Episode 20 - 정이현 (Jung Yihyun) - Part 4
Aflevering 20 - Jung Yihyun - Deel 4
Episode 20 - Jung Yihyun - Part 4
토요일이었다, 느지막이 일어나 세수를 하고 오니 Q매장의 전화번호가 삐삐에 찍혀 있었다.
it was Saturday|late|waking up|washing my face|and|when I came back|of the Q store|phone number|on my beeper|was displayed|was
It was Saturday, and when I got up late and washed my face, I saw the phone number of the Q store on my pager.
"너 오늘 하루만 아르바이트해라, 우리 매니저 언니네 할머니가 갑자기 돌아가셔서 언니 급하게 시골 내려갔거든.
you|today|for just one day|work part-time|our|manager|older sister's|grandmother|suddenly|passed away|older sister|urgently|countryside|went down
"Can you work part-time for just today? Our manager's sister's grandmother passed away suddenly, so she had to rush to the countryside.
본사 지원은 내일이나 되어야 나온다고 하고, 세일이라 손님 많을텐데 하루만 도와줘."
headquarters|support|tomorrow|should|be available|and|because of the sale|customers|will be many|just for one day|help me
The head office support won't be available until tomorrow, and since it's a sale, there will be a lot of customers, so please help out for just one day."
나는 알았다고 대답했다.
I|that I knew|answered
I replied that I understood.
옷장을 열어보았다.
the closet|I opened
I opened the closet.
아무래도 Q브랜드의 옷을입는 편이 좋을 것 같아서 작년 봄 시즌에 산 Q브랜드의 흰색 남방셔츠를 찾아 입었다.
it seems|of Q brand|wearing clothes|more|good|thing|seems|last year|spring|in the season|bought|of Q brand|white|dress shirt|looking for|I wore
I thought it would be better to wear Q brand clothes, so I found and wore the white button-up shirt from Q brand that I bought last spring season.
밑에는 이대 앞 보세가게에서 산 블랙스커트를 입었는데 언젠가 R이, 우리 옷이구나, 라고 착각했던 치마였다.
below|Ewha|in front of|from the thrift store|bought|black skirt|I was wearing|someday|R|our|is our clothing|that|was mistaken about|was a skirt
I wore a black skirt that I bought from a store in front of Ewha Womans University, which R had once mistaken for our skirt.
Q매장에는 R과 처음 보는 남자가 함께 있었다.
at the store|with R|first|seeing|man|together|was
In the Q store, there was a man I had never seen before along with R.
"대리님, 오늘 저희 매장 일일 지원이에요."
"Manager, today is our store's one-day support."
R이 나를 소개했다.
R introduced me.
남자는 내 주민등록증을 받아 몇 가지를 베껴 적었다.
the man|my|resident registration card|received|several|things|copied|wrote down
The man took my ID card and copied down a few things.
그리고 말했다.
And then he said.
"제복으로 갈아입으세요."
in uniform|change
"Please change into your uniform."
나보다 더 당황한 것은 R이었다.
than me|more|confused|thing|was R
R was more flustered than I was.
"아니, 얘는 오늘 하루 알반데 유니폼을 왜 입어요?"
no|this kid|today|whole day|is a student|uniform|why|is wearing
"No, why is he wearing a uniform today when it's only for a day?"
"원래 규정이 그렇잖아."
originally|regulation|isn't it
"That's the rule, isn't it?"
"그동안 안 그랬어요."
for a long time|not|did
"It hasn't been like that until now."
"안 입었던 사람들이 잘못한 거야."
"Those who didn't wear it were in the wrong."
"그래도 얘는 학생이고 제 친구라서 그냥 오늘 하루만 잠깐 도와주는 거예요, 한번만 봐주세요."
still|this person|is a student|my|friend|just|today|for one day|briefly|helping|is|just once|please let it slide
"Still, he's a student and my friend, so I'm just helping him out for today, please let it slide just this once."
학생이 아니었으므로 나는 움찔했다.
student|was not|I|flinched
I flinched because I wasn't a student.
R의 태세는 강경했다.
R|posture|was strong
R's stance was firm.
지나는 사람이 봤다면, 그 대리가 나에게 입히려는 것이 삼풍백화점 판매원 유니폼이 아니라 죄수복이라고 짐작했을 것이다.
passing|person|if saw|that|assistant|to me|trying to put on|thing|Sampoong Department Store|sales person|uniform|not|prison uniform|would have guessed|would be
If a passerby had seen it, they would have guessed that the uniform the assistant was trying to put on me was not a department store sales uniform but a prison uniform.
