GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
1. Catullus, miser Catulle, Icebreaker 1
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
1. Catullus, miser Catulle, Icebreaker 2
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
1. Catullus, miser Catulle, FINAL
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
2. Catullus, si qua recordanti, Icebreaker 1
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
2. Catullus, si qua recordanti - Icebreaker 2
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
2. Catullus, si qua recordanti - Icebreaker 3
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
2. Catullus, si qua recordanti - FINAL
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
3. Catullus, ill mi par esse - Icebreaker
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
3. Catullus, ille mi par esse - FINAL
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
4 & 5. Catullus, odi et amo, nulli se dicit mulier - FINAL
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
6. Dicebas quondam, Lesbia - Icebreaker
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
6. Dicebas quondam, Lesbia - FINAL
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
7. Ovid 1-20, Icebreaker 1
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
7. Ovid 1-20, Icebreaker 2
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
7. Ovid 1-20, FINAL
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
8. Ovid 21-40, Icebreaker 1
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
8. Ovid 21-40, Icebreaker 2
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
8. Ovid 21-40, FINAL
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
9. Ovid 41-58, Icebreaker 1
GCSE Latin 2017, Catullus and Ovid
9. Ovid 41-58, Icebreaker 2