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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 048

今日 講 下單 福 啊 , 佢 行 上去 高頂 , 仔細 噉 觀察 咗 一番 曹仁 所 佈 嘅 陣勢 。 佢 就 對 劉備 話 喇 : 佢 呢 個 係 八門 金鎖陣 啊 。 八門 呢 就 係 休 、 生 、 傷 、 杜 、 景 、 死 、 驚 、 開 。 如果 由生門 、 景門 、 開門 入去 , 就 吉 ; 由 傷門 、 驚門 、 休門入 去 呢 就傷 ; 由 杜門 、 死門 入去 就 死 。 睇 佢 而 家 呢 , 呢 八門 佈 得 雖然 係 齊整 , 但 係 佢 嘅 中間 係 完全 欠缺 主持 嘅 。 如果 我 哋 由 東南角 嗰 便 生 門 攻擊 入去 , 一直 向 住 正西 景門 殺 返出 嚟 , 噉 佢 呢 個 陣 就 必定 亂 㗎 喇 。 於是 劉備 傳令 , 叫 軍士 守住 陣角 , 命令 趙雲帶 五百 兵 , 由 東南角 衝入 去 , 一直 向 住 西方 殺出 嚟 噉 。 趙雲 一 接受 咗 命令 就 立即 挺槍 躍馬 , 帶住 五百 精兵 , 直筆 由 東南角 嗰 便 , 齊聲 吶喊 喎 嗬 殺 啊 ! 噉 啊 殺入 中軍 。 曹仁 即刻 就 向 住 北 便 走 , 想引 趙雲 追 佢 喎 。 嘿嘿 , 點知 趙雲 已經 得到 軍師 指點 喇 , 唔 領 佢 嘢 , 唔 追 , 只 係 奮勇 噉 殺出 西門 。 跟 住 呢 , 又 由 西 便 殺 返 轉去 東南角 嗰 便 。 嘩 嗨 ! 噉 就 殺 到 曹 仁 嘅 兵馬 倒瀉 籮 蟹 噉 喇 。 劉備 指揮 軍隊 就 搏命 咁 衝擊 , 打到 曹 軍 大敗 撤退 。 單福 就 叫 唔 好 追 , 鳴金收兵 回營 嘞 。 曹仁輸 咗 呢 一仗 , 噉 先至信 李 典 嘅 說話 , 所以 呢 , 佢 又 去 請 李 典 嚟 商量 。 佢 話 : 劉備 嘅 軍隊 裏 便 , 必定 有能 人 啊 , 我 嘅 陣 竟然 噉 都 畀 佢 破 咗 啊 。 李典 話 : 我 個人 雖然 喺 呢 度 嚟 呀 , 之 我極 之 擔心 樊城 啊 。 噉 啦 , 今晚 去 劫寨 , 如果 得勝 就 再作 打算 ; 如果 唔 贏呢 , 就 退兵 返去 樊城 係 啦 。 曹將軍 , 唔 好 去 劫寨 呀 ! 劉備 必定會 有 準備 㗎 。 如果 咁 多疑 嘅 , 仲 點樣 用兵 啊 ! 曹仁 終歸 冇 聽 李 典 嘅 勸告 , 親自 帶兵 喺 前 隊 打頭陣 , 叫 李典 做後應 , 決定 今晚 二 更 去 劫寨 嘞 。 當晚 , 單福 正在 同 劉備 喺 軍營 裏 便 誒 商量 緊 事情 。 忽然間 , 呼 噉 翻起 一 浸風 。 單福定 一定 神 , 諗 咗 一下 佢 就 話 嘞 : 今晚 曹仁 , 必定 嚟 劫寨 㗎 。 劉備 話 : 噉 樣點 打 佢 呢 ? 單福笑 嘞 : 嘿嘿嘿 , 我 已經 預算 好 嘅 喇 。 於是 逐樣 逐樣 都 安排 好 晒 。 到 咗 二 更 , 曹 仁 嘅 兵馬 接近 劉備 嘅 營寨 嘞 。 突然 間 , 只見 寨裏 頭 四面 起火 , 燒着 晒 啲 寨柵 。 曹仁知 道 有 準備 喇 呢 趟 , 急急 下令 退兵 。 喺 呢 個 時候 , 趙雲帶 住 一隊 兵馬 , 掩殺 過 嚟 。 嘿 曹仁 呀 , 已經 嚟 唔 切 收兵 回營 嘞 , 急急 向 住 北方 嘅 河邊 撤退 。 就 嚟 到 河邊 , 正話 想 派 人 去 搵 船 渡河 啦 。 點知 又 有 一彪 軍馬 殺到 , 為首 大將 乃 係 張飛 呀 。 曹仁 搏命 咁 打 , 收尾 仲 係 李典 保護 住 曹仁落 船 過河 。 人多 就 船少 , 畀 張飛 嘅 人馬 一逼 , 就 打 到 曹 軍 嘅 兵卒 大半 落 水浸 死 晒 。 曹仁 就 狼 狼狽 狽 噉 渡過 咗 河 , 就 趯 返去 樊城 嘞 喎 。 當 佢 使 人 去 叫門 嘅 時候 , 只 聽見 城樓 上 , 一聲 鼓響 , 城門 打開 有個 大將 帶兵 衝出 嚟 , 大聲 噉 喝 : 我 已經 奪取 咗 樊城 好 耐 喇 ! 大家 慌 晒 啦 , 定眼 一 睇 , 哈 ! 原來 係 關雲長 啊 ! 嘩 ! 曹仁 大吃一驚 , 撥馬 就 走 。 關雲長 追殺 過 嚟 , 打到 曹仁 呀 又 損失 咗 唔 少 人馬 , 就 漏夜 趕路 逃跑 返去 許都 。 噉 啊 曹 仁 喺 路上 啊 派 人 去 打聽 , 噉 先至 知道 劉備 呢 , 最近 得到 單福 做 軍師 , 幫 佢 設 謀 定計 。 而家 , 暫時 唔 講曹仁 失敗 返去 許都 , 只 係 講下 劉備 佢 大獲全勝 , 就 統率 軍隊 浩浩蕩蕩 進入 樊城 。 縣令 劉 泌出 城 嚟 歡迎 嘞 。 呢 個 劉泌 呀 , 係 長沙人 , 亦 係 漢室 宗親 嚟 。 噉 啊 等到 劉備 安民 之後 就 請 劉備 返 屋企 設宴款待 。 喺 飲酒 個 時候 , 劉備 見到 有個 年青人 , 好 恭敬 噉 企 住 喺 劉 泌 身邊 。 只見 佢 生 得 器宇軒昂 , 噉 就 問劉泌 話 嘞 : 呢 個 係 邊個 啊 ? 哦 , 佢 係 我 嘅 外甥 , 叫做 寇封 。 佢 係 羅 侯 寇 氏 嘅 仔 , 因為 父母 相亡 , 所以 跟 我 喺 呢 處 啫 。 劉備 好 歡喜 佢 喎 , 想要 佢 嚟 做 義子 。 劉泌 呀 非常 之 贊成 , 即刻 叫寇 封拜 咗 劉備 做 父親 , 改個 名叫 做 劉封 。 散 咗 席 之後 , 劉備 就 帶 埋 劉封 返去 , 叫 佢 拜見 關羽 同 張飛 , 認 佢 哋 做 叔父 。 啊 關羽 話 : 兄長 已經 有 咗 親生 仔 , 何必 又 要 收 一個 義子 呢 ? 日後 必定會 作亂 㗎 。 劉備 話 : 我 待 佢 好似 仔 噉 , 佢 必定會 當我 係 父親 一樣 嘅 , 點會 作亂 嘅 呢 ? 關羽 聽 劉備 噉 講呀 , 唔 高興 嘞 。 噉 過 咗 幾日 , 劉備 同 單福 商量 好 , 叫 趙雲帶 一千 人馬 鎮守 樊城 , 然後 劉備 就 率領 大軍 返去 新野 喇 。 而家返 轉頭 講下 曹仁同 李典 。 佢 打 咗 敗仗 返到 許都 就 見到 曹操 , 喊住 噉 跪 喺 地 嚟 請罪 , 向 曹操 報告 損兵折將 嘅 經過 。 曹操 冇 責怪 佢 哋 , 佢 只 係 話 : 勝負 乃 係 兵 家常事 , 唔 緊要 ! 而家 就 係 唔 知道 , 究竟 係 邊 個人 幫 劉備 出謀劃策 嘅 呢 ? 曹仁話 嘞 : 劉備 新近 任命 咗 一個 人 做 佢 軍師 , 此人 叫做 單福 , 就 係 佢 幫 劉備 出謀劃策 嘅 。 哦 ? 單福 係 乜嘢 人 啊 ? 程昱 喺 旁邊 聽 咗 就 笑 住 話 嘞 : 哈哈哈 , 佢 唔 係 叫做 單福 呀 , 此人 年青 嘅 時候 , 好 鍾 意學 擊劍 嘅 。 大概 喺 十七八年 以前 啦 , 曾經 為 咗 朋友 報仇 殺 咗 人 , 披散 頭髮 劃花 個面 逃走 。 結果 畀 官差 捉 到 , 問 佢 嘅 姓名 佢 又 唔 肯 講 。 官差 就 將 佢 綁住 喺 架 車上 便 , 一便 打住 鼓 , 一便 就 遊街 叫 啲 市民 認 佢 係 邊個 噉 。 噉 喺 市民 當中 雖然 有人 識 佢 啊 , 但 係 亦 冇 人 敢講 佢 個 名 出 嚟 。 收尾 呢 , 就 畀 佢 嘅 朋友 救 咗 佢 , 之後 佢 就 更名改姓 逃跑 出外 。 而且 一 改過去 嘅 行 為 作風 , 變 咗 非常 之 勤力 求學 。 佢 誒 跟 過 好多個 有名 嘅 學者 嘅 喇 , 又 曾經 同 司馬徽 談論 過 學問 嘅 。 此人 姓 徐名 庶 , 字元直 , 係 潁川 人 。 單福 , 嘿嘿 , 不過 係 佢 嘅 假名 啫 。 哦 ? 哦 ! 噉 徐 庶 嘅 才學 , 比起 先生 你 嚟 點呢 ? 噉 就 勝過 我 十倍 呀 。 唉 ! 咁 好 嘅 賢士 , 可惜 跟 咗 劉備 吖 ! 啊 , 劉備 佢 有 毛 有 翼 喇 , 點算 呀 ? 吓 ! 丞相 , 徐 庶 嘅 為 人 最 孝順 。 佢 自 細 死 咗 父親 , 只有 老母 喺 屋企 。 佢 本來 仲有 個細 佬 嘅 叫做 徐康 , 最近 亦 已經 死 咗 嘞 。 噉 佢 老母 就 冇 人 服侍 啦 , 丞相 你 可以 搵 人 氹 咗 佢 老母 嚟 許昌 。 然後 請 佢 寫封信 叫 佢 個 仔 嚟 , 噉 徐庶 就 必定 嚟 㗎 喇 。 曹操 好 歡喜 , 就 派 人 日夜兼程 趕路 去 接 徐 庶 嘅 母親 嚟 。 過 咗 好幾日 , 接到 嚟 嘞 , 曹操 好好 噉 款待 佢 。 有 一日 , 曹操 就 對 徐庶 母親 話 喇 : 聽講 令郎 徐元直 , 乃 係 天下 嘅 奇才 , 而 家 佢 去 咗 新野 , 幫助 逆臣 劉備 背叛 朝廷 。 啊 , 噉 就 好似 一塊 美玉 , 落 喺 污泥 之中 , 真 係 可惜 喇 。 而家 , 好 想 麻煩 下 你 老人家 寫封信 , 叫 佢 返 嚟 許都 。 我 喺 皇上 面前 保 奏 佢 , 必定會 有 大官 做 , 有 好多 賞賜 嘅 。 講完 , 就 叫 人 攞 文房四寶 嚟 請 徐母 寫信 嘞 喎 。 徐母問 嘞 : 劉備 嘅 為 人 , 係 點 㗎 ? 佢 係 沛 郡 嘅 無名小輩 , 妄 自稱 為 皇叔 , 全無 信義 嘅 。 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 啊 , 正 所謂 外 君子 而 內 小人 喇 ! 你講 大話 都 講到 離晒譜 ! 我 早就 聽聞 劉玄德 , 係 中山 靖王 之後 , 孝景 閣下 玄孫 。 佢 謙恭有禮 、 愛惜人才 , 仁德 嘅 名聲 傳遍 天下 。 無論 細佬哥 、 伯爺 公 、 看 牛仔 、 打柴 佬 , 個個 都 知道 佢 個 名 。 佢 係 個 當代 嘅 英雄 啊 。 我個 仔 , 而家 去 輔助 佢 , 好 啊 ! 佢 跟 到 個 英明 嘅 主公 咯 。 而 你 呢 , 雖然 掛個 名 係 漢朝 丞相 , 實在 係 漢朝 嘅 奸賊 ! 你 竟然 反轉 嚟 , 話 劉玄德 係 逆臣 。 想 我 叫 個 仔 棄明投暗 , 你 , 你 你 你 都 可謂 唔 識 羞恥 咯 ! 徐母 一 講完 , 順手 攞 起 個 墨硯 就要 㩧 曹操 。 嗨 ! 曹操 畀 徐母 鬧 咗 一餐 懵 嘅 , 已經 好 嬲 㗎 啦 , 哦 , 仲 攞 個 墨硯 嚟 㩧 添 呀 , 佢 發 大火 喇 。 即刻 喝 啲 武士 嚟 , 拉 咗 徐母 出去 要 殺 咗 佢 。 程昱 見到 就 急急 叫 啲 武士 唔 好 逳 手 , 然後 就入 去 勸 曹操 話 喇 : 徐母 之所以 要 冒犯 丞相 , 無 他 嘅 , 佢 就 係 想 死 咋 嘛 。 丞相 你 如果 殺 咗 佢 , 就 會 落得 一個 不義之名 , 而且 仲 成全 咗 徐 母 嘅 高尚 品德 添 。 嗯 , 啊 你 講落 去 ! 徐母 如果 死 咗 咯 , 噉 徐庶 必定會 死心塌地 , 幫助 劉備 嚟 報仇 㗎 喇 。 所以 , 不如 留返 徐 母 喺 呢 度 , 等 徐庶 身心 兩地 , 縱使 佢 想 幫助 劉備 , 亦 唔 能夠 全 心 盡力 喇 。 仲有 , 留低 徐 母 喺 度 , 我 自然 有 辦法 氹 徐庶 嚟 許都 輔助 丞相 嘅 。 噉 好 , 就照 你 講 嘅 做 啦 。 於是 曹操 就 唔 殺 徐母 嘞 , 將 佢 送 咗 去 另外 一間 屋 , 養 住 佢 喺 處 。 噉 程昱 呢 , 就 日日 都 去 問候 徐母 喎 。 佢 就 車大炮 話 自己 以前 啊 係 同 徐庶 結拜 做 兄弟 嘅 噉 。 佢 就 對待 徐母 呀 , 就 好似 對待 親生 老母 咁 好 。 程昱 呀 周時 使 人 送 啲 禮物 去 畀 徐母 , 每次 都 附 一張 便條 , 問候 幾句 。 徐母 禮尚往來 , 每次 收到 禮物 , 亦 都 寫 返張 便條 回覆 佢 , 多謝 一聲 。 程昱 就 係 用 噉 嘅 辦法 , 騙取 到 徐 母 嘅 筆跡 。 就 用 心學 徐 母 嘅 字體 呀 , 寫 咗 一封 假 嘅 家信 , 派 咗 個 心腹 人 , 帶住 封信 去 新野縣 搵 單福 嘞 喎 。 噉 個 守門 兵士 帶 佢 入 去 見 單 福 即 係 徐 庶 啦 。 嗰 個人 一 見到 徐庶 就 話 喇 : 我 係 一名 館下 走卒 , 奉 咗 老夫 人 嘅 命令 , 專程 嚟 到 送 封信 畀 大人 啊 。 徐庶 拆開 封信 睇 下 , 封信 大意 就 係 話 : 最近 你 細佬阿康 已經 死 咗 喇 , 我而家 舉目無親 。 正在 悲 淒 嘅 時候 , 點知 又 畀 曹丞相 使人接 咗 我 去 許昌 , 話 你 已經 背叛 朝廷 , 要將 我 韞 喺 監獄 。 好彩 得到 程昱 等 人 講情 , 先至 唔 使 坐監 受苦 。 佢 哋 話 如果 你 能夠 投降 丞相 呢 , 就 可以 唔 殺 我 喎 。 你 接到 信 之後 , 要乃念 父母 養育之恩 , 快 啲 嚟 許昌 救 我 。 然後 , 再 想 辦法 返去 鄉下 耕田 , 免遭 大禍 啊 。 我 而 家 嘅 性命 好 危險 㗎 喇 , 快 啲 嚟 救 我 啦 。 徐庶 睇 完 呢 封信 , 啊 ! 淚如泉 湧 啊 ! 佢 攞 住 封信 去 見 劉備 話 : 我 , 本來 係 潁川 人 徐庶 , 字元直 , 為 因 走 難 , 改 咗 個 名 做 單福 。 以前 , 曾經 聽聞 話 劉景升 招賢納士 , 就 特意 去 見 佢 啦 。 及至 同 佢 談論 起 天下大事 , 先至 知道 佢 原來 係 個 無用 之 人 , 所以 , 留低 封信 就 離開 咗 佢 。 有 一晚 去 到 司馬 水鏡 屋企 , 將呢 件 事講 咗 畀 佢 聽 。 水鏡 就 好 嚴厲 噉 責備 我 , 話 我 唔 識得 去 搵 一位 英明 嘅 主公 。 佢 話 : 劉皇叔 就 喺 呢 一處 , 點解 你 唔 去 為 佢 效力 呢 噉 ? 故此 , 我 就 喺 街市 狂歌 引起 使君 你 嘅 注意 。 承 蒙使君 你 唔 嫌棄 我 , 即刻 就 予以 重用 嘞 。 無奈 我 家母 , 而家 畀 曹操 用 奸計 騙 咗 去 許都 , 監禁 喺 監獄 , 仲想 殺害 佢 添 。 家母 寫 咗 封信 嚟 叫 我 去 , 我 唔 去 唔 得 。 我 並非 唔 想效 犬馬之勞 嚟 報答 使君 。 唉 , 皆 因 家母 畀 曹操 捉 咗 去 , 我 就 冇 辦法 盡力 咯 。 而家 , 嚟 向 使君 你 告別 , 以後 , 有 機會 再見面 啦 。 劉備 一聽 徐庶 噉 講呀 , 即刻 就 喊 起 上 嚟 啊 。 佢 話 : 啊 , 係 , 母子 , 乃 係 天性 之親 , 你 唔 使 掛住 我 嘅 。 等 你 同 老夫 人 相見 之後 , 我 , 啊 , 我 或者 , 再有 希望 得到 你 嘅 指教 嘅 。 徐庶 拜謝 過 劉備 , 想 即刻 就 起程 。 劉備 話 : 我 哋 再 多聚 一 晚 , 聽日 先至 同 先生 你 餞行 啦 。 孫乾 就 拉開 劉備 靜靜 對 佢 話 喇 : 元直 係 天下 奇才 , 佢 喺 新野 時間 咁 耐 , 我 哋 軍隊 嘅 虛實 , 佢 完全 知道 晒 㗎 。 如果 而家 畀 佢 去 咗 曹操 嗰 便 , 曹操 必定 重用 佢 嘅 。 噉 我 哋 就 非常 危險 㗎 喇 。 主公 , 你 應該 苦苦 挽留 佢 , 千祈 唔 好 放 佢 走 。 噉 曹操 見元直 唔 去路 , 就 必定 殺 咗 佢 母親 嘅 。 元直 知道 母親 被 殺 , 一定 要 為 母親 報仇 , 就 會 盡力 去 攻 曹操 㗎 喇 。 劉備 話 嘞 : 噉 唔 得 。 等 人 殺 咗 佢 母親 , 而 我 啊 用 佢 嘅 仔 , 呢 啲 乃 係 不仁 啊 ; 留住 佢 唔 畀 佢 去 , 斷絕 咗 人 哋 母子 之道 , 呢 啲 乃 係 不義 。 我 就 寧可 自己 死 咗 , 都 唔 去 做 呢 啲 不仁不義 嘅 事 呀 ! 劉備 噉 樣一講 , 孫乾同 大家 都 好 敬服 劉備 嘅 胸襟 啊 。 當晚 , 劉備 請 徐庶 飲酒 。 徐庶 話 : 我 聽聞 母親 畀 人 捉 咗 去 , 就算 係 瓊漿玉液 , 都 飲 唔 落 喇 。 劉備 亦 話 : 唉 ! 你 就要 走 喇 , 我 好似 失 咗 隻 手 噉 , 就算 係 食龍肉 都 唔 香咯 。 兩個 講下 講下 , 就 噉 對 住 喊 起 上 嚟 , 一晚 坐響 處 等 天光 。 到 咗 第朝 早 , 大家 都 已經 喺 城外 安排 好 酒席 餞行 嘞 。 劉備 同 徐庶 一 拍 騎 住 馬出城 , 嚟 到 長亭 , 落馬 , 互相 告別 。 劉備 舉起 杯酒 對 徐庶 話 : 我 劉備 緣 慳福薄 , 唔 能夠 同 先生 相聚 。 希望 先生 好好 噉 為 新 嘅 主公 效力 , 成就 功名 啦 ! 徐庶 流住 眼淚 話 喇 : 我 才疏學淺 , 得到 使君 重用 , 十分 感激 。 今日 , 不幸 半途而 別 , 都 係 為 咗 母親 嘅 緣故 啫 。 唉 ! 縱使 曹操 點樣 逼 我 , 我 亦 終身 唔 為 佢 籌劃 一件 事 ! 先生 一走 , 我 亦 就 嚟 要 遁跡山林 , 不 問世 事咯 。 我 之所以 能夠 幫助 使君 , 去 圖謀 王霸之 業 , 就 全靠 我 呢 個 心 啫 。 今日 因為 母親 嘅 緣故 , 我個 心 都 已經 亂 喇 。 縱使 我 喺 呢 一處 , 亦 都 於 事 無益 嘅 唧 。 使君 你 應該 另外 去 搵 個 賢德 嘅 人才 嚟 輔助 你 , 共圖 大業 , 又 何必 咁 灰心 呢 ? 唉 , 天下 賢德 嘅 人才 , 冇 好 得過 先生 你 個 咯 。 我 不過 係 個 碌碌庸才 , 使君 你 噉 樣 稱譽 我 , 認真 唔 敢當 啊 ! 臨別 嘅 時候 , 徐庶 對 大家 話 : 希望 各位 , 好好 噉 為 使君 效力 , 使到 將來 名垂竹帛 , 功標青史 。 唉 , 千祈 唔 好學 我 徐庶 噉 有始無終 啊 ! 大家 聽 佢 噉 樣 講 呀 , 個個 都 好 傷感 。 劉備 唔 忍心 同 佢 分別 , 送 完 一程 又 一程 一站 又 一站 , 就 已經 送 咗 好 遠路 嘞 。 徐庶 就 話 : 使君 唔 好 送 喇 , 我 就此 告別 啦 。 劉備 執住 徐庶 隻 手話 : 先生 呢 次 去 咗 , 天各一方 , 唔 知 何時 何日 先至 能夠 相會 咯 。 一 講完 , 哎呀 , 淚如雨下 。 徐庶 流住 眼淚 , 辭別 咗 劉備 同 大家 就 走 嘞 。 劉備 喊 啊 。 元直 走 咗 咯 ! 我點 好 啊 , 我點 好 啊 ! 劉備 一雙 淚眼 , 模模糊糊 睇 住 徐庶 騎住 馬 嘅 背影 , 越行 越遠 。 忽然間 , 徐庶 一 轉彎 , 前 便 一片 樹林 就 隔斷 咗 視線 。 劉備 舉起 條 馬鞭 指 住 嗰 片 樹林 話 : 我 真 係 想 斬光 晒 呢 處 啲 樹木 啊 , 都 畀 佢 遮住 我望 唔 見 徐元直 喇 。 正 喺 度 望 緊 , 咦 ? 忽然 見到 徐庶 拍馬 跑 返 轉頭 噃。 劉備 話 : 哎呀 , 元直 返 轉頭 喇 , 莫非 佢 唔 想 去 ? 於是 高高興興 拍馬 向前 迎上去 話 : 先生 返轉 嚟 , 有 乜嘢 事 呢 ? 我 因為 心亂如麻 , 啱 先 有 句 說話 都 唔 記得 咗 講添 。 呢 處 有 一位 奇士 , 就 喺 襄陽 城外 二十里 嘅 地方 叫做 隆中 。 使君 你 應該 去 搵 佢 呀 。 係 咩 ? 噉 就 勞煩 元直 你 幫 我 去 請 佢 嚟 見 下面 呢 。 呢 個人 , 唔 係 隨便 噉 就 可以 叫 到 嚟 㗎 , 使君 你 要 親自 去 求見 佢 至 得 。 如果 得到 呢 個人 出 嚟 幫助 使君 你 , 就 無異 周朝 得到 姜子牙 , 漢朝 得到 張良 啊 ! 噉 呢 個人 嘅 才 德 比起 先生 嚟 點樣 呢 ? 將我 嚟 比 佢 , 就 好比 劣馬 對 麒麟 , 烏鴉 配 鳳凰 咯 。 佢 時常 將 自己 比做 春秋戰國 時候 , 輔助 君主 成就 霸業 嘅 管仲 同樂 毅 。 但 係 以 我 睇 嚟 , 管仲 、 樂毅 都 唔 及 佢 呀 。 佢 有 經天緯地 之才 , 真 係 天下 , 只 係 得 佢 一個 咋 。 啊 噉 請問 呢 個人 叫做 咩 名 ? 佢 係 琅 琊 陽 都 人 , 複姓 諸葛 , 名亮 , 字 孔明 。 乃 係 漢朝 司隸校 尉 諸葛 豐 嘅 後代 。 佢 嘅 父親 叫做 諸葛 珪 , 做過 泰山 郡 丞 嘅 官職 , 好 早就 死 咗 喇 。 噉 諸葛亮 呢 就 跟 咗 佢 阿叔 諸葛玄 。 諸葛玄 同 荊州 劉景升 係 好 朋友 , 就 去 咗 佢 嗰 處 做事 , 因此 呢 , 佢 哋 就 搬 咗 去 襄陽 住 。 收尾 諸葛玄 死 咗 之後 , 諸葛亮 同 佢 個 細 佬 諸葛均 就 喺 南陽 耕田 為生 。 平日 , 好 喜歡 吟唱 下 梁父吟 呢 啲 曲 。 佢 住 嘅 地方 有個 山崗 , 叫做 臥龍崗 , 因此 佢 自己 取 咗 個 外號 , 叫做 臥龍 先生 。 呢 個人 , 乃 係 絕世 奇才 呀 ! 使君 你 要 盡快 去 見 下 佢 。 如果 呢 個人 肯出 嚟 輔助 你 , 何愁 唔 能夠 平定 天下 呢 ? 啊 , 往日 水鏡 先生 曾經 對我講 過 話 : 伏龍 、 鳳雛 , 兩人 得 一 , 可安 天下 。 而家 先生 所講 嘅 , 莫非 就 係 伏龍 、 鳳雛 係 嘛 ? 鳳雛 乃 係 襄陽 龐統 , 伏龍 就 係 諸葛孔明 啊 。 哎呀 , 好 啊 好 啊 ! 今日 先至 知道 伏龍 、 鳳雛 呢 句 說話 嘅 意思 呀 。 想 唔 到 大賢 大德 嘅 人才 就 喺 眼前 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 如果 唔 係 先生 講我 聽 , 我 劉備 真 係 有眼如盲 啊 ! 徐庶 推薦 咗 孔明 , 然後 再 辭別 咗 劉備 , 騎馬 走 咗 去 。 呢 , 收尾 有人 寫 咗 一首 詩 讚 阿 徐 庶 走馬 薦 諸葛 噃, 首詩 係 噉 嘅 : 痛恨 高賢 不再 逢 , 臨岐 泣別 兩 情濃 。 片言 卻 似 春雷 震 , 能 使 南陽 起 臥龍 。