내가 R을 말렸다.
I stopped R.
"나는 괜찮아, 그냥 입지 뭐."
I|am okay|just|wear|what
"I'm fine, just wear it."
R이 나를 보았다.
R looked at me.
어린 소처럼 어글어글한 눈망울이었다.
young|like a calf|bright|was eye
It had eyes that were big and innocent like a young calf.
"너 진짜 괜찮아?"
you|really|are okay
"Are you really okay?"
나는 피식 웃어 보였다.
I smiled slightly.
"당연하지, 그게 뭐 어때서."
of course|that|what|is wrong
"Of course, what's wrong with that?"
"대리님 그럼 얘 가슴에 명찰 하나 달아주세요.
assistant|then|this person|on the chest|name tag|one|please attach
"Then please attach a name tag to his chest, sir.
지원 아르바이트라고요."
support|is a part-time job
It's a support part-time job."
유니폼은 내 몸에 딱 맞았다.
the uniform|my|body|perfectly|fit
The uniform fit my body perfectly.
나는 완벽한 교복자율화 세대였다.
I|perfect|school uniform autonomy|was generation
I was part of the generation that had complete freedom in school uniforms.
국민학교 때 걸 스카우트 단복을 입었던 이래로 아주 오랜만에 입어보는 제복이었다.
elementary school|when|wearing|scout|uniform|had worn|since|very|after a long time|trying on|was a uniform
It had been a very long time since I wore a uniform, since I wore the scout uniform in elementary school.
유니폼은 생각보다 무거웠다.
the uniform|than I thought|was heavy
The uniform was heavier than I expected.
이상하게, 그렇게 느껴졌다.
strangely|that way|felt
Strangely, it felt that way.
아무렇게나 입고 서서 아무런 말이나 툭툭 던지며, R의 일을 도와주던 때와는 모든 것이달랐다.
any old way|wearing|standing|any|words|casually|throwing|R's|work|helping|compared to the time|everything|
Everything was different from the time when I was just casually dressed, standing around, and throwing out random comments while helping R.
정오가 지나자 손님들이 밀려들어오기 시작했다.
noon|after|customers|started to pour in|began
After noon, customers began to flood in.
할 건 많은데 몸은 굼뜨고 일은 서툴렀다.
to do|thing|many|body|sluggish|work|was clumsy
There was a lot to do, but my body was sluggish and my work was clumsy.
손님들에게 어울리는 옷을 골라주기는커녕 사이즈를 찾아달라는 주문에도 땀이 뻘뻘 흘러내렸다.
to the customers|suitable|clothes|let alone choosing|size|asking to find|order|sweat|profusely|was flowing down
Instead of helping customers choose suitable clothes, I was sweating profusely even when asked to find their sizes.
R이 열심히 커버해주었지만 그녀가 재고를 찾기 위해 창고에 들어가거나 다른 손님을 응대하고 있을 때에는 내가 어떻게 해야 하는지 알 수 가 없었다.
R|diligently|was covering|she|inventory|looking for|for|in the warehouse|going in|other|customers|attending to|being|when|I|how|should|to do|know|possibility|not|was not
R was working hard to cover for me, but when she went into the stockroom to find inventory or was attending to other customers, I had no idea what to do.
먼저 들어온 손님의 소맷단을 핀으로 표시하고 있으면 나중에 들어온 다른 손님이 버럭 신경질을 내기 일쑤였다.
first|arrived|guest's|sleeve|with a pin|marking|if|later|arrived|other|guest|suddenly|irritable|getting|was common
When I marked the cuffs of the first customer's shirt with a pin, the later arriving customers would often get irritated.
"삼십 프로 디스카운트해서 이 블라우스가 얼마야?"
thirty|percent|discount|this|blouse|how much
"How much is this blouse with a thirty percent discount?"
십오만 원도 아니고 십사만 팔천 오백 원의 삼십 퍼센트가 얼마인지 까마득하기만 했다.
150000|won|not|140000|8000|500|of|thirty|percent|how much|was completely unclear|was
It was completely beyond me how much thirty percent of one hundred forty-eight thousand five hundred won was, let alone one hundred fifty thousand won.
