this salary is very rewarding and high in this sector.
اذا ضلت المشكلة اني انظم هذا القطاع
If the problem persists, I will organize this sector.
مشان هذا الشاب الارديني
for|this|young man|Jordanian
For the sake of this Jordanian young man.
ما اوديهوش على الجامعة
not|I drive him|to|university
I won't send him to the university.
ااهله زي الشركة الوطنية
his family|like|company|national
His family is like the national company.
اللي موجودة حاليا
that|is available|currently
the one that is currently available
الوطنية التشغيل والتدريب
National|Employment|and Training
national employment and training
على غراب نفس الموضوع
on|the crow|same|topic
on the same subject
لما انا بأجيب اعدربه على هذا المنح
when|I|bring|my answer|to|this|grant
when I bring him to train on this grant
القى شركة احتضنه
the company|company|embraced him
The company embraced him.
بلاش اوديه على المتعهد
don't|take it|to|contractor
I won't take him to the contractor.
الفرد يتحكم فيه
individual|is controlled|by it
The individual is controlled.
ويفضل العامل وافد
and the worker prefers|the worker|expatriate
And the worker is preferred to be a newcomer.
عليه وما الى ذلك
on him|and what|to|that
On him and so on
انا لما بكون في عندي شركات
I|when|am|in|I have|companies
When I have companies
زي هذه الشركات محترمة
like|these|companies|are respectable
Like these respectable companies
وكويسة بريح المواطن
and good|relieves|the citizen
And good, it relieves the citizen
وبريح العامل اللي بيشتغل عندي
and I relax|the worker|who|works|for me
And with the worker's salary who works for me
في تأمينات اجتماعية في راتب اخر شهر
There are social security benefits in the last month's salary
بنخل عندي اليوم بطلع
I will harvest|I have|today|I will go out
I am going to work today
على سن التقاعد في استقرار
At retirement age, there is stability
وظيفي في بدل مواصلات
my job|includes|allowance|transportation
My job includes transportation allowance.
في تأمين صحي بيقبل الشاب
In|insurance|health|accepts|young man
There is health insurance that accepts young people.
الارديني يقبل على مثل هي
the Jordanian|approaches|to|something like|her
The Jordanian accepts such things.
كذلك اعمال الصيانة
Also maintenance work.
بالضبط يشبه فيه شركات صيانة
exactly|resembles|in it|companies|maintenance
It exactly resembles maintenance companies.
انت الآن انت اذا بدك واحد يجي صلح
you|now|you|if|want|someone|to come|fix
Now, if you want someone to come and fix it.
ومع التمجيدات الصحية عندك
and with|praises|health|you
And with the health praises you have.
تغضل الموعد بعد اسبوع ليجيك
prefer|appointment|in|a week|to come to you
The appointment is preferred to be after a week for them to come to you.
وبيقعد عندك ساعة بوغض خمسين دولار وبظل طالع
|at your place|for an hour|despite|fifty|dollars|and he keeps|going out
And he stays with you for an hour for fifty dollars and keeps going up.
اذا هذي لو كان فيه شركات
if|this|if|were|there are|companies
If there were companies like this.
تتبنى مثل هذه القضية وهذه يكون
adopts|such|this|issue|and this|is
That adopt such a cause and there would be.
فيه موظف فيها ويقضي راحت البنزة
there is|employee|in it|and spends|break|lunch
An employee in it and it would take care of the convenience.
وفيه تأمينات وفيه حماية اجتماعية
and it has|insurance|and it has|protection|social
And it includes insurance and social protection.
وفيه ما الى ذلك تجد انه بيقبل
and in it|what|to|that|you find|that he|is accepting
And there is more to it, you find that it is accepted.
على مثل هذا العمل
For such work.
انت مع عردنة الوظائف اليوم؟ طبعا
you|with|outsourcing|jobs|today|of course
Are you in favor of the localization of jobs today? Of course.
مع؟ اكيد
With? Of course
ولكن بده حلو المشكلة هنا
but|he wants|to solve|the problem|here
But the problem here needs to be solved
مع عردنة الوظائف كل يعني
With the Jordanization of jobs, it means
كل واحد يسعى في ان يكون
Everyone strives to be
الوظائف جميعها عردنية
The jobs|all|Jordanian
All jobs are Jordanian.
ولكن فيه حقائق برضو احنا لازم نقضي
but|there are|facts|also|we|must|address
But there are also facts that we need to address.
due to
في بعض القضاعات بحاجة
in|some|issues|in need
Some sectors are in need.
