1.10. Hari Poter i Kamen mudrosti - Noć veštica (audio knjiga) (1)
1.10. Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen – Halloween (Hörbuch) (1)
1.10. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Halloween (Audiobook) (1)
1.10. Гарри Поттер и философский камень - Хэллоуин (Аудиокнига) (1)
Noć veštica Melfoj nije mogao da poveruje svojim očima kad je sledećeg dana otkrio da su Hari i Ron još uvek na Hogvortsu, umorni, ali sasvim veseli.
Halloween Malfoy couldn't believe his eyes when he found Harry and Ron still at Hogwarts the next day, tired but quite cheerful.
Zaista, Hari i Ron su već idućeg jutra verovali da je susret s troglavim psom sjajna pustolovina, i bili željni još takvih, sličnih avantura.
Tatsächlich glaubten Harry und Ron am nächsten Morgen, dass die Begegnung mit einem dreiköpfigen Hund ein großes Abenteuer sei, und sie wollten mehr solcher, ähnlicher Abenteuer.
Indeed, Harry and Ron already the next morning believed that meeting the three-headed dog was a great adventure, and were eager for more such, similar adventures.
U međuvremenu, Hari je Ronu ispričao sve o paketu koji je, izgleda, prebačen iz Gringotsa na Hogvorts, te su mnogo vremena provodili pitajući se šta je to što iziskuje tako posebnu zaštitu.
In der Zwischenzeit erzählte Harry Ron alles über das Paket, das anscheinend von Gringotts nach Hogwarts gebracht worden war, und sie verbrachten viel Zeit damit, sich zu fragen, was diesen besonderen Schutz erfordert.
Meanwhile, Harry told Ron all about the package that had apparently been transferred from Gringotts to Hogwarts, and they spent a lot of time wondering what it was that required such special protection.
– To je nešto ili izuzetno dragoceno, ili krajnje opasno – reče Ron.
"It's something either extremely valuable or extremely dangerous," said Ron.
– Ili i jedno i drugo – potvrdi Hari.
"Or both," Harry confirmed.
No sve što su sa sigurnošću smeli da tvrde o tajanstvenom predmetu bilo je da je dugačak tri-četiri centimetra, pa stoga bez novih informacija nisu imali mnogo šanse da pogode o čemu je reč.
But all they could say with certainty about the mysterious object was that it was three or four centimeters long, so without new information they had little chance of guessing what it was.
Nevil i Hermiona nisu ispoljili ni trunku radoznalosti kad je reč o onome što je ležalo ispod tog psa i vratanca u podu.
Neville und Hermine zeigten nicht die geringste Spur von Neugier, wenn es darum ging, was unter diesem Hund und der Tür auf dem Boden lag.
Neville and Hermione didn't show an iota of curiosity about what lay beneath that dog and door in the floor.
Nevil je samo želeo da se više nikada ne približi tom psu.
Neville just wanted to never go near that dog again.
Hermiona sada više nije htela ni da razgovara s Ronom i Harijem, ali budući da su je oni ionako smatrali sveznajućim davežom, to im se činilo kao čist zgoditak.
Hermine wollte nicht einmal mehr mit Ron und Harry reden, aber da sie sie ohnehin als allwissendes Ärgernis betrachteten, schien es wie eine saubere Weste.
Hermione didn't even want to talk to Ron and Harry anymore, but since they thought of her as a know-it-all brat anyway, it seemed like a real win.
Sada su jedino želeli da pronađu način da se osvete Melfoju i, na njihovo veliko zadovoljstvo, rešenje im je stiglo poštom, nedelju dana kasnije.
Jetzt wollten sie nur noch einen Weg finden, sich an Melfoi zu rächen, und zu ihrer großen Zufriedenheit kam die Lösung eine Woche später per Post.
All they wanted now was to find a way to get revenge on Malfoy and, to their great delight, the solution arrived in the mail a week later.
Kada su sove, po običaju, preplavile Veliku salu, svima je odmah zapao za oko dugačak, tanak paket koji je nosilo šest velikih sova kukuvija.