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今日 講 下單 福 啊 , 佢 行 上去 高頂 , 仔細 噉 觀察 咗 一番 曹仁 所 佈 嘅 陣勢 。 today|talk|about the order|fortune|ah|he|walk|up|high ground|carefully|like that|observe|past tense marker|a round|Cao Ren|particle indicating possession|arrange|possessive particle|formation Today, let's talk about the formation of the troops. He went up to the high ground and carefully observed the formation set up by Cao Ren. 佢 就 對 劉備 話 喇 : 佢 呢 個 係 八門 金鎖陣 啊 。 he|then|to|Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|he|this|measure word|is|eight gates|golden lock formation|particle indicating exclamation He then said to Liu Bei: This is the Eight Gates Golden Lock Formation. 八門 呢 就 係 休 、 生 、 傷 、 杜 、 景 、 死 、 驚 、 開 。 eight gates|this|just|is|rest|life|injury|escape|scenery|death|fright|opening The Eight Gates are: Rest, Life, Injury, Du, Scene, Death, Fear, and Open. 如果 由生門 、 景門 、 開門 入去 , 就 吉 ; 由 傷門 、 驚門 、 休門入 去 呢 就傷 ; 由 杜門 、 死門 入去 就 死 。 if||scenic gate|open gate|enter|then|auspicious|from|injury gate|fright gate||go|question particle||from|blocked gate|death gate|enter|then|die If you enter through the Life Gate, Scene Gate, or Open Gate, it is auspicious; if you enter through the Injury Gate, Fear Gate, or Rest Gate, it is harmful; if you enter through the Du Gate or Death Gate, it is fatal. 睇 佢 而 家 呢 , 呢 八門 佈 得 雖然 係 齊整 , 但 係 佢 嘅 中間 係 完全 欠缺 主持 嘅 。 look|he|||this||eight doors|arrangement|okay|although|is|tidy||is||possessive particle|||||| Looking at it now, although these Eight Gates are arranged neatly, there is a complete lack of a host in the center. 如果 我 哋 由 東南角 嗰 便 生 門 攻擊 入去 , 一直 向 住 正西 景門 殺 返出 嚟 , 噉 佢 呢 個 陣 就 必定 亂 㗎 喇 。 if|I|we|from|southeast corner|that|then|live|door|attack|enter|continuously|facing|towards|due west|Jingmen|kill|return out|here|then|he|this|measure word|situation|then|definitely|chaotic|particle|particle If we attack from the southeast corner and keep moving towards the west gate, then their formation will definitely be in chaos. 於是 劉備 傳令 , 叫 軍士 守住 陣角 , 命令 趙雲帶 五百 兵 , 由 東南角 衝入 去 , 一直 向 住 西方 殺出 嚟 噉 。 then|Liu Bei|issued orders|ordered|soldiers|to hold|the corner of the formation|commanded||five hundred|troops|from|southeast corner|to charge in|to|continuously|towards|to hold|the west|to break out|out|like this So Liu Bei issued an order, telling the soldiers to hold the corners of the formation, and commanded Zhao Yun to lead five hundred troops to charge in from the southeast corner and fight their way out towards the west. 趙雲 一 接受 咗 命令 就 立即 挺槍 躍馬 , 帶住 五百 精兵 , 直筆 由 東南角 嗰 便 , 齊聲 吶喊 喎 嗬 殺 啊 ! 噉 啊 殺入 中軍 。 Zhao Yun|once|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|immediately|raised his spear|mounted his horse|leading|five hundred|elite soldiers|directly|from|southeast corner|that|side|in unison|shouted|particle|hey|kill|ah|then|ah|charged into|the central army As soon as Zhao Yun received the order, he immediately brandished his spear and rode his horse, leading five hundred elite soldiers, charging straight from the southeast corner, shouting in unison, 'Let's kill!' and rushed into the central army. 曹仁 即刻 就 向 住 北 便 走 , 想引 趙雲 追 佢 喎 。 Cao Ren|immediately|then|towards|residing|north|quickly|left||Zhao Yun|chase|him|particle indicating suggestion or realization Cao Ren immediately started to retreat to the north, trying to lure Zhao Yun to chase him. 嘿嘿 , 點知 趙雲 已經 得到 軍師 指點 喇 , 唔 領 佢 嘢 , 唔 追 , 只 係 奮勇 噉 殺出 西門 。 hee hee|who would have known|Zhao Yun|already|received|strategist|guidance|particle indicating completed action|not|take|he|things|not|chase|||with valor|like that|fight out|West Gate Hehe, little did he know that Zhao Yun had already received guidance from the strategist, so he didn't take the bait and didn't chase, but bravely fought his way out through the west gate. 跟 住 呢 , 又 由 西 便 殺 返 轉去 東南角 嗰 便 。 ||question particle|again|from|west|then|turn|back|turn to|southeast corner|that|then Then, they turned back from the west to the southeast corner. 嘩 嗨 ! 噉 就 殺 到 曹 仁 嘅 兵馬 倒瀉 籮 蟹 噉 喇 。 wow|hi|then|just|kill|to|Cao|Ren|possessive particle|troops|pour out|basket|crab|then|final particle Wow! They managed to defeat Cao Ren's troops like a flood of crabs. 劉備 指揮 軍隊 就 搏命 咁 衝擊 , 打到 曹 軍 大敗 撤退 。 Liu Bei|commanded|army|then|desperately|so|attacked|fought until|Cao|army|was defeated|retreated Liu Bei commanded the army to charge with all their might, causing a great defeat and retreat for Cao's army. 單福 就 叫 唔 好 追 , 鳴金收兵 回營 嘞 。 Dan Fook|then|ordered|not|good|chase||return to camp|past tense particle Shan Fu advised not to pursue, sounding the retreat and returning to camp. 曹仁輸 咗 呢 一仗 , 噉 先至信 李 典 嘅 說話 , 所以 呢 , 佢 又 去 請 李 典 嚟 商量 。 |past tense marker|this|battle|then||Li|Dian|possessive particle|words|so|this|he|again|go|invite|Li|Dian|come|discuss After Cao Ren lost this battle, he finally believed Li Dian's words, so he went to invite Li Dian to discuss. 佢 話 : 劉備 嘅 軍隊 裏 便 , 必定 有能 人 啊 , 我 嘅 陣 竟然 噉 都 畀 佢 破 咗 啊 。 he|said|Liu Bei|possessive particle|army|inside|then|definitely|||particle|I|possessive particle|formation|unexpectedly|like this|all|by|him|defeated|past tense marker|particle He said: In Liu Bei's army, there must be capable people, and my formation was actually broken by him. 李典 話 : 我 個人 雖然 喺 呢 度 嚟 呀 , 之 我極 之 擔心 樊城 啊 。 Li Dian|said|I|personally|although|at|this|place|come|particle|but|||worry|Fan Cheng|particle Li Dian said: Although I am here, I am extremely worried about Fan City. 噉 啦 , 今晚 去 劫寨 , 如果 得勝 就 再作 打算 ; 如果 唔 贏呢 , 就 退兵 返去 樊城 係 啦 。 like this|sentence final particle|tonight|go|raid the village|if|victorious|then|reconsider|plans|if|not||then|retreat|return to|Fan City|is|sentence final particle So, tonight we will raid the camp. If we win, we will plan further; if we don't win, we will retreat back to Fan City. 曹將軍 , 唔 好 去 劫寨 呀 ! 劉備 必定會 有 準備 㗎 。 General Cao|not|well|go|raid the village|sentence-final particle|Liu Bei||have|preparations|sentence-final particle General Cao, don't raid the camp! Liu Bei will definitely be prepared. 如果 咁 多疑 嘅 , 仲 點樣 用兵 啊 ! if|so|suspicious|particle indicating possession|still|how|use troops|particle indicating a question If you are so suspicious, how can you use troops! 曹仁 終歸 冇 聽 李 典 嘅 勸告 , 親自 帶兵 喺 前 隊 打頭陣 , 叫 李典 做後應 , 決定 今晚 二 更 去 劫寨 嘞 。 Cao Ren|ultimately|did not|listen|Li|Dian|possessive particle|advice|personally|lead troops|at|front|unit|take the lead|ordered|Li Dian||decided|tonight|second|watch|to|raid the village|past tense particle Cao Ren ultimately did not listen to Li Dian's advice, personally leading the troops at the front, instructing Li Dian to provide support from the rear, and deciding to raid the camp tonight during the second watch. 當晚 , 單福 正在 同 劉備 喺 軍營 裏 便 誒 商量 緊 事情 。 that night|Dan Fook|was|with|Liu Bei|at|barracks|inside|then|ah|discussing|ongoing|matters That night, Shan Fu was discussing matters with Liu Bei in the military camp. 忽然間 , 呼 噉 翻起 一 浸風 。 suddenly|to exhale|like that|stirred up|a| Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up. 單福定 一定 神 , 諗 咗 一下 佢 就 話 嘞 : 今晚 曹仁 , 必定 嚟 劫寨 㗎 。 a person's name|definitely|god|think|past tense marker|a moment|he|then|said|past action marker|tonight|a person's name|must|come|rob the village|sentence-final particle Shan Fu focused his mind and thought for a moment before saying: Tonight, Cao Ren will definitely come to raid the camp. 