Er furries kun for freaks?
Sind Kürbisse nur etwas für Freaks?
Are furries just for freaks?
Det er lidt noieren! Der er furries overalt.
|||Это жутко!||||
It|is|a little|annoying|There|are|furries|everywhere
It's a bit annoying! There are furries everywhere.
Er du Camilla?
Are you Camilla?
Jeg aner ikke, hvad der foregår.
I|have a clue|not|what|that|is happening
I have no idea what's going on.
Vi er virkelig mærkelige set med andres øjne.
We are really strange seen through the eyes of others.
Man burde synes, de er nuttede ... Jeg er der ikke helt.
One should think they are cute ... I'm not quite there.
- Hun hedder Callisto. - Er det en furry?
||- Её зовут Каллисто.
- Она фурри?||||
She|is called|Callisto|Is|it|a|furry
- Her name is Callisto. - Is it a furry?
Principielt er jeg furryen, og det er min fursona.
В принципе|||фурри|||||фурсона
Principally|am|I|the furry|and|it|is|my|fursona
In principle, I am the furry, and that is my fursona.
En furry, det er ...?
A furry, that is ...?
Det er en person, der har interesse i antropomorfiske dyr.
It is a person who has an interest in anthropomorphic animals.
Det er den mest mærkelige interviewsituation, jeg har siddet i.
|||||Это самая странная ситуация на интервью, в которой я когда-либо был.||||
It|is|the|most|strange|interview situation|I|have|sat|in
This is the strangest interview situation I have ever been in.
Vil du spørge Callisto om noget?
Do you want to ask Callisto something?
Hvis du skal leve dig ind i Callisto, hvordan er hun så?
If|you|are to|live|yourself|into|in|Callisto|how|is|she|then
If you have to immerse yourself in Callisto, what is she like?
Hun behøver ikke meget plads, men hun vil løbe rundt.
She doesn't need much space, but she wants to run around.
Hvorfor har du behov for at udleve det med maske på?
Why do you need to express that with a mask on?
Jeg tror, det er, fordi jeg som menneske kan være genert -
||||||||||Я думаю, это потому что я как человек могу быть застенчивым.
I think it's because I can be shy as a person -
- og velovervejet ... og sådan voksen.
|хорошо обдуманный|||
- and thoughtful ... and so adult.
Vil du ikke vise det?
Will you not show it?
- Bliver du genert nu? - Jeg bliver genert!
Do become|you|shy|now|I|become|shy
- Are you getting shy now? - I am getting shy!
Kostumet er ikke en adgangsbillet og det vigtigste.
||||входной билет|||
The costume|is|not|a|admission ticket|and|it|most important
The costume is not a ticket and the most important thing.
Du kan sagtens have din karakter og være din karakter -
You can easily have your character and be your character -
- uden at have et kostume. Kun få af os kan sy eller købe et kostume.
- without having a costume. Only a few of us can sew or buy a costume.
Var det ikke det, masken skulle kunne? Få dig væk fra din generthed?
Was|it|not|that|mask|should|be able to|Get|you|away|from|your|shyness
Wasn't that what the mask was supposed to do? Get you away from your shyness?
Jo. Det er en side af mig, jeg gerne vil have mere frem -
Yes. It's a side of me that I want to bring out more -
- og kunne være mere. "Nu gør vi bare ting."
- and be more. "Now we just do things."
- Og det er nemmere med den på? - Det håber jeg, at det bliver.
- And is it easier with that on? - I hope it will be.
Det er stadig en øvelse.
It's still an exercise.
Halvdelen af min kuffert er haler, og ører er derinde.
Half of my suitcase is tails, and ears are in there.
Callistos fødder er ikke kommet ned. Jeg tror ikke, de kan være i kufferten.
Callisto's|feet|are|not|come|down|I|think|not|they|can|fit|in|the suitcase
Callisto's feet haven't come down. I don't think they can fit in the suitcase.
- Skal jeg hjælpe med at få den af? - Jeg tror, jeg klarer det.
Shall|I|help|with|to|get|it|off|I|believe|I|can manage|it
- Should I help you take it off? - I think I can manage.
Du har det varmt, har syet i tre måneder -
You are warm, have been sewing for three months -
- og tager en uge fri for at være med. Det må betyde noget.
