你 微笑 时 很 美 EP21
渣 男渣 女配 一对
[By your side no matter what] (What a despicable couple.)
小 三
(Third wheel.)
他 是 个 渣 不 值得 的
(He's a scum. It's not worth it.)
果果 算了吧
(Guo Guo, just forget about it.)
许泰伦 禁赛 了
(Xu Tai Lun is facing a match suspension.)
我们 再也 看不到 他 了
(We will never get to see him again.)
拜 你 所 赐
(It's all thanks to you.)
你 真的 是 个 恶毒 的 女人
(You're such a vicious woman.)
你 没事 吧
[OPL] Are you okay?
是 我 亲手 毁 了 他 吗
Did I ruin him myself?
You shouldn't have done this
何必当初 呢
if you knew this would happen.
诚哥 你 怎么 来 了
Brother Cheng, why are you here?
怎么 搞 成 这样
What happened?
他们 没 给 你 拿 伞 吗
Didn't they give you an umbrella?
我 一 开始 是 很 讨厌 她 的
At first, I hated her.
可是 现在 觉得
But now, I think
她 在 讨厌 的 同时
that she's hateful
也 有 作为 粉丝 的 悲哀
and pitiful at the same time.
无论是 许泰伦
No matter if it's Xu Tai Lun
还是 我们
or us,
不顾 喜欢 自己 的 人 的 感受
if we don't care about the feelings of our fans
随心所欲 做 自己 想 做 的 事情
and just do whatever we want,
被 曝光 被 摧毁
we will be ruined when our secrets are exposed.
一 想到 这
When I think about that,
我 就 觉得 我们 这个 圈子
I can understand
可能 不太 值得 被 别人 喜欢 吧
why pro gamers don't deserve to be loved.
没 你 想 的 那么 糟糕
It isn't as bad as you think.
不 知道 从 什么 时候
(I don't know since when,)
贵圈 一直 都 有 一句 话
(but there's a saying within our field.)
电子竞技 不 相信 爱情
(There is no love in e-sports.)
要 不要 试一试
Do you want to give it a try?
试 什么
Try what?
而 你 是 个 例外
(But you're an exception.)
Brother Cheng,
麻烦 你 按 套路 出 牌 行不行
can you do something ordinary for once?
你 这样 一下一下 我 可 受不了 啊
I can't stand it when you scare me like this.
同样 的 梗 要 玩 几次 才 腻 啊
How many times will you do this before you get sick of it?
我 告诉 你 啊
这次 我 可 不怕 了
I'm not afraid of you now.
去 哪儿 啊
Where are you going?
坐 回来
Sit down.
你 干吗
What are you doing?
我 说 什么 了 你 就 这样
Why are you acting like this?
我 是 让 你 跟 我 就 地入 洞房 了 吗
Did I ask you to sleep with me right now?
你别 乱说 啊
You better don't spout nonsense.
陆思诚 我 告诉 你
Lu Si Cheng, listen up.
跟 别人 表白 不是 用 这样 的 语气
This is not how you're supposed
这样 的 表情 的
to confess to someone.
孔雀 求偶 都 知道 开屏 呢
Even a peacock knows how to spread its tail when it's seeking a mate.
你 怎么 能 这样
How could you act like this?
Act like what?
那 我 温柔 点 你 就 答应 了 吗
Will you agree if I do it in a gentle way?
你 看
你 沉默 了
you're not talking.
我 真的 想 把 简阳 和 许泰伦
I really want to
拉 出来 打 一顿
beat up Jian Yang and Xu Tai Lun.
关 他们 什么 事 啊
What has this got to do with them?
你 找个 镜子 照 照看
Take a look at yourself in the mirror.
你 刚刚 的 表情 有 多 可怕
Your expression was so scary just now.
原本 我 还 想 再 等等
Initially, I wanted to
至少 拿个 总冠军 什么 的 再 跟 你 说
wait until we become the champion before I confess to you.
现在 好 了
看到 你 这个 表情 我 就 知道 不行 了
I knew it wouldn't work out since I see your expression now.
要是 再来 个 许泰伦 这样 的
If there's another case like Xu Tai Lun,
不用 等到 总决赛
I'm sure you'll become a nun
你 就 已经 皈依 我佛 了
before the finals.
毕竟 这个 圈子 里面 人渣 也 挺 多 的
Since there are plenty of scums in this field as well.
不像 我
Unlike me.
我 很 好 的
I'm a great guy.
要 不 等到
Why don't we wait until
全国 总决赛 拿到 冠军 之后 再说 吧
Let's wait for the right timing.
我 觉得 这个 想法 很 好
I think that's a great idea.
你 该 吃药 了
It's time for you to take medicine.
你 这人 有没有 原则 啊
Do you even have your own principles?
早 在 你 上次 问 我 是不是 一个
When you asked me if I was someone
无所畏惧 的 完美 人设 的 时候
who was fearless and perfect,
我 就 已经 说 我 不是 了
I told you I'm not a person like that.
如果 我 坚持原则 的 下场
If I insist on my principles
是 看着 我 心爱 的 女人
only to watch the girl I love
跑 去 尼姑庵 里面 敲 木鱼
becoming a nun in the future,
那 我 坚持原则 干什么
what's the point of it?
坑 我 自己 吗
Am I trying to harm myself?
是 我 自作多情
I was just daydreaming.
你 从来 没有 喜欢 过 我
You've never liked me before.
那 为什么 要 在 椅子 后面
If so, why did you act like
装作 一副 被 抛弃 的 小狗 的 语气
a little puppy behind the chair
让 我 不要 去 见 相亲 对象
and told me not to meet my blind date partner?
那 我 是 要 被 拒绝 了
So I'm going to be rejected?
I dare not do so.
那 你 答应 我 了
So, are you accepting me then?
也 并 没有
Not yet.
那 我 知道 了
I understand now.
