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Evangelium secundum Ioannem, Caput 11

Caput 11

1 Erat autem quidam languens Lazarus a Bethania, de castello Mariæ et Marthæ sororis ejus.

2 (Maria autem erat quæ unxit Dominum unguento, et extersit pedes ejus capillis suis : cujus frater Lazarus infirmabatur.) 3 Miserunt ergo sorores ejus ad eum dicentes : Domine, ecce quem amas infirmatur. 4 Audiens autem Jesus dixit eis : Infirmitas hæc non est ad mortem, sed pro gloria Dei, ut glorificetur Filius Dei per eam. 5 Diligebat autem Jesus Martham, et sororem ejus Mariam, et Lazarum. 6 Ut ergo audivit quia infirmabatur, tunc quidem mansit in eodem loco duobus diebus ; 7 deinde post hæc dixit discipulis suis : Eamus in Judæam iterum. 8 Dicunt ei discipuli : Rabbi, nunc quærebant te Judæi lapidare, et iterum vadis illuc ? 9 Respondit Jesus : Nonne duodecim sunt horæ diei ? Si quis ambulaverit in die, non offendit, quia lucem hujus mundi videt : 10 si autem ambulaverit in nocte, offendit, quia lux non est in eo. 11 Hæc ait, et post hæc dixit eis : Lazarus amicus noster dormit : sed vado ut a somno excitem eum. 12 Dixerunt ergo discipuli ejus : Domine, si dormit, salvus erit. 13 Dixerat autem Jesus de morte ejus : illi autem putaverunt quia de dormitione somni diceret. 14 Tunc ergo Jesus dixit eis manifeste : Lazarus mortuus est : 15 et gaudeo propter vos, ut credatis, quoniam non eram ibi, sed eamus ad eum. 16 Dixit ergo Thomas, qui dicitur Didymus, ad condiscipulos : Eamus et nos, ut moriamur cum eo. 17 Venit itaque Jesus : et invenit eum quatuor dies jam in monumento habentem. 18 (Erat autem Bethania juxta Jerosolymam quasi stadiis quindecim.) 19 Multi autem ex Judæis venerant ad Martham et Mariam, ut consolarentur eas de fratre suo. 20 Martha ergo ut audivit quia Jesus venit, occurrit illi : Maria autem domi sedebat. 21 Dixit ergo Martha ad Jesum : Domine, si fuisses hic, frater meus non fuisset mortuus : 22 sed et nunc scio quia quæcumque poposceris a Deo, dabit tibi Deus. 23 Dicit illi Jesus : Resurget frater tuus. 24 Dicit ei Martha : Scio quia resurget in resurrectione in novissimo die. 25 Dixit ei Jesus : Ego sum resurrectio et vita : qui credit in me, etiam si mortuus fuerit, vivet : 26 et omnis qui vivit et credit in me, non morietur in æternum. Credis hoc ? 27 Ait illi : Utique Domine, ego credidi quia tu es Christus, Filius Dei vivi, qui in hunc mundum venisti. 28 Et cum hæc dixisset, abiit, et vocavit Mariam sororem suam silentio, dicens : Magister adest, et vocat te. 29 Illa ut audivit, surgit cito, et venit ad eum ; 30 nondum enim venerat Jesus in castellum : sed erat adhuc in illo loco, ubi occurrerat ei Martha. 31 Judæi ergo, qui erant cum ea in domo, et consolabantur eam, cum vidissent Mariam quia cito surrexit, et exiit, secuti sunt eam dicentes : Quia vadit ad monumentum, ut ploret ibi. 32 Maria ergo, cum venisset ubi erat Jesus, videns eum, cecidit ad pedes ejus, et dicit ei : Domine, si fuisses hic, non esset mortuus frater meus. 33 Jesus ergo, ut vidit eam plorantem, et Judæos, qui venerant cum ea, plorantes, infremuit spiritu, et turbavit seipsum, 34 et dixit : Ubi posuistis eum ? Dicunt ei : Domine, veni, et vide. 35 Et lacrimatus est Jesus. 