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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 034

張遼同 關公 誒 初步 談判 完 。 張 遼 急急 上馬 , 跑 返 去 見 曹操 。 曹操 一 見 佢 返 嚟 就 問點 啊 噉 。 張 遼 就 話 關公 提出 三個 條件 。 首先 就 係 降漢 不降 曹 。 曹操 話 喇 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 係 漢朝 丞相 , 漢朝 即 係 我唧 , 呢條 可以 應承 佢 。 第二 呢 ? 兩位 夫人 嗰 處 要 畀 皇叔 嘅 俸祿 , 一切 上下 人 等 , 唔 准 入門 喎 。 得到 極啦 ! 我照 皇叔 嘅 俸祿 加倍 嚟 畀 佢 ! 至於 嚴禁 內外 , 呢 啲 乃 係 家法 , 應該 嘅 應該 嘅 ! 誒 噉 第三條 呢 ? 佢 話 一 知道 玄 德 嘅 消息 , 就算 幾遠 都 要 去 搵 佢 喎 。 噉 就 唔 得 啊 ! 我 養雲長 仲有 乜用 啊 ? 呢 一件 我 好 難 應承 喇 。 丞相 呀 , 戰國 嘅 時候 , 豫 讓 關於 眾人 國士 嘅 議論 丞相 梗 記得 㗎 。 豫讓講 : 國君 如果 用 對待 一般 人 嘅 態度 嚟 對待 我 , 我 亦 以 一般 人 嘅 態度 嚟 報答 佢 。 如果 佢 用 對待 國家 傑出人才 嘅 態度 嚟 對待 我 呢 , 噉 樣 我 亦 都 以 國家 傑出人才 嘅 態度 , 嚟 報答 佢 噉 啦 。 劉玄德 待雲長 不過 係 恩德 深厚 咋 嘛 , 噉 樣 丞相 你 比 佢 嘅 恩德 仲要 更加 深厚 啲 , 用 噉 樣 嚟 籠絡 住 佢 個 心 , 使 憂雲長 唔 服 丞相 你 咩 ? 啊 ! 你 講得 好 啱 啊 ! 我 願意 接受 呢 三個 條件 。 於是 張遼 喇喇聲 就 趕返 去 山上 回覆 關公 。 兄長 , 你 提 嗰 三件 事 曹公都 應承 晒 嘞 。 哦 , 雖然 係 噉 啫 , 仲要 請 丞相 暫時 退兵 , 等 我入 城去 見 兩位 阿嫂 , 將呢 件 事講 畀 佢 哋 知 然後 先至 投降 。 好 嘩 , 等 小弟 去 稟告 丞相 啦 。 張 遼 又 返去 報告 曹操 。 曹操 馬上 傳令 , 要 軍隊 退後 三十里 。 荀彧 話 : 唔 好 啊 , 關雲長 話 投降 可能 係 假 嘅 咋 。 雲長 係 個 義士 , 必定 唔 會 失信 嘅 ! 曹操 即刻 帶兵 撤退 。 關雲長 見 曹兵 後退 嘞 , 就 帶兵 返入 下 邳 。 入到 城 , 見到 啲 老百姓 都 妥 妥當 當 安然無事 , 嗨 放心 喇 。 一直 返到 去 公館 見 兩位 夫人 。 兩位 夫人 聽見 話 關公 返 嚟 嘞 , 急忙 出 嚟 迎接 佢 。 關公 喺 台 階下 便 跪 低 行禮 , 佢 話 : 令到 兩位 嫂嫂 受驚 , 係 我 嘅 罪過 啊 。 二叔 請起 , 請 坐 啦 。 多謝 嫂嫂 。 二叔 , 皇叔 而 家 喺 邊 處 嚟 呀 ? 欸 , 兄長 不知去向 啊 。 吓 ? 噉 , 誒 二叔 啊 , 噉 以後 我 哋 點呢 ? 昨日 小弟 出 城 死戰 , 畀 曹兵圍 困 喺 土山 之上 , 張 遼 嚟 勸 我 投降 。 我 同 佢 約定 三件 事 , 曹操 都 已經 全部 應承 嘞 , 所以 佢 退 咗 兵 放 我 入 城 。 因為 仲 未曾 得到 兩位 嫂嫂 嘅 意見 , 小弟 未敢 擅自行動 啊 。 邊 三件 事 呢 ? 於是 關公 就 將 嗰 三件 事 逐一 逐二講 畀 兩位 夫人 聽 。 甘夫人 話 : 昨日 曹軍入 城 , 我 哋 都 以 為 實死 㗎 喇 。 誰知 道 一個 兵卒 都 唔 敢 入門 , 所以 乜嘢 事 都 冇 , 真 係 連 條頭 髮絲 都 冇 逳 喎 。 二叔 既然 同 佢 哋 約 好 咯 , 就 唔 使 再 嚟 問我 哋 喇 。 不過 , 不過 就 係 怕 日後 曹操 佢 唔 放 二叔 你 去 搵 皇叔 唧 。 請 嫂嫂 放心 , 小弟 自有主張 。 噉 就 好 咯 , 以後 有 咩 事 就 請 二叔 你 自己 決定 啦 。 我 哋 係 女流之輩 , 不必 嚟 問我 哋 喇 。 係 , 小弟 告辭 ! 二叔 好行 啊 。 關公 告辭 咗 兩位 夫人 , 帶住 幾十個 馬 軍去 見 曹操 。 曹操 親自 出到 嚟 轅門 迎接 。 關公 落 咗 馬 , 跪拜 行禮 。 曹操 慌忙 答禮 呀 。 關公 話 : 敗軍之將 , 深感 丞相 不殺 之恩 ! 曹操 話 嘞 : 素仰 將軍 忠義 , 今日 有幸 得以 相見 足慰 平生 之望 啊 ! 將軍 , 請 ! 曹操 同 關公 一齊 入去 中軍帳 坐落 , 關公 話 : 小將 請文遠 兄同 丞相 約定 嗰 三件 事 , 丞相 萬萬不可 失信 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 既然 應承 咗 咯 , 點會 失信 呢 ? 嗯 , 丞相 , 第日 我 若果 知道 咗 皇叔 嘅 下落 , 就算 係 上刀山 落 火海 , 亦 要 去 跟 從 佢 嘅 。 到 時 恐怕 嚟 唔 切同 丞相 告別 , 請 丞相 要 原諒 至 好 啊 。 哦 , 當然 啦 , 玄德 如果 仲響 處 , 必定 由得 將軍 去 搵 佢 嘅 。 不過 恐怕 玄德 已經 喺 亂軍 之中 死 咗 都 唔 定 哦 。 啊 將軍 請 寬心 , 等 我 派 人 到處 去 探聽 下 消息 啦 。 多謝 丞相 ! 當日 , 曹操 擺酒 嚟 款待 關公 , 第日 呢 就 班師 返 許昌 嘞 。 關雲長 準備 好 車輛 , 請 兩位 嫂嫂 上車 , 佢 自己 親自 跟車 護衛 呀 。 喺 行軍 路上 , 晚上 要 喺 沿途 嘅 賓館 過夜 㗎 。 哈哈 曹操 啊 , 佢 有意 要 搞亂 佢 哋 嘅 君臣 之禮 喎 , 就 安排 關雲長 同 兩位 夫人 住 埋 一間 屋 。 點 知道 關雲長 , 佢 點 起 支 蠟燭 , 就 噉 喺 戶 外企 喺 處 , 通宵達旦 毫 冇 倦色 , 哎 , 真 係 難得 啊 。 曹操 見到 關公 噉 嘅 行 為 , 就 越加 敬服 咯 。 返到 許昌 之後 , 曹操 撥 咗 一座 房屋 畀 關公 住 。 關公 呢 就將 呢 座 房屋 分為 內外 兩沓 啊 。 裏 便 嗰 沓 , 係 兩位 夫人 住 嘅 , 派 咗 十名 老 軍 把守 門口 。 佢 自己 呢 就 住 外 便 嗰 沓 。 曹操 帶 關雲長 入朝 去 見 獻帝 , 獻帝 封 佢 做 偏 將軍 。 第 日 , 曹操 舉行 一個 盛大宴會 , 所有 嘅 謀臣武將 呀 都 到 齊 嘞 。 曹操 呀 用 對待 貴賓 嘅 禮儀 嚟 接待 關雲長 , 非常 之 隆重 。 又 送 咗 好多 綾羅綢緞 , 名貴 嘅 金銀 器皿 畀 佢 。 呢 啲 禮物 呢 , 關公 全數 都 交 畀 嗰 兩位 嫂嫂 收埋 , 佢 自己 呀 一件 都 冇 留低 。 噉 關公 自從 到 咗 許昌 之後 呢 , 曹操 待 佢 呀 認真 好 咯 。 三日 一小 宴 就 五日 一大 宴 , 誒 , 你 話 腸胃 差 啲 都 幾難 頂 啊 吓 。 仲送 咗 十名 美女 嚟 服侍 關公 , 關公 將呢 班 美女 ,冚𠾴唥 送 晒 入 去 內宅 等 佢 哋 去 服侍 兩位 夫人 。 佢 自己 呢 , 三日 一次 , 恭恭敬敬 噉 企 喺 內 門外 便同 兩位 嫂嫂 請安 。 等 兩位 夫人 問完 皇叔 個 消息 話 , 二叔 自便 啦 噉 , 關公 噉 先至敢 行開 。 曹操 聽 咗 呀 , 又 對 關公 佩服 到 不得了 。 有 一日 , 曹操 見 關公 成日 着 住 嗰 件 綠 錦 戰袍 啊 已經 好 舊 嘞 。 就度 住 佢 嘅 身材 , 用 一 啲 非常 靚 嘅 料 做 咗 一件 新 戰袍 送 畀 佢 。 關公 好 多謝 , 收 咗 件 袍 。 過 咗 幾日 , 曹操 請 飲 。 關公 去 赴宴 啦 , 曹操 一睇 咦 ? 乜 關公 仲 係 着 住 嗰 件 舊 袍 喎 就 問 佢 : 雲長 , 老夫 前幾日 送 畀 你 嗰 件 新 嘅 戰袍 , 點解 唔 着 嚟 啊 ? 丞相 , 你 睇 , 我 着 咗 嚟 喇 。 關公 掀起 件 綠 戰袍 , 哦 , 原來 曹操 送 畀 佢 嗰 件 新 嘅 , 着 住 喺 底 嚟 。 哎呀呀 呀呀 ! 雲長 啊 , 乜 你 咁 慳 㗎 ? 一件 戰袍 值得 乜嘢 呢 ? 使 乜 用件 舊 嘅 嚟 𢫏 住 佢 着 啊 吓 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 小將 唔 係 慳 啊 , 舊袍 , 乃 係 劉皇叔 賜 畀 我 。 着 住 佢 , 就 覺得 好似 見到 兄長 一樣 。 我 唔 能夠 得 新 忘舊 , 故此 將件 舊袍 着 喺 面 嚟 唧 。 啊 ! 雲長 , 你 真 係 個 義士 呀 ! 哼哼 , 曹操 把 口 就 係 噉 稱讚 關公 , 之個 心 就 好 唔 高興 啊 。 冇 辦法 啦 , 唯有 慢慢 嚟 喺 啦 。 有 一日 , 關公 就 正 喺 屋企 睇 緊書 。 忽然間 僕人 嚟 稟告 佢 聽 , 話 唔 知 咩 嘢 事 兩位 夫人 喊 得 好 緊要 啊 , 請 將軍 你 快 啲 入 去 睇 下 啦 噉 。 關公 立即 去 到 內 門外 便 就 跪 喺 處 , 請問 兩位 嫂嫂 為 咩 事 喊 。 甘夫人 話 嘞 : 尋晚 , 我發 夢見 到 皇叔 , 跌 咗 落個 泥 氹 裏 便 。 醒 咗 就 同 糜夫人 講起 , 我 哋 諗 , 皇叔 都 怕 , 都 怕 係 喺 九泉之下 咯 。 所以 就 喊 起 上 嚟 唔 二叔 。 發 夢 嘅 事 係 不足 信 嘅 , 呢 啲 都 係 皆 因 嫂嫂 想念 得 多所 至唧 , 請 嫂嫂 唔 使 憂心 。 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 曹操 又 派 人 嚟 請 關公 赴宴 嘞 。 關公 辭別 咗 兩位 夫人 , 就 去 相府 見 曹操 啦 。 曹操 見 關公 眼紅紅 好似 喊過 噉 就 問 佢 點解 嘞 喎 。 關公 話 兩位 嫂嫂 諗 起 皇叔 喊起 嚟 , 自己 亦 都 好 心酸 噉 。 曹操 就 寬解 佢 , 不歇 咁 同 關公 敬酒 。 飲到 咁 上下 , 關公 有 啲 醉 嘞 。 佢 捋 住 嗰 把 長 鬚 話 : 唉 , 生 不能 報 國家 , 又 不能 為 兄長 效力 , 真 係 枉 為 人 喇 ! 曹操 岔開 佢 , 等 佢 唔 好 再 講 埋 呢 啲 嘢 嘞 , 佢 問 : 啊 係 喇 , 雲長 你 啲 鬚 有 冇 數 嘅 呢 ? 嗯 , 大概 幾百條 啦 。 每逢 到 秋天 總要 甩 幾條 , 天時 冷 , 我 多數 係 用個 黑紗 袋 嚟 袋 住 佢 , 怕 啲 鬚 斷 喇 。 哦 , 噉 咩 ? 曹操 吩咐 人用 啲 靚紗 做個 紗囊 , 送 畀 關公 保護 啲 長 鬚 。 第 日 , 早朝 嘅 時候 朝見 皇帝 。 獻帝 見到 關公 有個紗 囊 髧 住 喺 胸前 就 覺得 好 奇怪 , 就問 關公 係 咩 嚟 㗎 噉 。 關公 就 啟奏 畀 皇上 聽 , 話 佢 啲 鬚 好 長 嘅 , 因此 丞相 呢 就 賜 咗 個 紗囊 畀 佢 , 嚟 裝住 啲 鬚 。 獻帝 叫 佢 除開 個紗囊 , 披開 啲 鬚 嚟 睇 下 。 嘩 嗨 ! 果然 啲 鬚 呀 又 長 又 威 , 直情 長 過幅布 。 獻帝 就 話 喇 : 真 係 美髯公 啊 ! 因此 呢 , 以後 人人 都 叫 關公 做 美髯公 嘞 。 又 有 一日 , 曹操 請 關公 赴宴 。 散席 之後 , 曹操 親自 送 關公 出 到 門口 。 哈 見到 關公 匹馬 好瘦 嘅 就 問 嘞 : 將軍 你匹馬 點解 咁 瘦 嘅 ? 呵呵 呵呵 , 我 個人 幾重 㗎 , 隻 馬 承 唔 起 , 因此 就 瘦 啦 。 曹操 聽 關公 噉 樣講 , 就 叫 人 牽 咗 一匹 馬 出 嚟 。 呢 匹馬 , 周身 嘅 毛色 好似 火炭 一樣 , 形狀 非常 之 雄偉 。 曹操 話 : 關將軍 認 唔 認得 呢 一匹 馬 ? 啊 ! 莫非 , 佢 係 呂布 所 騎 嘅 赤兔馬 ? 冇 錯 喇 ! 將軍 你 鍾 唔 鍾 意 呢 匹 馬 呢 ? 好馬 人人 都 鍾 意 㗎 啦 。 既然 關將軍 鍾 意 , 老夫 就將 呢 匹 馬 送 畀 你 呢 , 點啊 ? 真 嘅 ? 真 嘅 ! 哎呀呀 呀 ! 多謝 丞相 恩賜 , 請 丞相 受 我 一拜 ! 關公 跪 喺 處 拜 咗 幾 拜 多謝 曹操 。 曹操 噉 啊 有 啲 唔 高興 嘞 噃, 佢 話 : 老夫 以前 送過 咁 多 美女 、 金錢 畀 你 , 將軍 都 未曾 多謝 過 一聲 , 而家 我 送匹馬 畀 將軍 你 , 你 就 歡喜 到 拜 完 又 拜 。 哼哼 , 乜 將軍 對 人 睇 得 咁 賤 , 對 畜生 , 反而 睇 得 咁 貴重 呢 ? 丞相 , 我 知道 呢 匹馬 能夠 日行千里 。 今日 咁 好彩 得到 佢 , 噉 將來 知道 咗 兄長 嘅 下落 嘞 , 我 一日 就 可以 見到 兄長 喇 。 吓 ? 哦 ! 係 , 係 , 係 ! 哎呀 ! 曹操 呀 好 後悔 呀 ! 關公 告辭 走 咗 之後 , 曹操 問張 遼話 嘞 : 文遠 呀 , 我待雲長 都 不 薄 㗎 啦 , 做 乜嘢 佢 仲 時時 想 離開 我 走 人 嘅 呢 ? 張遼話 嘞 : 噉 等 我 去 摸摸 佢 嘅 心 水 啦 。 第 日 , 張 遼 就 去 搵 關公 , 互相 行過禮 , 坐落 , 敬過 茶 , 張遼話 : 我 推薦 兄長 嚟 曹丞相 呢 處 , 曹丞相 待 你好 吖 嘛 ? 我 十分 感謝 丞相 嘅 厚意 , 只不過 我個 身 雖然 喺 呢 度 , 但 係 我 個 心 , 成日 都 係 想 住 皇叔 啊 ! 兄長 , 你 噉 講就 唔 啱 喇 。 男人 大丈夫 處世 應該 分開 輕重 。 玄德 對待 兄長 未必 好得過 丞相 , 兄長 你 為 咩 事 一味 想 離開 丞相 呢 ? 我 知道 曹丞相 待 我 係 極好 嘅 。 但 係 劉皇叔 對 我 有 深厚 嘅 恩情 , 誓同生死 , 呢 一點 係 絕不 可 反悔 。 我點 都 唔 會 留 喺 呢 處 嘅 , 不過 我 要立 咗 功 , 報答 咗 曹丞相 然後 再 走唧 。 噉 如果 玄德 已經 過身 咯 , 兄長 你 又 去 邊處 呀 ? 我願 追隨 皇叔 , 於 九泉之下 ! 既然 關公 講到 死 都 要 跟 住 劉備 , 張 遼 知道 點都 留 唔 住 關公 㗎 嘞 , 就 告辭 返扯 去 回覆 曹操 。 曹操 非常 之 感慨 呀 佢 話 : 啊 ! 跟 從 一個 主公 , 永不 忘本 , 真 係 天下 之 義士 呀 ! 荀彧 話 嘞 : 雲 長話 要立 咗 功先 至 走 , 噉 丞相 唔 畀 機會 佢 立功 , 噉 佢 就 走 唔 成 嘅 啦 嘛 。 係 噃, 係 噃! 嚱 呢 曹操 啊 , 又 諗 計要 留住 關公 嘞 。 而家 講下 劉備 。 佢 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 啊 日日 都 煩惱 到極 。 袁紹 問 佢 話 : 玄德因 咩 事 成日 都 咁 憂心 啊 吓 ? 唉 ! 兩個 細佬 不知 音訊 , 家人 妻小 就失 陷於 曹賊 手上 。 哼 , 上 不能 報國 , 下 不能 保家 , 點得 話 唔 憂心 㗎 ! 我 呀 想 進兵 去 打 許都 好耐 㗎 喇 , 而家 正 係 春天 暖和 嘅 時候 , 興兵 就 啱 㗎 喇 。 噉 袁紹 呢 , 就 搵 齊 啲 謀士 嚟 , 商量 點樣 擊敗 曹操 。 田豐 就 勸 佢 : 主公 , 上次 曹操 進攻 徐州 , 許都 空虛 , 喺 嗰 個 時候 進兵 去 攻打 曹操 就 好 㗎 喇 。 但 係 嗰 陣 冇 進兵 , 等到 而家 徐州 已經 畀 曹操 攻破 咗 , 佢 嘅 軍隊 正 係 犀利 嘅 時候 , 噉 就 唔 好 去 打 佢 住 喇 。 不如 等 耐 啲 , 等到 有 機會 然後 先至 好 動手 啊 。 袁紹見 佢 得力 嘅 謀士 勸 佢 唔 好 逳, 就 話 我 諗 下 先 啦 噉 。 佢 就 走 去 問 劉備 : 玄德公 , 田 豐 佢 就 勸 我 , 固守 唔 好 逳, 你 認為點 呢 ? 劉備 話 : 曹操 乃 係 欺君 之賊 , 明公 你 如果 唔 去 討伐 佢 , 恐怕 失 大義 於 天下 喎 。 係 , 係 ! 玄德公 你 講得 好 啱 ! 於是 袁紹 就 決定 興兵 嘞 。 田豐 啊 再次 勸 佢 唔 好 , 袁紹 嬲 喇 : 你 哋 就 係 重文輕武 , 使到 我 失去 大義 ! 田豐 跪 喺 處 用 個頭 猛 咁 碰 地下 話 : 主公 呀 , 主公 啊 ! 如果 唔 聽 臣 嘅 說話 , 一定 出師不利 㗎 ! 袁紹 嬲 到 不得了 , 要 殺 咗 田豐 。 劉備 又 勸住 佢 , 終歸 就 將田豐 啊 韞 喺 監 嚟 。 沮授 見 田豐 因為 勸 袁紹 唔 好 出兵 , 激 嬲 咗 袁紹 , 噉 就要 坐監 嘞 。 於是 佢 就 聚集 佢 嘅 同 宗同族 啲 人 嚟 , 散晒 啲 家財 畀 佢 哋 , 同 佢 哋 決別 話 : 我 呢 次 隨軍 出發 , 打勝 咗 呢 , 梗 係 威風 到極 啦 ; 如果 打敗 咗 , 唉 ! 就 自身難保 咯 。 大家 流住 眼淚 同 佢 送行 , 嗨 嗰 種 淒涼 法 好似 出殯 噉 。 呢 次 出兵 , 袁紹 委派 大將 顏良 做 先鋒 , 命令 佢 去 進攻 白馬 。 白馬 就 係 而家 河南省 滑縣 , 近住 黃河 嘅 。 沮授 勸 袁紹 話 嘞 : 顏 良 嘅 性情 狹隘 , 雖然 作戰 勇猛 , 不過 獨當一面 就 唔 合適 嘅 噃。 袁紹 唔 同意 嘞 佢 話 : 我 嘅 上將 我 了解 , 你 哋 知 乜嘢 吖 ! 當 袁紹 嘅 大軍 逼近 黎陽 嘅 時候 , 東郡 太守 劉延 就 派 人 去 許昌 告急 嘞 。 曹操 急急 召開 會議 , 準備 起兵 去 迎敵 。 關雲長 知道 咗 , 就 去 相府 拜見 曹操 話 : 聽聞 丞相 起兵 , 小將 願為 前部 先鋒 ! 呢 次 未敢 勞煩 關將軍 , 誒 幾時 有事 一定 嚟 請 將軍 你 ! 噉 , 小將 告辭 ! 梗 係 唔 畀 關公 去 啦 , 怕 佢 打贏 咗 立 咗 功 就 走 人 㗎 嘛 。 曹操 率領 十五萬 兵 , 分成 三隊 出發 , 喺 路上 又 連氣 接到 劉 延 嘅 告急 文書 。 於是 呢 , 曹操 就 親自 帶 五萬 兵 趕到 去 白馬 , 靠 住 一座 土山 扎落 營寨 。 曹操 遠遠望 下 土 山前 便 , 因 為 嗰 處 係 一片 平原 啊 , 顏 良 嘅 前部 精兵 十萬 就 已經 排成 陣勢 嘞 。 曹操 見到 啊 , 嗯 都 幾 心驚 呀 。 佢 回過 頭 嚟 , 對 宋憲話 : 我 聽講 你 往日 係 呂布 部下 嘅 猛將 , 你 而家 出馬 去 同顏良 交戰 啦 。 得 令 ! 宋憲 提槍 上馬 直出 陣前 。 當時 顏良 正 喺 門 旗 之下 橫刀立馬 。 佢 見到 宋憲馬 到 嘞 , 大喝一聲 縱馬 迎上去 。 兩個 打 咗 唔 夠 三個 回合 , 顏良 手起刀落 , 嘿 ! 斬 咗 宋憲 。 曹操 大吃一驚 話 嘩 ! 真 係 勇將 啊 ! 魏續 話 嘞 : 佢 殺 咗 我 嘅 同伴 , 我要 去 報仇 ! 曹操 話 好 ! 你 去 啦 。 魏續 上馬 , 舞住 長矛 跑 出 陣前 , 對住 顏良 放聲 大罵 。 顏良 根本 唔 出聲 , 拍馬 上 嚟 打 咗 一個 回合 唧 , 照頭 一刀 就將 魏續 劈 死 咗 。 曹操 問 : 而家 邊個 敢 去 同 佢 打 過 啊 ? 徐晃 應聲 而出 , 同顏良 打 咗 二十個 回合 就 頂 唔 住 , 打敗 咗 返回 本陣 。 所有 嘅 武將 呀 個個 都 驚 晒 , 曹操 立即 鳴鑼 收兵 啊 。 顏良 呢 亦 都 帶兵 退 咗 去 。 曹操 見到 連氣 損失 咗 兩個 將官 個心 就 好 憂愁 。 程昱 話 : 我 舉薦 一個 人 , 可以 打贏 顏 良 嘅 。 邊個 呢 ? 非 關公 不可 啊 ! 我 係 怕 佢 立 咗 功 就 走 嘞 喎 。 主公 呀 , 我 係 噉 諗 嘅 , 劉備 如果 仲在生 呢 , 佢 啊 必定 係 去 投奔 袁紹 㗎 。 如果 而家 我 哋 使雲長 去 打敗 袁紹 嘅 兵馬 , 袁紹 就 必定 疑心 劉備 而 殺 咗 佢 。 劉備 一死 咯 , 雲長 又 有 邊處 好 去 呢 ? 啊 ! 係 噃, 係 喎 ! 好計 呀 ! 於是 曹操 即刻 派 人 返 去 請 關公 嚟 。 關公 接 咗 曹操 嘅 命令 , 就入 去向 兩位 嫂嫂 辭行 。 兩位 嫂嫂 話 : 二叔 呢 次 去 , 就 打聽 下 皇叔 嘅 消息 啦 。 係 ! 小弟 會 做 㗎 喇 , 請 嫂嫂 放心 。 關雲長 辭別 咗 甘 、 糜 兩位 夫人 , 手提 青龍刀 , 騎上 赤兔馬 , 帶 咗 幾個 衛士 一路 趕 去 白馬 見 曹操 。 曹操 見到 關公 嚟 到 好 高興 , 就 將顏良 連氣 殺 咗 兩名 將官 嘅 經過 講 畀 關公 聽 。 關公 話 等 我 睇 下 啦 噉 。 曹操 啊 吩咐 擺酒 嚟 款待 關公 。 正 喺 度 飲 飲 下 , 有人 嚟 報告 話 顏良 帶兵 嚟 挑戰 啊 。 曹操 就 帶 住 關公 上去 土山 上面 睇 。 喺 山頂 已經 擺好 兩張 椅 嘞 , 曹操 同 關公 就 坐落 嚟 , 其他 嘅 將官 啊 , 就 喺 周圍 噉 企 喺 處 。 曹操 見到 顏 良 喺 山腳下 便 擺 嘅 陣勢 , 旗幟鮮明 , 刀槍 閃閃 , 威嚴 齊整 啊 。 就 指住 對 關公 話 : 啊 , 你 睇 , 河北 嘅 人馬 , 真 係 咁 雄壯 㗎 吓 。 關公 話 : 照 我 睇 , 就 好似 土雞瓦狗 噉 唧 。 嗱, 關將軍 , 喺 大 旗下 便 着 住 繡 袍 金甲 , 揸 住 把 大刀 騎住 馬 嘅 , 就 係 顏良 喇 ! 關公 望 咗 一望 : 我 睇 顏 良好 似 插標 賣首 , 不堪一擊 ! 啊 ! 關將軍 , 不可 輕視 呀 ! 關公 企 起身 : 我關 某 雖然 冇 本事 , 不過 我願 去 萬軍 之中 取 佢 嘅 首級 , 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 ! 張遼話 喇 : 軍中無戲言 , 雲長 你 唔 好 疏忽大意 呀 ! 關公 奮起 神威 , 跨上 赤兔馬 , 倒 提 青龍刀 。 飛 咁 快 噉 跑 咗 落山 , 瞪大雙 丹鳳眼 , 豎起 道 臥蠶眉 直衝 敵陣 。 嘩 ! 厲害 咯 ! 關公 所到之處 , 河 北軍 呀 , 好似 波開 浪裂 噉 啊 。 關公 直筆 向 住 顏良 衝過去 。 當時 , 顏良 正 喺 大 旗下 便 , 佢 見到 關公 衝過 嚟 , 正話 想 開口 問 佢 : 關公 係 赤兔馬 , 好似 一陣 旋風 咁 快 呀 ,𠽤𠽤𡃈𡃈 噉 就 跑 到 面前 。 顏良 措手不及 , 畀 關公 手起 一刀 , 就 斬 咗 佢 落馬 。 關公 啪 聲 跳 落地 , 割 咗 顏 良 嘅 首級 , 綁 喺 條 馬 頸 處 , 又 啪 聲 飛身 上馬 , 提刀 出陣 。 哎呀 ! 直情 如入無人之境 啊 ! 河 北軍 嗰 啲 將士 呀 驚到 失晒魂 , 唔 使 打 就 自己 亂 晒 大龍 咯 。 曹 軍 趁勢 攻擊 , 河 北軍 呀 死 咗 都 唔 知 幾多 人 。 噉 曹 軍 呢 , 仲 搶奪到 好多 馬匹 同 器械 添 。 關公 跑馬 上山 , 所有 嘅 將官 都 湧 上 嚟 祝賀 。 關公 落 咗 馬 插 好 青龍刀 ,攞 住 顏 良 個 首級 獻 畀 曹操 。 曹操 話 : 關將軍 英勇 武敵 , 真 係 天神 啊 ! 我 噉 算 得 乜嘢 , 我 嘅 三 弟 張翼德 , 喺 百萬 軍中 取 上將 首級 , 直情 好似 喺 個 袋 處 攞 嘢 咁 容易 咋 。 哦 ! 乜仲有 咁 厲害 㗎 ? 啊 , 今後 如果 遇着 張翼德 , 不可 輕敵 ! 眾位 將官 , 你 哋 快 啲 用 筆墨 寫 喺 件 戰袍 襟底 , 要 牢牢 記住 呀 !