你 只是 单纯 地想 被 揍 而已
You're just asking for a beating.
你 看
That's the tone you use every time.
就是 这种 语气
队长 的 语气
The tone of a captain,
队霸 的 语气 老爸 的 语气
the leader of our team, and you sound just like my father.
随便 是 什么 语气
I don't care what kind of tone it is.
反正 就是 不像 男朋友 的 语气
You don't sound like a boyfriend at all.
我 说 的 男朋友 又 不是 说 你
By the way, I'm not referring to you as my boyfriend.
你 笑 什么
What are you smiling at?
把 嘴角 放 下来
Stop smiling.
你 收回
Take back your words.
像不像 男朋友 的 语气
How would you know that I don't sound like your boyfriend
不 给 个 机会 试一试 怎么 知道
when you haven't given it a try?
你别 摇 我 的 手 啊
Stop shaking my hands.
老 男人 还 撒娇
You're too old to do this.
You're breaking the rules.
你 考虑一下
Think about it.
给 你 两个 小时 时间
I'll give you two hours.
晚上 九点 之前
Tell me before 9pm.
为什么 是 九点
Why must it be 9pm?
因为 那 关乎 到
我 晚上 能 不能 睡 一个 安稳 觉
it'll affect my sleep.
把 头发 擦干 别 着凉 了
Dry your hair. Don't catch a cold.
一会儿 还要 采访
We have an interview later.
童谣 要 冷静
(Tong Yao, calm down.)
今天 他们 两个 完全 没有 交流 啊
The two of them aren't interacting with each other at all.
你 说 他俩 不会 是 内讧 了 吧
Don't tell me they fell out with each other.
要 真是 这样的话
[NetEase CloudMusic] If that's the case,
那 我们 今天 采访 都 不用 做 了
I guess we could even stop our interview now.
光是 这个 话题
We can fill up
就够 我们 怒写 三个 版面 的
three layouts with that topic.
各位 好
Good evening, everyone.
接下来 的 采访 时间 呢
For our next interview,
我们 有 请 到 的 是
we have
ZGDX 战队 的 陆思诚 和 童谣
Chessman and Smiling from Team ZGDX with us.
欢迎 两位
Please welcome them.
那 首先 问 到 两位 的 就是
So, our first question for today
关于 决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛 近日来
will be regarding the Korean players
对于 韩援 的 问题
within the OPL since its inception.
请问 两位 的 看法 是
So, can you two please give us your thoughts?
不能 一概而论 吧
We can't paint everyone with the same brush.
也 有 很 好 的 韩援
There are great Korean players as well.
比如说 FNC 战队 的 打野
For example, the Jungler of Team FNC.
比如说 YQCB 的 射手
For example, the AD of Team YQCB.
还有 一些 别的 队伍 的 韩援
There are great Korean players on other teams as well.
It's a temporary solution.
急于求成 的 做法
It'll only bring them temporary success.
韩援 确实 给 我们 带来
The Korean players
很多 新 的 战术 和 打法 思路
did introduce a lot of new strategies into our industry,
很 值得 我们 去 学习
and we should learn them as well.
但 要 强大 我们 的 赛区
But if we want to improve the quality of local players,
我们 不能 过分 依赖 韩援
we mustn't depend on them too much.
那 解决办法 呢
Do you have any solution to the problem?
因为 最近 听说
Because we heard
圈内 兴起 了 抵制 韩援 的 小 风气 嘛
that boycotting Korean players is the current trend of the e-sports industry.
也 想 问 一下 两位
对于 抵制 是 什么样 的 态度 呢
what are your thoughts on that?
抵制 倒 是 不至于 吧
I don't think we need to boycott them.
加强 管理
We just need to improve the management.
主要 看 俱乐部 吧
Mainly, it depends on the club.
全靠 自觉
It depends on one's self-awareness.
不 自觉 的话 俱乐部 也 管不了
If they aren't self-aware, even the club can't do anything about it.
在 这里 我要 强调 一点
I need to emphasize one thing.
这 跟 有没有 外援 是 没有 关系 的
This has nothing to do with foreign players.
同样 的 情况 国内 选手 也 有
Local players do face the same situation as well.
之后 要 问到 的 就是 关于
Now, let's talk about
选手 和 粉丝 之间 关系 的 看法 了
the relationship between pro gamers and their fans.
我们 也 知道
We know
许泰伦 选手 呢 最近 也 是
that Xu Tai Lun has been exposed
被 与 他 有 过 不 正当关系 的 女 粉丝
by the female fan who had an affair with him
亲自 曝光 的
微妙 共存
It's complex and subtle.
适度 保持 距离 吧
We should maintain a proper distance.
作为 插足 他人 感情 的 人
As the third party of a relationship,
无论是 男方 还是 女方
no matter if it's the guy or the girl,
都 是 不可 被 原谅 的
they will never be forgiven.
而 作为 粉丝
As a fan,
要 清楚 地 知道
you should know
自己 在 看待 自己 喜欢 的 选手 时
that the idol you're obsessed with
是不是 带有 美化 滤镜
might not be as good as you thought he would be.
从 简单 单纯 的 喜欢
From admiring your idol
变成 可怕 的 占有欲
to trying to possess your idol,
这是 一个 很 可怕
this is a terrible
且 不 被 推崇 的 行为
and unwanted behaviour.
看来 童谣 作为 女生
Seems like Smiling
在 这件 事情 上
has different thoughts
也 有着 不同 角度 的 看法 呀
about the incident from a girl's perspective.
不过 刚才 听 两位 的 回答
But after listening to your answers,
言下之意 就是 圈内 选手
in short, there are problems
多多少少 还是 存在 一些
with the pro gamers'
生活作风 上 的 问题 吧
lifestyle, am I right?
大家 都 很 年轻
Everyone is still very young.
