Unit 05C
Referat 05C
Unité 05C
Unità 05C
Unit 05C
Birim 05C
Unit 05C
Spoken Hungarian, Unit 5, Tape 3, Transformation Drill, Section 1A.
Spoken Hungarian, Unit 5, Tape 3, Transformation Drill, Section 1A.
Pattern, Instructor, Student.
Pattern, Instructor, Student.
Nem kérek bort.
No|I want|wine
I do not want wine.
Number 1.
Number 1.
Újságot olvasok.
newspaper|I read
I am reading a newspaper.
Nem olvasok újságot.
I do not|read|newspaper
I am not reading a newspaper.
Number 2.
Number 2.
Levelet írunk.
We write a letter|we write
una carta|escribimos
We are writing a letter.
Nem írunk levelet.
We do not|write|letter
We are not writing a letter.
Number 3.
Number 3.
Kenyeret hozunk.
Bread|we bring
We are bringing bread.
Nem hozunk kenyeret.
We do not|bring|bread
We are not bringing bread.
Number 4.
Number 4.
Pálinkát iszom.
I drink pálinka|
I am drinking pálinka.
Nem iszom pálinkát.
I do not|drink|pálinka
I don't drink pálinka.
Number 5.
Number 5.
Helyet foglalunk.
We are taking a seat.
Nem foglalunk helyet.
We do not|reserve|a seat
We are not taking a seat.
Number 6.
Number 6.
Gyufát kérnek.
They ask for a match|they ask
They ask for a match.
Nem kérnek gyufát.
They do not|ask for|matches
They do not ask for a match.
Number 7.
Number 7.
Sonkát eszik.
They are eating ham.
Nem eszik sonkát.
He/She does not|eat|ham
They are not eating ham.
Number 8.
Number 8.
Házat vesznek.
They buy a house|buy
They are buying a house.
Nem vesznek házat.
They do not|buy|house
They are not buying a house.
Number 9.
Number 9.
Budapestre megy.
to Budapest|he/she/it goes
They are going to Budapest.
Nem megy Budapestre.
Not|goes|to Budapest
He/She is not going to Budapest.
Nem megy Budapestre.
Not|goes|to Budapest
He/She is not going to Budapest.
Section 1b.
Section 1b.
Pattern, Instructor.
Pattern, Instructor.
Fáradt vagyok.
Tired|I am
I am tired.
Nem vagyok fáradt.
I am not|tired|tired
I am not tired.
Number 1.
Number 1.
Magas vagyok.
I am tall|am
I am tall.
Nem vagyok magas.
I am not|tall|high
I am not tall.
Number 2.
Number 2.
Éhesek vagyunk.
We are hungry|are
We are hungry.
Nem vagyunk éhesek.
We are not|hungry|hungry
We are not hungry.
Number 3.
Number 3.
Beteg vagyok.
I am sick|I am
I am sick.
Nem vagyok beteg.
I am not|am|sick
I am not sick.
Number 4.
Number 4.
Kövérek vagyunk.
We are fat|are
We are fat.
Nem vagyunk kövérek.
We are not|fat|overweight
We are not fat.
Number 5.
Number 5.
Modern vagyok.
Modern|I am
I am modern.
Nem vagyok modern.
I am not|modern|
I am not modern.
Number 6.
Number 6.
Alacsony vagyok.
I am short|I am
I am short.
Nem vagyok alacsony.
I am not|am|short
I am not short.
Number 7.
Number 7.
Erősek vagyunk.
We are strong|we are
We are strong.
Nem vagyunk erősek.
We are not|strong|strong
We are not strong.
Number 8.
Number 8.
Szép vagyok.
Beautiful|I am
I am beautiful.
Nem vagyok szép.
I am not|beautiful|pretty
I am not beautiful.
Number 9.
Number 9.
Frissek vagyunk.
We are fresh|are
We are fresh.
Nem vagyunk frissek.
We are not|fresh|fresh
We are not fresh.
Section 1c.
Section 1c.
Pattern, Instructor.
Pattern, Instructor.
János éhes.
John|is hungry
János is hungry.
János nem éhes.
János is not hungry.
Number 1.
Number 1.
A férfi erős.
