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Quid Es Tu?, Quid es tu? – octavum

Quid es tu? – octavum

Quid Es Tū? - Octāvum

Iōsēphus: Salvēte, audītōrēs! Nōmen mihi est Iōsēphus.

Lebbaeus: Salvēte, amīcī! Et ego vocor Lebbaeus.

Iōsēphus: Ego et Lebbaeus spērāmus vōs esse bene. Hoc est ācroāma nostrum nōmine “QUID ES TŪ?” ego, Iōsēphus, et amīcus meus, Lebbaeus, sumus magistrī linguae Latīnae.

Lebbaeus: rēctē, dīxistī! ut valēs hodiē, amīce?

Iōsēphus: ego valeō. Et tū, Lebbaee?

Lebbaeus: Ego sum laetus.

Iōsēphus: Optimē

Lebbaeus: Et ego [susurrat] ita, ego sum laetus et benīgnus.

Iōsēphus: [mīrātur] Semper benīgnus es tū.

Lebbaeus: Ō grātiās, amīce!

Iōsēphus: ut audīvistis, Lebbaeus prōnūntiat verba modō ecclēsiasticō: sīcut nōmen “Caesar”

Lebbaeus: [susurrat] Nōn, nōn, amīce, modō ecclēsiasticō.

Iōsēphus: Ō! Prō dolor! [amīcī rīdent] Caesar. Caesar. Caesar.

Lebbaeus: Ō, Caesar. Nunc cognōvī.

Iōsēphus: [rīdēns] optimē.

Lebbaeus: Et Iōsēphus prōnūntiat verba modō classicō: sīcut nōmen “Caesar”

Iōsēphus: Caesar.

Lebbaeus: aut Cicerō.

Iōsēphus: Cicerō.

Lebbaeus: Sed audītōrēs, hodiē, Iōsēphus partem agit.

Iōsēphus: Rēctē. Lebbaeus hodiē rogat et ego respondeō.

Lebbaeus: Ita. Hodiē quid est Iōsēphus? Certē Iōsēphus est homō, sed quam partem Iōsēphus agit? Estne animal? Estne planta? Estne Iōsēphus rēs? Ego et vōs vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbēmus. Quid es tū, Iōsēphe?

[Mūsica cantat]

Lebbaeus: Amīce, esne tū maior quam arbor?

Iōsēphus: Maior quam arbor? Minimē, amīce. Ego sum minor quam arbor.

Lebbaeus: bene. Tū minor quam arbor es. Esne tū maior quam formīca?

Iōsēphus: ita vērō. Ego sum maior quam formīca. Formīca parva est.

Lebbaeus: Et amīce, quid significat “formīca?”

Iōsēphus: Ā! Formīca est īnsecta.

Lebbaeus: Īnsecta parva. Īnsecta minima, nōnne?

Iōsēphus: Ita.

Lebbaeus: Multae formīcae in ūnō domō habitant.

Iōsēphus: Ō! Ita. Nōn in domō meō.

[amīcī rīdent]

Lebbaeus: Optimē. Et perplacent formīcae dulcēs, nōnne? Dulcēs perplacent.

Iōsēphus: Vērum est. Vērum est.

Lebbaeus: Ita. Et tū maior quam formīca es [Iōsēphus cōnstat] sed tū minor quam arbor. Habēsne tū duae crūra?

Iōsēphus: Minimē. Duae crūra nōn habeō.

Lebbaeus: Āh, habēsne tū nūlla crūra?

Iōsēphus: Ita. Nūlla crūra habeō.

Lebbaeus: Ā! Tū nūlla crūra habēs. Esne tū animal?

Iōsēphus: Ita vērō. Ego sum animal.

Lebbaeus: Tū es animal sed tū nōn habēs crūra. Tū crūribus nōn movēs, nonne?

Iōsēphus: Ita.

Lebbaeus: Habēsne tū multōs colōrēs?

Iōsēphus: Minimē. Ego multōs colōrēs nōn habeō sed amīcī meī variōs et multōs colōrēs habent.

