2.17. Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni - Sliterinov naslednik (3)
Harry|Potter|and|Chamber|of Secrets|Slytherin's|heir
2.17. Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens – Erbe von Slytherin (3)
2.17. Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната - Наследник Слизерина (3)
2.17. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Heir of Slytherin (3)
Činilo mu se da se sve oko njega vrti.
seemed|to him|reflexive pronoun|that|reflexive pronoun|everything|around|him|spins
It seemed to him that everything around him was spinning.
– I tako je skončao čuveni Hari Poter – reče Ridlov udaljeni glas.
– And so the famous Harry Potter met his end – said Riddle's distant voice.
– Sam u Dvorani tajni, napušten od svojih prijatelja, napokon poražen od Mračnog gospodara, koga je tako nerazumno izazvao.
Alone|in|the Hall of Secrets|secrets|abandoned|by|his|friends|finally|defeated|by|Dark|lord|whom|he|so|unreasonably|challenged
– Alone in the Chamber of Secrets, abandoned by his friends, finally defeated by the Dark Lord, whom he so foolishly challenged.
Uskoro ćeš ponovo biti sa svojom dragom Blatokrvnom majkom, Hari... Kupila ti je dvanaest godina pozajmljenog vremena... Ali Lord Voldemor te je na kraju ipak dokrajčio, kao što si znao da mora.
Soon|you will|again|be|with|your|dear|Pureblood|mother|Harry|She bought|you|has|twelve|years|borrowed|time|But|Lord|Voldemort|you|has|in|the end|in the end|finished|as|what|you|knew|that|must
Soon you will be with your dear Mudblood mother again, Harry... She bought you twelve years of borrowed time... But Lord Voldemort has finally finished you off, as you knew he must.
Ako je ovo umiranje, pomisli Hari, ono i nije toliko loše.
If this is dying, Harry thought, it isn't so bad after all.
Čak ga je i bol napuštao... Ali, da li je to bilo umiranje?
Even|him|was|also|pain|leaving|But|whether|question particle|was|that|was|dying
Even the pain was leaving him... But was this really dying?
Umesto da bude sve crnja, izgledalo je da se Dvorana opet izoštrava.
Instead|to|be|all|darker|it seemed|was|that|reflexive pronoun|Hall|again|sharpens
Instead of everything being darker, it seemed that the Hall was sharpening again.
Hari malo protrese glavom i vide Foksa, kako još uvek odmara svoju glavu na Harijevoj ruci.
Hari|a little|shakes|his head|and|sees|Fox|how|still|always|rests|his|head|on|Hari's|arm
Harry shook his head a little and saw Fox still resting his head on Harry's arm.
Biserne kapi suza sijale su svuda oko rane – samo što rane više nije bilo.
Pearl|drops|tears|shone|were|everywhere|around|wound|only|that|wound|anymore|was not|there
Pearl-like drops of tears shone all around the wound - except that there was no wound anymore.
– Beži, ptico – reče iznenada Ridlov glas.
Fly away|bird|said|suddenly|Ridlo|voice
– Run, bird – Ridlo's voice suddenly said.
– Beži od njega.
– Run away from him.
Rekao sam – beži!
I said|am|run away
I said – run!
Hari podiže ruku.
Harry raised his hand.
Ridl uperi Harijev štapić u Foksa.
Ridlo pointed Harry's wand at Fox.
Začu se pucanj kao iz pištolja, i Foks ponovo polete u vrtlogu zlatnog i skerletnog.
The sound of|reflexive particle|gunshot|like|from|pistol|and|Foks|again|soared|in|whirlwind|golden|and|scarlet
A shot rang out like from a gun, and Fox once again flew into a whirl of gold and scarlet.
– Feniksove suze... – reče Ridl tiho, buljeći u Harijevu ruku.
– Phoenix tears... – Riddle said quietly, staring at Harry's hand.
– Naravno... isceliteljska moć... zaboravio sam... On pogleda u Harijevo lice.
Of course|healing|power|I forgot|(past tense marker)|He|looked|at|Harry's|face
– Of course... healing power... I forgot... He looked at Harry's face.
– Ali, svejedno.
– But, still.
U stvari, ovako mi se čak više sviđa.