The|man|is strong
The man is strong.
A férfi nem erős.
The man is not strong.
Number 2.
Number 2.
A lányok gyengék.
The|girls|are weak
The girls are weak.
A lányok nem gyengék.
The|girls|are not|weak
The girls are not weak.
Number 3.
Number 3.
A ház modern.
The house is modern.
A ház nem modern.
The house is not modern.
Number 4.
Number 4.
Az asztal széles.
The|table|is wide
||è largo
The table is wide.
Az asztal nem széles.
The table is not wide.
Number 5.
Number 5.
A magyarok híresek.
The|Hungarians|are famous
||sono famosi
Hungarians are famous.
A magyarok nem híresek.
Hungarians are not famous.
Number 6.
Number 6.
A lány egyszerű.
The|girl|is simple
The girl is simple.
A lány nem egyszerű.
The girl is not simple.
Number 7.
Number 7.
A szobák keskenyek.
The|rooms|are narrow
The rooms are narrow.
A szobák nem keskenyek.
The rooms are not narrow.
Number 8.
Number 8.
A fiú kövér.
The|boy|is fat
The boy is fat.
A fiú nem kövér.
The boy is not fat.
Number 9.
Number 9.
A gyerekek jók.
The children are good.
A gyerekek nem jók.
The children are not good.
Section 1D.
Section 1D.
A gyerek a kertben van.
The|child|the|in the garden|is
The child is in the garden.
A gyerek nincs a kertben.
The|child|is not|in the|garden
The child is not in the garden.
Nincs a gyerek a kertben.
There is not|the|child|in|the garden
The child is not in the garden.
Number 1.
Number 1.
Az asszony a konyhában van.
The|woman|in the|kitchen|is
The woman is in the kitchen.
Az asszony nincs a konyhában.
The|woman|is not|the|in the kitchen
The woman is not in the kitchen.
Nincs az asszony a konyhában.
There is not|the|woman|in the|kitchen
The woman is not in the kitchen.
Number 2.
Number 2.
A pincér a vendéglőben van.
The|waiter|the|in the restaurant|is
The waiter is in the restaurant.
A pincér nincs a vendéglőben.
The|waiter|is not|the|in the restaurant
The waiter is not in the restaurant.
Nincs a pincér a vendéglőben.
There is not|the|waiter|the|in the restaurant
The waiter is not in the restaurant.
Number 3.
Number 3.
A konyak a szekrényben van.
The|brandy|the|in the cupboard|is
The brandy is in the cupboard.
A konyak nincs a szekrényben.
The|brandy|is not|in|the cupboard
The brandy is not in the cupboard.
A konyak nincs a szekrényben.
The|brandy|is not|in|the cupboard
The brandy is not in the cupboard.
Nincs a konyak a szekrényben.
There is not|the|brandy|the|in the cupboard
The brandy is not in the cupboard.
Number 4.
Number 4.
A gyufa a dobozban van.
The|match|in|the box|is
The match is in the box.
A gyufa nincs a dobozban.
The|match|is not|the|in the box
The match is not in the box.
Nincs a gyufa a dobozban.
There is not|the|match|in|
There is no match in the box.
Number 5.
Number 5.
A könyv az ebédlőben van.
The|book|in the|dining room|is
The book is in the dining room.
A könyv nincs az ebédlőben.
The|book|is not|the|in the dining room
The book is not in the dining room.
Nincs a könyv az ebédlőben.
There is not|the|book|in the|dining room
The book is not in the dining room.
Number 6.
Number 6.
A kávé a konyhában van.
The|coffee|the|in the kitchen|is
The coffee is in the kitchen.
A kávé nincs a konyhában.
The|coffee|is not|in the|kitchen
The coffee is not in the kitchen.
Nincs a kávé a konyhában.
There is not|the|coffee|in|the kitchen
The coffee is not in the kitchen.
Number 7.
Number 7.
Téter a házban van.
Téter|the|in the house|is
The item is in the house.
Téter nincs a házban.
Téter|is not|the|in the house
Peter is not in the house.
Nincs Péter a házban.
There is not|Peter|the|in the house
There is no Peter in the house.
Number 8.
Number 8.
