اقتصاد و امنیت (3)
Economia e sicurezza (3)
Economia e segurança (3)
Economy and Security (3)
به نظر من عالیخانی نگاهی منطقی و درست به مسائل داشت و من این نگاه رو به شدت پسندیدم چون اولا مشاهدهگر خوبی بود یعنی بجای قضاوت اول نگاه کرد که چه اتفاقی در حال وقوعه، مثلا قبل از عالیخانی بر واردات از ژاپن تعرفه گمرکی گذاشتند چرا که ژاپن چیزی از ایران وارد نمیکرد و مسئولان اقتصادی کشور میخواستن ژاپن رو با اینکارتنبیه کنن، عالیخانی این تعرفه رو برداشت چرا که معتقد بود اولا برای ژاپن مهم نیست و این تعرفه باعث رقابت کالای ژاپنی با همتای اروپایی یا آمریکایی خودش در ایران نشده بود و در ثانی ما چیزی برای صادر کردن به ژاپن نداشتیم.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||تنبیه کردن||||||||||||به منظور|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
in|opinion|my|Alikhani|perspective|logical|and|correct|to|issues|had|and|I|this|perspective|it|very|strongly|liked|because|first||||was|meaning|instead of|judging|first|looked|did|that|what|event|in|current|occurring|for example|before|from|Alikhani||||Japan|tariff|||||Japan||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||did not have
In my opinion, Alikhani had a logical and correct perspective on issues, and I greatly appreciated this viewpoint because, firstly, he was a good observer; instead of judging, he first looked at what was happening. For example, before Alikhani, tariffs were imposed on imports from Japan because Japan was not importing anything from Iran, and the country's economic officials wanted to punish Japan with this action. Alikhani removed this tariff because he believed that, firstly, it was not important for Japan, and this tariff did not create competition between Japanese goods and their European or American counterparts in Iran. Secondly, we had nothing to export to Japan.
نمونه دیگه این دید زمانی بود که مجبورش کردن برای حضور در دولت منصور عضو حزب ایران نوین بشه خودش رو فریب نمیداد که با اینکارها دموکراسی در کشور حاکم میشه و علنا میگفت که نباید ادا در بیاریم.
example|another|this|perspective|when|was|that|he was forced|to|for|presence|in|government|Mansour|member|party|Iran|Novin|become|himself|him|deceived|||that|with|these actions|democracy|in|country|ruling|would be|and|openly|||that|shouldn't||in|act
Another example of this perspective was when he was forced to become a member of the Iran Novin Party to participate in Mansour's government; he did not deceive himself into thinking that such actions would establish democracy in the country and openly stated that we should not pretend.
باید شرایطی که در اون زندگی میکنیم رو قبول کنیم، باید دید در این شرایط چه کاری میشه انجام داد که به نفع کشور باشه.
must|conditions|that|in|which|life||we should||||must|perspective|in|these|conditions|what|action|can|done|be|that|in favor of|benefit|country|be
We must accept the conditions in which we live; we need to see what can be done in these circumstances that would benefit the country.
عالیخانی با این دست اقدامات در بدو ورود به وزارت اقتصاد کلی دوست و دشمن برای خود ساخت، خودش میگه: «شما در زندگی اگر بخواهید در هر رشتهای، کار مثبت انجام بدهید، یک عدهای با شما مخالفاند، یک عدهای خیلی مخالفاند که اسمشان را میگذاریم دشمن، یک عدهای هم کمتر مخالفاند ولی به هر حال همیشه مخالف دارید.
Alikhani|with|this|hand|actions|in|initial|entry|to|ministry|economy|many|friends|and|enemies|for|himself|made|he|says|you|in|life|if|you want|in|any|||work|positive|done|you do|one|||with|you|opponent|||||||||||||||||||||||||||you have
Alikhani, with these actions at the beginning of his tenure as Minister of Economy, created many friends and enemies for himself. He says: "If you want to do something positive in any field in life, there will be some people who oppose you, some who are very opposed, whom we call enemies, and some who are less opposed, but in any case, you will always have opponents."
اگر یک موقعی کسی آمد و به شما گفت من در عمرم هیچ دشمنی نداشتم، معنیاش این است آدم بیبو و بیخاصیتی بوده است.
if|one|time|someone|comes|and|to|you|said|I|in|my life|no|enemy|have had|||this|is|person|||and|||has been|is
If someone ever comes to you and says that they have never had an enemy in their life, it means that they have been a person without any smell or significance.