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張遼同 關公 誒 初步 談判 完 。 |Guan Yu|ah|preliminary|negotiation|finished Zhang Liao and Guan Gong have completed their preliminary negotiations. 張 遼 急急 上馬 , 跑 返 去 見 曹操 。 Zhang|Liao|urgently|mount (his) horse|run|back|to|see|Cao Cao Zhang Liao hurriedly mounted his horse and ran back to see Cao Cao. 曹操 一 見 佢 返 嚟 就 問點 啊 噉 。 Cao Cao|one|saw|he|return|come|then||particle|like this As soon as Cao Cao saw him return, he asked what happened. 張 遼 就 話 關公 提出 三個 條件 。 ||then|said|Guan Yu|proposed|three|conditions Zhang Liao said that Guan Gong had put forward three conditions. 首先 就 係 降漢 不降 曹 。 first|then|is|Jiang Han|not surrendering|Cao The first is to surrender to Han, not to Cao. 曹操 話 喇 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 係 漢朝 丞相 , 漢朝 即 係 我唧 , 呢條 可以 應承 佢 。 Cao Cao|said|particle indicating completed action|hahaha||I|am|Han Dynasty|Chancellor|Han Dynasty|immediately|is|my territory|this person|can|promise|him Cao Cao said, hahaha, I am the Chancellor of the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty is me, this can be inherited by him. 第二 呢 ? second|question particle What about the second one? 兩位 夫人 嗰 處 要 畀 皇叔 嘅 俸祿 , 一切 上下 人 等 , 唔 准 入門 喎 。 two|ladies|that|place|need to|give|uncle|possessive particle|salary|all|upper and lower|people|etc|not|allow|enter|sentence-final particle The two ladies there need to receive the salary from the royal uncle, and no one is allowed to enter. 得到 極啦 ! 我照 皇叔 嘅 俸祿 加倍 嚟 畀 佢 ! get|awesome||Uncle Wang|possessive particle|salary|double|come|give|him That's great! I will give him double the salary of the royal uncle! 至於 嚴禁 內外 , 呢 啲 乃 係 家法 , 應該 嘅 應該 嘅 ! as for|strictly prohibited|inside and outside|||are|are|family rules|should|possessive particle|should|possessive particle As for the strict prohibition of inside and outside, these are family rules, it should be as it should be! 誒 噉 第三條 呢 ? hey|like that|third question|question particle Hey, what about the third one? 佢 話 一 知道 玄 德 嘅 消息 , 就算 幾遠 都 要 去 搵 佢 喎 。 he|said|once|knows|||possessive particle|news|even if|how far|all|must|go|find|him|sentence-final particle He said that once he knows about Xuan De's news, no matter how far it is, he has to go find him. 噉 就 唔 得 啊 ! 我 養雲長 仲有 乜用 啊 ? 呢 一件 我 好 難 應承 喇 。 like this|then|not|okay|particle|I|Yang Yunchang (a character)|still have||particle|this|one thing|I|very|difficult|promise|particle Then that's not good! What use do I have as Yang Yun Chang? This is something I find very difficult to accept. 丞相 呀 , 戰國 嘅 時候 , 豫 讓 關於 眾人 國士 嘅 議論 丞相 梗 記得 㗎 。 Prime Minister|particle|Warring States|possessive particle|time|Yu|Rang|about|everyone|national hero|possessive particle|discussion|Prime Minister|surely|remembers|particle Prime Minister, during the Warring States period, you must remember the discussion about the national heroes by Yu Rang. 豫讓講 : 國君 如果 用 對待 一般 人 嘅 態度 嚟 對待 我 , 我 亦 以 一般 人 嘅 態度 嚟 報答 佢 。 |king|if|using|treating|ordinary|person|possessive particle|attitude|to|treat|me||also|with|ordinary|person|possessive particle|attitude|to|repay|him Yu Rang said: If the king treats me with the attitude of an ordinary person, I will also respond to him with the attitude of an ordinary person. 如果 佢 用 對待 國家 傑出人才 嘅 態度 嚟 對待 我 呢 , 噉 樣 我 亦 都 以 國家 傑出人才 嘅 態度 , 嚟 報答 佢 噉 啦 。 if|he|uses|treating|country|outstanding talent|possessive particle|attitude|to|treat|me|question particle|then|way|I|also|all|with|country|outstanding talent|possessive particle|attitude|to|repay|him|then|final particle If he treats me with the attitude of treating a national outstanding talent, then I will also respond to him with the attitude of a national outstanding talent. 劉玄德 待雲長 不過 係 恩德 深厚 咋 嘛 , 噉 樣 丞相 你 比 佢 嘅 恩德 仲要 更加 深厚 啲 , 用 噉 樣 嚟 籠絡 住 佢 個 心 , 使 憂雲長 唔 服 丞相 你 咩 ? Liu Xuande|treating Yun Chang|but|is|kindness|deep|particle|particle|like this|way|Prime Minister|you|compared to|him|possessive particle|kindness|even more|even|deep|particle|using|like this|way|to|win over|particle|his|particle|heart|make|Yun Chang|not|submit|Prime Minister|you|question particle Liu Xuande's treatment of Yun Chang was just deep kindness, right? In that case, Prime Minister, your kindness towards him should be even deeper, using that to win his heart, so that Yun Chang won't be disobedient to you, right? 啊 ! 你 講得 好 啱 啊 ! ah|you|speak|very|right|ah Ah! You are absolutely right! 我 願意 接受 呢 三個 條件 。 I|am willing|to accept|these|three|conditions I am willing to accept these three conditions. 於是 張遼 喇喇聲 就 趕返 去 山上 回覆 關公 。 then|Zhang Liao|with a loud noise|then|hurried back|to|the mountain|reply|Guan Gong So, Zhang Liao hurriedly went back to the mountain to reply to Guan Gong. 兄長 , 你 提 嗰 三件 事 曹公都 應承 晒 嘞 。 elder brother|you|mention|that|three|matters||agreed to|completely|past tense particle Elder brother, the three matters you mentioned have all been agreed upon by General Cao. 哦 , 雖然 係 噉 啫 , 仲要 請 丞相 暫時 退兵 , 等 我入 城去 見 兩位 阿嫂 , 將呢 件 事講 畀 佢 哋 知 然後 先至 投降 。 oh|although|is|like this|only|still|request|Prime Minister|temporarily|withdraw troops|wait|||see|two|sisters-in-law||matter||to|them|they|know|then|only then|surrender Oh, even though that's the case, we still need to ask the Prime Minister to temporarily withdraw the troops, so that I can enter the city to meet the two sisters-in-law, inform them of this matter, and only then will we surrender. 好 嘩 , 等 小弟 去 稟告 丞相 啦 。 good|wow|let|younger brother|go|report|prime minister|particle indicating suggestion or request Alright, let me go report to the Prime Minister. 張 遼 又 返去 報告 曹操 。 Zhang|Liao|again|return|report|Cao Cao Zhang Liao then returned to report to Cao Cao. 曹操 馬上 傳令 , 要 軍隊 退後 三十里 。 Cao Cao|immediately|issued an order|to|army|retreat|thirty li Cao Cao immediately issued an order to have the army retreat thirty miles. 荀彧 話 : 唔 好 啊 , 關雲長 話 投降 可能 係 假 嘅 咋 。 Xun Yu|said|not|good|particle|Guan Yu|said|surrender|possibly|is|fake|particle|only Xun Yu said: No, Guan Yu's surrender might be fake. 雲長 係 個 義士 , 必定 唔 會 失信 嘅 ! Yun Chang|is|a|hero|definitely|not|will|break his promise|(particle indicating certainty) Guan Yu is a righteous man, he will definitely not lose his trust! 曹操 即刻 帶兵 撤退 。 Cao Cao|immediately|lead the troops|retreat Cao Cao immediately ordered his troops to retreat. 關雲長 見 曹兵 後退 嘞 , 就 帶兵 返入 下 邳 。 Guan Yu|saw|Cao's soldiers|retreat|past tense marker|then|led his troops|returned to|| When Guan Yu saw Cao's troops retreating, he led his troops back into Xiapi. 入到 城 , 見到 啲 老百姓 都 妥 妥當 當 安然無事 , 嗨 放心 喇 。 enter|city|saw|plural marker|common people|all||||without a care|hey|rest assured|sentence-final particle Upon entering the city, he saw that the common people were all safe and sound, so he felt relieved. 一直 返到 去 公館 見 兩位 夫人 。 continuously|returned|to|Gongguan|see|two|ladies I went back to Gongguan to see the two ladies. 兩位 夫人 聽見 話 關公 返 嚟 嘞 , 急忙 出 嚟 迎接 佢 。 two|ladies|heard|words|Guan Gong|return|here|past tense particle|hurriedly|go out|here|welcome|him When the two ladies heard that Guan Gong was back, they hurried out to greet him. 關公 喺 台 階下 便 跪 低 行禮 , 佢 話 : Guan Gong|at|stage|under the steps|then|||paid respects|he|said Guan Gong knelt down on the steps and said, 令到 兩位 嫂嫂 受驚 , 係 我 嘅 罪過 啊 。 causing|both|sisters-in-law|startled|is|I|possessive particle|fault|sentence-final particle "It is my fault for startling the two sisters-in-law." 二叔 請起 , 請 坐 啦 。 second uncle|please stand up|||particle indicating suggestion or invitation "Uncle, please get up, please have a seat." 多謝 嫂嫂 。 thank you|sister-in-law Thank you, sister-in-law. 二叔 , 皇叔 而 家 喺 邊 處 嚟 呀 ? second uncle|imperial uncle|and|family|is|||from|question particle Second uncle, where is the royal uncle's family from? 欸 , 兄長 不知去向 啊 。 hey|elder brother||ah Eh, the elder brother's whereabouts are unknown. 吓 ? 噉 , 誒 二叔 啊 , 噉 以後 我 哋 點呢 ? huh|like this|hey|second uncle|ah|like this|in the future|we|plural marker|what do we do Huh? Then, eh second uncle, what should we do from now on? 昨日 小弟 出 城 死戰 , 畀 曹兵圍 困 喺 土山 之上 , 張 遼 嚟 勸 我 投降 。 yesterday|younger brother|go out|city|fight to the death|by|||at|Tushan|on|||came|to persuade|me|to surrender Yesterday, I fought desperately outside the city, surrounded by Cao's troops on the hill, and Zhang Liao came to persuade me to surrender. 