过早 接触 社会 的话
If we step into society at a young age,
容易 受到 错误 的 引导
it's easy to be led astray.
就 像 刚 上学 的 时候
Just like how we used to make our teachers angry
经常 惹 老师 生气 一样
when we were still studying.
希望 多 做 一些 克制 吧
I hope they can control their lifestyle.
不 知道
I don't know about that,
反正 我 的 生活作风 没有 问题
my lifestyle isn't problematic, anyway.
我 是 个 值得 托付 终身 的 男人
I'm someone you can entrust your future with.
那 面对 现在 职业 圈
So, regarding
光明 与 黑暗 并存 的 情况
the bright and dark situation within the e-sports industry,
想 问 一下 两位
have you guys
是否 有 考虑 过
ever considered
跟 圈内人 谈恋爱 呢
dating someone from your own field?
为什么 不
Why not?
不要 吗
Don't you want to give it a try?
我 不 知道
I don't know.
好 的
That's all for our interview today.
今天 采访 到 这 就要 结束 了
我们 也 感谢 各位 媒体 朋友 的 支持
We need to thank our friends from the press as well.
Thank you.
你 觉 不 觉得
Don't you think
陆思诚 和 童谣 好像 有点 什么
there's something between Chessman and Smiling?
你 这话 什么 意思 啊
What do you mean by that?
你 记 不 记得 陆思诚 说 过
Do you remember
他 喜欢 打游戏 打得 比 他 好 的 女孩
that Chessman once said he likes girls who are better at gaming than him?
你 这么 一说
Now that you've mentioned it,
好像 有点 蛛丝马迹
he did reveal some clues about it.
是 吧 是 吧
Am I right?
回去 啊
we should prepare all of the materials.
我们 赶紧 把 所有 材料 都 准备 好
他们 一官 宣
Once they announce their relationship,
我们 就 可以 抢 头条
we can be the first to publish the news.
走 吧 走
-Let's go. -Let's go.
给 你 两个 小时 时间
(I'll give you two hours.)
晚上 九点 之前
(Tell me before 9pm.)
What floor?
Floor 46.
这 是 你
Is this you?
堵 枪眼 的 事
You should let men
应该 由 男人 来 做
do the clarifications.
其实 玉藻 前 对 我 来说
Actually, to me, Tamamo-no-Mae is...
是 一种 信仰
It's a type of faith.
以 想要 赢 的 决心
Why don't you establish a new faith
建立 起新 的 信仰 怎么样
with your determination to win?
走 吧
Let's go.
全世界 都 看 出来
Everyone can see
你 故意 输 的
that you lost to her on purpose.
我 不想 让 你 去
I don't want you to meet her.
加油 童谣
Smiling, you can do it.
我 就 知道 陆思诚 肯定 喜欢 你
I knew Lu Si Cheng likes you.
他 肯定 就是 故意 让给 你 的
I'm sure he lost to you on purpose.
你 记 不 记得 陆思诚 说 过
Do you remember Chessman once said
他 喜欢 打游戏 打得 比 他 好 的 女孩
that he only likes girls who are better at gaming than him?
穿 上 拖鞋 再 吃 东西
Wear your slippers and have your dinner.
Brother Cheng,
最后 一个 问题
last question.
你 这 几天 不理 我
Were you ignoring me for the past few days
只是 因为 生气 吗
just because you were angry at me?
因为 害怕
It's because I was afraid.
害怕 会 心软
I was afraid that I might have a soft spot for you.
现在 是 北京 时间
八点 五十八 分 三十秒
it's 8:58:30pm.
你 还 报时
You're even reporting the time to me?
你 的 回答 是
What's your answer?
想 清楚 再说
Think before you speak.
This is?
是 啊
Although Team DQ.Five's base camp is quite far away,
虽然 DQ.Five 有点 远
但是 我 还是 成功 地
I still managed to
把 猫质 带 了 回来
bring the cat hostage back with me.
北京 时间 八点 五十九 分 三十秒
Now, it's 8:59:30pm.
要是 三十秒 后 我 还是 单身 的话
If I'm still single after 30 seconds,
这 只 猫 就要 被 我 带走 了
I'll abduct the cat.
你 怎么 不 反手 抱住 我 啊
Why aren't you hugging me?
看 什么 看 啊
Why are you staring at me?
我 的 猫 和 我 的 人
Both the cat and you belong to me.
我 看看 不行
Why can't I stare at you?
谁 是 你 的 人 了
No one belongs to you.
拿 猫 威胁 人算 什么 英雄好汉
You're not a man since you're threatening me with a kitten.
兵不厌诈 嘛
All is fair in war.
如果 没有 这 只 猫
Without this cat,
我 怎么 能 抱 到 你 呢
I would've never been able to hug you.
臭 流氓
Stupid thug.
喂 姐妹
Hello, Sis?
我们 饼 有 弟弟 了
Woo Ri Bing has a little brother now.
你 疯 了 吗
Are you crazy?
这才 几点 啊
Do you know what time it is?
姐妹 大 新闻
Sister, I have huge news for you.
二十分钟 内 我 就要 告诉 你
I'm going to tell you about it within 20 minutes.
你 快 来
I won't tell you if you're late.
迟到 一秒 我 就 不聊 了
好好 好 知道 了
Alright, understood.
大 新闻
Huge news?
闻到 了 一股 八卦 的 味道
Seems like potential gossip.
涂个 胡萝卜 色 的 口红 吧
Let me put on a carrot-coloured lipstick.
这 就是 你 跟 我 说 的 大 新闻 啊
Is this the huge news you were talking about?
这个 猫 看着 有点 面熟 啊
This cat looks familiar.
我 知道 你 想 问 什么
I know what you're trying to ask me.
我 也 知道 我 有 权利 保持沉默
I know I have the right to remain silent.
但是 我 所说 的 一切
But everything I say
都 将 会 成为 呈堂 证供
will be used as evidence in the court.