In|fact|like this|to me|reflexive pronoun|even|more|is pleasing
In fact, I even like it this way more.
Samo ti i ja, Hari Poteru... ti i ja... On podiže čarobni štapić.
Just you and me, Harry Potter... you and me... He raised the magic wand.
A onda, snažno mašući krilima, Foks ponovo prolete iznad njih, i nešto pade u Harijevo krilo – dnevnik.
And then, flapping his wings strongly, Fawkes flew over them again, and something fell into Harry's lap – a diary.
U deliću sekunde i Hari i Ridl, čiji je štapić i dalje bio podignut, zurili su u njega.
In|a fraction of|second|and|Harry|and|Riddle|whose|was|wand|and||was|raised|stared|(past tense marker)|at|him
In a split second, both Harry and Riddle, whose wand was still raised, stared at it.
A onda, bez razmišljanja, bez oklevanja, kao da je sve vreme to hteo da uradi, Hari zgrabi Baziliskov zub s poda pored sebe, i zari ga pravo u srce knjige.
And|then|without|thinking|without|hesitation|as|if|he|all|time|that|wanted|to|do|Harry|grabbed|Basilisk's|tooth|with|floor|next to|himself|and|drove|it|straight|into|heart|of the book
And then, without thinking, without hesitation, as if he had wanted to do it all along, Harry grabbed the Basilisk's fang from the floor beside him and plunged it straight into the heart of the book.
Začu se dug, užasan, prodoran vrisak.
A long|reflexive particle|loud|horrible|piercing|scream
A long, terrible, piercing scream was heard.
Mastilo šiknu iz dnevnika u bujici, kvaseći Harijeve ruke, poplavivši pod.
The ink|splashed|from|the diary|in|the flood|wetting|Harry's|hands|flooding|the floor
Ink splashed from the diary in a torrent, soaking Harry's hands and flooding the floor.
Ridl se previjao, okretao, vrištao i mlatarao, a onda... On nestade.
Ridl|himself|was writhing|was turning|was screaming|and|was flailing|but|then|He|disappeared
Riddle was writhing, turning, screaming, and flailing, and then... He disappeared.
Harijev čarobni štapić pade na pod uz klepet, a onda zavlada tišina.
Harry's|magic|wand|fell|on|the floor|with|clatter|and|then|ruled|silence
Harry's wand fell to the floor with a clatter, and then silence reigned.
Tišina koju je remetilo samo neprekidno kap kap, kapanje mastila koje je još uvek curelo iz dnevnika.
The silence|which|was|disturbed|only|continuously|drop||dripping|ink|which|was|still|always|leaking|from|diary
The silence was only interrupted by the continuous drip, dripping of ink that was still oozing from the diary.
Baziliskov otrov progoreo je cvrčeću rupu pravo kroz njega.
Basilisk's|poison|devoured|(auxiliary verb)|chirping|hole|straight|through|it
The basilisk's venom burned a sizzling hole straight through him.
Sav se tresući, Hari ustade.
All|himself|trembling|Harry|stood up
Shaking all over, Harry got up.
U glavi mu se vrtelo kao da je upravo putovao miljama pomoću flu-praška.
In|head|his|reflexive pronoun|spun|as|if|he|just|traveled|miles|by means of|flu|
His head was spinning as if he had just traveled miles using flu powder.
On polako pokupi svoj štapić, Šešir za razvrstavanje i, uz snažan trzaj, iščupa sjajni mač iz nepca Baziliskovih usta.
He|slowly|picks up|his|stick|Hat|for|sorting|and|with|strong|jerk|yanks out|shiny|sword|from|throat|of the Basilisk|mouth
He slowly picked up his wand, the Sorting Hat, and with a strong tug, pulled the shiny sword from the Basilisk's mouth.
Utom se iz dna Dvorane začu slabo stenjanje.
Then|(reflexive particle)|from|bottom|Hall|heard|faint|moaning
At that moment, a faint moaning could be heard from the bottom of the Chamber.
Džini se pomerala.
The Ginny was moving.
Kad joj Hari pritrča, ona se pridiže u sedeći položaj.
When|to her|Harry|ran up|she|herself|rises|into|sitting|position
When Harry rushed to her, she sat up.