36 Dixerunt ergo Judæi : Ecce quomodo amabat eum. 37 Quidam autem ex ipsis dixerunt : Non poterat hic, qui aperuit oculos cæci nati, facere ut hic non moreretur ? 38 Jesus ergo rursum fremens in semetipso, venit ad monumentum. Erat autem spelunca, et lapis superpositus erat ei. 39 Ait Jesus : Tollite lapidem. Dicit ei Martha, soror ejus qui mortuus fuerat : Domine, jam fœtet, quatriduanus est enim. 40 Dicit ei Jesus : Nonne dixi tibi quoniam si credideris, videbis gloriam Dei ? 41 Tulerunt ergo lapidem : Jesus autem, elevatis sursum oculis, dixit : Pater, gratias ago tibi quoniam audisti me. 42 Ego autem sciebam quia semper me audis, sed propter populum qui circumstat, dixi : ut credant quia tu me misisti. 43 Hæc cum dixisset, voce magna clamavit : Lazare, veni foras. 44 Et statim prodiit qui fuerat mortuus, ligatus pedes, et manus institis, et facies illius sudario erat ligata. Dixit eis Jesus : Solvite eum et sinite abire. 45 Multi ergo ex Judæis, qui venerant ad Mariam, et Martham, et viderant quæ fecit Jesus, crediderunt in eum. 46 Quidam autem ex ipsis abierunt ad pharisæos, et dixerunt eis quæ fecit Jesus.

47 Collegerunt ergo pontifices et pharisæi concilium, et dicebant : Quid facimus, quia hic homo multa signa facit ? 48 Si dimittimus eum sic, omnes credent in eum, et venient Romani, et tollent nostrum locum, et gentem. 49 Unus autem ex ipsis, Caiphas nomine, cum esset pontifex anni illius, dixit eis : Vos nescitis quidquam, 50 nec cogitatis quia expedit vobis ut unus moriatur homo pro populo, et non tota gens pereat. 51 Hoc autem a semetipso non dixit : sed cum esset pontifex anni illius, prophetavit, quod Jesus moriturus erat pro gente, 52 et non tantum pro gente, sed ut filios Dei, qui erant dispersi, congregaret in unum. 53 Ab illo ergo die cogitaverunt ut interficerent eum.

54 Jesus ergo jam non in palam ambulabat apud Judæos, sed abiit in regionem juxta desertum, in civitatem quæ dicitur Ephrem, et ibi morabatur cum discipulis suis.55 Proximum autem erat Pascha Judæorum, et ascenderunt multi Jerosolymam de regione ante Pascha, ut sanctificarent seipsos.56 Quærebant ergo Jesum, et colloquebantur ad invicem, in templo stantes : Quid putatis, quia non venit ad diem festum ? Dederant autem pontifices et pharisæi mandatum ut si quis cognoverit ubi sit, indicet, ut apprehendant eum.

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Caput 11 Kapitel 11 Chapter 11 Розділ 11

1 Erat autem quidam languens Lazarus a Bethania, de castello Mariæ et Marthæ sororis ejus. ||a certain|sick|Lazarus||Bethany||"the village"|Mary||of Martha|sister|his ||||||Betania||||||| ||um certo homem|doente|||||da aldeia||||| 1 Now there was a certain sick Lazarus of Bethany, from the castle of Mary and Martha his sister. Now a man was ill, Lazarus from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. 1 Был некий больной Лазарь из Вифании, из замка Марии и Марфы, сестры его.