这 只 猫
This cat
就是 许泰伦 那个 渣 男
is the cat that scum, Xu Tai Lun,
和 他 的 粉丝 小 三 一起 养 的 猫
bought together with his female fan, that third wheel.
就 这么 简单
Is that all?
许泰伦 被 禁赛 了
Xu Tai Lun is facing a match suspension.
没有 心思 养猫
He's in no mood to rear a cat.
我们 队长 就 把 它
Our captain
从 DQ.Five 给 接过 来 了
brought it back from Team DQ.Five's base camp.
给 没 给钱 我 不 知道 啊
I don't know if he paid them or not.
就是 昨晚 的 事
It happened last night.
我 给 它 取 了 个 名字
I gave it a name.
叫 小葱
He's Little Shallot now.
因为 它 也 是 我 的 猫
Because he's my cat as well.
那么 问题 就 来 了
So, here's the question.
一只 猫 为什么 会 有 两个 主人 呢
Why does the cat have two owners?
答案 就是
The answer is
我 和 队长 之间
that Captain and I
有 了 不可 描述 的 关系 了
have an indescribable relationship now.
就是 这样 了
That's it.
就是 这样
That's it.
请原谅 我
Excuse me?
你 和 谁 陆思诚
You and who? Chessman?
你别 嚷嚷 别人 还 不 知道 呢
Stop shouting. No one knows about it yet.
木兰 可以 呀 你
Mulan, you're really something.
山头 那方 敌军 未退
You haven't conquered the top of the championship yet,
电竞 大业 尚未 统一
and you haven't united the e-sports field yet,
你 就 先 把 陆将军 给 睡 了
but now, you've slept with General Lu?
还 没 睡 还 没 睡
I haven't slept with him yet.
还 没 来得及 睡 呢
Not yet.
你 个 心机 女孩
Devious girl,
你 还 挺 遗憾 啊 是不是
seems like you feel regretful because you couldn't sleep with him, huh?
你 小点声
Lower your volume.
你 打算 什么 时候 去 考 你 的
when will you
清华 博士后 啊
prepare for exams to be a postdoctor in Tsinghua University?
听到 空气 中 啪啪 的 响声 了 吗
Do you hear that sound in the air?
那 就是 你 被 打 脸 的 声音
That's the sound of you eating your own words.
其实 我 也 没有 想到
Actually, I never expected this.
真的 没有 想到
I really didn't expect it.
就是 昨天 突然 说 到 这 茬
Suddenly, he confessed to me yesterday.
而且 我们 的 队长 还 拿 猫 套路 我
And he even used the cat to trick me.
我 一下 没 把持 住 就 答应 了
I said yes because I couldn't stand it.
但是 现在 还 在 试用期 啊
But he's still under probation.
我们 队长 说 了
Our captain
实践 是 检验 真理 的 唯一标准
said that experiencing it myself is the best way to find out the truth.
什么 真理 啊
What truth?
就是 他 是 个 好 男人
The truth that he's a good man
和 许泰伦 他们 不 一样 的
and he's different from Xu Tai Lun and the rest.
之类 的
Something like that.
你们 两个 能 不能
Can't you two just
好好 谈个 正常人 的 恋爱
be in a normal relationship?
神秘兮兮 的 也 就算 了
It's fine that you guys are keeping it a secret,
现在 还 搞 个 什么 实验
but what's with the experiment?
不 满意 还 能 退货 啊
Do you think you can get a refund if you don't like it?
三个 月 试用
Three months of probation period,
五年 全国 联保
and a warranty that lasts for five years.
可以 可以
Not bad at all.
那 你 好好 试用 喔
Enjoy your experiment then.
那 就 不能 约 酒 了 下次 吧
We can't drink then. Maybe next time.
有空 可以 一起 打 训练赛
Let's play some practice matches together when you're free.
我们 没有 宵禁 明早 再聊
We don't have curfews. Let's talk about this tomorrow.
你 在 跟 谁 说话 呀
Who are you speaking with?
正常 的 社交 对象
Normal friends.
谁 啊
Who is it?
隔壁 射手
Our neighbour's AD.
教皇 啊
还 正常 的 社交 对象 呢
He's your normal friend?
你 是 不 知道
You may not know,
教皇 第一天 来 中国 的 时候
but when Hierophant arrived in our country,
有 粉丝 带 着 你 陆思诚 的 灯牌
some fans were waiting for him
去 机场 接机 的 壮举 呢
at the airport with signboards with your name on it.
刚说 什么 呢 那么 开心
Why were you so happy just now?
你 又 不 读书 你 又 不 看报
You don't read books or newspapers.
许泰伦 那件 事情 曝光 之后
After Xu Tai Lun's secret got exposed,
我们 昨天 采访 又 带 了 一波 节奏
our interview has introduced a new trend as well.
现在 的 舆论 是
Now, everyone is discussing about this.
论 国家 职业 圈 里面
Within the local e-sports industry,
无论 是否是 外援 都 管不住 自己
both the domestic or foreign players are not disciplined well.
要求 俱乐部 加强 管理
They're asking the clubs to strengthen their management.
刚才 我 问 教皇
Just now, I asked Hierophant
要 不要 进行 一下 老 男人 之间 的 决斗
if he wanted to have a man to man battle with me.
比如 喝酒
For example, drinking.
他 说 门禁
He said his club has imposed a curfew.
俱乐部 现在 晚上 十点 之后 门禁
Now, they're not allowed to go out
禁止 出门
after 10pm,
除非 有 上层 集体 活动
unless their higher-ups want them to attend events.
否则 就算 饿死 也 只能 点 外卖
If not, they can only order for deliveries even if they're starving.
还有 这种 事
That actually happened?
会 不会 矫枉过正 啊
Will this trend actually create more trouble?
