절망의 나날, 열 다섯 번째-111
of despair|days|twelve|five|th
Tage der Verzweiflung, fünfzehnte - 111
Дни отчаяния, пятнадцатый - 111
Days of Despair, Fifteenth - 111
절망의 나날, 열 다섯 번째
of despair|days|twelve|five|th
Days of Despair, Fifteenth
“모두들 내 말을 믿지 않으니 이제 모든 루명을 나 혼자 뒤집어쓰고 죽을 수밖에 없는 가련한 신세가 된 것이 너무나 억울합니다.”
everyone|my|words|believe not|don't|now|all|blame|I|alone|wearing|die|only|not|pitiful|situation|became|thing|so|unfair
"Since no one believes what I say, I have become a pitiful being who can only take all the blame alone and die, and it is so unfair."
나는 위장된 경력을 말하며 내친 김에 흑흑 흐느껴 울었다.
I|disguised|career|speaking|in the process|while|sobbing|weeping|cried
I spoke of my concealed career and, taking the opportunity, I sobbed.
“어차피 죽게 될 바에야 더 이상 괴로움을 당하지 않고 여기에서 편히 죽고 싶습니다.
anyway|die|will|in the end|more|no longer|suffering|endure|without|here|peacefully|die|want
"If I'm going to die anyway, I want to die here peacefully without suffering any longer."
내가 만약 이번 남조선 비행기 폭파 사건으로 많은 인민이 희생당한 남조선으로 끌려간다면 나는 정당한 조사도 받지 못하고 갖은 고통을 받다가 루명을 덮어쓰고 죽을 것이 뻔하기 때문에 죽어도 남조선에는 갈 수 없습니다.”
I|if|this|South Korea|airplane|bombing|incident|many|people|sacrificed|to South Korea|taken|I|fair|investigation|receive|unable to|various|suffering|enduring|false charge|bearing|die|thing|obvious|because|even if I die|to South Korea|go|possibility|not
"If I am dragged to South Korea due to this recent airplane bombing incident, where many people have sacrificed, it is clear that I will not receive a fair investigation and will suffer various tortures, ultimately dying with a false accusation, so I cannot go to South Korea even if I die."
나는 울부짖었다.
I cried out.
조사실은 온통 울음바다가 되었다.
the interrogation room|completely|sea of tears|became
The investigation room turned into a sea of tears.
마리아도 홍콩 여자도 내 말을 들으며 함께 울었다.
Maria also|Hong Kong|woman also|my|words|listening|together|cried
Maria and the Hong Kong woman cried together as they listened to me.
심지어 홍콩 여자는 자기도 도울 길이 없을까 하며 안타까워했다.
even|Hong Kong|woman|herself|help|way|not be|while|felt sorry
Even the Hong Kong woman lamented, wondering if there was any way she could help.
“일이 이렇게 된 이상 남조선에 끌려가면 빠이추이후이의 말대로 그 일을 했든 안했든 무조건 한 것으로 강요당할 것이 틀림없어.
|like this||under these circumstances|South Korea|if taken|Pai Chui Hui's|words|that|thing|did|didn't do|unconditionally|done|as|forced|thing|must be
"Given that things have come to this, if I am taken to South Korea, I will undoubtedly be forced to admit to having done that, whether I did it or not, just as Pai Chui-hui said."
끝내는 처참한 꼴로 죽게 될 것이니 어떤 일이 있어도 남조선에는 가지 않겠다고 더 강력하게 요구를 해야 해.”
ultimately|miserable|state|die|will|thing|any|matter|even if|to South Korea|go|not|more|strongly|demand|have to|do
"You will end up dying in a terrible state, so you must demand even more strongly that you will not go to South Korea under any circumstances."
홍콩 여자는 내가 취할 행동을 일러 주기까지 하는 것이었다.
Hong Kong|woman|I|take|action|tell|even|doing|was
The woman from Hong Kong even told me what actions I should take.