2 (Maria autem erat quæ unxit Dominum unguento, et extersit pedes ejus capillis suis : cujus frater Lazarus infirmabatur.) |||who|anointed|the Lord|ointment||wiped|his feet||her hair|her|whose|||was sick ||||ungiu com óleo||||enxugou||||||||estava doente 2 (Now it was Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair: whose brother Lazarus was sick.) 2 (Мария же помазала Господа миром и отерла волосами своими ноги Его: брат которой Лазарь был болен.) 3 Miserunt ergo sorores ejus ad eum dicentes : Domine, ecce quem amas infirmatur. ||sisters||||saying|||whom|you love|"is ill" |||||||||||est doente 3 Then his sisters sent to him, saying: Lord, behold, he whom you love is sick. 3 Тогда сестры его послали к нему сказать: господин! вот, тот, кого ты любишь, болен. 4 Audiens autem Jesus dixit eis : Infirmitas hæc non est ad mortem, sed pro gloria Dei, ut glorificetur Filius Dei per eam. hearing|||||Illness|||||||||||"be glorified"||||it 4 When Jesus heard this, he said to them: This infirmity is not for death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it. 4 Услышав это, Иисус сказал им: эта немощь не для смерти, но для славы Божией, чтобы через нее прославился Сын Божий. 5 Diligebat autem Jesus Martham, et sororem ejus Mariam, et Lazarum. "loved"|||Martha||her sister Mary||Mary||Lazarus 5 And Jesus loved Martha, and her sister Mary, and Lazarus. 5 И возлюбил Иисус Марфу, и сестру ее Марию, и Лазаря. 6 Ut ergo audivit quia infirmabatur, tunc quidem mansit in eodem loco duobus diebus ; 7 deinde post hæc dixit discipulis suis : Eamus in Judæam iterum. for||he heard||he was sick||indeed|he stayed||"the same"||||then||||to his disciples|his|let us go||Judea| 6 When he heard that he was infirm, then indeed he remained in the same place for two days; 7 then after this he said to his disciples: Let us go to Judea again. 6 Когда он услышал, что он болен, он оставался на том же месте два дня; 7 После этого сказал Он ученикам Своим: пойдем опять в Иудею. 8 Dicunt ei discipuli : Rabbi, nunc quærebant te Judæi lapidare, et iterum vadis illuc ? they say||||||||to stone|||you go|there |||||procuravam||||||| 8 The disciples said to him: Rabbi, now the Jews wanted to stone you, and are you going there again? 8 Ученики сказали Ему: Равви, теперь иудеи хотели побить тебя камнями, и ты снова пойдешь туда? 9 Respondit Jesus : Nonne duodecim sunt horæ diei ? |||||hours of day|of the day 9 Jesus answered: Aren't there twelve hours of the day? 9 Иисус ответил: Разве в сутках не двенадцать часов? Si quis ambulaverit in die, non offendit, quia lucem hujus mundi videt : 10 si autem ambulaverit in nocte, offendit, quia lux non est in eo. ||"has walked"||day||"he stumbles"|||of this|of the world|sees|||"will walk"|||he will offend||||||it If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world: 10 but if he walks in the night, he stumbles, because there is no light in him. Если кто ходит днем, не спотыкается, потому что видит свет мира сего: 10 а если он идет ночью, то спотыкается, потому что нет света в нем. 11 Hæc ait, et post hæc dixit eis : Lazarus amicus noster dormit : sed vado ut a somno excitem eum. ||||||||||sleeps||I go|||sleep|awaken him| 11 He said these things, and after this he said to them: Our friend Lazarus is sleeping: but I am going to wake him from his sleep. 11 Он сказал это и после этого сказал им: друг наш Лазарь спит, но Я разбужу его от сна. 12 Dixerunt ergo discipuli ejus : Domine, si dormit, salvus erit. |||||||safe|he will be 12 His disciples then said: Lord, if he sleeps, he will be saved. 12 Тогда ученики Его сказали: Господи! если он уснет, то спасётся. 13 Dixerat autem Jesus de morte ejus : illi autem putaverunt quia de dormitione somni diceret. had said||||||they||thought|||falling asleep|sleep of death|"he meant" 13 Now Jesus had spoken of his death: but they thought that he was speaking of falling asleep. 