더구나 나는 아라비아 숫자만 보면 머리가 핑핑 도는 인간이 아닌가.
moreover|I|Arabic|numbers|when I see|my head|spinning|spinning|person|not
Moreover, I am not the kind of person who gets dizzy just by looking at Arabic numerals.
나는 R을 쳐다보았다.
I|R|looked at
I looked at R.
저편의 R의 손님이 마음에 들어하는 흰 바지에 어울릴 웃옷을 골라주기에 여념이 없었다.
the other side|R's|guest|in mind|liking|white|pants|matching|top|choosing|preoccupied|was not
On the other side, R was busy picking out a top that would match the white pants that the customer liked.
계산대의 캐셔도 정신없이 바빠보였다.
at the checkout|cashier|frantically|seemed busy
The cashier at the register also seemed to be extremely busy.
"아가씨, 뭐해?
young lady|what are you doing
"Miss, what are you doing?"
얼른 계산 좀 해줘.
quickly|calculation|a little|do for me
Hurry up and calculate it for me.
이렇게 네 벌 할 거고.
like this|your|suit|will do|
I will have four of these.
삼십 퍼센트로 계산해봐봐."
Try calculating it at thirty percent.
나는 신중하게 전자계산기를 두드렸다.
I|carefully|electronic calculator|tapped
I carefully tapped on the electronic calculator.
바빴던 캐셔가, 내 엉성한 산수를 재확인하지 않았던 것이 문제였다.
was busy|cashier|my|clumsy|calculation|rechecking|not|thing|was the problem
The busy cashier not double-checking my clumsy math was the problem.
백만 원권 수표를 내고 거스름까지 받아 돌아갔던 손님이 다시 나타난 건 얼마 지나지 않아서였다.
one million|won|check|paying|change|receiving|who had returned|customer|again|appeared|thing|how much|passed|
The customer who had exchanged a one million won check and received change returned not long after.
"이 계산 어떤 년이 한 거야?"
"Who did this calculation?"
년,이라는 발음을 그녀는 눈 하나 깜짝 않고 했다.
She pronounced the word 'year' without batting an eye.
그 욕이 지시하는 대상이 나라는 것이 실감나지 않았다.
that|insult|indicating|target|I|thing|not feeling real|was not
|その 욕||||||
I couldn't believe that the insult was directed at me.
"왜 그러시죠?"
why|are you
"Why is that?"
R이 나를 막고 나섰다.
R|me|blocking|stood up
R stepped in to stop me.
"아까 아가씨가 아니잖아, 저기 쟤가 계산했는데."
earlier|the young lady|isn't|over there|that person|paid
"That wasn't the lady from earlier, that person over there paid."
"저 사람은 우리 아르바이트생이구요, 저한테 말씀하시면 돼요."
that|person|our|part-time worker|to me|if you speak|is fine
"That person is our part-timer, you can talk to me about it."
"아니, 무슨 저런 기본도 안된 아르바이트생을 써?
no|what|such|basic|not|part-time worker|using
"No, why would you hire such an incompetent part-timer?"},{
중학교도 못 나왔어?
middle school|not|graduate
이깟 덧셈뺄셈도 못해?"
this|addition and subtraction|can't do
"Can't you even do simple addition and subtraction?"
어쨌거나 기본도 안된 아르바이트생이 틀림없었으므로 나는 고개만 푹 수그리고 있었다.
anyway|basic|not established|part-time worker|was undoubtedly|I|only my head|deeply|bowed|was
Anyway, it was clear that the part-time worker had no basic skills, so I just lowered my head.
"죄송합니다, 제가 얼른 다시 계산해드리겠습니다."
I'm sorry|I|quickly|again|will calculate for you
"I'm sorry, I'll recalculate it for you right away."
R이 몇 번이고 머리를 조아렸다.
R|how many|times|head|bowed down
R bowed his head several times.
사만 원 가량이 어디서 보태졌는지 알수 없는 노릇이었다.
fifty thousand|won|approximately|from where|was added|to know|not|situation
I had no idea where the extra forty thousand won came from.
나머지 돈을 돌려받은 손님은 나를 한번 째려보더니 마네킹의 목에 걸린 스카프를 벗겨냈다.
the remaining|money|received back|customer|me|once|glared at|mannequin's|neck|hanging|scarf|took off
The customer who received the remaining money glared at me once and then took off the scarf hanging around the mannequin's neck.
