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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), Unlimited Resources From Space – Asteroid Mining

Unlimited Resources From Space – Asteroid Mining


casually watching a video on YouTube

on a computer more powerful than anything humanity could build a few decades ago.

This progress and all the wonderful machines you take for granted

are built on a few rare and precious materials

with names like Terbium, Nneodymium or Tantalum.

Getting these rare materials from the ground into your devices is ugly

The mining industry is responsible for air and water pollution

and the destruction of entire landscapes.

Dangerous chemicals like cyanide, sulphuric acid or chlorine are used to extract the resources,

harming biodiversity, workers and locals.

And rare resources are also political tools, when countries restrict access to them to get their way.

But what if we could replace the mining industry on earth,

with a clean process that can't harm anyone?

Well, we can; all we need to do is look up.

(catchy introductory music by Kurzgesagt)

Asteroids are millions of trillions of tons of rocks, metals, and ice.

Leftovers from the cloud that became the planet 4.5 billion years ago.

They can be as small as a meter or proto-planets the size of entire countries.

Most of them are concentrated in the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt

while hundreds of thousands more do their own thing between the planets.

As space travel is becoming more feasible

scientists and economists have been begun looking at the resources found in these asteroids.

Even relatively small metallic asteroids

may contain trillions worth of industrial and precious metals like platinum.

And bigger asteroids like 16 Psyche could contain enough iron nickel to

cover the world's metal needs for millions of years.

At current market prices the rare raw materials alone would be worth quadrillions of dollars.

Well, not really. But technically.

For example, there are more than 20 million tons of gold in the ocean's water

worth roughly 750 trillion U.S. dollars.

But filtering out the gold would be so expensive that you'd lose money selling it.

Right now asteroid mining has exactly this problem.

It's too expensive to replace mining on Earth.

Billions of dollars worth of valuable resources in space are worthless

if it costs trillions to get them.

What makes it so hard?

The principals behind mining an asteroid are simple.

The basic idea is to choose an asteroid

move it to a place where it's easy to process,

and then take it apart to turn into useful products.

Unfortunately all of this collides with fundamental problems humans have yet to solve

Going to space is expensive.

It costs thousands of dollars in rocket fuel for each kilogram, just to reach a low earth orbit.

Going further out into deep space costs thousands more.

We need cheaper space travel to make asteroid mining profitable.

One solution is to switch from classical rockets to electric spaceships.

We already use electrical rocket engines for many of the space probes on science missions.

In principle, we only need to build bigger ones.

While electrical engines are not powerful enough to fly to space

they require only a tiny amount of fuel to go very far once they're in space.

This means we don't need to spend a lot of money on fuel

only to transport fuel into space.

This doesn't solve the whole cost problem-

but it makes it easier to start our first mission.

Now that we have an electric asteroid-mining spaceship,

we need to find the right asteroid and get it there.

We've already successfully visited asteroids with space probes

and even collected samples.

Still, to make it easier and cheaper

our first targets will probably be near-Earth asteroids.

Asteroids that orbit, well, near Earth.

After a few months of travel

our spaceship finally arrives at an asteroid.

Weirdly formed, littered with small impact craters,

it hasn't changed much for billions of years.

The first thing that needs to be done is to secure the asteroid and stop it from spinning.

There are multiple ways to do this,

like vaporizing material with a laser

or stopping the rotation with thrusters.

Once we have a stable asteroid, we need to wait.

Orbital mechanics are complicated,

but if you push something in the right direction at exactly the right moment,

you can move very big things with very little force.

So, we wait for exactly the right moment.

Our ship fires its thrusters and nudges the asteroid into a trajectory that takes it near our Moon.

The Moon is useful because we can borrow

its gravitational pull to put the asteroid in a stable orbit around Earth,

which saves even more fuel.

Again, the trip takes months.

But all the time since our ship was launched has not been wasted.

The first space mining and processing equipment has been installed in orbit,

and is now carefully moving towards the asteroid.

The processor works very differently than on Earth.

Giant mirrors focus sunlight and heat up asteroid rock

to boil out the gases.

Grinders break up the dried rocks into gravel and dust,

and centrifuges separate dense from light elements.

