2.16. Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni - Dvorana tajni (3)
2.16. Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната - Тайный зал (3)
2.16. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chamber of Secrets (3)
– Kako?
- How?
– upita Hari.
- asked Harry.
– Pojma nemam – reče Mirta utišanim glasom.
no idea|I have|said|Mirta|quiet|voice
- I have no idea - said Myrtle in a hushed voice.
– Samo se sećam da sam videla par vrlo velikih žutih očiju.
I only|reflexive particle|remember|that|I|saw|a couple|very|big|yellow|eyes
- I only remember seeing a pair of very large yellow eyes.
Celo telo mi je nekako utrnulo, i odlebdela sam... Ona sanjalački pogleda u Harija.
Whole|body|to me|is|somehow|numb|and|floated away|I|She|dreamily|looked|at|Hari
My whole body felt somehow numb, and I floated away... She looked at Harry with a dreamy gaze.
– A onda sam se ponovo vratila.
And|then|I|reflexive pronoun|again|returned
– And then I came back again.
Odlučila sam da Oliviji Hornbi ne dam mira, razumete.
I decided|am|to|Olivia|Hornby|not|give|peace|you understand
I decided not to give Olivia Hornby any peace, you understand.
O, i te kako je zažalila što se ikada smejala mojim naočarima.
Oh, she certainly regretted ever laughing at my glasses.
– Gde si tačno videla te oči?
– Where exactly did you see those eyes?
– upita je Hari.
"- she asked Harry."},{
– Negde tamo – reče Mirta, neodređeno pokazujući ka lavabou ispred njenog klozeta.
Somewhere|there|said|Mirta|vaguely|pointing|towards|sink|in front of|her|toilet
Hari i Ron požuriše ka njemu.
Lokhart se držao podalje iza njih, s izrazom potpunog užasa na licu.
Lavabo je izgledao sasvim obično.
The sink|was|looked|completely|ordinary
Pregledali su svaki njegov pedalj, unutra i spolja, uključujući i cevi ispod.
They examined|(past tense marker)|every|his|inch|inside|and|outside|including|and|pipes|underneath
They examined every inch of it, inside and out, including the pipes underneath.
A onda je Hari spazi: urezana sa strane na jednoj od bakarnih česmi, nalazila se sićušna zmija.
And|then|past tense verb marker|Harry|noticed|engraved|on|the side|on|one|of|copper|taps|was located|reflexive pronoun|tiny|snake
And then Harry spotted it: etched on the side of one of the copper faucets was a tiny snake.
– Ta slavina nikada nije radila – reče Mirta veselo, dok je on pokušavao da je odvrne.
That|faucet|never|was not|working|said|Mirta|cheerfully|while|he||was trying|to|it|unscrew
– That faucet has never worked – said Mirta cheerfully, as he tried to unscrew it.
– Hari – reče Ron – reci nešto.
– Harry – said Ron – say something.
Nešto na nemuštom jeziku.
Something in a mute language.
– Ali... – Hari se grozničavo zamisli.
– But... – Harry thought feverishly.
Uspevalo mu je da progovori nemuštim jezikom samo kada se nalazio licem u lice s pravom zmijom.
He managed to speak in a halting language only when he was face to face with a real snake.
Netremice se zagleda u mali bakrorez zmije, pokušavajući da zamisli da je prava.
Unblinkingly|himself|gazes|at|small|engraving|of the snake|trying|to|imagine|that|it is|real
He stared intently at the small copper engraving of the snake, trying to imagine it was real.
– Otvori se – reče.
Open|yourself|he said
– Open up – he said.
Pogleda u Rona, koji odmahnu glavom.
He looked|at|Ron|who|shook|his head
He looked at Ron, who shook his head.
– Engleski – reče.
- English - he said.
Hari ponovo pogleda u zmiju, terajući sebe da poveruje da je živa.
Harry|again|looked|at|the snake|forcing|himself|to|believe|that|is|alive
Harry looked at the snake again, forcing himself to believe it was alive.
Čim bi pomerio glavu, svetlost sveće učinila bi da izgleda kao da se ona pomera.
As soon as|would|moved|his head|light|of the candle|would make|would|to|look|like|that|it|it|moves
As soon as he moved his head, the candlelight would make it look like it was moving.
– Otvori se – reče.
Open|yourself|he said
- Open up - he said.
Međutim, ono što je čuo nisu bile reči.
However|what|that|(past tense verb to be)|heard|were not|(past tense verb to be)|words
However, what he heard were not words.
