Hvad er coronavirus?
Was ist das Coronavirus?
What is coronavirus?
Det her er Li Wenliang.
This is Li Wenliang.
Den 30/12 2019 advarer han sine lægekolleger om lungebetændelser.
The|warns|he|his|doctor colleagues|about|pneumonia
On 30/12 2019, he warns his medical colleagues about pneumonia cases.
Sagerne kommer fra Kina og byen Wuhan.
The items|come|from|China|and|the city|Wuhan
The cases come from China and the city of Wuhan.
Li Wenliang noterer, at patienternes symptomer minder om SARS -
Li Wenliang notes that the patients' symptoms resemble SARS -
- der i 2003 smittede ca. 8000 og dræbte ca. 800.
- which infected about 8000 and killed about 800 in 2003.
Samme dag meddeles der om 27 sager med lungebetændelse.
Same|day|is reported|there|about|cases|with|pneumonia
On the same day, 27 cases of pneumonia are reported.
De første sager om smittede rapporteres til WHO den 31/12.
The first cases of infection are reported to WHO on 31/12.
Li Wenliang kontaktes 3/1 af politiet, der mener -
Li|Wenliang|is contacted|by|the police|who|believes
Li Wenliang is contacted by the police on 3/1, who believe -
- han ulovligt spreder sygdomsrygter og skal underskrive en erkendelse af det.
he|illegally|spreads|disease rumors|and|must|sign|an|acknowledgment|of|it
- that he is illegally spreading rumors about the disease and must sign a confession of it.
Udbruddet var forårsaget af en ny coronavirus.
The outbreak|was|caused|by|a|new|coronavirus
The outbreak was caused by a new coronavirus.
Da han underskrev erklæringen, var antal smittede steget til 44.
When|he|signed|the declaration|was|number|infected|risen|to
When he signed the statement, the number of infected had risen to 44.
Nu er det langt over det tal. De officielle tal viser -
Now it is far beyond that number. The official figures show -
- at coronavirus har smittet over 40.000 og dræbt over 1000, og det stiger.
- that the coronavirus has infected over 40,000 and killed over 1,000, and it is rising.
Da sygdommen er ny, er der meget, vi ikke ved, og vi lærer mere dagligt.
As the disease is new, there is much we do not know, and we are learning more daily.
Er det lidt tid siden 13/2, kan du klikke heroppe for mere information.
Is|it|a little|time|since|can|you|click|here up|for|more|information
If it has been a while since 13/2, you can click up here for more information.
Hvad ved vi indtil videre? Selvom den er kendt som coronavirus -
What do we know so far? Although it is known as the coronavirus -
- er det ikke det officielle navn på nær ny coronavirus -
- it is not the official name for the new coronavirus -
- men nu har WHO givet den navnet SARS-CoV-2.
- but now WHO has named it SARS-CoV-2.
Det er vigtig, for coronavirus betegner en familie af virusser.
This is important, because coronavirus refers to a family of viruses.
De fleste er ufarlige og fører sjældent til mere end forkølelser.
Most are harmless and rarely lead to more than colds.
En faktor i spredningen af dem er dyr. Mange coronavirusser spredes hos dyr.
One factor in their spread is animals. Many coronaviruses spread among animals.
Coronavirus er en zoonose, en virus, der kan smitte mellem dyr og mennesker.
Coronaviruses are a zoonosis, a virus that can be transmitted between animals and humans.
Sjældent smitter coronavirus videre mellem mennesker.
Rarely do coronaviruses transmit further between humans.
Det så vi med SARS og MERS -
We saw this with SARS and MERS -
- der smittede fra desmerdyr og dromedarer til mennesker.
- which infected from civet cats and dromedaries to humans.
Hvilket dyr, den nye virus kom fra er usikkert -
Which animal the new virus came from is uncertain -
- men den kan smitte mellem mennesker.
- but it can spread between humans.
Ifølge Sundhedsstyrelsen gør den det ved tæt kontakt, fx. kontaktsmitte:
According to|the Health Authority|does|it|it|through|close|contact|for example|contact transmission
According to the Health Authority, it spreads through close contact, e.g. contact infection:
Man rører ved sekret med virus eller dråbesmitte, når en smittet hoster -
One|touches|at|secretion|with|virus|or|droplet transmission|when|a|infected|coughs
You touch secretions with the virus or droplet infection when an infected person coughs -
- så det skaber en sky af dråber med virus.
- creating a cloud of droplets with the virus.
De lander på nogens mund eller indhaleres og videregiver virus.
They|land|on|someone's|mouth|or|is inhaled|and|transmits|virus
They land on someone's mouth or are inhaled and transmit the virus.
ECDC estimerer, at en syg person med SARS-CoV2 i kan smitte 2,2 personer —
ECDC estimates that a sick person with SARS-CoV2 can infect 2.2 people —
- cirka ligesom SARS, inden det kom under kontrol.
- roughly similar to SARS, before it was brought under control.
Hvor præcise de tal er, er svært at sige. Organisationernes tal er forskellige.
How accurate those numbers are is hard to say. The organizations' figures differ.
EDCD forventer, at tallet kan ændre sig.
EDCD expects that the number may change.
Men det viser, hvor hurtigt virus forventes at sprede sig.