옆에 있던 여자경찰과 간호사들도 그 일이 있은 후 나를 더욱 더 열성적으로 돌보아 주고 내 처지를 리해하는 듯 극진하게 대해 주었다.
next to|was|female police officer and|nurse also|that|incident|happened|after|me|more|even|enthusiastically|caring for|giving|my|situation|understanding|like|sincerely|treating|gave
The female police officer and nurse next to me took even more enthusiastic care of me after that incident, treating me with great kindness as if they understood my situation.
나는 그들을 감쪽같이 속인 것이 천만다행이다 싶으면서도 한편으로는 그들에게 죄를 짓는 것 같아 미안하기 짝이 없었다.
I|them|completely|deceived|thing|fortunate|while feeling|on one hand|to them|sin|committing|thing|like|feeling sorry|extremely|was not
I felt incredibly fortunate to have deceived them so completely, yet at the same time, I felt terribly sorry for wronging them.
그들은 너무 착하고 천진난만했다.
they|too|kind and|were innocent
They were so kind and innocent.
그러나 내 처지가 이러하니 어쩔 수 없는 노릇이라고 마음을 강하게 먹었다.
but|my|situation|is like this|unavoidable|way|not|situation|heart|strongly|resolved
However, given my situation, I steeled my heart and accepted that there was nothing I could do.
‘공작을 수행하는 과정에서 어떠한 란관에 봉착하더라도 조국통일이라는 커다란 과업을 이룩하는 데 그 의의를 두면 어려울 것이 없다.
operation|carrying out|in the process|any|obstacle|faced with|national unification|great|task|achieving|in|that|significance|placing|difficult|thing|not
‘No matter what difficulties arise during the execution of the operation, if we focus on the great task of national reunification, it will not be difficult.
영예로운 공작 임무를 내게 맡겨 준 위대한 수령 김일성 동지와 친애하는 지도자 김정일 동지의 신임과 배려에 보답하기 위해서는 사업 비밀을 고수하고 깨끗이 죽었어야 할 몸이다.
honorable|operation|mission|to me|entrusted|given|great|leader|Kim Il-sung|comrade and|dear|leader|Kim Jong-il|comrade|trust and|consideration|repaying|in order to|work|secret|maintaining|cleanly|should have died|to|body
In order to repay the trust and consideration of the great leader Kim Il-sung and the dear leader Kim Jong-il, who entrusted me with this honorable mission, I must maintain the confidentiality of the operation and be prepared to die cleanly.
그런데 죽지 못하고 이렇게 살았으니 사업 비밀을 고수하고 밀봉하기 위해서는 적극성과 대담성이 필요하다.
but|die|unable to|like this|lived|business|secret|maintaining|sealing|for|proactivity and|boldness|necessary
However, having lived like this without dying, it is necessary to have proactivity and boldness to maintain and seal business secrets.
그러기 때문에 지금은 필사의 노력을 해야 할 때다.
Therefore, now is the time to make desperate efforts.
여기에서 무너져서는 안 된다.
We must not collapse here.
감상에 젖지 말고 작은 인정에 약해지지 말자.'
sentiment|getting soaked|not|small|recognition|becoming weak|let's not
Let's not get lost in sentimentality and become weak over small recognition.
나는 자신에게 다짐하고 또 다짐했다.
I|to myself|promised|again|promised
I made a promise to myself and kept promising.
그것은 나 자신을 미덥지 못하다고 느꼈기 때문인 것 같다.
it|me|myself|trustworthy|not|felt|because of|thing|seems
It seems that this was because I felt I could not trust myself.
밤이 되면 그러한 나 자신의 미덥지 못한 마음이 더욱 더 두려워졌다.
night|when|such|I|my|trustworthy|not|mind|more|more|became afraid
At night, that untrustworthy feeling of mine became even more frightening.
잠만 들면 악몽에 시달리는데 악몽을 꾸다가 혹시라도 잠결에 조선말이 나올까봐서였다.
just|fall asleep|by nightmares|suffering|nightmare|dreaming|just in case|in my sleep|Korean|worried about coming out
As soon as I fell asleep, I was tormented by nightmares, fearing that I might accidentally speak in Korean in my sleep.