Lebbaeus: Habēsne tū caput?

Iōsēphus: Ita vērō. Caput habeō.

Lebbaeus: Quia tū es animal.

Iōsēphus: Ita vērō.

Lebbaeus: Bene. [susurrat] ambulās- nōn. Tū nōn ambulās. Tū nōn ambulās quia tū nōn habēs crūra.

Iōsēphus: Ita vērō. Ego crūra nōn habeō ergō ego nōn ambulō.

Lebbaeus: Ita. Nātāsne in aquā?

Iōsēphus: Ita vērō.

Lebbaeus: Sed tū, amīce, tū nōn volō, quia ego cognōscō tē.

Iōsēphus: Vērum est. Ego nōn volō per caelum.

Lebbaeus: Ultima quaestiō: habēsne tū linguam bifurcātam?

Iōsēphus: Lebbaee, vērum est. Linguam bifurcātum habeō.

Lebbaeus: Itaque ego certē tē cognōscō.

Iōsēphus: Quis?

Lebbaeus: Esne tū [rīdet] serpēns?

Iōsēphus: [sībilāns] Sīc. [amīcī rīdent; sībilāns] Sīc. Ego sum serpēns.

Lebbaeus: Mactē, amīce! Ita tū [sībilāns] es serpēns.

Iōsēphus: [sībilāns] sīc.

[amīcī rīdent]

Lebbaeus: Bene! Aliquid dē tē nārrā mihi, amīce.

Iōsēphus: Nunc dē mē nārrāre volō. Nōnne scītis, audītōrēs et Lebbaeē, mē esse longum.

Lebbaeus: [sībilāns] Esse longum?

Iōsēphus: Esse longum. Et habēre dentēs longōs.

Lebbaeus: Ita.

Iōsēphus: Et linguam longam.

Lebbaeus: Ita.

Iōsēphus: Ego [sībilāns] saepe sībilō. [sībilat et rīdet] Nōn ambulō.

Lebbaeus: Ita.

Iōsēphus: Nōn ambulō. Et nōn currō quod pedēs nōn habeō.

Lebbaeus: Ita

Iōsēphus: Quōmodo movēre possum? Ego eō in stomachō meō. Ego rēpō.

Lebbaeus: Et tū nūlla crūra, tū nūllōs pedēs, tū nūlla bracchia habēs, sed tū habēs caudam, linguam bifurcātam, et dentēs tuī habent venēnum.

Iōsēphus: Ita vērō. Ita vērō.

Lebbaeus: Itaque hominēs tē timent.

Iōsēphus: [cōnstat] Ita vērō. Cavēte omnēs! [Lebbaeus rīdet] Cavēte! [Iōsēphus rīdet]

Lebbaeus: Quid “cavēte” -

Iōsēphus: [rīdēns] -Necesse est-

Lebbaeus: - significat “cavēte”?

Iōsēphus: Cavēte, cave, cave.

Lebbaeus: Quid?

Iōsēphus: Cave.

Lebbaeus: Ō! Cavēte. Ō! Nunc intelligō!

Iōsēphus: Ā! Nunc. Necesse est omnibus ad mē caute venīre.

Lebbaeus: Ita. [Iōsēphus cōnstat] Ita.

Iōsēphus: In herbīs aut inter saxa mē invenīre potestis. Multī prope mē venīre nōlunt quod -

Lebbaeus: -Ita.-

Iōsēphus: quod ut dīxistī. Multī -

Lebbaeus: - Sed amīce, timēsne hominēs?

Iōsēphus: [susurrat] minimē. Ego nōn timeō.

Lebbaeus: Ō! Tū nōn timēs.

Iōsēphus: Fortis sum.

Lebbaeus: Ā! Ita. [amīcī rīdent et Lebbaeus sībilāns] fortis sum.

Iōsēphus: [sībilāns] fortis sum. [amīcī rīdent]. Bene. Multī putant mē esse horribilem sed -

Lebbaeus: - ego quoque putō.