Even if we only extract 0.01% of the asteroid's mass in precious metals,

this is still several times more than you'd get from the same amount of ore

on the ground.

But what now? How do we get our precious metals safely back to ground?

There are a few ways, like loading it into reusable rockets

that return to Earth from space.

Or if our processor contains 3-D printers,

we can print a faster and cheaper delivery system.

Heat shielded capsules filled with gas bubbles.

These can just be dropped into the oceans where ships tow them away.

This could be the starting point of humanity's first real steps

towards colonizing the solar system.

As our infrastructure and experience grows,

our missions get more and more sophisticated.

Parts and fuel produced on asteroids

don't have to be launched from Earth at all.

The first mining operation makes the second one easier, and so on.

While the space industry grows

and precious materials become cheaper,

eventually we could stop mining on Earth.

Even the idea of toxic mining down here

might become something weird and anachronistic,

like having an open fire in your living room.

Landscapes ravaged by pollution will heal,

while the technological wonders we're used to

get cheaper and less toxic to make.

None of this is science fiction.

We don't need fancy materials or new physics

to make asteroid mining happen.

We could start building this future today.

All we need is an initial ... push!

Maybe you could also use a little nudge,

not to pursue anything as ambitious as asteroid mining,

just to try something new and fun.

Let us give you some tailwind there.

We partnered with Skillshare,

an online learning community

with thousands of classes in all kinds of creative skills

like graphic design, music, photography, illustration and animation.

They have something for every skill level,

so no matter from where you're starting,

there'll be tons of things for you to explore!

If you'd like to take a glimpse behind the scenes of our animations,

for example, we've made a couple of Skillshare

classes that teach you how we animated

scenes from our videos,

with video lessons classes and hands-on projects.

Or if you'd rather come up with your own characters to breathe life into,

we recommend 'Character Illustration: from Concept to Final Artwork' by Matt Kaufenberg.

But it doesn't really matter what you pick,

as long as you get started, improve your skills and have some fun.

Unlimited access to all classes is only $10/month with an annual premium membership.

But we have a treat for the first 1000 Kurzgesagt viewers to click

the link in the description:

you'll get a two-month trial for free!

If you want to leave your comfort zone by exploring new skills

and support Kurzgesagt, give it a try!

*bird quacks*


Unlimited Resources From Space – Asteroid Mining ||||小行星| Unbegrenzte Ressourcen aus dem Weltraum – Asteroidenbergbau|||||Bergbau im Weltraum Unbegrenzte Ressourcen aus dem Weltraum - Asteroidenabbau Recursos ilimitados del espacio - Minería de asteroides Ressources illimitées depuis l'espace - L'exploitation minière des astéroïdes Risorse illimitate dallo spazio - Estrazione di asteroidi 宇宙から無限の資源を - 小惑星採掘編 우주에서 온 무제한 자원 - 소행성 채굴 Neriboti ištekliai iš kosmoso - asteroidų kasyba Nieograniczone zasoby z kosmosu - wydobycie asteroidów Recursos ilimitados do espaço - Exploração de asteróides Неограниченные ресурсы из космоса - добыча астероидов Uzaydan Sınırsız Kaynak - Asteroit Madenciliği Безмежні ресурси з космосу - видобуток астероїдів 来自太空的无限资源——小行星采矿 來自太空的無限資源——小行星採礦

Аhhh, Ahhh,

casually watching a video on YouTube locker||||| assistindo casualmente a um vídeo no YouTube

on a computer more powerful than anything humanity could build a few decades ago. 人類が数十年前に構築できたものよりも強力なコンピュータ上で。 比几十年前人类可能建造的任何计算机都更强大。

This progress and all the wonderful machines you take for granted su progreso y todas las máquinas maravillosas que usted da por sentado この進歩とあなたが当然と思っているすべての素晴らしい機械は Este progresso e todas as máquinas maravilhosas que você dá por certo 这种进步和您所认为理所当然的所有精彩机器

are built on a few rare and precious materials いくつかの希少で貴重な材料の上に築かれています 都是建立在几种稀有而珍贵的材料之上

with names like Terbium, Nneodymium or Tantalum. |||Terbium|Neodym||Tantalum ||||||タンタル com nomes como Térbio, Nneodímio ou Tântalo. 像钬、镝或钽等名字。