Als die Eulen wie üblich die Große Halle überschwemmten, bemerkte jeder sofort das lange, dünne Paket, das von sechs großen Kuckuckskäfern getragen wurde.
When the owls, as usual, flooded the Great Hall, everyone immediately caught the eye of a long, thin package carried by six large cuckoo owls.
Hari je, kao i ostali, bio radoznao da vidi šta je u tom velikom paketu, i bio je zapanjen kad su ga sove ispustile baš pred njega, oborivši mu slaninu s tanjira na pod.
Harry war wie die anderen neugierig zu sehen, was in diesem großen Paket war, und er war erstaunt, als die Eulen ihn direkt vor sich fallen ließen und den Speck von seinem Teller auf den Boden stießen.
Harry, like the others, was curious to see what was in the large package, and was stunned when the owls dropped it right in front of him, knocking the bacon off his plate onto the floor.
Još nisu ni iščezle s vidika kada druga sova ispusti pismo povrh paketa.
They are not even out of sight when another owl drops a letter on top of the package.
Hari najpre otvori pismo, što je bila sreća jer je u njemu pisalo: NE OTVARAJ PAKET ZA STOLOM.
Harry opened the letter first, which was lucky because it said: DO NOT OPEN THE PACKAGE AT THE TABLE.
U njemu je tvoja nova metla Nimbus 2000, ali ne želim da svi znaju da si dobio metlu, ili će svi poželeti jednu takvu.
It has your new Nimbus 2000 broom in it, but I don't want everyone to know you got a broom, or everyone will want one.
Oliver Drvce će se naći s tobom večeras na terenu za kvidič u sedam sati, da bi ti održao prvi trening.
Oliver Drvce will meet you tonight at the Quidditch pitch at seven o'clock to give you your first training session.
Profesorka M. Mek Gonagal Hari je jedva uspevao da prikrije zadovoljstvo kad je pružio poruku Ronu da je pročita.
Professor M. McGonagall Harry konnte seine Freude kaum verbergen, als er Ron eine Nachricht zum Lesen gab.
Professor M. McGonagall Harry could barely hide his pleasure as he handed the note to Ron to read.
– Nimbus dve hiljade – promrmlja Ron sa zavišću.
– Nisam nikad ni pipnuo jednu takvu.
- I have never even touched one like that.
Oni brzo izađoše iz sale da bi nasamo otpakovali metlu pre prvog časa, ali na pola puta kroz Ulaznu dvoranu Kreb i Gojl im preprečiše put ka stepenicama, a Melfoj ščepa paket od Harija i opipa ga.
They hurried out of the hall to unpack the broom in private before first class, but halfway through the Entrance Hall Crabbe and Goyle blocked their way to the stairs, and Malfoy grabbed the package from Harry and felt it.
– To je metla – reče bacajući je natrag Hariju s mešavinom ljubomore i pakosti na licu.
„Das ist ein Besen“, sagte er und warf ihn mit einer Mischung aus Eifersucht und Bosheit auf seinem Gesicht zurück zu Harry.
"It's a broom," he said throwing it back at Harry with a mixture of jealousy and mischief on his face.
– Ovoga puta si gotov, Poteru, prvaci ne smeju da ih poseduju.
- Diesmal bist du bereit, Potter, die Champions dürfen sie nicht besitzen.
– This time you're done, Potter, champions can't own them.
Ron nije mogao da izdrži.
Ron couldn't stand it.
– To nije tek bilo kakva stara metla – reče.
„Das ist nicht nur irgendein alter Besen“, sagte er.
"It's not just any old broom," he said.
– To je Nimbus dve hiljade.
Šta ono reče da imaš kod kuće, Melfoje, Kometu dvesta šezdeset?
Was sagte er, hast du zu Hause, Melfoi, Comet zweihundertsechzig?
What did it say you have at home, Malfoy, Comet two hundred and sixty?
– Ron se iskezi Hariju.
– Komete deluju razmetljivo, ali nisu ista liga kao Nimbusice.
