4.1. Hari Poter i Vatreni pehar - Kuća zagonetki (2)
Harry|Potter|and|Goblet of|Fire|House|of riddles
4.1. Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch - Haus der Rätsel (2)
4.1. Harry Potter et la coupe de feu - Maison des énigmes (2)
4.1. Harry Potter e il Calice di Fuoco - La Casa degli Enigmi (2)
4.1. Harry Potter i Czara Ognia - Dom Zagadek (2)
4.1. Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня - Дом загадок (2)
4.1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - House of Riddles (2)
Crvorep, koji je nešto nepovezano mrmljao, odmah ućuta.
Crvorep|who|was|something|incoherently|muttered|immediately|fell silent
The redhead, who was mumbling something incoherent, immediately fell silent.
Dve-tri sekunde Frenk nije mogao čuti ništa osim pucketanja vatre.
||seconds|Frank|did not|could|hear|anything|except|crackling|fire
For two or three seconds, Frank could hear nothing but the crackling of the fire.
Onda drugi čovek progovori još jedanput, šapatom, gotovo siktanjem.
Then|second|man|spoke|again|once|in a whisper|almost|hissing
Then the other man spoke again, in a whisper, almost hissing.
– Kao što sam ti već objasnio, imam svoje razloge da iskoristim dečaka, i neću da uzimam nikog drugog.
As|that|I|to|already|explained|I have|my|reasons|to|use|boy|and|I will not|to|take|anyone|else
– As I have already explained to you, I have my reasons to use the boy, and I will not take anyone else.
Čekao sam trinaest godina.
I waited|(past tense marker)|thirteen|years
I waited thirteen years.
Još koji mesec ne znači ništa.
Another month means nothing.
Što se tiče obezbeđenja koje dečaka okružuje, verujem da će moj plan biti delotvoran.
As|reflexive particle|concerns|security|which|boy|surrounds|I believe|that|will|my|plan|be|effective
As for the security surrounding the boy, I believe my plan will be effective.
Samo još kad bi i ti, Crvorepu, pokazao malo više hrabrosti – hrabrosti koju ćeš prikupiti sem ukoliko ne želiš da osetiš pun gnev Lorda Voldemora... – Gospodaru moj, moram nešto da kažem!
Just|yet|when|would|and|you|Crabbe|showed|a little|more|courage|courage|which|you will|gather|unless|if|not|want|to|feel|full|wrath|Lord|Voldemort|My lord|my|I must|something|to|say
If only you, Wormtail, would show a little more courage – the courage you will gather unless you want to feel the full wrath of Lord Voldemort... – My lord, I have something to say!
– reče Crvorep, sada već paničnim glasom.
– said Wormtail, now in a panicked voice.
– Tokom čitavog našeg putovanja u glavi mi se vrteo ovaj plan.
During|entire|our|journey|in|head|to me|reflexive particle|was spinning|this|plan
– Throughout our entire journey, this plan was spinning in my head.
Gospodaru, nestanak Berte Džorkins neće dugo ostati neprimećen, i ako nastavimo, ako ja bacim kletvu... – Ako?
Master|disappearance|Berta|Džorkins|will not|long|remain|unnoticed|and|if|we continue|if|I|cast|curse|
My lord, the disappearance of Berta Jorkins will not go unnoticed for long, and if we continue, if I cast a curse... – If?
– prošaputa drugi glas.
– another voice whispered.
– Ako?
– If?
Ako se budeš pridržavao plana, Crvorepe, Ministarstvo ne mora ni da sazna da je još neko nestao.
If|reflexive pronoun|you will be|adhering to|plan|Crvorepa|the Ministry|not|has to|even|to|find out|that|is|another|someone|disappeared
If you stick to the plan, Crvorepe, the Ministry doesn't even have to find out that someone else has disappeared.
Učinićeš to tiho i bez gužve.
You will do|it|quietly|and|without|crowd
You will do it quietly and without fuss.
Jedino žalim što ne mogu sâm to da uradim, ali u mom trenutnom stanju... hodi, Crvorepu, još jedna prepreka je uklonjena, i utrli smo put do Harija Potera.
