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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 091





















































































































































































































































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昨日啊講到曹操為咗立繼承人嘅問題好躊躇吖。 Yesterday, we talked about how Cao Cao was very hesitant about the issue of appointing an heir.

有一日,佢就問賈詡話喇:我想立個繼承人,應該立邊個好呢? one day||| One day, he asked Jia Xu: I want to appoint an heir, who should I choose?

嗯,點解你唔出聲啊? hmm| Hmm, why aren't you speaking up?

啊,誒啱啱諗緊啲事,所以冇立即回答唧。 ah|| Ah, I was just thinking about some things, so I didn't respond immediately.

諗緊啲咩嘢事啊? What were you thinking about?

我諗緊當年袁本初、劉景升佢哋父子嘅事啊。 I am thinking about the matter of Yuan Benchu and Liu Jingsheng and their father-son relationship back in the day.

啊,啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,曹操哈哈大笑,就決定啊立大仔曹丕做王世子嘞。 ah|ahhahahahahahahahahaha|| Ah, ah hahahahahahahahaha, Cao Cao laughed heartily and decided to establish his eldest son Cao Pi as the crown prince.

賈詡個人真係精啊,佢係擁護曹丕嘅,之佢唔明講。 Jia Xu is really clever; he supports Cao Pi, but he doesn't say it directly.

佢只係用當年袁紹、劉表立繼承人,因為都係廢長立幼結果搞到兄弟殘殺嘅故事嚟點曹操。 He only used the story of Yuan Shao and Liu Biao establishing their heirs, which led to the tragic tale of brothers killing each other due to the practice of favoring the younger over the elder, to advise Cao Cao.

果然一點就靈嘞,促使咗曹操下決心,立咗個大仔做繼承人。 Sure enough, it struck a chord and prompted Cao Cao to make the decision to establish his eldest son as the heir.

喺當年嘅冬天,魏王宮起好嘞。 In the winter of that year, the Wei King's palace was completed.

當時派咗好多人去各個地方,置辦大量嘅奇花異果愛嚟種喺王宮嘅後花園。 At that time, many people were sent to various places to procure a large number of exotic flowers and fruits to plant in the palace's back garden.

噉啊有個使者去到東吳,見咗孫權,傳達咗魏王嘅旨意,話要啲溫州嘅大蜜柑。 So, a messenger went to Eastern Wu, met with Sun Quan, and conveyed the Wei King's order, requesting some large mandarins from Wenzhou.

嗰陣時孫權正係尊崇曹操嘅,噉啊上面講過啦,係應承年年進貢㗎嘛。 At that time, Sun Quan was indeed respecting Cao Cao, and as mentioned before, he had promised to pay tribute every year.

就派人去溫州選咗四十幾擔最靚嘅蜜柑,日夜兼程送去鄴郡。 He then sent people to Wenzhou to select the forty or so best mandarins, traveling day and night to deliver them to Ye County.

去到半路中途,有一日,嗰啲擔擔嘅挑夫呢,就喺山腳歇膊休息。 On the way halfway, one day, the porters who were carrying burdens were resting at the foot of the mountain.

見到有個道士先生,就單咗隻眼,跛咗隻腳嘅,頭戴白藤帽,身穿青懶衣,行過嚟同啲挑夫行過禮話: They saw a Taoist priest, who had one eye closed and a limp, wearing a white bamboo hat and a blue robe, walking over to greet the porters.

嘿嘿嘿嘿,你哋擔擔咁辛苦,等貧道幫你哋擔下呢。 hehehehe|| Hehe, you guys are working so hard carrying those burdens, let this poor Taoist help you carry them.

嘿嘿乜有啲咁好人嘅,誒好吖好吖唔該晒喎。 Hehe, is there really such a good person? Oh, that's great, thank you very much.

於是個道士先生呢,就幫啲挑夫每人各擔五里路。 So the Taoist priest helped each of the porters carry their burdens for five miles.

哈哈,凡係畀道士先生擔過嗰啲擔呢,擔擔都輕晒個噃奇怪嘞。 haha|| Haha, anything carried by the Taoist priest feels so light, it's strange.

呢個道士先生臨走嘅時候,同押運蜜柑嘅官員話: When this Taoist priest was about to leave, he said to the official escorting the tangerines:

貧道乃係魏王鄉下嘅老朋友,姓左名慈,字元放,道號烏角先生。 I am an old friend from Wei Wang's hometown, my surname is Zuo, my name is Ci, my courtesy name is Yuanfang, and my Taoist name is Mr. Wu Jiao.

嘿嘿嘿嘿,誒你去到鄴郡,就話左慈致意啊噉啦吓,嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿。 hehehehe|||hehehehe Hehe, when you get to Ye County, just say Zuo Ci sends his regards, hehe.

講完,嘳下嘳下衫袖走咗嘞。 after finishing speaking| After saying that, he waved his sleeves and left.

押運蜜柑嘅官員返到鄴郡,就將啲蜜柑呈送去畀曹操嘞。 The official transporting the oranges returned to Ye County and presented the oranges to Cao Cao.

曹操攞個柑嚟,嘩嗨,拳頭咁大個金黃金黃色油亮亮好靚啊。 |wow| Cao Cao took an orange and exclaimed, wow, it's as big as a fist, bright golden yellow and shiny, really beautiful.

就親手剝開佢想試下味道嘞噃,哎吖,奇怪喇,乜裏頭冇肉嘅呢喂,淨係得個殼㗎咋? |expression of surprise||| He personally peeled it open to taste it, but oh no, how strange, there's no flesh inside, just the skin?

就問個押運官員,個官員就將左慈嘅事稟報畀曹操聽,曹操邊度肯信㗎。 He asked the transporting official, and the official reported the matter of Zuo Ci to Cao Cao, but Cao Cao was unwilling to believe it.

正喺呢個時候,守門人嚟報告話:有個叫做左慈嘅道士先生求見大王啊。 at this moment|| At that moment, the gatekeeper reported that there was a Taoist priest named Zuo Ci who requested to see the king.

哦?叫佢入嚟。 Oh? Let him in.