آدمی که در زندگیاش عقیدهای دارد، اعتقادی به چیزی دارد، خواه ناخواه با عقیده و نظر دیگران برخورد پیدا میکند.»
a person|who|in|||belief|||||||||||and|opinion|others|encounter|finding||
A person who has beliefs in their life, who believes in something, will inevitably encounter the beliefs and opinions of others."
عالیخانی به شدت حامی بخش خصوصی و صنایع کوچک و متوسط و طرفدار بازار آزاد بود و معتقد بود دولت نباید در تعیین قیمتها مداخله داشته باشد و بازار خودش باید نرخها را معین کند، اینکار باعث میشد کشاورز، صنعتگر و تولید کننده داخلی برای گسترش کارش انگیزه داشته باشه و اقتصاد رشد کنه اما در این راه مخالفانی داشت که مهمترینهاشون شاه و هویدا بودند.
Alikhani|to|strongly|supporter|sector|private|and|industries|small|and|medium|and|proponent|market|free|was|and|believed|was|government|should not|in|determining|||intervention|have|be|and|market|itself|should|||(object marker)|determine|do|this action|causes|was|farmer|||and|producer|producer|domestic|for|expansion|his work|motivation|have|be|and|economy|growth|do|but|in|this|path|opponents|had|that|||Shah|and|Hoveyda|were
Alikhani was a strong supporter of the private sector and small and medium-sized enterprises and an advocate of a free market. He believed that the government should not interfere in price determination and that the market should set the rates itself. This would motivate farmers, industrialists, and domestic producers to expand their work and grow the economy, but he had opponents in this path, the most important of whom were the Shah and Hoveyda.
اینها از یک جهت اعتقاد داشتند که تولید کننده داخلی ورای سود و زیان، ابتدا باید به فکر کشور خودش باشه که در خیلی موارد اصلا به صرف تولید کننده داخلی نبود برای مثال دولت گندم رو از کشاورزان ارزان میخرید تا قیمت نان در شهرها افزایش پیدا نکنه چرا که هویدا خودش رودولت شهرنشینها میدونست و اعتقاد داشت وقتی نارضایتی به وجود میاومد شهرها مهم بودن نه روستاها، و از جهت دیگر به کار بخش خصوصی اعتقاد نداشتند، میگفتن اینها کار بلد نیستن و لیاقت انجام کارهای بزرگ رو ندارن.
they|from|one|perspective|belief|had|that|production|producer|domestic|beyond|profit|and|loss|initially|should|to|thought|country|himself|be|that|in|many|cases|at all|to|benefit|production|producer|domestic|wasn't|for|example|government|wheat|from|from||||||||||||||||||||||and||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||deserving|doing|tasks|big|to|don't have
They believed that the domestic producer, beyond profit and loss, should first think of their own country, which in many cases was not beneficial for the domestic producer at all. For example, the government bought wheat from farmers at a low price to prevent the price of bread in cities from rising, as Hooshang himself knew that the government was for the urban dwellers and believed that when discontent arose, cities were important, not villages. On the other hand, they did not believe in the private sector, saying that they were not capable and did not deserve to undertake large projects.
عالیخانی اما در جواب گفته دولت ابتدا می تونه خیلی از صنایع بزرگ رو شروع کنه و سپس به بخش خصوصی واگذار کنه، مثل کاری که دولت هندوستان در زمینه ذوب آهن انجام داد.
However, Alikhani responded that the government could initially start many large industries and then hand them over to the private sector, similar to what the Indian government did in the steel industry.
چند ماه بعد از تشکیل دولت در سال 41 اعتراضات 15 خرداد 42 بوجود اومد، به اعتقاد عالیخانی این اعتراضات بخاطر اصلاحات ارضی اتفاق افتاد که باعث نارضایتی مالکان بزرگ، روسای ایلات و بعضی از روحانیون بود.
several|months|after|from|formation|government|in|year|protests|Khordad|to existence|came|to|belief|Ali Khani|this|protests|due to|reforms|land|occurred|happened|which|caused|dissatisfaction|owners|large|leaders|tribes|and|some|of|clerics|were
A few months after the formation of the government in 1962, the protests of June 15, 1963, occurred. According to Alikhani, these protests were due to land reforms that caused dissatisfaction among large landowners, tribal leaders, and some clerics.