Zbunjeno je pomerala pogled s ogromnog obličja mrtvog Baziliska, preko Harija, u njegovoj krvlju natopljenoj odori, do dnevnika u njegovoj ruci.
She confusedly shifted her gaze from the huge shape of the dead Basilisk, across to Harry in his blood-soaked robes, to the diary in his hand.
Zatim duboko i drhtavo uzdahnu, a niz lice joj potekoše suze.
Then|deeply|and|tremulously|sighed|but|down|face|her|began to flow|tears
Then she took a deep, shuddering breath, and tears began to flow down her face.
– Hari... o, Hari... pokušala sam da vam kažem za d-doručkom, ali n-nisam mogla da kažem pred Persijem.
Hari|oh||I tried|I|to|you (plural/formal)|tell|about|||but|||could|to|tell|in front of|Persija
– Harry... oh, Harry... I tried to tell you about the d-dinner, but I c-couldn't say it in front of Percy.
To sam bila ja, Hari... ali ja... ja, k-kunem se n-nisam htela... R-Ridl me je naterao, on me je z-zaposeo i... kako si ubio tu... tu stvar?
it|was|I|me|Harry|but|I||||reflexive pronoun|||want|||me|past tense marker|forced|he|me|past tense marker||hired|and|how|you|killed|that|that|thing
It was me, Harry... but I... I swear I didn't want to... R-Riddle made me do it, he p-possessed me and... how did you kill that... that thing?
G-gde je Ridl?
W-where is Riddle?
Poslednje čega se s-sećam je da je izašao iz dnevnika... – Sve je u redu – reče Hari, držeći dnevnik i pokazujući Džini rupu od očnjaka – Ridl je gotov.
The last|of what|himself|||is|that|he|exited|from|the diary|Everything|is|in|order|said|Harry|holding|the diary|and|showing|Ginny|the hole|from|fang|Riddle|is|finished
The last thing I remember is that he left the diary... – It's all right – said Harry, holding the diary and showing Ginny the fang hole – Riddle is finished.
I on i Bazilisk.
Both him and the Basilisk.
Hajde, Džini, idemo odavde... – Izbaciće me iz škole!
Come on|Ginny|let's go|from here|They will expel|me|from|school
Come on, Ginny, let's get out of here... – They will expel me from school!
– plakala je Džini dok joj je Hari nespretno pomagao da ustane na noge.
cried|(past tense marker)|Ginny|while|to her|(past tense marker)|Harry|awkwardly|helped|to|stand|on|feet
- Ginny was crying as Harry awkwardly helped her to her feet.
– Jedva sam čekala da dođem na Hogvorts, još otkako je B-Bil krenuo, a s-sada ću morati da odem... š-šta će reći mama i tata?
I could hardly|I|waited|to|arrive|at|Hogwarts|ever||he|||started|but|||I will|have to|to|leave|||will|say|mom|and|dad
- I could hardly wait to get to Hogwarts, ever since B-Bill started, and now I have to go... what will mom and dad say?
Foks ih je čekao, lebdeći na ulazu u Dvoranu.
Foks|them|was|waiting|hovering|at|the entrance|in|the Hall
Fawkes was waiting for them, hovering at the entrance to the Great Hall.
Hari je požurivao Džini napred.
Harry urged Ginny to move ahead.
Prešli su preko nepokretnog klupka mrtvog Baziliska, kroz ječeću tminu i krenuli natrag kroz tunel.
They crossed|(past tense auxiliary verb)|over|motionless|coil|dead|Basilisk|through|screeching|darkness|and|they started|back|through|tunnel
They passed over the motionless heap of the dead Basilisk, through the wailing darkness, and started back through the tunnel.
Hari začu kako se kamena vrata zatvaraju iza njih uz nežni siktaj.
Hari|heard|how|reflexive particle|stone|door|close|behind|them|with|gentle|hiss
Harry heard the stone door close behind them with a gentle hiss.
Posle nekoliko minuta napredovanja kroz mračan tunel, do Harijevih ušiju dopre udaljeni zvuk udaranja kamena o kamen.
After|several|minutes|of progress|through|dark|tunnel|to|Harry's|ears|reached|distant|sound|of hitting|stone|against|stone
After a few minutes of advancing through the dark tunnel, a distant sound of stone hitting stone reached Harry's ears.