左慈入到嚟,押運官員一見就認得喇話畀曹操聽:稟大王,喺路上見到嘅就係佢嘞就係佢嘞。 When Zuo Ci entered, the escort officer recognized him immediately and told Cao Cao: "Report to the king, this is the one we saw on the road, this is him."

我問你,你用乜嘢妖術,偷咗我啲咁靚嘅水果啊?啊! |||ah I ask you, what kind of sorcery did you use to steal my beautiful fruits? Ah!

嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿,點會呢,點會呢? hehehehe|how could it be|how could it be Hehehehehe, how could that be, how could that be?

左慈攞起個柑剝開佢,哈有肉㗎喎,食起嚟好甜嘅。 Zuo Ci picked up an orange, peeled it, and said, "Wow, it has flesh, and it tastes really sweet."

曹操自己又攞一個剝開,咦?乜又係空㗎喎。 |eh| Cao Cao opened another one himself, huh? Why is it empty again?

曹操就越發奇怪嘞,就叫左慈坐落,準備慢慢嚟問佢。 Cao Cao became even more curious, so he asked Zuo Ci to sit down and prepared to slowly question him.

左慈話肚餓啊,想食啲嘢先噉。 Zuo Ci said he was hungry and wanted to eat something first.

曹操啊叫人攞畀佢。 Cao Cao asked someone to bring it to him.

嘩,犀利咯,左慈連飲五斗酒醉都唔醉,食咗足足成隻羊都話未飽嘅。 wow|impressive|| Wow, impressive, Zuo Ci drank five dou of wine and didn't get drunk, and he said he wasn't full after eating a whole sheep.

嘿嘿曹操問佢話嘞:你有咩嘢法術哈哈可以做到噉樣㗎? Hehe, Cao Cao asked him: What kind of magic can you do to achieve this?

嘿嘿嘿嘿,貧道喺西川峨眉山裏便,學道三十年啊。 hehehehe|| Hehehe, I have been learning Taoism in Emei Mountain in Xichuan for thirty years.

有一日,忽然聽見石牆裏便有聲嗌我個名,左慈左慈噉喎,但係又唔見有人喇。 one day||| One day, I suddenly heard a voice calling my name from inside the stone wall, saying 'Zuo Ci, Zuo Ci', but I couldn't see anyone.

如是者幾日都係噉。 This went on for several days.

嘿嘿呢一日,個天轟轟聲行咗個大雷,震碎咗埲石牆。 Hehe, one day, there was a loud thunder that shattered the stone wall.

哦,原來裏頭呀有三卷天書喺度,叫做遁甲天書。 oh|| Oh, it turns out there are three volumes of heavenly scriptures here, called the Book of Escape.

上卷叫做天遁,中卷叫做地遁,下卷啊叫做人遁。 The first volume is called Heavenly Escape, the second volume is called Earthly Escape, and the third volume is called Human Escape.

學會天遁就能夠騰雲駕霧,飛升太虛; Learning Heavenly Escape allows one to ride the clouds and mist, ascending to the void;

學會地遁呢,就能夠穿山透石; if you learn earth escape| Learning Earthly Escape enables one to pass through mountains and stones;

學會人遁,啊能夠雲遊四海藏形變身,飛劍擲刀取人首級嘅。 Learning Human Escape allows one to wander the seas, conceal their form and transform, and to throw swords and knives to take people's heads.

嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿,大王啊,你位極人臣咯,何不急流勇退,跟貧道去峨眉山修行呢?我將呢三卷天書教會你吖。 hehehehehehe|oh great king|you are the most powerful minister|why not withdraw while you are ahead|follow me to Emei Mountain to cultivate|I will teach you these three volumes of heavenly scriptures Hehehehe, great king, you are in a high position, why not retire bravely and go to Emei Mountain to cultivate with me? I will teach you these three volumes of heavenly scriptures.

我都想急流勇退好耐嘅喇,無奈朝廷,未得其人啊,冇人接替得我啊! I have wanted to retire bravely for a long time, but unfortunately the court has not found the right person, no one can take my place!

嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿。 hehehehehehe Hehehehehe.

攞嚟講啦,益州劉玄德,乃係皇帝後代,當今天子嘅皇叔,你將個位讓畀佢唔係得咯。 let me put it this way|||| Speaking of which, Liu Xuande of Yizhou is a descendant of the emperor, the current emperor's uncle, you can't just give your position to him.

如果唔係呀,貧道就用飛劍攞你嘅人頭㗎喇,嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿。 if not||haha If not, I will use my flying sword to take your head, hehehehehe.

嗯?你實係劉備派嚟嘅奸細!人嚟!捉起佢! Hmm? You are really a spy sent by Liu Bei! Come here! Capture him!

嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿。 hehehehehehehehe Hehehehehehehe.

曹操吩咐十幾個獄卒,拉左慈出去嚴刑拷打審問佢,嗰班獄卒呀出死力咁打。 Cao Cao ordered a dozen jailers to take Zuo Ci out and torture him severely to interrogate him, and those jailers were hitting him with all their might.

點知左慈當係同佢撓痕就越打越舒服,哈,打打下,噘噘聲瞓到淰晒添。 |ha|after hitting for a while| Little did they know, Zuo Ci thought it was just a scratch and felt more and more comfortable as they hit him, ha, after a while, he was snoring away.

曹操嬲極喇,叫人攞咗面大枷嚟,用鐵釘釘死,大鎖鎖實,韞咗佢入監獄派人看實佢。 Cao Cao was extremely angry, ordered someone to bring a big iron collar, nailed it shut with iron nails, locked it tightly, and had him thrown into prison with guards watching over him.

哈,一眨眼唧,只見把鎖又跌咗枷又散咗。 ha|| Ha, in the blink of an eye, the lock fell and the shackles scattered.

左慈好地地噉瞓喺地嚟,頭髮絲都冇少到一條,皮光肉滑,乜嘢損傷都冇噃。 Zuo Ci was lying on the ground, without a single hair out of place, his skin smooth and flawless, showing no signs of injury.