- Comets seem ostentatious, but they are not in the same league as Nimbusica.
– Šta ti znaš o tome, Vizli, ti sebi ne možeš da priuštiš ni pola njene drške – uzvrati mu Melfoj.
- What do you know about that, Weasley, you can't even afford half of her shaft - Malfoy retorted.
– Pretpostavljam da ti i tvoja braća morate da štedite za metle, skupljajući grančicu po grančicu.
- I guess you and your brothers have to save up for brooms, picking up twig by twig.
Pre nego što je Ron stigao da odgovori, profesor Flitvik se pojavi pred Melfojem.
Before Ron could answer, Professor Flitwick appeared before Malfoy.
– Dečaci, nadam se da se ne svađate?
- Jungs, ich hoffe ihr streitet nicht?
- Boys, I hope you're not fighting?
– reče on piskutavo.
- he said squeakily.
– Poter je dobio metlu, profesore – reče Melfoj brzo.
– Da, da, tačno – reče profesor Flitvik, nasmešivši se Hariju.
"Yes, yes, right," said Professor Flitwick, smiling at Harry.
– Profesorka Mek Gonagal mi je rekla sve o tim specijalnim okolnostima, Poteru.
A koji je model?
– Nimbus 2000, gospodine – reče Hari, obuzdavajući se da se ne nasmeje pri pogledu na Melfojevo užasnuto lice.
„Nimbus 2000, Sir“, sagte Harry und hielt sich davon ab, beim Anblick von Melfoys entsetztem Gesicht zu lachen.
"Nimbus 2000, sir," Harry said, holding back a laugh at the sight of Malfoy's horrified face.
– A dobio sam je zahvaljujući Melfoju – dodade on.
„Und ich habe es dank Melfoi bekommen“, fügte er hinzu.
Hari i Ron pohitaše uz stepenice, gušeći se od smeha zbog Melfojevog očitog besa i zbunjenosti.
Harry und Ron eilten die Treppe hinauf und erstickten vor Lachen über Melfoys offensichtliche Wut und Verwirrung.
Harry and Ron hurried up the stairs, choking back laughter at Malfoy's obvious anger and confusion.
– Pa, istina je – zakikota se Hari kad su stigli na vrh mermernog stepeništa.
"Well, it's true," Harry chuckled as they reached the top of the marble staircase.
– Da nije ukrao Nevilovog Nezaboravka, ja ne bih bio u timu... – Dakle, vi mislite da je to nagrada za kršenje pravila?
- Wenn er Nevilles Vergesslichkeit nicht gestohlen hätte, wäre ich nicht im Team ... - Du denkst also, es ist eine Belohnung für das Brechen der Regeln?
– reče jedan ljutiti glas tik iza njih.
- said an angry voice right behind them.
Hermiona je trupkala nogama uza stepenice, gledajući s neodobravanjem paket u Harijevoj ruci.
Hermione stamped her feet up the stairs, looking disapprovingly at the package in Harry's hand.
– Mislio sam da ne govoriš s nama?
- Ich dachte, du redest nicht mit uns?
– upita Hari.
– Tako je, nemoj ni sada da počinješ – reče Ron – baš nam prija.
„Das stimmt, fang jetzt nicht an“, sagte Ron.
- That's right, don't even start now - said Ron - we really like it.
Hermiona odmaršira dalje, visoko uzdignutog nosa.
Hermione marched on, her nose held high.
Tog dana Hari je imao velikih problema da se usredsredi na časove.
Harry had a lot of trouble concentrating in class that day.
Misli su mu stalno lutale do spavaonice u kojoj je njegova nova metla ležala ispod kreveta, ili su se usmeravale ka terenu za kvidič, gde je trebalo da počne da uči pravila igre te večeri.
His mind kept wandering to the dormitory where his new broom lay under the bed, or to the Quidditch pitch, where he was to begin learning the rules of the game that evening.
Kasnije je smazao večeru i ne primećujući šta jede, a onda je jurnuo gore s Ronom da bi napokon odmotali Nimbus 2000.
