Luglio - L'ultimo esame. 7, venerdì
July|the last|exam|Friday
Julio - El último examen. 7, viernes
七月——最后一次考试。 7、周五
July - The final exam. 7, Friday
L' ultimo esame 7, venerdì
The final exam 7, Friday
Questa mattina ci diedero gli esami verbali.
this|morning|to us|they gave|the|exams|oral
This morning they gave us the oral exams.
Alle otto eravamo tutti in classe, e alle otto e un quarto cominciarono a chiamarci quattro alla volta nel camerone, dove c'era un gran tavolo coperto d'un tappeto verde, e intorno il Direttore e quattro maestri, fra i quali il nostro.
At|eight|we were|all|in|class|and||||one|quarter|they started|to|to call us|four|at|once|in the|large room|where|there was|a|big|table|covered|of a|carpet|green||around|the|Director||four|teachers|among|the|||our
At eight we were all in class, and at eight fifteen they started calling us four at a time into the large room, where there was a big table covered with a green carpet, and around it the Director and four teachers, among whom was ours.
Io fui uno dei primi chiamati.
I|was|one|of the|first|called
I was one of the first called.
Povero maestro!
Poor teacher!
Come m'accorsi che ci vuol bene davvero, questa mattina.
how|I realized|that|to us|he wants|well|really|this|morning
Cómo me he dado cuenta de que nos quiere de verdad, esta mañana.
How I realized that he really cares for us, this morning.
Mentre c'interrogavano gli altri, egli non aveva occhi che per noi; Si turbava quando eravamo incerti a rispondere, si rasserenava quando davamo una bella risposta, sentiva tutto, e ci faceva mille cenni con le mani e col capo per dire: - bene, - no, - sta attento, - più adagio, - coraggio.
while|they questioned us|the|others|he|not|he had|eyes|that|for|us|he|he was troubled|when|we were|uncertain|to|to answer|he|he was reassured|||a|nice|response|he felt|everything||to us|he made|thousand|gestures|with|the|hands||with the|head|to|to say|good|no|stay|careful|more|slowly|courage
While the others were being questioned, he had eyes only for us; he became anxious when we were uncertain in our answers, he relaxed when we gave a good answer, he felt everything, and he made a thousand gestures with his hands and head to say: - good, - no, - pay attention, - slower, - courage.
- Ci avrebbe suggerito ogni cosa se avesse potuto parlare.
to us|he would have|suggested|every|thing|if|he had|been able|to speak
- He would have suggested everything if he could have spoken.
Se al posto suo ci fossero stati l'un dopo l'altro i padri di tutti gli alunni, non avrebbero fatto di più.
if|at the|place|his|there|they were|been|the one|after|the other|the|parents|of|all|the|students|not|they would have|done|more|more
If instead of him there had been the fathers of all the students one after the other, they wouldn't have done more.
Gli avrei gridato: - Grazie!
to him|I would have|shouted|Thank you
I would have shouted at him: - Thank you!
- dieci volte, in faccia a tutti.
- ten times, in front of everyone.
E quando gli altri maestri mi dissero: - Sta bene; va pure, - gli scintillarono gli occhi dalla contentezza.
and|when|the|other|teachers|to me|they said|it is|well|go|also|the|they sparkled|the|eyes|from the|joy
And when the other teachers told me: - It's fine; go ahead, - his eyes sparkled with happiness.
Io tornai subito in classe ad aspettare mio padre.
I|returned|immediately|in|class|to|to wait|my|father
I immediately returned to the classroom to wait for my father.
C'erano ancora quasi tutti.
there were|still|almost|everyone
Almost everyone was still there.
Mi sedetti accanto a Garrone.
I|I sat|next to|to|Garrone
I sat next to Garrone.
Non ero allegro, punto.
not|I was|happy|period
I wasn't cheerful, period.
Pensavo che era l'ultima volta che stavamo un'ora vicini!
I thought|that|it was|the last|time|that|we were||close
I thought it was the last time we would spend an hour together!