我 同 佢 約定 三件 事 , 曹操 都 已經 全部 應承 嘞 , 所以 佢 退 咗 兵 放 我 入 城 。 I|with|he|agreed|three|things|Cao Cao|all|already|completely|promised|past tense marker|so|he|withdrew|past tense marker|troops|allowed|me|to enter|city I made three agreements with him, and Cao Cao has already accepted all of them, so he withdrew his troops and let me enter the city. 因為 仲 未曾 得到 兩位 嫂嫂 嘅 意見 , 小弟 未敢 擅自行動 啊 。 because|still|not yet|received|two|sisters-in-law|possessive particle|opinions|younger brother|did not dare|act on his own|sentence-final particle Because I have not yet received the opinions of the two sisters-in-law, I dare not act on my own. 邊 三件 事 呢 ? which|three things|matters|question particle What are those three things? 於是 關公 就 將 嗰 三件 事 逐一 逐二講 畀 兩位 夫人 聽 。 then|Guan Gong|then|will|those|three|matters|one by one||to|two|wives|listen So Guan Gong explained those three things one by one to the two ladies. 甘夫人 話 : 昨日 曹軍入 城 , 我 哋 都 以 為 實死 㗎 喇 。 Mrs Kam|said|yesterday||city|we|plural marker|all|||really dead|past tense particle|completed action particle Lady Gan said: Yesterday when the Cao army entered the city, we all thought we were really dead. 誰知 道 一個 兵卒 都 唔 敢 入門 , 所以 乜嘢 事 都 冇 , 真 係 連 條頭 髮絲 都 冇 逳 喎 。 who would have thought|that|a|soldier|all|not|dare|enter the door|so|anything|matter|all|have not|really|is|even|a single|hair|all|have not|escaped|particle indicating certainty Who would have thought that not even a soldier dared to enter the door, so there was really nothing happening, not even a single hair was left behind. 二叔 既然 同 佢 哋 約 好 咯 , 就 唔 使 再 嚟 問我 哋 喇 。 second uncle|since|with|he|plural marker|arranged|well|particle indicating completed action|then|not|need|again|come||we|particle indicating completed action Since Uncle Two has made an appointment with them, there is no need to ask us again. 不過 , 不過 就 係 怕 日後 曹操 佢 唔 放 二叔 你 去 搵 皇叔 唧 。 but||||afraid|in the future|Cao Cao|he|not|let go|second uncle|you|go|find|uncle Huang|something However, I am just afraid that in the future, Cao Cao won't let Uncle Two go to find the Emperor's uncle. 請 嫂嫂 放心 , 小弟 自有主張 。 please|sister-in-law|don't worry|younger brother| Please rest assured, sister-in-law, I have my own ideas. 噉 就 好 咯 , 以後 有 咩 事 就 請 二叔 你 自己 決定 啦 。 then|just|fine|particle indicating completion|in the future|have|what|matter|then|please|second uncle|you|yourself|decide|particle indicating suggestion That's good, then in the future, please let Uncle Two decide for himself. 我 哋 係 女流之輩 , 不必 嚟 問我 哋 喇 。 we|plural marker|are|women|no need to|come||plural marker|final particle We are women, there's no need to ask us. 係 , 小弟 告辭 ! yes|younger brother|take my leave Yes, I take my leave! 二叔 好行 啊 。 second uncle|very good at walking|particle indicating affirmation or exclamation Second uncle is very well. 關公 告辭 咗 兩位 夫人 , 帶住 幾十個 馬 軍去 見 曹操 。 Guan Gong|took leave|past tense marker|two|wives|brought|several dozen|horses||meet|Cao Cao Guan Gong took his leave from the two ladies and brought dozens of cavalry to meet Cao Cao. 曹操 親自 出到 嚟 轅門 迎接 。 Cao Cao|personally|came out|here|the gate|to welcome Cao Cao personally came out to the gate to welcome them. 關公 落 咗 馬 , 跪拜 行禮 。 Guan Gong|got off|past tense marker|horse|kneel and worship|pay respects Guan Gong got off his horse and knelt to pay his respects. 曹操 慌忙 答禮 呀 。 Cao Cao|hurriedly|returned the greeting|particle indicating surprise or realization Cao Cao hurriedly returned the greeting. 關公 話 : 敗軍之將 , 深感 丞相 不殺 之恩 ! Guan Gong|said|defeated general|deeply feels|Prime Minister|not killing|grace Guan Gong said: 'As a defeated general, I deeply appreciate the Prime Minister's mercy in not killing me!' 曹操 話 嘞 : 素仰 將軍 忠義 , 今日 有幸 得以 相見 足慰 平生 之望 啊 ! 將軍 , 請 ! Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|General Su Yang|General|loyalty and righteousness|today|fortunate|to be able to|meet|fully satisfy|lifetime||ah|General|please Cao Cao replied: 'I have long admired General's loyalty and righteousness. Today, I am fortunate to meet you, which fulfills my lifelong wish! General, please!' 曹操 同 關公 一齊 入去 中軍帳 坐落 , 關公 話 : 小將 請文遠 兄同 丞相 約定 嗰 三件 事 , 丞相 萬萬不可 失信 啊 ! Cao Cao|with|Guan Yu|together|enter|central army tent|located|Guan Yu|said|young general|||Prime Minister|agreed upon|those|three|matters|Prime Minister||lose trust|ah Cao Cao and Guan Gong entered the central military tent together and sat down. Guan Gong said: 'I ask that you, Brother Wen Yuan, remind the Prime Minister of the three matters we agreed upon. The Prime Minister must not break his promise!' 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 既然 應承 咗 咯 , 點會 失信 呢 ? hahaha|haha||I|since|promised|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|how could|break trust|question particle Hahaha, hahaha, hahaha, since I have made a promise, how could I break it? 嗯 , 丞相 , 第日 我 若果 知道 咗 皇叔 嘅 下落 , 就算 係 上刀山 落 火海 , 亦 要 去 跟 從 佢 嘅 。 hmm|Prime Minister|next day|I|if|know|past tense marker|uncle|possessive particle|whereabouts|even if|in|on a mountain of swords|into|a sea of fire|also|must|go|||him|possessive particle Hmm, Prime Minister, if I find out the whereabouts of the Emperor's uncle one day, even if it means going through fire and water, I will follow him. 到 時 恐怕 嚟 唔 切同 丞相 告別 , 請 丞相 要 原諒 至 好 啊 。 arrive|time|I'm afraid|come|not||Prime Minister|say goodbye|please|Prime Minister|must|forgive|to|well|ah At that time, I might not have time to say goodbye to the Prime Minister, so please forgive me. 哦 , 當然 啦 , 玄德 如果 仲響 處 , 必定 由得 將軍 去 搵 佢 嘅 。 oh|of course|particle|Xuande (a name)|if||place|definitely|allow|general|to|find|him|possessive particle Oh, of course, if Xuande is still around, the general will definitely be allowed to find him. 不過 恐怕 玄德 已經 喺 亂軍 之中 死 咗 都 唔 定 哦 。 but|I'm afraid|Xuande|already|in|chaotic army|within|die|past tense marker|also|not|certain|oh However, I fear that Xuande may have already died in the chaos of battle. 啊 將軍 請 寬心 , 等 我 派 人 到處 去 探聽 下 消息 啦 。 ah|general|please|don't worry|wait|I|send|person|everywhere|to|inquire|some|news|sentence-final particle Ah, General, please don't worry. Let me send someone to inquire about the news. 多謝 丞相 ! thank you|Prime Minister Thank you, Chancellor! 當日 , 曹操 擺酒 嚟 款待 關公 , 第日 呢 就 班師 返 許昌 嘞 。 that day|Cao Cao|held a banquet|to|entertain|Guan Gong|the next day|this|then|return|to|Xu Chang|past tense particle On that day, Cao Cao hosted a banquet to entertain Guan Gong, and the next day, he will return to Xuchang. 關雲長 準備 好 車輛 , 請 兩位 嫂嫂 上車 , 佢 自己 親自 跟車 護衛 呀 。 Guan Yu|prepare|good|vehicle|please|two|sisters-in-law|get in the car|he|himself|personally|follow the car|protect|particle Guan Yunchang is preparing the vehicles. Please get in the car, both sisters-in-law, while he personally follows the convoy for protection. 喺 行軍 路上 , 晚上 要 喺 沿途 嘅 賓館 過夜 㗎 。 on|marching|road|at night|must|at|along the way|possessive particle|hotel|stay overnight|sentence-final particle On the march, we will need to stay overnight at inns along the way. 哈哈 曹操 啊 , 佢 有意 要 搞亂 佢 哋 嘅 君臣 之禮 喎 , 就 安排 關雲長 同 兩位 夫人 住 埋 一間 屋 。 haha|Cao Cao|ah|he|intentionally|wants|disrupt|||possessive particle|ruler and subject||sentence-final particle|then|arranged|Guan Yu|with|two|wives|live|together|one|house Haha, Cao Cao, he intends to disrupt the relationship between their ruler and subjects, so he arranged for Guan Yu to live in the same house as the two ladies. 點 知道 關雲長 , 佢 點 起 支 蠟燭 , 就 噉 喺 戶 外企 喺 處 , 通宵達旦 毫 冇 倦色 , 哎 , 真 係 難得 啊 。 how|to know|Guan Yu|he|how|light|measure word for stick|candle|then|like that|at|||at|place|all night long|not at all|have not|signs of fatigue|sigh|really|is|rare|particle Little did he know, Guan Yu, when he lit a candle, just stood outside, staying up all night without showing any signs of fatigue. Ah, it's really rare. 曹操 見到 關公 噉 嘅 行 為 , 就 越加 敬服 咯 。 Cao Cao|saw|Guan Gong|such|possessive particle|||then|even more|respectful|sentence-final particle Seeing Guan Gong's behavior, Cao Cao became even more respectful. 返到 許昌 之後 , 曹操 撥 咗 一座 房屋 畀 關公 住 。 return to|Xuchang|after|Cao Cao|allocate|past tense marker|one|house|for|Guan Gong|live After returning to Xuchang, Cao Cao allocated a house for Guan Gong to live in. 關公 呢 就將 呢 座 房屋 分為 內外 兩沓 啊 。 Guan Gong|this||this|measure word for buildings|house||inside and outside|two parts|particle Guan Gong then divided this house into two sections: inner and outer. 裏 便 嗰 沓 , 係 兩位 夫人 住 嘅 , 派 咗 十名 老 軍 把守 門口 。 inside|then|that|stack|is|two|ladies|live|possessive particle|sent|past tense marker|ten|old|soldiers|guarding|entrance Inside that place, it is where two ladies live, and ten old soldiers have been assigned to guard the entrance. 佢 自己 呢 就 住 外 便 嗰 沓 。 he|himself|particle indicating the current situation|then|live|outside|convenient|that|stack He himself lives in the outside place. 曹操 帶 關雲長 入朝 去 見 獻帝 , 獻帝 封 佢 做 偏 將軍 。 Cao Cao|brought|Guan Yu|into the court|to|see|Emperor Xian||appointed|him|as|| Cao Cao brought Guan Yu into the court to meet Emperor Xian, and Emperor Xian appointed him as a general. 第 日 , 曹操 舉行 一個 盛大宴會 , 所有 嘅 謀臣武將 呀 都 到 齊 嘞 。 the|day|Cao Cao|held|a||all|possessive particle||sentence-final particle|all|arrived|together|past tense marker The next day, Cao Cao held a grand banquet, and all the strategists and military generals gathered. 曹操 呀 用 對待 貴賓 嘅 禮儀 嚟 接待 關雲長 , 非常 之 隆重 。 