A pálinka a nappaliban van.
The|pálinka|the|in the living room|is
The pálinka is in the living room.
A pálinka nincs a nappaliban.
The|pálinka|is not|the|in the living room
The pálinka is not in the living room.
Nincs a pálinka a nappaliban.
There is not|the|pálinka|in|the living room
The pálinka is not in the living room.
Number 9.
Number 9.
A gyerek a szobában van.
The|child|the|in the room|is
The child is in the room.
A gyerek nincs a szobában.
The|child|is not|in|the room
The child is not in the room.
Nincs a gyerek a szobában.
There is not|the|child|in|the room
The child is not in the room.
A gyerek az iskolába megy.
The child is going to school.
A gyerek nem megy az iskolába.
The|child|not|goes|the|to school
The child is not going to school.
Nem megy a gyerek az iskolába.
The child is not going to school.
A kislány a kertben játszik.
The|little girl|in the|garden|plays
The little girl is playing in the garden.
A kislány nem játszik a kertben.
The|little girl|does not|play|in the|garden
The little girl is not playing in the garden.
Nem játszik a kislány a kertben.
Not|plays|the|little girl|in|the garden
The little girl is not playing in the garden.
Number 2.
Number 2.
A fiú az ebédlőben eszik.
The|boy|in the|dining room|eats
The boy is eating in the dining room.
A fiú nem eszik az ebédlőben.
The|boy|does not|eat|the|in the dining room
The boy is not eating in the dining room.
Nem eszik a fiú az ebédlőben.
Not|eats|the|boy|the|in the dining room
The boy is not eating in the dining room.
Number 3.
Number 3.
Sándor ajándékot hoz.
Sándor brings a gift.
Sándor nem hoz ajándékot.
Sándor|does not|bring|gift
Sándor does not bring a gift.
Nem hoz Sándor ajándékot.
Sándor does not bring a gift.
Number 4.
Number 4.
Kovács a kávéházban iszik.
Kovács|the|in the café|drinks
Kovács is drinking in the café.
Kovács nem iszik a kávéházban.
Kovács|does not|drink|the|in the café
Kovács is not drinking in the café.
Nem iszik Kovács a kávéházban.
Not|drinks|Kovács|the|in the café
Kovács is not drinking in the café.
Number 5.
Number 5.
Fekete a dohányzóban olvas.
Fekete|the|in the smoking room|reads
Black is reading in the smoking room.
Fekete nem olvas a dohányzóban.
Fekete|does not|read|the|in the smoking area
Fekete does not read in the smoking room.
Nem olvas Fekete a dohányzóban.
No|reads|Fekete|the|in the smoking area
Fekete does not read in the smoking room.
Number 6.
Number 6.
Molnár a nappaliban zongorázik.
Molnár|the|in the living room|plays piano
Molnár is playing the piano in the living room.
Molnár nem zongorázik.
Molnár|does not|play piano
Molnár is not playing the piano.
Nem zongorázik a nappaliban.
does not|play the piano|the|in the living room
He/She does not play the piano in the living room.
Nem zongorázik Molnár a nappaliban.
does not|play piano|Molnár|the|in the living room
Molnár does not play the piano in the living room.
Number 7.
Number 7.
Mária elemibe jár.
Maria|to elementary school|goes
Mária is in elementary school.
Mária nem jár elemibe.
Maria|does not|attend|to elementary school
Mária does not go to elementary school.
Nem jár Mária elemibe.
Not|attends|Maria|to elementary school
Maria does not go to elementary school.
Number 8.
Number 8.
János poharat visz az ebédlőbe.
John|a glass|carries|the|dining room
John is taking a glass to the dining room.
János nem visz poharat az ebédlőbe.
John|does not|take|glass|the|dining room
John is not taking a glass to the dining room.
Nem visz János poharat az ebédlőbe.
Not|takes|János|glass|the|dining room
John does not take a glass to the dining room.
Number 9.
Number 9.
Éva virágot tesz a vázába.
Eva|flower|puts|the|into the vase
Éva puts a flower in the vase.
Éva nem tesz virágot a vázába.
Eva|does not|put|flower|the|into the vase
Éva does not put a flower in the vase.