怪不得 艾佳 最近 都 洁身自好
It's no wonder Ai Jia has been so obedient lately.
不去 找 今阳 呢
He didn't go to Jin Yang's place at all.
Brother Rui,
隔壁 都 行动 起来 了
even our neighbours are doing it.
我们 可 不能 落后
We mustn't lose to them.
咱们 就 没有 门禁 吗
What about our curfew?
咱们 队员 自觉
All of our team members have great self-awareness.
用不着 那么 搞
There's no need for curfews.
什么 自觉
Great self-awareness?
刚刚 你家 射手
Just now, your AD
还 想 拐 隔壁家 射手 出去 喝酒 呢
wanted to have a drink with our neighbour's AD.
Let go of my hand.
Let go!
就 不
陆思诚 你 松
Lu Si Cheng, let me go!
Tong Yao,
你 来 看看 你 猫 是不是 饿 了
come and see if your cat is hungry.
我来 看看
I'll take a look.
Let go!
Lu Si Cheng!
就 不
你 瞧瞧
Look at him.
怎么 还 感冒 了
Why did he catch a cold?
是不是 饿 了
Are you hungry?
是不是 饿 了
Are you hungry?
看看 啊 看看 小肚 肚
[Your hand] Let me look at your belly.
Little Shallot.
是不是 饿 了
Is he hungry?
你 的 手 好 软
(Your hand is soft.)
臭 流氓
(Stupid thug.)
猫 都 比 我 过 得 好
(Even the cat is leading a better life than me.)
怎么 了
(What's wrong?)
猫 都 能 抱 着 它 媳妇 睡
(At least he can sleep together with his wife.)
大饼 是 太监
(Da Bing is a eunuch.)
太监 猫 都 能 抱 着 它 媳妇 睡
(Even the eunuch cat can sleep together with his wife.)
小葱 也 是 弟弟
(Little Shallot is his little brother.)
太监 猫
(Even the eunuch cat)
都 能 抱 着 它 的 小太监 猫 媳妇 睡
(can sleep together with his little eunuch wife.)
而 你 只有 决战 平安 京
(And you only have Onmyoji Arena to accompany you.)
拜 许泰伦 所 赐
(Thanks to Xu Tai Lun,)
决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛 俱乐部
(all of the clubs in OPL)
全面 调整 管理
(have made adjustments to their management.)
YQCB 首当其冲 做出 规定
(YQCB Gaming is one of the first club)
队员 十点 后 禁止 独自 出门
(to implement a curfew after 10pm for its club members.)
这 和 坐牢 有 啥 区别
(This is just like imprisonment.)
晚上 基地 门 一关
(Once the base camp's door is locked,)
一人 一套 五年 高考 三年 模拟
(they'll give everyone a set of NCEE mock exam questions.)
别说 拿 总决赛 冠军
(Not just the National Championship,)
几年 后 考个 清华北大
(they can get into Tsinghua University and Peking University)
还 不是 分 分钟 的 事情
(without any problem after this.)
其实 也 不单单是 韩援 的 问题
(Actually, it's not just about the Korean players.)
主要 还是 人品问题
(Sleeping with their fans?)
也 不是 所有人
(Not all people...)
那个 YQCB 的 中 单艾佳
(Team YQCB's mid, Ai Jia,)
自己 不 就是 个 典范 吗
(he's the perfect example.)
女朋友 经常 在 基地 出现
(His girlfriend often appears in their base camp.)
好像 也 不是 工作人员
(I don' think she's one of the crew members.)
长得 是 挺 漂亮 的
(She does look gorgeous.)
看起来 也 是 粉丝 转正 的
(Seems like she was his fan before she became his girlfriend.)
估计 靠 艾佳养 着 吧
(I think she's depending on Ai Jia to support her.)
都 写 得 明明白白 了
(Everything is written down.)
我 的 天
(My goodness.)
怎么 把 火烧 到 今阳 那里 去 了
(Why did they drag Jin Yang into this mess?)
这 肯定 就是 睡粉 啊
(I'm sure he's sleeping with his fan.)
还好 妹子 长得 挺 漂亮 啊
(It's alright. At least the girl is pretty.)
大长 腿 怪不得
-(Look at her long legs.) -(No wonder.)
她 全身上下 香奈儿 诶
(She's wearing Chanel.)
包都 是 限量 的
(Even her bags are limited edition bags.)
一个包 能顶 我 一年 伙食费 了
(I can survive one year with the price of her bag.)
艾佳 吃 土 喝 自来水
(Ai Jia is eating dirt and drinking tap water)
只 为 供养 无业 女友
(in order to support her jobless girlfriend.)
真是 好惨 一男 的
(He's so pitiful.)
今阳 你 没事 吧
(Jin Yang, are you okay?)
姐 被 带 了 一手 节奏
(I was dragged into the mess.)
你 看着 可能 会 爆 血管
(You might have a heart attack from reading their comments.)
但是 我 建议 你
(But I suggest you)
不要 去 竞圈 养殖场 跟 他们 一般见识
女人真 可怕
(Women are scary.)
还好 我诚哥 单身 狗
(It's lucky that my Brother Cheng is still single.)
不想 让 别的 妹子
(I don't want)
来 影响 他 的 职业 状态
(women to affect his career.)
希望 各位 哥哥 姐姐 行行好
(I hope you guys can be kind)
离 他 远 一点
(and stay away from him.)
(What should I do?)
头 一次 觉得 跟 别人 宣布
(It's my first time feeling)
自己 正常 又 纯洁 无比 的 恋爱
(that it's harder for me to announce my normal and pure relationship with him)
简直 比 拿 世界 赛 冠军 还 难
(than to win the National Championship.)
姐妹 职业 电 竞选 手
(Sister, is it better for pro gamers)
是不是 注定 孤独 终老 比较 好 啊
(to stay single forever?)