13 Иисус же говорил о смерти Его, но они подумали, что Он говорит об усыплении. 14 Tunc ergo Jesus dixit eis manifeste : Lazarus mortuus est : 15 et gaudeo propter vos, ut credatis, quoniam non eram ibi, sed eamus ad eum. then||||to them|plainly||dead|||"I rejoice"||||you may believe|for||"I was"|||let's go|| 14 Then Jesus said to them plainly: Lazarus is dead. 15 And I am glad for you that I was not there, that you may believe. Let us go to him. 14 Тогда Иисус сказал им прямо: Лазарь умер. 16 Dixit ergo Thomas, qui dicitur Didymus, ad condiscipulos : Eamus et nos, ut moriamur cum eo. ||Thomas||is called|The Twin||fellow disciples|let us go||us||"we may die"|| 16 Then said Thomas, who is called Didymus, to his fellow-disciples: Let us also go, that we may die with him. 16 Тогда сказал Фома, называемый Дидим, товарищам своим: пойдем и мы, чтобы умереть с ним. 17 Venit itaque Jesus : et invenit eum quatuor dies jam in monumento habentem. ||||found||||already||tomb|"having been" 17 So Jesus came and found him already four days in the tomb. 17 И пришел Иисус и нашел его уже четыре дня во гробе. 18 (Erat autem Bethania juxta Jerosolymam quasi stadiis quindecim.) ||||||furlongs|fifteen stadia approximately 18 (And Bethany was about fifteen furlongs from Jerusalem.) 18 (А Вифания была стадий в пятнадцати от Иерусалима.) 19 Multi autem ex Judæis venerant ad Martham et Mariam, ut consolarentur eas de fratre suo. ||||||||||"to console"|them||brother|their 19 Many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them about their brother. 19 Многие из иудеев пришли к Марфе и Марии, чтобы утешить их о брате. 20 Martha ergo ut audivit quia Jesus venit, occurrit illi : Maria autem domi sedebat. Martha therefore heard|||heard||||ran to|to him|||at home|was sitting 20 When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she met him: but Mary was sitting at home. 20 Марфа, услышав, что Иисус придет, встретила Его, а Мария сидела дома. 21 Dixit ergo Martha ad Jesum : Domine, si fuisses hic, frater meus non fuisset mortuus : 22 sed et nunc scio quia quæcumque poposceris a Deo, dabit tibi Deus. |||||||"had been"|here||||had been|||||||whatever|"you ask"|||will give|| 21 Then Martha said to Jesus: Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died: 22 but even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you. 21 Тогда Марфа сказала Иисусу: Господи! если бы Ты был здесь, брат мой не умер бы: 22 но и теперь знаю, что, чего ни попросишь у Бога, даст Тебе Бог. 23 Dicit illi Jesus : Resurget frater tuus. |to him||will rise||your 23 Jesus said to him: Your brother will rise again. 23 Иисус сказал ему: воскреснет брат твой. 24 Dicit ei Martha : Scio quia resurget in resurrectione in novissimo die. |||||will rise||resurrection||"last" or "final day"| 24 Martha says to him: I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day. 24 Марфа говорит Ему: знаю, что Он воскреснет в воскресение, в последний день. 25 Dixit ei Jesus : Ego sum resurrectio et vita : qui credit in me, etiam si mortuus fuerit, vivet : 26 et omnis qui vivit et credit in me, non morietur in æternum. |||||resurrection|||||||even|||has died|will live||||lives||||||"will not die"|| 25 Jesus said to him: I am the resurrection and the life: he who believes in me, even if he dies, will live: 26 and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. 25 Иисус сказал ему: Я есмь воскресение и жизнь: верующий в Меня, даже если и умрет, будет жить: 26 и всякий, кто живет и верует в Меня, никогда не умрет. Credis hoc ? do you believe| Do you believe this? Вы верите в это? 27 Ait illi : Utique Domine, ego credidi quia tu es Christus, Filius Dei vivi, qui in hunc mundum venisti. ||certainly|||I have believed|||||||living God|||||came ||Certamente||||||||||||||| 27 He said to him: Of course, Lord, I believed that you are the Christ, the Son of the living God, who came into this world. 