- and take a week off to be involved. That must mean something.
Det gør det bestemt. Ellers er det meget at lægge i det.
It certainly does. Otherwise, it is a lot to invest in it.
Men jeg synes, at det betyder en hel masse -
But I think it means a whole lot -
- at have et stort fællesskab og venner, der ikke dømmer en -
|||||||||не осуждают|
- to have a large community and friends who do not judge you -
- fordi vi er alle sammen virkelig mærkelige i alle andres øjne.
- because we are all really strange in everyone else's eyes.
Så er hun klar til at komme til Sverige.
Then she is ready to go to Sweden.
Skal jeg tage noget? Det ligner, at I kunne bruge hjælp.
Should|I|take|something|It|looks like|that|you|could|use|help
Should I take something? It looks like you could use help.
Nogle har backpacks med til Roskilde, andre har kufferter med pelsdyr.
||рюкзаки||||||||пушистые игрушки
Some|have|backpacks|with|to|Roskilde|others|have|suitcases|with|fur animals
Some have backpacks for Roskilde, others have suitcases with fur.
Alle furries er med. Ingen er beskadiget.
All|furries|are|present|No one|are|harmed
All furries are here. No one is damaged.
- Det håber jeg godt nok ikke. - Snuden er klemt, men den overlever.
That|hope|I|really|probably|not|The snout|is|squeezed|but|it|survives
- I really hope not. - The snout is pinched, but it will survive.
Der er en halv million furries, og det bliver mere populært.
There are half a million furries, and it is becoming more popular.
Det kan de mærke her, hvor der kommer flere og flere deltagere.
It|can|they|notice|here|where|there|are coming|more|and|more|participants
They can feel it here, where more and more participants are coming.
Du hedder Katrine? Du snakker ikke?
You|are called|Katrine|You|speak|not
Your name is Katrine? You don't talk?
Ja? Du snakker lidt?
Yes|You|speak|a little
Yes? You talk a little?
Okay. Katrine Catgirl.
Okay. Katrine Catgirl.
Der er mange katte, ikke? Det er lidt noieren, det her.
There|are|many|cats|right|It|is|a little|annoying|this|here
There are many cats, right? This is a bit annoying.
Det er noieren! Man burde synes, de er vildt nuttede -
It is annoying! One should think they are super cute -
- jeg er der ikke helt, må jeg være ærlig at sige.
- I'm not quite there, I must be honest.
Hej! Der var I!
Hi! There you are!
Hvordan er det at møde alle de mennesker?
What is it like to meet all these people?
Det er virkelig fedt og overvældende på en fed måde -
It's really cool and overwhelming in a good way -
- for jeg får nye bekendtskaber, og jeg kan få lov til -
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- because I make new acquaintances, and I get to -
- at rende rundt og hoppe og danse i mit suit, som jeg vil.
- run around and jump and dance in my suit, as I please.
Jeg gør sådan, at folk ikke træder på min hale. Dét er en ting ...
I|do|like this|that|people|not|step|on|my|tail|That|is|a|thing
I make sure that people don't step on my tail. That's one thing ...
- Går du rundt i kostumet hele dagen? - Nej. Det kan min krop ikke holde til.
Do|you|around|in|the costume|all|day|No|It|can|my|body|not|hold|up
- Do you walk around in the costume all day? - No. My body can't handle that.
Kan du forstå, hvis nogen tænker: "Hvad er det for et freak show?"
Can you understand if someone thinks: "What kind of freak show is this?"
Når man ikke kender baggrunden for, at folk gør det -
When|one|not|knows|the background|for|that|people|do|it
When you don't know the background for why people do it -
- så ser det måske mærkeligt ud at bruge så meget tid på sin hobby -
- it may look strange to spend so much time on your hobby -
- men vi gør jo ikke nogen noget ondt.
- but we are not hurting anyone.
Vi gør det, der gør os glade, og får lov til at være børn igen.
We do what makes us happy and get to be children again.
Når man er voksen, må man aldrig lege mere.
When you are an adult, you are never allowed to play anymore.
Hvis jeg ville have en persona, hvor starter jeg så?