[amīcī rīdent]

Iōsēphus: Sed alterī putant mē esse pulchrum.

Lebbaeus: Ita.

Iōsēphus: [sībilāns] saepe in herbīs iaceō. Et cibum meum exspectō.

Lebbaeus: Ita.

Iōsēphus: Exspectō. Exspectō. [Lebbaeus cōnstat] Exspectō. [Lebbaeus exclāmat] et subitō! Subitō, surgō et verberō! Et animālia cōnsūmō. [susurrat] mihi placent.

Lebbaeus: rattōs. [Iōsēphus rīdent] Ita tū cōnsūmis rattōs,

Iōsēphus: et mūrēs

Lebbaeus: et rōdentēs et avēs, fortasse cervōs.

Iōsēphus: Ō! [susurrat] mihi placet!

Lebbaeus: Et in lūmine sōlis tū quoque reclīnās.

Iōsēphus: Optimē, Lebbaee, ego reclīnō in lūmine sōlis.

Lebbaeus: Ita, reclīnāre in lūmine sōlis perplacet tibi, nonne?

Iōsēphus: Ita.

Lebbaeus: Nōnne, verbum est aprīcārī. Nōnne aprīcārī significat reclīnāre in lūmine sōlis.

Iōsēphus: Ō! Nesciō.

Lebbaeus: Ita est. aprīcārī significat reclīnāre in lūmine sōlis. Tū reclīnās in lūmine sōlis itaque aprīcārī tibi perplacet.

Iōsēphus: Mactē, amīce! Ut ante dīxī: cavēte. Frequenter inimīcōs verberō. Dentibus longīs meīs vulnerāre possum. Venēnō saepe eōs caedō.

Lebbaeus: Quid significat “caedō,” amīce?

Iōsēphus: Interficiō aut -

Lebbaeus:- ō! Ita. -

Iōsēphus: - necō.

Lebbaeus: Ita. Itaque tū necās animālia quae tū cōnsūmis.

Iōsēphus: Ita. Bene dīxistī. Et Lebbaee, dīc mihi, esne tū inimīcus meus?

Lebbaeus: [rīdēns] Ita. Ego sum inimīcus tuus.

Iōsēphus: Ō! Cave! Cave! [“inimīcī” rīdent] Optime! Tempus fugit.

Lebbaeus: Et tempus ad exspectandum tibi. [Iōsēphus rīdet] Exspectandum.

Iōsēphus: Necesse est omnibus fugere [rīdet]

Lebbaeus: [sībilāns] necesse est tibi exspectāre.

Iōsēphus: cibum meum!

Lebbaeus: Bene. Audītōrēs, hodiē Iōsēphus partem serpentis ēgit! Actor bonus erat. Nōnne cōnsentītis? Eī multās quaestiōnēs rogāvī et Iōsēphus bene respondit.

Iōsēphus: Grātiās.

Lebbaeus: Audītōrēs, vocābulum dīvīnāvistis?

Iōsēphus: spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse!

Lebbaeus: Optimē audīvistis, audītōrēs, Iōsēphus et ego multās grātiās vōbīs agimus!

Iōsēphus: grātiās plūrimās agimus, audītōrēs! Ācroāma nostrum fīnītum est. Valēte!

Lebbaeus: in proximum!

[Mūsica cantat]

Quid es tu? – octavum |||eighth was bist du - Die achte what are you – the eighth qué vas a - el octavo 너 뭐야 – 여덟 번째 wat ben je - de achtste o que você está - o oitavo что ты - Восьмой що ти? – восьмий

**Quid Es Tū? 너 뭐야? - Octāvum** The eighth

**Iōsēphus**: Salvēte, audītōrēs! Josephus: Hail, hearers! 요세푸스: 청중이여, 만세! Nōmen mihi est Iōsēphus. My name is Josephus. 제 이름은 요세푸스입니다.

