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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 033

曹操 就 拉 咗 董承 , 又 將 佢 一家 良賤 全部 監禁 。 處理 完 呢 件 事 喇 , 曹操 就 返去 相府 。 將 詔書 同埋 義狀 啊 攞 畀 嗰 班 謀士 睇 , 同 佢 哋 商量 要 廢 咗 獻帝 , 另立 一個 新 皇帝 。 程昱 就 勸 佢 唔 好 啊 , 佢 話 : 明公之 所以 能夠 威震 四方 , 號令 天下 , 皆 因 係 擁戴 漢家 皇帝 嘅 啫 。 而家 諸侯 都 未平 , 一下 間 就 做 廢立 嘅 大事 , 必定會 惹起 戰禍 㗎 。 嗯 , 係 喎 。 於是 曹操 就 罷手 嘞 , 只 係 將董 承 等 五個 人 , 以及 佢 哋 全家老小 , 押送 去 各個 城門 處斬 啊 。 呢 次 被 殺死 㗎 , 總共 七百 幾人 。 京城 裏頭 官 又 好 百姓 又 好 見到 㗎 冇 個 唔 流眼淚 呀 。 曹操 殺 咗 董 承 佢 哋 幾家 人 , 佢 仲 係 怒氣 未消 喎 。 呢 一日 , 佢 帶 住 把 劍 直 入 皇宮 , 要 去 殺 董貴妃 。 呢 個 董貴妃 呀 乃 係 董承個 妹 , 已經 懷 咗 五個 月 身孕 㗎 喇 。 當日 , 獻帝 喺 後宮 正在 同 伏皇后 靜靜 噉 講緊 , 話 點解 乜 董 承 嘅 事 , 到 而家 咁 耐 咯仲 未有 音訊 呢 噉 。 忽然間 見到 曹操 帶住 把 劍 行入 嚟 滿面怒容 , 哎呀 , 嚇 到 獻帝 呀 大驚失色 啊 。 曹操 入到 嚟 就問 嘞 : 董承 謀反 , 陛下 知 唔 知 呀 ? 獻帝 話 嘞 : 誒 , 誒 董卓 已經 殺 咗 啦 。 唔 係 董卓 , 係 董承 ! 誒 , 哎 , 朕 , 誒 實 , 實在 唔 知道 喎 。 陛下 唔 記得 咬 穿 手指 , 用血 嚟 寫 詔書 嘅 事 嘞 咩 ? 啊 ? 吓 ? 誒 。 誒 。 跟 住 曹操 喝 幾個 武士 , 拉 咗 董妃 嚟 。 獻帝 話 喇 : 丞相 , 董妃 已經 有 咗 五個 月 身己 㗎 喇 , 希望 丞相 可憐 下 啦 。 如果 唔 係 蒼天 注定 佢 失敗 , 我 已經 被害 喇 。 留返 呢 個 女人 喺 處 , 嚟 做 我 嘅 後患 都 得 嘅 咩 ? 伏皇后 就 𠼮 曹操 話 嘞 : 丞相 呀 , 噉 不如 貶 咗 董妃 入 冷宮 , 等 佢 分娩 咗 , 然後 再 殺 佢 都 未 遲 吖 。 咩 話 ? 想留 呢 個 逆種 , 第日同 老母 報仇 係 嘛 ? 董妃 知道 毫無希望 喇 , 佢 話 : 請 丞相 開恩 , 畀 我 全屍 而 死 , 唔 好 暴露 我 嘅 屍體 呀 ! 於是 曹操 叫 人 攞 咗 一條 白絹 嚟 。 獻帝 就 喊住 對 董妃 話 嘞 : 卿 你 喺 九泉之下 , 唉 唔 好 怨 我 啊 ! 講完 呀 , 淚如雨下 啊 。 伏皇后 亦 喊 到 㗾㗾 聲 。 曹操 喝 罵 一聲 : 咁 痴 纏 , 仲有 乜 好 喊 吖 , 將 佢 拉走 ! 就 喝 啲 武士 拉 咗 董妃 出去 , 喺 宮 門外 便用 條白 絹 勒死 佢 。 跟 住 , 曹操 就 命令 監宮 官話 今後 所有 皇親國戚 , 冇 佢 嘅 命令 , 擅自 進入 皇宮 嘅 , 斬 ! 守衛 不嚴 , 以 同罪 論處 ! 當時 又 撥 咗 心腹 人 三千名 做 御林軍 , 由 曹洪 統領 加強 防範 。 好喇過 咗 一段 時候 , 有 一日 曹操 對 程昱 話 : 而家 董 承 佢 哋 雖然 已經 殺 咗 嘞 , 之仲有馬騰 、 劉備 , 佢 兩個 亦 係 呢 個 集團 嘅 噃, 唔 剷除 埋 佢 哋 唔 得 嘅 。 程昱 話 嘞 : 主公 呀 , 馬 騰 喺 西涼 駐扎 大軍 , 要 打贏 佢 唔 係 咁 輕易 嘅 。 仲 係 寫封信 去 安撫 佢 , 等 佢 唔 好 有 疑心 , 然後 搵 個 機會 氹 佢 嚟 京師 殺 咗 佢 就 得 喇 。 至於 劉備 呢 , 佢 而 家 喺 徐州 將兵 力 部署 成 犄角之勢 互為 照應 , 亦 不可 輕敵 啊 。 何況 而家 袁紹 喺 官道 駐扎 咗 咁 多 兵馬 , 佢 想 嚟 打 許都 嘅 意思 係 十分 明顯 嘅 。 如果 我 哋 一旦 東征 , 劉備 啊 勢必 向 袁紹 求救 。 噉 袁紹 趁住 空虛 走 嚟 襲擊 許都 , 噉 我 哋 點樣 抵擋 好 啊 ? 唔 係 啊 , 劉備乃 係 人中豪傑 , 而家 如果 唔 去 打 佢 , 等到 佢 長成 羽翼 , 嗰 陣 想 打 佢 就 艱難 咯 。 冇 錯 , 袁紹 係 強盛 啊 , 不過 佢 處理 事情 總 係 猶疑不決 嘅 , 使 乜 怕 佢 呢 ? 曹操 正在 同 程昱 商量 緊 , 郭嘉 嚟 到 , 曹操 就 問 佢 話 : 我 想 東征 劉備 , 但 又 擔心 袁紹 會 嚟 襲擊 , 你 話點 呢 ? 郭嘉 就 回答 話 : 袁紹 嘅 為 人 遲鈍 而 又 多疑 , 佢 手下 嘅 謀士 又 互相 妒忌 , 對 佢 我 哋 不必 擔心 嘅 。 至於 劉備 , 佢 而 家 新 新 先 至 組成 一支 軍隊 , 大家 嘅 心思 都 未曾 統一 。 趁住 呢 個 時候 , 丞相 帶兵 東征 , 一戰 就 可以 平定 佢 啦 。 好 啊 ! 你 嘅 意思 合 哂 我 嘅 心 水 喇 。 曹操 就 於是 點起 二十萬 大軍 , 分 兵 五路 下 徐州 嘞 。 呢 個 消息 , 好 快 就 畀 劉備 方面 嘅 探子 探聽到 , 就 向 徐州 報告 啦 。 孫乾 接到 情報 就 首先 去 下 邳講 畀 關公 聽 。 接住 呢 , 就 去 小沛 報告 劉備 。 劉備 就 同孫乾 商量 話 嘞 : 呢 一次 , 事 必要 向 袁紹 求救 先至 可以 解決 危難 㗎 喇 。 於是 劉備 就 即 刻寫 好 一封信 , 派 孫乾帶 去 河北 搵 袁紹 。 孫乾去 到 嘞 , 首先 呢 去 見 田豐 , 將個 情形 講晒 畀 佢 聽 , 求 佢 引見 。 田豐 就 即刻 帶 孫乾去 拜見 袁紹 , 呈 上 咗 劉備 嘅 書信 。 哈 , 乜 今日 見到 袁紹 , 形容憔悴 衣冠不整 。 田豐 就問 嘞 : 主公 今日 點解 噉 樣 啊 ? 袁紹 話 : 唉 , 唉 , 我 就 嚟 死 喇 ! 唉 , 唉 ! 主公 乜 噉 講 ? 唉 , 我 有 五個 仔 , 個 細仔 最得 我 鍾 意 嘅 , 誒 而 家 佢 生 咗 疥瘡 命 在 垂危 呀 , 唉 ! 我仲有 乜嘢 心 機理 其他 嘅 事 吖 , 唉 。 主公 呀 , 而家 曹操 東征 劉玄德 , 許昌 防備 空虛 啊 。 如果 我 哋 以 一支 義兵 乘虛而入 , 上 可以 保 天子 , 下 可以 救 萬民 , 呢 個 機會 極為 難得 啊 。 請 主公 你 決定 啦 。 唉 , 我 亦 知道 係 好 機會 嚟 , 不過 我個 心 , 揸 唔 定 主意 , 怕 有 不利 噃。 有 咩 嘢 揸 唔 定 主意 呢 主公 ? 啊 嗱, 我 五個 仔 , 唯獨 呢 個 仔生 得 最 聰明 嘅 咯 。 如果 有 咩 三長兩短 , 我 亦 冇 命 嘅 咯 。 袁紹 堅決 唔 肯 出兵 , 佢 對 孫 乾 話 嘞 : 你 返 去 見 玄德 , 啊 , 就將 原因 講 佢 聽 。 如果 有 咩 嘢 唔 如意 嘅 時候 , 請 玄德 嚟 我 呢 處 , 吓 , 我 自然 會 幫助 佢 嘅 。 唉 , 冇 晒 辦法 啦 。 田豐話 嘞 : 咁 難得 嘅 機會 , 竟然 因為 細佬 哥 嘅 病痛 噉 就 失 咗 去 ? 唉 , 冇 咯 冇 咯 , 可惜 啊 ! 田豐猛 咁 揼 腳 , 只有 同孫乾 告辭 走 啦 。 孫乾見 袁紹 唔 肯 發兵 , 只有 日夜兼程 趕返 去 小沛 , 將件 事話 畀 劉備知 。 劉備 好 驚 啊 , 誒 噉 , 噉 , 噉 點算 好 呢 ? 張飛 話 : 兄長 你 唔 使 憂心 , 曹 兵 喺 咁 遠 嚟 到 , 必定 係 好 疲乏 嘅 。 趁 住 佢 哋 剛剛 嚟 到 , 就 先 去 劫寨 , 噉 就 可以 打敗 曹操 喇 。 哎呀 三弟 呀 三弟 , 平時 以為 你 淨 係 識得 講力 啫 , 之前 次 捉 劉岱 都 幾識用 計謀 嘅 喎 。 而家 你 出 呢 個 計策 , 亦 係 合乎 兵法 嘅 , 好 , 就 聽 你 話 , 我 哋 分兵 去 劫寨 啦 。 好 嘞 , 而家 講下 曹操 。 佢 帶領 兵馬 一路 向 住 小沛 進發 。 呢 一日 , 喺 行軍 嘅 時候 , 忽然間 一浸 狂風 叻 聲下 , 將 一面 牙旗 吹斷 咗 。 曹操 立即 下令 停止 前進 , 搵 齊班 謀士 嚟 問下 吉凶 嘞 喎 。 荀彧 問 嘞 : 風 喺 邊 便 嚟 㗎 ? 吹斷 咩 顏色 嘅 旗 呢 ? 曹操 話 : 係 東南風 , 吹斷 咗 邊角 上 嘅 牙 旗 , 支旗 係 青紅 兩種 顏色 嘅 。 哦 , 冇 錯 喇 , 呢 個 預兆 係 應 在 劉備 今晚 必定 嚟 劫寨 。 嗯 , 嗯 , 曹操 岌一岌頭 。 呢 個 時候 , 毛 玠 急急 入到 嚟 見 曹操 話 : 剛才 一浸 東南風 , 吹斷 咗 一面 青紅牙旗 , 主 公認 為 呢 個 係 預兆 乜嘢 吉凶 嘅 事 呀 ? 你 嘅 意思 呢 ? 誒 我 認為 係 預兆 今晚 有人 嚟 劫寨 呀 。 冇 錯 喇 ! 上天 保佑 我 , 嚟 同 我 報信 喇 ! 大家 要 作好 防備 。 於是 曹操 下令 分 兵 九隊 , 只 係 留 一隊 喺 前 便 虛 扎 營寨 , 其餘 嗰 八隊 呢 , 喺 八面 埋伏 。 呢 , 真 係 喎 , 當晚 , 有 多少 月色 。 劉備 在 左 , 張飛 在 右 , 分 兵 兩隊 進發 , 只 係 留低 孫乾守 住小沛 。 張飛 呀 自以 為 得計 啊 , 佢 帶領 一隊 馬 軍 在 前 衝入 去 曹操 個 營寨 。 奇怪 嘞 , 只 係 見到 零零落落 冇 幾多 人馬 。 突然 間 , 四面 火光 大起 齊聲 吶喊 。 弊 喇 , 張飛 知道 中計 嘞 , 急急 跑出去 營寨 外便 。 點知 正東 張 遼 、 正西 許褚 、 正南 于禁 、 正北 李典 、 東南 徐晃 、 西南 樂進 、 東北 夏侯惇 、 西北 夏侯淵 , 八處 軍馬 就 殺過 嚟 。 不得了 啊 ! 張飛 左衝右 突 , 前遮後擋 , 好似 隻 老虎 噉 猛 咁 衝殺 。 但 係 呢 , 佢 所 率領 嘅 軍 兵 , 本來 就 係 曹操 手下 嘅 人馬 嚟 , 而家 見到 形勢 緊急 咯 就 冚𠾴唥 都 投降 返 過去 咯 。 張飛 殺 殺 下 , 遇着 徐晃大殺 一陣 未 分 勝負 , 嘿 ! 後 便 樂進 已經 趕到 嚟 嘞 。 噉 樣 打 , 唔 得 掂 㗎 ! 張飛 搏命 殺 開條 血路 突圍 出去 。 呢 個 時候 只 係 剩返 幾十個 馬 軍 跟 住 佢 咋 。 佢 又 想 趯 返 去 小 沛 , 但 係 條路 呢 , 已經 截斷 咗 咯 。 想 去 徐州 、 下 邳 啦 , 又 怕 有 曹兵 截擊 。 諗 落 呢 兩條路 都 係 行 唔 通 㗎 喇 , 一拍 隻 馬 , 就 趯 咗 去 芒 碭山 。 噉 呢 處 暫時 就 放落 唔 講 佢 住 。 而家 講返 劉備 。 劉備 啊 帶兵 去 劫寨 吖 。 當 佢 就 快 去 到 寨門 嘅 時候 , 突然 間 聽見 喎 殺 啊 ! 噉 吶喊聲 震天動地 。 喺 後 便 衝出 一彪 軍隊 , 即刻 就 截斷 咗 佢 成 半 人馬 , 接 住 夏侯惇 又 到 嘞 。 劉備 馬上 突圍 而 走 喎 , 點知 夏侯淵 又 喺 後 便 追 住 打 過 嚟 。 劉備 回頭 望 一下 , 弊 傢伙 ! 自己 只 係 得 番 三廿 幾個 馬 軍 跟 住唧 。 佢 想 急急 趯 返去 小沛 啦 , 抬頭 一望 , 只見 小沛 城內 大火 沖天 , 唔 返得 去 咯 。 唯有 放棄 小沛 去 徐州 、 下 邳 啦 。 唉 , 又 見到 曹兵 呀 , 漫山遍野 截住 條 去路 。 劉備 諗 下 呢 趟 無家可歸 嘞 。 再 一 諗 : 啊 ! 袁紹 講過 個 噃, 話 有 咩 嘢 唔 如意 嘅 時候 啊 可以 去 搵 佢 嘅 喎 。 唉 ! 冇 辦法 喇 , 不如 暫時 去 依憑 住 佢 先 , 以後 再作 打算 係 啦 。 噉 劉備 就 向 住 青州 個 方向 走 。 走 咗 冇 幾遠 , 就 撞 正 李典 攔住 嘞 。 劉備 搏晒命 啊 向 住 北方 單人 匹馬 , 落荒而走 。 李典 追 佢 唔 到 , 就將 跟隨 佢 嗰 三 廿 幾個 馬 軍 就 俘虜 晒 。 劉備 單人 匹馬 , 日行 三百里 呀 , 趯 到 嚟 青州 城下 叫門 。 嗰 個 守門 官 呢 就問 過 佢 個 姓名 , 叫 佢 等 陣 , 就入 去 報告 本城 嘅 長官 。 原來 青州 刺史 叫做 袁譚 啊 , 乃 係 袁紹 個大仔 。 袁譚 呢 一向 都 非常 尊敬 劉備 嘅 , 聽講 劉備 而家 單人 匹馬 趯 到 嚟 唄 , 咁 狼狽 就 立即 打開 城門 , 迎接 佢 入 嚟 。 請 佢 去 到 衙門 坐落 , 問 佢 咩 嘢 事 。 劉備 啊 詳詳細細 噉 , 將 自己 打敗仗 無家可歸 嘅 經過 講 畀 袁譚 聽 。 表示 而家 要 嚟 投奔 袁紹 嘞 。 袁譚 啊 , 當然 歡迎 啦 , 請 劉備 去 賓館 住落 休息 。 即刻 就 發 一封信 啊 , 報告 佢 父親 袁紹 , 然後 呢 就 派 一隊 人馬 , 護送 劉備 去 冀州 。 冀州 就 係 今日 嘅 河北 、 山東 、 河南 三 省 嘅 部分 地方 。 當時 佢 嘅 州 城 呢 就 叫做 鄴 郡 , 即 係 而家 河北省 臨漳縣 附近 啊 。 噉 劉備 嚟 到 平原 界口 。 袁紹 都 算 唔 話 得 喇 , 親自 帶領 一班 官員 , 出 咗 鄴 郡 三十里 之外 嚟 歡迎 劉備 喎 。 劉備 首先 向 袁紹 行個禮 表示感謝 , 袁紹 啊 連忙 答禮 話 : 前 嗰 次 因 為 小兒 有病 , 冇 去 援救 使君 。 個心 非常 唔 安樂 啊 , 今日 有幸 能夠 相見 , 真 係 大慰 平生 啊 ! 我勢 孤力 單 , 好耐以 嚟 就 想 投靠 喺 將軍 嘅 門下 , 總 係 冇 機會 。 呢 趟 受到 曹操 嘅 攻打 , 家人 都 失陷 咯 。 一向 知道 將軍 容納 四方 嘅 人才 , 所以 不 避 羞慚 , 前 嚟 投奔 將軍 。 如果 得到 將軍 錄用 , 劉備 一定 誓死 報答 ! 袁紹 好 高興 , 待 劉備 非常 之好 , 就 招呼 佢 喺 冀州 住落 , 呢 啲 呢 就 唔 講 佢 住 喇 。 而家 講返 曹操 , 佢 喺 嗰 晚 奪取 咗 小沛 , 隨即 就 進兵 攻打 徐州 。 糜竺 、 簡雍守 唔 住 , 只有 放棄 徐州 趯 佬 嘞 , 陳 登大開 城門 , 獻 咗 徐州 。 噉 曹操 個 大軍 就 入城 嘞 , 安定 咗 居民 之後 , 曹操 即刻 召集 各位 謀士 商量 點樣 去 奪取 下 邳 嘞 喎 。 荀彧 話 嘞 : 下 邳 係 雲 長 喺 度 鎮守 , 保護 玄 德 嘅 家人 妻小 。 如果 我 哋 唔 盡快 攻取 下 邳 , 就 怕 會 畀 袁紹 得 咗 去 嘅 咯 。 曹操 話 : 我 素來 十分 喜歡 雲 長 嘅 武藝 人才 , 好 想得到 佢 嚟 為 我 效力 。 不如 搵 個人 去講 掂 佢 , 叫 佢 嚟 投降 呢 。 郭嘉 就 話 嘞 : 不過 噉 噃, 雲 長 嘅 為 人 義氣 深重 , 必定 唔 肯 投降 嘅 。 如果 派 人 去 同 佢 講 , 怕 會 畀 佢 殺 嘅 噃。 哈有 個人 話 嘞 : 我同 關公 有 一面之交 , 等 我 去 同 佢 講 啦 。 曹操 一睇 , 呢 個人 原來 係 張 遼 。 但 係 程昱 話 嘞 : 文遠 雖然 同雲長 過去 有 啲 交情 啊 , 不過 據 我 睇 , 雲長 此人 唔 係 用 說話 就 可以 講得 通 嘅 。 我 有條 計策 , 使 到 佢 進退無路 , 然後 再 請文 遠去 說 佢 。 到 其時 , 佢 就 必定 要 歸附 丞相 㗎 喇 。 哦 ? 先生 有何高見 呢 ? 雲 長 嘅 武藝高強 , 有 萬人之敵 , 要 打 係 冇 辦法 打得 過 佢 嘅 , 非 用 智謀 唔 能夠 制服 佢 。 而家 我 哋 可以 叫 幾十個 劉備 手下 投降 過 嚟 嘅 士兵 , 去 下 邳 見 關公 , 就 話 係 逃跑 返 嚟 嘅 噉 , 關公 實 收留 佢 哋 嘅 。 噉 佢 哋 就 潛伏 喺 城裏 便 做 內應 , 然後 , 我 哋 再 引 關公 出城 嚟 交戰 。 詐作 打輸 畀 佢 , 一路 引 佢 追 到 去 第 處 , 用 精兵 截斷 佢 嘅 歸路 , 喺 呢 個 時候 去 說 佢 就 啱 喇 。 呢 個 真 係 妙計 呀 ! 曹操 立即 搵 咗 幾十名 徐州 投降 過 嚟 嘅 兵士 , 吩咐 好 佢 哋 , 叫 佢 哋 去 下 邳 搵 關公 , 就 如此 如此 噉 。 噉 呢 班 兵士 去 到 下 邳 , 關公 一心 以 為 佢 哋 係 舊時 部下 嘅 人 , 一 啲 都 冇 疑心 , 就 全部 收留 佢 哋 。 哈好 喇 , 噉 就 中計 喇 。 到 咗 第日 , 夏侯惇 做 先鋒 , 帶住 五千 人馬 嚟 挑戰 嘞 。 關公 初時 唔 出城 , 冇 理 佢 , 夏侯惇 呢 就 叫 人 喺 城下 , 高聲 辱罵 , 有 咁 難聽 就 鬧 到 咁 難聽 。 激到 關公 呀 發 大火 , 帶住 三千 人 馬出城 , 同 夏侯惇 打 過 。 大約 打 咗 十 零個 回合 啦 , 夏侯惇 回馬 就 走 。 關公 呀 追住 去 , 夏侯惇 就且 戰且 走 。 關公 一路 追 咗 大約 二十幾 里 , 諗 一 諗 , 嗯 , 怕 下 邳 有失 , 唔 追 嘞 , 指揮 啲 人馬 返 轉頭 。 遲 咗 咯 , 只 聽見 轟 噉 一聲 炮響 , 左有 徐晃 , 右有 許褚 , 兩支 軍隊 呀 截住 去路 。 關公 就 奪路 猛 走 啦 , 但 係 兩 便 嘅 伏兵 啡 啡 聲 亂箭 射過 嚟 。 關公 冇 辦法 衝得 過去 , 只有 帶兵 屈返 轉頭 嘞 。 徐晃 、 許褚 攔住 佢 打 起 上 嚟 。 關公 奮起 威風 , 殺退 咗 佢 哋 兩個 , 就 想 帶兵 返去 下 邳 嘞 喎 。 點知 又 畀 夏侯惇 呢 截住 廝殺 。 就 係 噉 , 關公 一直 打 到 夜晚 , 無路可走 嘞 , 就 趯 到 去 一座 土山 , 叫 啲 兵士 喺 山頭 駐扎 休息 一下 。 曹兵 就 氹 氹 𡃈 將呢 座 土山 圍住 。 關公 喺 山上 遠遠 望見 下 邳 城內 呀 火光沖天 。 咩 事 呢 ? 原來 呢 個 又 係 曹操 嘅 計 仔 。 嗰 班 詐降 嘅 兵卒 啊 , 偷偷地 打開 咗 城門 , 曹操 親自 帶領 大軍 殺 咗 入 城內 , 就 叫 人放 起火 嚟 , 擾亂 關公 嘅 心 啊 。 關公 見到 下 邳 火起 唄 , 個心 就 好 驚 。 當晚 關公 好 幾次 想衝 落山 , 但 係 都 畀 亂箭 射 到 佢 返 轉頭 。 捱到 天光 , 關公 正話 想 整頓 好 軍隊 , 再次 落山 去 打過 啦 。 忽然間 , 見到 有 個人 跑 住 馬上 嚟 噃。 等到 嚟 近 一 睇 , 原來 係 張 遼 。 關公 就 對 佢 講 : 文遠 想 嚟 打過 係 嘛 ? 張遼話 : 唔 係 , 我 不過 諗 起 朋友 往日 嘅 交情 , 特意 嚟 見 下面 唧 。 講完 , 張 遼 拋開 把 刀 , 落 咗 馬 , 同 關公 互相 行過禮 , 一齊 坐 喺 山頂 。 關公 話 : 文遠 , 你 嚟 莫非 想 說 我 係 嘛 ? 唔 係 , 往日 好多 得 兄長 搭救 小弟 , 今日 小弟 點 能夠 話 唔 搭救 返 兄長 呢 ? 然則 , 你 想 嚟 幫助 我 呀 ? 嘿嘿 , 亦 唔 係 。 既然 唔 係 嚟 幫助 我 , 噉 嚟 呢 處 做 乜嘢 ? 噉 嘅 , 而家 玄德 不知 存亡 , 翼德 亦 未知 生死 。 昨晚 曹丞相 已經 攻破 下 邳 , 但 係 軍民 都 冇 傷害 到 。 同時 派 咗 人 去 護衛 玄 德 嘅 家眷 , 唔 准 驚擾 佢 哋 。 丞相 係 噉 樣 相待 大家 嘅 , 因此 特登 嚟 講 畀 兄長 知 呀 。 嗯 , 嗯 ! 你講 呢 啲 說話 即 係 嚟 說 我 , 哼哼 ! 我關 某而家 雖然 處於 絕地 , 但 係 視死如歸 。 你 快 啲 返去 , 我 立即 下山 迎戰 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 兄長 講 啲 噉 嘅 說話 , 豈 唔 係 畀 天下人 恥笑 咩 ? 嗯 ? 我 為 忠義 而 死 , 點解 會 畀 天下人 恥笑 啊 ? 兄長 如果 而家 就 死 , 有 三條 罪 噃。 哦 ? 你講 , 我 有邊 三條 罪 ? 兄長 你 聽 住 吓 。 當初 劉使君 同 你 結義 嘅 時候 , 發過 誓要 同生共死 。 而家 , 劉使君 剛剛 打敗 咗 , 而 你 就 戰死 嘞 。 倘若 第 日 劉使君 再次 出 嚟 爭雄 於 天下 , 想得到 兄長 你 嘅 幫助 , 噉 就 冇 辦法 得到 㗎 喇 。 噉 豈 唔 係 辜負 咗 當年 嘅 盟誓 咩 ? 呢 個 係 第一條 罪 。 請問 第二條 罪 呢 ? 劉使君 將 家眷 託付 畀 兄長 , 兄長 你 而家 戰死 嘞 , 兩位 夫人 就 無 所 依靠 , 辜負 咗 劉使君 託付 之重 啊 ! 呢 個 係 第二條 罪 喇 。 嗯 , 請問 第三條 罪 呢 ? 兄長 武藝 超群 , 兼 通經史 , 竟然 唔 考慮 幫助 使君 匡扶漢 室 , 僅僅 係 想 赴湯蹈火 , 逞 匹夫之勇 , 噉 點講 得 係 忠義 呀 ? 呢 個 係 第三條 罪 喇 。 兄長 有 呢 三條 罪 , 小弟 不能不 講啊 ! 嗯 , 噉 嘛 。 你 話 我 有 三條 罪 , 你 想 我點 呢 ? 而家 , 四面 都 係 曹 公 嘅 兵馬 , 兄長 如果 唔 投降 就 實死 , 白白 噉 死 咗 無益 吖 。 不如 姑且 投降 曹公先 , 然後 再 打聽 劉士 軍 嘅 消息 。 如果 知道 佢 喺 邊 處 咯 , 即刻 就 去 投奔 佢 。 一來 , 可以 保住 兩位 夫人 ; 二來 , 不至於 違背 桃園 結義 嘅 盟約 ; 三來 就 可以 保留 有用 之 身 。 有 呢 三樣 好處 , 請 兄長 你 仔細 考慮 下 吖 。 好 啦 ! 文遠兄 既然 講 咗 三樣 好處 , 我 有 三個 條件 。 如果 丞相 肯 接受 呢 , 我 即刻 卸低 盔甲 ; 如果 佢 唔 肯 應承 , 我 就 寧願 受三罪 而 死 ! 丞相 寬宏大量 , 有 乜嘢 唔 可以 接受 啊 。 請 兄長 講 , 邊 三個 條件 呢 ? 第一 , 我同 皇叔 曾經 立過 誓 , 共 扶漢室 。 我 今日 , 只 係 投降 漢帝 , 唔 投降 曹操 ! 請問 第二個 條件 呢 ? 第二 , 兩位 嫂嫂 嗰 處 , 請 佢 照發 皇叔 嘅 俸祿 。 一切 上下 人 等 , 一律 唔 准 入門 ! 噉 第三 呢 ? 第三 , 只要 一 知道 皇叔 嘅 下落 , 唔 理 千里 萬里 , 我 立即 告辭 。 三個 條件 少 一樣 我 都 絕不 投降 ! 請文遠 你 急急 返去 報告 啦 。 呢 三個 條件 事關重大 , 等 小弟 即刻 返去 稟告 丞相 再 嚟 商量 啦 。 請 啊 ! 於是 張 遼 上馬 , 急急 啊 跑 返 去 見 曹操 , 將個 情況 報告 畀 佢 聽 。 噉 究竟 曹操 接 唔 接受 關公 嘅 條件 呢 ?