劉備 話 : 噉 樣點 打 佢 呢 ? Liu Bei|said|like this|how|fight|him|question particle Liu Bei asked: How should we fight against him? 單福笑 嘞 : 嘿嘿嘿 , 我 已經 預算 好 嘅 喇 。 Dan Fook laughs|particle indicating completed action|hehe|I|already|budget|well|possessive particle|particle indicating change of state Dan Fu laughed: Hehehe, I have already made the budget. 於是 逐樣 逐樣 都 安排 好 晒 。 so|one by one|one by one|all|arranged|well|completely So everything has been arranged one by one. 到 咗 二 更 , 曹 仁 嘅 兵馬 接近 劉備 嘅 營寨 嘞 。 arrive|past tense marker|second|watch (time period)|Cao|Ren|possessive particle|army|approaching|Liu Bei|possessive particle|camp|sentence-final particle By the second watch, Cao Ren's troops were approaching Liu Bei's camp. 突然 間 , 只見 寨裏 頭 四面 起火 , 燒着 晒 啲 寨柵 。 suddenly|moment|suddenly saw|in the village|around|from all sides|caught fire|burning|all|plural marker|village fence Suddenly, they saw fires breaking out on all four sides of the camp, burning the camp palisades. 曹仁知 道 有 準備 喇 呢 趟 , 急急 下令 退兵 。 Cao Renzhi|said|has|preparation|particle indicating completed action|this|trip|urgently|ordered|retreat Cao Ren knew that preparations had been made for this trip, and quickly ordered a retreat. 喺 呢 個 時候 , 趙雲帶 住 一隊 兵馬 , 掩殺 過 嚟 。 at|this|measure word for events|time|||a unit of|soldiers and horses|ambush|| At this moment, Zhao Yun led a troop of soldiers and ambushed them. 嘿 曹仁 呀 , 已經 嚟 唔 切 收兵 回營 嘞 , 急急 向 住 北方 嘅 河邊 撤退 。 hey|Cao Ren|particle|already|come|not|completely|withdraw troops|return to camp|particle|urgently|towards|live|north|possessive particle|riverside|retreat Hey Cao Ren, it's too late to recall the troops back to camp, quickly retreat towards the river in the north. 就 嚟 到 河邊 , 正話 想 派 人 去 搵 船 渡河 啦 。 then|come|arrive|riverside|just saying|want|send|person|to|find|boat|cross river|particle When they arrived at the riverbank, they were just thinking of sending someone to find a boat to cross the river. 點知 又 有 一彪 軍馬 殺到 , 為首 大將 乃 係 張飛 呀 。 unexpectedly|again|has|a group of|war horses|charged in|leading|general|indeed|is|Zhang Fei|particle indicating exclamation Unexpectedly, another group of cavalry charged in, led by none other than Zhang Fei. 曹仁 搏命 咁 打 , 收尾 仲 係 李典 保護 住 曹仁落 船 過河 。 Cao Ren|desperately|so|fight|finishing|still|is|Li Dian|protect|continuously||boat|cross river Cao Ren fought desperately, and in the end, it was Li Dian who protected Cao Ren as he boarded the boat to cross the river. 人多 就 船少 , 畀 張飛 嘅 人馬 一逼 , 就 打 到 曹 軍 嘅 兵卒 大半 落 水浸 死 晒 。 many people|then|few boats|by|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|cavalry|one push|then|fight|to|Cao|army|possessive particle|soldiers|most|fall|drowning|die|completely With many people and few boats, when Zhang Fei's troops pressed forward, they caused most of Cao Jun's soldiers to fall into the water and drown. 曹仁 就 狼 狼狽 狽 噉 渡過 咗 河 , 就 趯 返去 樊城 嘞 喎 。 Cao Ren|then|wolf|in a difficult situation||like that|crossed|past tense marker|river|then|hurriedly|returned to|Fan City|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Cao Ren, in a state of panic, crossed the river and hurried back to Fan City. 當 佢 使 人 去 叫門 嘅 時候 , 只 聽見 城樓 上 , 一聲 鼓響 , 城門 打開 有個 大將 帶兵 衝出 嚟 , 大聲 噉 喝 : 我 已經 奪取 咗 樊城 好 耐 喇 ! when|he|send|person|to|knock on the door|possessive particle|time|only|heard|city tower|on|one sound|drum sound|city gate|opened||general||charging out|here|loudly|like that|shout|I|already|captured|past tense marker|Fan city|very|long|particle indicating completed action When he sent someone to knock on the door, he heard a drum sound from the city tower, and the city gate opened with a general leading troops charging out, loudly declaring: I have already taken Fan City for a long time! 大家 慌 晒 啦 , 定眼 一 睇 , 哈 ! 原來 係 關雲長 啊 ! everyone|panic|completely|sentence final particle|focus|one|look|ha|originally|is|Guan Yu|ah Everyone was in a panic, and upon taking a closer look, ha! It turned out to be Guan Yunchang! 嘩 ! 曹仁 大吃一驚 , 撥馬 就 走 。 wow|Cao Ren|was greatly shocked|urged his horse|then|ran away Wow! Cao Ren was greatly shocked and turned his horse to flee. 關雲長 追殺 過 嚟 , 打到 曹仁 呀 又 損失 咗 唔 少 人馬 , 就 漏夜 趕路 逃跑 返去 許都 。 Guan Yu|pursuit|past|come|fought against|Cao Ren|particle|again|loss|past tense marker|not|few|troops|then|through the night|travel|escape|return|Xu Du Guan Yu chased after them, and after fighting with Cao Ren, they lost quite a few troops, so they hurriedly fled back to Xudu at night. 噉 啊 曹 仁 喺 路上 啊 派 人 去 打聽 , 噉 先至 知道 劉備 呢 , 最近 得到 單福 做 軍師 , 幫 佢 設 謀 定計 。 then|particle|Cao|Ren|at|on the road|particle|send|people|to|inquire|then|only then|know|Liu Bei|particle|recently|got|Shan Fu|as|military advisor|help|him|set|strategy|plan So, Cao Ren sent people to inquire along the way, and only then did he learn that Liu Bei had recently gained Dan Fu as a military advisor to help him strategize. 而家 , 暫時 唔 講曹仁 失敗 返去 許都 , 只 係 講下 劉備 佢 大獲全勝 , 就 統率 軍隊 浩浩蕩蕩 進入 樊城 。 now|temporarily|not||defeat|return|Xu Du|only|is|talk about|Liu Bei|he|great victory|then|commanded|army|in great numbers|entered|Fan City Now, for the time being, let's not talk about Cao Ren's failure to return to Xudu, but rather about Liu Bei's great victory as he led his army triumphantly into Fan City. 縣令 劉 泌出 城 嚟 歡迎 嘞 。 county magistrate|Liu|came out|city|here|welcome|past action particle The county magistrate Liu Bi came out of the city to welcome them. 呢 個 劉泌 呀 , 係 長沙人 , 亦 係 漢室 宗親 嚟 。 this|measure word|Liu Bi|sentence final particle|is||also|is|Han dynasty|clan|come This Liu Bi is from Changsha and is also a relative of the Han dynasty. 噉 啊 等到 劉備 安民 之後 就 請 劉備 返 屋企 設宴款待 。 then|ah|when|Liu Bei|pacifying the people|afterwards|then|invite|Liu Bei|return|home| So, after Liu Bei pacified the people, he invited Liu Bei back home to host a banquet. 喺 飲酒 個 時候 , 劉備 見到 有個 年青人 , 好 恭敬 噉 企 住 喺 劉 泌 身邊 。 at|drinking|classifier for events|time|Liu Bei|saw||young man|very|respectful|like that|standing|particle indicating continuous action|at|||beside During the drinking, Liu Bei saw a young man standing respectfully beside Liu Bei. 只見 佢 生 得 器宇軒昂 , 噉 就 問劉泌 話 嘞 : 呢 個 係 邊個 啊 ? only saw|he|||dignified appearance|then|just||to say|past tense marker|this|measure word|is|who|question particle He noticed that the young man had a dignified appearance, so he asked Liu Bei: "Who is this?" 哦 , 佢 係 我 嘅 外甥 , 叫做 寇封 。 oh|he|is|my|possessive particle|nephew|is called|Kou Fung Oh, he is my nephew, named Kou Feng. 佢 係 羅 侯 寇 氏 嘅 仔 , 因為 父母 相亡 , 所以 跟 我 喺 呢 處 啫 。 he|is|Luo|Hou|Kou|family name|possessive particle|son|because|parents|died|so|follow|I|at|this|place|only He is the son of the Luo family, Kou, and because his parents passed away, he is staying with me here. 劉備 好 歡喜 佢 喎 , 想要 佢 嚟 做 義子 。 Liu Bei|very|happy|he|sentence-final particle|wants|him|to come|be|adopted son Liu Bei is very happy about it, wanting him to be his adopted son. 劉泌 呀 非常 之 贊成 , 即刻 叫寇 封拜 咗 劉備 做 父親 , 改個 名叫 做 劉封 。 Liu Bei|ah|very|possessive particle|agree|immediately||Fengbai|past tense marker|Liu Bei|to be|father|change||to be|Liu Feng Liu Bei's friend is very supportive, immediately asking Kou Feng to adopt Liu Bei as his father, changing his name to Liu Feng. 散 咗 席 之後 , 劉備 就 帶 埋 劉封 返去 , 叫 佢 拜見 關羽 同 張飛 , 認 佢 哋 做 叔父 。 disperse|past tense marker|banquet|after|Liu Bei|then|bring|also|Liu Feng|return|order|he|pay respects to|Guan Yu|and|Zhang Fei|acknowledge|them|plural marker|as|uncle After the banquet, Liu Bei took Liu Feng back, asking him to pay respects to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, recognizing them as uncles. 啊 關羽 話 : 兄長 已經 有 咗 親生 仔 , 何必 又 要 收 一個 義子 呢 ? 日後 必定會 作亂 㗎 。 ah|Guan Yu|said|elder brother|already|has|past tense marker|biological|son|why|again|need to|adopt|one|adopted son|question particle|in the future||cause trouble|sentence-final particle Ah Guan Yu said: "Brother already has a biological son, why do we need to adopt another son? It will definitely cause trouble in the future." 劉備 話 : 我 待 佢 好似 仔 噉 , 佢 必定會 當我 係 父親 一樣 嘅 , 點會 作亂 嘅 呢 ? Liu Bei|said|I|treat|him|like|son|so|he|||as|father|the same|possessive particle||rebel|particle|question particle Liu Bei replied: "I will treat him like my own son, he will definitely see me as his father, how could he cause trouble?" 關羽 聽 劉備 噉 講呀 , 唔 高興 嘞 。 Guan Yu|hears|Liu Bei|like that|talking|not|happy|past tense particle Guan Yu heard Liu Bei say that, and he was not happy. 