Ote mu se čudan siktaj, i istog trena slavina blesnu sjajnom belom svetlošću, i poče da se vrti.
He let out|to him|reflexive pronoun|strange|hiss|and|same|moment|faucet|shone|bright|white|light|and|began|to|reflexive pronoun|spin
A strange hiss escaped him, and at that moment the faucet burst into a bright white light and began to spin.
Sledećeg trenutka, lavabo poče da se pomera.
The next moment, the sink started to move.
Lavabo je, u stvari, potonuo izvan vidika, otkrivajući veliku otvorenu cev, dovoljno široku da se čovek uvuče u nju.
The sink|is|in|fact|sunk|out of|sight|revealing|large|open|pipe|wide enough|wide|to|oneself|man|crawl|into|it
The sink had, in fact, sunk out of sight, revealing a large open pipe wide enough for a person to crawl into.
Hari začu Ronov preneražen prigušen krik i podiže pogled.
Harry heard Ron's startled muffled scream and looked up.
Rešio je šta treba da učini.. – Idem tamo dole – reče.
He decided|(past tense verb marker)|what|needs|to|do|I am going|there|down|he said
He decided what he needed to do.. – I'm going down there – he said.
Nije mogao da ne ode, pogotovo ne sada, kada su našli ulaz u Dvoranu, ne ako postoji makar i najslabija, najmanja, najfantastičnija šansa da je Džini živa.
He|could|to|not|leave|especially|not|now|when|they|found|entrance|in|the Hall|not|if|there is|at least|and|the slightest|the smallest|the most fantastic|chance|that|is|Ginny|alive
He couldn't not go, especially not now, when they had found the entrance to the Hall, not if there was even the slightest, tiniest, most fantastic chance that Ginny was alive.
– I ja – reče Ron.
- Me too - said Ron.
Nastade pauza.
A pause|occurred
A pause ensued.
– Pa, čini se da vam ja nisam potreban – reče Lokhart, sa senkom svog starog osmeha.
Well|seems|to you|that|to you|I|am not|needed|said|Lockhart|with|shadow|of his|old|smile
- Well, it seems that I'm not needed - said Lockhart, with a shadow of his old smile.
– Ja ću samo... Spustio je šaku na kvaku vrata, ali Hari i Ron uperiše svoje čarobne štapiće u njega.
I|will|only|He lowered|has|fist|on|doorknob|door|but|Harry|and|Ron|pointed|their|magic|wands|at|him
- I will just... He lowered his hand to the doorknob, but Harry and Ron pointed their wands at him.
– Ti možeš prvi – zareža Ron.
You|can|first|cuts in|Ron
"You can go first," Ron said.
Prebledeo i bez štapića, Lokhart priđe otvoru.
He approached|and|without|cane|Lockhart|approached|the opening
Pale and without his wand, Lockhart approached the opening.
– Momci – reče slabašnim glasom – dečaci, kakva je korist od svega toga?
"Boys," he said in a weak voice, "what's the point of all this?"
Hari ga bocnu u leđa svojim čarobnim štapićem.
Harry poked him in the back with his wand.
Lokhart ugura noge u cev.
Lockhart shoved his legs into the tube.
– Stvarno mislim da ne... – poče on, ali ga Ron gurnu, i on iskliznu s vidika.
Really|think|that|no|he began|he|but|him|Ron|pushed|and|he|slipped|from|sight
"I really don't think so..." he began, but Ron pushed him, and he slipped out of sight.
Hari brzo krenu za njim.
Harry quickly followed after him.
Polako se uvukao u cev, a onda se pustio.
He slowly crawled into the tube, and then let go.
Činilo mu se da juri niz beskrajan, sluzav, mračan tobogan.
It seemed|to him|reflexive particle|that|was rushing|down|endless|slimy|dark|slide
It seemed to him that he was racing down an endless, slimy, dark slide.
Mogao je da vidi druge cevi kako se račvaju u svim pravcima, ali nijedna nije bila tako velika kao njihova, koja se uvrtala i okretala, naginjući se strmo naniže.
Could|(past tense marker)|to|see|other|pipes|how|(reflexive pronoun)|branch out|in|all|directions|but|none|was not|(past tense of be)|so|big|as|theirs|which|(reflexive pronoun)|twisted|and|turned|leaning|(reflexive pronoun)|steeply|downward
He could see other tubes branching off in all directions, but none were as large as theirs, which twisted and turned, steeply leaning downward.
Znao je da pada duboko ispod škole, čak i ispod tamnica.