**Lebbaeus**: Salvēte, amīcī! Et ego vocor Lebbaeus.

**Iōsēphus**: Ego et Lebbaeus spērāmus vōs esse bene. ||||We hope||| Hoc est ācroāma nostrum nōmine “QUID ES TŪ?” ego, Iōsēphus, et amīcus meus, Lebbaeus, sumus magistrī linguae Latīnae.

**Lebbaeus**: rēctē, dīxistī! ut valēs hodiē, amīce?

**Iōsēphus**: ego valeō. Et tū, Lebbaee?

**Lebbaeus**: Ego sum laetus. |||happy Lebbaeus: I am happy.

**Iōsēphus**: Optimē Josephus: Very well

**Lebbaeus**: Et ego __[susurrat]__ ita, ego sum laetus et benīgnus. |||||||||kind-hearted Lebbaeus: And I [whispers] yes, I am happy and kind.

**Iōsēphus**: __[mīrātur]__ Semper benīgnus es tū. Josephus: [surprised] You are always kind.

**Lebbaeus**: Ō grātiās, amīce! Lebbaeus: Thank you, my friend!

**Iōsēphus**: ut audīvistis, Lebbaeus prōnūntiat verba modō ecclēsiasticō: sīcut nōmen “Caesar” Josephus: as you have heard, Lebbaeus pronounces words in an ecclesiastical manner: as the name "Caesar"

**Lebbaeus**: __[susurrat]__ Nōn, nōn, amīce, modō ecclēsiasticō. ||||friend|| Lebbaeus: [whispers] No, no, my friend, in an ecclesiastical way.

**Iōsēphus**: Ō! Prō dolor! For|pain sorrow Because of pain! __[amīcī rīdent]__ Caesar. Caesar. Caesar.

**Lebbaeus**: Ō, Caesar. Nunc cognōvī. |Now I know. Now you know.

**Iōsēphus**: __[rīdēns]__ optimē.

**Lebbaeus**: Et Iōsēphus prōnūntiat verba modō classicō: sīcut nōmen “Caesar”

**Iōsēphus**: Caesar.

**Lebbaeus**: aut Cicerō. |or|

**Iōsēphus**: Cicerō.

**Lebbaeus**: Sed audītōrēs, hodiē, Iōsēphus partem agit. Lebbaeus: But the audience, today, Josephus is acting a part.

**Iōsēphus**: Rēctē. Lebbaeus hodiē rogat et ego respondeō. Lebbaeus asks today and I answer.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Hodiē quid est Iōsēphus? What is Joseph today? Certē Iōsēphus est homō, sed quam partem Iōsēphus agit? Certainly Josephus is a man, but what part does Josephus play? Estne animal? Is it an animal? Estne planta? Estne Iōsēphus rēs? Ego et vōs vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbēmus. Quid es tū, Iōsēphe?

__[Mūsica cantat]__

**Lebbaeus**: Amīce, esne tū maior quam arbor?

**Iōsēphus**: Maior quam arbor? Josephus: Bigger than a tree? Minimē, amīce. Ego sum minor quam arbor. I am smaller than a tree.

**Lebbaeus**: bene. Tū minor quam arbor es. Esne tū maior quam formīca? ||||ant Are you bigger than an ant?

**Iōsēphus**: ita vērō. Josephus: so I saw. Ego sum maior quam formīca. I am bigger than an ant. Formīca parva est. |small| The ant is small.

**Lebbaeus**: Et amīce, quid significat “formīca?” ||||means| Lebbaeus: And my friend, what does "ant" mean?

**Iōsēphus**: Ā! Josephus: Yes! Formīca est īnsecta. ||insect An ant is an insect.

**Lebbaeus**: Īnsecta parva. ||small Lebbaeus: A small insect. Īnsecta minima, nōnne? |very small| Tiny insects, aren't they?