噉 過 咗 幾日 , 劉備 同 單福 商量 好 , 叫 趙雲帶 一千 人馬 鎮守 樊城 , 然後 劉備 就 率領 大軍 返去 新野 喇 。 then|passed|past tense marker|several days|Liu Bei|with|Shan Fu|discussed|well|ordered||one thousand|troops|to garrison|Fan City|then|Liu Bei|then|led|the main army|returned to|Xin Ye|sentence-final particle A few days later, Liu Bei discussed with Shan Fu and decided to have Zhao Yun lead a thousand troops to guard Fan City, and then Liu Bei would lead the main army back to Xin Ye. 而家返 轉頭 講下 曹仁同 李典 。 |later|talk about||Li Dian Now let's turn back to talk about Cao Ren and Li Dian. 佢 打 咗 敗仗 返到 許都 就 見到 曹操 , 喊住 噉 跪 喺 地 嚟 請罪 , 向 曹操 報告 損兵折將 嘅 經過 。 he|fought|past tense marker|losing battle|returned to|Xu City|then|saw|Cao Cao|crying|like that|knelt|at|ground|in order to|apologize|towards|Cao Cao|reported|loss of soldiers and generals|possessive particle|account After they were defeated and returned to Xu Du, they saw Cao Cao, and they cried and knelt on the ground to apologize, reporting to Cao Cao about the losses. 曹操 冇 責怪 佢 哋 , 佢 只 係 話 : 勝負 乃 係 兵 家常事 , 唔 緊要 ! Cao Cao|did not|blame|he|they|he|only|is|said|victory and defeat|is|is|military|common occurrence|not|important Cao Cao did not blame them; he only said: 'Victory and defeat are common in military affairs, it doesn't matter!' 而家 就 係 唔 知道 , 究竟 係 邊 個人 幫 劉備 出謀劃策 嘅 呢 ? right now|just|is|not|know|exactly|is|which|person|help|Liu Bei|strategize|possessive particle|question particle Right now, I just don't know who is helping Liu Bei with his strategies? 曹仁話 嘞 : 劉備 新近 任命 咗 一個 人 做 佢 軍師 , 此人 叫做 單福 , 就 係 佢 幫 劉備 出謀劃策 嘅 。 Cao Ren said|past tense marker|Liu Bei|recently|appointed|past tense marker|one|person|to be|his|military advisor|this person|called|Shan Fu|then|is|he|helping|Liu Bei|strategizing|possessive particle Cao Ren said: Liu Bei has recently appointed a person as his military advisor, this person is called Shan Fu, and he is the one helping Liu Bei with his strategies. 哦 ? 單福 係 乜嘢 人 啊 ? oh|Dan Fuk|is|what|person|question particle Oh? What kind of person is Shan Fu? 程昱 喺 旁邊 聽 咗 就 笑 住 話 嘞 : 哈哈哈 , 佢 唔 係 叫做 單福 呀 , 此人 年青 嘅 時候 , 好 鍾 意學 擊劍 嘅 。 Cheng Yu|at|beside|heard|past tense marker|then|||said|sentence-final particle|hahaha|he|not|is|called|Shan Fu|question particle|this person|young|possessive particle|time|very|||fencing|past tense particle Cheng Yu, who was listening nearby, laughed and said: Hahaha, he is not called Shan Fu, this person, when he was young, really liked to learn sword fighting. 大概 喺 十七八年 以前 啦 , 曾經 為 咗 朋友 報仇 殺 咗 人 , 披散 頭髮 劃花 個面 逃走 。 about|at|seventeen or eighteen years|ago|particle indicating past action|once|for|past tense marker|friend|take revenge|kill|past tense marker|person|let down|hair|slashed||escaped About seventeen or eighteen years ago, he once killed someone to avenge a friend, and fled with his hair down and his face scarred. 結果 畀 官差 捉 到 , 問 佢 嘅 姓名 佢 又 唔 肯 講 。 result|by|police officer|caught|arrived|asked|he|possessive particle|name|he|again|not|willing|tell As a result, he was caught by the officer, and when asked for his name, he refused to say. 官差 就 將 佢 綁住 喺 架 車上 便 , 一便 打住 鼓 , 一便 就 遊街 叫 啲 市民 認 佢 係 邊個 噉 。 police officer|then|to take|him|tied up|at|classifier for vehicles|on the vehicle|immediately|as soon as|beating|drum|as soon as|then|parading|calling|plural marker|citizens|to recognize|him|is|who|like that The officer then tied him to a cart, beat a drum, and paraded him through the streets, calling on the citizens to identify him. 噉 喺 市民 當中 雖然 有人 識 佢 啊 , 但 係 亦 冇 人 敢講 佢 個 名 出 嚟 。 then|at|citizens|among|although|someone|knows|him|particle|||also|no|person||his|classifier|name|out|come Among the citizens, although some recognized him, no one dared to speak his name. 收尾 呢 , 就 畀 佢 嘅 朋友 救 咗 佢 , 之後 佢 就 更名改姓 逃跑 出外 。 finishing|question particle|then|by|he|possessive particle|friend|saved|past tense marker|he|after|he|then|changed his name and surname|escaped|out In the end, he was rescued by his friend, and afterwards, he changed his name and fled. 而且 一 改過去 嘅 行 為 作風 , 變 咗 非常 之 勤力 求學 。 moreover|one|change past|possessive particle|behavior|attitude|style|became|past tense marker|very|particle indicating possession|diligent|studying Moreover, he changed his past behavior and became very diligent in his studies. 佢 誒 跟 過 好多個 有名 嘅 學者 嘅 喇 , 又 曾經 同 司馬徽 談論 過 學問 嘅 。 he|ah|to follow|past|many|famous|possessive particle|scholars|possessive particle||||||||| He has followed many famous scholars, and has also discussed academic matters with Sima Hui. 此人 姓 徐名 庶 , 字元直 , 係 潁川 人 。 this person|surname||Shu||is|Yingchuan|person This person is surnamed Xu, named Shu, and is from Yingchuan. 單福 , 嘿嘿 , 不過 係 佢 嘅 假名 啫 。 Dan Fook|hehehe|but|is|he|possessive particle|alias|only Shan Fu, hehe, is just his pseudonym. 哦 ? 哦 ! oh| Oh? Oh! 噉 徐 庶 嘅 才學 , 比起 先生 你 嚟 點呢 ? then|Xu|Shu|possessive particle|talent|compared to|sir|you|come|how So how does Xu Shu's talent compare to yours, sir? 噉 就 勝過 我 十倍 呀 。 then|just|surpasses|me|ten times|particle Then he surpasses me by ten times. 唉 ! 咁 好 嘅 賢士 , 可惜 跟 咗 劉備 吖 ! 啊 , 劉備 佢 有 毛 有 翼 喇 , 點算 呀 ? 吓 ! sigh|so|good|possessive particle|wise man|unfortunately|follow|past tense marker|Liu Bei|sentence-final particle|ah|Liu Bei|he|has|hair|has|wings|completed action particle|what to do|question particle|surprise particle Alas! Such a good wise man, it's a pity he followed Liu Bei! Ah, Liu Bei has both hair and wings now, what to do? 丞相 , 徐 庶 嘅 為 人 最 孝順 。 Prime Minister|Xu|Shu|possessive particle|to be|person|most|filial piety Prime Minister, Xu Shu is the most filial. 佢 自 細 死 咗 父親 , 只有 老母 喺 屋企 。 he|since|young|died|past tense marker|father|only|mother|at|home Since he was young, his father has passed away, and only his old mother is at home. 佢 本來 仲有 個細 佬 嘅 叫做 徐康 , 最近 亦 已經 死 咗 嘞 。 he|originally|still has||boy|possessive particle|named|Xu Kang|recently|also|already|died|past tense marker|sentence-final particle He originally had a younger brother named Xu Kang, but he has also passed away recently. 噉 佢 老母 就 冇 人 服侍 啦 , 丞相 你 可以 搵 人 氹 咗 佢 老母 嚟 許昌 。 then|he|mother|then|no|one|serve|particle|Prime Minister|you|can|find|person|trick|past tense marker|his|mother|come|Xuchang So, his mother has no one to take care of her. Prime Minister, you can find someone to lure his mother to Xuchang. 然後 請 佢 寫封信 叫 佢 個 仔 嚟 , 噉 徐庶 就 必定 嚟 㗎 喇 。 then|please|he|write a letter|tell|him|possessive particle|son|come|then|Xu Shu|then|definitely|come|sentence-final particle|particle indicating completed action Then, please ask her to write a letter calling her son to come. In that case, Xu Shu will definitely come. 曹操 好 歡喜 , 就 派 人 日夜兼程 趕路 去 接 徐 庶 嘅 母親 嚟 。 Cao Cao|very|happy|then|sent|people|travel day and night|hurry on the road|to|pick up|Xu|Shu|possessive particle|mother|come Cao Cao was very happy, so he sent someone to travel day and night to bring Xu Shu's mother here. 過 咗 好幾日 , 接到 嚟 嘞 , 曹操 好好 噉 款待 佢 。 passed|past tense marker|several days|received|here|past action marker|Cao Cao|very well|in that way|treated|him After several days, they finally brought her here, and Cao Cao treated her very well. 有 一日 , 曹操 就 對 徐庶 母親 話 喇 : there is|one day|Cao Cao|then|to|Xu Shu|mother|said|particle indicating completed action One day, Cao Cao said to Xu Shu's mother: 聽講 令郎 徐元直 , 乃 係 天下 嘅 奇才 , 而 家 佢 去 咗 新野 , 幫助 逆臣 劉備 背叛 朝廷 。 I heard|your son|Xu Yuanzhi|is|is|the world|possessive particle|genius|and|now|he|went|past tense marker|Xinye|to help|traitor|Liu Bei|betray|the court I heard that your son Xu Yuanzhi is a genius in the world, and now he has gone to Xinye to help the traitor Liu Bei betray the court. 啊 , 噉 就 好似 一塊 美玉 , 落 喺 污泥 之中 , 真 係 可惜 喇 。 ah|then|just|like|a piece of|beautiful jade|fall|in|mud|within|really|is|a pity|particle indicating completed action Ah, that's like a beautiful jade falling into the mud, what a pity. 而家 , 好 想 麻煩 下 你 老人家 寫封信 , 叫 佢 返 嚟 許都 。 now|very|want|trouble|polite particle|you|elderly person|write a letter|ask|he|return|here|Xu Du Now, I would like to trouble you to write a letter asking him to return to Xudu. 我 喺 皇上 面前 保 奏 佢 , 必定會 有 大官 做 , 有 好多 賞賜 嘅 。 I|at|the Emperor|in front of|guarantee|report|he||have|high official|position|have|many|rewards|particle indicating possession I will guarantee in front of the Emperor that he will definitely get a high official position and many rewards. 講完 , 就 叫 人 攞 文房四寶 嚟 請 徐母 寫信 嘞 喎 。 