Svårt sjuka blir fler igen
Severely ill are increasing again
I 17 av 21 regioner i Sverige blir allt fler smittade av viruset corona.
In 17 out of 21 regions in Sweden, more and more people are getting infected with the corona virus.
Bland annat regionerna Uppsala och Jämtland-Härjedalen märker att det ökar ganska mycket.
Among||regions|Uppsala|and|||notice|that|it|increases|quite|a lot
Among other regions, Uppsala and Jämtland-Härjedalen are noticing a significant increase.
Det är inte alls lika många smittade som det var under våren.
It|is|not|at all|as|many|infected|as|it|was|during|spring
There are not nearly as many infected as there were during the spring.
Men det är ändå en ökning jämfört med hur det har varit under en lång tid.
But it is still an increase compared to how it has been for a long time.
På kort tid har också antalet patienter som blir svårt sjuka av viruset ökat.
In a short time, the number of patients who become seriously ill from the virus has also increased.
Just nu får 31 personer sådan vård i Sverige.
Right now, 31 people are receiving such care in Sweden.
Förra veckan var det 16.
Last week, there were 16.
När det var som värst under våren var det över 500 som fick vård.
When it was at its worst during the spring, over 500 received care.
Folkhälsomyndighetens experter säger att vi inte får glömma reglerna:
Public Health Agency's|experts|say|that|we|not|are allowed to|forget|the rules
The experts from the Public Health Agency say that we must not forget the rules:
• Stanna hemma om du är sjuk.
• Stay home if you are sick.
• Tvätta händerna noga.
• Wash your hands thoroughly.
• Jobba hemifrån om du kan.
Work|from home|if|you|can
• Work from home if you can.
• Umgås inte i stora grupper.
• Do not socialize in large groups.
Pengar till militärerna
Money|to|the soldiers
Money for the military
Under året har partierna i riksdagen bråkat mycket om militärerna Sverige.
During|the year|have|the parties|in|parliament|argued|a lot|about|the military|Sweden
Throughout the year, the parties in the parliament have argued a lot about the military in Sweden.
De har inte varit överens om hur många militärer landet behöver.
They|have|not|been|agreed|on|how|many|soldiers|the country|needs
They have not agreed on how many soldiers the country needs.
Men nu är regeringen överens med Centerpartiet och Liberalerna.
But|now|is|the government|in agreement|with|the Center Party|and|the Liberals
But now the government has reached an agreement with the Center Party and the Liberals.
Från och med nästa år ska militärerna få 27 miljarder varje år.
From|and|from|next|year|will|the military|receive|billion|every|year
Starting next year, the military will receive 27 billion each year.
Det är en ökning med 40 procent jämfört med tidigare.
This is an increase of 40 percent compared to before.
Pengarna är en del av regeringens plan för Sverige.
The money|are|a|part|of|the government's|plan|for|Sweden
The money is part of the government's plan for Sweden.
Det som kallas budget.
It|that|is called|budget
What is called the budget.
Pengarna kommer bland annat att gå till:
The money|will|among|other|to|go|to
The money will, among other things, go to:
• Värnplikten.
The draft
• The draft.
Fler ska bli utbildade till militär.
More people will be trained for the military.
• Sveriges stridsfordon ska bli bättre.
Sweden's|combat vehicle|shall|become|better
• Sweden's combat vehicles will improve.
• Flera städer får börja med utbildning av militärer igen.
Several|cities|are allowed|to start|with|training|of|soldiers|again
• Several cities will start training military personnel again.
Det kallas regementen.
It|is called|regiments
This is called regiments.
– Så här mycket pengar har militärerna inte fått på 70 år, säger ministern Peter Hultqvist.
So|here|much|money|have|the military|not|received|in|years|says|the minister|Peter|Hultqvist
– The military hasn't received this much money in 70 years, says Minister Peter Hultqvist.
Hela organisationen som jobbar med militärer och Sveriges försvar kommer att växa mycket.
The whole|organization|that|works|with|military personnel|and|Sweden’s|defense|will|to|grow|a lot
The entire organization working with the military and Sweden's defense will grow significantly.
Regeringen säger att 90 tusen kommer att jobba där om några år.
The government|says|that|thousand|will|to|work|there|in|a few|years
The government says that 90 thousand will work there in a few years.
PAGES|TT news agency
The world
The World
Biden och Trump var i tv
Biden and Trump were on TV
Den 3 november är det val i USA.
On November 3, there is an election in the USA.
Folket ska rösta om det blir Donald Trump från partiet Republikanerna.
