Hvorfor bliver nogle unge i Udkantsdanmark?
|||||Почему некоторые молодые люди остаются в периферийной Дании?
Why|do|some|young people|in|Peripheral Denmark
Warum bleiben einige junge Menschen in der dänischen Peripherie?
Waarom blijven sommige jongeren in de voorsteden van Denemarken wonen?
Why do some young people stay in the outskirts of Denmark?
En torsk.
A cod.
- Caffe latte er godt nok, men jeg vil hellere en have kop sort kaffe på havnen.
- Caffe latte is fine, but I would rather have a cup of black coffee at the harbor.
- Hvad har vi til fælles? - Vi er danske.
- What do we have in common? - We are Danish.
Fisk overalt.
Fish everywhere.
Fed arbejdsplads.
Cool workplace.
To tilbage, der boede i Lemvig.
Two left, who lived in Lemvig.
Bye bye.
Bye bye.
Klokken er 5.10. Jeg skal mødes med Martin, som er fisker og fra Lemvig.
The clock|is|I|shall|meet|with|Martin|who|is|fisherman|and|from|Lemvig
The time is 5:10. I am meeting with Martin, who is a fisherman and from Lemvig.
Jeg vil gerne forstå, hvorfor nogle unge bliver i Udkantsdanmark.
I|want|to|understand|why|some|young people|stay|in|Peripheral Denmark
I would like to understand why some young people stay in the outskirts of Denmark.
Dobbelt så mange unge flytter til storbyerne som for 30 år siden.
Double|as|many|young people|move|to|the big cities|than|ago|years|ago
Twice as many young people move to the big cities as they did 30 years ago.
Det er otte gange flere end blandt de andre aldersgrupper.
It|is|eight|times|more|than|among|the|other|age groups
It is eight times more than among the other age groups.
Hejsa. Godmorgen. Det er lidt tidligt.
Hello|Good morning|It|is|a little|early
Hello. Good morning. It's a bit early.
Er der plads til mig og Asger?
Is there room for me and Asger?
- Hvor mange fisk fanger vi i dag? - Det ved man aldrig.
- How many fish are we catching today? - You never know.
- Hvad tror du? - Man må ikke jinxe det.
What|do you think|you|One|may|not|jinx|it
- What do you think? - You mustn't jinx it.
Jeg er spændt på, om jeg klarer det.
||||||справлюсь с этим|
I|am|excited|about|whether|I|will manage|it
I am excited to see if I can do it.
Solen står op om lidt. Så er vi ved at være klar.
The sun|rises|up|in|a little while|Then|are|we|getting|to|be|ready
The sun will rise soon. Then we will be ready.
Nu er vi i sving.
||||Теперь мы в деле.
Now|are|we|in|full swing
Now we are in action.
Du bor i Lemvig, båden er i Thyborøn, og vi er i det sydligste Danmark.
|||||||Тюборён||||||южной части|
You|live|in|Lemvig|the boat|is|in|Thyborøn|and|we|are|in|the|southernmost|Denmark
You live in Lemvig, the boat is in Thyborøn, and we are in the southernmost part of Denmark.
De fleste unge flytter til storbyer. Hvorfor er du blevet?
The|most|young people|move|to|big cities|Why|are|you|stayed
Most young people move to big cities. Why have you stayed?
Jeg kan ikke se nogen grund til, at vi skulle flytte.
I can't see any reason for us to move.
Vi har alt i Lemvig. Der kender man næsten alle.
We have everything in Lemvig. You almost know everyone there.
- Yes! Fangede jeg den? - Den skal op i hullet deroppe.
- Yes! Did I catch it? - It needs to go in that hole up there.
Jeg fik den i første hug.
I got it on the first try.
Nu har vi to træk tilbage, så vi kan nå at hive mange fisk ind.
Now we have two moves left, so we can catch a lot of fish.