– Rone!
- Ron!
– viknu Hari, ubrzavši.
- shouted Harry, quickening his pace.
– Džini je dobro!
- Ginny is okay!
Sa mnom je!
She's with me!
On začu Ronov prigušen krik veselja, a kada su skrenuli iza sledeće krivine, ugledaše njegovo nestrpljivo lice kako pilji kroz prilično veliki otvor koji je uspeo da napravi u odronjenom kamenju.
He|heard|Ron's|muffled|scream|of joy|and|when|they|turned|around|next|curve|they saw|his|impatient|face|how|stares|through|fairly|large|opening|that|he|managed|to|make|in|fallen|rocks
He heard Ron's muffled cry of joy, and when they turned around the next bend, they saw his impatient face peering through a fairly large opening he had managed to make in the crumbled rocks.
– Džini!
- Ginny!
– Ron gurnu ruku kroz otvor u steni da prvo nju izvuče.
Ron|pushed|his hand|through|opening|in|the rock|to|first|her|pull out
- Ron pushed his hand through the opening in the rock to pull her out first.
– Živa si!
- You're alive!
Ne mogu da verujem!
I can't believe it!
Šta se dogodilo?
What|(reflexive particle)|happened
What happened?
Pokušao je da je zagrli, ali ga Džini zaustavi, jecajući.
He tried|to|||hug|but|him|Džini|stopped|sobbing
He tried to hug her, but Ginny stopped him, sobbing.
– Ali ti si dobro, Džini – reče Ron, smeškajući se.
- But you're okay, Ginny - said Ron, smiling.
– Sada je sve gotovo, sada je sve... odakle se stvorila ta ptica?
Now|is|everything|over|now|is|everything|where|reflexive particle|appeared|that|bird
- Now it's all over, now it's all... where did that bird come from?
Foks prolete kroz otvor odmah posle Džini.
The fox|flew|through|opening|immediately|after|Gini
The fox flew through the opening right after Ginny.
– On je Dambldorov – reče Hari, i sâm se provlačeći.
He|is|Dumbledore's|said|Harry|and|himself|himself|squeezing through
– He is Dumbledore's – said Harry, squeezing through himself.
– A odakle ti mač?
– And where did you get the sword?
– upita Ron, zinuvši u svetlucavo oružje u Harijevoj ruci.
– asked Ron, gaping at the shimmering weapon in Harry's hand.
– Objasniću ti kad se izvučemo odavde – reče Hari, postrance pogledavši u Džini.
I will explain|to you|when|we|get out|from here|said|Harry|sideways|glancing|at|Ginny
– I'll explain when we get out of here – said Harry, glancing sideways at Ginny.
– Ali... – Kasnije – reče Hari brzo.
– But... – Later – said Harry quickly.
Nije dobra ideja, pomisli, da kaže Ronu ko je otvorio Dvoranu, u svakom slučaju ne pred Džini.
Not|good|idea|think|to|tell|Ron|who|has|opened|the Hall|in|every|case|not|in front of|Ginny
It's not a good idea, he thought, to tell Ron who opened the Chamber, in any case not in front of Ginny.
– Gde je Lokhart?
– Where is Lockhart?
– Tamo pozadi – reče Ron, iskezivši se i klimnuvši glavom uz tunel ka cevi.
Back there|behind|said|Ron|grinning|himself|and|nodding|with his head|along|tunnel|towards|pipe
– Back there – said Ron, grinning and nodding his head down the tunnel towards the pipe.
– U lošem je stanju.
– He's in bad shape.
Dođi da vidiš.
Come and see.
Prešli su ceo put natrag do ulaza u cev predvođeni Foksom, čija su široka skerletna krila isijavala blag zlatast sjaj u tami.
They crossed|(past tense marker)|whole|way|back|to|entrance|in|pipe|led|by Fox|whose|(past tense marker)|wide|scarlet|wings|radiated|gentle|golden|glow|in|darkness
They walked the whole way back to the entrance of the pipe led by Fox, whose wide scarlet wings radiated a gentle golden glow in the dark.
Tamo je sedeo Gilderoj Lokhart, mirno pevušeći za sebe.