The people|shall|vote|if|it|becomes|Donald|Trump|from|the party|Republicans
The people will vote on whether it will be Donald Trump from the Republican Party.
Eller Joe biden från partiet Demokraterna som blir president.
Or|Joe|Biden|from|the party|Democrats|who|becomes|president
Or Joe Biden from the Democratic Party who will become president.
Planen var att Donald Trump och Joe Biden skulle mötas tre gånger och prata om politik före valet.
The plan|was|that|Donald|Trump|and|Joe|Biden|would|meet|three|times|and|talk|about|politics|before|the election
The plan was for Donald Trump and Joe Biden to meet three times and discuss politics before the election.
Men i år blev det andra mötet stoppat efter att Donald Trump blivit smittad av viruset corona.
But|in|year|was|it|second|meeting|stopped|after|that|Donald|Trump|had become|infected|by|virus|corona
But this year, the second meeting was canceled after Donald Trump contracted the coronavirus.
I stället var Trump och Biden med i olika tv-kanaler samma kväll.
Instead, Trump and Biden were on different TV channels the same evening.
De fick olika frågor.
They received different questions.
Trump fick svara på frågor om saker han skriver på Twitter och om hans sätt att klara krisen med viruset.
Trump had to answer questions about things he writes on Twitter and about his way of handling the crisis with the virus.
Joe Biden fick svara på frågor om ekonomi och rättigheter för hbtq-personer.
Joe Biden had to answer questions about the economy and rights for LGBTQ people.
Det vill säga personer som är homosexuella, bisexuella, trans och queer.
That|want|to say|people|who|are|homosexual|bisexual|trans|and|queer
That is, people who are homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and queer.
Politiska experter säger att Trump fick tuffare frågor än vad Biden fick.
Political experts say that Trump faced tougher questions than Biden did.
Den 22 oktober är planen att de två motståndarna ska mötas och prata om politik för sista gången före valet.
On October 22, the plan is for the two opponents to meet and discuss politics for the last time before the election.
Ja till regnbågsflaggan
Yes|to|the rainbow flag
Yes to the rainbow flag
Först skulle det bli stopp för att hissa regnbågsflaggan i Hörby kommun.
First|would|it|become|stop|for|to|raise|the rainbow flag|in|Hörby|municipality
At first, there would be a ban on raising the rainbow flag in Hörby municipality.
Det hade politikerna i kommunen bestämt.
It|had|the politicians|in|the municipality|decided
That was decided by the politicians in the municipality.
Det var partiet Sverigedemokraterna och partiet SPI Välfärden som hade lämnat förslaget.
It|was|the party|Sweden Democrats|and|the party|SPI|Welfare|that|had|submitted|the proposal
It was the Sweden Democrats and the SPI Welfare party that had submitted the proposal.
När Moderaterna höll med skulle förslaget vinna.
When|the Moderates|agreed|with|would|proposal|win
When the Moderates agreed, the proposal would win.
Men nu har Moderaterna ändrat sig.
But|now|have|the Moderates|changed|themselves
But now the Moderates have changed their minds.
Då vinner inte förslaget längre.
Then|wins|not|the proposal|anymore
Then the proposal will no longer win.
Regnbågsflaggan kan bli hissad på flaggstänger i kommunen i fortsättningen med.
The rainbow flag|can|be|flown|on|flagpoles|in|the municipality|in|the future|too
The rainbow flag can be hoisted on flagpoles in the municipality in the future as well.
PAGES|TT news agency
Larmen fungerar dåligt
The alarms|function|poorly
The alarms are not working well
Många gamla har larm.
Many|old people|have|alarms
Many elderly people have alarms.
De ska använda larmet om de behöver hjälp.
They should use the alarm if they need help.
De kanske har ramlat eller blivit sjuka.
They may have fallen or become ill.
Då ska det komma personal som kan hjälpa dem.
Then staff will come who can help them.
Det ska vara en trygghet.
It should be a security.
Men nu fungerar larmen dåligt i flera kommuner.
But now the alarms are not working well in several municipalities.
Det beror på att företagen som sköter larmen har ändrat dem.
It|depends|on|that|the companies|that|manage|alarms|have|changed|them
This is because the companies that manage the alarms have changed them.
I Luleå behövde en kvinna hjälp.
In Luleå, a woman needed help.
Hon tryckte på larmet åtta gånger.
She|pressed|on|the alarm|eight|times
She pressed the alarm eight times.
Men det dröjde fem timmar innan hjälpen kom.
But|it|took|five|hours|before|the help|arrived
But it took five hours before help arrived.
Då var det för sent.
By then it was too late.
Kvinnan hade dött.