الى عمالة وافدة لكن
to foreign labor but
انا بعتبرها لمرحلة
I|consider it|for a stage
I consider it a stage
مؤقتة حتى
temporary until
تجد البديل والبديل ليس فقط
you find|alternative|and the alternative|is not|only
a replacement is found and the replacement is not only
انك انت تلاقي الاردن
You find Jordan
اللي يشتغل ولكن البديل
who|works|but|the alternative
who works but the alternative
برضو بدك تدخل التكنولوجيا
also|you want|to introduce|technology
You also need to introduce technology
تستخدم التكنولوجيا
to use technology
في وسائل الانتاج المختلفة
In various means of production
قطاع الانشاءات سيدي
sector|construction|my master
The construction sector, sir
احنا اذا يعني
we|if|it means
If we, I mean
دخلنا بعض وسائل التكنولوجية
We entered|some|means|technological
We introduce some technological means
الحديثة البسيطة
simple modern
ممكن تبطل مهنة شاقة
you can quit a hard profession
ليش؟ لانه انت
why? because you
موضوع مثلا الاكسارة الاوتوماتيكية
topic|for example|automatic transmission|automatic
for example, the automatic crusher
هذه قضية سيدي
this|issue|my sir
This is my master's issue.
اليوم اذا بتبطلع على
today|if|you look|at
Today, if you look at.
العالم كله يتوض
the world|all|is in a state of ablution
The whole world is discussing.
قضية يعني
An issue, I mean.
بطل فيها مشقة
hero|in it|hardship
A hero in hardship.
لان في عندك آلة هاي الآلة بتحط فيها
because|there|you have|machine|this|machine||in it
Because you have this machine, you put in it.
كياس مبكة المادة
Bags of the material.
ومع اكسارة وتقوع
and with|a crusher|and Taqwa
And with a crusher and a drop.
بتشتغل لحالها بشكل اوتوماتيكي
works|by itself|in a|automatic way
It works automatically on its own.
لما بيجي على قطاع الزراعة سيدي
when|he comes|to|sector|agriculture|my sir
When it comes to the agricultural sector, sir.
كل قطاع الزراعة طبعا بده
every|sector|agriculture|of course|needs
Every agricultural sector definitely needs.
استثمارات وبده ما عرفيه
investments|and he wants|not|to know it
Investments and needs to be recognized.
بس انت بتقول ما أرضنت الوظائف
But you say I didn't approve the jobs
فمش الآن
so not|now
So not now
مش الآن ما أرضنت الوظائف
not|now|not|I found|the jobs
Not now, I didn't approve the jobs
ولكن يكون في إحلال تدريجي
but|there will be|in|replacement|gradual
But there should be a gradual replacement
ولكن بدك القطاع الخاص
but|you want|sector|private
But you want the private sector
يشتغل معنا في هذا الجانب
works|with us|in|this|aspect
to work with us in this aspect
بيشتغل وما بيشتغل
He works||He works
It works and it doesn't work
والله سيدي خلينا
I swear by God|my master|let us
Honestly, sir, let's keep it
عبارة الشراكة بين قطاع الخاص والعام
phrase|partnership|between|sector|private|and public
The phrase of partnership between the private and public sectors
بيبارة ففاظة لا حقائق لها على الأرض
a bubble|frothy|no|truths|for it|on|earth
A phrase that has no facts on the ground
اليوم القطاع الخاص بتعاون معكم
Today|sector|private|by cooperating|with you
Today, the private sector is cooperating with you
سيدي القطاع الخاص بتعاون معنا
Sir|sector|private|by cooperating|with us
Sir, the private sector is cooperating with us
ولكن أنا بحب أحكي شغلة واحدة
but|I|love|to say|thing|one
But I want to say one thing.
إن موضوع البطالة وموضوع تجري الأردنيين
The issue of unemployment and the issue of the Jordanians' experience.
هو جهد وطني
It is|effort|national
It is a national effort.
مشترك ما بين
A joint effort between.
ثلاث أطراف الإنتاج
three|factors|of production
Three factors of production
الأول الحكومي
The first is the government
والثاني القطاع الخاص
and the second|sector|private
The second is the private sector
والثالث العمال
and the third|workers
The third is the workers
العمال والإتحاد
The workers|
Workers and the union
عليه واجب كبير
he has|homework|big
They have a great duty
في التوجيه والإرشاد
In guidance and counseling
والصناعين والتجار
and the manufacturers|and the traders
And to craftsmen and merchants
ومنتفق معك بس
|with you|but
We agree with you, but
والصناعين والتجار سيدي لازم يعطوا أولوية
and the manufacturers|and the traders|sir|must|they give|priority
the manufacturers and traders, sir, must give priority
لتجري الأردني
to run|Jordanian
to the Jordanian
ولو كان بجوره على نفسهم في البداية
and if|was|with his injustice|upon|themselves|in|the beginning
even if it is at their own expense in the beginning.
ولكن مصلحتهم في المستقبل
but|their interest|in|future
But their interest is in the future.
والحكومة أن تنظم هذا السنة
and the government|to|organize|this|year
And the government should organize this year.
نعمل ذلك سيدي
We do|that|sir
We will do that, sir.
أنا أشكركم كل الشكر ضيف الكرام
I|thank you|all|thanks|guest|honorable
I thank you all very much, esteemed guests.
شكر جزيلا لكم
thank|you very much|for you
Thank you very much.
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