否则 谈个 恋爱
(If not, their friends and families)
很 容易 把 家属 推 到 万丈深渊 的 啊
(might be implicated when they're trying to date someone.)
我 告诉 你们
(Listen up.)
东西 可以 乱 吃
(You can choose what to eat and what not to eat.)
大不了 就 一条 命
(At most, you'll just die from it.)
话 可 不能 乱说
(But you mustn't defame someone.)
这 是 害 一个
(You guys are trying to)
无辜 男孩 变 单身 狗 的 节奏 啊
(make me single again while I'm innocent.)
你们 这是 作孽 你们 知道 吧
You guys are committing sins.
行 了 行 了 别 叨叨 了
Enough, stop nagging.
我 有 女朋友 怎么 了
So what if I have a girlfriend?
我 打游戏 的 键盘 都 是 女朋友 送 的 呢
My girlfriend was the one who gave me my keyboard.
我 女朋友 是 我 很久以前 追到 的
She was my girlfriend since a long time ago.
城市 赛 的 时候
It was during the City Championship.
是 是 是 我 追 她
Yes, I was the one who courted her.
我 追 她
I was the one who courted her.
我 强调 一下 啊
Let me emphasize this again.
重要 的 事 我 强调 三遍
I need to say it three times since it's important.
是 我 追 的 她
I was the one who courted her.
照片 呢 你们 也 扒出 不少 了
I know you guys have dug out a lot of our pictures.
哪次 见 她 看 我 的 眼神 中
If you guys see her looking at me
闪烁着 崇拜 的 光芒
with adoration in her eyes,
告诉 我 我 立马 回去 烧高香
tell me about it. I'll pray to the deities and thank them.
我 有 女朋友 怎么 了
What's wrong with having a girlfriend?
有没有 她 我们 都 是 保级
We're still in the relegation zone with or without her.
带个 鬼 节奏
She's not the cause.
保级 特 光荣 啊
Are you proud that you're in the relegation zone?
嚷嚷 个 毛 啊
Why are you shouting?
隔壁 战队 都 听见 了 你 羞 不 羞 啊
Don't you feel embarrassed? Even our neighbors can hear you.
丝毫 不 避嫌
(She doesn't avoid the spotlight at all.)
小姐姐 可以 迎着 狂风 就 上 了
(Missy, just go for it.)
去 玩吧
(I feel like singing this song for you...)
想 为 你 高歌一曲 野子
腿 是 真的 长
(Her legs are really long.)
我 知道 你们 对 我 特别 地 感兴趣
I know you guys are very interested in me
也 特别 地有 意见
and you guys have prejudices against me.
微博 底下 的 真诚 祝福 我 也 都 看到 了
I've read all of your blessings under my Weibo account.
我要 在 这里 回应 一下 啊
Here, I need to clarify something.
RV 的 鞋子 不是 A 货
My shoes from RV aren't fake.
是 小姐姐 我用 这 双 勤劳 的 手
I got them from personally from those official stores
一双双 从 各家 专柜 扛 回来 的
by working hard.
然后 啊
你们 也 别光 扒 这些 小东西
you guys shouldn't be concerned with trivial matters like these.
看 这个
Look at this.
这是 去年 双十 一 呀
This is what Ai Jia gave to me
我们 艾佳 送 我 的 周年 礼物
for last year's anniversary.
高兴 了 不
Are you guys happy now?
满意 了 不
Are you guys satisfied now?
From now on,
不管 是 刀山火海 还是 万丈深渊
(no matter if I'm falling into a sea of flame or an infinite abyss,)
姐姐 我 都 不会 回头 的
(I will never turn back.)
你们 慢忙
You guys can continue.
你们 别 听 她 瞎说
You guys shouldn't believe her.
你们 知道 那 车 多少钱 吗
(Do you guys know how expensive that car is?)
我 哪 有钱
(I don't have that amount of money.)
我 买不起 我拿头 送给 她 我
真的 真的 不骗 你们
(It's true. I'm not lying.)
那 车 多少钱 你们 不 知道 啊
(Don't you guys know how expensive it is?)
你 自己 百度 自己 上网 搜一 下去
(You can search for its price on the Internet.)
我 我 哪 有 那么 多钱 给 她 啊 我
(I don't have that amount of money.)
人家 都 是 躲 着 节奏 走
(People usually avoid direct confrontations.)
你 这 看见 节奏 来 了
(But you?)
迎头 就 上 毫不含糊
[Tong Yao] (You took it on without hesitations.)
还 顺手 接过 了 扛 头 大旗 的 重任
(And now, you're leading the pack.)
自己 走 在 了 自己 节奏 的 最 前端
(You're at the forefront of your news now.)
亲自 领路
(You're leading them personally.)
厉害 了 我 的 姐
(My sister, you're the best.)
请 叫 我 女王 大人
(Please call me Queen.)
睡 了 吗
[fhdjwhdb2333] (Are you asleep?)
没有 白送 啊
(-Not yet.) -I died for nothing.
这波 可以 上
We can fight.
想 我 了
(Do you miss me?)
大哥 五分钟 之前
(Come on, we just played together)
我们 刚刚 并排 坐在 一起 打游戏 好 吗
(five minutes ago.)
我 想 你 了
(I miss you already.)
请问 您 是 在 扮 何书桓
(Excuse me, are you pretending to be He Shu Huan)
还是 在 扮 洪世贤
(or Hong Shi Xian?)
我 在 扮演 五 阿哥
(I'm pretending to be the Fifth Prince.)
小燕子 你 是不是 口渴 了
(Xiao Yan Zi, are you thirsty?)
回五 阿哥 还 行 不渴
(Fifth Prince, I'm fine. I'm not that thirsty.*) (* Lit.: Those are all famous characters in dramas)
就是 有点 想 吐
(I just feel like throwing up.)
我 去 给 童谣 送瓶水
I'll send a bottle of water to Tong Yao.