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曹操 就 拉 咗 董承 , 又 將 佢 一家 良賤 全部 監禁 。 Cao Cao|then|arrested|past tense marker|Dong Cheng|again|will|him|whole family|good and bad|all|imprisoned Cao Cao captured Dong Cheng and imprisoned his entire family. 處理 完 呢 件 事 喇 , 曹操 就 返去 相府 。 handle|finished|this|measure word for events|matter|particle indicating completed action|Cao Cao|then|return|the government office After handling this matter, Cao Cao returned to the government office. 將 詔書 同埋 義狀 啊 攞 畀 嗰 班 謀士 睇 , 同 佢 哋 商量 要 廢 咗 獻帝 , 另立 一個 新 皇帝 。 to take|edict|and|petition|particle|to give|to|that|group|strategists|to read|with|they|plural particle|to discuss|to|to depose|past tense marker|Emperor Xian|to establish another|one|new|emperor He took the edict and the memorial to show to the group of strategists, discussing with them the need to depose Emperor Xian and establish a new emperor. 程昱 就 勸 佢 唔 好 啊 , 佢 話 : Cheng Yu|then|advised|him|||particle|he|said Cheng Yu advised him against it, saying: 明公之 所以 能夠 威震 四方 , 號令 天下 , 皆 因 係 擁戴 漢家 皇帝 嘅 啫 。 |reason|able to|intimidate|all directions|command|the world|all|because|is|support|Han family|emperor|possessive particle|only "The reason why you, my lord, can command respect and authority throughout the land is solely because you support the Han dynasty's emperor." 而家 諸侯 都 未平 , 一下 間 就 做 廢立 嘅 大事 , 必定會 惹起 戰禍 㗎 。 right now|feudal lords|all|not settled|suddenly|time|then|do|abolishing and establishing|possessive particle|major event||provoke|war|sentence-final particle Right now, the feudal lords are still not settled, and suddenly making a major decision to abolish and establish would definitely provoke war. 嗯 , 係 喎 。 hmm|is|particle indicating realization or confirmation Hmm, that's true. 於是 曹操 就 罷手 嘞 , 只 係 將董 承 等 五個 人 , 以及 佢 哋 全家老小 , 押送 去 各個 城門 處斬 啊 。 then|Cao Cao|then|stopped|past tense marker||||Cheng|and others|five|people|as well as|they|plural marker|entire family|escorted|to|each|city gate|executed|sentence-final particle So Cao Cao decided to stop, only sending Dong Cheng and the other five people, along with their entire families, to be executed at the city gates. 呢 次 被 殺死 㗎 , 總共 七百 幾人 。 this|time|by|killed|sentence final particle|in total|seven hundred| This time, a total of over seven hundred people were killed. 京城 裏頭 官 又 好 百姓 又 好 見到 㗎 冇 個 唔 流眼淚 呀 。 |inside|officials|also|good|common people|||seeing|particle indicating certainty|not have|classifier|not|shed tears|particle indicating exclamation In the capital, both officials and common people couldn't help but shed tears. 曹操 殺 咗 董 承 佢 哋 幾家 人 , 佢 仲 係 怒氣 未消 喎 。 Cao Cao|killed|past tense marker|Dong|Cheng|he|plural marker|several|people|he|still|is|anger|not dissipated|sentence-final particle Cao Cao killed Dong Cheng and his family, and he was still furious. 呢 一日 , 佢 帶 住 把 劍 直 入 皇宮 , 要 去 殺 董貴妃 。 this|one day|he|||measure word for tools|sword|straight|enter|palace|wants|to|kill|Dong Guifei One day, he entered the palace with a sword, intending to kill Consort Dong. 呢 個 董貴妃 呀 乃 係 董承個 妹 , 已經 懷 咗 五個 月 身孕 㗎 喇 。 this|measure word|Lady Dong Gui|sentence final particle|actually|is||younger sister|already|pregnant|past tense marker|five|months|pregnancy|sentence final particle|sentence final particle This Consort Dong is actually Dong Cheng's sister, and she is already five months pregnant. 當日 , 獻帝 喺 後宮 正在 同 伏皇后 靜靜 噉 講緊 , 話 點解 乜 董 承 嘅 事 , 到 而家 咁 耐 咯仲 未有 音訊 呢 噉 。 that day|Emperor Xian|at|harem|was|with|Empress Fu|quietly|like this|talking|said|why|what|Dong|Cheng|possessive particle|matter|until|now|so|long||not yet|news|question particle|like this On that day, Emperor Xian was quietly talking with Empress Fu in the rear palace, wondering why there had been no news from Dong Cheng for so long. 忽然間 見到 曹操 帶住 把 劍 行入 嚟 滿面怒容 , 哎呀 , 嚇 到 獻帝 呀 大驚失色 啊 。 suddenly|saw|Cao Cao|carrying|a|sword|walked in|here|with a face full of anger|oh no|||Emperor Xian|ah|greatly frightened|ah Suddenly, they saw Cao Cao entering with a sword, his face full of anger, which startled Emperor Xian. 曹操 入到 嚟 就問 嘞 : 董承 謀反 , 陛下 知 唔 知 呀 ? Cao Cao|arrived|here||particle indicating past action|Dong Cheng|rebellion|Your Majesty|knows|not|knows|question particle Cao Cao came in and asked: "Emperor, do you know about Dong Cheng's rebellion?" 獻帝 話 嘞 : 誒 , 誒 董卓 已經 殺 咗 啦 。 Xian Di|said|past tense marker|hey||Dong Zhuo|already|killed|past tense marker|sentence-final particle The Xian Emperor replied: "Ah, ah, Dong Zhuo has already been killed." 唔 係 董卓 , 係 董承 ! |is|||Dong Cheng Not Dong Zhuo, it's Dong Cheng! 誒 , 哎 , 朕 , 誒 實 , 實在 唔 知道 喎 。 eh|sigh|I (imperial pronoun)|||really|not|know|sentence-final particle Ah, oh, I, ah, really don't know. 陛下 唔 記得 咬 穿 手指 , 用血 嚟 寫 詔書 嘅 事 嘞 咩 ? Your Majesty|not|remember|bite|through|finger|with blood|to|write|edict|possessive particle|matter|past action particle|question particle Don't you remember biting your finger and using your blood to write the edict? 啊 ? 吓 ? 誒 。 誒 。 ah|huh|eh|eh Ah? Huh? Hey. Hey. 跟 住 曹操 喝 幾個 武士 , 拉 咗 董妃 嚟 。 ||Cao Cao|drink|a few|warriors|pulled|past tense marker|Dong Fei|here Then Cao Cao drank with a few warriors and brought Dong Fei here. 獻帝 話 喇 : 丞相 , 董妃 已經 有 咗 五個 月 身己 㗎 喇 , 希望 丞相 可憐 下 啦 。 Emperor Xian|said|particle indicating completed action|Prime Minister|Lady Dong|already|have|past tense marker|five|months|pregnancy|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|hope|Prime Minister|pity|a little|particle indicating suggestion The Emperor Xian said: Chancellor, Dong Fei is already five months pregnant, I hope the Chancellor can show some mercy. 如果 唔 係 蒼天 注定 佢 失敗 , 我 已經 被害 喇 。 if|||heaven|destined|he|fails|I|already|harmed|past tense particle If it weren't for the heavens destined for her failure, I would have been harmed already. 留返 呢 個 女人 喺 處 , 嚟 做 我 嘅 後患 都 得 嘅 咩 ? leave|this|measure word|woman|at|place|come|be|my|possessive particle|future trouble|also|okay|particle indicating a question|what Is it okay to leave this woman here as a future problem for me? 伏皇后 就 𠼮 曹操 話 嘞 : 丞相 呀 , 噉 不如 貶 咗 董妃 入 冷宮 , 等 佢 分娩 咗 , 然後 再 殺 佢 都 未 遲 吖 。 Empress Fu|then|to|Cao Cao|said|past tense particle|Prime Minister|sentence-final particle|then|might as well|demote|past tense particle|Lady Dong|into|cold palace|wait|she|give birth|past tense particle|then|again|kill|her|all|not|late|sentence-final particle Empress Fu said to Cao Cao: "Prime Minister, why not demote Concubine Dong to the cold palace, let her give birth, and then it won't be too late to kill her." 咩 話 ? 想留 呢 個 逆種 , 第日同 老母 報仇 係 嘛 ? what|to say||this|measure word|enemy||mother|take revenge|is|question particle What do you mean? Want to keep this rebellious offspring to take revenge on the mother in the future? 董妃 知道 毫無希望 喇 , 佢 話 : Dong Fei|knows|no hope|particle indicating certainty|she|said Concubine Dong knew there was no hope, she said: 請 丞相 開恩 , 畀 我 全屍 而 死 , 唔 好 暴露 我 嘅 屍體 呀 ! please|Prime Minister|show mercy|give|me|complete corpse|and|die|||expose|my|possessive particle|body|sentence-final particle "Please, Prime Minister, show mercy and let me die with my whole body, don't expose my corpse!" 於是 曹操 叫 人 攞 咗 一條 白絹 嚟 。 then|Cao Cao|called|someone|to take|past tense marker|a piece of|white silk|here So Cao Cao ordered someone to bring a piece of white silk. 獻帝 就 喊住 對 董妃 話 嘞 : 卿 你 喺 九泉之下 , 唉 唔 好 怨 我 啊 ! Emperor Xian|then|crying|to|Lady Dong|said|past tense particle|you|you|are|under the nine springs|sigh|not|very|blame|me|sentence-final particle The Emperor Xian shouted to Lady Dong, saying: "You are in the underworld, sigh, don't blame me!" 講完 呀 , 淚如雨下 啊 。 finished speaking|particle||particle After saying that, tears flowed like rain. 伏皇后 亦 喊 到 㗾㗾 聲 。 Empress Fok|also|cried|to|sobbing|sound Empress Fu also cried loudly. 曹操 喝 罵 一聲 : 咁 痴 纏 , 仲有 乜 好 喊 吖 , 將 佢 拉走 ! Cao Cao|||in one breath|so|||still have|what|good|cry|particle|to|him|pull away Cao Cao shouted angrily: "So clingy, what else is there to cry about, take her away!" 