He knew|(past tense marker)|that|falls|deep|below|the school|even|and|below|the dungeons
He knew he was falling deep below the school, even below the dungeons.
Iza sebe je čuo Rona kako ovlaš udara u krivinama.
Behind|himself|was|heard|Ron|how|lightly|hits|in|the curves
He heard Ron behind him hitting the curves lightly.
A onda, tek što je počeo da brine o tome šta će se desiti kada udare o zemlju, cevi se izravnaše, i on izlete napolje uz mokar udarac, sletevši na vlažan pod mračnog kamenog tunela, dovoljno visokog da se ispravi u njemu.
And|then|just|as soon as|he|started|to|worry|about|that|what|will|(reflexive pronoun)|happen|when|hit|to|the ground|pipes|(reflexive pronoun)|straightened|and|he|flew|outside|with||thud|landing|on|damp|floor|dark|stone|tunnel|sufficiently|high|to|(reflexive pronoun)|straighten|in|it
And then, just as he started to worry about what would happen when they hit the ground, the pipes straightened out, and he shot out into the open with a wet thud, landing on the damp floor of a dark stone tunnel, high enough to stand up in.
Malo dalje, Lokhart se pridizao na noge, prekriven muljem i avetinjski bled.
A little|further|Lokhart|himself|rose|to|feet|covered|with mud|and||pale
A little further on, Lockhart was getting to his feet, covered in mud and ghostly pale.
Hari se skloni u stranu skoro istog trena kad i Ron izlete iz cevi.
Harry|himself|moves|to|the side|almost|the same|moment|when|and|Ron|jumps out|from|the pipe
Harry moved aside almost at the same moment Ron shot out of the pipe.
– Mora da smo kilometrima ispod škole – reče Hari, dok mu je glas odjekivao po crnom tunelu.
It must|to|be|kilometers|below|school|said|Hari|while|to him|was|voice|echoing|through|black|tunnel
– We must be kilometers below the school – said Harry, as his voice echoed through the dark tunnel.
– Verovatno smo ispod jezera – reče Ron, žmireći oko sebe u mračne, sluzave zidove.
Probably|we are|under|the lake|said|Ron|squinting|eyes|himself|in|dark|slimy|walls
– We are probably under the lake – said Ron, squinting around at the dark, slimy walls.
Sva trojica se okrenuše i zagledaše u tminu ispred sebe.
All|three|reflexive pronoun|turned|and|stared|into|darkness|in front of|themselves
The three of them turned and stared into the darkness ahead.
– Lumos!
– Lumos!
– promrmlja Hari svom štapiću, i ovaj se ponovo upali.
mumbles|Hari|his|little stick|and|it|reflexive pronoun|again|lights up
– mumbled Harry to his wand, and it lit up again.
– Hajde – reče on Ronu i Lokhartu, i oni pođoše, a stopala su im bučno šljapkala po mokrom podu.
Come on|he said|he||and|||they|walked away|and|feet|were|them|loudly|splashed|on|wet|floor
– Come on – he said to Ron and Lockhart, and they went, their feet splashing loudly on the wet floor.
Tunel je bio tako mračan da su jedva mogli da vide prst pred okom.
The tunnel|was|so|so|dark|that|they|barely|could|to|see|finger|in front of|eye
The tunnel was so dark that they could barely see a finger in front of their eyes.
Pri svetlosti čarobnog štapića, njihove senke na mokrim zidovima izgledale su čudovišno.
At|the light|magical|wand|their|shadows|on|wet|walls|looked|were|monstrous
In the light of the magic wand, their shadows on the wet walls looked monstrous.
– Zapamtite – reče Hari tiho, dok su oprezno išli napred – na bilo kakav znak kretanja, odmah zatvorite oči... Ali u tunelu je bilo tiho kao u grobu, i prvi neočekivan zvuk koji su čuli bilo je glasno krc kada je Ron nagazio na nešto, za šta se ispostavilo da je pacovska lobanja.
Remember|said|Harry|quietly|while|they|cautiously|walked|forward|at|any|kind of|sign|movement|immediately|close|eyes|But|in|the tunnel|was|it|quiet|as|in|the grave|and|first|unexpected|sound|that|they|heard|was|the|loud|crack|when|was|Ron|stepped|on|something|for|what|it|turned out|that|was|rat's|skull
– Remember – Harry said quietly, as they cautiously moved forward – at any sign of movement, close your eyes immediately... But the tunnel was as quiet as a grave, and the first unexpected sound they heard was a loud crunch when Ron stepped on something, which turned out to be a rat's skull.