Getting these rare materials from the ground into your devices is ugly |||||||||Geräte||hässlich Llevar estos materiales raros del suelo a tus dispositivos es feo これらの希少な素材を地面からあなたのデバイスに取り込むのは醜い Colocar esses materiais raros do chão em seus dispositivos é feio Получение этих редких материалов из земли в устройства - это некрасиво 将这些稀有材料从地下获取到您的设备中是不美观的

The mining industry is responsible for air and water pollution |||||||||Verschmutzung 鉱業は大気汚染と水質汚染の原因となっています 采矿业负责空气和水污染

and the destruction of entire landscapes. |||||風景 そして、全体の景観の破壊です。 整个地貌遭受破坏。

Dangerous chemicals like cyanide, sulphuric acid or chlorine are used to extract the resources, |||氰化物||||氯气|||||| |||Zyanid|Schwefelsäure|||Chlor.||||gewinnen|| |||シアン|硫酸の|||塩素|||||| 使用氰化物、硫酸或氯等危险化学品来提取资源,

harming biodiversity, workers and locals. ||||当地居民 Schädigung von|Schädigung der Biodiversität|||Einheimische prejudicando a biodiversidade, trabalhadores e moradores. 损害生物多样性、工人和当地居民。

And rare resources are also political tools, when countries restrict access to them to get their way. |||||||wenn||einschränken||||um zu||| Und seltene Ressourcen sind auch politische Instrumente, wenn Länder den Zugang dazu beschränken, um ihren Willen durchzusetzen. E recursos raros também são ferramentas políticas, quando os países restringem o acesso a eles para conseguir o que querem. 当国家为达到目的而限制稀有资源的获取时,稀有资源也成为政治工具。

But what if we could replace the mining industry on earth, |||||ersetzen||||| Aber was wäre, wenn wir die Bergbauindustrie auf der Erde durch einen sauberen Prozess ersetzen könnten, der niemandem schaden kann? 但如果我们可以取代地球上的采矿业,

with a clean process that can't harm anyone? ||||||害| 通过一个不会对任何人造成伤害的干净流程?

Well, we can; all we need to do is look up. 嗯,我们可以;我们需要做的就是抬头看。

(catchy introductory music by Kurzgesagt) 洗脑的|开场音乐||| eingängig|eingängige Einleitungsmusik||| (Kurzgesagt创作的引人入胜的音乐)

Asteroids are millions of trillions of tons of rocks, metals, and ice. Asteroiden|||||||||||Eis 小惑星||||||||||| 小行星是数以百万亿计的岩石、金属和冰组成的。

Leftovers from the cloud that became the planet 4.5 billion years ago. 残余物|来自||||||||| Überreste|||||||||| 残り物|||||||||| Restos de la nube que se convirtió en el planeta hace 4.500 millones de años. Restos da nuvem que se tornou o planeta há 4,5 bilhões de anos. 云气它们在45亿年前形成了地球

They can be as small as a meter or proto-planets the size of entire countries. |||||||||原始|||||| |||||||Meter|||||||| Eles podem ser tão pequenos quanto um metro ou protoplanetas do tamanho de países inteiros. 它们可以小到一米大小,或者像整个国家那么大的原始行星

Most of them are concentrated in the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt |||||||小行星||||| ||||||||Gürtel|||Kuipergürtel| |||||||||||カイパーベルト| 彼らのほとんどは小惑星帯とカイパーベルトに集中しています De meeste zijn geconcentreerd in de asteroïdengordel en de Kuipergordel A maioria deles está concentrada no cinturão de asteróides e no cinturão de Kuiper 它们大多集中在小行星带和柯伊伯带中

while hundreds of thousands more do their own thing between the planets. |||||tun|||||| während Hunderttausende mehr ihr eigenes Ding zwischen den Planeten machen. mientras otros cientos de miles hacen lo suyo entre los planetas. そして数十万もの他のものが惑星の間でそれぞれの活動をしています。 另外数十万颗行星在行星之间做着自己的事情。