就 喝 啲 武士 拉 咗 董妃 出去 , 喺 宮 門外 便用 條白 絹 勒死 佢 。 then|drink|particle indicating plural|warrior|pull|past tense marker|Dong Fei|outside|at|palace||||silk|strangle to death|him He ordered the warriors to drag Lady Dong outside the palace gate, where they used a white silk cloth to strangle her. 跟 住 , 曹操 就 命令 監宮 官話 今後 所有 皇親國戚 , 冇 佢 嘅 命令 , 擅自 進入 皇宮 嘅 , 斬 ! 守衛 不嚴 , 以 同罪 論處 ! ||Cao Cao|then|ordered|palace supervisor|official language|henceforth|all|royal relatives|without|his|possessive particle|order|arbitrarily|entering|imperial palace|possessive particle|beheaded|guards|not strict|by|the same crime|punished Then, Cao Cao ordered the palace officials that from now on, all royal relatives, without his command, who enter the palace without permission, shall be executed! Those who fail to guard strictly will be punished equally! 當時 又 撥 咗 心腹 人 三千名 做 御林軍 , 由 曹洪 統領 加強 防範 。 at that time|again|assign|past tense marker|trusted aides|people|3000|to be|imperial guard|by|Cao Hong|commander|strengthen|defense At that time, he also assigned three thousand trusted men to form the Imperial Guard, led by Cao Hong to strengthen the defense. 好喇過 咗 一段 時候 , 有 一日 曹操 對 程昱 話 : 而家 董 承 佢 哋 雖然 已經 殺 咗 嘞 , 之仲有馬騰 、 劉備 , 佢 兩個 亦 係 呢 個 集團 嘅 噃, 唔 剷除 埋 佢 哋 唔 得 嘅 。 after a while|past tense marker|a period of||there is|one day|Cao Cao|to|Cheng Yu|said|now|Dong|Cheng|they|plural marker|although|already|killed|past tense marker|sentence final particle||Liu Bei|they|two|also|are|this|measure word|group|possessive particle|sentence final particle|not|eliminate|also|they|plural marker|not|okay|sentence final particle After a while, one day Cao Cao said to Cheng Yu: Now that Dong Cheng and his group have been killed, there are still Ma Teng and Liu Bei, they are also part of this group, we cannot eliminate them as well. 程昱 話 嘞 : 主公 呀 , 馬 騰 喺 西涼 駐扎 大軍 , 要 打贏 佢 唔 係 咁 輕易 嘅 。 Cheng Yu|said|past tense marker|lord|particle|Ma|Teng|at|Xiliang|stationed|large army|to|defeat|him|not|is|so|easily|particle Cheng Yu replied: My lord, Ma Teng is stationed with a large army in Xiliang, it is not so easy to defeat him. 仲 係 寫封信 去 安撫 佢 , 等 佢 唔 好 有 疑心 , 然後 搵 個 機會 氹 佢 嚟 京師 殺 咗 佢 就 得 喇 。 still|is|write a letter|to|comfort|him|let|he||very|have|suspicion|then|find|a|opportunity|lure|him|come|capital|kill|past tense marker|him|then|fine|particle We should write a letter to appease him, so that he does not have any suspicions, and then find an opportunity to lure him to the capital and kill him. 至於 劉備 呢 , 佢 而 家 喺 徐州 將兵 力 部署 成 犄角之勢 互為 照應 , 亦 不可 輕敵 啊 。 as for|Liu Bei|question particle|he|||at|Xuzhou|deploy troops|strength|deployment|forming|a situation of mutual support|mutually|supporting each other|also|cannot|underestimate the enemy|particle As for Liu Bei, he is currently deploying his troops in Xuzhou in a way that forms a mutual support situation, so we cannot underestimate him. 何況 而家 袁紹 喺 官道 駐扎 咗 咁 多 兵馬 , 佢 想 嚟 打 許都 嘅 意思 係 十分 明顯 嘅 。 moreover|now|Yuan Shao|at|official road|stationed|past tense marker|so|many|troops|he|wants|to come|fight|Xu Du|possessive particle|intention|is|very|obvious|possessive particle Moreover, Yuan Shao has stationed so many troops on the official road, and his intention to attack Xudu is very clear. 如果 我 哋 一旦 東征 , 劉備 啊 勢必 向 袁紹 求救 。 if|I|plural marker|once|eastward expedition|Liu Bei|ah|will certainly|towards|Yuan Shao|ask for help If we were to launch an eastern expedition, Liu Bei would definitely seek help from Yuan Shao. 噉 袁紹 趁住 空虛 走 嚟 襲擊 許都 , 噉 我 哋 點樣 抵擋 好 啊 ? then|Yuan Shao|taking advantage of|vulnerability|to come|here|attack|Xu Du||we|plural marker|how|to defend against|well|question particle Then, if Yuan Shao takes advantage of the opportunity to attack Xudu, how can we defend against that? 唔 係 啊 , 劉備乃 係 人中豪傑 , 而家 如果 唔 去 打 佢 , 等到 佢 長成 羽翼 , 嗰 陣 想 打 佢 就 艱難 咯 。 |||||a hero among men|now|if||||he|||grows up|wings||||||then|difficult|particle indicating finality No, Liu Bei is a hero among men, and if we do not attack him now, once he grows his wings, it will be difficult to deal with him. 冇 錯 , 袁紹 係 強盛 啊 , 不過 佢 處理 事情 總 係 猶疑不決 嘅 , 使 乜 怕 佢 呢 ? not|wrong|Yuan Shao|is|strong|ah|but|he|handling|matters|always|is|indecisive|particle|use|what|fear|he|question particle That's right, Yuan Shao is strong, but he is always indecisive when handling matters. What is there to be afraid of him? 曹操 正在 同 程昱 商量 緊 , 郭嘉 嚟 到 , 曹操 就 問 佢 話 : Cao Cao|is currently|with|Cheng Yu|discussing|intensively|Guo Jia||||then|asked|him|words Cao Cao was discussing with Cheng Yu when Guo Jia arrived, and Cao Cao asked him: 我 想 東征 劉備 , 但 又 擔心 袁紹 會 嚟 襲擊 , 你 話點 呢 ? I|want|eastward campaign|Liu Bei|but|also|worry|Yuan Shao|will|come|attack|you||question particle I want to campaign against Liu Bei, but I'm worried that Yuan Shao will attack. What do you think? 郭嘉 就 回答 話 : 袁紹 嘅 為 人 遲鈍 而 又 多疑 , 佢 手下 嘅 謀士 又 互相 妒忌 , 對 佢 我 哋 不必 擔心 嘅 。 Guo Jia|then|replied|saying|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|character|person|slow|and|also|suspicious|he|subordinates|possessive particle|strategists|also|mutually|jealous|towards|him|we|plural marker|not necessary|worry|possessive particle Guo Jia replied: Yuan Shao is slow and suspicious, and his strategists are jealous of each other. We don't need to worry about him. 至於 劉備 , 佢 而 家 新 新 先 至 組成 一支 軍隊 , 大家 嘅 心思 都 未曾 統一 。 as for|Liu Bei|he|||||||formed|a|army|everyone|possessive particle|thoughts|all|not yet|unified As for Liu Bei, he has just recently formed an army, and everyone's thoughts have not yet unified. 趁住 呢 個 時候 , 丞相 帶兵 東征 , 一戰 就 可以 平定 佢 啦 。 taking advantage of|this|measure word|time|prime minister|leads troops|eastward campaign|one battle|then|can|pacify|him|particle indicating completion or change of state Taking advantage of this moment, the Prime Minister is leading an army eastward; with one battle, we can settle this. 好 啊 ! 你 嘅 意思 合 哂 我 嘅 心 水 喇 。 Great! Your thoughts align perfectly with my intentions. 曹操 就 於是 點起 二十萬 大軍 , 分 兵 五路 下 徐州 嘞 。 Cao Cao|then|consequently|assembled|200000|army|divided|troops|into five routes|march|Xuzhou|past tense marker Cao Cao then gathered an army of 200,000 and divided his forces into five routes towards Xuzhou. 呢 個 消息 , 好 快 就 畀 劉備 方面 嘅 探子 探聽到 , 就 向 徐州 報告 啦 。 this|measure word|news|very|quickly|then|by|Liu Bei|side|possessive particle|scout|found out|then|to|Xuzhou|report|final particle This news was quickly discovered by Liu Bei's scouts, who reported it to Xuzhou. 孫乾 接到 情報 就 首先 去 下 邳講 畀 關公 聽 。 Sun Qian|received|intelligence|then|first|go|||to|Guan Gong|hear Sun Qian received the information and first went to Xiapi to inform Guan Gong. 接住 呢 , 就 去 小沛 報告 劉備 。 catch|this|then|go|Xiao Pei|report|Liu Bei Then, go to report to Liu Bei. 劉備 就 同孫乾 商量 話 嘞 : Liu Bei|then||discuss|said|past tense particle Liu Bei discussed with Sun Qian and said: 呢 一次 , 事 必要 向 袁紹 求救 先至 可以 解決 危難 㗎 喇 。 this|time|matter|necessary|towards|Yuan Shao|ask for help|only then|can|solve|crisis|particle|particle This time, we must seek help from Yuan Shao in order to resolve the crisis. 於是 劉備 就 即 刻寫 好 一封信 , 派 孫乾帶 去 河北 搵 袁紹 。 then|Liu Bei|immediately|right||good||send||to|Hebei|find|Yuan Shao So Liu Bei immediately wrote a letter and sent Sun Qian to Hebei to find Yuan Shao. 孫乾去 到 嘞 , 首先 呢 去 見 田豐 , 將個 情形 講晒 畀 佢 聽 , 求 佢 引見 。 |arrive|past tense marker|first|question particle|go|meet|Tian Feng||situation|explain everything|to|him|hear|ask|him|to introduce When Sun Qian arrived, he first went to see Tian Feng and explained the situation to him, asking him to make an introduction. 田豐 就 即刻 帶 孫乾去 拜見 袁紹 , 呈 上 咗 劉備 嘅 書信 。 Tian Feng|then|immediately|took||pay respects to|Yuan Shao|presented|up|past tense marker|Liu Bei|possessive particle|letter Tian Feng immediately took Sun Qian to meet Yuan Shao and presented Liu Bei's letter. 哈 , 乜 今日 見到 袁紹 , 形容憔悴 衣冠不整 。 ha|what|today|saw|Yuan Shao||disheveled Ha, why does Yuan Shao look so haggard and disheveled today? 田豐 就問 嘞 : 主公 今日 點解 噉 樣 啊 ? Tin Fung|just asked|particle indicating past action|lord|today|why|like this|appearance|particle for emphasis Tian Feng asked: My lord, why do you look like this today? 袁紹 話 : 唉 , 唉 , 我 就 嚟 死 喇 ! 唉 , 唉 ! Yuan Shao|said|sigh|sigh||||||sigh| Yuan Shao said: Alas, alas, I am about to die! Alas, alas! 主公 乜 噉 講 ? lord|what|like this|talking My lord, why do you say that? 唉 , 我 有 五個 仔 , 個 細仔 最得 我 鍾 意 嘅 , 誒 而 家 佢 生 咗 疥瘡 命 在 垂危 呀 , 唉 ! sigh|I|have|five|sons|classifier for people|youngest son||I|||possessive particle|interjection|||he|got|past tense marker|scabies|life|in|critical|particle|sigh Sigh, I have five sons, and my youngest is the one I like the most. Oh, now he has scabies and is in critical condition, sigh! 我仲有 乜嘢 心 機理 其他 嘅 事 吖 , 唉 。 |what|mind|reasoning|other|possessive particle|things|sentence-final particle|sigh What other schemes can I think about for other matters, sigh. 主公 呀 , 而家 曹操 東征 劉玄德 , 許昌 防備 空虛 啊 。 