噉啊連氣韞咗佢七日七夜,唔畀水佢飲唔畀飯佢食,以為噉樣佢唔死都差唔多㗎啦。 They thought that by suffocating him for seven days and nights, not giving him water to drink or food to eat, he would be close to death.

點知打開道監門一睇,只見左慈端端正正噉坐喺地處,面色反而更加紅潤添。 But when they opened the prison door and looked inside, they saw Zuo Ci sitting upright on the ground, his complexion even more rosy.

啲獄卒去報告曹操話噉噉噉噃,曹操叫人拉佢出嚟問佢。 The guards reported to Cao Cao about this situation, and Cao Cao ordered someone to bring him out for questioning.

左慈話喇:嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿,我幾十年喇,唔食啲多嘢亦唔妨嘅。 |hehehehehehe|| Zuo Ci said: Hehehe, I've been around for decades, not eating too much is also fine.

之一日之間要我食一千隻羊我亦食得晒嘅,嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿。 |laughter If I had to eat a thousand sheep in one day, I could do it, hehehe.

曹操冇佢修嘞。 Cao Cao is not as good as him.

呢一日,文武官員都嚟到魏王宮參加宴會。 this day| On this day, civil and military officials all came to the Wei King's palace to attend a banquet.

正喺度飲緊酒,忽然間左慈着住對木屐,𠽤咯𠽤咯噉行到嚟酒席前便。 While they were drinking, suddenly Zuo Ci, wearing a pair of wooden clogs, walked clack clack to the front of the banquet.

嗰啲官員見到個噉嘅人都驚奇到極。 The officials were extremely surprised to see such a person.

左慈對曹操話喇:嘿嘿嘿嘿,大王今日舉行宴會,大宴群臣,山珍海味水陸具備啦。 |hehehe||| Laozi said to Cao Cao: Hehehe, my lord, today you are holding a banquet, a grand feast for the ministers, with delicacies from land and sea prepared.

大王如果仲想要啲乜嘢等貧道去攞嚟啦。 If my lord wants anything else, let the poor Daoist fetch it.

我想要啲龍肝嚟做羹,你攞唔攞得到啊? I want some dragon liver to make soup, can you get that?

嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿,誒有何難哉有何難哉吖? hehehehehe| Hehehe, is there anything difficult about that?

左慈攞筆墨嚟,喺埲牆上面畫咗條龍,用衫袖一掃,嘩嗨,睇住條龍就開咗肚嘞噃。 |||wow| Zuo Ci took a brush and ink, and painted a dragon on the wall. With a sweep of his sleeve, wow, the dragon opened its belly.

左慈伸隻手入去龍肚處一扲就攞出一副龍肝,仲嗲嗲聲流緊血嘅添。 Zuo Ci reached into the dragon's belly and pulled out a pair of dragon livers, still dripping blood.

曹操唔信鬧佢話嘞:唓!你預先收埋喺衫袖裏便嘅啫。 |ah| Cao Cao didn't believe it and scolded him, saying: "Oh! You must have hidden it in your sleeve beforehand."

嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿,而家天寒地凍啊,草木都凋謝枯死咯,大王你想要啲乜嘢靚花呢? hehehehehehe||| Hehehehe, now it's cold and freezing, the grass and trees have withered and died. What beautiful flowers do you want, my lord?

你想要乜都有㗎,貧道同大王攞嚟啦。 You can have anything you want, I can get it for you, my lord.

我,我就係想要牡丹花。 I| I, I just want a peony.

嘿嘿嘿嘿,易啦易啦。 hehehehe|easy easy Hehehe, easy, easy.

左慈叫人攞咗個大花盆嚟,放喺筵席前便,用啲水嚟噴佢,噗噗噉噴咗幾下,誒,好快趣就生出一樖牡丹嘞,開並蒂添。 ||||hey|| Zuo Ci asked someone to bring a big flower pot, placed it in front of the banquet, and sprayed some water on it. After a few sprays, wow, a peony quickly grew, blooming with double flowers.

嘩睇到嗰班文武官員個個都眼都擎晒,就請左慈埋位入席一齊飲嘞噃。 Wow, seeing that group of civil and military officials, everyone was amazed, so they invited Zuo Ci to take a seat and drink together.

過咗一陣,上菜喇,係魚片啊。 after a while|the food is served| After a while, the dishes were served, it was fish slices.

左慈話:食魚片誒要用松江鱸魚先至靚㗎,嘿嘿嘿。 Zuo Ci said||hehe Zuo Ci said: To eat fish fillet, you have to use Songjiang perch to make it delicious, hehe.

曹操話:隔成千里咁遠,點搵得到松江鱸魚啊? Cao Cao said: It's thousands of miles away, how can we find Songjiang perch?

嘿嘿嘿,噉亦唔難搵啦,嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿。 hehehe||hehehehe Hehe, it's not that hard to find, hehehehe.

左慈問人攞咗支釣魚竿嚟,就喺宴會大廳外便嘅魚池裏頭落釣,哈,話咁快,就釣咗幾十條大鱸魚,搦晒上嚟大廳處嘞。 ||ha (laughing sound)||| Zuo Ci asked someone to bring a fishing rod and started fishing in the fish pond outside the banquet hall. Haha, in no time, he caught dozens of big perch and brought them to the hall.

曹操話:哦,我嘅魚池裏便原來就養住啲鱸魚㗎喇。 Cao Cao said|oh| Cao Cao said: Oh, so there are perch raised in my fish pond.

嘿嘿嘿,大王你又呃我喇。 hehehe| Hehehe, my lord, you tricked me again.

天下嘅鱸魚都係兩個鰓嘅啫,唯獨松江鱸魚有四個鰓嘅,嗱,好易分嘅啫。 ||look| All the bass in the world only have two gills, but the Songjiang bass has four gills, see, it's easy to tell.

大家行埋去睇下,哈,果然係四個鰓嘅。 |ha| Everyone come over and take a look, ha, indeed it has four gills.

左慈又話喇:煮松江鱸魚誒要紫芽姜先至好㗎喎。 Zuo Ci also said: To cook Songjiang bass, you need purple ginger to make it good.