Hari spusti štapić da bi pogledao na pod, i vide da je posut kosturima malih životinja.
Hari|drops|stick|to|would|look|on|ground|and|sees|that|is|covered|with skeletons|small|animals
Harry lowered the wand to look at the floor, and saw it was scattered with the skeletons of small animals.
Svojski pokušavajući da ne zamišlja kako bi Džini mogla da izgleda ako bi je pronašli, Hari ih povede napred, iza mračne okuke u tunelu.
Trying hard not to imagine what Ginny might look like if they found her, Harry led them forward, around the dark bend in the tunnel.
– Hari, tamo gore ima nečega... – reče Ron promuklo, zgrabivši Harija za rame.
Harry|up|there|there is|something|said|Ron|hoarsely|grabbing|Harry|by|shoulders
"Harry, there's something up there..." Ron said hoarsely, grabbing Harry by the shoulder.
Oni se ukočiše, posmatrajući.
They|reflexive pronoun|stiffened|watching
They froze, watching.
Hari je jedva nazirao obrise nečeg velikog i vijugavog, kako leži tačno preko tunela.
Hari|was|barely|discerned|outlines|of something|large|and|serpentine|as|lies|exactly|over|tunnel
Harry could barely make out the outline of something large and serpentine, lying right across the tunnel.
Nije se pomeralo.
It did not|reflexive pronoun|move
It wasn't moving.
– Možda spava – prodahta on, bacivši pogled na ostalu dvojicu.
Maybe|he sleeps|she sold|he|glancing|glance|at|the other|two men
"Maybe he's sleeping," he muttered, glancing at the other two.
Lokhart je stisnuo šake preko očiju.
Lokhart|(past tense verb to be)|clenched|fists|over|eyes
Lokhart clenched his fists over his eyes.
Hari se okrenu nazad da pogleda u tu stvar, a srce mu se uzlupa tako žestoko da je takoreći osetio bol.
Hari|himself|turned|back|to|look|at|that|thing|but|heart|to him|itself|raced|so|violently|that|he|practically|felt|pain
Harry turned back to look at the thing, and his heart raced so violently that he almost felt pain.
Vrlo lagano, suzivši oči što je više mogao a da ipak može da vidi, Hari krenu napred, podigavši svoj štapić.
Very slowly, squinting his eyes as much as he could while still being able to see, Harry moved forward, raising his wand.
Svetlost skliznu na ogromnu zmijsku kožu jarke, otrovnozelene boje, koja je ležala sklupčana i prazna preko poda tunela.
The light|slid|onto|huge|snake|skin|bright|poisonous green|color|which|was|lying|coiled|and|empty|across|the floor|of the tunnel
The light slid over the enormous snake skin of bright, poisonous green color, which lay coiled and empty across the tunnel floor.
Stvorenje koje ju je odbacilo mora da je bilo dugačko najmanje desetak metara.
The creature|that|her|was|rejected|must|to|be|was|long|at least|about ten|meters
The creature that rejected her must have been at least ten meters long.
– Bokca mu – reče Ron slabašno.
Hello|to him|said|Ron|weakly
- Damn it - Ron said weakly.
Iznenada začuše kretanje iza sebe.
Suddenly|they heard|movement|behind|themselves
Suddenly, they heard movement behind them.
Gilderoja Lokharta su izdala kolena.
Gilderoy Lockhart's knees gave out.
– Ustaj – reče Ron oštro, upirući štapić u Lokharta.
Get up|said|Ron|sharply|pointing|wand|at|Lockhart
- Get up - Ron said sharply, pointing his wand at Lockhart.
Lokhart se diže na noge – a onda se baci na Rona, obarajući ga na zemlju.
Lockhart|himself|rises|to|feet|and|then|himself|throws|at|Ron||him|to|the ground
Lockhart gets to his feet – and then throws himself at Ron, knocking him to the ground.
Hari je skočio napred, ali prekasno.
Hari|(past tense verb marker)|jumped|forward|but|too late
Harry jumped forward, but it was too late.
Lokhart se beše uspravio, dahćući, držeći Ronov štapić u ruci, a na lice mu se vrati blistav osmeh.
Lockhart|himself|had|straightened|panting|holding|Ron's|wand|in|hand|and|on|face|him|reflexive pronoun|returned|bright|smile
Lockhart had straightened up, panting, holding Ron's wand in his hand, and a bright smile returned to his face.