But|it|shows|how|quickly|virus|is expected|to|spread|itself
But it shows how quickly the virus is expected to spread.
Hvis bare fem smittede gav virus videre til 2,2 andre -
If just five infected individuals passed the virus on to 2.2 others -
- vil antallet efter 4 omgange være 211 syge.
will|the number|after|rounds|be|sick
- the number after 4 rounds would be 211 sick.
Men andre modeller vurderer tallet til at være højere.
But other models estimate the number to be higher.
Der ligger et stort problem med den virus.
There is a big problem with that virus.
For der er usikkerhed med de officielle tal af smittede.
Because there is uncertainty with the official numbers of infected.
Et universitetsstudie vurderede ud fra rejsemønstre i området -
A|university study|assessed|based|on|travel patterns|in|the area
A university study assessed based on travel patterns in the area -
- at antal syge i Wuhan og omegn var meget højere end de officielle tal.
that|number|sick|in|Wuhan|and|surrounding area|was|much|higher|than|the|official|numbers
- that the number of sick in Wuhan and the surrounding area was much higher than the official numbers.
De mente, de 6088 officielle smittede den 29/1 nok var tættere på 31.000.
They believed that the 6088 official cases on January 29 were probably closer to 31,000.
Professorer fra Hong Kong udregnede, at antallet 25/1 kunne være 75.000.
Professors from Hong Kong calculated that the number on January 25 could be 75,000.
Om de tal er rigtige, vides ikke med sikkerhed, men ud fra de officielle tal -
Whether those numbers are correct is not known for sure, but based on the official numbers -
- ligger virussen højt og har smittet mere end SARS og MERS til sammen.
lies|the virus|high|and|has|infected|more|than|SARS|and|MERS|together|combined
- the virus is high and has infected more than SARS and MERS combined.
Sammenligner vi andelen af smittede, der dør, ligger virussen meget lavt.
We compare|we|the proportion|of|infected|who|die|lies|the virus|very|low
When we compare the proportion of infected individuals who die, the virus is very low.
Ifølge WHO døde hver 10. SARS-smittet. For MERS er dødeligheden på ca. 34 %.
According to|WHO|died|every|||For|MERS|is|the mortality rate|of|about
According to WHO, one in ten infected with SARS died. For MERS, the mortality rate is about 34%.
Den nye virus' dødelighed er 2%. Selvom den spreder sig mere, dør færre.
The new virus's mortality rate is 2%. Although it spreads more, fewer die.
SSI og Sundhedsstyrelsen har vurderet lav risiko for SARS-CoV2 i Danmark.
Danish Health Authority|and|the National Board of Health|has|assessed|low|risk|for|||in|Denmark
SSI and the Health Authority have assessed a low risk for SARS-CoV2 in Denmark.
ECDC har justeret risikovurderingen for tilfælde i Europa fra moderat til høj.
ECDC|has|adjusted|risk assessment|for|cases|in|Europe|from|moderate|to|high
ECDC has adjusted the risk assessment for cases in Europe from moderate to high.
Der har været sager i Sverige, Frankrig, Tyskland, Italien og en håndfuld flere.
There have been cases in Sweden, France, Germany, Italy, and a handful of others.
Derfor har SSI og Sundhedsstyrelsen opdateret vurderingen til moderat.
Therefore|have|SSI|and|the Health Authority|updated|assessment|to|moderate
Therefore, SSI and the Health Authority have updated the assessment to moderate.
De skriver, at der i Danmark kan komme tilfælde i den nærmeste tid.
They write that there may be cases in Denmark in the near future.
Hvis den dukker op, er sandsynligheden for, at virussen spreder sig lille -
If|it|appears|up|is|the probability|of|that|the virus|spreads|itself|small
If it appears, the likelihood of the virus spreading is low -
- fordi vi har et godt beredskab til at håndtere den slags og undgå epidemi.
- because we have a good preparedness to handle such situations and avoid an epidemic.
Det er vigtigt at begrænse smitten, for fordi der er en virus, ikke en bakterie -
It is important to limit the infection, because there is a virus, not a bacteria -
- kan antibiotika ikke hjælpe.
- antibiotics cannot help.
Skal vi virussen til livs, må vi inddæmme den, lade den dø ud eller udvikle vaccine.
To get rid of the virus, we must contain it, let it die out, or develop a vaccine.
Men det kan tage lang tid. WHO mener, at en vaccinen er klar om 18 måneder.
But that can take a long time. WHO believes that a vaccine will be ready in 18 months.
Med SARS tog det 20 måneder, men vaccinen blev aldrig nødvendig -
With|SARS|took|it|months|but|the vaccine|was|never|necessary
With SARS, it took 20 months, but the vaccine was never needed -
- for man fik udbruddet under kontrol, og stoppede smitten.
- because the outbreak was brought under control, and the infection was stopped.
Indtil da må vi stoppe spredningen.
Until|then|must|we|stop|the spread
Until then, we must stop the spread.
Li Wenliang døde 7/2, efter han selv var blevet smittet med sygdommen.
Li|Wenliang|died|after|he|himself|had|been|infected|with|the disease
Li Wenliang died on 7/2, after he himself had been infected with the disease.
De kinesiske myndigheder holder fast i, at hans udmelding var ulovlig.
The Chinese authorities maintain that his statement was illegal.
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