曹操問佢嘞:噉你能唔能夠攞到嚟呢? Cao Cao asked him: So can you get some?

易啫!左慈叫人攞咗個金盆嚟,噉左慈用件衫披褸住個金盆。 easy|| Easy! Zuo Ci asked someone to bring a golden basin, and then Zuo Ci covered the golden basin with a piece of clothing.

冇幾耐唧,左慈一搦開衫披,真係滿滿一盆紫芽姜啊。 Not long after, Zuo Ci opened the clothing, and it was really a basin full of purple ginger.

左慈捧住嗰盆薑獻畀曹操。 Zuo Ci presented the basin of ginger to Cao Cao.

曹操用隻手去攞啦,咦?盆裏便仲有一部書添噃,書名係《孟德新書》。 |eh||| Cao Cao reached out to take it, and oh? There was also a book in the basin, titled 'Meng De's New Book'.

曹操攞起嚟睇下,真係一個字都冇錯㗎奇怪到極喇。 Cao Cao picked it up to take a look, and indeed, there wasn't a single mistake, which was extremely strange.

左慈就喺枱上便攞一隻玉杯,斟滿一杯靚酒就獻畀曹操。 Zuo Ci picked up a jade cup from the table, filled it with fine wine, and presented it to Cao Cao.

嘿嘿嘿嘿,請大王飲咗呢杯酒啦,可以千年長壽啊。 hehehehe|| Hehehe, please drink this cup of wine, my lord, it can grant you a thousand years of longevity.

你飲先啦。 You drink it first.

好吖,嘿嘿嘿嘿。 okay|hehehehe Alright, hehehe.

左慈喺自己頂道士帽上面啊掹咗支玉簪出嚟,喺杯酒處一劃,哈,杯酒就分開兩邊嘞喎。 ||ha| Zuo Ci took a jade hairpin from his Taoist hat and drew it across the cup of wine, and ha, the cup of wine split into two sides.

佢自己飲咗一半,將剩返嗰半嚟敬畀曹操,曹操就鬧佢。 He drank half of it himself and offered the remaining half to Cao Cao, who scolded him.

左慈將隻酒杯呀向天一掉,嗯即刻就變咗一隻白色嘅雀,喺大廳上面飛嚟飛去。 Zuo Ci threw the wine cup towards the sky, and it immediately transformed into a white bird, flying around the hall.

人人都昂起個頭嚟睇下啦,嘿咁得意嘅嚱,再回轉頭嚟一睇,左慈都不知去向嘞。 Everyone raised their heads to take a look, amazed at such a delightful sight, but when they turned back, Zuo Ci had already disappeared.

過咗一陣,外便啲衛士噔噔聲趯入嚟稟告話:左慈出門口走咗喇噉。 after a while|| After a while, the guards outside hurried in to report that Zuo Ci had left through the door.

曹操話:呢個妖人,一定要殺咗佢至得,否則就害人㗎喇。 Cao Cao said: This sorcerer must be killed, otherwise he will cause harm to others.

即刻就吩咐許褚,帶三百名鐵甲軍去追捕佢。 Immediately ordered Xu Chu to take three hundred armored soldiers to pursue him.

許褚一聲得令,就上馬率領鐵甲軍就飛跑趕去城門。 Xu Chu received the order and mounted his horse, leading the armored soldiers to rush towards the city gate.

果然見到左慈着住木屐,𠽤咯𠽤咯噉跛下跛下噉喺前面慢慢行。 Sure enough, he saw Zuo Ci wearing wooden clogs, limping slowly in front.

許褚飛馬追上去,點知道追極都追唔上噃,一直就噉樣追到一座山裏便。 Xu Chu chased after him on horseback, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up, and they continued to chase until they reached a mountain.

山上呢有個細佬哥正喺處趕緊一群羊咩嚟緊,左慈行咗入去羊群裏便。 On the mountain, there was a little boy hurriedly herding a flock of sheep, and Zuo Ci walked into the sheep herd.

許褚見追極都追唔上唄,就攞箭嚟射佢,一射,左慈即刻就唔見咗嘞。 ||one shot| Xu Chu saw that he couldn't catch up, so he took an arrow and shot at him. With one shot, Zuo Ci immediately disappeared.

許褚嬲起上嚟,將嗰群羊咩啊殺清光就返扯。 Xu Chu got angry and killed all those sheep before returning.

嗰個細佬哥喊到好淒涼定啦,無辜辜一群羊噉就畀個將軍大人殺死晒喎,點算好啊? That little brother cried very sadly, saying that a group of innocent sheep was killed by the general, what should he do?

忽然間,有個羊頭喺地下開聲講人嘅說話喎佢話: suddenly| Suddenly, a sheep's head on the ground spoke human words, saying:

細佬哥啊細佬哥,你唔使喊嘅,你將啲羊頭,扱返喺條羊頸處就冇事㗎喇。 Little brother, little brother, you don't need to cry. If you put the sheep's head back on the sheep's neck, it will be fine.

嚇到個細佬哥驚晒,唔流眼淚流冷汗喇,揞住塊面趯都趯唔切。 The little brother was so scared that he was sweating cold instead of crying, holding his face and unable to move.

呢個時候,有個人喺后便嗌佢話喇:細佬哥你唔使驚,你唔使趯㗎,我還返啲羊咩畀你吓。 At that moment, someone shouted from behind him: "Little brother, you don't have to be scared, you don't have to move, I will return some sheep to you!"

個細佬哥擰轉頭一睇,哈哈見到左慈呀,已經將地下啲死羊隻隻都救返生嘞,噉就歡喜啦。 The little brother turned his head and saw that it was Zuo Ci, who had already brought all the dead sheep back to life, so he was very happy.

個細佬哥想問下點解啲羊咩死咗都能夠返生嘅噉。 The little brother wanted to ask why the dead sheep could come back to life.

但係左慈嘳下嘳下堂衫袖就走人嘞,行得㗎,好似飛咁快,眨下眼就唔見人嘞。 But Zuo Ci just waved his sleeve and left, moving so fast it was like he was flying, and in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

個細路仔返去將件事講畀主人聽,主人又嚇到伸出條脷半日收唔返啊。 The little boy went back to tell the master about the incident, and the master was so shocked that he stuck out his tongue and couldn't retract it for a long time.