Cao Cao|particle indicating exclamation|use|treat|distinguished guest|possessive particle|etiquette|to|receive|Guan Yu|very|particle indicating possession|grand Cao Cao received Guan Yu with the etiquette reserved for distinguished guests, which was very grand. 又 送 咗 好多 綾羅綢緞 , 名貴 嘅 金銀 器皿 畀 佢 。 again|||a lot of|silk fabrics|precious|possessive particle|gold and silver|utensils|to|him He also sent a lot of fine silk and satin, as well as precious gold and silver utensils to him. 呢 啲 禮物 呢 , 關公 全數 都 交 畀 嗰 兩位 嫂嫂 收埋 , 佢 自己 呀 一件 都 冇 留低 。 question particle||||Guan Gong|all|all|handed|to|those|two|sisters-in-law|kept|he|himself|particle|one|all|not|left behind These gifts, Guan Gong handed them all over to those two sisters-in-law to keep, he himself didn't keep a single one. 噉 關公 自從 到 咗 許昌 之後 呢 , 曹操 待 佢 呀 認真 好 咯 。 then|Guan Gong|since|arrived|past tense marker|Xuchang|after|particle indicating a question|Cao Cao|treated|him|particle indicating emphasis|seriously|well|particle indicating a completed action Since Guan Gong arrived in Xuchang, Cao Cao has treated him very seriously. 三日 一小 宴 就 五日 一大 宴 , 誒 , 你 話 腸胃 差 啲 都 幾難 頂 啊 吓 。 three days|small|banquet|then|five days|big|banquet|eh|you|said|stomach|poor|a bit|all|quite difficult|endure|ah|huh Every three days there is a small banquet and every five days a big banquet, hey, you say, even if your stomach is a bit weak, it’s quite hard to bear. 仲送 咗 十名 美女 嚟 服侍 關公 , 關公 將呢 班 美女 ,冚𠾴唥 送 晒 入 去 內宅 等 佢 哋 去 服侍 兩位 夫人 。 still sent|past tense marker|ten|beautiful women|to|serve|Guan Gong|||group|beautiful women|all|sent|completely|inside|to|inner residence|wait|they|plural marker|to|serve|two|ladies He also sent ten beautiful women to serve Guan Gong, and Guan Gong sent these women straight into the inner residence to serve the two ladies. 佢 自己 呢 , 三日 一次 , 恭恭敬敬 噉 企 喺 內 門外 便同 兩位 嫂嫂 請安 。 he|himself|particle indicating a question|every three days|once|respectfully|like that|stand|at|inside|outside the door||two|sisters-in-law|greet He himself, every three days, respectfully stands outside the inner door to greet the two sisters-in-law. 等 兩位 夫人 問完 皇叔 個 消息 話 , 二叔 自便 啦 噉 , 關公 噉 先至敢 行開 。 wait|two|ladies|finish asking|uncle by marriage|particle|news|said|second uncle|take care of himself|particle|like that|Guan Gong|like that||leave After the two ladies have inquired about the news of the royal uncle, he would say, 'It's up to the second uncle,' and only then would Guan Gong dare to leave. 曹操 聽 咗 呀 , 又 對 關公 佩服 到 不得了 。 Cao Cao|heard|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|again|towards|Guan Gong|admired|to|extremely Cao Cao heard this and was extremely impressed by Guan Gong. 有 一日 , 曹操 見 關公 成日 着 住 嗰 件 綠 錦 戰袍 啊 已經 好 舊 嘞 。 there is|one day|Cao Cao|saw|Guan Gong|all day|wearing|continuously|that|measure word for clothing|green|brocade|battle robe|ah|already|very|old|past tense particle One day, Cao Cao saw that Guan Gong had been wearing that old green brocade battle robe for a long time. 就度 住 佢 嘅 身材 , 用 一 啲 非常 靚 嘅 料 做 咗 一件 新 戰袍 送 畀 佢 。 based on|to live|he|possessive particle|physique|using|a|some|very|beautiful|possessive particle|material|made|past tense marker|one|new|battle robe|to give|to|him So he measured his size and made a new battle robe with some very fine material to give to him. 關公 好 多謝 , 收 咗 件 袍 。 Guan Gong|very|thank you|||measure word for clothing|robe Guan Gong, thank you very much, I received the robe. 過 咗 幾日 , 曹操 請 飲 。 passed|past tense marker||Cao Cao|invited|to drink A few days later, Cao Cao invited him for drinks. 關公 去 赴宴 啦 , 曹操 一睇 咦 ? 乜 關公 仲 係 着 住 嗰 件 舊 袍 喎 就 問 佢 : Guan Gong|go|attend banquet|particle indicating suggestion|Cao Cao|at a glance|huh|what|Guan Gong|still|is|||that|measure word for clothing|old|robe|particle indicating realization|then|asked|he Guan Gong went to the banquet, and when Cao Cao saw him, he was surprised and asked: 雲長 , 老夫 前幾日 送 畀 你 嗰 件 新 嘅 戰袍 , 點解 唔 着 嚟 啊 ? Yun Chang|I (old man)|a few days ago|gave|to|you|that|measure word for clothing|new|possessive particle|battle robe|why|not||here|question particle Yun Chang, I sent you a new battle robe a few days ago, why aren't you wearing it? 丞相 , 你 睇 , 我 着 咗 嚟 喇 。 Prime Minister|you|see|I|arrive|past tense marker|here|sentence-final particle Prime Minister, look, I am wearing it now. 關公 掀起 件 綠 戰袍 , 哦 , 原來 曹操 送 畀 佢 嗰 件 新 嘅 , 着 住 喺 底 嚟 。 Guan Gong|lifted|measure word|green|battle robe|oh|originally|Cao Cao|sent|to|him|that|measure word|new|possessive particle|wearing|living|at|bottom|place particle Guan Gong lifted his green battle robe, oh, it turns out that Cao Cao sent him that new one, wearing it underneath. 哎呀呀 呀呀 ! 雲長 啊 , 乜 你 咁 慳 㗎 ? oh no|ah|Yun Cheung|ah|what|you|so|stingy|question particle Oh my, Yun Chang, why are you so stingy? 一件 戰袍 值得 乜嘢 呢 ? 使 乜 用件 舊 嘅 嚟 𢫏 住 佢 着 啊 吓 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 a|battle robe|worth|what|question particle|use|what|use|old|possessive particle|come|wear|live|he|wear|exclamation particle|surprise particle|hahaha|hahaha What is a battle robe worth? What's the use of wearing an old one, huh, hahahaha. 小將 唔 係 慳 啊 , 舊袍 , 乃 係 劉皇叔 賜 畀 我 。 young general|not|is|frugal|particle|old robe|only|is|Liu the Emperor's uncle|bestowed|to|me The young general is not stingy, the old robe was given to me by Liu Huang Shu. 着 住 佢 , 就 覺得 好似 見到 兄長 一樣 。 wearing|live|he|then|felt|like|seeing|older brother|same Wearing it, I feel like I can see my elder brother. 我 唔 能夠 得 新 忘舊 , 故此 將件 舊袍 着 喺 面 嚟 唧 。 I|not|able to|get|new|forget old|therefore|the|old robe|wear|at|face|come|spray I cannot forget the old while getting new, so I put on the old robe. 啊 ! 雲長 , 你 真 係 個 義士 呀 ! ah|Yun Chang|you|||a|hero|particle Ah! Yun Chang, you really are a righteous man! 哼哼 , 曹操 把 口 就 係 噉 稱讚 關公 , 之個 心 就 好 唔 高興 啊 。 hum|Cao Cao|particle indicating action|mouth|just|is|like that|praised|Guan Gong|his|heart|just|very|not|happy|ah Hmph, Cao Cao praises Guan Gong like this, but his heart is not very happy. 冇 辦法 啦 , 唯有 慢慢 嚟 喺 啦 。 no|way|sentence-final particle|only|slowly|come|at|sentence-final particle There’s no way around it, I can only take it slow. 有 一日 , 關公 就 正 喺 屋企 睇 緊書 。 there is|one day|Guan Gong|then|just|at|home|| One day, Guan Gong was reading at home. 忽然間 僕人 嚟 稟告 佢 聽 , 話 唔 知 咩 嘢 事 兩位 夫人 喊 得 好 緊要 啊 , 請 將軍 你 快 啲 入 去 睇 下 啦 噉 。 suddenly|servant|came|report|he|heard|said|||what|thing|matter|both|ladies|crying|to be|very|urgent|ah|please|general|you|quickly|more|||||particle|like this Suddenly, a servant came to report to him, saying that he didn't know what was going on, but both ladies were crying very seriously, and please General, you should go in quickly and take a look. 關公 立即 去 到 內 門外 便 就 跪 喺 處 , 請問 兩位 嫂嫂 為 咩 事 喊 。 Guan Gong|immediately|go|arrive|inside|outside the door|then|just|kneel|at|place|may I ask|two|sisters-in-law|for|what|matter|crying Guan Gong immediately went to the inner door and knelt down, asking the two sisters-in-law what was the matter. 甘夫人 話 嘞 : 尋晚 , 我發 夢見 到 皇叔 , 跌 咗 落個 泥 氹 裏 便 。 Mrs Kam|said|past tense marker|last night||dream|to|Uncle Wang|fell|past tense marker||mud|pit|inside|convenient Lady Gan said: Last night, I dreamed of the Emperor's uncle, who fell into a mud pit. 醒 咗 就 同 糜夫人 講起 , 我 哋 諗 , 皇叔 都 怕 , 都 怕 係 喺 九泉之下 咯 。 wake|past tense marker|then|with|Mrs Mi|mentioned|I|we|thought|Uncle Huang|all|afraid|||to be|at|underworld|particle indicating certainty When I woke up, I told Lady Mi, and we thought that the Emperor's uncle must be scared, probably in the underworld. 所以 就 喊 起 上 嚟 唔 二叔 。 so|then|shout|up|on|come|not|second uncle So we started crying for Uncle Er. 發 夢 嘅 事 係 不足 信 嘅 , 呢 啲 都 係 皆 因 嫂嫂 想念 得 多所 至唧 , 請 嫂嫂 唔 使 憂心 。 have|dream|possessive particle|things|is|not|trustworthy|possessive particle|these|plural particle|all|are|all|because|sister-in-law|miss|to|much|to|please|sister-in-law|not|need|worry Dreams are not to be trusted; this is all because Sister-in-law misses him so much, so please don't let Sister-in-law worry. 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 曹操 又 派 人 嚟 請 關公 赴宴 嘞 。 just|at|place|talking|continuous aspect marker|Cao Cao|again|sent|person|here|invite|Guan Gong|attend banquet|past action marker Just as we are talking, Cao Cao has sent someone to invite Guan Gong to a banquet. 關公 辭別 咗 兩位 夫人 , 就 去 相府 見 曹操 啦 。 Guan Gong|bid farewell|past tense marker|two|wives|then|go|the residence of the prime minister|see|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle Guan Gong said goodbye to his two wives and went to see Cao Cao. 曹操 見 關公 眼紅紅 好似 喊過 噉 就 問 佢 點解 嘞 喎 。 Cao Cao|saw|Guan Gong|red-eyed|seemed|had cried|like that|then|asked|him|why|past tense particle|sentence-final particle Cao Cao saw that Guan Gong's eyes were red as if he had been crying, so he asked him why. 關公 話 兩位 嫂嫂 諗 起 皇叔 喊起 嚟 , 自己 亦 都 好 心酸 噉 。 Guan Gong|said|both|sisters-in-law|think|of|Uncle Huang|cry|come|oneself|also|all|very|heartbroken|like this Guan Gong said that the two sisters-in-law thought of the Emperor Uncle and cried, and he himself felt very sad. 曹操 就 寬解 佢 , 不歇 咁 同 關公 敬酒 。 Cao Cao|then|forgave|him|without stopping|so|with|Guan Gong|toasting Cao Cao comforted him and kept toasting Guan Gong without stopping. 飲到 咁 上下 , 關公 有 啲 醉 嘞 。 drinking|so|up and down|Guan Gong|has|a bit|drunk|particle indicating completed action After drinking so much, Guan Gong was a bit drunk. 