27 Он сказал Ему: Конечно, Господи, я поверил, что Ты Христос, Сын Бога живого, пришедший в этот мир. 28 Et cum hæc dixisset, abiit, et vocavit Mariam sororem suam silentio, dicens : Magister adest, et vocat te. |||had said|he went away||||||"in secret"|||is here||| 28 And when he had said these things, he went away and called Mary his sister in silence, saying: The Master is here and calls you. When she had said this, she went and called her sister Mary secretly, saying, "The teacher is here and is asking for you." 28 И, сказав это, он пошел и молча позвал Марию, сестру свою, говоря: Учитель здесь и зовет тебя. 29 Illa ut audivit, surgit cito, et venit ad eum ; 30 nondum enim venerat Jesus in castellum : sed erat adhuc in illo loco, ubi occurrerat ei Martha. "She" or "That woman"||"she heard"|rises|quickly|||||not yet||had come|||town|||still|||||"had met"|to him|Martha ||||||||||||||||||||||encontrara|| 29 When she heard it, she got up quickly and came to him; 30 For Jesus had not yet come to the fort: but he was still in that place where Martha had met him. 29 Услышав это, она быстро встала и подошла к нему; 30 Ибо Иисус еще не пришел в крепость, но был еще на том месте, где Марфа встретила Его. 31 Judæi ergo, qui erant cum ea in domo, et consolabantur eam, cum vidissent Mariam quia cito surrexit, et exiit, secuti sunt eam dicentes : Quia vadit ad monumentum, ut ploret ibi. |||||||||were comforting her|||they had seen||||she rose||she went out|they followed||her|saying||is going||monument||"to weep"|"there" 31 The Jews therefore, who were with her in the house, and were consoling her, when they saw that Mary arose quickly and went out, followed her, saying: Because she is going to the tomb to weep there. 31 Иудеи же, бывшие с нею в доме и утешавшие ее, увидев, что Мария быстро встала и вышла, последовали за нею, говоря: потому что она идет ко гробу плакать там. 32 Maria ergo, cum venisset ubi erat Jesus, videns eum, cecidit ad pedes ejus, et dicit ei : Domine, si fuisses hic, non esset mortuus frater meus. |||had come||||seeing||fell|||||||||had been|||||| 32 Mary therefore, when she had come to where Jesus was, seeing him, fell at his feet and said to him: Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. 32 Итак, Мария, придя туда, где был Иисус, увидев Его, упала к ногам Его и сказала Ему: Господи! если бы Ты был здесь, брат мой не умер бы. 33 Jesus ergo, ut vidit eam plorantem, et Judæos, qui venerant cum ea, plorantes, infremuit spiritu, et turbavit seipsum, 34 et dixit : Ubi posuistis eum ? |||saw||"weeping"|||||||"weeping" or "crying"|"groaned in spirit"|in spirit|"and"|"troubled himself"|himself||||"you placed him"| |||||||||||||"Comoveu-se profundamente"|||perturbou-se|||||| 33 Jesus therefore, when he saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her weeping, he was troubled in spirit, and troubled himself, 34 and said: Where have you laid him? 33 When Jesus saw her weeping and the Jews who had come with her weeping, he became perturbed and deeply troubled, 34 and said, "Where have you laid him?" They said to him, "Sir, come and see." 33 Иисус же, увидев ее плачущую и пришедших с нею Иудеев плачущих, возмутился духом и встревожился, 34 и сказал: где ты положил его? Dicunt ei : Domine, veni, et vide. They say to him: Lord, come and see. Ему говорят: Господи, приди и посмотри. 35 Et lacrimatus est Jesus. "And"|"wept"|| |E chorou Jesus.|| 35 And Jesus wept. 35 И Иисус плакал. 36 Dixerunt ergo Judæi : Ecce quomodo amabat eum. |||||"he loved him"| 36 Then the Jews said: Behold how she loved him. 36 Тогда иудеи сказали: вот, как она полюбила его. 37 Quidam autem ex ipsis dixerunt : Non poterat hic, qui aperuit oculos cæci nati, facere ut hic non moreretur ? certain ones||||||could|here||opened||||||||"might not die" 37 And some of them said: Could not this man, who opened the eyes of one born blind, cause this man not to die? 37 И некоторые из них сказали: не мог ли этот человек, отверзший очи слепорожденному, не сделать так, чтобы этого человека не умерли? 