If|I|wanted|to have|a|persona|where|do I start|I|then
If I wanted to have a persona, where do I start?
Du starter med at finde ud af nogle racer. Nogle dyr, arter.
You start by figuring out some races. Some animals, species.
Jeg kan godt lide delfiner. Hvilken persona tænkte du, jeg kunne have?
I like dolphins. What persona do you think I could have?
Tag det på en god måde, men måske en golden retriever eller en collie.
Take it in a good way, but maybe a golden retriever or a collie.
En hund?
A dog?
De er altid legesyge og kan lide at se alting og løber rundt.
They are always playful and like to see everything and run around.
- Det bliver meget personligt. - Det ér jo din figur.
It|will be|very|personal|It|is|after all|your|figure
- It gets very personal. - It is your character.
Det er din karakter, der repræsenterer noget, du vil eller er i forvejen.
It is your character that represents something you want or already are.
Det kan ikke undgås, at det er personligt, og det tiltrækker mange -
|||не избежать|||||||привлекает многих|
It|can|not|be avoided|that|it|is|personal|and|it|attracts|many
It cannot be avoided that it is personal, and it attracts many -
- at det er dig, ikke bare en karakter, du tager fra gaden.
that|it|is|you|not|just|a|character|you|take|from|the street
- that it is you, not just a character you take from the street.
Jeg aner ikke, hvad der foregår lige nu.
I|have a clue|not|what|that|is happening|right|now
I have no idea what is going on right now.
- Frisk luft. - Nå, fordi det er så skidevarmt?
||Ну|||||чертовски жарко
Fresh|air|Oh|because|it|is|so|damn hot
- Fresh air. - Oh, because it is so damn hot?
Camilla, jeg har spurgt vores brugere, hvad de vil spørge dig om.
Camilla, I have asked our users what they want to ask you.
Mange synes, det er mærkeligt, og en skriver:
Many find it strange, and one writes:
"Har hun en form for sygdom eller andet?"
Does|she|a|form|of|illness|or|something else
"Does she have some kind of illness or something?"
Skal man have en diagnose for at interessere sig for det?
Should|one|have|a|diagnosis|in order to|to|be interested|oneself|in|it
Do you need a diagnosis to be interested in it?
Det skal man ikke. Har man en mental ting, er man også velkommen -
You do not. If you have a mental issue, you are also welcome -
- men hvis ikke, er man også velkommen. Alle er velkomne.
- but if not, you are also welcome. Everyone is welcome.
Hvis din hund bliver distraheret af alting -
||||Если ваша собака отвлекается на всё ->||
If your dog gets distracted by everything -
- tænker jeg ikke, at du gør det -
- I don't think you're doing it -
- men mere, at den repræsenterer dine distræte træk.
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- but rather, it represents your distracted traits.
- Jeg kan godt genkende det. - Så er jeg ikke helt ved siden af.
- I can recognize that. - So I'm not completely off.
- Det er næsten en psykologtime. - Bare på et par dage.
||||Психологический сеанс|||||
It|is|almost|a|psychology session|Just|in|a|couple|days
- It's almost a therapy session. - Just over a few days.
Nu har jeg min egen fursona. Se der.
Now I have my own fursona. Look there.
- Et hundemenneske. - Et antropomorfisk dyr.
A|dog person|A|anthropomorphic|animal
- A dog person. - An anthropomorphic animal.
Et antropomorfisk dyr. Pluto, min nye fursona.
An anthropomorphic animal. Pluto, my new fursona.
Det er ikke en flugt fra den virkelige verden -
It's not an escape from the real world -
- men mere at den virkelige verden kan være sjovere -
but|more|that|the|real|world|can|be|more fun
- but more that the real world can be more fun -
- i stedet for at stå op, gå på arbejde, komme hjem og gå i seng.
- instead of getting up, going to work, coming home, and going to bed.
Det var sjovt og grænseoverskridende at følge de her furries.
It was fun and boundary-pushing to follow these furries.
Skal jeg se på andre miljøer, så skriv i kommentarfeltet -
Should|I|look|at|other|environments|then|write|in|the comment field
If I should look at other environments, write in the comments -
- og husk at like og subscribe. Hej!
- and remember to like and subscribe. Bye!
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