As space travel is becoming more feasible ||||||machbar ||||||実現可能な Da Weltraumreisen immer machbarer werden 宇宙旅行がより実現可能になってきています À medida que as viagens espaciais estão se tornando mais viáveis 随着太空旅行变得越来越可行

scientists and economists have been begun looking at the resources found in these asteroids. |||||||||||||小行星 ||Wissenschaftler und Ökonomen||||||||||| haben Wissenschaftler und Ökonomen begonnen, die Ressourcen zu untersuchen, die in diesen Asteroiden zu finden sind. científicos y economistas han empezado a estudiar los recursos que se encuentran en estos asteroides. 科学者や経済学者はこれらの小惑星に見られる資源に目を向け始めています。 科学家和经济学家已经开始研究这些小行星上的资源。

Even relatively small metallic asteroids |||金属的|小型金属小行星 |||metallische| 即使相对较小的金属小行星

may contain trillions worth of industrial and precious metals like platinum. ||||||||||铂金 ||||||||||Platin ||||||||||プラチナ puede contener billones de metales industriales y preciosos como el platino. 可能含有价值数万亿美元的工业和贵重金属,比如铂金。

And bigger asteroids like 16 Psyche could contain enough iron nickel to |||||||||镍铁| ||||16 Psyche|||||Eisen-Nickel| ||||パイク|||||| Y asteroides más grandes como 16 Psyche podrían contener suficiente hierro níquel para 而像16 Psyche这样更大的小行星可能含有足够的铁镍

cover the world's metal needs for millions of years. cubrir las necesidades mundiales de metal durante millones de años.

At current market prices the rare raw materials alone would be worth quadrillions of dollars. ||||||Rohstoffe||||||Billiarden|| ||||||||||||京|| Bei den aktuellen Marktpreisen allein wären die seltenen Rohstoffe quadrillions von Dollar wert. A los precios de mercado actuales, sólo las materias primas raras valdrían cuatrillones de dólares. Bij de huidige marktprijzen zouden de zeldzame grondstoffen alleen al biljoenen dollars waard zijn. A preços de mercado atuais, só as matérias-primas raras valeriam quatrilhões de dólares. 按当前市场价格计算,仅稀有原材料就价值数千万亿美元。

Well, not really. But technically. Nun ja, nicht wirklich. Aber theoretisch. Bueno, en realidad no. Pero técnicamente. 嗯,其实不是。但从技术上来说。

For example, there are more than 20 million tons of gold in the ocean's water ||||||||||||Ozeanwasser| ||||||||||||海の| Zum Beispiel gibt es mehr als 20 Millionen Tonnen Gold im Wasser des Ozeans. 例如,海水中含有超过 2000 万吨的黄金

worth roughly 750 trillion U.S. dollars. ||万亿美元||| con un valor aproximado de 750 billones de dólares estadounidenses.

But filtering out the gold would be so expensive that you'd lose money selling it. |herausfiltern||||||||||||| Aber das Aussortieren des Goldes wäre so teuer, dass man beim Verkauf Geld verlieren würde. Pero filtrar el oro sería tan caro que perderías dinero vendiéndolo. しかし、金を取り除くのは非常に高価であるため、それを売っても損をすることになります。 Mas filtrar o ouro seria tão caro que você perderia dinheiro vendendo-o. 但过滤掉黄金的成本太高,出售黄金会造成损失。

Right now asteroid mining has exactly this problem. Derzeit hat die Asteroiden-Bergbau genau dieses Problem. 現在、小惑星採掘はまさにこの問題を抱えています。 目前小行星采矿就面临这个问题。

It's too expensive to replace mining on Earth. Es ist zu teuer, um den Bergbau auf der Erde zu ersetzen. 地球での採掘を置き換えるには高すぎます。 替代地球上的采矿的成本太高了。

Billions of dollars worth of valuable resources in space are worthless ||||||||||wertlos Miles de millones de dólares en recursos valiosos en el espacio no valen nada Bilhões de dólares em recursos valiosos no espaço são inúteis 太空中价值数十亿美元的宝贵资源变得一文不值

if it costs trillions to get them. ||kostet|||| si cuesta billones conseguirlos. 如果取得它们要花费数万亿美元。

What makes it so hard? ¿Por qué es tan difícil? O que torna isso tão difícil? 为什么如此艰难?