The only thing I regret is that I can't do it myself, but in my current state... come on, Wormtail, one more obstacle has been removed, and we have paved the way to Harry Potter.
Ne tražim od tebe da to sâm učiniš.
I do not|ask|from|you|to|that|by myself|do
I am not asking you to do it yourself.
Do tada će nam se već pridružiti i moj verni sluga...
Until|then|will|to us|already|already|join|and|my|faithful|servant
By then, my loyal servant will have joined us...
– Ja sam verni sluga – reče Crvorep, s blagim prizvukom durenja u glasu.
– I am the loyal servant – said Wormtail, with a slight hint of sulking in his voice.
– Crvorepu, treba mi neko ko ima pameti u glavi, neko čija lojalnost nikada nije bila poljuljana, a ti, nažalost, ne ispunjavaš nijedan od zahteva.
Crvorepu|need|me|someone|who|has|sense|in|head|someone|whose|loyalty|never|is not|been|shaken|but|you|unfortunately|not|fulfill|any|of|requirements
– Crvorep, I need someone who has sense in their head, someone whose loyalty has never been shaken, and you, unfortunately, do not meet any of the requirements.
– Ja sam vas pronašao – reče Crvorep, s već jasno primetnim prizvukom durenja u glasu.
– I found you – said Crvorep, with a clearly noticeable tone of sulking in his voice.
– Ja sam taj koji vas je pronašao.
I|am|the one|who|you|was|found
– I am the one who found you.
Doveo sam vam Bertu Džorkins.
I brought|(past tense auxiliary verb)|to you|Berta|Džorkins
I brought you Berta Jorkins.
– To je istina – reče drugi čovek očito se zabavljajući – i to je bio briljantan potez, za koji nisam mislio da si sposoban, Crvorepu – iako, istini za volju, nisi bio svestan koliko bi mogla da nam koristi onda kada si je uhvatio, zar ne... – Pomislio... pomislio sam da bi mogla biti korisna, gospodaru... – Lažove – reče drugi glas ponovo, beskrajno uživajući u surovoj razonodi.
It|is|truth|said|second|man|obviously|himself|entertaining|and|that|was|brilliant|brilliant|move|for|which|I was not|thought|that|you|capable|Blacktail|although|truth|for|sake|you were not|were|aware|how much|would|could|to|us|benefit|then|when|you|it|caught|isn't|no|I thought|thought|I|that|would|could|be|useful|master|Liar|said|second|voice|again|endlessly|enjoying|in|brutal|amusement
– That is true – said the other man, clearly amused – and that was a brilliant move, one I didn't think you were capable of, Crvorep – although, to be fair, you weren't aware of how useful she could be when you caught her, were you... – I thought... I thought she could be useful, my lord... – Liar – said the second voice again, endlessly enjoying the cruel amusement.
– Ipak, ne poričem da su njene informacije bile neprocenjive.
– However, I do not deny that her information was invaluable.
Bez njih nikada ne bih skovao naš plan, i zbog toga ćeš biti nagrađen, Crvorepu.
Without|them|never|not|would|devised|our|plan|and|because of|that|you will|be|rewarded|Crvorepa
Without it, I would never have forged our plan, and for that, you will be rewarded, Blacktail.
Dozvoliću ti da izvedeš zadatak od presudnog značaja za mene, zadatak za koji bi mnogi moji sledbenici dali desnu ruku da ga izvedu... – Z–zaista, gospodaru?
I will allow|you|to|perform|task|of|crucial|significance|for|me|task|for|which|would|many|my|followers|would give|right|hand|to|it|perform|||master
I will allow you to carry out a task of crucial importance to me, a task for which many of my followers would give their right hand to perform... – R–really, master?
What kind of
– Crvorep je opet zvučao prestrašeno.
– Blacktail sounded scared again.
– Ah, Crvorepu, ne želiš valjda da ti pokvarim iznenađenje?
Ah|Crvorep|not|you want|probably|to|you|spoil|surprise
– Ah, Crvorepu, you don't want me to spoil the surprise, do you?
Tvoj deo posla dolazi na samom kraju... ali, obećavam, imaćeš čast da budeš koristan bar koliko i Berta Džorkins.