Nem tesz Éva virágot a vázába.
does not|put|Eva|flower|the|into the vase
Éva does not put a flower in the vase.
A gyerekek a kertben vannak.
The|children|in the|garden|are
The children are in the garden.
Nincsenek a gyerekek a kertben.
There are not|the|children|in|the garden
The children are not in the garden.
A gyerekek nincsenek a kertben.
The|children|are not|in the|garden
The children are not in the garden.
A poharak a szekrényben vannak.
The|glasses|the|in the cabinet|are
The glasses are in the cupboard.
Nincsenek a poharak a szekrényben.
There are not|the|glasses|the|in the cupboard
The glasses are not in the cupboard.
A poharak nincsenek a szekrényben.
The|glasses|are not|in the|cupboard
The glasses are not in the cupboard.
Number 2.
Number 2.
A csészék a konyhában vannak.
The|cups|in the|kitchen|are
The cups are in the kitchen.
Nincsenek a csészék a konyhában.
There are not|the|cups|in|the kitchen
The cups are not in the kitchen.
A csészék nincsenek a konyhában.
The|cups|are not|in the|kitchen
The cups are not in the kitchen.
Number 3.
Number 3.
A lányok a moziban vannak.
The|girls|in the|cinema|are
The girls are at the cinema.
Nincsenek a lányok a moziban.
There are not|the|girls|the|in the cinema
The girls are not at the cinema.
A lányok nincsenek a moziban.
The|girls|are not|in the|cinema
The girls are not at the cinema.
Number 4.
Number 4.
A székek az ebédlőben vannak.
The|chairs|in the|dining room|are
The chairs are in the dining room.
Nincsenek a székek az ebédlőben.
There are not|the|chairs|in the|dining room
The chairs are not in the dining room.
A székek nincsenek az ebédlőben.
The|chairs|are not|in the|dining room
The chairs are not in the dining room.
A székek nincsenek az ebédlőben.
The|chairs|are not|in the|dining room
The chairs are not in the dining room.
Number 5.
Number 5.
Az ingek a hálószobában vannak.
The|shirts|in|the bedroom|are
The shirts are in the bedroom.
Nincsenek az ingek a hálószobában.
There are not|the|shirts|in the|bedroom
The shirts are not in the bedroom.
Az ingek nincsenek a hálószobában.
The|shirts|are not|in the|bedroom
The shirts are not in the bedroom.
Section 1G.
Section 1G.
Nem esznek a hölgyek a kertben.
They do not|eat|the|ladies|in|the garden
The ladies do not eat in the garden.
A hölgyek nem esznek a kertben.
The|ladies|do not|eat|in the|garden
The ladies are not eating in the garden.
Number 1.
Number 1.
A férfiak a kávéházban isznak.
The|men|the|in the café|drink
The men are drinking in the café.
Nem isznak a férfiak a kávéházban.
Not|drink|the|men|in|the café
The men do not drink in the café.
A férfiak nem isznak a kávéházban.
The|men|not|drink|in the|café
The men do not drink in the café.
Number 2.
Number 2.
A lányok a nappaliban olvasnak.
The|girls|in the|living room|read
The girls are reading in the living room.
Nem olvasnak a lányok a nappaliban.
They do not|read|the|girls|in the|living room
The girls are not reading in the living room.
A lányok nem olvasnak a nappaliban.
The|girls|do not|read|the|in the living room
The girls do not read in the living room.
Number 3.
Number 3.
Az urak a dohányzóban ülnek.
The|gentlemen|in the|smoking room|sit
The gentlemen are sitting in the smoking room.
Nem ülnek az urak a dohányzóban.
They do not|sit|the|gentlemen|in the|smoking room
The gentlemen are not sitting in the smoking room.
Number 4.
Number 4.
Az asszonyok a konyhában mennek.
The|women|the|in the kitchen|go
The women are going to the kitchen.
Nem mennek az asszonyok a konyhában.
Not|go|the|women|in the|kitchen
The women are not going to the kitchen.
Az asszonyok nem mennek a konyhában.
The|women|not|go|the|in the kitchen
The women are not going in the kitchen.
Number 5.
Number 5.