The principals behind mining an asteroid are simple. |原理|||||| |Grundprinzipien|||||| |原則|||||| 小惑星を採掘する原理は簡単です。 Os princípios por trás da mineração de um asteroide são simples. 挖掘小行星背后的原则很简单。

The basic idea is to choose an asteroid 基本的な考え方は、小惑星を選ぶことです。 基本思想是选择一颗小行星

move it to a place where it's easy to process, それを処理しやすい場所に移動させることです。 将其移动到一个易于加工的地方

and then take it apart to turn into useful products. ||auseinandernehmen||||||| y luego desmontarlo para convertirlo en productos útiles. e depois desmontá-lo para se transformar em produtos úteis. 然后将其拆卸并变成有用的产品。

Unfortunately all of this collides with fundamental problems humans have yet to solve ||||冲突|||||||| ||||kollidiert mit|||Probleme||zu lösen haben||| Por desgracia, todo esto choca con problemas fundamentales que los humanos aún no han resuelto Infelizmente tudo isso colide com problemas fundamentais que os humanos ainda precisam resolver 不幸的是,所有这些都与人类尚未解决的根本问题发生冲突

Going to space is expensive. 太空旅行费用高昂。

It costs thousands of dollars in rocket fuel for each kilogram, just to reach a low earth orbit. ||||||||||Kilogramm|||||||

Going further out into deep space costs thousands more. 前往更深空间的成本要高出数千倍。

We need cheaper space travel to make asteroid mining profitable. ||günstigere|||||||rentabel ||より安い||||||| Precisamos de viagens espaciais mais baratas para tornar a mineração de asteroides lucrativa. 我们需要更便宜的太空旅行,才能让小行星采矿变得有利可图。

One solution is to switch from classical rockets to electric spaceships. |||auf|||klassische|Raketen||elektrisch|Eine Lösung besteht darin, von klassischen Raketen auf elektrische Raumschiffe umzusteigen. ||||||||||宇宙船 一个解决方案是从传统火箭转向电动宇宙飞船。

We already use electrical rocket engines for many of the space probes on science missions. |||||||||||探测器|||任务 |||elektrische||Triebwerke||||||Sonden|||Missionen |||||エンジン||||||||| Já usamos motores de foguete elétricos para muitas das sondas espaciais em missões científicas.

In principle, we only need to build bigger ones. 基本的に、私たちはより大きなものを建設するだけで済みます。 Em princípio, só precisamos construir maiores.

While electrical engines are not powerful enough to fly to space 電気エンジンは宇宙へ飛ぶには十分な力がありませんが、 Enquanto os motores elétricos não são poderosos o suficiente para voar para o espaço

they require only a tiny amount of fuel to go very far once they're in space. ||||||||||||einmal||| Sie benötigen nur eine winzige Menge Treibstoff, um sehr weit zu gelangen, sobald sie im Weltraum sind. 一度宇宙に到達すれば、非常に遠くへ行くためにわずかな燃料しか必要ありません。 一旦进入太空,它们只需要极少量的燃料就能飞得很远。

This means we don't need to spend a lot of money on fuel Das bedeutet, dass wir nicht viel Geld für Treibstoff ausgeben müssen 这意味着我们不需要花很多钱在燃料上

only to transport fuel into space. ||Treibstoff transportieren||| nur um Treibstoff ins All zu transportieren. 仅用于将燃料运送到太空。

This doesn't solve the whole cost problem- 这并没有解决整个成本问题,

but it makes it easier to start our first mission. |||||||||Mission 但它让我们更容易开始我们的第一个任务。

Now that we have an electric asteroid-mining spaceship, ||||||||Raumschiff 现在我们拥有一艘电动小行星采矿飞船,

we need to find the right asteroid and get it there.

We've already successfully visited asteroids with space probes ||erfolgreich|besucht|||| |||||||探査機 Já visitamos com sucesso asteróides com sondas espaciais

and even collected samples. ||gesammelt|

Still, to make it easier and cheaper

our first targets will probably be near-Earth asteroids. ||Ziele|||||| nossos primeiros alvos provavelmente serão asteróides próximos da Terra.

Asteroids that orbit, well, near Earth. ||umkreisen|||

After a few months of travel

our spaceship finally arrives at an asteroid.