یک عده از روحانیون معتقد بودن اینکار از لحاظ شرعی ایراد داره چون زمینها متعلق به مردمه و نباید ازشون گرفته بشه و عده دیگه هم بدلیل منافع شخصی مخالف بودن چون از اوقاف سود میبردن.
a|group|of|clerics|believed|to be|this action|from|perspective|religious|objection|has|because|||belonging|to|people|and|should not|from them|taken|be||group|other|also|due to|interests|personal|opposed|to be|because|from|endowments|profit||
Some clerics believed that this action was religiously problematic because the lands belonged to the people and should not be taken from them, while others opposed it due to personal interests because they benefited from the endowments.
شاه و علم قبل از شروع اعتراضات متوجه جو متشنج جامعه بودن و میدونستن که قراره اعتراضاتی انجام بشه و برای این اتفاق از قبل آماده بودن، سخنرانی تند امام خمینی در 13 خرداد 42 و سپس بازداشت ایشون این جرقه رو زد ولی با سرکوب شدید توسط دولت علم مواجه شد.
Shah|and|Alam|before|from|start|protests|realized|atmosphere|tense|society|were|and|||that|going to|protests|take place|happen|and|for|this|event|from|before|prepared|were|speech|harsh|Imam|Khomeini|on|Khordad|and|then|arrest|him|this|spark|the|struck|but|with|suppression|severe|by|government|Alam|faced|was
The Shah and Alam were aware of the tense atmosphere in society before the protests began and knew that protests were going to happen, so they were prepared for this event in advance. Imam Khomeini's fiery speech on June 3, 1963, and his subsequent arrest sparked this, but it faced severe repression by Alam's government.
شاه چون نمیخواست خودش مسئولیتی داشته باشه اختیار سرکوب رو به علم داده بود و این تنها باری بود که با میل خود اجازه داد کسی جز خودش به ارتش دستور بده.
the king|because|||himself|responsibility|||authority|suppression|it|to|Alam|given|was|and|this|only|time|was|that|with|will|himself|allowed|gave|someone|except|himself|to|army|command|give
The Shah, not wanting to take responsibility himself, had given the authority to suppress the protests to Alam, and this was the only time he allowed someone other than himself to give orders to the army.
به گفته عالیخانی علم با خونسردی تمام 15 خرداد رو نه فقط در تهران که در کل ایران سرکوب کرد.
by|statement|Alikhani|Alam|with|calmness|completely|Khordad|(the day)|not|only|in|Tehran|but|in|whole|Iran|suppressed|did
According to Alikhani, Alam calmly suppressed the events of June 15 not only in Tehran but throughout Iran.
بنابر آمار رسمی در این اعتراضات 86 نفر کشته و 193 نفر مجروح شدند.
according to|statistics|official|in|these|protests|people|killed|and|people|injured|were
According to official statistics, 86 people were killed and 193 were injured in these protests.
بعداز ۱۵ خرداد علم به وزیران اقتصاد، دادگستری و کشور مأموریت داد که میزان تلفات جانی و مالی اعتراضات رو مشخص کنن.
After June 15, Alam assigned the Ministers of Economy, Justice, and Interior to determine the extent of the human and financial casualties of the protests.
این سه وزیر گروهی رو به نمایندگی خودشون انتخاب کردن تا اینکار رو انجام بدن، وزیر دادگستری یکی از قضات قدیمی و محترم دادگستری رو معرفی کرد، وزارت کشور به توصیه عالیخانی سَتّاره فرمانفرمائیان که مدرسه عالی خدمات اجتماعی رو اداره میکرد و دانشگاه هاروارد بعدها اسم ایشون رو به عنوان یکی از زنان پیشرو در علم مددکاری در لیست زنان تاثیرگذار تاریخ آمریکا قرار داده را انتخاب کرد.
this|three|minister|group|را|to|representation|themselves|selected|to do|in order to|this task|را|to be done|do|minister|justice|one|of|judges|old|and|respected|justice|را|introduced|did|ministry|interior|to|recommendation|Ali Khani|Setareh|Farmanfarmaian|who|school|higher|services|social|را|managed||did|||||||||||||||||||||||||||
These three ministers selected a group to represent them to carry out this task; the Minister of Justice introduced one of the old and respected judges of the judiciary, while the Minister of Interior chose Setareh Farmanfarmaian, who managed the Higher School of Social Services, upon the recommendation of Alikhani. Later, Harvard University listed her as one of the pioneering women in social work among the influential women in American history.
عالیخانی هم حاج آقا رضا مجد رو به عنوان نماینده انتخاب کرد.
Aali Khani|also|Mr|Sir|Reza|Majd|him|as|representative|representative|elected|did
Alikhani also selected Haj Agha Reza Majd as a representative.