finish talking|then|ask|someone|bring|four treasures of the study|here|invite|Xu's mother|write a letter|past action particle|sentence-final particle After saying that, I asked someone to bring the Four Treasures of the Study to invite Xu's mother to write the letter. 徐母問 嘞 : 劉備 嘅 為 人 , 係 點 㗎 ? |question particle|Liu Bei|possessive particle|for|character|is|how|question particle Mother Xu asked: What kind of person is Liu Bei? 佢 係 沛 郡 嘅 無名小輩 , 妄 自稱 為 皇叔 , 全無 信義 嘅 。 he|is|||possessive particle|nameless subordinate|presumptuously|self-proclaimed|as|imperial uncle|completely without|integrity|possessive particle He is an unknown minor figure from Pei County, who arrogantly claims to be the uncle of the emperor, with no sense of loyalty. 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 啊 , 正 所謂 外 君子 而 內 小人 喇 ! ||like this|possessive particle|people|particle|||outside|gentleman|but|inside|petty person|particle Such people are what we call outwardly gentlemen but inwardly petty. 你講 大話 都 講到 離晒譜 ! |lies|all|talk until|completely off track You speak such big lies that it's completely off the charts! 我 早就 聽聞 劉玄德 , 係 中山 靖王 之後 , 孝景 閣下 玄孫 。 I|long ago|heard of|Liu Xuande|is|Zhongshan|King Jing|after|Emperor Xiaojing|your honor|great-grandson I have long heard that Liu Xuande is a descendant of the late King Jing of Zhongshan, the great-grandson of His Majesty Emperor Jiao. 佢 謙恭有禮 、 愛惜人才 , 仁德 嘅 名聲 傳遍 天下 。 He|is humble and polite||benevolence|possessive particle|reputation|spread throughout|the world He is humble and polite, cherishes talent, and his reputation for benevolence spreads throughout the world. 無論 細佬哥 、 伯爺 公 、 看 牛仔 、 打柴 佬 , 個個 都 知道 佢 個 名 。 no matter|younger brother|uncle|grandpa|watching|cowboy|chopping wood|man|everyone|all|knows|he|his|name Whether it's the little brother, the uncle, the cowboy, or the woodcutter, everyone knows his name. 佢 係 個 當代 嘅 英雄 啊 。 he|is|the|contemporary|possessive particle|hero|sentence-final particle He is a hero of our time. 我個 仔 , 而家 去 輔助 佢 , 好 啊 ! 佢 跟 到 個 英明 嘅 主公 咯 。 ||now|go|assist|him|||he|||the|wise|possessive particle|lord|sentence-final particle My son is now going to assist him, great! He is following a wise lord. 而 你 呢 , 雖然 掛個 名 係 漢朝 丞相 , 實在 係 漢朝 嘅 奸賊 ! and|you|question particle|although|hanging a|name|is|Han Dynasty|Prime Minister|really|is|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|traitor And you, although you hold the title of Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, are actually a traitor of the Han Dynasty! 你 竟然 反轉 嚟 , 話 劉玄德 係 逆臣 。 you|actually|reversed|come|said|Liu Xuande|is|traitor You actually turned around and said that Liu Xuande is a traitor. 想 我 叫 個 仔 棄明投暗 , 你 , 你 你 你 都 可謂 唔 識 羞恥 咯 ! want|I|to call|measure word for people|son|to abandon the light and seek the dark|you|you|you|you|all|can be considered|not|know|shame|particle indicating finality or confirmation You want me to tell my son to abandon the light and embrace the dark, you, you, you, you are really shameless! 徐母 一 講完 , 順手 攞 起 個 墨硯 就要 㩧 曹操 。 Xu's mother|one|finished speaking|casually|||the|inkstone||to hit|Cao Cao As soon as Mother Xu finished speaking, she casually picked up the inkstone and was about to hit Cao Cao. 嗨 ! 曹操 畀 徐母 鬧 咗 一餐 懵 嘅 , 已經 好 嬲 㗎 啦 , 哦 , 仲 攞 個 墨硯 嚟 㩧 添 呀 , 佢 發 大火 喇 。 Hi|Cao Cao|gave|Xu's mother|scolded|past tense marker|a meal|confused|past tense marker|already|very|angry|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle|oh|still|took|measure word|inkstone|to|hit|additionally|sentence-final particle|he|burst|great anger|sentence-final particle Hey! Cao Cao was already very angry after being scolded by Mother Xu, and now she even picked up the inkstone to hit him, he was furious. 即刻 喝 啲 武士 嚟 , 拉 咗 徐母 出去 要 殺 咗 佢 。 immediately|drink|some|warrior|come|pull|past tense marker|Xu's mother|go out|want|kill|past tense marker|him Immediately call the warriors, drag Mother Xu out and kill her. 程昱 見到 就 急急 叫 啲 武士 唔 好 逳 手 , 然後 就入 去 勸 曹操 話 喇 : Cheng Yu|saw|then|hurriedly|called|some|warriors|||||then|||advised|Cao Cao|said|final particle Cheng Yu saw this and quickly called the warriors not to act rashly, and then went in to persuade Cao Cao, saying: 徐母 之所以 要 冒犯 丞相 , 無 他 嘅 , 佢 就 係 想 死 咋 嘛 。 Xu's mother|the reason why|wants to|offend|the Prime Minister|without|him|possessive particle|she|just|is|wants to|die|only|particle indicating obviousness The reason Xu's mother dared to offend the Chancellor is simply because she wants to die. 丞相 你 如果 殺 咗 佢 , 就 會 落得 一個 不義之名 , 而且 仲 成全 咗 徐 母 嘅 高尚 品德 添 。 Prime Minister|you|if|kill|past tense marker|him|then|will|be left with|a|name of injustice|moreover|also|fulfill|past tense marker|Xu|mother|possessive particle|noble|character|also Chancellor, if you kill her, you will earn an unjust reputation, and you will also fulfill Xu's mother's noble character. 嗯 , 啊 你 講落 去 ! hmm|ah|you|| Hmm, go on! 徐母 如果 死 咗 咯 , 噉 徐庶 必定會 死心塌地 , 幫助 劉備 嚟 報仇 㗎 喇 。 Xu's mother|if|die|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|then|Xu Shu||wholeheartedly|help|Liu Bei|to|take revenge|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle If Xu's mother dies, then Xu Shu will definitely be determined to help Liu Bei take revenge. 所以 , 不如 留返 徐 母 喺 呢 度 , 等 徐庶 身心 兩地 , 縱使 佢 想 幫助 劉備 , 亦 唔 能夠 全 心 盡力 喇 。 so|might as well|leave|||at|this|place|let|Xu Shu|body and mind|in two places|even if|he|wants|to help|Liu Bei|also|not|able to|||to do his best|particle indicating completed action So, it would be better to keep Xu's mother here, so that Xu Shu's mind and body are in two places. Even if he wants to help Liu Bei, he won't be able to give his full effort. 仲有 , 留低 徐 母 喺 度 , 我 自然 有 辦法 氹 徐庶 嚟 許都 輔助 丞相 嘅 。 moreover|leave|Xu|mother|at|place|I||have|method|persuade|Xu Shu|to|Xudu|assist|prime minister|possessive particle Moreover, by keeping Xu's mother here, I will naturally have a way to persuade Xu Shu to assist the Prime Minister. 噉 好 , 就照 你 講 嘅 做 啦 。 like that|good||you|say|possessive particle|do|final particle Alright, let's do it as you said. 於是 曹操 就 唔 殺 徐母 嘞 , 將 佢 送 咗 去 另外 一間 屋 , 養 住 佢 喺 處 。 then|Cao Cao|then|not|kill|Xu's mother|past tense marker|to take|her|send|past tense marker|to|another|one|house|raise|live|her|at|place So, Cao Cao did not kill Xu's mother, but sent her to another house, keeping her there. 噉 程昱 呢 , 就 日日 都 去 問候 徐母 喎 。 then|Cheng Yu|question particle|then|every day|all|go|greet|Xu's mother|sentence-final particle As for Cheng Yu, he would visit Xu's mother every day. 佢 就 車大炮 話 自己 以前 啊 係 同 徐庶 結拜 做 兄弟 嘅 噉 。 he|then|Che Da Pao (a nickname)|said|himself|before|ah|was|with|Xu Shu|sworn brotherhood|be|brothers|possessive particle|like that He boasted that he used to be sworn brothers with Xu Shu. 佢 就 對待 徐母 呀 , 就 好似 對待 親生 老母 咁 好 。 He|just|treats|Xu's mother|particle|just|like|treats|biological|mother|so|well He treated Xu's mother as if she were his own mother. 程昱 呀 周時 使 人 送 啲 禮物 去 畀 徐母 , 每次 都 附 一張 便條 , 問候 幾句 。 Cheng Yu|particle indicating surprise|Zhou Shi|to make|person|to deliver|some|gifts|to|to give|Xu's mother|every time|all|to attach|a|note|greeting|a few sentences Cheng Yu would send gifts to Xu's mother, and each time he would include a note with a few greetings. 徐母 禮尚往來 , 每次 收到 禮物 , 亦 都 寫 返張 便條 回覆 佢 , 多謝 一聲 。 Xu's mother|courtesy demands reciprocity|every time|receives|gift|||writes|a|note|reply|her|thank you|with a word Xu's mother believed in reciprocity; every time she received a gift, she would also write a note in reply to thank him. 程昱 就 係 用 噉 嘅 辦法 , 騙取 到 徐 母 嘅 筆跡 。 Cheng Yu|just|is|using|like this|possessive particle|method|to deceive|to obtain|Xu|mother|possessive particle|handwriting Cheng Yu used this method to forge Xu's mother's handwriting. 就 用 心學 徐 母 嘅 字體 呀 , 寫 咗 一封 假 嘅 家信 , 派 咗 個 心腹 人 , 帶住 封信 去 新野縣 搵 單福 嘞 喎 。 then|use|study hard|Xu|mother|possessive particle|handwriting|sentence-final particle|write|past tense marker||fake|possessive particle|family letter|send|past tense marker|measure word for people|trusted aide|person|carry|letter|go|Xinye County|find|Danfu|past tense marker|sentence-final particle I used my heart to learn the handwriting of Mother Xu, wrote a fake family letter, and sent a trusted person to take the letter to Xinye County to find Danfu. 噉 個 守門 兵士 帶 佢 入 去 見 單 福 即 係 徐 庶 啦 。 like this|(measure word)|gate|soldier|bring|he|enter|to|see|single|fortune|immediately|is|Xu|Shu|particle So the guard soldier took him in to see Danfu, which is Xu Shu. 嗰 個人 一 見到 徐庶 就 話 喇 : that|person|when|saw|Xu Shu|then|said|particle indicating completed action When that person saw Xu Shu, he said: 我 係 一名 館下 走卒 , 奉 咗 老夫 人 嘅 命令 , 專程 嚟 到 送 封信 畀 大人 啊 。 