Non glielo avevo ancor detto a Garrone che non avrei più fatta la quarta con lui, che dovevo andar via da Torino con mio padre: egli non sapeva nulla.
not|it to him|I had|still|told|to|Garrone|that|not|I would have|more|done|the|fourth|with|him||I had to|to go|away|from|Turin|with|my|father|he|not|he knew|nothing
Todavía no le había dicho a Garrone que no haría cuarto con él, que tenía que irme de Turín con mi padre: él no sabía nada.
I hadn't yet told Garrone that I wouldn't be in the fourth grade with him anymore, that I had to leave Turin with my father: he didn't know anything.
E se ne stava lì piegato in due, con la sua grossa testa china sul banco, a fare degli ornati intorno a una fotografia di suo padre, vestito da macchinista, che è un uomo grande e grosso, con un collo di toro, e ha un'aria seria e onesta, come lui.
and|if|it|he was|there|folded|in|two|with|the|his|big|head|bowed|on the|desk|to|to make|some|ornaments|around|to|a|photograph|of|his|father|wearing|by|engineer|who|he is|a|man|big||large|with||neck|of|bull||he has||serious||honest|like|him
And he was there, bent over, with his big head down on the desk, making decorations around a photograph of his father, dressed as a machinist, who is a big and strong man, with a bull neck, and has a serious and honest look, just like him.
E mentre stava così curvo, con la camicia un poco aperta davanti, io gli vedevo sul petto nudo e robusto la crocina d'oro che gli regalò la madre di Nelli, quando seppe che proteggeva il suo figliuolo.
and|while|he was|like this|curved|with|the|shirt|a|little|open|front|I|to him|I saw|on the|chest|bare||strong|the|cross|of gold|that|to him|he gave|the|mother|of|Nelli|when|he knew|that||the|his|
And while he was bent like that, with his shirt slightly open in front, I could see on his bare and sturdy chest the little gold cross that Nelli's mother gave him when she learned that he was protecting her son.
Ma bisognava pure che glielo dicessi una volta che dovevo andar via.
but|it was necessary|also|that|to him|I told|one|time|that|I had to|to go|away
But I also had to tell him once that I had to leave.
Glielo dissi: - Garrone, quest'autunno mio padre andrà via da Torino, per sempre.
I told him|I said|Garrone|this autumn|my|father|he will go|away|from|Turin|for|always
I told him: - Garrone, this autumn my father will leave Turin, forever.
- Egli mi domandò se andavo via anch'io; gli risposi di sì.
he|to me|he asked|if|I was going|away|me too|to him|I answered|to|yes
- He asked me if I was leaving too; I answered yes.
- Non farai più la quarta con noi?
not|you will do|more|the|fourth|with|us
- Won't you play the fourth with us anymore?
- mi disse.
to me|he said
- he said.
Risposi di no.
I answered|of|no
I replied no.
E allora egli stette un po' senza parlare, continuando il suo disegno.
and|then|he|he stood|a|little|without|to speak|continuing|the|his|drawing
And then he stayed quiet for a while, continuing his drawing.
Poi domandò senz'alzare il capo: - Ti ricorderai poi dei tuoi compagni di terza?
then|he asked|without raising|the|head|you|you will remember|then|of the|your|companions|of|third
Then he asked without raising his head: - Will you remember your third-grade classmates later?
- Sì, - gli dissi, - di tutti; ma di te... più che di tutti.
yes|to him|I said|of|everyone|but|of|you|more|than|of|everyone
- Yes, - I said to him, - all of them; but you... more than all.
Chi si può scordare di te?
Who can forget you?
- Egli mi guardò fisso e serio con uno sguardo che diceva mille cose; e non disse nulla, solo mi porse la mano sinistra, fingendo di continuare a disegnare con l'altra, ed io la strinsi tra le mie, quella mano forte e leale.
he|to me|he looked|steady|and|serious|with|a|look|that|it said|thousand|things|and|not|he said|nothing|only|to me|he offered|the|hand|left|pretending|to|to continue|to|to draw|with|the other|and|I|the|I squeezed|between|the|mine|that|hand|strong|and|loyal
- He looked at me fixedly and seriously with a gaze that said a thousand things; and he said nothing, just offered me his left hand, pretending to continue drawing with the other, and I squeezed that strong and loyal hand between mine.