佢 捋 住 嗰 把 長 鬚 話 : 唉 , 生 不能 報 國家 , 又 不能 為 兄長 效力 , 真 係 枉 為 人 喇 ! he|stroke|holding|that|measure word for tools|long|beard|said|sigh|life|cannot|repay|country|also|cannot|for|elder brother|serve|really|is|vainly|for|person|final particle He stroked his long beard and said: "Alas, I cannot repay the country in life, nor can I serve my brother. It's really a waste of being a person!" 曹操 岔開 佢 , 等 佢 唔 好 再 講 埋 呢 啲 嘢 嘞 , 佢 問 : Cao Cao|to divert|he|let|he|not|well|again|talk|about|||things|particle|he|asked Cao Cao interrupted him, so he wouldn't talk about these things anymore, and he asked: 啊 係 喇 , 雲長 你 啲 鬚 有 冇 數 嘅 呢 ? ah|is|particle indicating completed action|Mr Wan|you|plural marker|beard|have|not have|count|possessive particle|question particle "Oh right, Yun Chang, do you have any beard left?" 嗯 , 大概 幾百條 啦 。 hmm|probably|a few hundred| Hmm, about a few hundred. 每逢 到 秋天 總要 甩 幾條 , 天時 冷 , 我 多數 係 用個 黑紗 袋 嚟 袋 住 佢 , 怕 啲 鬚 斷 喇 。 every time|arrives|autumn|always|shed|a few|weather|cold|I|usually|am|using a|black mesh|bag|to|||it|afraid|some|whiskers|break|particle Every autumn, I always lose a few. The weather gets cold, and I mostly use a black silk bag to keep them safe, afraid that the hairs will break. 哦 , 噉 咩 ? oh|then|what Oh, is that so? 曹操 吩咐 人用 啲 靚紗 做個 紗囊 , 送 畀 關公 保護 啲 長 鬚 。 Cao Cao|instructed||some|fine silk|make a|silk pouch|deliver|to|Guan Gong|protect|his|long|beard Cao Cao instructed someone to make a silk pouch with nice silk and send it to Guan Gong to protect his long beard. 第 日 , 早朝 嘅 時候 朝見 皇帝 。 the|day|morning|possessive particle|time|to meet|emperor The next day, during the morning court, he met the emperor. 獻帝 見到 關公 有個紗 囊 髧 住 喺 胸前 就 覺得 好 奇怪 , 就問 關公 係 咩 嚟 㗎 噉 。 Emperor Xian|saw|Guan Gong||pouch|tied|securely|at|chest|then|felt|very|strange||Guan Gong|is|what|come|question particle|like this Emperor Xian saw that Guan Gong had a silk pouch tied around his chest and found it very strange, so he asked Guan Gong what it was. 關公 就 啟奏 畀 皇上 聽 , 話 佢 啲 鬚 好 長 嘅 , 因此 丞相 呢 就 賜 咗 個 紗囊 畀 佢 , 嚟 裝住 啲 鬚 。 Guan Gong|then|reported|to|the Emperor|heard|said|he|plural marker|beard|very|long|possessive particle|therefore|Prime Minister|particle indicating a question|then|bestowed|past tense marker|a|silk bag|to|him|to|hold|plural marker|beard Guan Gong then reported to the emperor, saying that his beard was very long, and therefore the Prime Minister had bestowed a silk pouch upon him to hold his beard. 獻帝 叫 佢 除開 個紗囊 , 披開 啲 鬚 嚟 睇 下 。 Xian Di|called|him|take off||open up|the|beard|to|see|down Emperor Xian asked him to remove the silk pouch and let his beard down to take a look. 嘩 嗨 ! 果然 啲 鬚 呀 又 長 又 威 , 直情 長 過幅布 。 wow|hi|as expected|plural marker|beard|sentence-final particle|again|long|again|impressive|simply|longer| Wow! Indeed, the beard was both long and imposing, even longer than a piece of cloth. 獻帝 就 話 喇 : 真 係 美髯公 啊 ! Xian Di|then|said|particle indicating completed action|really|is|the beautiful-bearded man|ah Emperor Xian then said: Truly, he is the beautiful-bearded man! 因此 呢 , 以後 人人 都 叫 關公 做 美髯公 嘞 。 therefore|question particle|in the future|everyone|all|calls|Guan Gong|as|the one with the beautiful beard|past action particle Therefore, from now on, everyone calls Guan Gong 'Beautiful Whiskers Gong'. 又 有 一日 , 曹操 請 關公 赴宴 。 again|has|one day|Cao Cao|invited|Guan Yu|to the banquet One day, Cao Cao invited Guan Gong to a banquet. 散席 之後 , 曹操 親自 送 關公 出 到 門口 。 after the banquet|after|Cao Cao|personally|escorted|Guan Gong|out|to|the door After the banquet, Cao Cao personally escorted Guan Gong to the door. 哈 見到 關公 匹馬 好瘦 嘅 就 問 嘞 : 將軍 你匹馬 點解 咁 瘦 嘅 ? ha|saw|Guan Gong|horse|very thin|past tense particle|then|asked|past tense particle|general||why|so|thin|past tense particle When he saw Guan Gong's horse was so thin, he asked: 'General, why is your horse so thin?' 呵呵 呵呵 , 我 個人 幾重 㗎 , 隻 馬 承 唔 起 , 因此 就 瘦 啦 。 haha||I|person|quite heavy|question particle|measure word for animals|horse|bear|not|able to|therefore|then|thin|final particle Haha, I am quite heavy, and the horse can't bear it, so it became thin. 曹操 聽 關公 噉 樣講 , 就 叫 人 牽 咗 一匹 馬 出 嚟 。 Cao Cao|heard|Guan Gong|like that||then|ordered|people|to lead|past tense marker|one|horse|out|come Cao Cao heard Guan Gong speak like this, so he ordered someone to bring out a horse. 呢 匹馬 , 周身 嘅 毛色 好似 火炭 一樣 , 形狀 非常 之 雄偉 。 this|horse|all over|possessive particle|fur color|looks like|coal|same|shape|very|particle indicating possession|majestic This horse had a coat that looked like charcoal, and its shape was very majestic. 曹操 話 : 關將軍 認 唔 認得 呢 一匹 馬 ? Cao Cao|said|General Guan|recognize|not|recognize|this|one|horse Cao Cao asked: "General Guan, do you recognize this horse?" 啊 ! 莫非 , 佢 係 呂布 所 騎 嘅 赤兔馬 ? ah|could it be|he|is|Lu Bu|(particle indicating possession)|ridden|(possessive particle)|Red Hare horse Ah! Could it be that this is the Red Hare that Lu Bu rode? 冇 錯 喇 ! 將軍 你 鍾 唔 鍾 意 呢 匹 馬 呢 ? not|wrong|particle indicating completed action|general|you|like|not|||question particle|measure word for horses|horse|question particle That's right! General, do you like this horse? 好馬 人人 都 鍾 意 㗎 啦 。 good horse|everyone|all|||sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle A good horse is something everyone loves. 既然 關將軍 鍾 意 , 老夫 就將 呢 匹 馬 送 畀 你 呢 , 點啊 ? since|General Kwan|Zhong|is willing|I (old man)||this|measure word for horses|horse|give|to|you|question particle|how about it Since General Guan loves it, I will give you this horse, how about that? 真 嘅 ? really|question particle Really? 真 嘅 ! Really! 哎呀呀 呀 ! 多謝 丞相 恩賜 , 請 丞相 受 我 一拜 ! oh no|ah|thank you|prime minister|grace|please|prime minister|receive|I|one bow Oh my! Thank you for your grace, Chancellor. Please allow me to bow to you! 關公 跪 喺 處 拜 咗 幾 拜 多謝 曹操 。 Guan Gong|kneel|at|place|worship|past tense marker|how many|bows|thank|Cao Cao Guan Gong knelt down and thanked Cao Cao several times. 曹操 噉 啊 有 啲 唔 高興 嘞 噃, 佢 話 : Cao Cao|like that|ah|has|a little|not|happy|past tense particle|sentence-final particle|he|said Cao Cao was a bit unhappy and said: 老夫 以前 送過 咁 多 美女 、 金錢 畀 你 , 將軍 都 未曾 多謝 過 一聲 , 而家 我 送匹馬 畀 將軍 你 , 你 就 歡喜 到 拜 完 又 拜 。 I (old man)|in the past|have given|so|many|beautiful women|money|to|you|general|also|not yet|thanked|past action particle|a word|now|I|give a horse|to|general|you||then|happy|to the extent of|bow||| "In the past, I have given you so many beautiful women and money, and you have never thanked me even once. Now I give you a horse, and you are so happy that you bow down repeatedly." 哼哼 , 乜 將軍 對 人 睇 得 咁 賤 , 對 畜生 , 反而 睇 得 咁 貴重 呢 ? humph|what|general|towards|people|see|able to|so|cheap|towards|animals|on the contrary|see|able to|so|precious|question particle Hmph, why does the general look down on people so much, but treat animals with such high regard? 丞相 , 我 知道 呢 匹馬 能夠 日行千里 。 Prime Minister|I|know|this|horse|can|run a thousand miles a day Prime Minister, I know this horse can travel a thousand miles a day. 今日 咁 好彩 得到 佢 , 噉 將來 知道 咗 兄長 嘅 下落 嘞 , 我 一日 就 可以 見到 兄長 喇 。 today|so|fortunately|to get|him|then|in the future|to know|past tense marker|elder brother|possessive particle|whereabouts|past action marker|I|one day|then|can|see|elder brother|completed action marker Today, I was so lucky to have him. In the future, I will know the whereabouts of my brother, and I will be able to see him one day. 吓 ? 哦 ! 係 , 係 , 係 ! huh|oh|yes|yes|yes Huh? Oh! Yes, yes, yes! 哎呀 ! 曹操 呀 好 後悔 呀 ! oh no|Cao Cao|particle indicating exclamation|very|regret|particle indicating exclamation Oh no! Cao Cao is so regretful! 關公 告辭 走 咗 之後 , 曹操 問張 遼話 嘞 : Guan Gong|farewell|leave|past tense marker|after|Cao Cao|||past tense marker After Guan Gong took his leave, Cao Cao asked Zhang Liao: 文遠 呀 , 我待雲長 都 不 薄 㗎 啦 , 做 乜嘢 佢 仲 時時 想 離開 我 走 人 嘅 呢 ? Wun Yuen|ah||also|not|look down on|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating suggestion|do|what|he|still|always|wants|to leave|me|leave|people|possessive particle|question particle Wen Yuan, I have not treated Yun Chang poorly, so why does he still want to leave me all the time? 張遼話 嘞 : 噉 等 我 去 摸摸 佢 嘅 心 水 啦 。 |particle indicating past action|then|wait|I|go|feel|he|possessive particle|||particle indicating suggestion Zhang Liao said: "Then let me go and feel his intentions." 第 日 , 張 遼 就 去 搵 關公 , 互相 行過禮 , 坐落 , 敬過 茶 , 張遼話 : the|day|Zhang|Liao|then|go|find|Guan Gong|mutually|exchanged greetings|sat down|offered|tea| The next day, Zhang Liao went to find Guan Gong, exchanged greetings, sat down, and offered tea. Zhang Liao said: 我 推薦 兄長 嚟 曹丞相 呢 處 , 曹丞相 待 你好 吖 嘛 ? I|recommend|elder brother|to come|Prime Minister Cao|this|place|Prime Minister Cao|treat|you well|particle|question particle "I recommend my brother to this place of Chancellor Cao, does Chancellor Cao treat you well?" 我 十分 感謝 丞相 嘅 厚意 , 只不過 我個 身 雖然 喺 呢 度 , 但 係 我 個 心 , 成日 都 係 想 住 皇叔 啊 ! I|very|grateful|Prime Minister|possessive particle|kindness|but|my|body|although|at|this|place||is|||||||||Uncle Huang|ah "I am very grateful for the Chancellor's kindness, but although I am here, my heart is always thinking of the Emperor's uncle!" 兄長 , 你 噉 講就 唔 啱 喇 。 elder brother|you|like this||not|right|particle indicating change of state "Brother, what you said is not right." 男人 大丈夫 處世 應該 分開 輕重 。 