Später aß er zu Abend, ohne zu bemerken, was er aß, und eilte dann mit Ron nach oben, um Nimbus 2000 endlich abzuwickeln.
Later, he wolfed down his dinner without noticing what he was eating, then rushed upstairs with Ron to finally unwrap the Nimbus 2000.
– Auuu – uzdahnu Ron kad se metla otkotrljala po Harijevom prekrivaču.
„Wow“, seufzte Ron, als der Besen über Harrys Decke rollte.
"Aww," sighed Ron as the broom rolled across Harry's bedspread.
Čak je i Hari, koji ništa nije znao o različitim vrstama metli, smatrao da je divna.
Even Harry, who knew nothing about the different types of brooms, thought it was wonderful.
Uglačana i sjajna, s drškom od mahagonija, imala je dug rep od urednih, pravih grančica, a pri vrhu je zlatnim slovima pisalo Nimbus 2000.
Polished and shiny, with a mahogany handle, it had a long tail of neat, straight twigs, and near the top was written Nimbus 2000 in golden letters.
Nešto pre sedam sati Hari napusti zamak i uputi se ka terenu za kvidič po mraku.
A little before seven Harry left the castle and headed for the Quidditch pitch in the dark.
Nikada ranije nije bio na tom stadionu.
He had never been to that stadium before.
Stotine visokih sedišta dizalo se na tribinama oko uzvišenja, kako bi gledaoci bili dovoljno visoko da vide šta se zbiva.
Hundreds of high seats were erected in the stands around the elevation, so that the spectators would be high enough to see what was happening.
Na oba kraja terena nalazila su se po tri zlatna stuba s obručima na vrhu.
An beiden Enden des Feldes befanden sich drei goldene Säulen mit Reifen an der Spitze.
At both ends of the field there were three golden pillars with rings on top.
Harija su podsećala na male plastične štapiće pomoću kojih deca Normalaca prave mehuriće od sapunice, osim što su bili visoki oko pedeset stopa.
Harry erinnerte an die kleinen Plastikstäbchen, die normale Kinder benutzten, um Seifenblasen zu machen, außer dass sie etwa fünfzehn Meter hoch waren.
They reminded Harry of the little plastic sticks that Normal kids use to make soap bubbles, except they were about fifty feet tall.
Isuviše željan ponovnog letenja da bi sačekao Drvceta, Hari uzjaha metlu i odrazi se od tla.
Zu begierig, wieder zu fliegen, um auf die Bäume zu warten, stieg Harry auf seinen Besen und prallte vom Boden ab.
Too eager to fly again to wait for the Treecutter, Harry mounted his broom and bounced off the ground.
Kakvo osećanje – provlačio se kroz stative, a onda bi ubrzano proleteo uzduž i popreko iznad terena.
Was für ein Gefühl - er rannte durch die Stative und flog dann schnell über und über das Feld.
What a feeling - he would slip through the goalposts and then quickly fly up and down the pitch.
Nimbus 2000 se okretao gde god je hteo, na njegov najmanji dodir.
The Nimbus 2000 turned wherever he wanted, at his slightest touch.
– Hej, Poteru, silazi ovamo!
- Hey, Potter, come down here!
Oliver Drvce je upravo stigao.
Oliver Drvce has just arrived.
Pod rukom je nosio veliki drveni sanduk.
He was carrying a large wooden chest under his arm.
Hari se spusti pored njega.
– Vrlo lepo – reče Drvce, sa sjajem u očima.
– Jasno mi je na šta je profesorka Mek Gonagal mislila... stvarno si prirodan talenat.
Večeras ću ti samo objasniti pravila, a onda ćeš se priključiti timskim treninzima triput nedeljno.
Tonight, I'll just explain the rules to you, and then you'll join the team training three times a week.
Otvorio je sanduk.
He opened the chest.
Unutra su bile četiri lopte različitih veličina.
– Pa, evo – reče Drvce.
– Dakle, kvidič se vrlo lako kapira, mada ga nije tako lako igrati.