این گروه بعد از چند هفته بررسی دقیق پیشنهاد جامعی به نخستوزیر دادند.
After several weeks of thorough investigation, this group presented a comprehensive proposal to the Prime Minister.
دولت علم بر پایه همین پیشنهاد برای خانوادههایی که سرپرست خود را از دست داده بودند، مقرری تعیین کرد و هزینه تحصیل کودکان خانواده روبرعهده گرفت.
The government|Science|on|the basis of|this|proposal|for|family||||||||||||||||||responsibility|took
The government, based on this proposal, determined allowances for families who had lost their breadwinner and took on the educational expenses of the children in those families.
تا فرارسیدن انقلاب هنوز هم خانوادههایی بودندکه ازاین بابت ازنخستوزیری حقوق ماهیانه دریافت میکردند.
until|arrival|revolution|still|also||||from this|regarding|||salary|monthly|received||
Until the revolution, there were still families receiving monthly salaries from the Prime Minister's office for this reason.
قیام 15 خرداد و اختیاراتی که شاه به علم داد زمینهای شد برای تغییر دولت، اول اینکه شاه همیشه از افراد قوی در سیاست میترسید و دوم اینکه آمریکاییها فشار آورده بودند که کشور باید به سمت دموکراسی و حکومت حزبی حرکت کنه.
uprising|Khordad|and|powers|that|Shah|to|Alam|gave|||became|for|change|government|first|that|Shah|always|from|individuals|strong|in|politics|||and|second|that|||pressure|brought|were|that|country|should|towards|direction|democracy|and|government|party|move|should move
The uprising of June 15 and the powers that the Shah granted to Alam created a basis for changing the government; first, the Shah always feared strong individuals in politics, and second, the Americans had pressured that the country should move towards democracy and party governance.
اینکار از علم برنمیاومد چون منصور بیشتر مورد پسند آمریکاییها بود.
this action|from|science|||because|Mansour|more|subject|liked|||was
Alam could not manage this because Mansour was more favored by the Americans.
به گفته عالیخانی علم یکی از معدود مسئولان ایرانی بود که کشور رو میشناخت و اطلاع دقیقی از مناطق محروم و دورافتاده کشور داشت، در نظرهایی که ارائه میکرد عقل سلیم به کار میبرد و کمتر از اون چیزی که میدونست حرف میزد، با قاطعیت عمل میکرد و مرد روزهای سخت بود، از همکاران و وزیران خودش با قاطعیت حمایت میکرد و اجازه میداد کار خودشون رو انجام بدن، البته در جاهایی هم ذینفع بود و استفاده مالی میبرد و البته دوست نزدیک و مورد اعتماد شاه بود و به معنای واقعی کلمه خان بود و همیشه وفادار بود.
to|said|Ali Khani|Alam|one|of|few|officials|Iranian|was|that||it|||and||||||and||||||||||||to||||and||||||||||||||||||||was|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
According to Alikhani, Elm was one of the few Iranian officials who knew the country well and had accurate information about the deprived and remote areas of the country. In the opinions he presented, he used common sense and spoke less than what he knew. He acted decisively and was a man of hard days. He firmly supported his colleagues and ministers and allowed them to do their work. Of course, in some cases, he had vested interests and benefited financially, and he was also a close and trusted friend of the Shah, and in the true sense of the word, he was a lord and always loyal.
عالیخانی برخلاف میلش و به دستور شاه باید در کابینه منصور میماند.
Alikhani|contrary to|his will|and|by|order|king|must|in|cabinet|Mansour||
Contrary to his will, Alikhani had to remain in Mansour's cabinet at the Shah's order.
او از ابتدا دیدی منفی به منصور داشت و به نظرش آدمی سطحی، جاهطلب و کم سواد میرسید که خوب میتونست اندک دانشی رو که داشت پر و بال بده ولی نطقهاش در عین جذابیت برای غیرکارشناسان از محتوا تهی بود و خصوصا در مجلس با غرور و تبختر صحبت میکرد.
He|from|the beginning|view|negative|towards|Mansour|had|and|to|his opinion|person|superficial|||and|little|education|||who|well|||little|knowledge|the|that|had|full|and|wings|give|but|||in|spite of|attractiveness|for|non-experts|of|content|devoid|was|and|especially|in|parliament|with|arrogance|and|conceit|spoke||
From the beginning, he had a negative view of Mansour and thought of him as a superficial, ambitious, and poorly educated person who could well embellish the little knowledge he had, but his speeches, while attractive to non-experts, were devoid of content, and especially in the parliament, he spoke with arrogance and vanity.