Weirdly formed, littered with small impact craters, 奇怪地||||||小陨石坑 Seltsam geformt|seltsam geformt|übersät mit||||Einschlagkrater 奇妙に|||||| Extrañamente formado, plagado de pequeños cráteres de impacto, Estranhamente formado, cheio de pequenas crateras de impacto, 形态奇特,布满小撞击坑,

it hasn't changed much for billions of years. 数十亿年来几乎没有改变。

The first thing that needs to be done is to secure the asteroid and stop it from spinning. ||||||||||||小行星|||||旋转 ||||||||||sichern||||anhalten|||sich drehen Lo primero que hay que hacer es asegurar el asteroide y evitar que gire. A primeira coisa que precisa ser feita é proteger o asteroide e impedir que ele gire. 首先需要做的是固定小行星,阻止其自转。

There are multiple ways to do this,

like vaporizing material with a laser |汽化材料|||| |verdampfen||||Laserstrahl |蒸発させる|||| zoals het verdampen van materiaal met een laser 像用激光蒸发材料一样

or stopping the rotation with thrusters. |||||推进器 |das Stoppen||Drehung||Triebwerke |||||スラスタ of het stoppen van de rotatie met thrusters. 或用推进器阻止自转。

Once we have a stable asteroid, we need to wait. Sobald||||stabilen||||| 一旦我们有了稳定的小行星,我们就需要等待。

Orbital mechanics are complicated, |轨道力学|| Orbitalmechanik ist kompliziert.||| 軌道の||| 轨道力学很复杂,

but if you push something in the right direction at exactly the right moment, 但如果你在恰当的时刻以恰当的方向推动某物,

you can move very big things with very little force. 你可以用极小的力量移动非常大的事物。

So, we wait for exactly the right moment.

Our ship fires its thrusters and nudges the asteroid into a trajectory that takes it near our Moon. |Schiff|||||stößt an|||||Umlaufbahn|||||| ||||||押し出す||||||||||| Nossa nave dispara seus propulsores e empurra o asteroide em uma trajetória que o leva perto de nossa Lua.

The Moon is useful because we can borrow |||||||ausleihen

its gravitational pull to put the asteroid in a stable orbit around Earth, |引力的||||||||||| sua atração gravitacional para colocar o asteróide em uma órbita estável ao redor da Terra,

which saves even more fuel. |spart ein||| 这样甚至可以节省更多燃料。

Again, the trip takes months. Erneut||Wieder dauert die Reise Monate.|| 再次,这次旅行需要几个月的时间。

But all the time since our ship was launched has not been wasted. ||||||||gestartet|hat|||verschwendet worden ||||||||||||無駄 但自我们的船下水以来,所有的时间都没有被浪费。

The first space mining and processing equipment has been installed in orbit, ||||||Ausrüstung||||| O primeiro equipamento de mineração e processamento espacial foi instalado em órbita,

and is now carefully moving towards the asteroid. y ahora se mueve cuidadosamente hacia el asteroide.

The processor works very differently than on Earth. |Der Prozessor|||||| O processador funciona de forma muito diferente do que na Terra. 处理器的工作方式与地球上的完全不同。

Giant mirrors focus sunlight and heat up asteroid rock |巨镜||||||| |Spiegel|fokussieren|||||| Espelhos gigantes focam a luz do sol e aquecem rochas de asteroides 巨大的镜子聚焦阳光并加热小行星岩石,

to boil out the gases. ||||Gase para ferver os gases. 以使气体沸腾。

Grinders break up the dried rocks into gravel and dust, 研磨机|||||||碎石和尘土|| Mahlwerke||||getrockneten|||Kies und Staub|| 粉砕機|||||||砂利|| Las trituradoras descomponen las rocas secas en grava y polvo, Moedores quebram as rochas secas em cascalho e poeira,

and centrifuges separate dense from light elements. |离心机||||| |Zentrifugen|trennen|||| |遠心分離機|||||元素 en centrifuges scheiden dichte van lichte elementen. e as centrífugas separam os elementos densos dos leves. і центрифуги відокремлюють щільні елементи від легких. 离心机将密度大的元素与轻的元素分离。