**Iōsēphus**: Ita. Josephus: Yes.

**Lebbaeus**: Multae formīcae in ūnō domō habitant. ||Ants||one|| Lebbaeus: Many ants live in one house.

**Iōsēphus**: Ō! Josephus: Oh! Ita. Yes. Nōn in domō meō. |||my Not in my house.

__[amīcī rīdent]__ [laughing in a friendly way]

**Lebbaeus**: Optimē. Lebbaeus: Very well. Et perplacent formīcae dulcēs, nōnne? |are very pleasing||sweet things| And the ants love sweets, don't they? Dulcēs perplacent. Sweet| Sweets please.

**Iōsēphus**: Vērum est. |truly| Josephus: It is true. Vērum est. It is true.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Et tū maior quam formīca es __[Iōsēphus cōnstat]__ sed tū minor quam arbor. And you are greater than an ant [Josephus insists] but you are smaller than a tree. Habēsne tū duae crūra? Do you have two legs?

**Iōsēphus**: Minimē. Josephus: Not at all. Duae crūra nōn habeō. Two||| I don't have two legs.

**Lebbaeus**: Āh, habēsne tū nūlla crūra? ||||no|legs Lebbaeus: Oh, do you have any legs?

**Iōsēphus**: Ita. Josephus: Yes. Nūlla crūra habeō. No|| I have no legs.

**Lebbaeus**: Ā! Lebbaeus: A! Tū nūlla crūra habēs. You will have no legs. Esne tū animal? Are you an animal?

**Iōsēphus**: Ita vērō. Josephus: Yes, I saw. Ego sum animal. I am an animal.

**Lebbaeus**: Tū es animal sed tū nōn habēs crūra. Lebbaeus: You are an animal but you have no legs. Tū crūribus nōn movēs, nonne? |your legs||"you move"| You won't move your legs, will you?

**Iōsēphus**: Ita. Josephus: Yes.

**Lebbaeus**: Habēsne tū multōs colōrēs? Lebbaeus: Do you have many colors?

**Iōsēphus**: Minimē. Josephus: Not at all. Ego multōs colōrēs nōn habeō sed amīcī meī variōs et multōs colōrēs habent. ||||||||various|||| I don't have many colors but my friends have different and many colors.

**Lebbaeus**: Habēsne tū caput? Lebbaeus: Do you have a head?

**Iōsēphus**: Ita vērō. |"Yes, indeed."|"Indeed" or "Yes, indeed." Josephus: Yes, I saw. Caput habeō. I have a head.

**Lebbaeus**: Quia tū es animal. Lebbaeus: Because you are an animal.

**Iōsēphus**: Ita vērō. Josephus: Yes, I saw.

**Lebbaeus**: Bene. |Well Lebbaeus: Well. __[susurrat]__ ambulās- nōn. [whispers] ambulās- nōn Tū nōn ambulās. Tū nōn ambulās quia tū nōn habēs crūra. You will not walk because you will not have legs.

**Iōsēphus**: Ita vērō. Josephus: Yes, I saw. Ego crūra nōn habeō ergō ego nōn ambulō. I have no legs, therefore I cannot walk.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Nātāsne in aquā? Do you swim?||

**Iōsēphus**: Ita vērō.

**Lebbaeus**: Sed tū, amīce, tū nōn volō, quia ego cognōscō tē. ||||you|||||| Lebbaeus: But, my friend, I don't want to, because I know you. Леббеус: Але, мій друже, я не хочу, тому що я тебе знаю.

**Iōsēphus**: Vērum est. Josephus: It is true. Ego nōn volō per caelum. I will not fly through the sky.

**Lebbaeus**: Ultima quaestiō: habēsne tū linguam bifurcātam? |Final||||tongue|forked tongue Lebbaeus: The last question: do you have a forked tongue?

**Iōsēphus**: Lebbaee, vērum est. Josephus: Lebbaeus, it is true. Linguam bifurcātum habeō. language|"forked"| I have a forked tongue.