– Pustolovina se završava ovde, momci!
The adventure|itself|ends|here|guys
– The adventure ends here, boys!
– reče on.
he said|he
– he said.
– Ja ću odneti parče ove kože gore u školu, reći ću im da sam zakasnio da spasem devojčicu, a da ste vas dvojica tragično poludeli kada ste videli njeno unakaženo telo.
I|will|take|piece|this|skin|up|to|school|I will tell|I will|them|that|I|was late|to|save|girl|and|that|you|you|two|tragically|went crazy|when|you|saw|her|mutilated|body
– I will take a piece of this skin up to school, I will tell them that I was late to save the girl, and that you two tragically went mad when you saw her mutilated body.
Oprostite se sa svojim pamćenjem!
Say goodbye to your memory!
On pridiže Ronov čarobni štapić, izlepljen činotejpom, visoko iznad svoje glave, i povika: – Obliviate!
He|raises|Ron's|magic|wand|taped|with tape|high|above|his|head|and|shouted|Obliviate
He raised Ron's wand, taped with duct tape, high above his head, and shouted: – Obliviate!
Štap eksplodira jačinom omanje bombe.
The stick|explodes|with the force|small|bomb
The wand exploded with the force of a small bomb.
Hari zaštiti glavu rukama i potrča, klizajući se po odbačenoj zmijskoj koži, sklanjajući se od velikih gromada tavanice, koje su uz tresak padale na pod.
Hari|protects|head|with his hands|and|ran|sliding|himself|on|discarded|snake|skin|avoiding|himself|from|large|boulders|ceiling|which|were|with|crash|falling|on|floor
Harry protected his head with his hands and ran, sliding on the discarded snake skin, dodging the large chunks of the ceiling that were crashing down with a thud.
Sledećeg trenutka stajao je sam, zureći u čvrst zid od odronjenog kamenja.
Next|moment|he stood|was|alone|staring|at|solid|wall|of|crumbled|stone
In the next moment, he stood alone, staring at the solid wall of crumbled stone.
– Rone!
- Rone!
– povika on.
- he shouted.
– Jesi li dobro?
Are you|question particle|well
- Are you okay?
– Ovde sam!
– I'm here!
– Ronov prigušen glas dopre do njega s druge strane odrona.
– Rono's muffled voice reached him from the other side of the landslide.
– Ja sam dobro.
– I'm fine.
Ovaj bilmez nije... štapić ga je pogodio.
This|ignorant|is not|stick|him|was|hit
This fool isn't... the stick hit him.
Začu se tup udarac i glasno: – Joj!
heard|reflexive particle|dull|thud|and|loudly|Oh
A dull thud was heard and loudly: – Ouch!
– Zvučalo je kao da je Ron upravo šutnuo Lokharta u potkolenicu.
sounded|was|like|that|he|Ron|just|kicked|Lockhart|in|the shin
– It sounded like Ron just kicked Lockhart in the shin.
– Šta sad?
– What now?
– začuo je Ronov očajni glas.
heard|(past tense marker)|Ron's|desperate|voice
– Ron's desperate voice was heard.
– Ne možemo da prođemo kroz ovo.
– We can't get through this.
Trebaće nam sto godina... Hari podiže pogled ka tavanici tunela.
We will need|us|hundred|years|Harry|raises|gaze|towards|ceiling|tunnel
It's going to take us a hundred years... Harry looked up at the ceiling of the tunnel.
U njoj su se pojavile ogromne pukotine.
In|it|were|reflexive pronoun||huge|cracks
Huge cracks appeared in it.
Nikada nije pokušao čarolijama da raznese nešto toliko veliko kao što su ove stene, a sada nije bio pravi trenutak da proba – šta ako se ceo tunel uruši?
Never|has not|tried|with magic|to|blow up|something|so|large|as|that|are|these|rocks|but|now|was not|the right|right|moment|to|try|what|if|reflexive particle|whole|tunnel|collapses
He had never tried to blow up something as large as these rocks with magic, and now was not the right time to try – what if the whole tunnel collapsed?
Začu se još jedan udarac, i još jedno: – Joj!
Another|reflexive particle|yet|one|hit|and|yet|one|Oh
Another blow was heard, and another: – Oh!
– s druge strane stena.
from|the other|side|rock
– from the other side of the rocks.
Gubili su vreme.
They wasted|(verb to be)|time
They were wasting time.
Džini je već satima u Dvorani tajni.
Ginny|is|already|for hours|in|the Chamber|of Secrets
Ginny has been in the Chamber of Secrets for hours.