The woman|had|died
The woman had died.
– Det här är otroligt allvarligt.
– This is incredibly serious.
Det ska bli anmält och undersökt, säger Gabriella Sjöström som är socialchef i Luleå.
It|shall|be|reported|and|investigated|says|Gabriella|Sjöström|who|is|social manager|in|Luleå
It will be reported and investigated, says Gabriella Sjöström who is the social chief in Luleå.
Kommunen ska nu besöka de äldre oftare tills felet är lagat.
The municipality|shall|now|visit|the|elderly|more often|until|the problem|is|fixed
The municipality will now visit the elderly more often until the issue is fixed.
Företaget som sköter larmen vill inte svara på frågor.
The company|that|handles|alarms|wants|not|to answer|to|questions
The company that manages the alarms does not want to answer questions.
PAGES|TT news agency
The world
The world
Nya protester i Thailand
New protests in Thailand
Sedan i somras har det varit protester i Thailand.
Since|in|last summer|have|it|been|protests|in|Thailand
Since last summer, there have been protests in Thailand.
Nu har regeringen förbjudit folk att träffas i grupper och protestera.
Now|has|the government|forbidden|people|to|meet|in|groups|and|protest
Now the government has banned people from gathering in groups and protesting.
Förbudet kom på onsdagen.
The ban|came|on|Wednesday
The ban came on Wednesday.
Men på torsdagen var det protester ändå i huvudstaden Bangkok.
But|on|Thursday|were|it|protests|still|in|the capital|Bangkok
But on Thursday there were protests anyway in the capital Bangkok.
Poliserna tog minst 20 personer.
The police|took|at least|people
The police arrested at least 20 people.
Ledaren i Thailand heter Prayut Chan-O-Cha.
The leader|in|Thailand|is called|Prayut|Chan||Cha
The leader in Thailand is named Prayut Chan-O-Cha.
Han tog makten år 2014 genom en kupp.
He|took|power|in the year|through|a|coup
He took power in 2014 through a coup.
Han och regeringen styr landet hårt.
He|and|the government|rules|the country|harshly
He and the government rule the country harshly.
De som protesterar vill att han ska sluta.
Those who are protesting want him to stop.
De vill ha mer demokrati och ett nytt val.
They|want|to have|more|democracy|and|a|new|election
They want more democracy and a new election.
PAGES|TT news agency
Inget bus eller godis
No tricks or treats
Den 31 oktober är det Halloween.
On October 31st, it is Halloween.
Då brukar många barn klä ut sig till häxor, troll, spöken eller något annat läskigt.
Many children usually dress up as witches, trolls, ghosts, or something else scary.
Sedan knackar de på dörren hos folk och säger bus eller godis.
Then|knock|they|on|the door|at|people|and|say|trick|or|candy
Then they knock on people's doors and say trick or treat.
Om barnen har tur kan de få godis från en skål av personen de knackade på hos.
If|the children|have|luck|can|they|get|candy|from|a|bowl|from|the person|they|knocked|on|at the home of
If the children are lucky, they can get candy from a bowl from the person they knocked on.
Bus eller godis är vanligt i USA.
Trick or treat is common in the USA.
Men det blir också allt vanligare i Sverige.
But|it|becomes|also|increasingly|more common|in|Sweden
But it is also becoming increasingly common in Sweden.
Men i år ska barn i Sverige helst inte knacka på hos folk.
However, this year children in Sweden should preferably not knock on people's doors.
Det säger experterna på Folkhälsomyndigeten.
It|says|the experts|at|the Public Health Agency
That is what the experts at the Public Health Agency say.
Det är risk att viruset corona sprider sig då.
It|is|risk|that|the virus|corona|spreads|itself|then
There is a risk that the corona virus will spread then.
– Kanske kan du knacka på hos folk du känner.
– Maybe you can knock on the doors of people you know.
Men du ska inte knacka på hos folk du inte känner, säger Karin Tegmark Wisell på Folkhälsomyndigheten.
But|you|shall|not|knock|on|at the home of|people|you|not|know|says|Karin|Tegmark|Wisell|at|the Public Health Agency
But you should not knock on the doors of people you don't know, says Karin Tegmark Wisell at the Public Health Agency.
Barnen tar ofta godis från samma skål.
The children|take|often|candy|from|the same|bowl
Children often take candy from the same bowl.
Det kan göra att de blir smittade av viruset, säger experterna på myndigheten.
It|can|cause|that|they|become|infected|by|the virus|say|the experts|at|the authority
This can cause them to get infected with the virus, say the experts at the agency.
PAGES|TT news agency
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