**Lebbaeus**: Itaque ego certē tē cognōscō. Lebbaeus: So I certainly know you.

**Iōsēphus**: Quis? Josephus: Who?

**Lebbaeus**: Esne tū __[rīdet]__ serpēns? ||||snake Lebbaeus: Are you a serpent?

**Iōsēphus**: __[sībilāns]__ Sīc. |hissing|"Yes, indeed." Josephus: [sībilāns] Sīc. __[amīcī rīdent; sībilāns]__ Sīc. [they laugh in friendship; sībilāns] Sīc. Ego sum serpēns. I am a snake.

**Lebbaeus**: Mactē, amīce! |Well done| Lebbaeus: Look, my friend! Ita tū __[sībilāns]__ es serpēns. ||hissing|| So you [sībilāns] are serpents.

**Iōsēphus**: __[sībilāns]__ sīc. |hissing|

__[amīcī rīdent]__

**Lebbaeus**: Bene! Aliquid dē tē nārrā mihi, amīce. something|about|you|Tell|to me|friend Tell me something, my friend.

**Iōsēphus**: Nunc dē mē nārrāre volō. Josephus: Now I want to tell the story. Nōnne scītis, audītōrēs et Lebbaeē, mē esse longum. surely not|"you know"|||Lebbaeus (a name)||| Don't you know, listeners and Lebbaeus, that it is long? Хіба ви не знаєте, слухачі та Леббей, що вірш довгий?

**Lebbaeus**: __[sībilāns]__ Esse longum? Lebbaeus: [sībilāns] To be long?

**Iōsēphus**: Esse longum. ||long Josephus: To be long. Et habēre dentēs longōs. |||long teeth And have long teeth.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita.

**Iōsēphus**: Et linguam longam. |||"long tongue" Josephus: And a long tongue.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes.

**Iōsēphus**: Ego __[sībilāns]__ saepe sībilō. ||||I whistle often. Josephus: I [whistle] often whistle. __[sībilat et rīdet]__ Nōn ambulō.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita.

**Iōsēphus**: Nōn ambulō. Et nōn currō quod pedēs nōn habeō. ||I run||feet|| And I will not run because I have no legs.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita

**Iōsēphus**: Quōmodo movēre possum? |how|move| Joseph: How can I move? Ego eō in stomachō meō. |I go|in|in my anger| Ego rēpō. |I crawl. I rēpō.

**Lebbaeus**: Et tū nūlla crūra, tū nūllōs pedēs, tū nūlla bracchia habēs, sed tū habēs caudam, linguam bifurcātam, et dentēs tuī habent venēnum. ||||||no feet|feet|||arms||||||||||your||poison or venom Lebbaeus: And you will have no legs, no legs, no arms, but you will have a tail, a forked tongue, and your teeth have poison.

**Iōsēphus**: Ita vērō. Josephus: Yes, I saw. Ita vērō. Yes.

**Lebbaeus**: Itaque hominēs tē timent. Lebbaeus: Therefore men fear you.

**Iōsēphus**: __[cōnstat]__ Ita vērō. Josephus: [stands] Yes, I saw. Cavēte omnēs! Beware, everyone!| Be careful everyone! __[Lebbaeus rīdet]__ Cavēte! ||Beware [Lebbaeus laughs] Be careful! __[Iōsēphus rīdet]__ [Joseph laughs]

**Lebbaeus**: Quid “cavēte” - Lebbaeus: What "caveat" -

**Iōsēphus**: __[rīdēns]__ -Necesse est- Josephus: [rīdēns] -It is necessary-

**Lebbaeus**: - significat “cavēte”? Lebbaeus: - does it mean "be careful"?

**Iōsēphus**: Cavēte, cave, cave. ||Beware| Joseph: Be careful, be careful, be careful.

**Lebbaeus**: Quid? Lebbaeus: What?

**Iōsēphus**: Cave. Josephus: Be careful.

**Lebbaeus**: Ō! Lebbaeus: Oh! Cavēte. Be careful. Ō! Nunc intelligō! Now I understand!

**Iōsēphus**: Ā! Nunc. Now. Necesse est omnibus ad mē caute venīre. |||||"with caution"|to come cautiously It is necessary for all to come to me with caution.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. __[Iōsēphus cōnstat]__ Ita.