رابطه نزدیکی با آمریکاییها داشت و مثل پدرش که شیفته انگلیس بود، شیفته آمریکا بود یا به عبارتی از آمریکا میترسید.
relationship|close|with|||had|and|like|his father|who|enamored|England|was|enamored|America|was|or|to|in a sense|from|America||
He had a close relationship with the Americans and, like his father who was infatuated with the British, he was infatuated with America or, in other words, he was afraid of America.
خیلی اهل نشون دادن خودش بود، مثلا جلسه هیئت وزیران رو تا ساعت دو بعد از نیمه شب ادامه میداد و به رادیو هم میگفت اعلام کنن که وزرا تا این موقع شب مشغول کار بودن، اینکارها روی شاه تاثیر مثبت میذاشت.
very|fond of|||himself|was|for example|meeting|council|ministers|it|until|hour|two|after|past|midnight|night|continued|gave|and|to|radio|also|||announce|they do|that|ministers|until|this|time|night|busy|work|were|these actions|on|Shah|influence|positive|
He was very keen on showing himself, for example, he would continue the cabinet meeting until two in the morning and would tell the radio to announce that the ministers were working at this late hour, these actions had a positive effect on the Shah.
البته حسنعلی منصور آدمی جدی در کار بود و چهرههای جدیدی رو به سیاست ایران وارد کرد اما محبوب نبود و همه هدفش نخستوزیری بود که به اون رسید و درکل از اون تیپهایی نبود که عالیخانی ملیگرا دوست داشته باشه باهاش کار کنه.
of course|Hassan Ali|Mansour|person|serious|in|work|was|and|||new|to|to|politics|Iran|entered|did|but|popular|was not|and|all|his goal|||was|that|to|him|reached|and|overall|of|those|||was not|that|Alikhani|||liked||be||work|do
Of course, Hassan Ali Mansour was a serious person in his work and introduced new faces to Iranian politics, but he was not popular and his main goal was to become Prime Minister, which he achieved, and overall he was not the type that Ali Khani, a nationalist, would like to work with.
عالیخانی به درخواست شاه با منصور در کمال صمیمیت کار کرد و عضو حزب ایران نوین هم شد و منصور هم مشکلی برای عالیخانی بوجود نیاورد.
Alikhani|to|request|Shah|with|Mansour|in|utmost|sincerity|worked|did|and|member|party|Iran|Novin|also|became|and|Mansour|also|problem|for|Alikhani|to exist|brought
Ali Khani worked with Mansour at the request of the Shah with complete sincerity and also became a member of the New Iran Party, and Mansour did not create any problems for Ali Khani.
از کارهایی که در زمان منصور انجام شد سر و سامان دادن به صنایع دستی ایران بود که به تاسیس سازمان صنایع دستی منجر شد.
One of the things that was accomplished during Mansour's time was organizing Iran's handicrafts, which led to the establishment of the Handicrafts Organization.
وظیفه سازمان این بود که اولا مشکلات صنایع دستی شناخته شده رو برطرف و به بازارپسندی اونها کمک کنه و در ثانی طرحی از صنایع دستی ایران تهیه کنه تا مشخص بشه چه چیزهایی موجوده و چه کارهایی در این زمینه میشه انجام داد.
duty|organization|this|was|to|first|problems|industries|handicrafts|recognized|been|them|resolved|and|to|marketability|them|help|do|and|in|second|a plan|of|industries|handicrafts|Iran|prepared|do|so that|specified|be|what|things|are available|and|what|actions|in|this|field|can|done|given
The organization's duty was to first address the known problems of handicrafts and help make them marketable, and secondly to prepare a plan for Iran's handicrafts to clarify what is available and what can be done in this field.
یکی از درخشانترین این صنایع، صنعت سفال لالهجین بود، سفالی که اونزمان در لالهجین تولید میشد خیلی ترد بود و زود میشکست و لعاب رو خوب نگه نمیداشت، برای حل این مشکل سازمان صنایع دستی کارشناسانی از ژاپن و هند را به ایران دعوت کرد و باعث شد سفال لالهجین تبدیل به کالایی بازارپسند و محبوب بشه.
one|of|the brightest|this|industries|industry|pottery|||was|pottery|that|||in|||produced|was|very|fragile|was|and|quickly|||and|glaze|it|well|kept|||for|solving|this|problem|organization|industries|handicraft|experts|from|Japan|and|India|(object marker)|to|Iran|invited|did|and|caused|became|pottery|||transformed|into|a product|market-friendly|and|popular|became
One of the brightest of these industries was the Lalejin pottery, which at that time was very fragile and broke easily, and did not hold glaze well. To solve this problem, the handicrafts organization invited experts from Japan and India to Iran, which helped Lalejin pottery become a marketable and popular product.
