sloveso muset
|to have to
|dovere, essere obbligato
动词 拥有
Musím jít do hospody.
|||Devo andare al pub.
I have to go to the pub.
Mám strašnou chuť na pivo.
|Gran voglia|||birra
I have a terrible appetite for beer.
Moje manželka musí jít ke své kamarádce, aby se uklidnila.
||||to her friend's||friend|||calm down
|Mia moglie||andare|||amica||si|si calmi
My wife has to go to her friend's house to calm down.
Má strašnou chuť mě praštit paličkou na maso do hlavy.
||urge||hit|meat tenderizer||meat||head
|terribile|||colpire|con un batticarne||carne|in testa|testa
She has a terrible appetite to hit me with a meat mallet in my head.
Musel jsem jít do hospody.
Had to||||
Ho dovuto||||dovevo andare al pub
I had to go to the pub.
Měl jsem strašnou chuť na pivo.
||gran voglia|||
Moje manželka musela jít ke své kamarádce, aby se uklidnila.
||had to|||||||calm down
|Mia moglie|doveva||||alla sua amica|||si calmasse
My wife had to go to her friend to calm herself.
Měla strašnou chuť mě praštit paličkou na maso do hlavy.
||||hit|with a meat mallet||||
|terribile|voglia||colpire|martello per carne||carne||testa
She had a terrible appetite to hit me with a meat mallet in my head.
Ей захотелось ударить меня по голове молотком для разделки мяса.
Budu muset jít do hospody.
Dovrò|dovrò|||Dovrò andare al pub.
I'll have to go to the pub.
Mám strašnou chuť na pivo.
|gran voglia|||
I have a terrible appetite for beer.
Moje manželka bude muset jít ke své kamarádce, aby se uklidnila.
|Mia moglie||dovere||||amica||si|si calmi
My wife will have to go to her friend to calm herself.
Моей жене придется пойти к подруге, чтобы успокоиться.
Má strašnou chuť mě praštit paličkou na maso do hlavy.
|terribile|||colpire|martello per carne||carne||testa
She has a terrible appetite to hit me with a meat mallet in my head.