之又唔敢隱瞞喇,即刻就去報告畀曹操知。 He didn't dare to hide it anymore, so he immediately reported it to Cao Cao.

曹操吩咐將左慈嘅樣子畫出嚟,出榜要捉拿佢,嗬熱鬧咯呢勻。 Cao Cao ordered a portrait of Zuo Ci to be drawn and issued a notice to capture him, creating quite a stir.

喺三日之內,喺城裏城外啊竟然一下間捉咗三四百個單眼、跛腳、白藤帽、青懶衣、着木屐嘅道士先生,嘩,全城都轟動晒。 ||lame-legged|white straw hat|green lazy clothes||wow| Within three days, both inside and outside the city, they managed to capture three to four hundred one-eyed, lame, white-hatted, green-clothed, wooden-sandaled Taoist priests, wow, the whole city was in an uproar.

曹操就下令,叫人用啲豬血羊血潑過晒個三四百個道士,押去城南教場。 Cao Cao then ordered that the three to four hundred Taoist priests be splashed with pig's blood and sheep's blood and taken to the teaching grounds in the south of the city.

曹操親自帶住五百名鐵甲兵,沊沊𡃈圍住佢哋。 Cao Cao personally led five hundred armored soldiers to surround them.

一聲令下將佢哋全部殺頭,嘿呀,當堂出現奇蹟喇。 |hey| With a single command, he had them all beheaded, and lo and behold, a miracle appeared on the spot.

只見被斬嘅人啊,人人嗰條頸處呢都冒出一道青氣,嗰啲青氣呼噉衝到上天就聚埋一齊,誒,變成一個左慈喎。 |||eh| One could see that the beheaded people all had a green aura rising from their necks, and that green aura rushed up to the sky and gathered together, transforming into a figure of Zuo Ci.

佢用隻手一擪,就有隻白鶴飛嚟。 With a wave of his hand, a white crane flew over.

左慈騎住隻白鶴,拍住手掌哈哈大笑噉話:土鼠隨金虎,奸雄一旦休!嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿。 ||||hehehehehehe Zuo Ci rode on the white crane, clapped his hands and laughed heartily, saying: 'The earth rat follows the golden tiger, the treacherous hero will soon rest!' Hehehehehe.

曹操叫啲兵用箭嚟射佢。 Cao Cao ordered his soldiers to shoot arrows at him.

忽然間,呼噉狂風大作飛沙走石。 suddenly| Suddenly, a strong wind arose, stirring up sand and stones.

哎呀啱啱殺咗頭嗰啲死屍呀,啪聲跳晒起身,用隻手挽住自己嘅人頭,能能聲就跑上演武廳嚟打曹操喎。 Oh no, the corpses that were just killed suddenly jumped up, holding their own heads with one hand, and ran towards the martial hall to fight Cao Cao.

真攞膽咯,嚇到啲文官武將揞實塊面都唔敢睇啊,有啲嚇到腳軟跌喺地唔起得身,總之係黃牛落水各顧各喇。 really has guts||| What courage! The civil and military officials were so scared that they didn't dare to look, some were so frightened they fell to the ground and couldn't get up, in short, it was every man for himself.

過咗一陣,風停嘞,嗰幾百個屍首都唔見晒嘞。 after a while|| After a while, the wind stopped, and those hundreds of corpses had disappeared.

啲侍衛扶起曹操,送佢返去魏王宮。 The guards helped Cao Cao up and sent him back to the Wei royal palace.

噉啊因為嚇咗一嚇就病起上嚟,曹操病咗好耐,食咩嘢藥都冇效。 oh that's because he got scared and got sick|| He got sick after being frightened for a moment, and Cao Cao has been ill for a long time, with no medicine working.

嗰日,太史丞許芝啊就由許昌嚟見曹操。 that day| That day, the historian Xu Zhi came from Xuchang to see Cao Cao.

曹操因為自己病得好耐喇,就想叫佢占個卦,問下吉凶。 Since Cao Cao had been ill for a long time, he wanted to ask him to divine and inquire about his fortune.

許芝話喇:大王有冇聽過神卜管輅個名呢? Xu Zhi said: "My lord, have you heard of the name of the diviner Guan Yu?"

曹操話:個名就好熟啊,但係未見識過佢嘅術啊,欸你講我聽下。 Cao Cao said||| Cao Cao said: The name sounds familiar, but I haven't seen his skills, hey, tell me about it.

哦好好,於是許芝就詳詳細細將管輅個情況講畀曹操聽。 oh okay| Oh, okay, so Xu Zhi detailed the situation of Guan Lu to Cao Cao.

原來管輅啊,佢係平原人,生得個樣就好醜陋喇,鍾意飲酒,為人就冇乜拘束嘅。 It turns out Guan Lu is from Pingyuan, and he looks very ugly, loves to drink, and is quite unrestrained.

佢個父親呢就做過瑯琊郡嘅低級官員。 His father was a low-level official in Langya County.

管輅自細呢就喜歡睇天文,睇啲星星,好夜好夜都唔願瞓,父母禁止佢都唔聽。 Since he was young, Guan Lu liked to observe astronomy and the stars, and he would stay up very late, ignoring his parents' prohibitions.

佢時時都話㗎:一隻雞一隻雀都尚且知道天時,何況人生在世呢噉? He often says: Even a chicken and a sparrow know the seasons, let alone a person living in this world?

佢同隔籬鄰舍啲細路玩啊,佢都好鍾意喺地下畫啲天文啊,日月星辰嘅分佈啊噉嘅。 He plays with the kids from the neighboring house, and he really enjoys drawing the heavens on the ground, like the distribution of the sun, moon, and stars.

噉啊當佢年紀稍為大多幾歲嘅時候啊,佢對周易,即係古時講占卦嘅書啊,就非常之精通嘞。 so when he was a few years older||| So when he was a few years older, he became very proficient in the Book of Changes, which is an ancient text about divination.