Even if we only extract 0.01% of the asteroid's mass in precious metals, |||||||Asteroidenmasse|||| |||||||小惑星の|||| Навіть якщо ми видобудемо лише 0,01% маси астероїда в дорогоцінних металах, 即使我们只提取0.01%的宝贵金属,这仍然比同等量的矿石多几倍

this is still several times more than you'd get from the same amount of ore ||||||||||||||Erz ||||||||||||||鉱石 esto sigue siendo varias veces más de lo que se obtendría de la misma cantidad de mineral isso ainda é várias vezes mais do que você obteria com a mesma quantidade de minério 即使我们只挖掘小行星质量的0.01%的宝贵金属,这仍然比从同等量的矿石中获得的要多几倍

on the ground.

But what now? How do we get our precious metals safely back to ground? ||||||||||sicher|||

There are a few ways, like loading it into reusable rockets ||||||Laden|||wiederverwendbare| ||||||積載|||| Existem algumas maneiras, como carregá-lo em foguetes reutilizáveis

that return to Earth from space.

Or if our processor contains 3-D printers, ||||enthält||3D-Drucker ||||||プリンター

we can print a faster and cheaper delivery system. |||||||配送|

Heat shielded capsules filled with gas bubbles. |隔热的|隔热胶囊|||| |geschützt|Kapseln||||Gasblasen |遮蔽された||||| Cápsulas blindadas térmicamente llenas de burbujas de gas. Cápsulas com proteção térmica cheias de bolhas de gás. 内部充满气泡的热屏蔽胶囊。

These can just be dropped into the oceans where ships tow them away. |können|||fallen gelassen|||||Schiffe|schleppen|| ||||||||||引く|| Estes podem simplesmente ser jogados nos oceanos onde os navios os rebocam. 这些只需被投放到海洋中,由船只拖走。

This could be the starting point of humanity's first real steps ||||起点|||||| 这可能是人类迈出的第一步

towards colonizing the solar system. |Kolonisierung||| 朝着殖民太阳系发展。

As our infrastructure and experience grows, 随着我们的基础设施和经验的增长,

our missions get more and more sophisticated. 我们的任务变得越来越复杂。

Parts and fuel produced on asteroids 零件||||| Peças e combustível produzidos em asteroides 在小行星上生产的零部件和燃料

don't have to be launched from Earth at all. não precisam ser lançados da Terra. 根本不需要从地球发射。

The first mining operation makes the second one easier, and so on. |||Bergbauoperation|||||||| 第一个采矿操作使第二个更容易,依此类推。

While the space industry grows 随着太空产业的增长

and precious materials become cheaper, 以及珍贵材料价格变得更便宜,

eventually we could stop mining on Earth. schließlich|||||| 最终我们可能停止在地球上采矿。

Even the idea of toxic mining down here Sogar||||toxischen||| Selbst die Vorstellung von giftigem Bergbau hier unten Навіть ідея видобутку токсичних корисних копалин тут 甚至连有毒采矿的想法

might become something weird and anachronistic, |||||可能变得奇怪和过时 |||||seltsam und anachronistisch |||||時代錯誤的 könnte zu etwas Seltsamem und Anachronistischem werden, pode se tornar algo estranho e anacrônico, може стати чимось дивним і анахронічним, 可能会变得奇怪和不合时宜,

like having an open fire in your living room. wie ein offenes Feuer im Wohnzimmer zu haben. como ter uma lareira aberta em sua sala de estar. 就像在你的客厅里点燃一堆火一样。

Landscapes ravaged by pollution will heal, Landschaften|verwüstet||||heilen |荒廃した|||| Los paisajes asolados por la contaminación sanarán, Paisagens devastadas pela poluição vão curar,

while the technological wonders we're used to ||technologischen|||| enquanto as maravilhas tecnológicas a que estamos acostumados 尽管我们已经习惯了技术奇迹

get cheaper and less toxic to make. 变得更便宜、更少毒性。

None of this is science fiction. 这一切都不是科幻。

We don't need fancy materials or new physics |||aufwendige|||| Não precisamos de materiais sofisticados ou nova física 我们并不需要花哨的材料或新的物理学

to make asteroid mining happen. 来实现小行星采矿。

We could start building this future today. 我们今天就可以开始构建这个未来。

All we need is an initial ... push! Tudo o que precisamos é de um... empurrão inicial! 我们所需要的只是一个最初的… 推动!

