Colloquium Americano-Iranianum 18.05.2007, klo 14.15 Legatus Civitatum Americae Unitarum collegam suum Iranianum intra aliquot menses Bagdati conventurus est, ut cum eo de condicione securitatis in Iraquia melioranda colloquatur.
Colloquium||Iranian|||||||||within|a few|months|Baghdad|will meet|is|in order to|with|him|about|condition|security|in|Iraq|improving|he may discuss
American-Iranian Dialogue 18.05.2007, at 14:15 The Ambassador of the United States will meet his Iranian counterpart in Baghdad within a few months to discuss improving the security situation in Iraq.
Tales conventus inter utramque nationem rarissimi sunt ex eo, cum legationum commercia post revolutionem islamicam anno millesimo nongentesimo undeoctogesimo (1979) in Irania factam dirupta sunt.
Such|meetings|between|both|nations|very rare|are|from|that|when|of the legations|commercial|after|revolution|Islamic|year|thousand|nine hundred|eighty|in|Iran|made|disrupted|are
Such meetings between the two nations are extremely rare since diplomatic relations were severed after the Islamic Revolution in 1979 in Iran.
De tumultibus Hafniensibus 18.05.2007, klo 14.14 In urbe Hafnia Danorum hac septimana tumultus violenti facti sunt, inter quos saepimenta viaria ducebantur et multa autocineta incendebantur.
From|riots|of Copenhagen|at|In|the city|Copenhagen||this|week|riots|violent|occurred|were|among|whom|barricades|road|were led|and|many|cars|were burned
About the riots in Copenhagen 18.05.2007, at 14:14 Violent riots occurred this week in the city of Copenhagen, during which roadblocks were erected and many cars were set on fire.
Amplius quinquaginta homines magistratibus reclamantes a biocolytis deprehensi sunt.
More|fifty|men|to the magistrates|protesting|by|the police|apprehended|were
More than fifty people protesting against the magistrates were caught by the police.
Causa perturbationum erat, quod activistae quidam decreto de aedificio quodam ligneo demoliendo adversabantur.
The cause|of disturbances|was|because|activists|certain|decree|about|building|certain|wooden|demolishing|opposed
The cause of the disturbances was that certain activists were opposing a decree to demolish a wooden building.
Quid Sinenses facturi sint 18.05.2007, klo 14.13 Sinenses hoc anno magnam pecuniam in aggeres suos reficiendos et in aquam potabiliorem reddendam collocare in animo habent.
What|the Chinese|will do|are|at||this|year|large|amount of money|in|infrastructure|their|repairs|and|in|water|potable|making|to invest|in|intention|have
What the Chinese will do on 18.05.2007, at 14:13, the Chinese intend to invest a large amount of money this year in repairing their embankments and making the drinking water better.
Sunt, qui putent multas moles fluctibus oppositas pessimae condicionis esse et homines iuxta eas habitantes in maximo periculo versari.
There are|who|think|many|structures|by the waves|opposed|very bad|condition|to be|and|people|near|them|living|in|greatest|danger|to be
There are those who believe that many structures facing the waves are in very poor condition and that people living near them are in great danger.
Huc accedit, quod aquae emissionibus industrialibus, laetaminibus pesticidisque multis locis valde inquinatae sunt.
To this|it is added|that|water|emissions|industrial|fertilizers|and pesticides|many|places|very|polluted|are
Additionally, it should be noted that water emissions from industries, along with many pesticides, have severely polluted various locations.
Planeta terrae similis inventa 18.05.2007, klo 14.13 Astronomi Europaei nuntiaverunt se in constellatione Libra stellam errantem animadvertisse, quae Telluri nostrae similior esse videretur quam ulla alia planeta adhuc cognita.
Planet|of Earth|similar|discovered||Astronomers|European|reported|themselves|in|constellation|Libra|star|wandering|having observed|which|to Earth|our|more similar|to be|seemed|than|any|other|planet|still|known
On May 18, 2007, at 14:13, European astronomers reported that they had observed a wandering star in the constellation Libra, which appeared to be more similar to our Earth than any other known planet.