Your|part|of work|comes|at|very||but|I promise|you will have|honor|to|be|useful|at least|as much as|and|Berta|Dzhorkins
Your part of the job comes at the very end... but, I promise, you will have the honor of being useful at least as much as Berta Dorkins.
– Vi... vi... – Crvorepov glas iznenada zazvuča promuklo, kao da su mu se usta skroz osušila.
You||of the worm|voice|suddenly|sounded|hoarsely|as|that|were|to him||mouth|completely|dried
– You... you... – Crvorep's voice suddenly sounded hoarse, as if his mouth had completely dried up.
– Vi... ćete i mene... ubiti?
– You... will you... kill me?
– Crvorepu, Crvorepu – reče hladni glas medno – zašto bih te ubio?
– Crvorepu, Crvorepu – said the cold voice sweetly – why would I kill you?
Ubio sam Bertu zato što sam morao.
I killed|I|Berta|because|that|I|had to
I killed Berta because I had to.
Nije bila ni za šta posle mog ispitivanja, već sasvim beskorisna.
It was not|she|nor|for|anything|after|my|questioning|but|completely|useless
She was useless after my interrogation, completely worthless.
U svakom slučaju, da se vratila nazad u Ministarstvo s vestima da je srela tebe na svom prazničnom odmoru, tamo bi se postavila neugodna pitanja.
In|every|case|if|herself|returned|back|to|the Ministry|with|news|that|she|met|you|on|her|holiday|vacation|there|would|herself|asked|uncomfortable|questions
In any case, if she had returned to the Ministry with news that she met you on her holiday, uncomfortable questions would have arisen there.
Čarobnjaci za koje se veruje da su mrtvi ne bi trebalo da naleću na veštice iz Ministarstva magije po drumskim krčmama...
Wizards|for|whom|reflexive pronoun|is believed|that|are|dead|not|would|should|to|encounter|on|witches|from|Ministry|of Magic|in|roadside|taverns
Wizards believed to be dead should not run into Ministry of Magic witches in roadside inns...
Crvorep promrmlja nešto veoma tiho, što Frenk nije mogao čuti, ali što je, očito, zasmejalo drugog čoveka – bio je to sasvim kiseo smeh, hladan kao i njegov govor.
The Crvorep|mumbles|something|very|quietly|that|Frank|did not||hear|but|what|was|obviously|amused|the other|man|was|it|that|completely|bitter|laugh|cold|as|and|his|speech
The black-haired man mumbled something very quietly, which Frank could not hear, but which evidently amused the other man – it was a completely sour laugh, as cold as his speech.
– Mogli smo da joj izmenimo pamćenje?
– Could we change her memory?
Ali moćni čarobnjaci su u stanju da razbiju i te Memorijske čini, kao što sam već dokazao dok sam je ispitivao.
But powerful wizards are capable of breaking even those Memory spells, as I have already proven while interrogating her.
Bila bi uvreda za njeno pamćenje da ne iskoristimo informacije koje sam izvukao iz nje, Crvorepu.
It would be|be|an insult|for|her|memory|to|not|we use|the information|that|I|extracted|from|her|Crvorepa
It would be an insult to her memory not to use the information I extracted from her, Blacktail.
Napolju, u hodniku, Frenk iznenada postade svestan da mu je ruka kojom je stezao štap klizava od znoja.
Outside|in|the hallway|Frank|suddenly|became|aware|that|to him|was|hand|with which|was|gripping|cane|slippery|from|sweat
Outside, in the hallway, Frank suddenly became aware that the hand he was gripping the staff with was slick with sweat.
Čovek hladnog glasa ubio je ženu.
The man|cold|voice|killed|(past tense marker)|the woman
The man with the cold voice killed the woman.
Pričao je o tome bez ikakvog kajanja – s veselošću.
He talked|past tense marker|about|it|without|any|regret|with|cheerfulness
He spoke about it without any remorse – with joy.
On je bio opasan – pravi ludak.
He was dangerous – a real madman.
I planirao je nova ubistva – taj dečak, Hari Poter, ko god bio – u opasnosti je...