- Blev du i Lemvig, hvis ikke du fiskede? - Ja, man kommer hinanden mere ved.
|||||||ловил рыбу||||||
Did stay|you|in|Lemvig|if|not|you|fished|Yes|one|comes|each other|more|closer
- Would you stay in Lemvig if you weren't fishing? - Yes, you get to know each other better.
- Og det ville du savne i København? - Helt bestemt.
- And you would miss that in Copenhagen? - Definitely.
Vi var til klassefest, og der var vi to tilbage, der boede i Lemvig.
|||вечеринка класса||||||||||
We|were|at|class party|and|there|were|we|two|left|who|lived|in|Lemvig
We were at a class party, and there were only two of us left who lived in Lemvig.
Man kan næsten forudsige, om én flytter til storbyen ud fra uddannelsesniveauet.
|||предсказать||||||||уровень образования
One|can|almost|predict|whether|one|moves|to|the big city|based|on|the education level
You can almost predict whether someone will move to the big city based on their education level.
Er du student, er der 87 % sandsynlighed for, at du flytter.
If you are a graduate, there is an 87% chance that you will move.
Har du en erhvervsuddannelse, er sandsynligheden 62 %.
|||профессиональное образование||вероятность составляет
Do|you|a|vocational education|is|the probability
If you have a vocational education, the probability is 62%.
De næsten dobbelt så mange fraflyttere de seneste 30 år skyldes nok -
|||||покинувшие место|||||
The|almost|double|as|many|movers|the|last|years|is due to|probably
The almost double number of movers in the last 30 years is probably due to -
- at antallet af unge i gymnasiet har udviklet sig på samme måde.
that|the number|of|young people|in|high school|has|developed|itself|in|the same|way
- the fact that the number of young people in high school has developed in the same way.
Frisk havluft er så lækkert.
|Свежий морской воздух|||
Fresh|sea air|is|so|delicious
Fresh sea air is so nice.
- Hvorfor blev du erhvervsfisker? - Jeg kunne godt lide at sejle.
|||промысловый рыбак||||||
Why|did become|you|commercial fisherman|I|could|well|like|to|sail
- Why did you become a commercial fisherman? - I liked to sail.
Før fiskede jeg med fiskestang.
Before|I fished|I|with|fishing rod
Before, I fished with a fishing rod.
I 10. klasse var jeg overbevist. Det interesserede mig mere.
In 10th grade, I was convinced. It interested me more.
Jeg har altid været rimelig boglig i skolen og kunne godt følge med.
||||довольно|книжный человек|||||||
I have always been reasonably academic in school and could keep up.
Jeg ville være ked af, hvis jeg "skulle" være fisker, advokat eller læge.
I|would|be|sad|if|if|I|had to|be|fisherman|lawyer|or|doctor
I would be sad if I "had to" be a fisherman, lawyer, or doctor.
Man skal gøre det, man vil.
One must do what one wants.
Nu skal vi ned at pakke fisk.
Now we have to go down to pack fish.
En torsk her.
A cod here.
Det er hårdt arbejde.
It is hard work.
Forstår I, hvis damerne synes, det her er en turn-off?
Do you understand|I|if|the ladies|think|this|here|is|a||
Do you understand if the ladies think this is a turn-off?
- Jeg er stolt. - Jeg praler af det.
||||хвастаюсь этим||
- I am proud. - I brag about it.
Jeg siger altid, at jeg er erhvervsfisker.
I|say|always|that|I|am|commercial fisherman
I always say that I am a commercial fisherman.
- Kan man score folk på det? - Så skal det være en thyborønbo.
|||||||||||житель Тюборёна
Can|one|score|people|on|it|Then|should|it|be|a|resident of Thyborøn
- Can you score people with that? - Then it has to be someone from Thyborøn.
- Hvordan mødte du din kæreste? - Vi snakkede sammen på diskoteket.
How|did meet|you|your|girlfriend|We|talked|together|at|the disco
- How did you meet your girlfriend? - We talked together at the disco.