از این دست کارها برای صنایع کوچک و متوسط زیاد انجام شد، کمک وزارت اقتصاد به صنایع کوچکی که قصد گسترش داشتند یکی از عواملی بود که به رشد اقتصادی 11 درصدی ایرای طی ده سال کمک کرد.
from|this|type|works|for|industries|small|and|medium|a lot|done|was|help|Ministry|Economy|to|industries|small|that|intention|expansion|had|one|of||was|that|to|growth|economic|percent|Iranian|over|ten|years|help|did
Many such initiatives were carried out for small and medium-sized industries, and the Ministry of Economy's support for small industries that intended to expand was one of the factors that contributed to Iran's 11 percent economic growth over a decade.
یکی دیگر از اتفاقات خوبی که زمان عالیخانی افتاد توسعه روابط اقتصادی با بلوک شرق خصوصا شوروی بود، ایران خط لوله صادرات گاز به شوروی ایجاد کرد و در مقابل شوروی برای ایران ذوب آهن و ماشین سازی اراک رو ساخت، تا قبل از این قرارداد گاز ایران هدر میرفت و این خط لوله پایهای شد هم برای گاز سوز کردن خیلی از صنایع و هم گازرسانی به شهرها، در مقابل این صادرات، ایران از شوروی عمدتا مواد اولیه مثل دانههای روغنی میگرفت که در صنعت روغن نباتی استفاده میشد.
one|other|of|events|good|that|during|Alikhani|occurred|development|relations|economic|with|bloc|East|especially|Soviet Union|was|Iran|line|pipeline|export|gas|to|Soviet Union|created|did|and|in|exchange|Soviet Union|for|Iran|steel|iron|and|machinery|manufacturing|Arak|was|built|until|before|of|this|contract|gas|Iran|wasted|||and|this|line|pipeline|||became|both|for|gas|||many|of|industries|and|also|gas supply|to|cities|in|exchange|this|export|Iran|from|Soviet Union|mainly|materials|raw|such as|||oil||received|which|in|industry|oil|vegetable|use|
Another positive development during the time of Aali Khani was the expansion of economic relations with the Eastern bloc, especially the Soviet Union. Iran established a gas export pipeline to the Soviet Union, and in return, the Soviet Union built the Isfahan Steel and Arak Machine Manufacturing for Iran. Before this contract, Iran's gas was wasted, and this pipeline became a foundation for gas-firing many industries and supplying gas to cities. In exchange for this export, Iran mainly received raw materials from the Soviet Union, such as oilseeds used in the vegetable oil industry.
بعد از ترور منصور هویدا موقتا نخستوزیر شد، هیچ کس هویدا رو جدی نمیگرفت اما هویدا خیلی زود به همه ثابت کرد که آمده تا بماند، هویدا تحصیلکرده و با معلومات بود، گرم و زودجوش بود و اگر کسی رو شماتت میکرد بعدا به نحوی در صدد جبران برمی آمد تا کدورتی بین خودش و دیگران باقی نمونه اما اشکال اصلیاش این بود که در برابر شاه شدیدا مطیع بود و اگر شاه حرف اشتباهی میزد نظر خودش رو بیان نمیکرد، این کارش بیشتر از اینکه به ضرر خودش تمام بشه به ضرر کشور بود، شاه در مواردی که حرف مخالف خودش میشنید ناراحت میشد اما میشد قانعش کرد اما با حضور هویدا به این شکل آرام آرام شاه هم تغییر کرد و به جایی رسید که علم دوست نزدیک شاه هم دیگه نمیتونست رک حرفش رو بزنه و میگفت: «عالیخانی، این شاه آن شاهی که تو میشناختی نیست.
after|of|assassination|Mansour|Hoveyda|temporarily|||became|no|one|Hoveyda|him|seriously|||but|Hoveyda|very|soon|to|everyone|proven|showed|that|come|to|stay|Hoveyda|educated|and|with|knowledge|was|warm|and|quick-tempered|was|and|if|someone|him|reproached||do||to|||||||||||and||||||||this||that||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||you|||is not
After the assassination of Mansour Hoveyda, he temporarily became the Prime Minister; no one took Hoveyda seriously, but he quickly proved to everyone that he was here to stay. Hoveyda was educated and knowledgeable, warm and quick-tempered, and if he criticized someone, he would later try to make amends so that no resentment remained between him and others. However, his main flaw was that he was extremely obedient to the Shah, and if the Shah made a wrong statement, he would not express his own opinion. This behavior was more detrimental to the country than to himself. The Shah would get upset when he heard opposing views, but he could be persuaded. However, with Hoveyda's presence, the Shah gradually changed to the point where Alam, the Shah's close friend, could no longer speak frankly and said: 'Ali Khani, this Shah is not the Shah you used to know.'