my lord|particle|now|Cao Cao|eastward campaign|Liu Xuande|Xuchang|defense|weak|particle My lord, now Cao Cao is eastward attacking Liu Xuande, and Xuchang's defenses are empty. 如果 我 哋 以 一支 義兵 乘虛而入 , 上 可以 保 天子 , 下 可以 救 萬民 , 呢 個 機會 極為 難得 啊 。 if|||use|one|righteous army|take advantage of the enemy's weakness and enter|above|can|protect|emperor|below|can|save|all the people|||opportunity|extremely|rare|ah If we take advantage of this opportunity with a righteous army, we can protect the emperor above and save the common people below. This opportunity is extremely rare. 請 主公 你 決定 啦 。 please|lord|you|decide|sentence-final particle Please, my lord, make a decision. 唉 , 我 亦 知道 係 好 機會 嚟 , 不過 我個 心 , 揸 唔 定 主意 , 怕 有 不利 噃。 sigh|I|also|know|is|good|opportunity|coming|but|my|heart|drive|not|steady|decision|afraid|have|disadvantage|particle Sigh, I also know it's a good opportunity, but my heart can't make up its mind, afraid of any adverse outcomes. 有 咩 嘢 揸 唔 定 主意 呢 主公 ? have|what|thing|drive|not|sure|idea|question particle|lord What do you mean by not being able to make up your mind, my lord? 啊 嗱, 我 五個 仔 , 唯獨 呢 個 仔生 得 最 聰明 嘅 咯 。 ah|look|I|five|sons|only|this|measure word|son|to be|most|intelligent|possessive particle|final particle Ah, well, among my five sons, this one is the smartest. 如果 有 咩 三長兩短 , 我 亦 冇 命 嘅 咯 。 if|has|any|unforeseen circumstances|I|also|have no|life|possessive particle|final particle If anything happens to him, I won't have a life left. 袁紹 堅決 唔 肯 出兵 , 佢 對 孫 乾 話 嘞 : Yuan Shao|firmly|not|willing|send troops|he|to|Sun|Qian|said|past tense particle Yuan Shao firmly refused to send troops, he told Sun Qian: 你 返 去 見 玄德 , 啊 , 就將 原因 講 佢 聽 。 you|return|go|meet|Xuande|ah||reason|tell|him|hear You go back to see Xuande, and just explain the reason to him. 如果 有 咩 嘢 唔 如意 嘅 時候 , 請 玄德 嚟 我 呢 處 , 吓 , 我 自然 會 幫助 佢 嘅 。 if|there is|what|thing|not|satisfactory|possessive particle|time|please|Xuande (a name)|come|I|this|place|ah|I|naturally|will|help|him|possessive particle If there is anything unsatisfactory, please bring Xuande here, and I will naturally help him. 唉 , 冇 晒 辦法 啦 。 sigh|have not|completely|solution|sentence-final particle Sigh, there’s no way out. 田豐話 嘞 : 咁 難得 嘅 機會 , 竟然 因為 細佬 哥 嘅 病痛 噉 就 失 咗 去 ? Tien Fung said|past tense marker|so|rare|possessive particle|opportunity|unexpectedly|because|younger brother|older brother|possessive particle|illness|like this|then|lose|past tense marker|go Tian Feng said: Such a rare opportunity, and it was lost because of my younger brother's illness? 唉 , 冇 咯 冇 咯 , 可惜 啊 ! sigh|not have|particle indicating completed action|||unfortunately|particle expressing emotion Sigh, it's gone, it's gone, what a pity! 田豐猛 咁 揼 腳 , 只有 同孫乾 告辭 走 啦 。 Tin Fung Mang|like this|push|leg|only||say goodbye|leave|particle indicating completion or change of state Tian Feng said, "With such a fierce attack, I can only say goodbye to Sun Qian and leave." 孫乾見 袁紹 唔 肯 發兵 , 只有 日夜兼程 趕返 去 小沛 , 將件 事話 畀 劉備知 。 |Yuan Shao|not|willing|send troops|only|travel day and night|hurry back|to|Xiao Pei|the matter|thing|to| Seeing that Yuan Shao was unwilling to send troops, Sun Qian could only rush back to Xiao Pei day and night to inform Liu Bei about the situation. 劉備 好 驚 啊 , 誒 噉 , 噉 , 噉 點算 好 呢 ? Liu Bei|very|scared|ah|eh|like this|like this|like this|how to deal with|well|question particle Liu Bei was very worried, saying, "Oh no, what should we do now?" 張飛 話 : 兄長 你 唔 使 憂心 , 曹 兵 喺 咁 遠 嚟 到 , 必定 係 好 疲乏 嘅 。 Zhang Fei|said|elder brother|you|||worry|Cao|army|at|so|far|||definitely|is|very|tired|particle Zhang Fei said, "Brother, you don't need to worry. The Cao soldiers are coming from so far away, they must be very tired." 趁 住 佢 哋 剛剛 嚟 到 , 就 先 去 劫寨 , 噉 就 可以 打敗 曹操 喇 。 take advantage of|particle indicating action in progress|they|plural marker|just|||then|first|go|rob the village|then|then|can|defeat|Cao Cao|particle indicating completed action Taking advantage of the fact that they have just arrived, we should raid their camp first, and then we can defeat Cao Cao. 哎呀 三弟 呀 三弟 , 平時 以為 你 淨 係 識得 講力 啫 , 之前 次 捉 劉岱 都 幾識用 計謀 嘅 喎 。 oh no|third younger brother|particle||usually|thought|you|only|are|able to|talk back|only|previous|time|catch|Liu Dai|also||strategy|particle|particle Oh, Third Brother, I used to think you only knew how to talk tough, but during the last time we caught Liu Dai, you were quite clever with your strategies. 而家 你 出 呢 個 計策 , 亦 係 合乎 兵法 嘅 , 好 , 就 聽 你 話 , 我 哋 分兵 去 劫寨 啦 。 now|you|come up with|this|measure|strategy|also|is|in accordance with|military tactics|possessive particle|good|then|listen to|your|words|I|we|split our troops|go|raid the village|sentence-final particle Now that you have come up with this plan, it also aligns with military tactics. Alright, I will listen to you, let's split our forces to raid the camp. 好 嘞 , 而家 講下 曹操 。 ||now|talk about|Cao Cao Alright, now let's talk about Cao Cao. 佢 帶領 兵馬 一路 向 住 小沛 進發 。 He|leads|troops|all the way|towards|the direction of|Xiao Pei|advances He is leading his troops towards Xiaopei. 呢 一日 , 喺 行軍 嘅 時候 , 忽然間 一浸 狂風 叻 聲下 , 將 一面 牙旗 吹斷 咗 。 this|one day|at|marching|possessive particle|time|suddenly|a burst of|strong wind|loud|under the sound|to|one|flag|blew off|past tense marker One day, while marching, suddenly a strong wind blew, breaking one of the banners. 曹操 立即 下令 停止 前進 , 搵 齊班 謀士 嚟 問下 吉凶 嘞 喎 。 Cao Cao|immediately|ordered|to stop|advancing|to find|all|strategists|to come|to ask|fortune and misfortune|past action particle|sentence-final particle Cao Cao immediately ordered to stop advancing and called for his advisors to ask about the omens. 荀彧 問 嘞 : 風 喺 邊 便 嚟 㗎 ? 吹斷 咩 顏色 嘅 旗 呢 ? Xun Yu|asked|past tense particle|wind|at|where|then|come|question particle|blew down|what|color|possessive particle|flag|question particle Xun Yu asked: Where is the wind coming from? What color flag did it break? 曹操 話 : 係 東南風 , 吹斷 咗 邊角 上 嘅 牙 旗 , 支旗 係 青紅 兩種 顏色 嘅 。 Cao Cao|said|is|southeast wind|blew away|past tense marker|corner|on|possessive particle|tooth|flag|this flag|is|blue-red|two types|colors| Cao Cao said: It is a southeast wind, and it broke the tooth flag at the corner. The flag has two colors: blue and red. 哦 , 冇 錯 喇 , 呢 個 預兆 係 應 在 劉備 今晚 必定 嚟 劫寨 。 oh|not|wrong|particle indicating completed action|this|measure word|omen|is|||Liu Bei|tonight|definitely|come|raid the village Oh, that's right, this omen indicates that Liu Bei will definitely come to raid the camp tonight. 嗯 , 嗯 , 曹操 岌一岌頭 。 hmm||Cao Cao|in a precarious situation Hmm, hmm, Cao Cao is feeling anxious. 呢 個 時候 , 毛 玠 急急 入到 嚟 見 曹操 話 : this|measure word|time|Mao|Jie|hurriedly|entered|here|to see|Cao Cao|said At this moment, Mao Jian hurriedly entered to see Cao Cao and said: 剛才 一浸 東南風 , 吹斷 咗 一面 青紅牙旗 , 主 公認 為 呢 個 係 預兆 乜嘢 吉凶 嘅 事 呀 ? just now|a gust|southeast wind|blew away|past tense marker|one|red and green flag|master|publicly recognized|as|||is|omen|what|good or bad fortune|possessive particle|event|question particle Just now, a southeast wind blew and broke a green and red flag. What does the lord think this is a sign of, good or bad? 你 嘅 意思 呢 ? you|possessive particle|meaning|question particle What do you mean? 誒 我 認為 係 預兆 今晚 有人 嚟 劫寨 呀 。 hey|I|think|is|omen|tonight|someone|come|rob|sentence-final particle I believe it is a sign that someone will come to raid the camp tonight. 冇 錯 喇 ! 上天 保佑 我 , 嚟 同 我 報信 喇 ! 大家 要 作好 防備 。 not|wrong|particle indicating completed action|heaven|bless|me|come|with|me|deliver news|particle indicating completed action|everyone|must|do well|precautions That's right! Heaven bless me, someone has come to report this to me! Everyone needs to be on guard. 於是 曹操 下令 分 兵 九隊 , 只 係 留 一隊 喺 前 便 虛 扎 營寨 , 其餘 嗰 八隊 呢 , 喺 八面 埋伏 。 then|Cao Cao|ordered|to divide|troops|into nine units|||to leave|one unit|at|front|then|||camp|the rest|those|eight units|question particle|at|all sides|ambush So, Cao Cao ordered to divide the troops into nine teams, leaving only one team in the front to create a false camp, while the other eight teams ambushed from eight directions. 呢 , 真 係 喎 , 當晚 , 有 多少 月色 。 this|||particle indicating realization|that night|has|how much|moonlight Indeed, that night, there was so much moonlight. 劉備 在 左 , 張飛 在 右 , 分 兵 兩隊 進發 , 只 係 留低 孫乾守 住小沛 。 Liu Bei|is|left|Zhang Fei|is|right|divide|troops|two teams|advance|||leave behind|| Liu Bei was on the left, Zhang Fei was on the right, dividing the troops into two teams to advance, leaving only Sun Qian to guard Xiao Pei. 張飛 呀 自以 為 得計 啊 , 佢 帶領 一隊 馬 軍 在 前 衝入 去 曹操 個 營寨 。 Zhang Fei|ah|self|thought|successful|ah|he|led|a team|horse|army|at|front|charged in|to|Cao Cao|possessive particle|camp Zhang Fei, thinking he had a clever plan, led a cavalry team to charge into Cao Cao's camp. 奇怪 嘞 , 只 係 見到 零零落落 冇 幾多 人馬 。 strange|particle indicating past action|||saw|scattered|not|many|people Strangely, he only saw a few scattered troops. 突然 間 , 四面 火光 大起 齊聲 吶喊 。 suddenly|moment|from all directions|firelight|rose up|in unison|shouted Suddenly, flames erupted all around, and there were shouts from all directions. 