man|true man|dealing with the world|should|distinguish|importance A man should distinguish between what is light and what is heavy in dealing with the world. 玄德 對待 兄長 未必 好得過 丞相 , 兄長 你 為 咩 事 一味 想 離開 丞相 呢 ? Xuande|treat|elder brother|not necessarily|better than|prime minister|elder brother|you|for|what|matter|only|want|to leave|prime minister|question particle Xuande may not treat his elder brother better than the Prime Minister. Elder brother, why do you insist on leaving the Prime Minister? 我 知道 曹丞相 待 我 係 極好 嘅 。 I|know|Prime Minister Cao|treat|me|is|extremely well|particle indicating possession or description I know that Prime Minister Cao treats me very well. 但 係 劉皇叔 對 我 有 深厚 嘅 恩情 , 誓同生死 , 呢 一點 係 絕不 可 反悔 。 |is||||||||||||absolutely not|can|regret But Liu Huangshu has deep kindness towards me, a vow of life and death, and this is something I will never go back on. 我點 都 唔 會 留 喺 呢 處 嘅 , 不過 我 要立 咗 功 , 報答 咗 曹丞相 然後 再 走唧 。 |at all|not|will|stay|at|this|place|particle indicating possession|but|I||past tense marker|merit|repay|past tense marker|Chancellor Cao|then|again|leave I will not stay here no matter what, but I need to achieve merit and repay Prime Minister Cao before I leave. 噉 如果 玄德 已經 過身 咯 , 兄長 你 又 去 邊處 呀 ? then|if|Xuande|already|passed away|particle indicating completed action|elder brother|you|again|go|where|particle indicating question So if Xuande has already passed away, where will you go, brother? 我願 追隨 皇叔 , 於 九泉之下 ! |to follow|Uncle Huang|at|beneath the nine springs I wish to follow the Emperor Uncle, beneath the nine springs! 既然 關公 講到 死 都 要 跟 住 劉備 , 張 遼 知道 點都 留 唔 住 關公 㗎 嘞 , 就 告辭 返扯 去 回覆 曹操 。 since|Guan Gong|mentioned|death|all|must||live|Liu Bei|Zhang|Liao|knew||keep|not|live|Guan Gong|particle|past tense particle|then|took his leave|returned|to|reply|Cao Cao Since Guan Gong said he would follow Liu Bei even in death, Zhang Liao knew he couldn't keep Guan Gong, so he took his leave to return and report to Cao Cao. 曹操 非常 之 感慨 呀 佢 話 : 啊 ! 跟 從 一個 主公 , 永不 忘本 , 真 係 天下 之 義士 呀 ! Cao Cao|very|possessive particle|emotion|particle expressing exclamation|he|said|ah|follow|from|one|lord|never|forget his roots|really|is|world|possessive particle|righteous man|particle expressing exclamation Cao Cao was very moved and said: Ah! Following a lord, never forgetting one's roots, truly a righteous man of the world! 荀彧 話 嘞 : 雲 長話 要立 咗 功先 至 走 , 噉 丞相 唔 畀 機會 佢 立功 , 噉 佢 就 走 唔 成 嘅 啦 嘛 。 Xun Yu|said|past tense marker|Yun|long story||past tense marker||only|leave|then|Prime Minister|not|give|opportunity|he|establish merit|then|he|then|leave|not|succeed|past tense marker|particle|particle Xun Yu said: Yun Chang said he wanted to achieve merit before leaving, but if the Prime Minister doesn't give him the opportunity to achieve merit, then he won't be able to leave. 係 噃, 係 噃! yes|particle used for emphasis|yes|particle used for emphasis Yes, yes! 嚱 呢 曹操 啊 , 又 諗 計要 留住 關公 嘞 。 sound of laughter|question particle|Cao Cao|exclamation particle|again|think|strategy|keep|Guan Gong|past action particle This Cao Cao, he is thinking of ways to keep Guan Gong. 而家 講下 劉備 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei Now let's talk about Liu Bei. 佢 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 啊 日日 都 煩惱 到極 。 He|at|Yuan Shao|that|place|ah|every day|all|worries| He is at Yuan Shao's place, worrying every day to the extreme. 袁紹 問 佢 話 : 玄德因 咩 事 成日 都 咁 憂心 啊 吓 ? Yuan Shao|asked|him|said||what|thing|all the time|all|so|worried|ah|huh Yuan Shao asked him: "Why is Xuande always so worried?" 唉 ! 兩個 細佬 不知 音訊 , 家人 妻小 就失 陷於 曹賊 手上 。 sigh|two|younger brothers|unknown|whereabouts|family|wife and children||trapped in|bandit|hands Sigh! The two younger brothers have no news, and the family and wife are trapped in the hands of the bandits. 哼 , 上 不能 報國 , 下 不能 保家 , 點得 話 唔 憂心 㗎 ! hum|upper|cannot|serve the country|lower|cannot|protect the family|how can|say|not|worry|particle Hmph, unable to serve the country above, unable to protect the home below, how can I not be worried! 我 呀 想 進兵 去 打 許都 好耐 㗎 喇 , 而家 正 係 春天 暖和 嘅 時候 , 興兵 就 啱 㗎 喇 。 I|particle indicating affirmation|want|to mobilize troops|to|fight|Xu Du|a long time|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|now|exactly|is|spring|warm|possessive particle|time|to mobilize troops|then|right|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action I have wanted to advance troops to attack Xu Du for a long time, and now is the warm spring season, it's the right time to mobilize! 噉 袁紹 呢 , 就 搵 齊 啲 謀士 嚟 , 商量 點樣 擊敗 曹操 。 then|Yuan Shao|question particle|then|find|gather|plural marker|strategists|come|discuss|how|defeat|Cao Cao So Yuan Shao gathered his strategists to discuss how to defeat Cao Cao. 田豐 就 勸 佢 : 主公 , 上次 曹操 進攻 徐州 , 許都 空虛 , 喺 嗰 個 時候 進兵 去 攻打 曹操 就 好 㗎 喇 。 Tian Feng|then|advised|him|lord|last time|Cao Cao|attacked|Xuzhou|Xu Du|vulnerable|at|that|classifier for events|time|advance troops|to|attack|Cao Cao|then|good|particle|particle Tian Feng advised him: My lord, last time Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, Xu Du was empty; it would have been a good time to advance troops and attack Cao Cao then. 但 係 嗰 陣 冇 進兵 , 等到 而家 徐州 已經 畀 曹操 攻破 咗 , 佢 嘅 軍隊 正 係 犀利 嘅 時候 , 噉 就 唔 好 去 打 佢 住 喇 。 |is|||||||||||||him|||||||||||||||currently|sentence-final particle But at that time there was no advance, and now Xu Zhou has already been breached by Cao Cao. His army is currently very strong, so it’s not a good idea to attack him right now. 不如 等 耐 啲 , 等到 有 機會 然後 先至 好 動手 啊 。 might as well|wait|longer|a bit|until|has|opportunity|then|only then|really|take action|particle It’s better to wait a little longer, until there’s an opportunity, then it would be good to take action. 袁紹見 佢 得力 嘅 謀士 勸 佢 唔 好 逳, 就 話 我 諗 下 先 啦 噉 。 |him|capable|possessive particle|strategist|advised|him|||act rashly|then|said|I|think|a bit|first|sentence-final particle|like that Yuan Shao saw that his capable strategist advised him not to rush, so he said, "Let me think about it first." 佢 就 走 去 問 劉備 : 玄德公 , 田 豐 佢 就 勸 我 , 固守 唔 好 逳, 你 認為點 呢 ? he|then|walked|to|ask|Liu Bei|Lord Xuande|Tian|Feng|he|then|advised|me|to hold firmly|not|well|to retreat|you||question particle He then went to ask Liu Bei: "Xuan De Gong, Tian Feng advised me to hold firm and not to rush. What do you think?" 劉備 話 : 曹操 乃 係 欺君 之賊 , 明公 你 如果 唔 去 討伐 佢 , 恐怕 失 大義 於 天下 喎 。 Liu Bei|said|Cao Cao|is|a|treacherous to the ruler||Lord Ming|you|if|not|go|attack|him|I fear|lose|great righteousness|in|the world|sentence-final particle Liu Bei said: "Cao Cao is a traitor who deceives the emperor. If you do not go to punish him, I fear you will lose great righteousness in the world." 係 , 係 ! 玄德公 你 講得 好 啱 ! yes|yes|Lord Xuande|you|speak|very|right Yes, yes! Lord Xuande, you are absolutely right! 於是 袁紹 就 決定 興兵 嘞 。 then|Yuan Shao|then|decided|raise troops|past tense marker So Yuan Shao decided to raise an army. 田豐 啊 再次 勸 佢 唔 好 , 袁紹 嬲 喇 : Tian Feng|ah|again|advised|him|||Yuan Shao|angry|particle indicating completed action Tian Feng once again advised him not to, and Yuan Shao got angry: 你 哋 就 係 重文輕武 , 使到 我 失去 大義 ! ||||prioritize literature over martial arts|causing|me|to lose|great righteousness You are all valuing literature over martial arts, causing me to lose great righteousness! 田豐 跪 喺 處 用 個頭 猛 咁 碰 地下 話 : 主公 呀 , 主公 啊 ! Tian Feng|kneel|at|place|using||fiercely|so|hit|ground|said|Lord|ah|Lord|ah Tian Feng knelt down and banged his head on the ground, saying: My lord, oh my lord! 如果 唔 聽 臣 嘅 說話 , 一定 出師不利 㗎 ! if|not|listen|I (referring to oneself as a servant)|possessive particle|advice|definitely|be unsuccessful in the campaign|sentence-final particle If you don't listen to my advice, you will definitely face difficulties! 袁紹 嬲 到 不得了 , 要 殺 咗 田豐 。 Yuan Shao|angry|to the point of|extremely|wants|||Tian Feng Yuan Shao was extremely angry and wanted to kill Tian Feng. 劉備 又 勸住 佢 , 終歸 就 將田豐 啊 韞 喺 監 嚟 。 Liu Bei|again|persuaded|him|ultimately|then||ah|to conceal|in|prison|come Liu Bei also advised him, but in the end, Tian Feng was imprisoned. 沮授 見 田豐 因為 勸 袁紹 唔 好 出兵 , 激 嬲 咗 袁紹 , 噉 就要 坐監 嘞 。 Ju Shou|saw|Tian Feng|because|advised|Yuan Shao|||attack|extremely|angry|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|then|would have to|be imprisoned|sentence particle Ju Shou saw that Tian Feng was imprisoned because he advised Yuan Shao not to go to war, which made Yuan Shao furious. 於是 佢 就 聚集 佢 嘅 同 宗同族 啲 人 嚟 , 散晒 啲 家財 畀 佢 哋 , 同 佢 哋 決別 話 : then|he|then|gathered|his|possessive particle|with|clan|plural marker|people|come|distributed all|plural marker|property|to|them|they|with|him|they|farewell|said So he gathered his relatives and distributed all his wealth to them, saying goodbye to them: 我 呢 次 隨軍 出發 , 打勝 咗 呢 , 梗 係 威風 到極 啦 ; I|this|time|with the army|depart|win|past tense marker|this|certainly|is|impressive||sentence final particle This time I set off with the army, and after winning, of course, it was extremely impressive! 如果 打敗 咗 , 唉 ! 就 自身難保 咯 。 if|defeated|past tense marker|sigh|then||sentence-final particle If we were defeated, sigh! Then it would be hard to protect ourselves. 大家 流住 眼淚 同 佢 送行 , 嗨 嗰 種 淒涼 法 好似 出殯 噉 。 everyone|flowing|tears|with|him|farewell|sigh|that|kind|desolation|scene|seems like|funeral|like Everyone shed tears as we sent him off, oh that kind of desolate atmosphere felt like a funeral. 呢 次 出兵 , 袁紹 委派 大將 顏良 做 先鋒 , 命令 佢 去 進攻 白馬 。 