من نمیتوانم با او مثل آن وقتهایی که تو یادت میآید صحبت بکنم.»
I|||with|him|like|those|||that|you|your memory|||talk|I can
I cannot talk to him like I did back then, as you remember.'
البته تنها هویدا مقصر نبود، همه آدمهای دستگاه مقصر بودند چون میخواستند سر کارشون بمونن و درآمد نفتی هم شاه رو دیوانه کرده بود و گمان میکرد این درآمد سرشار بخاطر وجود اون ایجاد شده و دیگران صلاحیت نظر دادن و تصمیمگیری در مورد مسائل رو ندارن.
of course|only|Hoveyda|guilty|was not|all|||regime|guilty|were|because|||on|their job|to stay|and|income|oil|also|Shah|him|insane|made|was|and|thought|||this|income|abundant|because of|existence|him|created|made|and|others|qualification|opinion|giving|and|||in|regarding|issues|to|do not have
Of course, Hoveyda was not the only one at fault; all the people in the regime were to blame because they wanted to keep their jobs, and the oil revenue had driven the Shah mad, making him believe that this abundant income was due to his presence and that others were not qualified to give opinions or make decisions on issues.
این رفتار شاه باعث شد کسانی در اطراف شاه باقی بمونن که جز تملق و پوشاندن واقعیت از دید شاه کار دیگری نداشتند.
this|behavior|king|caused|were|people|in|around|king|remaining|stayed|who|except|flattery|and|concealing|reality|from|sight|king|work|another|did not have
This behavior of the Shah led to the presence of people around him who had no other role than flattery and concealing the reality from the Shah's view.
شاه ارتباط خودش رو با واقعیت از دست داد، دیگه صدای مردم رو نمیشنید و زمانی هم که شنید دیگه خیلی دیر شده بود.
the king|connection|himself|his|with|reality|from|hand|lost|no longer|voice|people|them||heard||||||no longer|very|late|become|was
The Shah lost his connection with reality, he could no longer hear the voice of the people, and by the time he did, it was already too late.
اعتقادی که عالیخانی به بخش خصوصی و صنایع کوچک داشت در سیاستمداران بالا دستی و حتی همکارهای خودش وجود نداشت و این تفاوت سلیقه مدام باعث اصطکاک بیشتر بین عالیخانی، شاه و هویدا میشد.
belief|that|Alikhani|to|sector|private|and|industries|small|had|in|politicians|upper|echelons|and|even|colleagues|himself|existence|did not have|and|this|difference|taste|constantly|caused|friction|more|between|Alikhani|Shah|and|Hoveyda|became
The belief that Alikhani had in the private sector and small industries was not shared by the higher-ranking politicians and even his own colleagues, and this difference in taste constantly caused more friction between Alikhani, the Shah, and Hoveyda.
عالیخانی باید مرتبا به درخواستهایی که از دربار یا نخستوزیر میاومد نه میگفت و به شاه توضیح میداد که چرا اینکار اشتباهه.
Alikhani|should|constantly|to|||that|from|court|or|||||no|||and|to|king|explanation|||that|why|this action|is wrong
Alikhani had to constantly say no to requests coming from the court or the Prime Minister and explain to the Shah why this was a mistake.
یکی از مواردی که خیلی عالیخانی رو ناراحت کرده بود درخواست انحصار واردات کالایی خاص برای امیرهوشنگ دَوَلو بود.
one|of|the cases|that|very|Alikhani|him|upset|had|was|request|exclusive|import|of goods|specific|for|Amirhoshang|Davalu|was
One of the issues that had upset Alikhani a lot was the request for a monopoly on the import of a specific commodity for Amir Hooshang Davalu.