I|planned|past tense auxiliary verb|new|murders|that|boy|Harry|Potter|who|ever|was|in|danger|is
And he was planning new murders – that boy, Harry Potter, whoever he was – is in danger...
Frenk je znao šta mora da učini.
Frank knew what he had to do.
Sada je kucnuo čas da se ode u policiju.
Now the time had come to go to the police.
Išunjaće se iz kuće i uputiti se pravo ka telefonskoj govornici u selu... ali hladni glas ponovo progovori, i Frenk ostade tamo gde je i bio, ukopan u mestu, osluškujući iz petnih žila.
He will run out|reflexive pronoun|from|the house|and|head|reflexive pronoun|straight|towards|telephone|booth|in|the village|but|cold|voice|again|spoke|and|Frank|remained|there|where|he|and|was|rooted|in|place|listening|from|heel|veins
He will sneak out of the house and head straight to the phone booth in the village... but the cold voice speaks again, and Frank remains where he was, rooted in place, listening with all his might.
– Još jedna kletva... moj verni sluga na Hogvortsu... Hari Poter mi je dolijao, Crvorepu.
Another|curse|curse|my|faithful|servant|at|Hogwarts|Harry|Potter|to me|was|outsmarted|Voldemort
– Another curse... my faithful servant at Hogwarts... Harry Potter has gotten to me, Crvorepa.
To je gotova stvar.
It's a done deal.
Nema više rasprave.
There is no|more|discussion
No more discussion.
Ali tiho... mislim da čujem Nagini...
But|quietly|I think|that|I hear|Nagini
But quietly... I think I hear Nagini...
I glas drugog čoveka se promeni.
The|voice|second|man|reflexive pronoun|changes
And the voice of the second man changed.
Poče da ispušta zvuke kakve Frenk nikada ranije nije čuo: siktao je i pljuvao kao bez daha.
He started|to|make|sounds|that|Frank|never|before|had not|heard|he hissed|was||spitting|like|out of|breath
He began to make sounds that Frank had never heard before: he was hissing and spitting as if out of breath.
Frenk pomisli da taj tip sigurno ima nekakav napad.
Frank|thought|that|that|guy|surely|has|some kind of|attack
Frank thought that guy must be having some kind of attack.
A onda, Frenk začu kretanje iza sebe, u mračnom hodniku.
And then, Frank heard movement behind him, in the dark hallway.
Osvrnu se da pogleda iza sebe, i ukoči se od straha.
He looked back|himself|to|look|behind|himself|and|froze|himself|from|fear
He turned to look behind him, and froze in fear.
Po mračnom podu hodnika, nešto je gmizalo prema njemu, a kada se približilo zraku svetlosti od vatre, on s užasom shvati da je to divovska zmija, dugačka najmanje dvanaest stopa.
On|dark|floor|of the hallway|something|was|crawling|towards|him|and|when|it|approached|ray|of light|from|fire|he|with|horror|realized|that|it|that|giant|snake|long|at least|twelve|feet
On the dark floor of the hallway, something was slithering towards him, and when it got close to the beam of light from the fire, he realized with horror that it was a giant snake, at least twelve feet long.
Užasnut i prestravljen, Frenk je zurio u nju dok je njeno valovito telo ostavljalo širok, krivudav trag u debelom sloju prašine na podu, približavajući se sve bliže, i bliže – šta bi mogao da učini?
Horrified and terrified, Frank stared at it as its undulating body left a wide, winding trail in the thick layer of dust on the floor, getting closer and closer – what could he do?
Jedini put za bekstvo bila je soba u kojoj su ona dvojica sedela i kovala planove za ubistvo, pa ipak, ako ostane tu gde je, zmija će ga sigurno ubiti...
The only|way|for|escape|was|is||||||||||||||||||||snake|will|him|surely|kill
The only escape route was the room where the two of them were sitting and plotting murder, yet if he stayed where he was, the snake would surely kill him...
Ali pre nego što je uspeo da se odluči, zmija je već bila kraj njega, a onda, neverovatno i čudesno, prođe pored njega.
But before he could make up his mind, the snake was already beside him, and then, incredibly and miraculously, it passed by him.