"화가 나서 그냥은 못 가겠어.
"I'm so angry that I can't just leave.
내가 저 멍청한 애 때문에 여기서 허비한 시간이 얼만데 이거 보상금 대신 가져가는 거야.
I|that|stupid|kid|because of|here|wasted|time|how much|this|compensation|instead of|taking|
How much time I've wasted here because of that stupid kid, and I'm taking this instead of compensation.
쟤 일당에서 까든지 알아서 해."
that guy|in the group|whether he gets kicked out|on his own|do it
You can take it out of their pay or do whatever you want with it."
R이 손님 손의 스카프를 낚아챘다.
R snatched the scarf from the customer's hand.
"손님, 이건 정품이라서 곤란하구요.
customer|this|is genuine|is difficult
"Sir, this is a genuine product, so it's difficult."},{
저희가 다른 사은품 드릴게요."
we|other|gift|will give you
We'll give you another gift."
손님이 다시 스카프를 뺏으며 언성을 높였다.
the guest|again|scarf|snatching|voice|raised
The customer took the scarf again and raised his voice.
"누가 허접한 사은품 받고 싶대?
who|shabby|promotional gift|receive|wants
"Who wants to get a crappy gift?
난 이게 마음에 들어서 가져가겠다는데 왜 이래?"
I|this|in my heart|like|want to take|why|is this way
I like this and I'm going to take it.
소동은 아까의 그 대리라는 남자가 달려오고 나서야 종결되었다.
the commotion|earlier|that|called the assistant|man|running|after|was resolved
The commotion ended only after that man, the assistant manager, came running.
손님은 결국 스카프를 쇼핑백 귀퉁이에 밀어넣은 채 당당히 사라졌다.
the customer|eventually|the scarf|shopping bag|in the corner|pushed|while|confidently|disappeared
The customer ultimately disappeared confidently, shoving the scarf into the corner of the shopping bag.
대리의 가시 돋친 잔소리를 듣는 동안 R은입술만 꼭 깨물고 있었다.
the assistant|thorn|protruding|nagging|listening to|during||tightly|biting|was
While listening to the assistant manager's prickly nagging, R just bit her lips tightly.
나는, 나는 거기서 도망쳐버리고만 싶었다.
I||from there|just want to escape|wanted to
I, I just wanted to run away from there.
대리가 돌아간 뒤 R이나에게 말했다.
the assistant|returned|after|to Rina|said
After the assistant manager left, R spoke to me.
"나 때문에 괜히 미안해."
I|because of|unnecessarily|feel sorry
"I'm sorry for no reason because of me."
지나고 보니 내가 먼저 했어야 할말이었다.
after|seeing|I|first|should have|was something to say
Looking back, it was something I should have said first.
나는 겨우 입을 열었다.
I finally opened my mouth.
"너 괜찮아?"
you|are okay
"Are you okay?"
R의 눈동자가 잔잔하게 흔들렸다.
R|eye|gently|was shaking
R's eyes gently trembled.
그럼, 이런 건 일축에도 안 끼는 걸. R이 내 유니폼 어깨에 묻은 먼지를 툭툭 털어주었다.
then|this|thing|to the rejection|not|fitting|thing|R|my|uniform|on my shoulder|that was stuck|dust|lightly|brushed off
Then, this doesn't even count as a rejection. R brushed off the dust from my uniform shoulder.
"오늘은 수고했어, 이제 바쁜시간 대충 지났으니까 그만 가라."
today|you worked hard|now|busy time|roughly|has passed|just|go
"You did well today, now that the busy time has roughly passed, you can go."
나는 대답을 하지 못했다.
I|answer|to|could not
I couldn't respond.
"지금까지 일한 건 내가 나중에따로 정산해줄게, 얼른 옷 갈아입어."
until now|worked|thing|I||will settle up|quickly|clothes|change
"I'll settle what you've worked until now later, hurry and change your clothes."
"혼자 있어도 돼?
alone|can be|okay
"Is it okay to be alone?"
응, 나 혼자가 편해, 빨리 갈아입어."
yes|I|alone|am comfortable|quickly|change clothes
Yeah, I'm more comfortable alone, hurry up and change.
R이 나를 고객용 탈의실로 떠밀었다.
R|me|for customers|to the changing room|pushed
R pushed me into the customer changing room.