佢又識得觀察風嘅動向嚟占卜吉凶嘅。 He also knows how to observe the direction of the wind to predict good or bad fortune.

總之係占卦算命睇相樣樣都叻就係嘞。 In short, he is skilled in divination, fortune-telling, and reading faces.

當時瑯琊太守單子春,就聞得佢個名,就請佢去見下面。 At that time, the governor of Langya, Shan Zichun, heard of his name and invited him to meet.

去嗰日,單太守屋企有百幾位客人,個個都係能言善辯,會講會話嘅讀書人啊。 on that day||| On the day he went, there were over a hundred guests at Governor Shan's home, all eloquent and articulate scholars.

管輅好細嘅啫嗰陣,佢對單子春話喇: Guan Yu was still very young at that time, and he said to Shan Zichun:

我年紀輕冇咩膽量,唔該你畀三升美酒我,等我飲咗壯下膽先至講啦。 I am young and lack courage, please give me three sheng of fine wine, so I can drink and gather my courage before I speak.

哈哈單子春好驚奇,好吖,就攞酒嚟畀佢飲咯喎。 |okay| Haha, Shan Zichun was very surprised and said, okay, and brought him the wine to drink.

佢真係飲咗成三升咁多。 He really drank about three liters.

飲完,管輅就問嘞:今日想同我辯論嘅,係唔係呢度在座啲先生啊? after drinking||| After drinking, Guan Yu asked: Is it the gentlemen present here today who want to debate with me?

單子春話:唔係啊,我自己嚟同你辯論下唧。 Danzi Chun said|no| Shan Zichun said: No, I'm here to debate with you myself.

於是啊單子春,就同管輅談論起易經嘅道理嚟。 So, Shan Zichun started discussing the principles of the Book of Changes with Guan Yu.

嘿,管輅娓娓而談滔滔不絕,所講出嚟啲見解呀非常精闢。 hey|| Hey, Guan Yu spoke eloquently and continuously, and the insights he shared were very profound.

單子春反反覆覆同佢辯論,提出好多艱深嘅題目嚟要佢解釋。 Dan Zi Chun repeatedly debated with him, raising many profound topics for him to explain.

管輅對答如流,從朝到晚,講到大家都唔記得食飯啊。 Guan Yu responded fluently, from morning till night, to the point that everyone forgot to eat.

單子春同佢嘅賓客冇辦法唔佩服佢啊。 Dan Zi Chun and his guests couldn't help but admire him.

噉呢件事一傳開去呢,人人都稱佢做神童嘞。 As this matter spread, everyone started calling him a prodigy.

關於管輅占卦嗰種靈驗法呢,有幾件事出晒名㗎喇嗱,有一家人家姓郭嘅,兄弟三個人,大佬叫做郭恩。 Regarding Guan Yu's divination method, there are several well-known cases, including a family with the surname Guo, with three brothers, the eldest named Guo En.

呢咁啱㗎吓,三兄弟都得埋同一種病,咩病啊?跛腳病,醫極都醫唔好。 isn't it so coincidental|||leg disability| What a coincidence, all three brothers have the same illness, what illness is it? It's a lame leg disease, no matter how much you treat it, it can't be cured.

噉啊走去請管輅同佢占下卦。 So they went to ask Guan Yu to read their fortune.

管輅同佢占咗卦,就解畀佢哋聽喇: Guan Yu read the fortune for them and explained:

喺卦裏便,表明你屋企嘅祖墳裏頭有個女鬼啊,佢唔係你嘅伯娘就係你阿嬸喇。 in the divination|| In the fortune, it indicates that there is a female ghost in your ancestral grave, and she is either your aunt or your uncle's wife.

以前喺饑荒嗰陣,你又為咗幾升米嘅緣故推咗佢落井,用嚿大石砸爆咗佢個頭殼。 In the past, during the famine, you pushed her into the well over a few liters of rice and smashed her head with a big rock.

佢嘅鬼魂孤苦伶仃十分痛苦啊,就向上天告狀,故此你哋幾兄弟就得到噉嘅報應啊。 His ghost is lonely and suffering greatly, so he complained to heaven, which is why you brothers received such retribution.

呢啲係求神拜佛都醫唔好㗎喇。 These things cannot be cured by praying to the gods.

一講出嚟,嚇到郭恩三兄弟即刻喊住認罪啊。 As soon as it was mentioned, the Guo En brothers were so scared that they immediately cried and confessed.

又有個安平太守王基,佢又聽聞管輅占卦極靈嘅,就請咗佢返屋企。 There was also a governor of Anping, Wang Ji, who heard that Guan Yu's divination was very effective, so he invited him to his home.

當時信都縣官嘅老婆呢時常都話有頭風;佢個仔呢,又得咗心痛病。 At that time, the wife of the county official of Xindu often complained of headaches; her son also suffered from heart pain.

見到管輅嚟咗就請佢占個卦嘞噃。 When I saw Guan Yi arrive, I asked him to do a divination.

管輅同佢哋占咗支卦就話喇:喺你大廳西便嘅角落頭啊,地下有兩個死屍,係男人嚟。 After Guan Yi did the divination for them, he said: In the corner of your main hall to the west, there are two dead bodies on the ground, and they are men.

一個係揸住支矛嘅,一個係揸住弓箭,佢哋嘅頭喺牆內,腳喺牆外。 One is holding a spear, and the other is holding a bow and arrow; their heads are inside the wall, and their feet are outside the wall.

揸矛嗰個呢就主刺頭故此頭痛;揸弓箭嗰個主刺胸腹,故此就心痛啦。 The one holding the spear is the main stab to the head, hence the headache; the one holding the bow and arrow is the main stab to the chest and abdomen, hence the heart pain.

噉啊掘開笪地嚟睇下,掘咗落去八尺深,哈果然發現有兩副棺材。 then dig the ground to see|dug down eight feet deep|he really found two coffins So, let's dig open the ground and take a look. After digging down eight feet, they indeed discovered two coffins.