عالیخانی مخالف بود اما فشار زیادی از سمت هویدا وارد میشد و میگفت دولو مورد مرحمت شاه قرار داره و این کار باید بشه، اما عالیخانی قبول نمیکنه و تصمیم میگیرن برن پیش شاه و عالیخانی دلایل خودش رو اقامه کنه و پیش خودش تصمیم گرفته بود اگر شاه قبول نکنه همونجا استعفا بده که شاه قبول میکنه، اما این دست اتفاقات مثل درخواست امتیازات برای افراد خاص یا اعمال قیمت در بازار توسط دولت، توصیه برای این شخص یا آن مقام عالیخانی رو به این جمعبندی رسوند که چه دلیلی داره اینهمه انرژی و وقت صرف کنه برای مسائل اینچنینی و سیستم هم هیچ ابایی از طرح این موضوعات نداره، در نتیجه تصمیم میگیره از وزارت استعفا بده و با اینکه مشکل اصلی عالیخانی با خود شاه بود گفت با هویدا نمیتونه کار کنه، شاه هم گفت من هر کاری بخواین براتون میکنم و میگم هویدا هر چه شما بگویید همون رو انجام بده.
Aali Khani|opposed|was|but|pressure|a lot|from|side|Hoveyda|||and||he said||||Shah|||and|||||||||||||||||||||it|||||||||||||||does||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alikhani was opposed, but there was a lot of pressure from Hoida, who said that Dolou was favored by the Shah and this work had to be done. However, Alikhani did not agree and they decided to go to the Shah so that Alikhani could present his reasons. He had decided that if the Shah did not agree, he would resign right there, but the Shah accepted. However, such events, like requests for privileges for certain individuals or government-imposed prices in the market, led Alikhani to conclude that there was no reason to spend so much energy and time on such issues, and the system had no qualms about raising these topics. As a result, he decided to resign from the ministry, and although Alikhani's main problem was with the Shah himself, he said he could not work with Hoida. The Shah also said, 'I will do whatever you want, and I will tell Hoida to do exactly what you say.'
سیستمش اینجوری بود که بگه هیچ مسئولیتی ندارم و تقصیر من نیست.
his system|like this|was|that|says|no|responsibility|I have|and|fault|me|is not
His system was such that he would say, 'I have no responsibility, and it is not my fault.'
با اینکه تقریبا همه دستورات و تصمیمات رو خودش میگرفت اما شهامت اخلاقی مواجهه با تصمیماتش رو نداشت و مسئولیتپذیر نبود.
with|although|almost|all|orders|and|decisions|them|he|||but|courage|moral|confrontation|with|his decisions|it|did not have|and|||was not
Although he made almost all the orders and decisions himself, he lacked the moral courage to face his decisions and was not responsible.
با اینکه به قول عالیخانی شجاعت فیزیکی داشت و در هر دو باری که ترور شد با خونسردی و شجاعت برخورد کرد و ملیگرا بود اما نداشتن شهامت اخلاقیاش باعث میشد جلوی آمریکاییها سفت و سخت ایستادگی نکنه و پشت کسانی که بهش خدمت کرده بودن رو خالی کنه.
although|that|to|promise|Alikhani|courage|physical|had|and|in|every|two|times|that|assassination|was|with|calmness|and|bravery|reacted|did|and|||was|but|lack of|courage|||caused|made|in front of|||firmly|and|hard|stand|not to|and|behind|those|who|to him|served|had|being|his|empty|leave
Although, as Alikhani said, he had physical courage and faced both assassination attempts with calmness and bravery, and was a nationalist, his lack of moral courage made him unable to stand firm against the Americans and left those who had served him behind.
مثلا در زمینه ارتباط با شوروی این خود شاه بود که مذاکرات اولیه رو انجام داد و دستور شاه بود که روابط اقتصادی ایران با شوروی گسترش پیدا کنه اما وقتی آمریکاییها از گسترش این روابط اظهار نگرانی میکردن مسئولیت رو به گردن عالیخانی انداخت.
for example|in|area|relations|with|Soviet Union|this|himself|Shah|was|who|negotiations|initial|informal pronoun for negotiations|carried out|gave|and|order|Shah|was|that|relations|economic|Iran|with|Soviet Union|expansion|found|should|but|when|||from|expansion|this|relations|expressed|concern|||responsibility|informal pronoun for responsibility|to|neck|Aali Khani|placed
For example, in the context of relations with the Soviet Union, it was the Shah himself who conducted the initial negotiations, and it was the Shah's order that Iran's economic relations with the Soviet Union should be expanded. However, when the Americans expressed concern about the expansion of these relations, the responsibility was placed on Aali Khani.
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