打 他
Hit him.
等会儿 等 我 过来
Wait for me.
This is?
我 跟 他们 说 你 让 我 帮 你 拿 瓶 水
I told them that you told me to bring you a bottle of water.
你 还 挺 机智 的 嘛
You're pretty smart, huh?
有没有 想 我 啊
Do you miss me?
怎么 了
What's wrong?
现在 大家 都 知道
Now, everyone knows
决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛 俱乐部
that the clubs in OPL
在 大 洗牌
are shuffling their team members.
听说 DQ.Five
I heard that DQ.Five
连带 管理层 都 换 了 好几个 人
has changed many of their personnel, including the management team.
这 不 挺 好 的 吗
Isn't that great?
好 什么 好
How is it great?
火烧 太过 了
This is too much.
连 选手 正常 谈恋爱 都 要 管
They're interfering with the pro gamers' normal relationships.
他们 说 我们 家 今阳 全靠 艾佳养
They said Jin Yang was able to survive because of Ai Jia.
说 什么 天天 在 基地 晃来晃去
They said she wanders around their base camp
影响 艾佳 训练
and distracts Ai Jia from his practice.
活生生 一个 狐狸精
They said she was an enchantress.
你 朋友 不是 开 保时捷 吗
I thought your friend was driving a Porsche.
艾佳 私房钱 得存 多久
Ai Jia needs to save up for a long time
才能 给 她 买 啊
if he wants to buy it for her.
那 他们 又 不 知道
But they don't know about that.
他们 不 知道 你 跟 我 气哼哼 干吗
Why are you angry at me when they're the ones who don't understand?
好 了 嘛
It's fine now.
你 看 这个
Look at this.
女人真 可怕
"Women are scary."
还好 我诚哥 单身 狗
"It's lucky that my Brother Cheng is still single."
不想 让 别的 妹子
"I don't want
来 影响 他 的 职业 状态
women to affect his career."
希望 各位 哥哥 姐姐 行行好
"I hope you guys can be kind
离 他 远 一点
and stay away from him."
你 知道 粉丝 的 言论 不 代表 本人 的 吧
You know that what the fans are saying doesn't represent my stand, right?
你 这样 对 我 很 不 公平 啊
You're being unfair to me.
我 知道
I know that.
可能 你 还是 做 一个
maybe you should stay single
只会 打游戏 的 单身 狗 比较 符合 形象
in order to maintain your image.
万一 你 谈恋爱 了
If you get into a relationship,
你 就 再也不是 万千 少女 心中 的 梦 了
you'll cease to be the dream guy of every woman out there.
我 不
No way.
你 不 什么 不 啊
What are you talking about?
怎么 感觉 跟 你 谈个 恋爱
Why does it feel so difficult
比登 天 还 难
to be in a relationship with you?
大不了 就 不 公布 啊
At most, we can just keep our relationship in secret.
现在 这样 不 挺 好 的 吗
Isn't that pretty good?
我 不 勉强 你
I won't force you.
真的 吗
毕竟 是 我 犯规 在 先
Since I was the one who broke the rules first.
想一想 可能 对于 你 的 身份 来说
When I think about your identity,
你 比 我 更 不 需要 这方面 的 节奏
it'll be harder for you if we announce our relationship.
但是 并 不 代表 我会 后悔
But it doesn't mean that I'm regretting my decision.
你 要 埋怨 就 埋怨 我 好 了
If you want to complain, just blame it on me.
是 我 先 招惹 你 的
I was the one who started it first.
我 就 会 对 你 负责 到底
I will be responsible for you until the end.
你 最多算 共犯
At most, you're just an accomplice.
我 怎么 就是 共犯 了
How am I your accomplice?
游戏 打得 好
You're great at gaming,
对 职业 态度 过分 认真 可爱
you're too serious about your career, and you're cute.
你 这样 的 行为 严重 勾引 我
I was deeply attracted by you.
想 犯罪
I feel like committing a crime.
来 单挑 吗
Do you want a solo match?
单挑 一 整晚 的 那种
Where we can battle each other for the entire night?
你 说 什么 呢
What are you talking about?
你 出去
Get out.
Tong Yao.
Get out.
早点 休息
Rest early.
送个 水 这么久 啊
Why did you take so long?
她 发完 微信 就 睡 了
She fell asleep after she sent me the message.
敲门 敲了半天 才 开门
She only opened the door after I knocked on it non-stop.
Such audacity.
竟然 让 队长 大大 给 你 送 水
She's actually asking our captain to bring some water to her?
是 啊 也 不 知道 谁 给 她 惯 的
Yeah, I wonder who spoiled her.
真是 狗胆包天
Such audacity.
如果 紧逼 我 我会 让 其 付出代价
♪If you force me♪
你 知道 这 是 我 的 作风
♪You will know me♪
是 的 如果 紧逼 我 我会 让 你 付出代价
♪If you force me♪
你 知道 这 是 我 的 作风
♪You will know me♪
我们 最好 行动 行动 行动 行动
♪Move, move, move, move, move♪
你 知道 当 我们 进入 最佳 状态 会有 多妙
♪You know how great we get into the turn♪
如果 紧逼 我 我会 让 其 付出代价
♪If you force me♪
你 知道 这 是 我 的 作风
♪You will know me♪
这 不 童谣 吗
Isn't that Smiling?
这 不是 童谣 小姐姐 吗
Aren't you Smiling?
场地 这么 偏远
The stage is quite remote.
你们 大老远 跑过来 真是 辛苦 了
It must've been a long ride.
不 辛苦 不 辛苦
Not at all.
小姐姐 今天 不 上场 吗
Missy, aren't you competing today?
我们 是 第二场
We'll be competing in the second match.
我 专门 来看 YQCB 比赛 的
I'm here to spectate Team YQCB.