Sledila je pljuckave, siktave zvuke koje je proizvodio hladni glas iza vrata, i za nekoliko sekundi vrh njenog dijamantski išaranog repa nestade kroz odškrinuta vrata
She followed|past tense marker|spitting|hissing|sounds|that|past tense marker|produced|cold|voice|behind|door|and|in|a few|seconds|tip|her|diamond|patterned|tail|disappeared|through|ajar|door
It followed the spitting, hissing sounds produced by the cold voice behind the door, and within seconds the tip of its diamond-patterned tail disappeared through the ajar door.
Niz Frenkovo čelo slivao se hladan znoj, a ruka sa štapom je drhtala.
Down|Frank's|forehead|flowed|reflexive particle|cold|sweat|and|hand|with|cane|was|trembling
A cold sweat was running down Frank's forehead, and his hand with the cane was trembling.
U sobi, hladni glas nastavi da sikće i Frenku pade na pamet čudna misao, nemoguća misao... Ovaj čovek može da priča sa zmijama.
In the room, a cold voice continued to hiss, and a strange thought, an impossible thought, crossed Frank's mind... This man can talk to snakes.
Frenk nije mogao da shvati šta se dešava.
Frank|not||to|understand|what|reflexive pronoun|is happening
Frank couldn't understand what was happening.
Više od svega želeo je da se ponovo nađe u svom krevetu, s termoforom punim tople vode.
More|than|anything|wanted|(past tense auxiliary verb)|to|himself|again|finds|in||bed|with|hot water bottle|full|warm|water
More than anything, he wanted to find himself back in his bed, with a hot water bottle full of warm water.
Problem je bio u tome što njegove noge izgleda nisu mogle da se pomere s mesta.
The problem|was|was|in|that|that|his|legs|apparently|could not|move|to|themselves|move|from|place
The problem was that his legs seemed unable to move from the spot.
Dok je stajao tamo, tresući se i pokušavajući da zagospodari sobom, hladni glas se iznenada ponovo vrati na engleski: – Nagini ima interesantne vesti, Crvorepu – reče.
As he stood there, trembling and trying to master himself, the cold voice suddenly returned to English: – Nagini has interesting news, Blacktail – he said.
– Za-zaista, gospodaru?
– R-really, my lord?
– uzvrati Crvorep.
– Blacktail replied.
– Da, zaista – reče glas.
– Yes, really – said the voice.
– Kako tvrdi Nagini, ispred vrata ove sobe nalazi se jedan stari Normalac, koji sluša svaku našu reč.
As|claims|Nagini|in front of|the door|this|room|there is|reflexive particle|one|old|Normal|who|listens to|every|our|word
– According to Nagini, there is an old Normal outside the door of this room, who is listening to every word we say.
Nije bilo šanse da se Frenk bilo gde sakrije.
There was not|a chance|for Frank|to|himself|Frank|anywhere|where|hide
There was no chance for Frank to hide anywhere.
Začuše se koraci, a zatim se vrata sobe širom otvoriše.
The footsteps were heard|reflexive particle|footsteps|and|then|reflexive particle|door|of the room|wide|opened
Footsteps were heard, and then the door to the room swung wide open.
Pred Frenkom je stajao nizak čovek prosede kose, proćelav, sa šiljatim nosem i sitnim vodnjikavim očima, a na licu mu se videla mešavina straha i zbunjenosti.
In front of|Frank|was|standing|short|man|gray|hair|bald|with|pointed|nose|and|small|watery|eyes|but|on|face|him|reflexive pronoun|was seen|mixture|fear|and|confusion
In front of Frank stood a short man with gray hair, balding, with a pointed nose and small watery eyes, and his face showed a mixture of fear and confusion.
– Pozovi ga unutra, Crvorepu.
– Call him in, Blacktail.
Gde su ti maniri?
Where are your manners?
Hladni glas dopirao je iz drevne fotelje ispred vatre, ali Frenk nije mogao da vidi govornika.
Cold|voice|reached|was|from|ancient|armchair|in front of|fire|but|Frank|not|could|to|see|speaker
A cold voice came from the ancient armchair in front of the fire, but Frank could not see the speaker.