- So, Quidditch is very easy to understand, although it is not so easy to play.
U svakom timu ima sedmoro igrača.
There are seven players in each team.
Trojica se zovu Goniči.
Die drei heißen Hounds.
The three are called Hounds.
– Tri Goniča – ponovi Hari, dok je Drvce vadio svetlocrvenu loptu veličine fudbalske.
"Three Hounds," repeated Harry, as the Tree took out a bright red ball the size of a soccer ball.
– Ova lopta se zove Kvafl – reče Drvce.
– Goniči bacaju jedan drugome Kvafl i pokušavaju da ga ubace kroz jedan od obruča da bi postigli gol.
– The chasers throw a Quaffle at each other and try to get it through one of the hoops to score a goal.
Svaki put kad Kvafl uđe kroz jedan od prstenova tim dobije deset poena.
Each time Quaffle enters one of the rings the team gets ten points.
Da li me pratiš?
Are you following me?
– Goniči dodaju jedni drugima Kvafl i ubacuju ga kroz obruče da bi postigli pogodak – odrecitova Hari.
„Die Hunde passen Kvafl zueinander und werfen es durch die Reifen, um ein Tor zu erzielen“, sagte Harry.
- The Hounds pass each other a Quaffle and throw it through the hoops to score - said Harry.
– Dakle... to je nešto kao košarka na metlama sa šest obruča, zar ne?
- So... it's kind of like basketball on broomsticks with six hoops, right?
– Šta je to košarka?
– upita Drvce radoznalo.
– Nije važno – brzo reče Hari.
– Dalje, tu je još po jedan igrač na svakoj strani koji se zove Čuvar – ja sam Čuvar za Grifindor.
- Als nächstes gibt es auf jeder Seite einen anderen Spieler namens Wächter - ich bin der Wächter für Gryffindor.
- Furthermore, there is one more player on each side called the Keeper - I am the Keeper for Gryffindor.
Moram da letim između naših gol-obruča i sprečavam igrače iz drugog tima da postignu pogodak.
Ich muss zwischen unseren Torreifen hindurchfliegen und Spieler der anderen Mannschaft am Tor hindern.
I have to fly between our goal hoops and stop players from the other team from scoring.
– Trojica Goniča, jedan Čuvar – ponovi Hari, koji je rešio da sve to zapamti iz cuga.
„Drei Hunde, ein Wächter“, wiederholte Harry, fest entschlossen, sich an alles zu erinnern.
- Three Hounds, one Keeper - repeated Harry, who decided to remember it all from the booze.
– I svi igraju Kvaflom.
OK, shvatio sam.
A čemu onda služi ovo?
And what is this for?
– On pokaza na tri lopte koje su ostale u kutuji.
- Er zeigte auf die drei Bälle, die in der Kiste verblieben waren.
- He pointed to the three balls that remained in the box.
– Sada ću ti pokazati – reče Drvce.
– Uzmi ovo.
On pruži Hariju malu drvenu palicu, nalik onoj za bejzbol.
He handed Harry a small wooden baseball bat.
– Ujedno ću ti pokazati i čemu služe Bladžerke – reče Drvce.
„Ich zeige dir, wozu Bladgers da sind“, sagte der Baum.
- At the same time, I will show you what Bludžerka are for - said Drvce.
– Ove dve su Bladžerke.
On pokaza Hariju dve identične lopte, ziftcrne i nešto manje od crvenog Kvafla.
Er zeigte Harry zwei identische Bälle, schwarz und etwas kleiner als der rote Quaffel.
He showed Harry two identical balls, pitch black and slightly smaller than the red Quaffle.
Hari zapazi da one pokušavaju da se izmigolje iz kaiševa koji su ih držali u kutiji.
Harry bemerkte, dass sie versuchten, aus den Gürteln zu entkommen, die sie in der Kiste hielten.
Harry noticed that they were trying to wriggle out of the straps that held them in the box.
– Odmakni se – upozori Drvce Harija.