弊 喇 , 張飛 知道 中計 嘞 , 急急 跑出去 營寨 外便 。 wrong|particle indicating completed action|Zhang Fei|knows|tricked|particle indicating completed action|hurriedly|ran out|camp|outside Oh no, Zhang Fei realized he had fallen into a trap, and he hurriedly ran out of the camp. 點知 正東 張 遼 、 正西 許褚 、 正南 于禁 、 正北 李典 、 東南 徐晃 、 西南 樂進 、 東北 夏侯惇 、 西北 夏侯淵 , 八處 軍馬 就 殺過 嚟 。 who would have known|due east|Zhang|Liao|due west|Xu Chu|due south|Yu Jin|due north|Li Dian|southeast|Xu Huang|southwest|Le Jin|northeast|Xiahou Dun|northwest|Xiahou Yuan|eight places|cavalry|then|attacked|here Little did he know, to the east was Zhang Liao, to the west was Xu Chu, to the south was Yu Jin, to the north was Li Dian, to the southeast was Xu Huang, to the southwest was Le Jin, to the northeast was Xiahou Dun, and to the northwest was Xiahou Yuan; the eight divisions of cavalry were charging over. 不得了 啊 ! 張飛 左衝右 突 , 前遮後擋 , 好似 隻 老虎 噉 猛 咁 衝殺 。 incredible|ah|Zhang Fei|||blocking in front and behind|like|measure word for animals|tiger|so|fierce|like that|charging and killing This is terrible! Zhang Fei charged left and right, blocking in front and behind, like a fierce tiger attacking. 但 係 呢 , 佢 所 率領 嘅 軍 兵 , 本來 就 係 曹操 手下 嘅 人馬 嚟 , 而家 見到 形勢 緊急 咯 就 冚𠾴唥 都 投降 返 過去 咯 。 |is|||||possessive particle||||then|||||||||||particle indicating completed action||||||| However, the soldiers he led were originally troops under Cao Cao, and now seeing the urgent situation, they all surrendered back to him. 張飛 殺 殺 下 , 遇着 徐晃大殺 一陣 未 分 勝負 , 嘿 ! Zhang Fei|kill|||encountered||a round|not|determine|victory or defeat|hey Zhang Fei fought fiercely, encountering Xu Huang in a fierce battle without a clear winner, hey! 後 便 樂進 已經 趕到 嚟 嘞 。 later|then|Lok Chun|already|arrived|here|particle indicating completed action Then, Le Jin had already arrived. 噉 樣 打 , 唔 得 掂 㗎 ! like this|appearance|hit|not|able|good|particle This kind of fighting is not going to work! 張飛 搏命 殺 開條 血路 突圍 出去 。 Zhang Fei|fight to the death|kill|open up|bloody path|break through|get out Zhang Fei fought desperately to carve out a bloody path to break through. 呢 個 時候 只 係 剩返 幾十個 馬 軍 跟 住 佢 咋 。 this|measure word|time|only|is|remaining|a few dozen|horse|troops|||him|only At this time, only a few dozen cavalry were left following him. 佢 又 想 趯 返 去 小 沛 , 但 係 條路 呢 , 已經 截斷 咗 咯 。 He|again|wants|run|back|to|Little|Pei|||road|this|already|cut off|past tense marker|final particle He wants to go back to Xiao Pei, but the road has already been cut off. 想 去 徐州 、 下 邳 啦 , 又 怕 有 曹兵 截擊 。 want|go|Xuzhou|||particle indicating suggestion|again|afraid|have|Cao's soldiers| He wants to go to Xuzhou and Xiapi, but is afraid of being ambushed by Cao's troops. 諗 落 呢 兩條路 都 係 行 唔 通 㗎 喇 , 一拍 隻 馬 , 就 趯 咗 去 芒 碭山 。 think|down|this|two roads|both|are|walk|not|pass|particle|particle|one slap|measure word for animals|horse|then|kick|past tense marker|go|| Thinking about it, both of these routes are not feasible, so he spurred his horse and headed towards Mangdang Mountain. 噉 呢 處 暫時 就 放落 唔 講 佢 住 。 like this|this|place|temporarily|just|put down|not|talk|he|live For now, let's not talk about this place. 而家 講返 劉備 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei Now let's talk about Liu Bei. 劉備 啊 帶兵 去 劫寨 吖 。 Liu Bei|ah|lead troops|go|raid the village|particle indicating action Liu Bei led his troops to raid the camp. 當 佢 就 快 去 到 寨門 嘅 時候 , 突然 間 聽見 喎 殺 啊 ! 噉 吶喊聲 震天動地 。 when|he|then|quickly|go|arrive|village gate|possessive particle|time|suddenly|moment|heard|particle indicating realization|kill|exclamation particle|that|shouting|earth-shattering Just as he was about to reach the camp gate, he suddenly heard a loud shout of 'Kill!' that shook the heavens. 喺 後 便 衝出 一彪 軍隊 , 即刻 就 截斷 咗 佢 成 半 人馬 , 接 住 夏侯惇 又 到 嘞 。 at|rear|then|charged out|a group of|soldiers|immediately|then|cut off|past tense marker|them|all|half|cavalry|next|continuous aspect marker|Xiahou Dun|again|arrived|past tense marker A group of soldiers charged out from behind, immediately cutting off half of his forces, and then Xiahou Dun arrived. 劉備 馬上 突圍 而 走 喎 , 點知 夏侯淵 又 喺 後 便 追 住 打 過 嚟 。 Liu Bei|immediately|break out|and|run away|particle indicating realization|unexpectedly|Xiahou Yuan|again|at|behind|then|chase|continuously||| Liu Bei quickly broke through the encirclement and fled, but Xiahou Yuan was right behind him, chasing and attacking. 劉備 回頭 望 一下 , 弊 傢伙 ! 自己 只 係 得 番 三廿 幾個 馬 軍 跟 住唧 。 Liu Bei|turn around|look|briefly|this|guy|myself|only|is|has|only|thirty|a few|cavalry|troops|follow| Liu Bei looked back and thought, 'Damn it! I only have about thirty soldiers left with me.' 佢 想 急急 趯 返去 小沛 啦 , 抬頭 一望 , 只見 小沛 城內 大火 沖天 , 唔 返得 去 咯 。 he|wants|urgently|to rush|return|Xiaopui|particle indicating a change of state|looking up|with one glance|only saw|Xiaopui|in the city|big fire|soaring into the sky|not|able to return|go|particle indicating realization He wants to rush back to Xiaopei, but when he looks up, he sees a huge fire raging in the city of Xiaopei, so he can't go back. 唯有 放棄 小沛 去 徐州 、 下 邳 啦 。 only|give up|Xiao Pei|go|Xuzhou|Xia|Pi|particle indicating suggestion or realization He has no choice but to give up on Xiaopei and head to Xuzhou and Xiapi. 唉 , 又 見到 曹兵 呀 , 漫山遍野 截住 條 去路 。 sigh|again|saw|Cao soldiers|particle indicating surprise|all over the mountains and fields|blocking|measure word for road|way out Alas, he sees Cao's soldiers, blocking the road all over the mountains and fields. 劉備 諗 下 呢 趟 無家可歸 嘞 。 Liu Bei|think|about|this|trip|homeless|past tense particle Liu Bei thinks that this trip leaves him homeless. 再 一 諗 : 啊 ! 袁紹 講過 個 噃, 話 有 咩 嘢 唔 如意 嘅 時候 啊 可以 去 搵 佢 嘅 喎 。 again|one|think|ah|Yuan Shao|mentioned|that|particle indicating realization|said|have|what|thing|not|satisfactory|possessive particle|time|ah|can|go|find|him|possessive particle|particle indicating suggestion Then he thinks again: Ah! Yuan Shao mentioned before that whenever something goes wrong, he can go find him. 唉 ! 冇 辦法 喇 , 不如 暫時 去 依憑 住 佢 先 , 以後 再作 打算 係 啦 。 sigh|no|solution|particle indicating change of state|might as well|temporarily|go|relying on|for now|him|first|later|reconsider|plans|is|particle indicating suggestion Sigh! There's no way out, so let's temporarily rely on him first, and we'll make plans later. 噉 劉備 就 向 住 青州 個 方向 走 。 then|Liu Bei|then|towards|residing|Qingzhou|the|direction|walked Then Liu Bei headed towards the direction of Qingzhou. 走 咗 冇 幾遠 , 就 撞 正 李典 攔住 嘞 。 walk|past tense marker|not|very far|then|||a person's name|block|past action marker After walking for a while, he ran into Li Dian who was blocking his way. 劉備 搏晒命 啊 向 住 北方 單人 匹馬 , 落荒而走 。 Liu Bei|fought desperately|ah|towards|residing|north|alone|on horseback|fled in panic Liu Bei fought desperately, heading north on horseback, fleeing in panic. 李典 追 佢 唔 到 , 就將 跟隨 佢 嗰 三 廿 幾個 馬 軍 就 俘虜 晒 。 Li Dian|chase|him|not|catch up||follow|him|that|three|twenty|several|cavalry|troops|then|capture|all Li Dian couldn't catch up to him, so he captured all the thirty or so cavalrymen who were following Liu Bei. 劉備 單人 匹馬 , 日行 三百里 呀 , 趯 到 嚟 青州 城下 叫門 。 Liu Bei|alone|on horseback|travels daily|three hundred miles|particle indicating exclamation|hurriedly|arrive|here|Qingzhou|outside the city|calls at the gate Liu Bei arrived alone on horseback, traveling three hundred miles a day, and reached the gates of Qingzhou. 嗰 個 守門 官 呢 就問 過 佢 個 姓名 , 叫 佢 等 陣 , 就入 去 報告 本城 嘅 長官 。 that|measure word|goalkeeper|official|question particle||past tense marker|he|measure word|name|told|him|wait|moment||to|report|this city|possessive particle|chief officer The gatekeeper asked for his name, told him to wait a moment, and then went in to report to the governor of the city. 原來 青州 刺史 叫做 袁譚 啊 , 乃 係 袁紹 個大仔 。 it turns out|Qingzhou|governor|is called|Yuan Tan|ah|is|is|Yuan Shao| It turned out that the governor of Qingzhou was named Yuan Tan, who is the eldest son of Yuan Shao. 袁譚 呢 一向 都 非常 尊敬 劉備 嘅 , 聽講 劉備 而家 單人 匹馬 趯 到 嚟 唄 , 咁 狼狽 就 立即 打開 城門 , 迎接 佢 入 嚟 。 Yuan Tan|this|always|all|very|respects|Liu Bei|possessive particle|heard||now|single|on horseback|rushed|arrived|here|particle indicating suggestion|then|in a difficult situation|then|immediately|opened|city gate|welcomed|him|enter|here Yuan Tan had always respected Liu Bei greatly, and upon hearing that Liu Bei had arrived alone and in such a sorry state, he immediately opened the city gates to welcome him in. 請 佢 去 到 衙門 坐落 , 問 佢 咩 嘢 事 。 please|he|go|to|police station|located|ask|he|what|thing|matter He invited him to sit in the yamen and asked him what the matter was. 劉備 啊 詳詳細細 噉 , 將 自己 打敗仗 無家可歸 嘅 經過 講 畀 袁譚 聽 。 Liu Bei|ah|in detail|like that|will|himself|lost battle|homeless|possessive particle|experience|tell|to|Yuan Tan|hear Liu Bei, in detail, told Yuan Tan about his experience of being defeated and homeless. 表示 而家 要 嚟 投奔 袁紹 嘞 。 indicates|now|need|come|seek refuge|Yuan Shao|past action particle He expressed that he wanted to seek refuge with Yuan Shao. 袁譚 啊 , 當然 歡迎 啦 , 請 劉備 去 賓館 住落 休息 。 