38 Jesus ergo rursum fremens in semetipso, venit ad monumentum. |||"groaning within himself"||in himself|came|| |||agitado em si mesmo||||| 38 Jesus, again greatly disturbed, came to the monument. 38 Тогда Иисус, снова рыча в себе, пришёл ко гробу. Erat autem spelunca, et lapis superpositus erat ei. ||cave||stone|placed over it||it ||A caverna||||| Now it was a cave, and a stone was placed over it. Теперь это была пещера, и над ней был положен камень. 39 Ait Jesus : Tollite lapidem. ||Take away|the stone 39 Jesus said: Take away the stone. 39 Иисус сказал: Уберите камень. Dicit ei Martha, soror ejus qui mortuus fuerat : Domine, jam fœtet, quatriduanus est enim. |||sister||||had been|||"he stinks"|four days dead|| |||||||||||quatro dias morto|| Martha, his sister who had died, says to him: Lord, she is already in labor, for she is four days old. Марфа, умершая сестра его, говорит ему: Господин, она уже рожает, ибо ей четыре дня. 40 Dicit ei Jesus : Nonne dixi tibi quoniam si credideris, videbis gloriam Dei ? ||||||for||"you believe"|you will see||God's glory 40 Jesus says to him: Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God? 40 Иисус говорит ему: не говорил ли Я тебе, что если ты поверишь, то увидишь славу Божию? 41 Tulerunt ergo lapidem : Jesus autem, elevatis sursum oculis, dixit : Pater, gratias ago tibi quoniam audisti me. they brought|||||having been raised|"upward"|eyes||||I give thanks||since|heard|me ||||||||||gracias||||| Levaram||a pedra||||||||||||| 41 Then they took away the stone: but Jesus, lifting up his eyes, said: Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. 41 Тогда отняли камень, но Иисус, возведя очи свои, сказал: Отец! Благодарю Тебя, что Ты услышал Меня. 42 Ego autem sciebam quia semper me audis, sed propter populum qui circumstat, dixi : ut credant quia tu me misisti. ||"I knew"|||||but||the people||stands around|||"may believe"||||"have sent me" 42 But I knew that you always hear me, but for the sake of the people who are around, I said: that they may believe that you have sent me. 42 Но я знал, что Ты всегда слышишь меня, но ради людей, которые были вокруг, я сказал: чтобы они поверили, что Ты послал меня. 43 Hæc cum dixisset, voce magna clamavit : Lazare, veni foras. ||had said|voice||he called|Lazarus, come out.|come|out ||disse|||||| 43 When he had said this, he cried out with a loud voice: Lazarus, come outside. 43 Сказав это, он закричал громким голосом: Лазарь, выйди вон. 44 Et statim prodiit qui fuerat mortuus, ligatus pedes, et manus institis, et facies illius sudario erat ligata. ||came out||had been||bound||||with strips of cloth||face|of him|burial cloth||bound ||||||||||||||||atado |imediatamente|saiu||||||||faixas de linho|||||| 44 And immediately he who had been dead came forward, his feet and hands bound, and his face was bound with a cloth. 44 И тотчас вышел умерший со связанными ногами и руками, и лицо его было связано платою. Dixit eis Jesus : Solvite eum et sinite abire. |to them||loose|||let|to depart Jesus said to them: Release him and let him go. Иисус сказал им: отпустите его и отпустите его. 45 Multi ergo ex Judæis, qui venerant ad Mariam, et Martham, et viderant quæ fecit Jesus, crediderunt in eum. many|||||had come||||||had seen|what|did|||| |||los judíos||venían||María||||vieron||||creyeron||él 45 Many of the Jews, therefore, who had come to Mary and Martha, and had seen what Jesus had done, believed in him. 45 Итак многие из Иудеев, пришедшие к Марии и Марфе и видевшие, что сделал Иисус, уверовали в Него. 46 Quidam autem ex ipsis abierunt ad pharisæos, et dixerunt eis quæ fecit Jesus. ||||went|||||them||did| 46 Some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done. 46 Некоторые из них пошли к фарисеям и рассказали им, что сделал Иисус.