„Treten Sie zurück“, warnte Harry Tree.
"Move back," warned Tree Harry.
On se sagnu i oslobodi jednu od Bladžerki.
Er bückte sich und ließ einen der Bladger los.
He bent down and released one of the Bludgers.
Odjednom, crna lopta se podiže visoko u vazduh, a onda polete pravo ka Harijevom licu.
Suddenly, a black ball shot up into the air, then flew straight towards Harry's face.
Hari je dočeka palicom, da bi je zaustavio pre nego što mu razbije nos, i udarcem je otposla cik-cak kroz vazduh, što dalje od sebe – ona je neko vreme zujala oko njihovih glava, a onda se ustremila na Drvceta, koji skoči na nju i uspe da je prikuje za zemlju.
Harry begrüßte sie mit einem Stock, um sie aufzuhalten, bevor er sich die Nase einschlug, und mit einem Schlag flog sie im Zickzack so weit wie möglich von ihr weg – sie schwirrte eine Weile um ihre Köpfe herum und zielte dann auf den Baum, der darauf sprang es gelang ihm, sie zu Boden zu nageln.
Harry met her with his bat, to stop her before she broke his nose, and the kick sent her zigzagging through the air, as far away from him as possible – she buzzed around their heads for a while, then charged at the Treecutter, who leapt at her and managed to pin her to the ground.
– Vidiš – reče Drvce sav zadihan, uteravši ratobornu Bladžerku natrag u kutiju, gde ju je ponovo vezao kaiševima.
„Siehst du“, sagte der Baum keuchend und zwang die kriegerische Blase zurück in die Kiste, wo er sie mit seinen Gürteln auf den Rücken fesselte.
- You see - Drvce said breathlessly, forcing the belligerent Bludger back into the box, where he tied her again with straps.
– Bladžerke zuje unaokolo kroz vazduh pokušavajući da zbace igrače s njihovih metli.
- Blasen schwirren in der Luft herum und versuchen, die Spieler von ihren Besen zu werfen.
– Bludgers buzz around through the air trying to knock the players off their brooms.
Zato u svakom timu imamo po dvojicu Jurišnika.
Deshalb haben wir zwei Angreifer in jedem Team.
That's why we have two Raiders in each team.
U našem timu to su blizanci Vizli – njihov zadatak je da štite svoje igrače od Bladžerki, i pokušaju da ih nabace u pravcu drugog tima.
In our team, it's the Weasley twins - their task is to protect their players from the Bludgers, and try to throw them in the direction of the other team.
Dakle, misliš li da si sve to shvatio?
– Trojica Goniča gađaju i daju golove Kvaflom; Čuvar pazi na golove, Jurišnici čuvaju svoj tim od Bladžerki – nabroja Hari.
– Three Hounds shoot and score goals with Quaflo; The guard looks after the goals, the Stormtroopers protect their team from the Bludgers - Harry enumerated.
– Vrlo dobro – reče Drvce.
– Ovaj... da li su Bladžerke ikada ubile nekoga?
- Um... have the Bludgers ever killed anyone?
– upita Hari, nadajući se da ne zvuči preterano zainteresovano.
Harry asked, hoping he didn't sound overly interested.
– Ne na Hogvortsu.
Imali smo nekoliko razbijenih vilica, ali ništa strašnije od toga.
Wir hatten ein paar gebrochene Kiefer, aber nichts Schlimmeres.
We had a few broken jaws, but nothing more serious than that.
E sad, poslednji član tima je Tragač.
To si ti.
Ti ne moraš da brineš o Kvaflu, ni o Bladžerkama... – ... osim ako mi ne rascopaju glavu.
Wegen Quaffel oder den Bladgers brauchst du dir keine Sorgen zu machen ... - ... es sei denn, sie reißen mir den Kopf ab.
You don't have to worry about the Quaffle, or the Bludgers... - ... unless they rip my head off.
– Ne brini, Vizlijevi su više nego dovoljni da pariraju Bladžerkama – mislim, oni su i sami kao par čovekolikih Bladžerki.