I|am|a|in the residence|footman|in accordance with|past tense marker|||possessive particle|order|specially|||deliver|letter|to|sir|sentence-final particle I am a runner under your command, sent by the old lady's order, specially here to deliver a letter to you, my lord. 徐庶 拆開 封信 睇 下 , 封信 大意 就 係 話 : Xu Shu|open|letter|read|down|letter|main idea|just|is|saying Xu Shu opened the letter to take a look, and the gist of the letter was saying: 最近 你 細佬阿康 已經 死 咗 喇 , 我而家 舉目無親 。 recently|you||already|died|past tense marker|sentence final particle||have no relatives Recently, your younger brother Ah Kong has passed away, and I am now left with no relatives. 正在 悲 淒 嘅 時候 , 點知 又 畀 曹丞相 使人接 咗 我 去 許昌 , 話 你 已經 背叛 朝廷 , 要將 我 韞 喺 監獄 。 at that moment|sad|miserable|possessive particle|time|unexpectedly|again|by|Chancellor Cao||past tense marker|I|to|Xuchang|said|you|already|betrayed|the court||I|to imprison|in|prison Just when I was in a state of sorrow, unexpectedly, I was taken to Xuchang by someone sent by Chancellor Cao, saying that you have betrayed the court and that I would be imprisoned. 好彩 得到 程昱 等 人 講情 , 先至 唔 使 坐監 受苦 。 fortunately|got|Cheng Yu|waiting|people|pleading|only then|not|need|go to jail|suffer Fortunately, with the help of Cheng Yu and others speaking on my behalf, I was spared from suffering in prison. 佢 哋 話 如果 你 能夠 投降 丞相 呢 , 就 可以 唔 殺 我 喎 。 he|they|said|if|you|are able to|surrender|prime minister|question particle|then|can|not|kill|me|sentence-final particle They said that if you could surrender to the Chancellor, then I would not be killed. 你 接到 信 之後 , 要乃念 父母 養育之恩 , 快 啲 嚟 許昌 救 我 。 you|receive|letter|after||parents|kindness of raising you|quickly|a little|come|Xuchang|save|me After you receive this letter, you must remember the kindness of our parents' upbringing and hurry to Xuchang to save me. 然後 , 再 想 辦法 返去 鄉下 耕田 , 免遭 大禍 啊 。 then|again|think|way|return|countryside|farming|avoid|disaster|particle Then, I thought of a way to return to the countryside to farm, to avoid a great disaster. 我 而 家 嘅 性命 好 危險 㗎 喇 , 快 啲 嚟 救 我 啦 。 I|||possessive particle|life|very|dangerous|sentence-final particle|past action particle|||come|save|me|sentence-final particle My life at home is very dangerous, please come and save me quickly. 徐庶 睇 完 呢 封信 , 啊 ! 淚如泉 湧 啊 ! Xu Shu|read|finished|this|letter|ah||surge|ah After Xu Shu read this letter, ah! Tears flowed like a fountain! 佢 攞 住 封信 去 見 劉備 話 : He|took|holding|letter|to|see|Liu Bei|said He took the letter to see Liu Bei and said: 我 , 本來 係 潁川 人 徐庶 , 字元直 , 為 因 走 難 , 改 咗 個 名 做 單福 。 I|originally|am|Yingchuan|person|Xu Shu||because of|reason|fleeing|disaster|changed|past tense marker|measure word|name|to be|Danfu I, originally from Yingchuan, am Xu Shu, with the courtesy name Yuanzhi. Due to the disaster, I changed my name to Danfu. 以前 , 曾經 聽聞 話 劉景升 招賢納士 , 就 特意 去 見 佢 啦 。 in the past|once|heard|that|Liu Jing Sheng|was recruiting talents|then|specifically|went|to meet|him|particle indicating completed action In the past, I once heard that Liu Jing Sheng was recruiting talents, so I specifically went to meet him. 及至 同 佢 談論 起 天下大事 , 先至 知道 佢 原來 係 個 無用 之 人 , 所以 , 留低 封信 就 離開 咗 佢 。 until|with|he|discuss|about|world affairs|only then|knew|he|originally|is|a|useless|of|person|so|left|a letter|then|left|past tense marker|him When I discussed the major affairs of the world with him, I realized that he was actually a useless person, so I left him a letter and departed. 有 一晚 去 到 司馬 水鏡 屋企 , 將呢 件 事講 咗 畀 佢 聽 。 there is|one night|||Sima|Shuijing|home||classifier for events||past tense marker|to|he|to hear One night, I went to Si Ma Shui Jing's home and told him about this matter. 水鏡 就 好 嚴厲 噉 責備 我 , 話 我 唔 識得 去 搵 一位 英明 嘅 主公 。 Shui Jing|then|very|harshly|like that|blame|me|said|I|not|able to|to|find|a|wise|possessive particle|lord Shui Jing then sternly reprimanded me, saying that I did not know how to seek out a wise lord. 佢 話 : 劉皇叔 就 喺 呢 一處 , 點解 你 唔 去 為 佢 效力 呢 噉 ? he|said|Liu the Emperor|just|at|this|place|why|you|not|go|for|him|serve|this|way He said: Liu Huang Shu is right here, why don't you go serve him? 故此 , 我 就 喺 街市 狂歌 引起 使君 你 嘅 注意 。 therefore|I|then|at|market|sing wildly|attracted|sir|you|possessive particle|attention Therefore, I sang wildly in the market to catch your attention, my lord. 承 蒙使君 你 唔 嫌棄 我 , 即刻 就 予以 重用 嘞 。 ||you|not|despise|me|immediately|then|grant|reemployment|past action particle Thank you for not rejecting me, and I was immediately given a chance to serve again. 無奈 我 家母 , 而家 畀 曹操 用 奸計 騙 咗 去 許都 , 監禁 喺 監獄 , 仲想 殺害 佢 添 。 helpless|I|mother|now|by|Cao Cao|using|deceitful scheme|deceived|past tense marker|to|Xuchang|imprisoned|in|prison||to kill|her|also Unfortunately, my mother has been deceived by Cao Cao's schemes and taken to Xudu, imprisoned, and they even want to kill her. 家母 寫 咗 封信 嚟 叫 我 去 , 我 唔 去 唔 得 。 my mother|write|past tense marker|a letter|come|call|I|go|I|not|go|not|allowed My mother wrote a letter asking me to come, and I have to go. 我 並非 唔 想效 犬馬之勞 嚟 報答 使君 。 I|not|not||humble service|to come|repay|your honor I do not wish to be ungrateful and not repay your kindness, my lord. 唉 , 皆 因 家母 畀 曹操 捉 咗 去 , 我 就 冇 辦法 盡力 咯 。 sigh|all|because|my mother|by|Cao Cao|capture|past tense marker|to|I|then|have not|method|do my best|sentence-final particle Alas, it is all because my mother was captured by Cao Cao, so I have no way to do my best. 而家 , 嚟 向 使君 你 告別 , 以後 , 有 機會 再見面 啦 。 now|come|towards|sir|you|say goodbye|in the future|have|opportunity|meet again|particle indicating suggestion or change of state Now, I come to bid farewell to you, my lord. In the future, I hope we can meet again. 劉備 一聽 徐庶 噉 講呀 , 即刻 就 喊 起 上 嚟 啊 。 Liu Bei|upon hearing|Xu Shu|then|said|immediately|then|||up|here|ah As soon as Liu Bei heard Xu Shu say that, he immediately started to cry. 佢 話 : 啊 , 係 , 母子 , 乃 係 天性 之親 , 你 唔 使 掛住 我 嘅 。 he|said|ah|yes|mother and son|only|is|natural||you|not|need|worry about|me|possessive particle He said: Ah, yes, mother and child, that is a bond of nature, you don't have to worry about me. 等 你 同 老夫 人 相見 之後 , 我 , 啊 , 我 或者 , 再有 希望 得到 你 嘅 指教 嘅 。 wait|you|with|||meet|after|I|ah|I|maybe|again have|hope|receive|your|possessive particle|guidance|possessive particle After you meet with the old lady, I, ah, I might still have hope to receive your guidance. 徐庶 拜謝 過 劉備 , 想 即刻 就 起程 。 Xu Shu|thanked|after|Liu Bei|wanted|immediately|then|to set off Xu Shu thanked Liu Bei and wanted to set off immediately. 劉備 話 : 我 哋 再 多聚 一 晚 , 聽日 先至 同 先生 你 餞行 啦 。 Liu Bei|said|I|we|again|gather|one|night|tomorrow|only then|with|sir|you|farewell|particle Liu Bei said: "Let's gather for one more night, and tomorrow we will send you off, sir." 孫乾 就 拉開 劉備 靜靜 對 佢 話 喇 : Sun Qian|then|pulled away|Liu Bei|quietly|to|him|said|particle indicating completed action Sun Qian then pulled Liu Bei aside and quietly said to him: 元直 係 天下 奇才 , 佢 喺 新野 時間 咁 耐 , 我 哋 軍隊 嘅 虛實 , 佢 完全 知道 晒 㗎 。 Yuen Chik|is|world|genius|he|at|new field|time|so|long|I|we|army|possessive particle|strengths and weaknesses|he|completely|knows|all|sentence-final particle "Yuan Zhi is a rare talent in the world. He has been in Xinye for so long, and he knows everything about our army's strengths and weaknesses." 如果 而家 畀 佢 去 咗 曹操 嗰 便 , 曹操 必定 重用 佢 嘅 。 if|now|let|him|go|past tense marker|Cao Cao|that|side|Cao Cao|definitely|reuse|him|possessive particle "If he goes to Cao Cao now, Cao Cao will definitely value him highly." 噉 我 哋 就 非常 危險 㗎 喇 。 then|we|plural marker|just|very|dangerous|sentence-final particle|past action particle Then we are in great danger. 主公 , 你 應該 苦苦 挽留 佢 , 千祈 唔 好 放 佢 走 。 lord|you|should|desperately|persuade to stay|he|absolutely|||let|he|go My lord, you should desperately try to keep him, and absolutely must not let him go. 噉 曹操 見元直 唔 去路 , 就 必定 殺 咗 佢 母親 嘅 。 then|Cao Cao||not||then|definitely|kill|past tense marker|he|mother|possessive particle Then Cao Cao, seeing that Yuan Zhi would not leave, would definitely kill his mother. 元直 知道 母親 被 殺 , 一定 要 為 母親 報仇 , 就 會 盡力 去 攻 曹操 㗎 喇 。 Yuan Zhi|knows|mother|by|killed|definitely|must|for||take revenge|then|will|do his best|to|attack|Cao Cao|particle|particle Yuan Zhi, knowing that his mother has been killed, will definitely seek revenge for her and will do his utmost to attack Cao Cao. 劉備 話 嘞 : 噉 唔 得 。 Liu Bei|said|past tense marker|like that|not|okay Liu Bei said: Then that's not acceptable. 