真係一副棺材裏便有矛,另一副棺材裏便有弓箭,啲木頭呢都已經霉爛晒㗎喇。 There really is a spear in one coffin and a bow and arrow in another, and the wood has already rotted.

管輅叫佢哋將啲屍骨遷咗去城外十里,搵笪地方嚟埋好佢。 Guan Yi asked them to move the bones ten miles outside the city to find a suitable place to bury them.

噉從此之後啊,縣官個老婆同個仔啲病呢就好返晒嘞。 From then on, the county magistrate's wife and son's illnesses got much better.

呢又有個縣官叫做諸葛原啊,就升官做新興太守。 There was also a county magistrate named Zhuge Yuan, who was promoted to the new governor of Xinxing.

嗰日管輅去送行,有個賓客講起話管輅有種本事好叻嘅,就係會覆射,估親都中嘅噉。 On that day, Guan Yi went to see him off, and a guest mentioned that Guan Yi had a remarkable ability, which was to predict accurately.

咩嘢叫做覆射呢? What is called divination?

呢個係一種古代嘅遊戲啊,誒將嗰啲物件收埋,等人哋嚟估。 This is an ancient game, where you hide objects and let others guess.

諸葛原就唔信嘞,就攞咗燕子蛋、蜂巢、蜘蛛三樣嘢,分開裝喺三個盒裏便就叫管輅嚟估。 ||beehive|| Zhuge Yuan didn't believe it, so he took three items: a swallow's egg, a beehive, and a spider, and put them in three separate boxes for Guan Lu to guess.

管輅就唔係隨便噏㗎喎,佢仲係占咗卦先,然後根據卦象啊各寫咗四句詩文喺個盒上便。 Guan Lu didn't just guess randomly; he first consulted the oracle and then wrote four lines of poetry on each box based on the oracle's signs.

喺個盒上面寫,含氣須變,依乎宇堂;雌雄以形,羽翼舒張:呢啲係燕子蛋。 On the box, he wrote: 'To contain the breath, one must change, according to the cosmic hall; male and female by form, wings spread wide: these are the swallow's eggs.'

喺第二個盒上面寫,家室倒懸,門戶眾多;藏精育毒,得秋乃化:呢個係蜂巢。 On the second box, it is written: "The family is upside down, with many doors; hiding essence and nurturing poison, only in autumn does it transform: this is a beehive."

喺第三個盒上面寫,觳觫長足,吐絲成羅;尋網求食,利在昏夜:呢隻係蜘蛛。 On the third box, it is written: "With long legs and a long body, it spins silk into a net; searching for food in the web, the advantage is in the dusk: this is a spider."

嘩一估出嚟所有嘅人都大為驚奇啊,都未見過咁靈嘅真係。 Wow, everyone was greatly surprised when they guessed it out, they had never seen such a clever one before.

有一次,鄉下有個伯爺婆失咗隻牛,就𠼮管輅同佢占個卦睇下搵唔搵得返隻牛啦噉。 once|| Once, in the countryside, an old man lost a cow, so he asked Guan Yu to consult an oracle to see if he could find the cow.

管輅一占卦就批咗四句說話:北溪之濱,七人宰烹;急往追尋,皮肉尚存噉。 Guan Yu consulted the oracle and received four lines: "By the northern stream, seven people are butchering; hurry to search, the skin and flesh still exist."

嗰個伯爺婆真係按照管輅講嘅去搵喇,果然見到喺北便條河邊間茅屋後便,有七個人喺度煮牛肉食,牛皮牛肉仲喺度啊。 That old man really went to look for it according to what Guan Yu said, and indeed saw seven people cooking beef by the side of the Beitiao River, with cowhide and beef still there.

於是伯爺婆就去告狀,請求拉嗰七個偷牛嘅人嚟到處罰佢哋。 So the old man went to report the situation, requesting to arrest those seven people who stole the cattle and punish them.

呢太守問個伯爺婆,你點知道係嗰七個人偷㗎噉。 The governor asked the old man, how do you know those seven people are the thieves?

伯爺婆就講畀太守聽,話管輅啲卦靈到不得了㗎。 The old man told the governor that Guan Yu's divination was incredibly accurate.

郡太守唔信啊,以為靠撞,就請管輅嚟衙門,就攞咗個印囊,即係裝大印嘅袋。 The county governor didn't believe it, thinking it was just a coincidence, so he invited Guan Yu to the yamen and took out a seal pouch, which is a bag for holding the official seal.

又攞咗條山雞毛,分別裝喺盒裏便叫管輅占卦估下啲係咩嘢,管輅占咗個卦一估: He took a chicken feather and put it in a box, then asked Guan Yu to divine what it was.

第一個,內方外圓,五色成文;含寶守信,出則有章:呢個係印囊; the first one|square inside and round outside|five colors form a pattern|containing treasure and keeping faith|when used it has rules| The first one, square inside and round outside, with five colors forming a pattern; containing treasures and keeping promises, it has rules when it comes out: this is an ink pouch.

第二個,岩岩有鳥,錦體朱衣;羽翼玄黃,鳴不失晨:係山雞毛。 the second||||| The second one, just had a bird, with a brocade body and red clothing; its wings are black and yellow, and it sings without fail in the morning: this is a chicken feather.

嘩太守服晒佢咯,當佢係貴賓噉嚟款待佢啊。 Wow, the governor is treating him like a VIP.

嗱又有一次,管輅出去郊外散步,見到個後生仔喺度耕緊田。 well once again|| Then there was another time, Guan Yu went out for a walk in the countryside and saw a young man plowing the field.

管輅企喺田邊條路處望實個後生仔望咗好耐好耐,就問佢:呢位後生哥貴姓名啊?今年貴庚啊? Guan Yi stood by the road at the edge of the field, looking at the young man for a long time, and then asked him: What is your name, young man? How old are you this year?

嗰個後生仔回答話喇:我姓趙,叫做趙顏,今年十九歲喇。請問先生係邊位呢? The young man replied: My surname is Zhao, and my name is Zhao Yan. I am nineteen years old this year. May I ask who you are, sir?