탈의실에서 나는 삼풍백화점 판매원의 제복을 벗고, 내옷으로 갈아입었다.
in the changing room|I|Sampoong Department Store|of the sales clerk|uniform|took off|into my clothes|changed
In the changing room, I took off the department store sales uniform and changed into my own clothes.
흰 남방셔츠와 검은색 치마.
white|dress shirt|black|skirt
A white dress shirt and a black skirt.
유니폼이 아닌데도 그 옷들은 참 무거웠다.
the uniform|even though it was not|that|clothes|really|were heavy
Even though it wasn't a uniform, those clothes felt really heavy.
철근이 어깨를 내리누르는 것 같았다.
the rebar|shoulder|pressing down|thing|seemed
It felt like the rebar was pressing down on my shoulders.
Q매장에 온 지 고작 네 시간이 지나 있었다.
the Q store|arrived|since|only|four|hours|passed|was
Only four hours had passed since I arrived at the Q store.
나는R을 남겨두고 황급히 백화점을 떠났다.
|leaving|hurriedly|department store|left
I hurriedly left the department store, leaving R behind.
분홍색 삼풍백화점 건물이 쿵쿵, 나를 따라오는 것같았다.
pink|Sampoong Department Store|building|thumping|me|following|seemed
The pink Samphung Department Store building seemed to thud along behind me.
한 때 가까웠던 누군가와 멀어지게 되는 것은 드문 일이 아니다.
one|time|was close|with someone|becoming distant|becoming|thing|rare|matter|not
It is not uncommon to drift away from someone who was once close.
어른이 된 다음에는 특히 그렇다.
adult|becomes|after|especially|is true
Especially after becoming an adult.
그 일이 있은 뒤, 오래 지나지 않아 나는 취직을 했다.
Not long after that incident, I got a job.
동물 사료를 수입하는 회사였다.
It was a company that imported animal feed.
이 세상에 그토록 많은 동물이 있다는 게 놀라웠다.
this|world|so|many|animals|exist|fact|was surprising
I was amazed that there were so many animals in this world.
나는 마케팅 팀에 배속되어 연구용 실험동물을 위한 사료를 팔았다.
I|marketing|to the team|assigned|for research|experimental animals|for|feed|sold
I was assigned to the marketing team and sold feed for research laboratory animals.
햄스터는 하구 10~14그램의 열량을 섭취해야 하고, 랫은 15~20그램을 먹어야 한다.
hamster|should|10 to 14 grams|calories|should consume|and|rat|15 to 20 grams|should eat|should
Hamsters need to consume 10 to 14 grams of calories, while rats need to eat 15 to 20 grams.
토끼에게는 적어도 120그램 이상이 필요하다.
to the rabbit|at least|120 grams||needed
Rabbits require at least 120 grams or more.
R과 나는 서로에게 삐삐를 치지 않았다.
R|I|to each other|beep|did not|not
R and I did not beep at each other.
회사 복도 자판기 밀크커피는 R이 타준 커피에 비해 형편없었다.
company|hallway|vending machine|milk coffee|R's|brewed|coffee|compared to|was inferior
The milk coffee from the company vending machine in the hallway was terrible compared to the coffee R made.
우리 회사 제품을 사용하는 서울 경기 지역의 병원과 대학 실험실에 인사를 도느라 봄이 어지러이 깊어가는 것도 몰랐다.
our|company|product|using|Seoul|Gyeonggi|region's|hospitals and|university|laboratories|greetings|while|spring|chaotically|deepening|also|I didn't know
I was so busy greeting hospitals and university laboratories in the Seoul and Gyeonggi area that use our company's products that I didn't even notice spring was deepening.
안국동의 회사까지는 지하철을 타고 다녔다.
Anguk-dong|to the company|subway|by|I commuted
I took the subway to the company in Anguk-dong.
평일엔 정장을 입어야 했지만 토요일엔 청바지도 입을 수 있었다.
on weekdays|a suit|have to wear|but|on Saturdays|jeans|wear|possibility|was
I had to wear a suit on weekdays, but I could wear jeans on Saturdays.
그거 하나는 마음에 들었다.
that||in my heart|liked
I liked that one thing.
몇 번인가 전화기를 들었다가 그냥 내려놓았다.
how many|times|the phone|I picked up|just|I put down
I picked up the phone a few times but just put it down.