Yuan Tan|ah|of course|welcome|particle|please|Liu Bei|go|hotel|stay|rest Yuan Tan, of course, welcomed him and invited Liu Bei to stay at a hotel to rest. 即刻 就 發 一封信 啊 , 報告 佢 父親 袁紹 , 然後 呢 就 派 一隊 人馬 , 護送 劉備 去 冀州 。 immediately|then|send|a letter|ah|report|his|father|Yuan Shao|then|particle indicating a new action|then|send|a team|soldiers|escort|Liu Bei|to|Jizhou Immediately, a letter was sent to inform his father Yuan Shao, and then a group of soldiers was dispatched to escort Liu Bei to Jizhou. 冀州 就 係 今日 嘅 河北 、 山東 、 河南 三 省 嘅 部分 地方 。 Jizhou|just|is|today|possessive particle|Hebei|Shandong|Henan|three|provinces|possessive particle|part|areas Jizhou refers to parts of today's Hebei, Shandong, and Henan provinces. 當時 佢 嘅 州 城 呢 就 叫做 鄴 郡 , 即 係 而家 河北省 臨漳縣 附近 啊 。 at that time|he|possessive particle|state|city|question particle|then|was called|Ye|county|that is|is|now|Hebei Province|Linzhang County|nearby|ah At that time, his state capital was called Ye County, which is near present-day Linzhang County in Hebei Province. 噉 劉備 嚟 到 平原 界口 。 then|Liu Bei|come|arrived|Plain|border crossing Then Liu Bei arrived at the Pingyuan border. 袁紹 都 算 唔 話 得 喇 , 親自 帶領 一班 官員 , 出 咗 鄴 郡 三十里 之外 嚟 歡迎 劉備 喎 。 Yuan Shao|all|count|not|say|able|particle indicating completed action|personally|lead|a group of|officials|go out|past tense marker|Ye|county|thirty li|outside|come|welcome|Liu Bei|particle indicating assertion Yuan Shao was not too bad, personally leading a group of officials to welcome Liu Bei thirty miles outside of Ye County. 劉備 首先 向 袁紹 行個禮 表示感謝 , 袁紹 啊 連忙 答禮 話 : Liu Bei|first|towards|Yuan Shao|bow||Yuan Shao|ah|hurriedly|returned the bow|said Liu Bei first paid his respects to Yuan Shao to express his gratitude, and Yuan Shao quickly returned the gesture, saying: 前 嗰 次 因 為 小兒 有病 , 冇 去 援救 使君 。 previous|that|time|||child|was sick|did not|go|rescue|Sir Last time, I couldn't come to assist you because my child was ill. 個心 非常 唔 安樂 啊 , 今日 有幸 能夠 相見 , 真 係 大慰 平生 啊 ! my heart|very|not|peaceful|particle|today|fortunate|able to|meet|really|is|great comfort|lifetime|particle My heart is very uneasy. Today, I am fortunate to meet you, it truly brings great comfort to my life! 我勢 孤力 單 , 好耐以 嚟 就 想 投靠 喺 將軍 嘅 門下 , 總 係 冇 機會 。 |alone|single|for a long time|come|then|want|seek refuge|at|general|possessive particle|under|always|be|no|opportunity I am alone and powerless, and have long wanted to seek refuge under the general's command, but have never had the opportunity. 呢 趟 受到 曹操 嘅 攻打 , 家人 都 失陷 咯 。 this|trip|received|Cao Cao|possessive particle|attack|family|all|captured|past tense particle This time, I was attacked by Cao Cao, and my family has fallen. 一向 知道 將軍 容納 四方 嘅 人才 , 所以 不 避 羞慚 , 前 嚟 投奔 將軍 。 always|knows|general|accommodates|people from all directions|possessive particle|talented individuals|so|not|avoid|shame|previously|come|seek refuge|general I have always known that the general welcomes talents from all directions, so I do not shy away and come to seek refuge with the general. 如果 得到 將軍 錄用 , 劉備 一定 誓死 報答 ! if|receives|general|employment|Liu Bei|definitely|swears to die|repay If I am accepted by the general, Liu Bei will definitely vow to repay you with my life! 袁紹 好 高興 , 待 劉備 非常 之好 , 就 招呼 佢 喺 冀州 住落 , 呢 啲 呢 就 唔 講 佢 住 喇 。 Yuan Shao|very|happy|treat|Liu Bei|extremely||then|invite|him|at|Ji Province|live|this|plural particle|this|then|not|mention|him|live|completed action particle Yuan Shao was very happy and treated Liu Bei very well, inviting him to stay in Jizhou. Let's not talk about where he lives now. 而家 講返 曹操 , 佢 喺 嗰 晚 奪取 咗 小沛 , 隨即 就 進兵 攻打 徐州 。 now|talk about|Cao Cao|he|at|that|night|captured|past tense marker|Xiaopei|immediately|then|advance troops|attack|Xuzhou Now let's talk about Cao Cao. That night, he captured Xiaopei and immediately advanced his troops to attack Xuzhou. 糜竺 、 簡雍守 唔 住 , 只有 放棄 徐州 趯 佬 嘞 , 陳 登大開 城門 , 獻 咗 徐州 。 Mi Zhu||||only|give up|Xuzhou|retreat|people|past tense marker|Chen||city gate|surrender|past tense marker|Xuzhou Mi Zhu and Jian Yong couldn't hold on, and could only abandon Xuzhou. Chen Deng opened the city gates and surrendered Xuzhou. 噉 曹操 個 大軍 就 入城 嘞 , 安定 咗 居民 之後 , 曹操 即刻 召集 各位 謀士 商量 點樣 去 奪取 下 邳 嘞 喎 。 then|Cao Cao|possessive particle|army|then|entered the city|past tense particle|stabilized|past tense particle|residents|after|Cao Cao|immediately|gathered|all|strategists|discussed|how|to|capture|lower|Puyang|past tense particle|sentence-final particle Thus, Cao Cao's army entered the city. After stabilizing the residents, Cao Cao immediately summoned all the strategists to discuss how to capture Xiapi. 荀彧 話 嘞 : 下 邳 係 雲 長 喺 度 鎮守 , 保護 玄 德 嘅 家人 妻小 。 Xun Yu|said|past tense marker|next|Pi|is|Yun|always|at|place|stationed|protect|Xuan|De|possessive particle|family|wife and children Xun Yu said: Xiapi is guarded by Yun Chang, protecting the family of Xuan De. 如果 我 哋 唔 盡快 攻取 下 邳 , 就 怕 會 畀 袁紹 得 咗 去 嘅 咯 。 if|I|we|not|as soon as possible|capture|||then|afraid|will|be|Yuan Shao|take|past tense marker|away|possessive particle|final particle If we don't capture Xia Pi soon, we might be afraid that Yuan Shao will take it. 曹操 話 : 我 素來 十分 喜歡 雲 長 嘅 武藝 人才 , 好 想得到 佢 嚟 為 我 效力 。 Cao Cao|said|I|always|very|liked|||possessive particle|martial arts|talented person|very||he|to come|for|me|serve Cao Cao said: I have always greatly admired the martial talents of Yun Chang and really want him to serve me. 不如 搵 個人 去講 掂 佢 , 叫 佢 嚟 投降 呢 。 why not|find|someone||handle|him|tell|him|to come|surrender|particle Why not find someone to talk to him and ask him to surrender? 郭嘉 就 話 嘞 : 不過 噉 噃, 雲 長 嘅 為 人 義氣 深重 , 必定 唔 肯 投降 嘅 。 Guo Jia|then|said|past tense marker|however|like that|particle|Yun|Chang|possessive particle|for|person|loyalty|deep|definitely|not|willing|surrender|particle Guo Jia then said: However, Yun Chang is a person of deep loyalty and righteousness, so he definitely won't want to surrender. 如果 派 人 去 同 佢 講 , 怕 會 畀 佢 殺 嘅 噃。 if|send|someone|to|with|him|talk|afraid|will|by|him|kill|particle indicating past action|particle indicating suggestion or reminder If we send someone to talk to him, we might be afraid that he will kill them. 哈有 個人 話 嘞 : 我同 關公 有 一面之交 , 等 我 去 同 佢 講 啦 。 |person|said|past tense marker||Guan Gong|have|acquaintance|wait|I|go|with|him|talk|sentence-final particle Someone said: I have met Guan Gong once, let me go talk to him. 曹操 一睇 , 呢 個人 原來 係 張 遼 。 Cao Cao|at a glance|this|person|originally|is|Zhang|Liao Cao Cao took a look and realized this person was Zhang Liao. 但 係 程昱 話 嘞 : 文遠 雖然 同雲長 過去 有 啲 交情 啊 , 不過 據 我 睇 , 雲長 此人 唔 係 用 說話 就 可以 講得 通 嘅 。 |is||||||||||||||||||||using|talking|just|can|get through|understood|particle But Cheng Yu said: Although Wen Yuan has some past connections with Yun Chang, in my opinion, Yun Chang is not someone who can be persuaded just by talking. 我 有條 計策 , 使 到 佢 進退無路 , 然後 再 請文 遠去 說 佢 。 I||strategy|||him|have no way out|then|again|||say|him I have a strategy that will leave him with no way out, and then I will ask Wen Yuan to speak to him. 到 其時 , 佢 就 必定 要 歸附 丞相 㗎 喇 。 by|then|he|will|definitely|must|submit to|the Prime Minister|sentence-final particle|past action particle At that time, he will definitely have to submit to the Prime Minister. 哦 ? 先生 有何高見 呢 ? oh|sir||question particle Oh? Sir, what are your thoughts? 雲 長 嘅 武藝高強 , 有 萬人之敵 , 要 打 係 冇 辦法 打得 過 佢 嘅 , 非 用 智謀 唔 能夠 制服 佢 。 Yun|long|possessive particle||has|an enemy of ten thousand|to|fight|is|no|way|||him|possessive particle|not|using|strategy|not|able to|subdue|him Yun Chang's martial arts are exceptional, he can take on thousands of enemies. There's no way to defeat him in battle; he can only be subdued with strategy. 而家 我 哋 可以 叫 幾十個 劉備 手下 投降 過 嚟 嘅 士兵 , 去 下 邳 見 關公 , 就 話 係 逃跑 返 嚟 嘅 噉 , 關公 實 收留 佢 哋 嘅 。 now|I|plural marker|can|call|several dozen|Liu Bei|subordinates|surrender|come over|here|possessive particle|soldiers|go|||meet|Guan Gong|then|say|is|escape|return|here|past action particle|like that|Guan Gong|really|take in|them|plural marker|possessive particle Now we can call on dozens of soldiers who have surrendered from Liu Bei's side to go to Xia Pi and meet Guan Gong, claiming they are returning from fleeing. Guan Gong will indeed take them in. 噉 佢 哋 就 潛伏 喺 城裏 便 做 內應 , 然後 , 我 哋 再 引 關公 出城 嚟 交戰 。 then|they|plural marker|then|ambush|in|the city|just|act as|inside informant|then|I|plural marker|again|lure|Guan Gong|out of the city|to|fight Then they can lie in ambush in the city and act as our inside informants. After that, we will lure Guan Gong out of the city to engage in battle. 詐作 打輸 畀 佢 , 一路 引 佢 追 到 去 第 處 , 用 精兵 截斷 佢 嘅 歸路 , 喺 呢 個 時候 去 說 佢 就 啱 喇 。 pretending|lost the fight|to|him|all the way|leading|him|chasing|until|reached|the|place|using|elite soldiers|cutting off|his||way home|at|this|(measure word)|time|to|say|he|then|right|particle indicating completion Feigning defeat against him, we will lead him to chase us to a certain place, using elite troops to cut off his retreat. At that moment, we can strike. 呢 個 真 係 妙計 呀 ! this|measure word|||clever plan|sentence-final particle This is really a clever plan! 