There sat Gilderoy Lockhart, quietly humming to himself.
– Izgubio je pamćenje – reče Ron.
He lost|(past tense marker)|memory|said|Ron
- He lost his memory - said Ron.
– Memorijska čin je opalila unazad.
- The memory charm backfired.
Pogodio je sebe umesto nas.
He hit|(past tense marker)|himself|instead of|us
He hit himself instead of us.
Nema pojma ni ko je, ni gde je, ni ko smo mi.
There is no|idea|nor|who|is|nor|where|is|nor|who|are|we
He has no idea who he is, where he is, or who we are.
Rekao sam mu da dođe ovde i sačeka.
I told|(past tense marker)|him|to|come|here|and|wait
I told him to come here and wait.
Sad bi mogao sam sebi da naudi.
Now|would|could|I|to himself|to|harm
Now he could hurt himself.
Lokhart je dobroćudno čkiljio ka njima.
Lockhart was benignly squinting at them.
– Zdravo – reče on.
Hello|he said|he
– Hello – he said.
– Ovo je baš čudno mesto, je l' da?
– This is quite a strange place, isn't it?
Da li vi živite ovde?
Do|question particle|you|live|here
Do you live here?
– Ne – reče Ron, skeptično se mršteći ka Hariju.
– No – said Ron, skeptically frowning at Harry.
Hari se nagnu i pogleda uvis kroz dugačku, tamnu cev.
Harry leaned in and looked up through the long, dark tube.
– Jesi li razmišljao kako ćemo da se vratimo kroz ovo?
Have|question particle|thought|how|we will|to|reflexive pronoun|return|through|this
– Have you thought about how we will get back through this?
– upita on Rona.
– he asked Ron.
Ron zavrte glavom, ali Feniks Foks se obruši pored Harija, lepršajući mu krilima pred licem, dok su mu okrugle oči svetlele u mraku.
Ron|shook|head|but|Phoenix|Fox|himself|swooped|past|Harry|fluttering|at him|wings|in front of|face|while|were|his|round|eyes|shining|in|darkness
Ron shook his head, but the Phoenix Fawkes swooped down beside Harry, fluttering its wings in front of his face, while its round eyes shone in the dark.
Mahao je svojim dugačkim zlatnim repnim perima.
He waved|was|with his|long|golden|tail|feathers
It waved its long golden tail feathers.
Hari ga nesigurno pogleda.
Harry looked at him uncertainly.
– On, izgleda, hoće da se čvrsto uhvatiš... – reče Ron zbunjeno.
– He seems to want you to hold on tight... – Ron said confusedly.
– Ali ti si pretežak da bi te ptica izvukla tamo.
But|you|are|too heavy|for|would|you|bird|pull out|there
– But you are too heavy for the bird to pull you up there.
– Foks – reče Hari – nije obična ptica.
Fox|said|Harry|is not|ordinary|bird
– Fox – Harry said – is not an ordinary bird.
– Brzo se okrenu ka ostalima.
Quickly|himself|turns|towards|the others
– He quickly turned to the others.
– Moramo da se držimo jedni za druge.
We must|to|each other|hold|one|for|another
– We have to hold on to each other.
Džini, uhvati Rona za ruku.
Ginny, grab Ron by the hand.
Profesore Lokhart... – Vama se obraća – reče Ron oštro Lokhartu.
Professor|Lockhart|you|reflexive pronoun|addresses|said|Ron|sharply|Lockhart
Professor Lockhart... – I'm addressing you – Ron said sharply to Lockhart.
– Vi držite Džini za drugu ruku.
– You are holding Ginny by the other hand.
Hari zadene mač i Šešir za razvrstavanje za pojas, Ron se uhvati za zadnji deo Harijeve odore, a Hari ispruži ruku i uhvati Foksova neobično topla repna pera.
Harry|drew|sword|and|Hat|for|sorting|for|belt|Ron|himself|grabbed|for|back|part|Harry's|robes|and|Harry|stretched out|his hand|and|grabbed|Fox's|unusually|warm|tail|feathers
Harry tucked the sword and the Sorting Hat into his belt, Ron grabbed the back of Harry's robe, and Harry reached out and grabbed Fox's unusually warm tail feathers.