A lányok az üzletben vásárolnak.
The|girls|in the|store|shop
The girls are shopping in the store.
Nem vásárolnak a lányok az üzletben.
Not|buy|the|girls|in the|store
The girls do not shop in the store.
A lányok nem vásárolnak az üzletben.
The|girls|do not|shop|in the|store
The girls are not shopping in the store.
A kislány az iskolában van.
The|little girl|in the|school|is
The little girl is at school.
Nincs a kislány az iskolában.
There is not|the|little girl|in|school
The little girl is not at school.
Number 1.
Number 1.
Sándor angol elemibe jár.
Sándor|English|to elementary school|attends
Sándor goes to an English elementary school.
Sándor nem jár angol elemibe.
Sándor|does not|attend|English|to elementary school
Sándor does not go to an English elementary school.
Nem jár Sándor angol elemibe.
Not|attends|Sándor|English|to elementary school
Sándor does not attend an English elementary school.
Number 2.
Number 2.
A férfiak a vendéglőbe mennek.
The|men|the|to the restaurant|go
The men are going to the restaurant.
A férfiak nem mennek a vendéglőbe.
The men do not go to the restaurant.
Nem mennek a férfiak a vendéglőbe.
No|go|the|men|the|to the restaurant
The men do not go to the restaurant.
Number 3.
Number 3.
Péter Amerikában van.
Peter|in America|is
Peter is in America.
Péter nincs Amerikában.
Peter|is not|in America
Peter is not in America.
Nincs Péter Amerikában.
There is not|Peter|in America
Peter is not in America.
Number 4.
Number 4.
Molnár az ebédlőben eszik.
Molnár|the|in the dining room|eats
Molnár is eating in the dining room.
Molnár nem eszik az ebédlőben.
Molnár|does not|eat|the|in the dining room
Molnár is not eating in the dining room.
Nem eszik Molnár az ebédlőben.
No|eats|Molnár|the|in the dining room
Molnár is not eating in the dining room.
Number 5.
Number 5.
A labdák a szobában vannak.
The|balls|in the|room|are
The balls are in the room.
A labdák nincsenek a szobában.
The|balls|are not|in the|room
The balls are not in the room.
Nincsenek a labdák a szobában.
There are not|the|balls|in|the room
There are no balls in the room.
Number 6.
Number 6.
János Bécsbe utazik.
John|to Vienna|travels
János is traveling to Vienna.
János nem utazik Bécsbe.
John|does not|travel|to Vienna
János is not traveling to Vienna.
Nem utazik János Bécsbe.
Not|travels|János|to Vienna
János is not traveling to Vienna.
Number 7.
Number 7.
A lányok a moziban vannak.
The|girls|in the|cinema|are
The girls are at the cinema.
A lányok nincsenek a moziban.
The|girls|are not|in the|cinema
The girls are not at the cinema.
Nincsenek a lányok a moziban.
There are not|the|girls|the|in the cinema
The girls are not at the cinema.
Number 8.
Number 8.
A hölgyek az üzletben vásárolnak.
The|ladies|in the|store|shop
The ladies are shopping in the store.
A hölgyek nem vásárolnak az üzletben.
The|ladies|do not|shop|in the|store
The ladies are not shopping in the store.
Nem vásárolnak a hölgyek az üzletben.
Not|buy|the|ladies|in the|store
The ladies are not shopping in the store.
Number 9.
Number 9.
A magyar cigaretta erős.
Hungarian cigarettes are strong.
A magyar cigaretta nem erős.
Hungarian cigarettes are not strong.
Nem erős a magyar cigaretta.
Hungarian cigarettes are not strong.
Nem erős a magyar cigaretta.
Hungarian cigarettes are not strong.
A víz nem meleg.
The water is not warm.
Nincs meleg víz.
There is no|hot|water
There is no warm water.
A bor nem jó.
The wine is not good.
Nincs jó bor.
There is no|good|wine
There is no good wine.
A sör nem hideg.
The beer is not cold.
Nincs hideg sör.
There is no|cold|beer
There is no cold beer.
A szoba nem meleg.
The room is not warm.
Nincs meleg szoba.
There is no|warm|room
There is no warm room.