- Keine Sorge, die Weasleys sind mehr als genug, um mit den Bladgers mitzuhalten - ich meine, sie sind wie ein paar menschenähnliche Bladgers.
– Don't worry, the Weasleys are more than enough to match the Bludgers – I mean, they're like a pair of humanoid Bludgers themselves.
Drvce posegnu u sanduk i izvuče četvrtu, poslednju loptu.
The tree reached into the box and pulled out the fourth, last ball.
U poređenju s Kvaflom i Bladžerkama bila je sićušna, veličine krupnog oraha.
Compared to Quaffle and Bludgers, she was tiny, the size of a large walnut.
Bila je od sjajnog zlata, s malim i lepršavim srebrnim krilcima.
It was of shining gold, with small and fluttering silver wings.
– Ovo je – reče Drvce – Zlatna skrivalica, i to je najvažnija lopta od svih.
"Das ist", sagte der Baum, "das Goldene Versteck, und es ist der wichtigste Ball von allen."
- This - said Drvce - is the Golden Hideout, and it is the most important ball of all.
Nju je teško uhvatiti pošto je brza i jedva se vidi.
Tragač ima zadatak da je uhvati.
Treba da se probijaš tamo-amo između Goniča, Jurišnika, Bladžerki i Kvafla da bi je uhvatio pre nego što je uhvati Tragač iz protivničkog tima, pošto onaj tim čiji Tragač uhvati Skrivalicu dobija još dodatnih sto pedeset poena, i skoro uvek pobeđuje.
Sie müssen zwischen Gonic, Jurisnik, Bladzerki und Kvafla hin und her kämpfen, um sie zu fangen, bevor der Sucher des gegnerischen Teams sie fängt, denn das Team, dessen Sucher Skrivalica fängt, erhält 150 zusätzliche Punkte und gewinnt fast immer.
You have to go back and forth between Hounds, Stormtroopers, Bludgers, and Quaffles to get her before the opposing team's Seeker does, since the team whose Seeker catches the Hide and Seek gets an extra hundred and fifty points, and almost always wins.
Zato Tragače tako često fauliraju.
Das ist der Grund, warum Sucher so oft foulen.
That's why the Seekers foul so often.
Utakmica kvidiča završava se tek kad je Skrivalica uhvaćena, tako da može da traje čitavu večnost – mislim da je rekord bio tri meseca, morali su stalno da uvode zamene za igrače, kako bi mogli da spavaju na smenu.
Das Quidditch-Spiel endet erst, wenn Skrivalica gefangen wird, kann also eine Ewigkeit dauern - ich glaube, der Rekord lag bei drei Monaten, sie mussten ständig Spieler auswechseln, damit sie in Schichten schlafen konnten.
A Quidditch match only ends when Hide and Seek is caught, so it can go on forever - I think the record was three months, they had to keep substituting players in so they could sleep in shifts.
– Dakle, to je to... imaš li pitanja?
Hari odmahnu glavom.
Harry schüttelte den Kopf.
U redu, shvatio je šta treba da se radi, ali problem će biti da se to izvede.
– Nećemo još da vežbamo sa Skrivalicom – reče Drvce, pažljivo je vraćajući u kutiju.
„Wir werden noch nicht mit Verstecken üben“, sagte der Baum und legte ihn vorsichtig zurück in die Kiste.
- We're not going to practice with Hide and Seek yet - said Drvce, carefully returning her to the box.
– I suviše je mračno, mogli bismo da je izgubimo.
- And it's too dark, we could lose her.
Pokušaj malo s ovim drugim.
Versuchen Sie ein wenig mit diesem anderen.
On izvadi iz džepa kesu s običnim lopticama za golf, i nekoliko minuta kasnije on i Hari su već bili u vazduhu, Drvce je bacao loptice što dalje može, u svim pravcima, a Hari bi ih hvatao.
He took a bag of regular golf balls out of his pocket, and a few minutes later he and Harry were up in the air, Tree throwing the balls as far as he could in all directions and Harry catching them.