曹操 立即 搵 咗 幾十名 徐州 投降 過 嚟 嘅 兵士 , 吩咐 好 佢 哋 , 叫 佢 哋 去 下 邳 搵 關公 , 就 如此 如此 噉 。 Cao Cao|immediately|found|past tense marker|several dozen|Xuzhou|surrendered|past|come|possessive particle|soldiers|ordered|well|they|plural marker|told|them|plural marker|go|||find|Guan Yu|then|like this|like this|like this Cao Cao immediately found several dozen soldiers who had surrendered from Xuzhou, instructed them well, and told them to go to Xia Pi to find Guan Gong, just like that. 噉 呢 班 兵士 去 到 下 邳 , 關公 一心 以 為 佢 哋 係 舊時 部下 嘅 人 , 一 啲 都 冇 疑心 , 就 全部 收留 佢 哋 。 then|this|measure word for groups|soldiers|go|to|||Guan Gong|wholeheartedly|||they|plural marker|are|old times|subordinates|possessive particle|people|one|measure word for small amounts|all|no|suspicion|then|all|took in|them|plural marker So these soldiers went to Xia Pi, and Guan Gong, thinking they were his former subordinates, had no doubts at all and took them all in. 哈好 喇 , 噉 就 中計 喇 。 okay|particle indicating completed action|like this|then|tricked|particle indicating completed action Haha, now they have fallen into the trap. 到 咗 第日 , 夏侯惇 做 先鋒 , 帶住 五千 人馬 嚟 挑戰 嘞 。 The next day, Xiahou Dun led the vanguard with five thousand troops to challenge. 關公 初時 唔 出城 , 冇 理 佢 , 夏侯惇 呢 就 叫 人 喺 城下 , 高聲 辱罵 , 有 咁 難聽 就 鬧 到 咁 難聽 。 Guan Gong|at first|not|leave the city|not|pay attention to|him|Xiahou Dun|then|then|ordered|people|at|the city gate|loudly|insulted|had|so|unpleasant|then|scolded|to the point of|so|unpleasant Guan Gong initially did not leave the city and ignored him. Xiahou Dun then ordered people to stand outside the city and loudly insult him, making the insults very harsh. 激到 關公 呀 發 大火 , 帶住 三千 人 馬出城 , 同 夏侯惇 打 過 。 angered|Guan Gong|particle|unleash|great fury|led|three thousand|soldiers||with|Xiahou Dun|fight|past This angered Guan Gong, who became furious and led three thousand troops out of the city to fight Xiahou Dun. 大約 打 咗 十 零個 回合 啦 , 夏侯惇 回馬 就 走 。 about|fight|past tense marker|ten||rounds|sentence-final particle|Xiahou Dun|counterattack|then|left They fought for about ten rounds, and Xiahou Dun turned his horse and fled. 關公 呀 追住 去 , 夏侯惇 就且 戰且 走 。 Guan Gong|particle indicating exclamation|chasing|away|Xiahou Dun||| Guan Gong chased after him, while Xiahou Dun fought while retreating. 關公 一路 追 咗 大約 二十幾 里 , 諗 一 諗 , 嗯 , 怕 下 邳 有失 , 唔 追 嘞 , 指揮 啲 人馬 返 轉頭 。 Guan Gong|all the way|chased|past tense marker|about|twenty something|miles|thought|one|thought|hmm|afraid|||would have losses|not|chase|past tense marker|commanded|some|soldiers and horses|return|turn around Guan Gong chased for about twenty miles, then thought to himself, hmm, I'm afraid of losing at Xiapi, so I won't chase anymore and commanded his troops to turn back. 遲 咗 咯 , 只 聽見 轟 噉 一聲 炮響 , 左有 徐晃 , 右有 許褚 , 兩支 軍隊 呀 截住 去路 。 late|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|only|heard|booming|like that||cannon fire||Xu Huang||Xu Chu||armies|particle indicating surprise|blocking|path It was late, and all I heard was a loud bang like a cannon shot. On the left was Xu Huang, and on the right was Xu Chu, both armies blocking the way. 關公 就 奪路 猛 走 啦 , 但 係 兩 便 嘅 伏兵 啡 啡 聲 亂箭 射過 嚟 。 Guan Gong|then|break through|fiercely|run|particle indicating action completion|||||possessive particle|ambush troops|||sound|random arrows|shot over|here Guan Gong then made a desperate run for it, but arrows rained down from the ambush troops on both sides. 關公 冇 辦法 衝得 過去 , 只有 帶兵 屈返 轉頭 嘞 。 Guan Gong|not have|method|charge|past|only|lead troops|retreat|turn around|past tense particle Guan Gong couldn't break through, so he had no choice but to lead his troops back. 徐晃 、 許褚 攔住 佢 打 起 上 嚟 。 Xu Huang|Xu Chu|blocked|him|fight|get up|up|here Xu Huang and Xu Chu intercepted him and started attacking. 關公 奮起 威風 , 殺退 咗 佢 哋 兩個 , 就 想 帶兵 返去 下 邳 嘞 喎 。 Guan Gong|rose up|with great might|drove back|past tense marker|they|plural marker|two|then|wanted||return|||past tense marker|sentence-final particle Guan Gong rallied his spirit and drove the two of them back, intending to lead his troops back to Xiapi. 點知 又 畀 夏侯惇 呢 截住 廝殺 。 who would have known|again|by|Xiahou Dun|question particle|intercept|fight to the death Who would have thought that he would be intercepted and killed by Xiahou Dun? 就 係 噉 , 關公 一直 打 到 夜晚 , 無路可走 嘞 , 就 趯 到 去 一座 土山 , 叫 啲 兵士 喺 山頭 駐扎 休息 一下 。 then|||||||||||||to|a|dirt hill|ordered|plural marker|soldiers|at|the top of the hill|stationed|rest|for a while So it was, Guan Gong fought until nightfall, with no way to escape, and then he rushed to a dirt hill, asking the soldiers to rest at the top of the hill. 曹兵 就 氹 氹 𡃈 將呢 座 土山 圍住 。 Cao Bing|then|drive|drive|car||measure word for mountains|earth mountain|surround Cao's soldiers surrounded this dirt hill. 關公 喺 山上 遠遠 望見 下 邳 城內 呀 火光沖天 。 Guan Gong|at|on the mountain|from afar|saw|lower|Pi|inside the city|particle|firelight soaring into the sky Guan Gong looked far away from the hill and saw the flames rising in Xiapi City. 咩 事 呢 ? 原來 呢 個 又 係 曹操 嘅 計 仔 。 what|matter|question particle|originally|this|measure word|again|is|Cao Cao|possessive particle|scheme|child What was going on? It turned out this was also Cao Cao's scheme. 嗰 班 詐降 嘅 兵卒 啊 , 偷偷地 打開 咗 城門 , 曹操 親自 帶領 大軍 殺 咗 入 城內 , 就 叫 人放 起火 嚟 , 擾亂 關公 嘅 心 啊 。 that|group|false surrender|possessive particle|soldiers|ah|secretly|opened|past tense marker|city gate|Cao Cao|personally|led|large army|killed|past tense marker|enter|inside the city|then|ordered||fire|up|disturb|Guan Gong|possessive particle|mind|ah That group of treacherous soldiers secretly opened the city gate, and Cao Cao personally led his army to invade the city, then ordered people to set fire, disturbing Guan Gong's mind. 關公 見到 下 邳 火起 唄 , 個心 就 好 驚 。 Guan Gong|saw|||fire|particle indicating action|his heart|then|very|scared When Guan Gong saw the fire in Xia Pi, he became very frightened. 當晚 關公 好 幾次 想衝 落山 , 但 係 都 畀 亂箭 射 到 佢 返 轉頭 。 that night|Guan Gong|very|several times||down the mountain|||all|by|random arrows|shot|to|him|return|turn around That night, Guan Gong wanted to rush down the mountain several times, but he was shot back by random arrows. 捱到 天光 , 關公 正話 想 整頓 好 軍隊 , 再次 落山 去 打過 啦 。 endure until|dawn|Guan Gong|really|wants|reorganize|good|army|again|descend|to|fight|particle indicating completed action When dawn broke, Guan Gong was thinking of organizing a good army to go down the mountain and fight again. 忽然間 , 見到 有 個人 跑 住 馬上 嚟 噃。 suddenly|saw|there is|a person|running|continuously|immediately|come|particle indicating surprise or realization Suddenly, he saw someone running towards him on horseback. 等到 嚟 近 一 睇 , 原來 係 張 遼 。 wait until|come|close|one|look|originally|is|Zhang|Liao When I got closer to take a look, it turned out to be Zhang Liao. 關公 就 對 佢 講 : 文遠 想 嚟 打過 係 嘛 ? Guan Gong|then|to|he|said|Wen Yuan|wants|to come|fight|is|question particle Guan Gong then said to him: "Wen Yuan, are you here to fight?" 張遼話 : 唔 係 , 我 不過 諗 起 朋友 往日 嘅 交情 , 特意 嚟 見 下面 唧 。 Zhang Liao said|||I|just|||friend|past|possessive particle|friendship|specially|come|meet|below|a sound of annoyance Zhang Liao replied: "No, I just thought of the friendship we had in the past, so I came to see you." 講完 , 張 遼 拋開 把 刀 , 落 咗 馬 , 同 關公 互相 行過禮 , 一齊 坐 喺 山頂 。 finished speaking|||threw away|(measure word for tools)|knife|dismounted|past tense marker|horse|and|Guan Yu|mutually|exchanged greetings|together|sat|at|mountain top After saying that, Zhang Liao put down his knife, got off his horse, and they exchanged greetings, sitting together on the mountaintop. 關公 話 : 文遠 , 你 嚟 莫非 想 說 我 係 嘛 ? Guan Gong|said|Wen Yuan|you|come|could it be that|want|to say|I|am|particle indicating a question Guan Gong said: "Wen Yuan, did you come here to say something to me?" 唔 係 , 往日 好多 得 兄長 搭救 小弟 , 今日 小弟 點 能夠 話 唔 搭救 返 兄長 呢 ? not|||||older brother||||||||||||question particle No, in the past, my elder brother helped me a lot, how can I not help my elder brother today? 然則 , 你 想 嚟 幫助 我 呀 ? then|you|want|to come|help|me|question particle So, do you want to come and help me? 嘿嘿 , 亦 唔 係 。 hehe|also|not|is Hehe, that's not it. 既然 唔 係 嚟 幫助 我 , 噉 嚟 呢 處 做 乜嘢 ? since|not|is|come|help|me|then|come|this|place|do|what Since you are not here to help me, then what are you doing here? 噉 嘅 , 而家 玄德 不知 存亡 , 翼德 亦 未知 生死 。 like this|possessive particle|now|Xuande (Liu Bei)|does not know|existence or extinction|Yide (Guan Yu)|also|does not know|life or death Well, right now, Xuande does not know if he is alive or dead, and Yide also does not know his fate. 昨晚 曹丞相 已經 攻破 下 邳 , 但 係 軍民 都 冇 傷害 到 。 last night|Prime Minister Cao|already|captured|||but|is|soldiers and civilians|all|no|harm|to Last night, Prime Minister Cao has already captured Xia Pi, but the military and civilians were not harmed. 同時 派 咗 人 去 護衛 玄 德 嘅 家眷 , 唔 准 驚擾 佢 哋 。 at the same time|send|past tense marker|people|to|protect|||possessive particle|family|not|allow|disturb|he|plural marker At the same time, he sent people to protect Xuan De's family, and they are not allowed to be disturbed. 