A lány nem szép.
The girl is not beautiful.
Nincs szép lány.
There is no|beautiful|girl
There is no beautiful girl.
A rózsa nem piros.
The rose is not red.
Nincs piros rózsa.
There is not|red|rose
There is no red rose.
A ház nem modern.
The house is not modern.
Nincs modern ház.
There is not|modern|house
There is no modern house.
A zing nem barna.
The|zing|is not|brown
The zing is not brown.
A pincér nem magyar.
The waiter is not Hungarian.
Nincs magyar pincér.
There is not|Hungarian|waiter
There is no Hungarian waiter.
A virág nem friss.
The flower is not fresh.
Nincs friss virág.
There is no|fresh|flower
There are no fresh flowers.
A poharak nem tiszták.
The glasses are not clean.
Nincsenek tiszta poharak.
There are not|clean|glasses
There are no clean glasses.
A szobák nem nagyok.
The rooms are not big.
Nincsenek nagy szobák.
There are not|large|rooms
There are no big rooms.
Az iskolák nem olcsók.
The schools are not cheap.
Nincsenek olcsó iskolák.
There are not|cheap|schools
There are no cheap schools.
A tanulók nem magyarok.
The|students|are not|Hungarians
The students are not Hungarians.
Nincsenek magyar tanulók.
There are not|Hungarian|students
There are no Hungarian students.
Az asztalok nem tiszták.
The tables are not clean.
A ceruzák nem sárgák.
The pencils are not yellow.
Az utcák nem szélesek.
The streets are not wide.
Nincsenek széles utcák.
There are not|wide|streets
There are no wide streets.
A lakások nem modernek.
The apartments are not modern.
Nincsenek modern lakások.
There are not|modern|apartments
There are no modern apartments.
A lámpák nem drágák.
The lamps are not expensive.
Nincsenek drága lámpák.
There are not|expensive|lamps
There are no expensive lamps.
Az edények nem tiszták.
The dishes are not clean.
A gyerek haza megy.
The child is going home.
A gyerek otthon van.
The|child|at home|is
The child is at home.
Haza megy Kovács úr?
Home|goes|Mr Kovács|sir
Is Mr. Kovács going home?
Otthon van Kovács úr?
At home|is|Mr Kovács|sir
Is Mr. Kovács at home?
Mindig haza megyek.
Always|home|I go
I always go home.
Mindig otthon vagyok.
Always|at home|I am
I am always at home.
Johnsonék haza mennek.
the Johnsons|home|are going
The Johnsons are going home.
Mikor megy haza?
When is he going home?
Viszek haza baracspálinkát.
I will take|home|apricot brandy
||pálinka di prugna
I am bringing home apricot brandy.
Viszek haza baracspálinkát.
I will take|home|apricot brandy
I am bringing home apricot brandy.
Van otthon baracspálinka.
There is|at home|peach brandy
There is apricot brandy at home.
Hazajön ebédelni?
Does he/she come home|to eat lunch
torna a casa|
Is he coming home for lunch?
Otthon ebédel?
At home|does he/she eat lunch
Is he having lunch at home?
Sietek haza vacsorázni.
I hurry|home|to eat dinner
I am hurrying home to have dinner.
Otthon vacsorázom.
At home|I eat dinner
I am having dinner at home.
Hazajönnek enni.
They come home|to eat
They are coming home to eat.
Otthon esznek.
They eat at home|eat
They are eating at home.
A kislány az iskolában van.
The|little girl|at|school|is
The little girl is at school.
Az újság a hálószobában van.
The|newspaper|in the|bedroom|is
The newspaper is in the bedroom.
Kovács a szállodában van.
Kovács|in the|hotel|is
Kovács is in the hotel.
Téva a konyhában van.
Téva|in the|kitchen|is
Téva is in the kitchen.
A doboz a dohányzóban van.
The|box|in the|smoking room|is
The box is in the smoking room.
A háziasszony a nappaliban van.
The|housewife|in the|living room|is
The hostess is in the living room.
A kislány nincs az iskolában.
The|little girl|is not|in the|school
The little girl is not at school.
Az újság nincs a hálószobában.