Hari nije promašio nijednu, i Drvce je bio oduševljen.
Harry didn't miss a single one, and the Tree was delighted.
Posle pola sata, noć se bila potpuno spustila, pa nisu mogli dalje da nastave igru.
After half an hour, the night had completely fallen, so they could not continue the game any further.
– Ove godine će naše ime biti upisano na trofeju kvidičkog kupa – reče Drvce radosno dok su se čvrstim hodom vraćali ka zamku.
- This year our name will be written on the Quidditch cup trophy - said Drvce happily as they walked steadily back to the castle.
– Ne bih se iznenadio ako nadmašiš i Čarlija Vizlija, a on je mogao da igra i za reprezentaciju Engleske, da nije otišao da jurca za zmajevima.
- Ich wäre nicht überrascht, wenn Sie Charlie Weasley übertreffen würden, und er hätte für die englische Nationalmannschaft spielen können, wenn er nicht hinter den Drachen her gewesen wäre.
- I wouldn't be surprised if you surpass Charlie Weasley, and he could have played for the England national team, if he hadn't gone chasing dragons.
* * * Možda zbog prezauzetosti, jer je pored svih domaćih zadataka imao i trening tri večeri nedeljno, no kada je shvatio da je na Hogvortsu već dva meseca, Hari nije mogao da poveruje da je prošlo toliko vremena.
* * * Vielleicht, weil er zu beschäftigt war, denn zusätzlich zu all seinen Hausaufgaben hatte er drei Nächte in der Woche Training, aber als ihm klar wurde, dass er seit zwei Monaten in Hogwarts war, konnte Harry nicht glauben, dass er so viel Zeit hatte bestanden.
* * * Maybe because he was too busy, because in addition to all his homework he also had training three nights a week, but when he realized that he had been at Hogwarts for two months already, Harry couldn't believe that so much time had passed.
U zamku se osećao više kao kod kuće no što je ikad to bio u Šimširovoj ulici.
He felt more at home in the castle than he ever had in Shimshirova Street.
A sada kad su savladali osnovno gradivo, i časovi su postajali sve zanimljiviji.
And now that they have mastered the basic material, the lessons have become more and more interesting.
Tog jutra, uoči Noći veštica, probudio ih je primamljiv miris pečenih bundeva koji se širio hodnicima.
An diesem Morgen, am Vorabend von Halloween, wurden sie von dem verführerischen Duft gerösteter Kürbisse geweckt, der sich durch die Flure ausbreitete.
That morning, on the eve of Halloween, they were awakened by the enticing smell of roasting pumpkins wafting through the halls.
Štaviše, profesor Flitvik objavi za vreme časova Čini da su, po njegovom mišljenju, već sposobni da pokreću predmete da lete, a to je bilo nešto za čim su svi čeznuli još od kada su videli kako Flitvik tera Nevilovog žapca da leti po učionici.
Außerdem verkündete Professor Flitwick während des Unterrichts, dass er glaubt, dass sie bereits in der Lage sind, Objekte zum Fliegen zu bewegen, und das war etwas, wonach sich alle gesehnt haben, seit sie gesehen haben, wie Flitwick Nevilles Frosch im Klassenzimmer herumfliegen lässt.
Furthermore, Professor Flitwick announced during class that in his opinion, they were already capable of making objects fly, which was something everyone had longed for ever since they saw Flitwick make Neville's toad fly around the classroom.
Profesor Flitvik je podelio razred u parove da bi to vežbali.
Professor Flitwick divided the class into pairs to practice this.
Harijev par bio je Šejmus Finigan (što je bilo olakšanje, jer je Nevil stalno pokušavao da uhvati njegov pogled).
Harrys Paar war Seamus Finigan (was eine Erleichterung war, weil Neville ständig versuchte, seinen Blick auf sich zu ziehen).
Harry's match was Seamus Finnigan (which was a relief, as Neville kept trying to catch his eye).
Ron je, međutim, trebalo da radi zajedno s Hermionom Grejndžer.