Ela se ne počuti dobro.
Ela is not feeling well.
Ima glavobol in boleče grlo.
|головная боль||больное|горло
He/She has|headache|and|painful|throat
She has a headache and a sore throat.
Velikokrat tudi kihne.
He also sneezes a lot.
Odloči se, da bo šla k zdravniku.
Decide|reflexive pronoun|that|will|go (past tense feminine)|to|doctor
She decides to see a doctor.
Zdravniku pove, kako se počuti.
To the doctor|he tells|how|he|feels
She tells the doctor how she feels.
Zdravnik Eli pove, da ima prehlad.
der Arzt|||||Erkältung
The doctor|Eli|tells|that|has|cold
The doctor tells Eli that she has a cold.
Ela prosi zdravnika za zdravila.
Ela asks the doctor for medicine.
Zdravnik reče, da Ela ne potrebuje zdravil za prehlad.
The doctor|says|that|Ela|not|needs|medicine|for|cold
Zdravnik Eli namesto tega svetuje veliko spanja in pitje vode.
The doctor|Eli|instead of|this|advises|plenty of|sleep|and|drinking|water
Instead, Eli's doctor advises plenty of sleep and drinking water.
Ko gre Ela od zdravnika, se ne počuti bolje.
When|she goes|Ela|from|the doctor|herself|not|feels|better
When Ela leaves the doctor, she doesn't feel any better.
Sedaj pa ista zgodba, povedana na drugačen način.
Nisem se dobro počutila.
I did not|myself|well|felt
I didn't feel well.
Imela sem glavobol in boleče grlo.
I had|(past tense marker)|headache|and|sore|throat
I had a headache and a sore throat.
Veliko sem tudi kihala.
A lot|I|also|sneezed
I also sneezed a lot.
Odločila sem se, da grem k zdravniku.
I decided|(I)|reflexive pronoun|to|I go|to|doctor
Zdravniku sem povedala, kako se počutim.
To the doctor|I|told|how|I|feel
I told the doctor how I felt.
Zdravnik mi je rekel, da imam prehlad.
The doctor|to me|(past tense verb auxiliary)|said|that|I have|cold
Zdravnika prosim za nekaj zdravil.
I ask the doctor|please|for|some|medicine
I ask my doctor for some medication.
Zdravnik je rekel, da za prehlad ne potrebujem zdravil.
The doctor|(past tense verb to be)|said|that|for|cold|not|I need|medicine
The doctor said I didn't need medicine for my cold.
Zdravnik mi je namesto tega svetoval spanje in pitje vode.
The doctor|to me|(past tense verb auxiliary)|instead of|this|advised|sleep|and|drinking|water
Ko sem šla od zdravnika, se nisem počutila bolje.
When|I|went|from|the doctor|myself|did not|felt|better
I didn't feel any better when I left the doctor.
Ena: Ela se ne počuti dobro.
One: Ela is not feeling well.
Ali se Ela počuti dobro?
Ne, Ela se ne počuti dobro.
No, Ela is not feeling well.
Dva: Ela ima glavobol in boleče grlo.
Kaj ima Ela?
What does Ela have?
Ima glavobol in boleče grlo.
He/She has|headache|and|painful|throat
Tri: Ela velikokrat kihne.
Three: Ela sneezes a lot.
Kaj Ela počne?
What does Ela do?
Velikokrat kihne.
He often|sneezes
He sneezes a lot.
Štiri: Ela se odloči, da bo šla k zdravniku.
Four: Ela decides to go to the doctor.
Kaj se Ela odloči narediti?
What|reflexive pronoun|Ela|decides|to do
Odloči se, da bo šla k zdravniku.
Decide|reflexive pronoun|that|will|go (past tense feminine)|to|doctor
Pet: Ela zdravniku pove, kako se počuti.
Ela||to the doctor|tells|how|herself|feels
Kaj pove zdravniku?
What|does he/she tell|to the doctor
Pove zdravniku, kako se počuti.
He tells|the doctor|how|himself|feels
She tells the doctor how she feels.
Šest: Zdravnik je Eli povedal, da ima prehlad.
Six|The doctor|(past tense verb to be)|to Eli|told|that|has|cold
6: The doctor tells Eli she has a cold.
Kaj je zdravnik povedal Eli?
What|did|doctor|tell|to Eli
What did the doctor tell Eli?
Zdravnik ji je povedal, da ima prehlad.
The doctor|to her|(past tense marker)|told|that|has|cold
The doctor told her she had a cold.
Sedem: Zdravnik je rekel, da Ela za prehlad ne potrebuje zdravil.
Seven|The doctor|(is)|said|that|Ela|for|cold|not|needs|medicine
Ali je zdravnik rekel, da Ela potrebuje zdravila?
Ne, zdravnik je rekel, da Ela za prehlad ne potrebuje zdravil.
No|doctor|(past tense verb 'is')|said|that|Ela|for|cold|not|needs|medicine
Osem: Zdravnik je Eli svetoval spanje in pitje vode.
Eight|The doctor|is|Eli|advised|sleep|and|drinking|water
Kaj je zdravnik svetoval Eli, naj naredi namesto tega?
What|is|doctor|advised|Eli|should|do|instead|of this
What did the doctor advise Eli to do instead?
Zdravnik je svetoval Eli, naj spi in pije vodo.
The doctor|(past tense verb 'is')|advised|Eli|to|sleep|and|drink|
Devet: Ela se ni počutila bolje, ko je šla od zdravnika.
Nine|Ela|herself|did not|felt|better|when|she|went|from|doctor
Se je Ela počutila bolje, ko je šla od zdravnika?
Did Ela feel better when she left the doctor?
Ne, Ela se ni počutila bolje, ko je šla od zdravnika.
No|Ela|herself|did not|felt|better|when|she|went|from|doctor