Quod corpus caeleste, cuius massa quinque partibus maior quam terra nostra esse videtur, a nobis spatium viginti fere annorum luce mensorum abest et sidus pusillum circumfertur.
That|body|celestial|whose|mass|five|parts|greater|than|earth|our|to be|seems|from|us|distance|twenty|almost|years|light|measured|is away|and|star|small|is revolved around
This celestial body, which seems to have a mass five times greater than our Earth, is located approximately twenty light years away from us and is orbited by a small star.
Rerum periti censent nihil impedire, quominus ibidem aqua occurrat, quia temperatura in superficie planetae inter zerum et quadraginta gradus Celsianos variet.
of things|experts|believe|nothing|to hinder|from|there|water|to occur|because|temperature|in|surface|of the planet|between|zero|and|forty|degrees|Celsius|varies
Experts believe that nothing prevents water from being present there, as the temperature on the surface of the planet varies between zero and forty degrees Celsius.
Quid WWF de Mari Baltico dixerit 18.05.2007, klo 14.13 Ordo mundi naturae tuendae (WWF) censet Finnis non contigisse, ut id, quod de eiectamentis in Mari Baltico deminuendis animo proposuissent, consequerentur.
What|WWF|about|Baltic|Sea|said|at|The organization|of the world|nature|conservation|(WWF)|considers|Finns|not|to have achieved|that|that|which|about|discharges|in|Baltic|Sea|reducing|purpose|had proposed|would achieve
What WWF said about the Baltic Sea on 18.05.2007, at 14:13 The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) believes that Finland has not achieved what it proposed regarding the reduction of waste in the Baltic Sea.
Copiam nitri, quae ex Finnia in Mare Balticum deferretur, inde ab annis nonagesimis saeculi praeteriti quaternis centesimis (4%), vim phosphori autem vicenis (20%) deminutam esse, cum Finni voluissent quantitatem illorum elementorum ante annum praeteritum ad dimidiam partem redigere.
The supply|of nitrate|which|from|Finland|into|the Sea|Baltic|would be transported|from there|from|years|nineties|of the century|past|four|hundredths|amount|of phosphorus|however|twenty|diminished|to be|when|the Finns|would have wanted|quantity|of those|elements|before|year|past|to|half|part|reduce
The supply of nitrogen, which has been carried from Finland to the Baltic Sea, has decreased by four percent (4%) since the 1990s, while the phosphorus level has decreased by twenty percent (20%), as the Finns aimed to reduce the amount of these elements to half before last year.
----------- Societas pedifollica Vaticana 18.05.2007, klo 14.12 In civitate Vaticana societas pedifollica condita est, quae nonnisi ex sacerdotibus catholicis et studentibus theologiae constat.
Society|football|Vatican|at|In|city|Vatican|society|football|was founded|is|which|only|from|priests|Catholic|and|students|of theology|consists
----------- Vatican Football Club 18.05.2007, at 14:12 In the Vatican City, a football club has been established, which consists only of Catholic priests and theology students.
Clericus Cup - ut nuncupatur ?
Cleric|Cup|as|is named
Clericus Cup - as it is called?
cum ad vulgus delectandum spectat tum id agere conatur, ut ecclesia catholica propius populo admoveatur.
when|for|the common people|to be delighted|he/she/it looks|then|that|to act|he/she/it tries|so that|church|Catholic|closer|to the people|may be brought near
When it aims to delight the public, it tries to bring the Catholic Church closer to the people.
Ludi, qui diebus Dominicis agi non sinuntur, etiam eo peculiares sunt, quod arbitri Latine iudicant et lusoribus verba impudentia inter se clamitare non licet.
The games|which|on the days|Sunday|to be played|not||also|there|peculiar|are|because|referees|in Latin|judge|and|players|words|impudence|among|themselves|to shout|not|are allowed
The games, which are not allowed to take place on Sundays, are also peculiar in that the referees judge in Latin and players are not allowed to shout impudent words at each other.
(Maija Ketoluoto-Nurminen)
(Maija Ketoluoto-Nurminen)
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