**Iōsēphus**: In herbīs aut inter saxa mē invenīre potestis. ||"in the plants"|||||find|"you can" Joseph: You can find me in the grass or among the rocks. Multī prope mē venīre nōlunt quod - ||||do not want| Many do not want to come near me because -

**Lebbaeus**: -Ita.- Lebbaeus: -Yes.-

**Iōsēphus**: quod ut dīxistī. Josephus: that he should have been. Multī - Many -

**Lebbaeus**: - Sed amīce, timēsne hominēs? |||Do you fear?| Lebbaeus: - But, my friend, do you fear men?

**Iōsēphus**: __[susurrat]__ minimē. Josephus: [whispers] at least. Ego nōn timeō. I am not afraid.

**Lebbaeus**: Ō! Lebbaeus: Oh! Tū nōn timēs. ||You fear. Don't be afraid.

**Iōsēphus**: Fortis sum. Josephus: I am strong.

**Lebbaeus**: Ā! Lebbaeus: A! Ita. Yes. __[amīcī rīdent et Lebbaeus sībilāns]__ fortis sum. [friends laugh and Lebbaeus whistles] I am strong.

**Iōsēphus**: __[sībilāns]__ fortis sum. ||strong| Josephus: [sībilāns] I am strong. __[amīcī rīdent]__. [they laugh in a friendly manner]. Bene. Well Multī putant mē esse horribilem sed - |think|||horrible| A lot of people think I'm horrible but -

**Lebbaeus**: - ego quoque putō. |||I think Lebbaeus: - I think so too.

__[amīcī rīdent]__ [laughing in a friendly way]

**Iōsēphus**: Sed alterī putant mē esse pulchrum. ||"the others"||||handsome Josephus: But on the other hand they think that I am beautiful.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes.

**Iōsēphus**: __[sībilāns]__ saepe in herbīs iaceō. ||||grass|lie down Josephus: [sībilāns] I often lie in the grass. Et cibum meum exspectō. |||expect And I'm waiting for my food.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita.

**Iōsēphus**: Exspectō. Josephus: I will wait. Exspectō. __[Lebbaeus cōnstat]__ Exspectō. __[Lebbaeus exclāmat]__ et subitō! Subitō, surgō et verberō! |||"I beat" Suddenly, rise up and strike! Et animālia cōnsūmō. And we eat animals. __[susurrat]__ mihi placent. [whispers] I like them.

**Lebbaeus**: rattōs. Lebbaeus: rats. __[Iōsēphus rīdent]__ Ita tū cōnsūmis rattōs, [Josephus laughs] So you eat rats,

**Iōsēphus**: et mūrēs

**Lebbaeus**: et rōdentēs et avēs, fortasse cervōs. ||||||deer Lebbaeus: and rodents and birds, perhaps deer.

**Iōsēphus**: Ō! Josephus: Oh! __[susurrat]__ mihi placet! [whispers] I like it!

**Lebbaeus**: Et in lūmine sōlis tū quoque reclīnās. |||"in the light"|"of the sun"|||you also recline Lebbaeus: And you also recline in the light of the sun.

**Iōsēphus**: Optimē, Lebbaee, ego reclīnō in lūmine sōlis. ||||I recline|||sun's Josephus: Well, Lebbaeus, I recline in the light of the sun.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita, reclīnāre in lūmine sōlis perplacet tibi, nonne? Lebbaeus: Yes, you like to recline in the sunlight, don't you?

**Iōsēphus**: Ita. Josephus: Yes.

**Lebbaeus**: Nōnne, verbum est aprīcārī. ||word||"Bask in the sun" Lebbaeus: No, the word is aprīcārī. Nōnne aprīcārī significat reclīnāre in lūmine sōlis. |sunbathe||||| Does not aprīcārī mean to recline in the light of the sun?