毕竟 他们 现在 是 我们 最 强劲 的 对手
Since they're our strongest opponents.
我 刚才 看见
Just now,
有人 把 诚哥 和 教皇 的 灯牌
I saw someone putting the signboards of Chessman and Hierophant
放在 一起 了
过分 啊 你们
You guys are too much.
一看 就 知道 想 干吗
I know what you guys are up to.
帮 我 签个 名 可以 吗
Could you please sign here for me?
好 啊
好 谢谢
Alright, thank you.
那 那 拍照 也 可以 吗
Can we take a picture with you?
可以 呀
不过 到时候 发 的 时候
But you must remember
不能 只修 自己 啊
to edit my face as well when you post the picture.
Thank you.
Thank you.
童谣 可以 跟 我合 张影 吗
Smiling, can I take a picture with you?
你 看
真 好看 来
-It looks great. -Come.
Thank you.
你 怎么 来 了
Why are you here?
来看 比赛 啊
I'm here to spectate the match.
这么 积极 啊
You're being so positive today.
我 都 已经 想通 了
I've made my decision.
只要 艾佳 打 比赛
As long as Ai Jia is competing,
我 有 时间 我 一定 来
I will come and support him whenever I'm free.
不仅 要 来
Not only will I spectate his match,
我 还要 坐在 第一排
I'll sit in the first row as well.
我 就是 要 让 那些 不信邪 的 人
I'll show those non-believers
看看 老娘 的 腿 到底 有 多长
how long my legs are.
这个 梗 你 是 过不去 了
Are you stuck with that forever?
忍一时 海阔天空
With a little forbearance, you will find calm and peace.
退一步 越想 越气
Take a little step back, and you'll make yourself angrier.
这 不是 艾佳 女朋友 陈今阳 吗
Isn't that Chen Jin Yang, Ai Jia's girlfriend?
这 风口浪尖
How dare she come
她 还 敢过来
when everyone is talking about her?
就 不怕 影响 艾佳 打 比赛 啊
Isn't she afraid that she might distract Ai Jia from his matches?
别 担心 我罩 着 你
Don't worry. I got your back.
住口 你 罩 得 住 毛线
Shut up. You don't have my back.
是 你 啊
It's you?
是 我 是 我
It's me.
你 看
真的 太 惊喜 了
This is so surprising.
完全 没有 想到
I didn't expect
大名鼎鼎 的 童谣
the famous Smiling
居然 就 在 我们 身边
to be sitting beside us.
还 帮 我们 怼 那些
You even
瞧不起 妹子 的 直 男癌
spoke up for us women.
我 当时 就 在 想 啊
Back then, I was thinking
谁家 的 姑娘 这么 帅
that which girl was awesome.
都 快 被 她 圈粉 了
I almost became her fan.
是 啊 是 啊
我们 都 在 想 啊
那个 时候 我们 都 不 珍惜
that we didn't cherish the times
你 坐在 我们 身边 的 时光
when you were sitting beside us.
没想到 弥补 的 机会 这么 快 就 来 了
I didn't expect us to get a chance to atone for our mistake this soon.
就是 就是
童谣 小姐姐 给
Smiling, here.
这次 还是 不要 钱
It's still for free.
我会 永远 支持 你 的
I will support you forever.
肉身 感应 我 果然 是 有 粉丝 的 人
(I'm meeting my fans in person for the first time.)
好 膨胀 啊
(I feel so proud!)
都 能 留下 最好 了
It's best if you guys can stay with us.
遇到 一个 值得 追寻 和 喜欢 的 选手
We decided to stay once we found
就 决定 留下来 了
pro gamers who we admire.
你们 两个 先聊
You two can continue.
我们 去 后面 发
We need to deliver the posters.
走走 走 拜拜
-Let's go. -Goodbye.
见过世面 啊 姐妹
Sister, you're quite experienced, huh?
给 你 讲个 笑话
Let me tell you a joke.
你 罩 我
You, having my back.
粉丝 使 我 膨胀 啊
I feel conceited after I saw my fans.
笑 得 像 个 傻子
She's smiling like an idiot.
在 前台 碰见 粉丝 了
(I saw our fans just now.)
好多好多 啊
(There were so many of them.)
还有 我 的 个人 粉
(I met some of my fans as well.)
原本 要 退圈 的 小姐姐
(Initially, they wanted to quit being fans of our team.)
结果 因为 我 就 回来 了
(In the end, they came back because of me.)
手上 戴 着 我 的 应 援手 环
(And they were wearing my name on their wrists.)
我 之前 还 不敢相信
(I didn't believe)
真的 是因为 我 回来 的
(that they would become our fans again because of me.)
跟 她们 合影 啦
(I took a picture with them.)
看见 了
(I saw that.)
(You're just brushing me off.)
你 看见 什么 了 你 就 看见 了
(What did you see exactly?)
(Raise your head.)
你 老公 来 了
Your hubby is here.
不 放心 你 啊
Seems like he's worried about you.
还 特意 过来 守 着
He's here to watch over you.
真 贴心
He's so thoughtful.
不像 我们 家 那个 傻子
Unlike my silly boyfriend,
他 就 跟 那 跟 队友 谈笑风生
he only knows how to have fun with his teammates.
是 诚哥
It's Brother Cheng!
还 真是 买一送一 了
It's really a bonus!
Lu Si Cheng!
也 太帅 了 吧
He's so handsome!
今天 真是 赚 到 了
We're so lucky today.
看见 了
(I saw you.)
都 跟 你 招手 了 还 看不见 像 什么 话
(Of course, I waved at you.)
你 瞎 啊
(Don't tell me you're blind.)
你 好好 说话
(You better mind your words.)
进去 了
(I'll go in now.)
别 一秒 看 不住 就 在 外头 上蹿下跳
(Don't try to flirt with other people)
(when I'm not around.)
女 的 也 不行
(Not even girls.)