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Ulixes (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles), Ulixes 12 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles)

Ulixes 12 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles)

Pauca milia passuum ab eo loco progressus Ulixes ad insulam Aeoliam navem appulit. Haec patria erat ventorum, "Hic vasto rex Aeolus antro luctantis ventos tempestatesque sonoras imperio premit ac vinclis et carcere frenat." Ibi rex ipse Graecos hospitio excepit, atque iis persuasit ut ad recuperandas viris paucos dies in ea regione commorarentur. Septimo die cum socii e laboribus se recepissent, Ulixes, ne anni tempore a navigatione excluderetur, sibi sine mora proficiscendum statuit. Tum Aeolus, qui sciebat Ulixem cupidissimum esse patriae videndae, ei iam profecturo magnum saccum e corio confectum dedit, in quo ventos omnis praeter unum incluserat. Zephyrum tantum solverat, quod ille ventus ab insula Aeolia ad Ithacam naviganti est secundus. Ulixes hoc donum libenter accepit, et gratiis pro tanto beneficio actis saccum ad malum adligavit. Tum omnibus rebus ad profectionem paratis meridiano fere tempore e portu solvit.

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Ulixes 12 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles) Ulysses 12 (Ritchie's Easy Stories) Ulysse 12 (Les histoires faciles de Ritchie)

Pauca milia passuum ab eo loco progressus Ulixes ad insulam Aeoliam navem appulit. ||||||||||Aeolian Island||"brought to shore" ||||||||||||停泊させた Having advanced a few miles from that place, Odysseus landed a ship at the island of Aeolia. ウリクシーズは数マイル進んで、アイオリア島に船を着かせました。 Haec patria erat ventorum, "Hic vasto rex Aeolus antro luctantis ventos tempestatesque sonoras imperio premit ac vinclis et carcere frenat." |||||"vast cavern"||Aeolus|cave|struggling|winds|storms and gales|resounding||"Controls" or "restrains"|and|chains and prison|||restrains with chains ||||||||洞窟|||嵐|響き渡る|支配権|抑えつける||拘束具|||抑制する This was the birthplace of the winds, "This king Aeolus, in a vast cave, oppresses the struggling winds and the storms with resounding command, and bridles them with bonds and prison." これは風の国であり、「ここで巨大な洞窟の王アイオロスが戦う風と轟音の暴風を権力で抑え、拘束具と牢獄で抑制している。」 Ibi rex ipse Graecos hospitio excepit, atque iis persuasit ut ad recuperandas viris paucos dies in ea regione commorarentur. |||the Greeks||"received" or "welcomed"|and also||"persuaded them"|||to recover|||||||"they stay" |||ギリシャ人たち|歓待で||||||||兵士たち||||||滞在する There the king himself entertained the Greeks as a guest, and persuaded them to stay a few days in that country to recover the men. そこで王自らギリシャ人をもてなし、彼らを説得して、男たちがその地域で数日間滞在することに同意させました。 Septimo die cum socii e laboribus se recepissent, Ulixes, ne anni tempore a navigatione excluderetur, sibi sine mora proficiscendum statuit. |||||||had recovered themselves|||year|||from sailing|be excluded from||||"must set out"|decided ||||||||||年の時期||||航海から締め出される||||出発すること|決めた On the seventh day, when the Allies had withdrawn from their labors, Odysseus, in order that he might not be prevented from the voyage at the time of the year, resolved to set forward for him without delay. 仲間たちが労働から休息をとった第7日に、オデュッセウスは航海から除外されないように、すぐに出発することを決定した。 Tum Aeolus, qui sciebat Ulixem cupidissimum esse patriae videndae, ei iam profecturo magnum saccum e corio confectum dedit, in quo ventos omnis praeter unum incluserat. |||||"very desirous"|||||already about to|about to depart||||leather|"made of leather"||||||except for||had enclosed |||知っていた||||||||出発しようとしている||袋||革|作られた||||||以外の||封じ込めた Then Aeolus, who knew that Odysseus was most eager to see his country, gave him a large sack of leather, when he was about to depart, in which he had shut up all the winds except one. そして、オデュッセウスがすでに旅立とうとしていることを知っていたエオロスは、オデュッセウスに、母国を訪れたがっている彼に革で作られた大きな袋を与えた。その中には1つだけ風を除いて全ての風が入っていた。 Zephyrum tantum solverat, quod ille ventus ab insula Aeolia ad Ithacam naviganti est secundus. the west wind||"had released"|||||island of Aeolia|Aeolian island||Ithaca|"to a sailor"||favorable or following ||||||||||イタカ島へ|||追い風 He had broken only the SW, because that wind was second on his voyage from the Aeolian island to Ithaca. それはアイオリア島からイタカ島に向かうオデュッセウスに有利な風であるゼフィルムだけが解放されていた。 Ulixes hoc donum libenter accepit, et gratiis pro tanto beneficio actis saccum ad malum adligavit. ||||||with thanks||||"having been given"|||apple tree|tied to ||||受け取った|||見返りとして|||||袋|リンゴの木|縛り付けた Ulysses, is the gift he accepted it willingly, and gave for such a kindness to evil, and subjected the acts of the sackcloth. ユリクセスはこの贈り物を喜んで受け取り、その大きな恩恵に感謝して、リンゴを結びつけました。 Tum omnibus rebus ad profectionem paratis meridiano fere tempore e portu solvit. ||||departure||midday|"Almost"|||"from the harbor"| |||||準備が整った|正午ごろ|ほぼ||||出航した Then all things being prepared for his departure, he set sail from the harbor at about noon. そして、準備が整った後、おおよそ真昼頃に港を出発しました。