this|time|military expedition|Yuan Shao|appointed|general|Yan Liang|to be|vanguard|ordered|he|to|attack|Baima This time, Yuan Shao appointed the general Yan Liang as the vanguard, ordering him to attack Baima. 白馬 就 係 而家 河南省 滑縣 , 近住 黃河 嘅 。 White Horse|just|is|now|Henan Province|Huai County|close to|Yellow River|possessive particle Baima is now Huaxian in Henan Province, near the Yellow River. 沮授 勸 袁紹 話 嘞 : Ju Shou|advised|Yuan Shao|words|past tense marker Zhu Shao advised Yuan Shao, saying: 顏 良 嘅 性情 狹隘 , 雖然 作戰 勇猛 , 不過 獨當一面 就 唔 合適 嘅 噃。 Yan|Leung|possessive particle|temperament|narrow-minded|although|combat|brave|but|independently|then|not|suitable|particle indicating a question|particle indicating a suggestion Yan Liang's temperament is narrow-minded. Although he is brave in battle, he is not suitable to stand alone. 袁紹 唔 同意 嘞 佢 話 : 我 嘅 上將 我 了解 , 你 哋 知 乜嘢 吖 ! Yuan Shao|not|agree|past tense particle|he|said|I|possessive particle|general|I|understand|you|plural marker|know|what|sentence-final particle Yuan Shao disagreed with him, saying: I know my generals well, what do you all know! 當 袁紹 嘅 大軍 逼近 黎陽 嘅 時候 , 東郡 太守 劉延 就 派 人 去 許昌 告急 嘞 。 when|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|army|approached|Liyang|possessive particle|time|Dongjun|governor|Liu Yan|then|sent|people|to|Xuchang|report the emergency|past tense particle When Yuan Shao's army approached Liyang, the governor of Dongjun, Liu Yan, sent someone to Xuchang to report the emergency. 曹操 急急 召開 會議 , 準備 起兵 去 迎敵 。 Cao Cao|urgently|convene|meeting|prepare|raise troops|to|confront the enemy Cao Cao urgently convened a meeting to prepare to mobilize troops to confront the enemy. 關雲長 知道 咗 , 就 去 相府 拜見 曹操 話 : 聽聞 丞相 起兵 , 小將 願為 前部 先鋒 ! Guan Yu|knew|past tense marker|then|go|the Prime Minister's residence|to pay respects to|Cao Cao|said|hearing|Prime Minister|raise troops|little general||front unit|vanguard Guan Yunchang learned about it and went to the Prime Minister's residence to see Cao Cao, saying: 'I have heard that the Prime Minister is raising troops, and I am willing to be the vanguard!' 呢 次 未敢 勞煩 關將軍 , 誒 幾時 有事 一定 嚟 請 將軍 你 ! this|time|did not dare|trouble|General Kwan|eh|whenever|there is something|definitely|come|invite|General|you This time, I didn't dare to trouble General Guan. If there is anything, I will definitely come to ask you, General! 噉 , 小將 告辭 ! then|young general|takes his leave Then, I will take my leave! 梗 係 唔 畀 關公 去 啦 , 怕 佢 打贏 咗 立 咗 功 就 走 人 㗎 嘛 。 definitely|is|not|let|Guan Gong|go|particle indicating suggestion|afraid|he|win|past tense marker|establish|past tense marker|merit|then|leave|person|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating obviousness Of course, they won't let Guan Gong go, fearing that if he wins and achieves merit, he will leave. 曹操 率領 十五萬 兵 , 分成 三隊 出發 , 喺 路上 又 連氣 接到 劉 延 嘅 告急 文書 。 Cao Cao|led|150000|soldiers|divided into|three teams|set out|at|on the road|again|in quick succession|received|Liu|Yan|possessive particle|urgent|message Cao Cao led 150,000 troops, divided into three teams, and on the way, he continuously received urgent letters from Liu Yan. 於是 呢 , 曹操 就 親自 帶 五萬 兵 趕到 去 白馬 , 靠 住 一座 土山 扎落 營寨 。 then|particle|Cao Cao|then|personally|led|fifty thousand|soldiers|rushed to|to|Baima|||a|earthen hill|set up|camp So, Cao Cao personally led 50,000 troops to Bai Ma, relying on a dirt hill to set up camp. 曹操 遠遠望 下 土 山前 便 , 因 為 嗰 處 係 一片 平原 啊 , 顏 良 嘅 前部 精兵 十萬 就 已經 排成 陣勢 嘞 。 Cao Cao|looked far away|down|earth|in front of the mountain|then|||||is|a piece of|plain|ah|||possessive particle|front|elite soldiers|one hundred thousand|already|already|arranged into|battle formation|past action particle Cao Cao looked down from the dirt hill and saw that it was a flat plain, where Yan Liang's front line of elite troops, numbering 100,000, had already formed their battle array. 曹操 見到 啊 , 嗯 都 幾 心驚 呀 。 Cao Cao|saw|ah|hmm|already|quite|frightened|particle Seeing this, Cao Cao felt quite alarmed. 佢 回過 頭 嚟 , 對 宋憲話 : He|turned|head|came|to| He turned around and said to Song Xian: 我 聽講 你 往日 係 呂布 部下 嘅 猛將 , 你 而家 出馬 去 同顏良 交戰 啦 。 I|heard|you|in the past|were|Lu Bu|subordinate|possessive particle|fierce general|you|now|go out to battle|to||fight|sentence-final particle I heard that you were a fierce general under Lü Bu in the past, now you go out to battle against Yan Liang. 得 令 ! 宋憲 提槍 上馬 直出 陣前 。 ||Song Xian|raised spear|mounted|directly charged|in front of the formation Alright! Song Xian drew his spear and mounted his horse, charging straight to the front lines. 當時 顏良 正 喺 門 旗 之下 橫刀立馬 。 at that time|Yan Liang|just|at|gate|banner|under|attacking with a drawn sword on horseback At that time, Yan Liang was standing under the flag, brandishing his sword on horseback. 佢 見到 宋憲馬 到 嘞 , 大喝一聲 縱馬 迎上去 。 He|saw|Song Xianma|arrive|past tense particle|shouted loudly|spurred his horse|rushed forward When he saw Song Xian approaching, he shouted loudly and rode forward to meet him. 兩個 打 咗 唔 夠 三個 回合 , 顏良 手起刀落 , 嘿 ! 斬 咗 宋憲 。 two|fight|past tense marker|not|enough|three|rounds|Yan Liang|with a swift hand and a falling knife|hey|killed|past tense marker|Song Xian The two fought for less than three rounds, and with a swift strike, Yan Liang cut down Song Xian. 曹操 大吃一驚 話 嘩 ! 真 係 勇將 啊 ! Cao Cao|was greatly surprised|said|wow|really|is|brave general|particle Cao Cao was greatly astonished and exclaimed, 'Wow! He really is a brave general!' 魏續 話 嘞 : 佢 殺 咗 我 嘅 同伴 , 我要 去 報仇 ! Wei Xu|said|past tense marker|he|killed|past tense marker|I|possessive particle|companion|I want|to go|take revenge Wei Xu said: He killed my companion, I want to take revenge! 曹操 話 好 ! 你 去 啦 。 Cao Cao|said|good|you|go|particle indicating completion Cao Cao said: Alright! You go! 魏續 上馬 , 舞住 長矛 跑 出 陣前 , 對住 顏良 放聲 大罵 。 Wei Xu|mounted|brandishing|spear|ran|out|in front of the battle formation|facing|Yan Liang|loudly|cursed Wei Xu mounted his horse, brandished his spear, and ran out to the front lines, shouting loudly at Yan Liang. 顏良 根本 唔 出聲 , 拍馬 上 嚟 打 咗 一個 回合 唧 , 照頭 一刀 就將 魏續 劈 死 咗 。 Yan Liang|basically|not|make a sound|horse-riding|up|come|fight|past tense marker|one|round|sound of a fight|at the head|one stroke||Wei Xu|chop|die|past tense marker Yan Liang didn't say a word, charged forward, fought for a round, and with one strike, killed Wei Xu. 曹操 問 : 而家 邊個 敢 去 同 佢 打 過 啊 ? Cao Cao|asked|now|who|dares|to go|with|him|||question particle Cao Cao asked: Who dares to fight him now? 徐晃 應聲 而出 , 同顏良 打 咗 二十個 回合 就 頂 唔 住 , 打敗 咗 返回 本陣 。 Xu Huang|in response|came out||fought|past tense marker|twenty|rounds|then||||defeated|past tense marker|returned|main camp Xu Huang responded and came out, fighting Yan Liang for twenty rounds before he couldn't hold on any longer and was defeated, returning to the main camp. 所有 嘅 武將 呀 個個 都 驚 晒 , 曹操 立即 鳴鑼 收兵 啊 。 all|possessive particle|generals|sentence-final particle|everyone|all|scared|completely|Cao Cao|immediately|sound the gong|recall the troops|sentence-final particle All the generals were terrified, and Cao Cao immediately sounded the gong to retreat. 顏良 呢 亦 都 帶兵 退 咗 去 。 Yan Liang|this|also|all|lead troops|retreat|past tense marker|go Yan Liang also led his troops to retreat. 曹操 見到 連氣 損失 咗 兩個 將官 個心 就 好 憂愁 。 Cao Cao|saw|Lianqi|loss|past tense marker|two|generals|his heart|then|very|worried Cao Cao, seeing that they had lost two generals in a row, felt very worried. 程昱 話 : 我 舉薦 一個 人 , 可以 打贏 顏 良 嘅 。 Cheng Yu|said|I|recommend|one|person|can|defeat|Yan|Liang|possessive particle Cheng Yu said: I recommend a person who can defeat Yan Liang. 邊個 呢 ? who|question particle Who is this? 非 關公 不可 啊 ! not|Guan Gong|cannot|ah It must be Guan Gong! 我 係 怕 佢 立 咗 功 就 走 嘞 喎 。 I|am|afraid|he|achieve|past tense marker|success|then|leave|completed action marker|sentence final particle I am afraid that if he achieves something, he will just leave. 主公 呀 , 我 係 噉 諗 嘅 , 劉備 如果 仲在生 呢 , 佢 啊 必定 係 去 投奔 袁紹 㗎 。 lord|particle|I|am|like this|think|particle|Liu Bei|if|still alive|particle|he|particle|definitely|is|go|seek refuge|Yuan Shao|particle My lord, I think that if Liu Bei were still alive, he would definitely go to join Yuan Shao. 如果 而家 我 哋 使雲長 去 打敗 袁紹 嘅 兵馬 , 袁紹 就 必定 疑心 劉備 而 殺 咗 佢 。 if|now|I|we|Zhang Fei|go|defeat|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|troops|Yuan Shao|then|definitely|suspect|Liu Bei|and|kill|past tense marker|him If we send Yun Chang to defeat Yuan Shao's army now, Yuan Shao will definitely suspect Liu Bei and kill him. 劉備 一死 咯 , 雲長 又 有 邊處 好 去 呢 ? Liu Bei|dies|particle indicating completed action|Yun Chang|again|has|where|well|go|question particle Liu Bei has died, where else can Guan Zhang go? 啊 ! 係 噃, 係 喎 ! 好計 呀 ! ah|yes|particle indicating agreement|yes|particle indicating realization|very calculative|particle indicating emphasis Ah! That's right, that's right! Good idea! 於是 曹操 即刻 派 人 返 去 請 關公 嚟 。 then|Cao Cao|immediately|sent|someone|return|to|invite|Guan Gong|come So Cao Cao immediately sent someone back to invite Guan Gong. 關公 接 咗 曹操 嘅 命令 , 就入 去向 兩位 嫂嫂 辭行 。 Guan Gong|received|past tense marker|Cao Cao|possessive particle|order|||two|sisters-in-law|bid farewell Guan Gong received Cao Cao's order and went in to say goodbye to his two sisters-in-law. 兩位 嫂嫂 話 : 二叔 呢 次 去 , 就 打聽 下 皇叔 嘅 消息 啦 。 