Hari je znao da mu je preostala još samo jedna stvar da je uradi.
Hari|was|knew|that|to him|was|remaining|only|one||thing|to|it|do
Harry knew that he had only one thing left to do.
– Čekaj tu – viknu on Ronu.
Wait|here|he shouted|he|
"Wait there," he shouted to Ron.
– Čekaj s Lokhartom.
"Wait with Lockhart."
Ja idem dalje.
I'm going on.
Ako se ne vratim za jedan sat... Usledi veoma napeta pauza.
If|(reflexive particle)|not|return|in|one|hour|Followed|very|tense|pause
If I don't return in an hour... A very tense pause follows.
– Probaću da uklonim nešto od ovog kamenja – reče Ron, koji se primetno trudio da očuva mirnoću svog glasa.
I will try|to|remove|something|from|this|stone|said|Ron|who|himself|noticeably|tried|to|maintain|calmness|his|voice
- I'll try to remove some of this stone - said Ron, who was noticeably trying to keep his voice calm.
– Da bi ti mogao... mogao da prođeš, kad se vratiš.
To|would|you|could|could|to|pass|when|reflexive pronoun|return
- So that you can... can get through when you come back.
I, Hari... – Videćemo se za tili čas – reče Hari, pokušavajući da unese samopouzdanje u svoj drhtav glas.
I|Hari|We will see|each other|in|a little|moment|said||trying|to||confidence|into|his|trembling|voice
And, Harry... - We'll see each other in a moment - said Harry, trying to inject confidence into his trembling voice.
I on sam pođe pored džinovske zmijske košuljice.
He himself walked past the giant snake skin.
Uskoro su se udaljeni zvuci Ronovih napora da pomeri kamenje izgubili.
Soon|(past tense auxiliary verb)|reflexive pronoun|distant|sounds|of Ron|efforts|to|move|stones|lost
Soon the distant sounds of Ron's efforts to move the stones faded away.
Tunel je skretao i skretao.
The tunnel|was|turning|and|turning
The tunnel kept turning and turning.
Svaki živac u Harijevom telu neprijatno je pulsirao.
Every nerve in Harry's body was uncomfortably pulsing.
Želeo je da se pojavi kraj tunela, iako se užasavao od onoga što bi tamo mogao da nađe.
He wanted|past tense marker|to|reflexive pronoun|appear|end|tunnel||reflexive pronoun|terrified|of|what|that|would|there|could|to|find
He wanted the end of the tunnel to appear, even though he dreaded what he might find there.
A onda najzad, kad se išunjao iza ko zna koje okuke, ispred sebe spazi čvrst zid, na kome su bile uklesane dve isprepletene zmije koje su umesto očiju imale po dva velika svetlucava smaragda.
And|then|finally|when|himself|sneaked|behind|who|knows|which|turns|in front of|himself|spotted|solid|wall|on|which|were||carved|two|intertwined|snakes|which|were|instead of|eyes|had|each|two|large|sparkling|emeralds
And then finally, when he sneaked around who knows how many bends, he spotted a solid wall in front of him, on which two intertwined snakes were carved, having two large sparkling emeralds instead of eyes.
Hari priđe, posve suvog grla.
Harry approached, with a completely dry throat.
Nije morao da zamišlja da su ove kamene zmije prave, njihove oči izgledale su čudnovato žive.
He didn't|have to|to|imagine|that|are|these|stone|snakes|real|their|eyes|looked|were|strangely|alive
He didn't have to imagine that these stone snakes were real; their eyes looked strangely alive.
Tačno je pogodio šta treba da radi.
He accurately guessed what he needed to do.
On pročisti grlo, na šta smaragdne oči kao da zatreptaše.
He cleared his throat, to which the emerald eyes seemed to flutter.
– Otvori se – reče Hari tihim, slabim siktajem.
Open|reflexive particle|said|Hari|quiet|weak|hissing
- Open up - Harry said in a quiet, weak hiss.
Čim se zid otvorio, zmije se razdvojiše, glatko skliznuše izvan vidokruga, i Hari, tresući se od glave do pete, stupi unutra.
As soon as|(reflexive pronoun)|wall|opened|snakes|(reflexive pronoun)|separated|smoothly|slid|out of|sight|and|Harry|shaking|(reflexive pronoun)|from|head|to|toe|stepped|inside
As soon as the wall opened, the snakes parted, smoothly sliding out of sight, and Harry, shaking from head to toe, stepped inside.
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