等 人 殺 咗 佢 母親 , 而 我 啊 用 佢 嘅 仔 , 呢 啲 乃 係 不仁 啊 ; wait|person|kill|past tense marker|he|mother|and|I|sentence-final particle|use|his|possessive particle|son|this|plural marker|only|is|unkind|sentence-final particle Waiting for someone to kill his mother, and I, using his child, these are indeed inhumane; 留住 佢 唔 畀 佢 去 , 斷絕 咗 人 哋 母子 之道 , 呢 啲 乃 係 不義 。 keep|him|not|let|him|go|cut off|past tense marker|people|plural marker|mother and son||this|plural marker|are|are|unjust Keeping him from leaving, severing the bond between mother and child, these are indeed unjust. 我 就 寧可 自己 死 咗 , 都 唔 去 做 呢 啲 不仁不義 嘅 事 呀 ! I|then|would rather|myself|die|past tense marker|all|not|go|do|||unprincipled|possessive particle|things|sentence-final particle I would rather die myself than do such inhumane and unjust things! 劉備 噉 樣一講 , 孫乾同 大家 都 好 敬服 劉備 嘅 胸襟 啊 。 Liu Bei|like this|when it was said||everyone|all|very|respectful|Liu Bei|possessive particle|magnanimity|sentence-final particle When Liu Bei said this, Sun Qian and everyone else greatly admired Liu Bei's magnanimity. 當晚 , 劉備 請 徐庶 飲酒 。 that night|Liu Bei|invited|Xu Shu|to drink wine That night, Liu Bei invited Xu Shu to drink. 徐庶 話 : 我 聽聞 母親 畀 人 捉 咗 去 , 就算 係 瓊漿玉液 , 都 飲 唔 落 喇 。 Xu Shu|said|I|heard|mother|by|someone|captured|past tense marker|taken away|even if|is|fine wine|also|drink|not|down|completed action particle Xu Shu said: I heard that my mother was captured, and even if it were fine wine, I couldn't drink it. 劉備 亦 話 : 唉 ! 你 就要 走 喇 , 我 好似 失 咗 隻 手 噉 , 就算 係 食龍肉 都 唔 香咯 。 Liu Bei|also|said|sigh|you|just about to|leave|particle indicating completed action|I|seem|lost|past tense marker|measure word for animals|hand|like this|even if|is||also|not|fragrant Liu Bei also said: Alas! You have to leave now, I feel like I've lost a hand, even if it's dragon meat, it doesn't taste good. 兩個 講下 講下 , 就 噉 對 住 喊 起 上 嚟 , 一晚 坐響 處 等 天光 。 the two of us|talk||then|like this|||cry|start|up|come|one night||place|wait|daylight The two talked for a while, and then they started crying, sitting in the same place waiting for dawn. 到 咗 第朝 早 , 大家 都 已經 喺 城外 安排 好 酒席 餞行 嘞 。 arrive|past tense marker|next morning|early|everyone|all|already|at|outside the city|arranged|well|banquet|farewell|completed action marker By the next morning, everyone had already arranged a banquet outside the city to send them off. 劉備 同 徐庶 一 拍 騎 住 馬出城 , 嚟 到 長亭 , 落馬 , 互相 告別 。 Liu Bei|with|Xu Shu|one|pat|riding|on||arriving|at|Changting|dismounting|each other|bidding farewell Liu Bei and Xu Shu mounted their horses and rode out of the city, arriving at the long pavilion, dismounting, and bidding farewell to each other. 劉備 舉起 杯酒 對 徐庶 話 : 我 劉備 緣 慳福薄 , 唔 能夠 同 先生 相聚 。 Liu Bei|raised|cup of wine|to|Xu Shu|said|I|Liu Bei|fate|lacking fortune|not|able to|with|sir|gather Liu Bei raised his cup and said to Xu Shu: I, Liu Bei, am fated to have little fortune, and cannot gather with you, sir. 希望 先生 好好 噉 為 新 嘅 主公 效力 , 成就 功名 啦 ! hope|sir|well|like this|for|new|possessive particle|lord|serve|achieve|success|sentence-final particle I hope you will serve the new lord well and achieve great success! 徐庶 流住 眼淚 話 喇 : 我 才疏學淺 , 得到 使君 重用 , 十分 感激 。 Xu Shu|flowing|tears|said|particle indicating completion|I|lacking in talent and knowledge|received|Lord|heavy reliance|very|grateful Xu Shu, with tears streaming down his face, said: I am lacking in talent and learning, and I am very grateful to have been valued by the lord. 今日 , 不幸 半途而 別 , 都 係 為 咗 母親 嘅 緣故 啫 。 today|unfortunately|||all|is|||mother|possessive particle|reason|only Today, unfortunately, we part ways halfway, all because of my mother. 唉 ! 縱使 曹操 點樣 逼 我 , 我 亦 終身 唔 為 佢 籌劃 一件 事 ! sigh|even if|Cao Cao|how|forced|I||also|for life|not|for|him|plan|one|thing Alas! No matter how Cao Cao pressures me, I will never plan a single thing for him in my lifetime! 先生 一走 , 我 亦 就 嚟 要 遁跡山林 , 不 問世 事咯 。 sir|once he leaves|I|also|then|come|need to||not|| Once you leave, I will also retreat to the mountains and live in seclusion, ignoring worldly affairs. 我 之所以 能夠 幫助 使君 , 去 圖謀 王霸之 業 , 就 全靠 我 呢 個 心 啫 。 I|the reason why|am able to|help|Lord Shi|to|plot|||then|entirely rely on|I|||heart|particle The reason I am able to help you, my lord, in plotting for power and dominance, is entirely due to my heart. 今日 因為 母親 嘅 緣故 , 我個 心 都 已經 亂 喇 。 today|because|mother|possessive particle|reason||heart|already|already|confused|particle indicating a change of state Today, because of my mother, my heart is already in turmoil. 縱使 我 喺 呢 一處 , 亦 都 於 事 無益 嘅 唧 。 even if|I|at|this|place||||||particle indicating possession or modification|sound of annoyance Even if I am here, it is of no use. 使君 你 應該 另外 去 搵 個 賢德 嘅 人才 嚟 輔助 你 , 共圖 大業 , 又 何必 咁 灰心 呢 ? Your Excellency|you|should|separately|go|find|a|virtuous|possessive particle|talented person|come|assist|you|work together towards|great undertaking|again|why|so|discouraged|question particle My lord, you should find another virtuous talent to assist you in achieving great things, so why be so disheartened? 唉 , 天下 賢德 嘅 人才 , 冇 好 得過 先生 你 個 咯 。 sigh|world|virtuous|possessive particle|talented person|not|||sir|you|classifier|final particle Alas, among the talented and virtuous people in the world, there is no one better than you, sir. 我 不過 係 個 碌碌庸才 , 使君 你 噉 樣 稱譽 我 , 認真 唔 敢當 啊 ! I|just|am|a|mediocre person|sir|you|like|manner|praise|me|really|not|deserve|ah I am just an ordinary person, and with you praising me like this, I truly do not dare to accept it! 臨別 嘅 時候 , 徐庶 對 大家 話 : farewell|possessive particle|time|Xu Shu|to|everyone|said At the time of parting, Xu Shu said to everyone: 希望 各位 , 好好 噉 為 使君 效力 , 使到 將來 名垂竹帛 , 功標青史 。 hope|everyone|well|like this|for|Lord|serve|making|future|name immortalized in history|achievements recorded in history I hope everyone will serve the lord well, so that in the future, your names will be recorded in history and your achievements will be recognized. 唉 , 千祈 唔 好學 我 徐庶 噉 有始無終 啊 ! sigh|please|not|learn|I|Xu Shu|like|start without finish|ah Alas, please do not learn from me, Xu Shu, and be someone who starts but does not finish! 大家 聽 佢 噉 樣 講 呀 , 個個 都 好 傷感 。 everyone|heard|he|like that|manner|speak|sentence-final particle|everyone|all|very|sad Everyone felt very sad listening to him speak. 劉備 唔 忍心 同 佢 分別 , 送 完 一程 又 一程 一站 又 一站 , 就 已經 送 咗 好 遠路 嘞 。 Liu Bei|not|heartless|with|him|parting|send|complete|one leg of the journey|again|one leg of the journey|one stop|again|one stop|then|already|sent|past tense marker|very||completed action particle Liu Bei couldn't bear to part with him, sending him off one stage after another, already sending him quite a long way. 徐庶 就 話 : 使君 唔 好 送 喇 , 我 就此 告別 啦 。 Xu Shu|then|said|Lord|||see off|particle indicating completed action|I|from here|take my leave|particle indicating finality Xu Shu said: "My lord, don't send me off anymore, I will take my leave here." 劉備 執住 徐庶 隻 手話 : 先生 呢 次 去 咗 , 天各一方 , 唔 知 何時 何日 先至 能夠 相會 咯 。 Liu Bei|holding|Xu Shu|one|hand gesture|sir|this|time|went|past tense marker|far apart|||when|what day|only then|able to|meet|sentence-final particle Liu Bei held Xu Shu's hand and said: "Sir, once you leave this time, we will be worlds apart, and I don't know when we will be able to meet again." 一 講完 , 哎呀 , 淚如雨下 。 one|finished speaking|oh no|tears fell like rain As soon as he finished speaking, oh dear, tears fell like rain. 徐庶 流住 眼淚 , 辭別 咗 劉備 同 大家 就 走 嘞 。 Xu Shu|flowing|tears|farewell|past tense marker|Liu Bei|with|everyone|then|leave|completed action particle Xu Shu shed tears, said goodbye to Liu Bei and everyone, and then left. 劉備 喊 啊 。 Liu Bei|shouted|ah Liu Bei cried out. 元直 走 咗 咯 ! 我點 好 啊 , 我點 好 啊 ! Yuen Chik|leave|past tense marker|sentence-final particle||to be good|particle for emphasis||| Yuan Zhi has left! What should I do? What should I do? 劉備 一雙 淚眼 , 模模糊糊 睇 住 徐庶 騎住 馬 嘅 背影 , 越行 越遠 。 Liu Bei|a pair of|tearful eyes|blurry|looking|at|Xu Shu|riding|horse|possessive particle|silhouette|the more he walked|the farther Liu Bei, with tearful eyes, vaguely watched Xu Shu riding away, getting further and further. 忽然間 , 徐庶 一 轉彎 , 前 便 一片 樹林 就 隔斷 咗 視線 。 suddenly|Xu Shu|one|turned|ahead|then|a stretch of|forest|just|cut off|past tense marker|line of sight Suddenly, Xu Shu turned a corner, and a forest ahead blocked the view. 劉備 舉起 條 馬鞭 指 住 嗰 片 樹林 話 : 我 真 係 想 斬光 晒 呢 處 啲 樹木 啊 , 都 畀 佢 遮住 我望 唔 見 徐元直 喇 。 