나는 깊은 잠에 빠지지 않으려고 애썼다.
I|deep|in sleep|fall|not trying to|tried
I tried not to fall into a deep sleep.
낮에는 조사받느라고 시달리고 밤에는 악몽에 부대끼다나니 몸은 파김치가 되어 일어나 앉을 수조차 없었다.
during the day|being interrogated|suffering|at night|from nightmares||my body|like a wrecked|became|get up|sitting|even|couldn't
During the day, I was tormented by the investigation, and at night, I was plagued by nightmares, leaving my body so exhausted that I couldn't even sit up.
잠깐 잠든 사이에 또 꿈을 꾸었다.
for a moment|asleep|in between|again|dream|had
In the brief moment I fell asleep, I had another dream.
금성정치군사대학 시절에 두 키로(2km) 수영 훈령을 받는 꿈이었다.
Venus Political Military University|during|two|||swimming|training|receiving|was a dream
It was a dream about receiving a two-kilometer swimming instruction during my time at the Venus Political and Military University.
담당지도원인 박 지도원이 보트를 타고 노를 저으며 앞으로 나가고 있었다.
the supervising instructor|Park|instructor|boat|riding|oar|rowing|forward|going|was
The supervising instructor, Park, was rowing a boat and moving forward.
나는 그 뒤를 따라 수영해 나갔다.
I|him|behind|following|swimming|went out
I swam out after him.
손발이 마음대로 움직여 주질 않는다.
my hands and feet|freely|move|wouldn't|do
My arms and legs wouldn't move as I wanted.
죽을 힘을 다해 허우적거렸지만 전혀 앞으로 나가지도 않고 몸이 자꾸 가라앉는다.
to die|strength|with all|I struggled but|at all|forward|going|not|body|repeatedly|sinks
I struggled with all my might, but I wasn't moving forward at all and my body kept sinking.
아직 1km가 남았다고 한다.
still|1km|said to be left|does
They say there is still 1km left.
기를 쓰며 손발을 움직이다가 쥐가 나기 시작했다.
energy|while using|hands and feet|moving|cramp|coming|started
As I strained and moved my hands and feet, cramps started to set in.
손발은 완전히 마비 증상을 일으켰다.
hands and feet|completely|paralysis|symptoms|caused
My hands and feet completely went numb.
나는 물을 너무 많이 마셨다.
I drank too much water.
호흡이 곤란해졌다.
breathing|became difficult
I started having difficulty breathing.
앞서가는 박 지도원을 소리쳐 불렀다.
I shouted to call out to Park, the guide, who was ahead.
그가 고개를 돌려 쳐다본다.
He turned his head and looked.
그는 박 지도원이 아니라 바로 아버지였다.
he|Park|guide|not|just|was father
It was not Park the guide, but my father right there.
너무나 반가워서 ‘아버지, 아버지, 저예요.
so much|I was glad|||it's me
I was so happy that I shouted, 'Father, Father, it's me.
현희요'하며 소리쳤다.
It's Hyunhee!'
그러나 아버지는 아무 표정 없이 한번 힐끗 보고는 모르는 척 그냥 노를 저어 저 멀리 가 버린다.
but|father|any|expression|without|once|glance|looking|not knowing|pretending|just|oar|rowing|far|far|go|leaves
But my father glanced at me without any expression and pretended not to know me, just rowing away into the distance.
물에 빠져 죽어가는 딸을 그대로 버려두고 가 버리는 것이 랭정하기 그지없었다.
in the water|sinking|dying|daughter|just|leaving|go|leaving|thing|cold-hearted|was unbearable
It was incredibly cold-hearted to leave his daughter, who was drowning, behind like that.
나레이션 : 대남공작원 김현희의 고백, 랑독에 박수현이였습니다.
narration|South Korean agent|Kim Hyun-hee's|confession|in the dialogue|was Park Soo-hyun
Narration: The confession of the South Korean agent Kim Hyun-hee, it was Park Soo-hyun in Langdok.
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