The|newspaper|is not|in the|bedroom
The newspaper is not in the bedroom.
Kovács nincs a szállodában.
Kovács|is not|the|in the hotel
Kovács is not at the hotel.
Éva nincs a konyhában.
Eva|is not|the|in the kitchen
Éva is not in the kitchen.
A doboz nincs a dohányzóban.
The|box|is not|in the|smoking room
The box is not in the living room.
A háziasszony nincs a nappaliban.
The|housewife|is not|the|in the living room
The housewife is not in the living room.
Nincs kert a városban.
There is no|garden|in the|city
There is no garden in the city.
Nincs kávé a csészében.
There is no|coffee|in the|cup
There is no coffee in the cup.
Nincs bor a pohárban.
There is not|wine|in the|glass
There is no wine in the glass.
Nincs pincér a vendéglőben.
There is not|waiter|in the|restaurant
There is no waiter in the restaurant.
Nincs szekrény az ebédlőben.
There is not|cabinet|the|in the dining room
There is no cabinet in the dining room.
Éva nem tanuló.
Éva is not a student.
János nem molnár.
János|is not|miller
János is not a miller.
Peter nem szabó.
Peter|is not|a tailor
Peter is not a tailor.
Lewis nem kovács.
Lewis is not a blacksmith.
Alexander nem költő.
Alexander is not a poet.
A doboz nem barna.
The box is not brown.
Peter az ebédlőben olvas.
Peter|the|in the dining room|reads
Peter is reading in the dining room.
Hekate a kávéban.
Hekate|in|the coffee
Hekate is in the coffee.
Hekate a kertben ül.
Hekate|in the|garden|sits
Hekate is sitting in the garden.
János a kávéházban ír.
John|the|in the café|writes
John is writing in the café.
Mária az üzletben vásárol.
Maria|the|in the store|shops
Mary is shopping in the store.
Johnson a városban ebédel.
Johnson|in|the city|eats lunch
Johnson is having lunch in the city.
A fiú az erdőben jár.
The|boy|in the|forest|walks
The boy is walking in the forest.
János nem olvas az ebédlőben.
John|does not|read|the|in the dining room
John is not reading in the dining room.
Hekate nem ír a kertben.
Hekate|does not|write|in|the garden
Hecate does not write in the garden.
Molnár nem ül a kávéházban.
Molnár|does not|sit|the|in the café
Molnár does not sit in the café.
Peter nem ebédel a vendéglőben.
Peter|does not|eat lunch|the|in the restaurant
Peter does not have lunch at the restaurant.
Mária nem rajzol a kertben.
Maria|does not|draw|in the|garden
Maria does not draw in the garden.
A gyerekek nem jók az iskolában.
The children are not good at school.
A lány nem jár az erdőben.
The|girl|does not|walk|in the|forest
The girl does not walk in the forest.
A gyerekek nem jók az iskolában.
The|children|not||in the|school
The children are not good at school.
A rózsák nem frissek a vázában.
The|roses|not|fresh|the|in the vase
The roses are not fresh in the vase.
A szobák nem nagyok a szállodában.
The|rooms|not|big|in the|hotel
The rooms are not big in the hotel.
A virágok nem szépek a kertben.
The|flowers|not|beautiful|in the|garden
The flowers are not beautiful in the garden.
A lakások nem modernek a városban.
The|apartments|not|affordable|in|the city
The apartments are not modern in the city.
A poharak nem tiszták a konyhában.
The|glasses|not|clean|in the|kitchen
The glasses are not clean in the kitchen.
Nincsenek tiszta tányérok a szekrényekben.
There are not|clean|plates|in the|cabinets
There are no clean plates in the cabinets.
Nincsenek szép virágok a vázákban.
There are not|beautiful|flowers|in the|vases
There are no beautiful flowers in the vases.
Nincsenek jó gyerekek az iskolában.
There are not|good|children|in the|school
There are no good children in the school.
Nincsenek olcsó ruhák az üzletekben.
There are not|cheap|clothes|in the|stores
There are no cheap clothes in the stores.
Nincsenek kisházak az Egyesült Államokban.
There are not|small houses|in the|United|States
There are no small houses in the United States.
Nincsenek éhes asszonyok a hegyekben.