남자친구도 생겼다.
my boyfriend|has appeared
I also got a boyfriend.
증권회사의 신입사원인 그와 만나면, 주로 서로의 회사생활에 대해 얘기 했다.
of the securities company|new employee|with him|when I meet|mainly|each other's|work life|about|conversation|we had
When I met him, who was a new employee at a securities company, we mainly talked about our work lives.
그는 내가 귀여워서 좋다고 했다.
he|I|cute|said that he likes|said
He said he liked me because I was cute.
"귀엽다는 게 무슨 뜻이야?"
"What do you mean by cute?"
"말 그대로야, 너 예쁘지는 않지만 귀엽게 생겼잖아.
the word|is as it is|you|not pretty|but|cutely|look
"It means what it says, you're not pretty but you look cute.
피부도 하얗고, 웃을 때 양쪽 눈가에 주름이 세 개씩 잡히거든."
skin|is white|when I smile|at the time|both|at the corners of my eyes|wrinkles|three|each|appear
Your skin is also fair, and when you smile, three wrinkles form at the corners of your eyes."
그는 기형도가 한려수도쯤에 있는 외딴 섬 이름인 줄 알 것이 틀림없었다.
he|Gihyeongdo|near Hallyeo Sea|is|remote|island|name|that|know|thing|was certain
He must have thought that Gihyeongdo was the name of a remote island somewhere near Hallyeo.
하지만 선하고 밝아서 나쁘지 않았다.
but|kind|bright|not bad|was
But it was not bad because it was good and bright.
그해 봄 나는 많은 것을 가지고 있었다.
that year|spring|I|many/much|things|had|was
That spring, I had a lot.
비교적 온화한 중도우파의 부모, 슈퍼 싱글사이즈의 깨끗한 침대, 반투명의 초록색 모토로라 호출기와 네 개의 핸드백, 구태의연한 것들이었다.
Relatively mild center-right parents, a clean super single-sized bed, a translucent green Motorola pager and four handbags, they were all things of the past.
봄이 가고 무기력하게, 여름이 오고 있었다.
spring|is leaving|lethargically|summer|is coming|was
Spring passed, lethargically, and summer was coming.
1989년 12월 개장한 삼풍백화점은 지상 5층, 지하 4층의 초현대식 건물이었다.
1989|December|opened|Sampoong Department Store|above ground|5 floors|underground|4 floors|ultra-modern|was building
The Sampoong Department Store, which opened in December 1989, was a super-modern building with 5 floors above ground and 4 floors below.
1995년 6월29일.
June 29, 1995.
그날, 에어컨디셔너는 작동되지 않았고 실내는 무척 더웠다.
that day|air conditioner|was not working|and|indoors|very|was hot
On that day, the air conditioner was not working, and the indoor temperature was extremely hot.
땀이 비 오듯 흘러내렸다.
sweat|rain|like|was flowing down
Sweat was pouring down like rain.
"언제 여름이 되어버린 거지?"
"When did it become summer?"
5시 40분, 1층 로비를 걸으면서 나는 중얼거렸다.
5 o'clock|40 minutes|first floor|lobby|while walking|I|mumbled
At 5:40, I muttered while walking through the lobby on the first floor.
5시 43분, 정문을 빠져나왔다.
5 o'clock|43 minutes|the main gate|exited
At 5:43, I exited through the front door.
5시 48분, 집에 도착했다.
5 o'clock|48 minutes|at home|arrived
At 5:48, I arrived home.
5시 53분, 얼룩말 무늬 일기장을 펼쳤다.
5 o'clock|53 minutes|zebra|patterned|diary|opened
At 5:53, I opened the zebra-patterned diary.
'나는 오늘', 이라고 썼을 때 쾅, 소리가 들렸다.
I|today|said|wrote|when|bang|sound|was heard
'私は今日', と書いた時にドンという音が聞こえた。
When I wrote 'Today, I', a bang was heard.
5시 55분이었다.
5 o'clock|was 55 minutes
It was 5:55.
삼풍백화점이 붕괴되었다.
the Sampoong Department Store|collapsed
The Sampoong Department Store collapsed.
한 층이 무너지는 데 걸린 시간은 1초에 지나지 않았다.
one|floor|collapsing|in|took|time|1 second|not exceeding|was
It took less than a second for one floor to fall.
그리고 많은 일들이 일어났다.
And many things happened.