Oseti kako mu se čitavim telom širi nekakva čudnovata lakoća, i sledećeg trenutka oni uz fijuk poleteše uvis uz cev.
He feels|how|to him|reflexive pronoun|whole|body|spreads|some|strange|lightness|and|next|moment|they|with|whistling|flew up|upwards|along|tube
He felt a strange lightness spreading through his whole body, and the next moment they soared upward through the tube with a whoosh.
Hari je čuo Lokharta kako se klati ispod njega, govoreći: – Neverovatno!
Harry|past tense verb to be|heard|Lockhart|how|reflexive pronoun|sways|under|him|speaking|Unbelievable
Harry heard Lockhart swaying beneath him, saying: – Unbelievable!
Baš kao magija!
Just like magic!
– Hladan vazduh šibao je kroz Harijevu kosu i, još pre nego što je prestao da uživa u njoj, vožnja je bila gotova – sve četvoro tresnuše o vlažan pod kupatila Jecajuće Mirte i, dok je Lokhart ispravljao svoj šešir, lavabo koji je sakrivao cev skliznu nazad na svoje mesto.
Cold|air|whipped|was|through|Harry's|hair|and|even|before|than|what|he|stopped|to|enjoy|in|it|ride|was||over|all|four of them|crashed|against|wet|floor|bathroom|Weeping|Myrtle|and|while|was|Lockhart|adjusting|his|hat|sink|which|was|hiding|pipe|slid|back|to|its|place
– Cold air whipped through Harry's hair and, even before he stopped enjoying it, the ride was over – all four of them crashed onto the damp floor of Myrtle's bathroom and, while Lockhart adjusted his hat, the sink that had hidden the pipe slid back into place.
Mirta je zurila u njih.
Myrtle was staring at them.
– Živ si – reče ona tupo Hariju.
Alive|you|said|she|stupidly|to Hari
– You're alive – she said dully to Harry.
– Nema potrebe da zvučiš tako razočarano – uzvrati on smrknuto, brišući mrlje od krvi i sluzi sa svojih naočara.
No|need|to|sound|so|disappointed|he replied|he|gloomily|wiping|stains|of|blood|and|mucus|from|his|glasses
– There's no need to sound so disappointed – he replied grimly, wiping the stains of blood and mucus from his glasses.
– Pa, dobro... samo sam mislila.
– Well, I just thought.
Da si umro, mogao bi slobodno da deliš klozet sa mnom – reče Mirta stidljivo, a obrazi joj se srebrnasto zarumeneše.
If|you|died|could|would|freely|to|share|toilet|with|me|said|Mirta|shyly|and|cheeks|her|reflexive pronoun|silvery|turned red
If you were dead, you could freely share the toilet with me – Mirta said shyly, her cheeks turning a silvery red.
– Fuj!
– Yuck!
– reče Ron, kad izađoše iz kupatila u mračan, pust hodnik.
said|Ron|when|they exited|from|bathroom|into|dark|empty|hallway
– said Ron, as they stepped out of the bathroom into the dark, empty hallway.
– Hari!
– Harry!
Mislim da se sviđaš Mirti!
I think|that|to|you like|Mirta
I think Myrtle likes you!
Džini, imaš konkurenciju!
Genie|you have|competition
Ginny, you have competition!
Ali niz Džinino lice i dalje su tiho klizile suze.. – Kuda sada?
But tears were still quietly sliding down Ginny's face.. – Where to now?
– upita Ron, zabrinuto gledajući u Džini.
– asked Ron, looking worriedly at Ginny.
Hari pokaza prstom.
Hari|pointed|with his finger
Harry pointed.
Foks ih je predvodio, zračeći zlatnim sjajem po hodniku.
Fox was leading them, radiating a golden glow down the hallway.
Krupnim koracima su išli za njim, i nekoliko trenutaka kasnije nađoše se ispred kabineta profesorke Mek Gonagal.
large|steps|they||||and|several|moments|later|they found|themselves|in front of|office|professor|Mc|Gonagall
They walked behind him in large strides, and a few moments later found themselves in front of Professor McGonagall's office.
Hari pokuca i otvori vrata.
Harry|knocked|and|opened|the door
Harry knocked and opened the door.
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