丞相 係 噉 樣 相待 大家 嘅 , 因此 特登 嚟 講 畀 兄長 知 呀 。 Prime Minister|is|like|way|treat|everyone|possessive particle|therefore|specially|come|tell|to|elder brother|know|sentence-final particle The Prime Minister treats everyone this way, so he specially came to inform my elder brother. 嗯 , 嗯 ! hmm| Hmm, hmm! 你講 呢 啲 說話 即 係 嚟 說 我 , 哼哼 ! |this|plural marker|words|just|are|come|say|me|hum What you are saying is just to talk about me, hum hum! 我關 某而家 雖然 處於 絕地 , 但 係 視死如歸 。 ||although|is in|a desperate situation|but|is|sees death as a return to home I am in a desperate situation now, but I will face death without fear. 你 快 啲 返去 , 我 立即 下山 迎戰 ! you|||go back|I|immediately|come down|face the battle You hurry back, I will immediately go down the mountain to confront them! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 hahaha|hahaha Hahahaha. 兄長 講 啲 噉 嘅 說話 , 豈 唔 係 畀 天下人 恥笑 咩 ? elder brother|talk|particle indicating a small amount|like that|possessive particle|words|how|not|is|by|people of the world|ridicule|question particle Brother, saying things like that, isn't it just inviting ridicule from the world? 嗯 ? 我 為 忠義 而 死 , 點解 會 畀 天下人 恥笑 啊 ? hmm|I|for|loyalty|and|die|why|would|be|people of the world|ridicule|ah Hmm? I die for loyalty and righteousness, why would I be ridiculed by the world? 兄長 如果 而家 就 死 , 有 三條 罪 噃。 elder brother|if|now|then|dies|has|three|sins|particle Brother, if you die right now, there are three sins. 哦 ? 你講 , 我 有邊 三條 罪 ? oh||I||three|crimes Oh? What are the three sins you say I have? 兄長 你 聽 住 吓 。 elder brother|you|listen|to|a little Brother, listen carefully. 當初 劉使君 同 你 結義 嘅 時候 , 發過 誓要 同生共死 。 at that time|Liu Shijun|with|you|become sworn brothers|possessive particle|when|had made||live and die together When Liu Shijun made a brotherhood oath with you, he vowed to live and die together. 而家 , 劉使君 剛剛 打敗 咗 , 而 你 就 戰死 嘞 。 now|Liu Shikwan|just|defeated|past tense marker|but|you|then|died in battle|past tense marker Now, Liu Shijun has just been defeated, and you have died in battle. 倘若 第 日 劉使君 再次 出 嚟 爭雄 於 天下 , 想得到 兄長 你 嘅 幫助 , 噉 就 冇 辦法 得到 㗎 喇 。 if|next|day|Liu Shikwan|again|come|out|compete|in|the world|wants to get|elder brother|you|possessive particle|help|then|then|no|way|to get|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action If Liu Shijun comes out again to compete in the world, and wants your help, then there is no way to get it. 噉 豈 唔 係 辜負 咗 當年 嘅 盟誓 咩 ? then|how|not|is|betray|past tense marker|that year|possessive particle|oath|question particle Isn't that betraying the oath made back then? 呢 個 係 第一條 罪 。 this|measure word|is|first|crime This is the first crime. 請問 第二條 罪 呢 ? may I ask|second|charge|question particle May I ask what the second crime is? 劉使君 將 家眷 託付 畀 兄長 , 兄長 你 而家 戰死 嘞 , 兩位 夫人 就 無 所 依靠 , 辜負 咗 劉使君 託付 之重 啊 ! Liu Shijun|will|family|entrusted|to|elder brother|elder brother|you|now|died in battle|past tense marker|two|wives|then|not|any|support|let down|past tense marker|Liu Shijun|entrusted||exclamatory particle Liu Shijun entrusted his family to you, and now you have died in battle, leaving the two ladies with no support, betraying the heavy trust Liu Shijun placed in you! 呢 個 係 第二條 罪 喇 。 this|measure word|is|second|charge|particle indicating completed action This is the second crime. 嗯 , 請問 第三條 罪 呢 ? um|may I ask|third|charge|question particle Hmm, may I ask what the third crime is? 兄長 武藝 超群 , 兼 通經史 , 竟然 唔 考慮 幫助 使君 匡扶漢 室 , 僅僅 係 想 赴湯蹈火 , 逞 匹夫之勇 , 噉 點講 得 係 忠義 呀 ? elder brother|martial arts|outstanding|also||unexpectedly|not|consider|help|lord||dynasty|merely|is|want|face danger|show off|reckless bravery|then|how to say|can|is|loyalty and righteousness|question particle Elder brother, with exceptional martial skills and knowledge of classics and history, actually does not consider helping the lord to restore the Han dynasty, but merely wants to rush into danger and show off his bravery. How can that be called loyalty and righteousness? 呢 個 係 第三條 罪 喇 。 this|measure word|is||crime|particle indicating completed action This is the third crime. 兄長 有 呢 三條 罪 , 小弟 不能不 講啊 ! elder brother|has|this|three|crimes|younger brother|cannot help but|speak Elder brother has these three crimes, I cannot help but speak! 嗯 , 噉 嘛 。 hmm|like that|particle indicating obviousness Hmm, that's right. 你 話 我 有 三條 罪 , 你 想 我點 呢 ? you|say|I|have|three|crimes|you|want||question particle You said I have three crimes, what do you want me to do? 而家 , 四面 都 係 曹 公 嘅 兵馬 , 兄長 如果 唔 投降 就 實死 , 白白 噉 死 咗 無益 吖 。 now|all around|all|are|||possessive particle|troops|elder brother|if|not|surrender|then|certain death|in vain|like this|die|past tense marker|no benefit|sentence-final particle Right now, we are surrounded by Cao Gong's troops. If you don't surrender, you will definitely die, and dying for no reason is pointless. 不如 姑且 投降 曹公先 , 然後 再 打聽 劉士 軍 嘅 消息 。 might as well|for the time being|surrender||then|again|inquire|Liu Shi|army|possessive particle|news Why not temporarily surrender to Cao Gong first, and then inquire about Liu Shijun's whereabouts? 如果 知道 佢 喺 邊 處 咯 , 即刻 就 去 投奔 佢 。 if|know|he|at|where|place|particle indicating completed action|immediately|then|go|seek refuge|him If we find out where he is, we can immediately go and join him. 一來 , 可以 保住 兩位 夫人 ; 二來 , 不至於 違背 桃園 結義 嘅 盟約 ; 三來 就 可以 保留 有用 之 身 。 first|can|protect|two|wives|second|not to|violate|Peach Garden|brotherhood|possessive particle|oath|third|then|can|retain|useful|possessive particle|life Firstly, it can protect both wives; secondly, it does not violate the oath of brotherhood made in the Peach Garden; thirdly, it allows for the preservation of a useful life. 有 呢 三樣 好處 , 請 兄長 你 仔細 考慮 下 吖 。 have|question particle|three things|benefits|please|elder brother|you|carefully|consider|particle indicating action completion|final particle With these three benefits, I ask you, brother, to consider them carefully. 好 啦 ! good|particle indicating suggestion or agreement Alright! 文遠兄 既然 講 咗 三樣 好處 , 我 有 三個 條件 。 Brother Wenyuan|since|mentioned|past tense marker|three|benefits|I|have|three|conditions Since Brother Wenyuan has mentioned three benefits, I have three conditions. 如果 丞相 肯 接受 呢 , 我 即刻 卸低 盔甲 ; 如果 佢 唔 肯 應承 , 我 就 寧願 受三罪 而 死 ! if|Prime Minister|is willing|to accept|this|I|immediately|take off|armor|if|he|not|is willing|to promise|I|then|would rather||and|die If the Prime Minister is willing to accept these, I will immediately take off my armor; if he is unwilling to agree, I would rather suffer three punishments and die! 丞相 寬宏大量 , 有 乜嘢 唔 可以 接受 啊 。 Prime Minister|magnanimous|has|anything|not|can|accept|particle The Prime Minister is magnanimous, what is there that cannot be accepted? 請 兄長 講 , 邊 三個 條件 呢 ? please|elder brother|tell|which|three|conditions|question particle Please tell me, what are the three conditions? 第一 , 我同 皇叔 曾經 立過 誓 , 共 扶漢室 。 first||uncle|once|made|oath|together| First, I have sworn an oath with the Emperor's uncle to support the Han dynasty. 我 今日 , 只 係 投降 漢帝 , 唔 投降 曹操 ! I|today|||surrender|Han Emperor|not|surrender|Cao Cao Today, I only surrender to the Han Emperor, not to Cao Cao! 請問 第二個 條件 呢 ? may I ask|second|condition|question particle May I ask what the second condition is? 第二 , 兩位 嫂嫂 嗰 處 , 請 佢 照發 皇叔 嘅 俸祿 。 一切 上下 人 等 , 一律 唔 准 入門 ! second|two|sisters-in-law|that|place|please|he|pay according to|uncle|possessive particle|salary|all|upper and lower|people|etc|uniformly|not|allowed|enter the door Second, at the place of the two sisters-in-law, please ensure that the royal uncle's salary is paid. No one is allowed to enter the premises! 噉 第三 呢 ? then|third|question particle So what about the third? 第三 , 只要 一 知道 皇叔 嘅 下落 , 唔 理 千里 萬里 , 我 立即 告辭 。 third|as long as|one|knows|uncle|possessive particle|whereabouts|||thousand miles|ten thousand miles|I|immediately|take my leave Third, as long as I know the whereabouts of the royal uncle, regardless of how far it is, I will leave immediately. 三個 條件 少 一樣 我 都 絕不 投降 ! 請文遠 你 急急 返去 報告 啦 。 three|conditions|less|the same|I|also|absolutely not|surrender||you|urgently|return|report|particle If any one of these three conditions is not met, I will never surrender! Please, Wen Yuan, hurry back to report. 呢 三個 條件 事關重大 , 等 小弟 即刻 返去 稟告 丞相 再 嚟 商量 啦 。 this|three|conditions||let|I (humble form)|immediately|return|report|Prime Minister|again|come|discuss|particle indicating suggestion or request These three conditions are of great importance, so I will return immediately to report to the Prime Minister and discuss further. 請 啊 ! please|ah Please! 於是 張 遼 上馬 , 急急 啊 跑 返 去 見 曹操 , 將個 情況 報告 畀 佢 聽 。 then|Zhang|Liao|mounted|hurriedly|ah|ran|back|to|see|Cao Cao|the|situation|report|to|him|hear So, Zhang Liao mounted his horse and hurried back to see Cao Cao, reporting the situation to him. 噉 究竟 曹操 接 唔 接受 關公 嘅 條件 呢 ? then|exactly|Cao Cao|accept|not|accept|Guan Gong|possessive particle|condition|question particle So, did Cao Cao accept Guan Gong's conditions?

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