Liu Bei|raised|measure word for long objects|whip|||that|measure word for areas|forest|said|I|really|am|want|completely cut down|all|this|place|plural marker|trees|ah|all|by|it|blocking||not|see|Xu Yuanzhi|particle indicating completed action Liu Bei raised a whip and pointed at that patch of forest, saying: I really want to cut down all the trees here, they are blocking my view of Xu Yuanzhi. 正 喺 度 望 緊 , 咦 ? 忽然 見到 徐庶 拍馬 跑 返 轉頭 噃。 currently|at|here|looking|continuous aspect particle|huh|suddenly|saw|Xu Shu|riding a horse|running|back|turning around| Just as he was looking, huh? Suddenly saw Xu Shu riding back. 劉備 話 : 哎呀 , 元直 返 轉頭 喇 , 莫非 佢 唔 想 去 ? Liu Bei|said|oh no|Yuan Zhi|return|immediately|particle indicating completed action|could it be|he|not|wants|go Liu Bei said: Oh no, Yuanzhi is turning back, could it be that he doesn't want to go? 於是 高高興興 拍馬 向前 迎上去 話 : 先生 返轉 嚟 , 有 乜嘢 事 呢 ? then|happily|urged on|forward|approached|said|sir|turned|come|have|what|matter|question particle So he happily rode forward to greet him, saying: Sir, you are back, what happened? 我 因為 心亂如麻 , 啱 先 有 句 說話 都 唔 記得 咗 講添 。 I|because|my mind is in chaos|just|now|have|a|sentence|also|not|remember|past tense marker|said I was so flustered that I even forgot what I just said. 呢 處 有 一位 奇士 , 就 喺 襄陽 城外 二十里 嘅 地方 叫做 隆中 。 ||has|one|wise man|just|at|Xiangyang|outside the city|twenty li|possessive particle|place|called|Longzhong There is a remarkable person here, located twenty miles outside of Xiangyang City, called Longzhong. 使君 你 應該 去 搵 佢 呀 。 Sir|you|should|go|find|him|sentence-final particle You should go find him. 係 咩 ? 噉 就 勞煩 元直 你 幫 我 去 請 佢 嚟 見 下面 呢 。 is|what|then|just|trouble|Yuen Chik|you|help|me|go|invite|he|come|meet|below|particle Really? Then I will trouble you, Yuan Zhi, to help me invite him to meet below. 呢 個人 , 唔 係 隨便 噉 就 可以 叫 到 嚟 㗎 , 使君 你 要 親自 去 求見 佢 至 得 。 this|person|not|is|casually|like that|then|can||||particle|Sir|you|must|personally|go|request an audience with|him|only|okay This person cannot be easily summoned; you must personally go to seek an audience with him. 如果 得到 呢 個人 出 嚟 幫助 使君 你 , 就 無異 周朝 得到 姜子牙 , 漢朝 得到 張良 啊 ! if|get|this|person|come out|to|help|Lord|you|then|no different from|Zhou Dynasty|getting|Jiang Ziya|Han Dynasty|getting|Zhang Liang|ah If you can get this person to come and assist you, it would be no different from the Zhou Dynasty obtaining Jiang Ziya or the Han Dynasty obtaining Zhang Liang! 噉 呢 個人 嘅 才 德 比起 先生 嚟 點樣 呢 ? like this|this|person|possessive particle|||compared to|sir|in terms of|how|question particle So how does this person's talent compare to that of the gentleman? 將我 嚟 比 佢 , 就 好比 劣馬 對 麒麟 , 烏鴉 配 鳳凰 咯 。 |come|to compare|he|then|much like|inferior horse|compared to|qilin|crow|matched|phoenix|particle indicating finality Comparing myself to him is like comparing a poor horse to a unicorn, or a crow to a phoenix. 佢 時常 將 自己 比做 春秋戰國 時候 , 輔助 君主 成就 霸業 嘅 管仲 同樂 毅 。 he|often|regard|himself|as|the Warring States period|time|assist|monarch|achieve|hegemony|possessive particle|Guan Zhong||Yi He often compares himself to Guan Zhong and Le Yi from the Spring and Autumn period, who assisted rulers in achieving great enterprises. 但 係 以 我 睇 嚟 , 管仲 、 樂毅 都 唔 及 佢 呀 。 ||from|I|||Guan Zhong|Yue Yi|both|||he|particle But in my view, Guan Zhong and Le Yi are not as good as him. 佢 有 經天緯地 之才 , 真 係 天下 , 只 係 得 佢 一個 咋 。 he|has|extraordinary|talent|really|is|world|only|is|able to|he|one|only He has the talent to manage the heavens and the earth; truly, he is the only one in the world. 啊 噉 請問 呢 個人 叫做 咩 名 ? ah|then|may I ask|this|person|is called|what|name Ah, may I ask what this person's name is? 佢 係 琅 琊 陽 都 人 , 複姓 諸葛 , 名亮 , 字 孔明 。 He|is|Lang|Ya|Yang|capital|person|compound surname|Zhuge||courtesy name|Kongming He is from Langya Yangdu, with the double surname Zhuge, named Liang, and styled Kongming. 乃 係 漢朝 司隸校 尉 諸葛 豐 嘅 後代 。 is|is|Han Dynasty|||Zhuge|Feng|possessive particle|descendant He is a descendant of Zhuge Feng, who was an official in the Han Dynasty. 佢 嘅 父親 叫做 諸葛 珪 , 做過 泰山 郡 丞 嘅 官職 , 好 早就 死 咗 喇 。 he|possessive particle|father|is called|Zhuge|Gui|had held|Taishan|county|magistrate|possessive particle|official position|very||died|past tense marker|final particle His father was named Zhuge Gui, who held the position of county magistrate in Taishan, and he died quite early. 噉 諸葛亮 呢 就 跟 咗 佢 阿叔 諸葛玄 。 then|Zhuge Liang|this|just|followed|past tense marker|he|uncle|Zhuge Xuan So, Zhuge Liang followed his uncle Zhuge Xuan. 諸葛玄 同 荊州 劉景升 係 好 朋友 , 就 去 咗 佢 嗰 處 做事 , 因此 呢 , 佢 哋 就 搬 咗 去 襄陽 住 。 Zhuge Xuan|and|Jingzhou|Liu Jingsheng|is|good|friend|then|went|past tense marker|he|that|place|to work|therefore|this|they|plural marker|then|moved|past tense marker|to|Xiangyang|live Zhuge Xuan and Liu Jingsheng from Jingzhou are good friends, so he went to work there, and as a result, they moved to Xiangyang to live. 收尾 諸葛玄 死 咗 之後 , 諸葛亮 同 佢 個 細 佬 諸葛均 就 喺 南陽 耕田 為生 。 平日 , 好 喜歡 吟唱 下 梁父吟 呢 啲 曲 。 finishing touches|Zhuge Xuan|died|past tense marker|after|Zhuge Liang|and|he|possessive particle|small|son|Zhuge Jun|then|at|Nanyang|farming|for a living|on normal days|very|likes|singing|a little|Liangfu Yin|this|plural marker|songs After Zhuge Xuan passed away, Zhuge Liang and his younger brother Zhuge Jun lived in Nanyang farming for a living. On ordinary days, they really enjoyed singing songs like Liangfu Yin. 佢 住 嘅 地方 有個 山崗 , 叫做 臥龍崗 , 因此 佢 自己 取 咗 個 外號 , 叫做 臥龍 先生 。 he|lives|possessive particle|place|has a|hill|called|Wolong Hill|therefore|he|himself|took|past tense marker|measure word|nickname|called|Wolong|Mr The place where he lived has a hill called Wolong Hill, so he gave himself the nickname, Mr. Wolong. 呢 個人 , 乃 係 絕世 奇才 呀 ! 使君 你 要 盡快 去 見 下 佢 。 this|person|is|is|unparalleled|genius|particle|sir|you|must|as soon as possible|go|meet|a little|him This person is an extraordinary talent! You must go meet him as soon as possible. 如果 呢 個人 肯出 嚟 輔助 你 , 何愁 唔 能夠 平定 天下 呢 ? if|this|person|||assist|you|what worry|not|able to|pacify|world|question particle If this person is willing to come out and assist you, what worries do you have about not being able to pacify the world? 啊 , 往日 水鏡 先生 曾經 對我講 過 話 : 伏龍 、 鳳雛 , 兩人 得 一 , 可安 天下 。 ah|in the past|Shui Jing|Mr|once|||words|Fulong|Fengchu|two people|obtain|one||the world Ah, in the past, Mr. Shui Jing once told me: 'If you have both the Dragon and the Phoenix, you can bring peace to the world.' 而家 先生 所講 嘅 , 莫非 就 係 伏龍 、 鳳雛 係 嘛 ? now|sir|what was said|possessive particle|could it be that|just|is|Zhuge Liang|Pang Tong|is|question particle What Mr. is saying now, could it be that the Dragon and the Phoenix are here? 鳳雛 乃 係 襄陽 龐統 , 伏龍 就 係 諸葛孔明 啊 。 Phoenix Chick|||Xiangyang|Pang Tong|Fuling|||Zhuge Kongming|ah The Phoenix refers to Pang Tong from Xiangyang, and the Dragon is Zhuge Kongming. 哎呀 , 好 啊 好 啊 ! 今日 先至 知道 伏龍 、 鳳雛 呢 句 說話 嘅 意思 呀 。 oh no|||||today|just now|knew|Zhuge Liang|Pang Tong|this|sentence|saying|possessive particle|meaning|particle Oh, great! Today I finally understand the meaning of the saying about the Dragon and the Phoenix. 想 唔 到 大賢 大德 嘅 人才 就 喺 眼前 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 want|not|to realize|great wisdom|great virtue|possessive particle|talented person|just|at|in front of|hahaha|hahaha I never expected that such talented and virtuous people would be right in front of me, hahaha! 如果 唔 係 先生 講我 聽 , 我 劉備 真 係 有眼如盲 啊 ! if||am||||||||blind as a bat|ah If it weren't for what the gentleman told me, I, Liu Bei, would truly be blind to the truth! 徐庶 推薦 咗 孔明 , 然後 再 辭別 咗 劉備 , 騎馬 走 咗 去 。 Xu Shu|recommended|past tense marker|Kongming|then|again|said goodbye|past tense marker|Liu Bei|riding a horse|left|past tense marker|went Xu Shu recommended Kongming, and then took his leave from Liu Bei, riding away. 呢 , 收尾 有人 寫 咗 一首 詩 讚 阿 徐 庶 走馬 薦 諸葛 噃, 首詩 係 噉 嘅 : this|ending|someone|wrote|past tense marker|a|poem|praising|a particle for addressing|Xu|Shu|cavalry|recommending|Zhuge||first poem|is|like this|possessive particle Now, to conclude, someone wrote a poem praising Xu Shu for recommending Zhuge, and the poem goes like this: 痛恨 高賢 不再 逢 , 臨岐 泣別 兩 情濃 。 片言 卻 似 春雷 震 , 能 使 南陽 起 臥龍 。 hate|Gao Xian|no longer|meet|at parting|tearful farewell|both|deep feelings|a few words|but|like|spring thunder|shake|can|make|Nanyang|rise|sleeping dragon Hating that the wise no longer meet, parting at the crossroads with deep feelings. A few words are like spring thunder, able to awaken the sleeping dragon in Nanyang.

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