내 초록색 반투명 모토로라 삐삐에 안위를 묻는 메시지들이 가득 찼다.
My green translucent Motorola pager was filled with messages asking about my safety.
저녁을 짓다 말고 찌개에 넣을 두부를 사러 삼풍백화점 슈퍼마켓에 간 아랫집 아주머니가 돌아오지 않았다.
dinner|to cook|instead of|in the stew|to put|tofu|to buy|Samphung Department Store|to the supermarket|went|downstairs|lady|did not return|not
The lady from the apartment below went to the Sampoong Department Store supermarket to buy tofu for the stew and did not return.
도마 위에는 반쯤 썬 대파가 남아 있었다고 한다.
cutting board|on|half|sliced|green onion|remaining|was|
It is said that half-cut green onions were left on the cutting board.
장마가 시작되었다.
the rainy season|has begun
The rainy season has begun.
며칠 뒤 조간신문에는 사망자와 실종자 명단이 실렸다.
a few days|later|in the morning newspaper|of the deceased|missing persons|list|was published
A few days later, the morning newspaper published a list of the deceased and missing.
나는 그것을 읽지 않았다.
I|it|read|did not
I did not read it.
옆면에는 한 여성 명사가 기고한 특별칼럼이 있었다.
on the side|a|woman|journalist|contributed|special column|was
On the side, there was a special column written by a female contributor.
호화롭기로 소문났던 강남 삼풍백화점 붕괴사고는 대한민국이 사치와 향락에 물드는 것을 경계하는 하늘의 뜻일지도 모른다는 내용의 글이었다.
luxurious|rumored|Gangnam|Sampoong Department Store|collapse incident|South Korea|luxury|indulgence|becoming|thing|warning against|heaven's|might be intention|unknown|content|was
The article suggested that the collapse of the luxurious Gangnam Sampoong Department Store might be a warning from heaven against South Korea being consumed by extravagance and indulgence.
나는 신문사 독자부에 항의전화를 걸었다.
I|newspaper|to the reader's department|complaint call|made
I called the newspaper's reader department to complain.
신문사에는 필자의 연락처를 알려줄 수 없다고 했다.
the newspaper|author's|contact information|will tell|possibility|not|said
They said they could not provide the author's contact information.
할 수 없이 나는 독자부의 담당자에게 소리를 질렀다.
can|possibility|without|I|of the reader department|to the person in charge|voice|shouted
Reluctantly, I yelled at the person in charge of the reader department.
"그 여자가 거기 한번 와 본적이나 있대요?
that|woman|there|once|come|have seen|is said to be
"Did that woman ever come there?"},{
거기 누가 있는지 안대요?"
there|who|is|I don't know
Do you know who is there?"
나는 하아하아 숨을 내쉬었을 것이다.
I|huffing|breath|exhaled|would be
미안했지만 어쩔 수가 없었다.
I was sorry|unavoidable||was not
내 울음이 그칠 때까지 전화를 들고 있어 주었던 그 신문사 직원에 대해서는 아직도 고맙게 생각한다.
my|crying|stop|until|phone|holding|being|was|that|newspaper|employee|about|still|gratefully|I think
콘크리트 잔해 속에서 230시간을 버틴 청년이 구조되는 것을 텔레비전으로 보았다.
concrete|debris|inside|for 230 hours|endured|young man|being rescued|thing|on television|I saw
I saw on television a young man who survived for 230 hours in the concrete rubble.
285시간을 버틴 소녀도 있었다.
285 hours|endured|girl|was
There was also a girl who survived for 285 hours.
나는 아무것도 하지 않고 TV만 보았다.
I|nothing|do|without|only TV|watched
I just sat there doing nothing and watching TV.
남자친구가 나를 걱정했다.
my boyfriend|me|was worried
My boyfriend was worried about me.
"태어난 이상 누구나 죽는 거야.
"Once you're born, everyone dies."
군대에서 의무병으로 근무할 때 나는 여러 죽음들을 보았어.
in the military|as a medic|serving|when|I|many|deaths|saw
When I served as a medic in the military, I witnessed several deaths.
외삼촌이 육군 장성이라 손을 쓸 수도 있었지만 아버지는 억지로 나를 그곳에 보냈지."
my uncle|army|is a general|hand|use|possibility|was|my father|forcibly|me|there|sent
My uncle was an army general, so he could have intervened, but my father forced me to go there.
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