Maybe you could also use a little nudge, Vielleicht|||||||kleiner Anstoß |||||||軽い後押し Vielleicht könntest du auch ein wenig Unterstützung gebrauchen, Talvez você também possa usar um empurrãozinho, 也许你还可以用一点点推动,

not to pursue anything as ambitious as asteroid mining, nicht|||||||| nichts so Ehrgeiziges wie Asteroidenbergbau anzustreben, 不要去追求像小行星采矿这样宏伟的事情,

just to try something new and fun. einfach mal etwas Neues und Spaßiges auszuprobieren. 只是想尝试一些新的和有趣的东西。

Let us give you some tailwind there. |||||助你一臂之力| |||||Rückenwind geben| |||||追い風| Deixe-nos dar-lhe algum vento de cauda lá. 让我们给你一些顺风。

We partnered with Skillshare, |||与Skillshare合作 Fizemos uma parceria com a Skillshare, 我们与 Skillshare 合作,

an online learning community

with thousands of classes in all kinds of creative skills |||课程|||||| com milhares de aulas em todos os tipos de habilidades criativas

like graphic design, music, photography, illustration and animation. |图像设计||||插图|| 喜欢平面设计、音乐、摄影、插图和动画。

They have something for every skill level, 他们为每个技能水平都准备了内容,

so no matter from where you're starting, 所以无论你从什么水平开始,

there'll be tons of things for you to explore! es wird|||||||| たくさんある|||||||| 你会有很多东西可以探索!

If you'd like to take a glimpse behind the scenes of our animations, ||||||一窥|||||| ||||||einen Blick werfen||||||Animationen Se você quiser dar uma olhada nos bastidores de nossas animações, Якщо ви хочете зазирнути за лаштунки нашої анімації, 如果你想看一下我们动画的制作过程,

for example, we've made a couple of Skillshare |||||ein paar|| Наприклад, ми зробили кілька Skillshare 例如,我们制作了一些Skillshare课程

classes that teach you how we animated ||||||动画制作 ||||||アニメーションの

scenes from our videos, 我们视频中的场景,

with video lessons classes and hands-on projects. |||||praktischen|| |||||実践的な|| com videoaulas e projetos práticos. 视频课程和实践项目。

Or if you'd rather come up with your own characters to breathe life into, Oder wenn du|||lieber||||||Figuren erstellen||Leben einhauchen|| Ou se você preferir criar seus próprios personagens para dar vida, Або ж ви можете придумати власних персонажів, щоб вдихнути в них життя, 或者如果您更愿意创造出自己的角色来赋予生命,

we recommend 'Character Illustration: from Concept to Final Artwork' by Matt Kaufenberg. ||||||||||Matt Kaufenberg|Matt Kaufenberg |||||||||||カウペンバーグ 我们推荐Matt Kaufenberg的《角色插画:从概念到最终艺术品》。

But it doesn't really matter what you pick, |||||||wählst Mas realmente não importa o que você escolhe, 但选择什么并不重要,

as long as you get started, improve your skills and have some fun. 只要您开始学习、提升技能并享受乐趣就好。

Unlimited access to all classes is only $10/month with an annual premium membership. O acesso ilimitado a todas as aulas custa apenas US$ 10/mês com uma associação premium anual. 每年高级会员只需每月$10即可无限访问所有课程。

But we have a treat for the first 1000 Kurzgesagt viewers to click Mas temos um presente para os primeiros 1.000 espectadores do Kurzgesagt que clicarem Але для перших 1000 глядачів Kurzgesagt, які натиснуть на кнопку, у нас є подарунок 但我们为前1000位点击的Kurzgesagt观众准备了一个惊喜

the link in the description: 请点击描述中的链接:

you'll get a two-month trial for free! você terá uma avaliação gratuita de dois meses!

If you want to leave your comfort zone by exploring new skills ||||||Komfortzone|||||

and support Kurzgesagt, give it a try! e apoie o Kurzgesagt, experimente!

*bird quacks* |鸭叫声 |quakt |鳴き声 * vogel kwakzalvers * 鸟叫声

[Music] [音乐]