the two|sisters-in-law|said|second uncle|this|time|go|then|inquire|about|imperial uncle|possessive particle|news|sentence-final particle The two sisters-in-law said: "Uncle, this time you go, just find out about the Emperor's news." 係 ! 小弟 會 做 㗎 喇 , 請 嫂嫂 放心 。 yes|younger brother|will|do|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|please|sister-in-law|don't worry Yes! I will do it, please rest assured, sister-in-law. 關雲長 辭別 咗 甘 、 糜 兩位 夫人 , 手提 青龍刀 , 騎上 赤兔馬 , 帶 咗 幾個 衛士 一路 趕 去 白馬 見 曹操 。 Guan Yu|bid farewell|past tense marker|Gan|Mi|two|wives|carrying in hand|Green Dragon Blade|mounted on|Red Hare horse|brought|past tense marker|several|bodyguards|all the way|hurried|to|Bai Ma|meet|Cao Cao Guan Yu bid farewell to his two wives, took up the Green Dragon Crescent Blade, rode on the Red Hare, and brought a few guards to rush to Baima to meet Cao Cao. 曹操 見到 關公 嚟 到 好 高興 , 就 將顏良 連氣 殺 咗 兩名 將官 嘅 經過 講 畀 關公 聽 。 Cao Cao|saw|Guan Gong|||very|happy|then||in a fit of rage|killed|past tense marker|two|generals|possessive particle|incident|told|to|Guan Gong|heard Cao Cao was very happy to see Guan Gong and told him about the incident where he killed two generals, Yan Liang and Wen Chou. 關公 話 等 我 睇 下 啦 噉 。 Guan Gong|said|wait|I|see|later|particle|like this Guan Gong said, let me take a look. 曹操 啊 吩咐 擺酒 嚟 款待 關公 。 Cao Cao|ah|instructed|prepare a banquet|to come|entertain|Guan Gong Cao Cao instructed to prepare a banquet to entertain Guan Gong. 正 喺 度 飲 飲 下 , 有人 嚟 報告 話 顏良 帶兵 嚟 挑戰 啊 。 just|at|here|drinking|drink|down|someone|come|report|said|Yan Liang||come|challenge|ah Just while drinking, someone came to report that Yan Liang has brought troops to challenge us. 曹操 就 帶 住 關公 上去 土山 上面 睇 。 Cao Cao|then|||Guan Gong|up|Earthen Hill|on|to see Cao Cao then took Guan Gong up to the top of the hill to take a look. 喺 山頂 已經 擺好 兩張 椅 嘞 , 曹操 同 關公 就 坐落 嚟 , 其他 嘅 將官 啊 , 就 喺 周圍 噉 企 喺 處 。 at|mountain top|already|set up|two|chairs|past action particle|Cao Cao|and|Guan Yu|then|sit down|here|other|possessive particle|generals|particle|then|at|around|like this|stand|at|place At the top of the mountain, two chairs were already set up, and Cao Cao and Guan Gong sat down, while the other generals stood around. 曹操 見到 顏 良 喺 山腳下 便 擺 嘅 陣勢 , 旗幟鮮明 , 刀槍 閃閃 , 威嚴 齊整 啊 。 Cao Cao|saw|Yan|Liang|at|the foot of the mountain|then|set up|possessive particle|formation|flags clearly visible|swords and spears|glimmering|imposing|orderly|ah Cao Cao saw Yan Liang's formation at the foot of the mountain, with clear flags and shining weapons, looking very imposing. 就 指住 對 關公 話 : 啊 , 你 睇 , 河北 嘅 人馬 , 真 係 咁 雄壯 㗎 吓 。 then|pointing at|to|Guan Gong|said|ah|you|look|Hebei|possessive particle|cavalry|really|is|so|strong|particle indicating certainty|surprise particle He pointed to Guan Gong and said: Ah, look, the troops from Hebei are indeed so formidable. 關公 話 : 照 我 睇 , 就 好似 土雞瓦狗 噉 唧 。 Guan Gong|said|according to|I|see|then|looks like|a local chicken and a dog|like that|chirp Guan Gong said: In my opinion, it looks just like a local chicken barking. 嗱, 關將軍 , 喺 大 旗下 便 着 住 繡 袍 金甲 , 揸 住 把 大刀 騎住 馬 嘅 , 就 係 顏良 喇 ! well|General Kwan|at|great||then|wearing|continuous aspect marker|embroidered|robe|golden armor|holding|continuous aspect marker|measure word for knives|broadsword|riding|horse|possessive particle|just|is|Yan Liang|sentence-final particle Look, General Guan, under the big flag, wearing a embroidered robe and golden armor, holding a big knife and riding a horse, is Yan Liang! 關公 望 咗 一望 : 我 睇 顏 良好 似 插標 賣首 , 不堪一擊 ! Guan Gong|looked|past tense marker|glance|I|see|face|good|seems|a sign of defeat|selling his head|not able to withstand a single blow Guan Gong took a look: I see Yan Liang looks like a target for a spear, not worth a single blow! 啊 ! 關將軍 , 不可 輕視 呀 ! ah|General Kwan|must not|underestimate|particle Ah! General Guan, do not underestimate him! 關公 企 起身 : 我關 某 雖然 冇 本事 , 不過 我願 去 萬軍 之中 取 佢 嘅 首級 , 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 ! Guan Gong|stand|up||certain|although|have not|ability|but||to go|ten thousand troops|among|take|him|possessive particle|head|come|present|to|Prime Minister Guan Gong stood up: Although I, Guan, have no ability, I am willing to go into the midst of ten thousand troops to take his head and present it to the Prime Minister! 張遼話 喇 : 軍中無戲言 , 雲長 你 唔 好 疏忽大意 呀 ! |particle indicating finality||Yun Chang (referring to Guan Yu)|you|||be careless|particle for emphasis Zhang Liao said: In the army, there are no empty words, Guan Chang, you must not be careless! 關公 奮起 神威 , 跨上 赤兔馬 , 倒 提 青龍刀 。 Guan Gong|rose up|divine might|mounted|Red Hare horse|||Green Dragon Blade Guan Gong rises with divine might, mounts the Red Hare, and wields the Green Dragon Crescent Blade. 飛 咁 快 噉 跑 咗 落山 , 瞪大雙 丹鳳眼 , 豎起 道 臥蠶眉 直衝 敵陣 。 fly|so|fast|like that|run|past tense marker|||phoenix eyes|raised|pair of|worm eyebrows||enemy lines He runs down the mountain so fast, with his large phoenix eyes wide open, and his worm-like eyebrows raised, charging straight into the enemy ranks. 嘩 ! 厲害 咯 ! 關公 所到之處 , 河 北軍 呀 , 好似 波開 浪裂 噉 啊 。 wow|impressive|particle indicating realization|Guan Gong (a historical figure)|wherever he goes|river||particle for emphasis|seems like|waves parting|waves splitting|like|particle for emphasis Wow! Impressive! Wherever Guan Gong goes, the Hebei army seems to part like waves. 關公 直筆 向 住 顏良 衝過去 。 Guan Gong|with a straight pen|towards|to stop|Yan Liang|charged over Guan Gong charges straight towards Yan Liang. 當時 , 顏良 正 喺 大 旗下 便 , 佢 見到 關公 衝過 嚟 , 正話 想 開口 問 佢 : at that time|Yan Liang|just|at|great|under|then|he|saw|Guan Gong|charging over|coming|just about|wanted|to speak|to ask|him At that time, Yan Liang was right under the big flag, and he saw Guan Gong rushing over, just as he wanted to open his mouth to ask him: 關公 係 赤兔馬 , 好似 一陣 旋風 咁 快 呀 ,𠽤𠽤𡃈𡃈 噉 就 跑 到 面前 。 Guan Gong|is|Red Hare|like|a burst of|whirlwind|so|fast|particle|galloping sound|like that|then|ran|to|in front of Guan Gong was on the Red Hare horse, moving as fast as a whirlwind, and in a flash, he ran right in front of him. 顏良 措手不及 , 畀 關公 手起 一刀 , 就 斬 咗 佢 落馬 。 Yan Liang|caught off guard|by|Guan Gong|with a swift hand|one stroke|then|killed|past tense marker|he|off his horse Yan Liang was caught off guard, and Guan Gong struck him with a knife, cutting him down from his horse. 關公 啪 聲 跳 落地 , 割 咗 顏 良 嘅 首級 , 綁 喺 條 馬 頸 處 , 又 啪 聲 飛身 上馬 , 提刀 出陣 。 Guan Gong|sound|sound|jumped|to the ground|cut|past tense marker|Yan|Liang|possessive particle|head|tied|at|measure word for long objects|horse|neck|place|again|sound|sound|leaped|onto the horse||went into battle Guan Gong jumped down with a bang, severed Yan Liang's head, tied it around the horse's neck, and with another bang, leaped back onto the horse, brandishing his knife to charge into battle. 哎呀 ! 直情 如入無人之境 啊 ! oh no|simply|as if entering a no-man's land|ah Oh my! It was like entering a no-man's land! 河 北軍 嗰 啲 將士 呀 驚到 失晒魂 , 唔 使 打 就 自己 亂 晒 大龍 咯 。 river||that|plural marker|soldiers|sentence-final particle|scared to||not|need|fight|then|themselves|chaotic|completely|big dragon|sentence-final particle The soldiers of the Hebei army were so scared that they lost their souls, they didn't even need to fight and just created chaos themselves. 曹 軍 趁勢 攻擊 , 河 北軍 呀 死 咗 都 唔 知 幾多 人 。 Cao|army|take advantage of the situation|attack|river||particle|die|past tense marker|all|not|know|how many|people The Cao army took the opportunity to attack, and the Hebei army didn't even know how many people had died. 噉 曹 軍 呢 , 仲 搶奪到 好多 馬匹 同 器械 添 。 then|Cao|army|question particle|still|managed to seize|a lot of|horses|and|equipment|also In this way, the Cao army also managed to seize a lot of horses and equipment. 關公 跑馬 上山 , 所有 嘅 將官 都 湧 上 嚟 祝賀 。 Guan Gong|riding a horse|ascended the mountain|all|possessive particle|military officers|all|surged|up|here|congratulated Guan Gong rode his horse up the mountain, and all the officers rushed up to congratulate him. 關公 落 咗 馬 插 好 青龍刀 ,攞 住 顏 良 個 首級 獻 畀 曹操 。 Guan Gong|got off|past tense marker|horse|inserted|very|Green Dragon Blade|took|holding|Yan|Liang|measure word|head|presented|to|Cao Cao Guan Gong dismounted and inserted his fine Qinglong sword, holding Yan Liang's head to present it to Cao Cao. 曹操 話 : 關將軍 英勇 武敵 , 真 係 天神 啊 ! Cao Cao|said|General Guan|brave|martial enemy|really|is|god|exclamation particle Cao Cao said: General Guan is brave and unmatched in battle, truly a divine being! 我 噉 算 得 乜嘢 , 我 嘅 三 弟 張翼德 , 喺 百萬 軍中 取 上將 首級 , 直情 好似 喺 個 袋 處 攞 嘢 咁 容易 咋 。 I|like this|||anything|||||Zhang Yide|in|million|army|take|general|head|really|like|in|the|bag|place|take|things|so|easy|particle indicating emphasis What does that make me? My third brother Zhang Yide can take the head of a general from a million troops, it's as easy as taking something from a bag. 哦 ! 乜仲有 咁 厲害 㗎 ? oh||so|amazing|question particle Oh! Is there someone that powerful? 啊 , 今後 如果 遇着 張翼德 , 不可 輕敵 ! ah|from now on|if|encounter|Zhang Yide|must not|underestimate the enemy Ah, from now on, if you encounter Zhang Yide, do not underestimate him! 眾位 將官 , 你 哋 快 啲 用 筆墨 寫 喺 件 戰袍 襟底 , 要 牢牢 記住 呀 ! all of you|officers|you|plural marker|||use|pen and ink|write|at|the|uniform|collar|must|firmly|remember|sentence-final particle All you generals, quickly write this down on the hem of your battle robes, you must remember it well!

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