**Iōsēphus**: Ō! Josephus: Oh! Nesciō. I do not know I do not know.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita est. Lebbaeus: It is so. aprīcārī significat reclīnāre in lūmine sōlis. aprīcārī means to recline in the light of the sun. Tū reclīnās in lūmine sōlis itaque aprīcārī tibi perplacet. When you recline in the light of the sun, therefore, it pleases you very much.

**Iōsēphus**: Mactē, amīce! |Well done| Josephus: Look, my friend! Ut ante dīxī: cavēte. |"As before"||"Beware" As before dīxī: beware. Frequenter inimīcōs verberō. ||I beat I often beat my enemies. Dentibus longīs meīs vulnerāre possum. "With teeth"|long teeth|"my" or "with my"|wound| I can hurt with my long teeth. Venēnō saepe eōs caedō. "With poison"|often||"I kill" I often killed them with poison.

**Lebbaeus**: Quid significat “caedō,” amīce? |||I kill| Lebbaeus: What does "caedō" mean, friend?

**Iōsēphus**: Interficiō aut - |"I kill or"| Josephus: Kill or -

**Lebbaeus**:- ō! Lebbaeus: Oh! Ita. Yes. -

**Iōsēphus**: - necō. |"I kill" Josephus: - I will kill.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Itaque tū necās animālia quae tū cōnsūmis. ||"you kill"|||| Therefore you kill the animals that you eat.

**Iōsēphus**: Ita. Josephus: Yes. Bene dīxistī. Well done. Et Lebbaee, dīc mihi, esne tū inimīcus meus? ||||||enemy| And Lebbae, tell me, art thou my enemy?

**Lebbaeus**: __[rīdēns]__ Ita. Lebbaeus: [rīdēns] Yes. Ego sum inimīcus tuus. I am your enemy.

**Iōsēphus**: Ō! Josephus: Oh! Cave! Beware! Cave! Beware Be careful! __[“inimīcī” rīdent]__ Optime! [“enemies” laugh] Excellent! Tempus fugit. Time flies.

**Lebbaeus**: Et tempus ad exspectandum tibi. ||||to be awaited| Lebbaeus: And time to wait for you. Леббе: І час чекати вас. __[Iōsēphus rīdet]__ Exspectandum. [Josephus laughs] To be expected.

**Iōsēphus**: Necesse est omnibus fugere __[rīdet]__ |||for everyone|"to flee"| Josephus: It is necessary for all to flee [laughter]

**Lebbaeus**: __[sībilāns]__ necesse est tibi exspectāre. |||||"to wait" Lebbaeus: [whispering] you must wait.

**Iōsēphus**: cibum meum! Josephus: My food!

**Lebbaeus**: Bene. Lebbaeus: Well. Audītōrēs, hodiē Iōsēphus partem serpentis ēgit! ||||"of the serpent"| You will hear, today Joseph played the part of the serpent! Actor bonus erat. He was a good actor. Nōnne cōnsentītis? Don't you agree? Eī multās quaestiōnēs rogāvī et Iōsēphus bene respondit. You asked him many questions and Joseph answered well.

**Iōsēphus**: Grātiās. Josephus: Thank you.

**Lebbaeus**: Audītōrēs, vocābulum dīvīnāvistis? Lebbaeus: Listen, have you seen the word dīvīnā?

**Iōsēphus**: spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse! Josephus: I hope you will be right!

**Lebbaeus**: Optimē audīvistis, audītōrēs, Iōsēphus et ego multās grātiās vōbīs agimus! Lebbaeus: You have heard very well, listeners, Josephus and I are very grateful to you!

**Iōsēphus**: grātiās plūrimās agimus, audītōrēs! Josephus: We are doing many thanks, listeners! Ācroāma nostrum fīnītum est. Our Ācroāma is finished. Valēte! Goodbye!

**Lebbaeus**: in proximum! Lebbaeus: to the next!

__[Mūsica cantat]__ [sings music]