47 Collegerunt ergo pontifices et pharisæi concilium, et dicebant : Quid facimus, quia hic homo multa signa facit ? they gathered|||||council||||we do|||||| 47 Then the pontiffs and the Pharisees gathered together a council, and said: What shall we do, because this man performs many signs? 47 Тогда понтифики и фарисеи собрали совет и сказали: что нам делать, ведь Человек Этот творит многие знамения? 48 Si dimittimus eum sic, omnes credent in eum, et venient Romani, et tollent nostrum locum, et gentem. |we dismiss||||will believe||||the Romans will come|Romans||will take||||our nation |||assim||||||||||||| 48 If we let him go like this, everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come and take away our place and nation. 48 Если мы отпустим его вот так, все поверят в него, и придут римляне и отнимут наше место и народ. 49 Unus autem ex ipsis, Caiphas nomine, cum esset pontifex anni illius, dixit eis : Vos nescitis quidquam, 50 nec cogitatis quia expedit vobis ut unus moriatur homo pro populo, et non tota gens pereat. ||||Caiaphas|by the name|||high priest|of the year|that year||them||you do not know|anything|nor|you consider||it is advantageous|you||||||||||| |||||||||||||||nada|nem sequer|||é conveniente|||||||||||| ||||Caifás||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 49 And one of them, named Caiaphas, when he was the pontiff of that year, said to them: You know nothing, 50 nor do you think that it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people, and not the whole nation perish. 49 But one of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, 11 said to them, "You know nothing, 50 nor do you consider that it is better for you that one man should die instead of the people, so that the whole nation may not perish." 49 И один из них, именем Каиафа, когда он был понтификом того года, сказал им: вы ничего не знаете, 50 и не думаете, что было бы полезно для вас, чтобы один человек умер за народ, а не весь нация погибнет. 51 Hoc autem a semetipso non dixit : sed cum esset pontifex anni illius, prophetavit, quod Jesus moriturus erat pro gente, 52 et non tantum pro gente, sed ut filios Dei, qui erant dispersi, congregaret in unum. |||himself||||||priest|||he prophesied|||about to die|||people, nation, race||||||||||||scattered|"might gather"||into one ||||||||||||||||||||não||||||||||||| 51 But he did not say this by himself: but when he was the pontiff of that year, he prophesied that Jesus was going to die for the nation, 52 and not only for the nation, but to gather together the children of God who were scattered. 51 Но он не сказал этого сам; но, когда он был понтификом того года, он пророчествовал, что Иисус умрет за народ, 52 и не только за народ, но чтобы собрать вместе детей Божиих, которые были разбросанный. 53 Ab illo ergo die cogitaverunt ut interficerent eum. ||||They planned||they kill| 53 From that day, therefore, they planned to kill him. 53 С того дня они задумали убить его.

54 Jesus ergo jam non in palam ambulabat apud Judæos, sed abiit in regionem juxta desertum, in civitatem quæ dicitur Ephrem, et ibi morabatur cum discipulis suis.55 Proximum autem erat Pascha Judæorum, et ascenderunt multi Jerosolymam de regione ante Pascha, ut sanctificarent seipsos.56 Quærebant ergo Jesum, et colloquebantur ad invicem, in templo stantes : Quid putatis, quia non venit ad diem festum ? |||||"Openly"||||||||||||||Ephraim|||"Stayed"||||||||||||||region||||"to purify themselves"|"themselves"|||||were talking||to each other|||standing||||||||feast |||||abertamente||||||||perto de|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 54 Jesus therefore no longer walked openly among the Jews, but went to a region near the desert, to a city called Ephraim, and stayed there with his disciples. .56 So they were looking for Jesus, and they were talking to each other, standing in the temple: What do you think, because he does not come to the feast day? 54 Итак Иисус уже не ходил открыто среди иудеев, но пошел в местность близ пустыни, в город, называемый Ефрем, и остался там с учениками Своими. 56 Они искали Иисуса и говорили друг с другом, стоя в храме. : Как ты думаешь, ведь он не приходит на праздник? Dederant autem pontifices et pharisæi mandatum ut si quis cognoverit ubi sit, indicet, ut apprehendant eum. "Had given"||||||||||||"he should report"||"they might seize"|him But the pontiffs and Pharisees had given orders that if anyone knew where he was, he should report them, so that they could arrest him. Но понтифики и фарисеи приказали, чтобы, если кто-нибудь узнал, где он находится, сообщить им, чтобы они могли арестовать его.