In quel momento entrò in fretta il maestro col viso rosso, e disse a bassa voce e presto, con la voce allegra: - Bravi, finora va tutto bene, tirino avanti così quelli che restano; bravi, ragazzi!
In|that|moment|he entered|quickly|hurry|the|teacher|with|face|red|and|he said|at|low|voice||quickly|with|||cheerful|Well done|so far|it goes|everything|well|they pull|forward|like this|those|who|they remain||boys
At that moment, the teacher rushed in with a red face and said in a low and quick voice, with a cheerful tone: - Well done, so far everything is going well, let those who remain keep it up; well done, kids!
Sono molto contento.
I am|very|happy
I am very happy.
- E per mostrarci la sua contentezza ed esilararci, uscendo in fretta, fece mostra d'inciampare e di trattenersi al muro per non cadere: lui, che non l'avevamo mai visto ridere!
and|to|to show us|the|his|contentment|and|to amuse us|going out|quickly|hurry|he made|show|to stumble||to|to hold on|to the|wall|to|not|to fall|he|who|not||ever|seen|to laugh
- Y para mostrar su satisfacción y alegrarnos, se apresuró a salir e hizo ademán de tropezar y agarrarse a la pared para no caerse: ¡él, que nunca le había visto reír!
- And to show us his happiness and amuse us, he hurriedly pretended to stumble and held onto the wall to avoid falling: he, who we had never seen laugh!
La cosa parve così strana, che invece di ridere, tutti rimasero stupiti; tutti sorrisero, nessuno rise.
the|thing|seemed|so|strange|that|instead|to|to laugh|everyone|they remained|astonished||they smiled|nobody|to laugh
The thing seemed so strange that instead of laughing, everyone was astonished; everyone smiled, no one laughed.
Ebbene, non so, mi fece pena e tenerezza insieme quell'atto di allegrezza da fanciullo.
well|not|I know|to me|he made|sorrow|and|tenderness|together|that act|of|joy|by|child
Well, I don't know, that act of childish joy made me feel both pity and tenderness.
Era tutto il suo premio quel momento d'allegrezza, era il compenso di nove mesi di bontà, di pazienza ed anche di dispiaceri!
it was|everything|the|his|reward|that|moment|of joy|||compensation|of|nine|months||goodness||patience|and|also||sorrows
That moment of joy was his entire reward, it was the compensation for nine months of kindness, patience, and even disappointments!
Per quello aveva faticato tanto tempo, ed era venuto tante volte a far lezione malato, povero maestro!
for|that|he had|worked hard|much|time|and|he was|he came|many|times|to|to do|lesson|sick|poor|teacher
For that, he had worked so hard for so long, and he had come so many times to teach while sick, poor teacher!
Quello, e non altro, egli domandava a noi in ricambio di tanto affetto e di tante cure!
that one|and|not|other|he|he asked|to|us|in|exchange|of|much|affection|and|of|so many|care
That, and nothing else, he asked of us in return for so much affection and care!
E ora mi pare che lo rivedrò sempre così in quell'atto, quando mi ricorderò di lui, per molti anni; e se quando sarò un uomo, egli vivrà ancora, e c'incontreremo, glielo dirò, di quell'atto che mi toccò il cuore; e gli darò un bacio sulla testa.
and|now|to me|it seems|that|him|I will see again|always|like this|in|that act|when|to me|I will remember|of|him|for|many|years|and|if|when|I will be|a|man|he|he will live|still|and||||||||||||to him|I will give|a|kiss|on the|head
And now it seems to me that I will always see him like that in that act, when I remember him, for many years; and if when I am a man, he is still alive, and we meet, I will tell him about that act that touched my heart; and I will give him a kiss on the head.
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