There are not|hungry|women|in the|mountains
There are no hungry women in the mountains.
A gyerekek nincsenek a kertben.
The|children|are not|in the|garden
The children are not in the garden.
A nők nincsenek a konyhában.
The|women|are not|in|the kitchen
The women are not in the kitchen.
A férfiak nincsenek a kávéházban.
The|men|are not|in the|café
The men are not in the café.
A férfiak nincsenek a kávéházban.
The|men|are not|in the|café
The men are not in the café.
A fiúk nincsenek a nappaliban.
The|boys|are not|the|in the living room
The boys are not in the living room.
A lányok nincsenek a moziban.
The|girls|are not|in|the cinema
The girls are not in the cinema.
Ők nincsenek a szállodában.
They|are not|in the|hotel
They are not in the hotel.
János a kávéházba megy evédet enni.
John|the|to the café|goes|lunch|to eat
János goes to the café to have lunch.
Péter a nappaliba megy újságot olvasni.
Peter|the|living room|goes|newspaper|to read
Péter goes to the living room to read the newspaper.
Éva a konyhába megy kávét csinálni.
Eva|the|to the kitchen|goes|coffee|to make
Éva goes to the kitchen to make coffee.
Mária a dohányzóba megy levelet írni.
Maria|the|smoking room|goes|letter|to write
Mária goes to the smoking room to write a letter.
A lánya városba megy ruhát venni.
The|daughter|to the city|goes|clothes|to buy
His daughter goes to the city to buy clothes.
Alexander a kávéházba megy fákat rajzolni.
Alexander|the|to the café|goes|trees|to draw
Alexander goes to the café to draw trees.
Poharakat teszek a szekrénybe.
I put glasses|I put|the|into the cupboard
I put glasses in the cupboard.
Székeket viszek a konyhába.
I chairs|will take|the|kitchen
I take chairs to the kitchen.
Ruhákat csomagolok a bőröndbe.
I pack clothes|into the suitcase|the|suitcase
I pack clothes in the suitcase.
Csíszéket hozok az ebédlőbe.
I bring Csíszék|I bring|the|to the dining room
I bring snacks to the dining room.
Ceruzákat teszek a dobozba.
I put pencils|in the box|the|into the box
I put pencils in the box.
Mit tesz a szekrénybe?
What|puts|the|into the cabinet
What does he/she put in the cupboard?
Mit visz a konyhába?
What|takes|the|to the kitchen
What does he/she take to the kitchen?
A kávéházban.
The|in the café
In the café.
Mit csomagol a bőröndbe?
What|do you pack|the|into suitcase
What does he/she pack in the suitcase?
Mit hoz a nappaliba?
What|brings|the|living room
What does he bring to the living room?
Mit tesz az edénybe?
What|puts|the|into the dish
What does he put in the dish?
Nem eszem fagylaltot a vendéglőben.
I do not|eat|ice cream|the|in the restaurant
I do not eat ice cream at the restaurant.
John nem esik sonkát a kávéházban.
John|does not|eat|ham|the|in the café
John does not drop ham at the café.
Mária és én nem eszünk vacsorát az ebédlőben.
Maria|and|I|do not|eat|dinner|the|dining room
Maria and I do not eat dinner in the dining room.
A kovácsok nem esznek semmit a nappaliban.
The|blacksmiths|not|eat|anything|in the|living room
The blacksmiths do not eat anything in the living room.
Nem eszem ebédet a konyhában.
I do not|eat|lunch|in the|kitchen
I do not eat lunch in the kitchen.
Egy pohár bort iszom.
A|glass|wine|I drink
I am drinking a glass of wine.
A kovácsok sört iszik.
The blacksmiths drink beer.
A feketék konyakot isznak.
The blacks drink cognac.
Mi egy csészek kávét iszunk.
We drink a cup of coffee.
A lány aprikát iszik.
The girl drinks apricot.
Én nem iszom semmit.
I|do not|drink|anything
I don't drink anything.
A kovácsokat iszunk.
We|the blacksmiths|drink
We drink the blacksmiths.
A kovácsokat iszunk.
The|blacksmiths|we drink
We drink the blacksmiths.
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