Zmija je, s druge strane, ležala smotana na istrulelom sagu ispred kamina, kao kakva užasna parodija psa ljubimca.
The snake|was|on|other|side|lay|coiled|on|rotten|rug|in front of|the fireplace|like|some|terrible|parody|dog|pet
The snake, on the other hand, lay coiled on the rotting rug in front of the fireplace, like some terrible parody of a pet dog.
Crvorep pokaza Frenku da uđe u sobu.
The bugler|showed|to Frank|to|enter|in|the room
The black-tailed creature signaled Frank to enter the room.
I dalje duboko uzdrman, Frenk još čvršće zgrabi štap i odšepa preko praga.
I||deeply|shaken|Frank|even|more firmly|grabbed|cane|and|hobbled|over|the threshold
Still deeply shaken, Frank gripped the cane even tighter and limped over the threshold.
Jedini izvor svetlosti u sobi bila je vatra.
The only|source|of light|in|the room|was|(auxiliary verb)|fire
The only source of light in the room was the fire.
Bacala je duge, paukolike senke po zidovima.
She cast long, spider-like shadows on the walls.
Frenk je zurio u pozadinu fotelje.
Frank|was|staring|at|the background|of the chair
Frank stared into the back of the armchair.
Čovek u njoj bio je izgleda manji čak i od svog sluge, jer Frenk nije mogao u fotelji da mu vidi ni teme.
The man|in|her|was|is|seemed|smaller|even|and|than|his|servant|because|Frank|not||in|the armchair|to|him|see|even|the top of his head
The man in it seemed even smaller than his servant, as Frank couldn't see even the top of his head in the armchair.
– Sve si čuo, Normalče?
- Did you hear everything, Normal?
– upita hladni glas.
- asked a cold voice.
– Kako si me to nazvao?
– What did you call me?
– Frenk je bio prkosan jer se sada, kada je već bio u sobi i kada je došlo vreme za akciju, osećao hrabrije.
Frank|was|was|defiant|because|himself|now|when|he|already|was|in|the room|and|when|it|came|time|for|action|felt|braver
– Frenk was defiant because now, when he was already in the room and it was time for action, he felt braver.
Uvek je tako bilo u ratu.
It was always like that in war.
– Zovem te Normalcem – reče glas hladno.
I call|you|Normal|said|voice|coldly
– I call you Normal – the voice said coldly.
– To znači da ti nisi čarobnjak.
That|means|that|you|are not|wizard
– That means you are not a wizard.
– Ne znam šta podrazumevaš pod čarobnjakom – reče Frenk, sve sigurnijeg glasa.
I|know|what|you mean|by|wizard|said|Frank|more|confident|voice
– I don't know what you mean by wizard – said Frank, his voice becoming more confident.
– Znam samo da sam večeras čuo dovoljno da zainteresujem policiju, vala baš.
I know|only|that|I|tonight|heard|enough|to|interest|the police|really|exactly
– I only know that I heard enough tonight to interest the police, indeed.
Počinio si ubistvo i planiraš još jedno!
You committed|(you)|murder|and|you plan|another|one
You committed murder and you plan to commit another one!
A reći ću ti i ovo – dodade, u naletu inspiracije – moja žena zna da sam ovde, i ako se ne vratim... – Ti nemaš ženu – reče hladni glas, vrlo tiho.
And|I will tell|(future tense marker)|you|and|this|he added|in|burst|of inspiration|my|wife|knows|that|I am|here|and|if|(reflexive pronoun)|not|I return|You|do not have|wife|said|cold|voice|very|quietly
And I'll tell you this – he added, in a burst of inspiration – my wife knows I'm here, and if I don't come back... – You don't have a wife – said a cold voice, very quietly.
– Niko ne zna da si ovde.
– No one knows you're here.
Nikome nisi rekao da dolaziš.
to nobody|you didn't|said|that|you are coming
You didn't tell anyone you were coming.
Ne laži Lorda Voldemora, Normalče, jer on zna... on uvek zna... – Je l' tako?