Vi er lidt af samme støbning. Hun er heller ikke til storbyliv.
|||||одного склада||||||
We|are|a little|of|same|mold|She|is|neither|not|into|city life
We are a bit of the same mold. She is also not into city life.
Den her mælk, er den stadig frisk?
Is this milk still fresh?
En af vores brugere foreslog, at jeg skulle spørge om -
One of our users suggested that I should ask about -
- hvorfor det er så specielt at bo i Lemvig.
- why it is so special to live in Lemvig.
Hvad tænker du om mit besøg?
What|do you think|you|about|my|visit
What do you think about my visit?
Da vi talte sammen, kunne jeg godt høre, at du ikke vidste så meget om fiskeri.
When we talked, I could tell that you didn't know much about fishing.
Fair nok. Jeg kunne godt høre, at vi ikke havde været naboer.
Fair enough. I could tell that we hadn't been neighbors.
- Føler du dig mere fri end i storbyen? - Ja, det tror jeg.
Do|you|yourself|more|free|than|in|the city|Yes|it|think|I
- Do you feel freer than in the big city? - Yes, I think so.
I Lemvig gågade kan du gå og brede dig. Men på Strøget i København ...
In|Lemvig|pedestrian street|can|you|walk|and|spread|yourself|But|on|Strøget|in|Copenhagen
In Lemvig pedestrian street, you can walk and spread out. But on Strøget in Copenhagen ...
- Handler det om plads? - Det ligger nok i ens underbevidsthed.
- Is it about space? - It probably lies in one's subconscious.
Hvis man er født i en større by, er man vant til det.
If you are born in a larger city, you are used to it.
- Caffe latte er godt nok, men jeg vil hellere en have kop sort kaffe på havnen.
- Caffe latte is fine, but I would rather have a cup of black coffee at the harbor.
Rødspætten her har vi lige fået indvoldene ud af.
The plaice|here|has|we|just|gotten|the entrails|out|of
The plaice here, we have just removed the innards from.
- Hvad har vi til fælles? - Vi er da danske begge to.
What|have|we|in common|common|We|are|then|Danish|both|two
- What do we have in common? - We are both Danish.
- Hvad laver du, når du har fri? - Jeg går til yoga.
What|do|you|when|you|have|free time|I|go|to|yoga
- What do you do when you have free time? - I go to yoga.
Det kan du også i Lemvig.
You can also do that in Lemvig.
- Hvordan er det gået i dag? - Der har ikke været så mange fisk.
- How did it go today? - There haven't been many fish.
En fisker vil altid sige, det er for lidt. Det kunne godt være bedre.
A fisherman will always say it's too little. It could be better.
Jeg er bange for at have jinxet det.
||||||сглазить это|
I'm afraid I jinxed it.
Jeg ville forstå, hvorfor unge vælger at bo i udkanten af Danmark.
I|would|understand|why|young people|choose|to|live|in|outskirts|of|Denmark
I wanted to understand why young people choose to live on the outskirts of Denmark.
For Martin er det ikke et aktivt valg, men det føles rigtigt for ham -
For Martin, it is not an active choice, but it feels right for him -
- og det passer godt til livet som erhvervsfisker.
and|it|fits|well|to|life|as|commercial fisherman
- and it fits well with life as a commercial fisherman.
Nu skal jeg hjem og spise friskfanget fisk.
Now|shall|I|home|and|eat|freshly caught|fish
Now I have to go home and eat freshly caught fish.
Tusind tak for jeres gode spørgsmål. Topfedt, at I engagerer jer i historierne.
||||||Очень круто|||вовлекаетесь в|||
thousand|thanks|for|your|good|questions|super cool|that|you|engage|yourselves|in|the stories
Thank you so much for your great questions. It's awesome that you are engaging with the stories.
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And if you haven't subscribed to our channel yet, then hit subscribe -
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||||||за кулисы
and|then|can|you|come|behind|the scenes
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