管輅話喇:我就係管輅,我睇你眼眉之間有死氣噃,三日之內必死。 Guan Yi said: I am Guan Yi. I see a dead aura between your eyebrows; you will surely die within three days.

唉你個樣子生得咁英俊,可惜短命吖。 Oh, you look so handsome, but unfortunately, you are short-lived.

嚇到趙顏面青啊,喇喇聲跑返去屋企講畀老竇聽。 Zhao Yan was so scared that his face turned pale, and he hurried back home to tell his father.

佢老竇一聽講,即刻就去追管輅,追到喇,就跪喺地嚟喊到嘩嘩聲噉𠼮求管輅話,唔該好心救下我個仔啦噉。 His father heard this and immediately went to chase after Guan Yu. When he caught up, he knelt on the ground and cried out loudly, begging Guan Yu to please have mercy and save his son.

管輅話喇:呢啲係天命嚟,冇得解救㗎噃。 Guan Yu replied: This is fate, there is no way to save him.

我呢個伯爺公,就係得佢一粒仔啊,無論如何都請先生你可憐下救返佢條命啦! This old man only has this one son, no matter what, I beg you, sir, to have pity and save his life!

趙顏亦喊住噉猛咁𠼮。 Zhao Yan was also crying and pleading desperately.

管輅見佢兩父子真係咁淒涼,就對趙顏話喇: Seeing how miserable the father and son were, Guan Yu said to Zhao Yan:

噉啦,你準備一樽好酒、一大塊鹿肉乾。 So, you prepare a bottle of good wine and a big piece of deer jerky.

聽日,你就帶住去南山,上咗山就有樖大樹,樹下有嚿大大嘅磨盤石,嗰度會有兩個人喺度捉棋嘅。 tomorrow|||| Tomorrow, you will take them to Nanshan. Once you climb the mountain, there will be a big tree, and under the tree, there will be a large grinding stone, where two people will be playing chess.

有個人就向南坐,着白袍嘅,個樣呢就好惡嘅。 One person will be sitting facing south, wearing a white robe, and he looks quite fierce.

另一個人就向北坐,着紅袍嘅,樣子呢就好好樣嘅。 The other person will be sitting facing north, wearing a red robe, and he looks very handsome.

你就趁佢哋捉棋捉到㷫嗰陣呢,就跪響處,請佢哋飲酒同食啲鹿肉乾。 You should wait until they are deeply engaged in their chess game, then kneel down and invite them to drink wine and eat some deer jerky.

等佢哋飲完食完喇,你就喊住噉嚟𠼮佢哋,畀長啲壽過你,你噉就實得益㗎喇。 Wait for them to finish eating and drinking, then you can go over and greet them, give them a longer life than you, and you'll benefit from it.

不過噉啊,你千祈千祈唔好講出嚟話係我教你至好噃。 but you know| But, please, whatever you do, don't say that I taught you this.

趙顏個老竇就好感激管輅啦,就留佢喺屋企過夜。 Zhao Yan's father was very grateful to Guan Lu, so he let him stay at home overnight.

第日,趙顏用隻籃仔,帶住酒啊鹿肉乾啊杯啊碟啊噉,就入南山嘞噃。 the other day||| The next day, Zhao Yan took a basket with wine, dried venison, cups, and plates, and went into Nanshan.

行咗約莫五六里路啦,果然見到兩個人,個樣子、衣着、打扮同管輅講嘅一模一樣嘅,就坐喺樖大松樹下便嘅磨盤石嗰度捉棋。 ||their appearance|clothing|| After walking about five or six miles, he indeed saw two people, their appearance, clothing, and style exactly as Guan Lu described, sitting under a big pine tree playing chess on a grinding stone.

係喇,冇錯喇。 yes|that's right Yes, that's right.

趙顏行埋去,嗰兩個人呀一心捉棋,根本冇理到佢。 Zhao Yan walked over, and those two people were completely focused on their chess game, totally ignoring him.

趙顏跪喺處,攞出啲酒肉就送過去。 Zhao Yan knelt down and took out some wine and meat to offer to them.

嗰兩個人亦冇問咩嘢喎,有酒送到就飲,有鹿肉乾就食。 The two of them didn't ask anything, they just drank the wine when it was offered and ate the venison jerky.

食下飲下,一便飲住酒一便捉棋就分外疏肝㗎嘛,不經不覺就飲晒啲酒咯喎。 While eating and drinking, it was particularly enjoyable to drink wine and play chess at the same time, and before they knew it, they had finished all the wine.

趙顏覺得係開口嘅時候喇,就喊起嚟向佢哋兩個猛咁叩頭,𠼮求畀多啲壽命過自己。 Zhao Yan felt that it was time to speak up, so he started crying and bowed deeply to the two of them, pleading for them to grant him more life than he had.

哎呀嗰兩個人好驚奇啊。 Oh, those two were very surprised.

着紅袍嗰個就話喇:實係管先生教佢㗎喇。 The one in the red robe said: It really is Mr. Guan who taught him.

喂,我哋兩個已經受咗人哋嘅禮咯,要可憐下人哋至得嘅喎。 hey|| Hey, we have already received their respect, we should show some pity for them.

着白袍嗰個就喺身邊攞咗本簿出嚟查下,查到喇,佢就話畀趙顏聽:你今年十九歲,到年限喇要死㗎喇。 The one in the white robe took out a book to check, and after checking, he told Zhao Yan: You are nineteen this year, and you will die when your time is up.

我而家喺個十字上面加多個九字,噉你嘅壽命可以有九十九歲喇。 I am now adding a nine to the cross, so your lifespan can be ninety-nine years.

你返去見到管輅,叫佢唔好再洩漏天機喇,否則上天就會懲罰佢㗎喇。 When you go back, see Guan Yu and tell him not to leak the heavenly secrets anymore, otherwise heaven will punish him.

着紅袍嗰個人,攞支筆出嚟加咗個九字。 The person in the red robe took out a pen and added a nine.

呼噉一浸香風吹過,嗰兩個人呀變咗兩隻白鶴,衝天飛咗去嘞。 As the incense wafted by, those two people turned into two white cranes and flew up into the sky.

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