Don't lie to Lord Voldemort, Normal, because he knows... he always knows... – Right?
– odvrati Frenk grubo.
– Frank replied roughly.
– Lord, je li?
Lord|is|question particle
– Lord, is it?
Pa, nemam visoko mišljenje o tvojim manirima, moj gospodaru.
Well|I don't have|high|opinion|about|your|manners|my|lord
Well, I don't have a high opinion of your manners, my lord.
Zašto se ne okreneš i ne suočiš se sa mnom licem u lice, kao čovek.
Why|reflexive particle|not|you turn|and|not|you confront|reflexive particle|with|me|face|in|face|like|man
Why don't you turn around and face me man to man?
– Ali ja nisam čovek, Normalče – reče hladni glas, sada već jedva čujan od pucketanja vatre.
But|I|am not|human|Normally|said|cold|voice|now|already|barely|audible|from|crackling|fire
- But I am not a man, Normalcy - said the cold voice, now barely audible over the crackling fire.
– Ja sam mnogo, mnogo više od čoveka.
- I am much, much more than a man.
Međutim... zašto da ne?
However... why not?
Suočiću se s tobom licem u lice... Crvorepu, dođi, okreni mi stolicu.
I will confront|myself|with|you|face|in|person|Crvorep|come|turn|to me|chair
I will face you man to man... Blacktail, come, turn my chair.
Sluga zacvile.
The servant|whined
The servant whined.
– Čuo si me, Crvorepu.
You heard|you|me|Blackworm
– You heard me, Blacktail.
Polagano, s mrgodnim izrazom lica, kao da bi radije učinio bilo šta nego da se približi svom gospodaru i tepihu ispred kamina na kome je ležala zmija, mali čovek zakorači napred i poče da okreće stolicu.
Slowly|with|scowling|expression|face|as|to|would|rather|done|anything|else|than|to|himself|approach|his|master|and|rug|in front of|fireplace|on|which|was|lying|snake|small|man|stepped|forward|and|began|to|turn|chair
Slowly, with a grim expression on his face, as if he would rather do anything than approach his master and the rug in front of the fireplace where the snake lay, the small man stepped forward and began to turn the chair.
Kada noge od stolice potkačiše njen tepih zmija podiže svoju ružnu trouglastu glavu i blago zasikta.
When|legs|from|chair|brushed against|her|carpet|snake|raises|its|ugly|triangular|head|and|softly|hisses
When the legs of the chair caught on the rug, the snake raised its ugly triangular head and hissed softly.
A tada se stolica najzad našla okrenuta tačno ka Frenku, i on vide šta sedi u njoj.
And|then|reflexive pronoun|chair|finally|found|turned|exactly|towards|Frank|and|he|saw|what|sits|in|it
And then the chair finally faced directly towards Frank, and he saw what was sitting in it.
Štap mu ispade na pod uz klepet.
The stick|to him|fell|on|the floor|with|clatter
His stick fell to the floor with a clatter.
On otvori usta i ispusti krik.
He|opens|mouth|and|lets out|scream
He opened his mouth and let out a scream.
Vrištao je tako glasno da nije ni čuo reči koje je stvor u fotelji izgovorio, dok je podizao štapić.
He screamed|was|so|loudly|that|did not|even|heard|the words|that|he|creature|in|the armchair|said|while|he|raised|the stick
He screamed so loudly that he didn't even hear the words the creature in the armchair spoke as it lifted the stick.
Blesnu zelena svetlost, ču se užurban zvuk i Frenk Brajs se sruši.
A flash of|green|light|I heard|reflexive particle|hurried|sound|and|Frank|Bryce|reflexive particle|collapsed
A green light flashed, a hurried sound was heard, and Frank Bryce collapsed.
Bio je mrtav pre nego što je udario o pod.
He was|(past tense verb marker)|dead|before|than|what|(past tense verb marker)|hit|on|floor
He was dead before he hit the floor.
Dve stotine milja dalje, dečak zvani Hari Poter naglo se probudio.
Two|hundred|miles|away|boy|named|Harry|Potter|suddenly|himself|woke up
Two hundred miles away, a boy named Harry Potter suddenly woke up.
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