Der Schatten über Innsmouth - Kapitel 3 – 02
The Shadow Over Innsmouth - Chapter 3 - 02
Skuggan över Innsmouth - Kapitel 3 - 02
Das Geflüster des alten Mannes wurde schwächer und ich fand mich selbst erzitternd ob der fürchterlichen und aufrichtigen Ungeheuerlichkeit seines Tonfalls, obwohl ich wusste, dass seine Erzählung nichts als trunkene Fantasie sein kann.
|sussurro|||||mais fraco||||||tremendo|||||sincera|monstruosidade||||||||||||||
The old man's whispers grew fainter and I found myself trembling at the fearful and sincere enormity of his tone, though I knew that his narrative could be nothing but drunken fantasy.
„Also mein Herr, Obed lernte, dass es da Dinge auf dieser Erde gibt, von denen die meist'n Leute nie gehört ha'n --- un' die sie nicht glauben wür'n wenn sie sie hörten.
||||||||||||||||la maggior parte delle||||||||||sarebbero||||
||||||||||||||||a maioria||||||||||veriam||||
"So my Lord, Obed learned that there are things on this earth that most'n people never heard of --- un' they wouldn't believe if they heard them.
Anscheinend haben diese Kanaken haufenweise ihre jungen Männer und Frauen geopfert an irgendso eine Art Götterwesen die unter dem Meer lebten und haben alle möglichen Gefälligkeiten dafür bekommen.
||||a tonnellate|||||||||||divinità||||||||||favori||
|||Kanaken|aos montes||||||||alguma|||ser divino||||||||||favores||
Apparently, these Kanaks sacrificed heaps of their young men and women to some kind of god beings that lived under the sea and got all kinds of favors for it.
Die Wesen auf der kleinen Insel mit den seltsamsten Ruinen getroffen und anscheinend sollten die furchtbaren Bilder von Froschfischmonstern Bilder von denen sein.
||||||||||||||||||frogfish monsters||||
||||||||||||||||||monstros de peixe-frogs||||
The creatures on the small island with the strangest ruins met and apparently the terrible pictures of frog fish monsters should be pictures of those.
Vielleicht war'n das die Viecher von denen all die Meerjungfrau'ngeschichten und so weiter entsprungen sind.
||||bestie|||||storie di sirene||||sono nate|
||||bichos|||||histórias de sereia||||surgiram|
Maybe these were the creatures from which all the mermaid stories and so on originated.
Die hatten jede Menge Städte am Meeresgrund un' diese Insel war von dort abgehob'n.
||||||sea floor|||||||lifted
They had a lot of cities at the bottom of the sea and this island was lifted from there.
Anscheinend lebten einige von den Dingern in den Steinbauten als die Insel sich plötzlich an die Oberfläche erhob.
||||||||stone buildings|||||||||
||||||||edifícios de pedra|||||||||
Apparently some of the things were living in the stone buildings when the island suddenly rose to the surface.
So ha'n die Kanaken Wind davon bekommen, dass sie da unten war'n.
That's how the Kanaks got wind that they were down there.
Mit Zeichensprache Handel ausgemacht, sobald sie ihre Angst überkommen hatten.
They made a deal with sign language as soon as they got over their fear.
Die Dinger mochten Menschenopfer!
|||human sacrifices
|||sacrifícios humanos
Those things liked human sacrifice!
Hatten sie vor Urzeiten, aber haben die Oberwelt ausen Augen verloren nach einiger Zeit.
|||ages||||upper world|out of|||||
|||urzeiten||||superficie terrestre|fuori|||||
They had them ages ago, but lost sight of the upper world after some time.
Was sie den Opfern angetan haben kann ich nicht sagen und ich glaube Obed war nicht allzu scharf drauf zu fragen.
What they did to the victims I can't say and I don't think Obed was too keen to ask.
Aber die Heiden waren einverstanden, weil sie eine harte Zeit gehabt hatten und generell verzweifelt waren.
But the heathens agreed, because they had had a hard time and were generally desperate.
Sie haben zweimal im Jahr den Seedingern eine bestimmte Zahl junge Menschen übergeben --- am Vorabend zum Mai und zu Halloween --- ganz regelmäßig.
They handed over a certain number of young people to the seeders twice a year --- on the eve of May and Halloween --- quite regularly.
Haben außerdem was von dem geschnitzten Krimskrams, den sie hergestellt haben übergeben.
Ha'n also handed over some of the carved odds and ends they made.
Im Ge'nzug ha'n die Dinger jede Menge Fisch geliefert --- ha'n die von überall im Meer herbei getrieben --- un' hier un' da gab's auch so 'n paar von den goldartigen Dingern.
The things delivered lots of fish --- they drove them in from all over the sea --- and there were a few of the gold-like things here and there.
Nun, wie gesagt, ha'n die Eingebor'nen die Dinger auf der kleinen Vulkaninsel getroffen --- sind in Kanus hin mit Opfern un'soweiter und brachten von da welche von den goldigen Juwel'n wenn's welche gab.
|||||||||||||||canoes||||and so on||||||||golden|jewels|||
|||||||||||||||canoas||||e assim por diante|||||||||joias|||
Well, as I said, the natives met the things on the small volcanic island --- went there in canoes with offerings and brought some of the golden jewels from there, if there were any.
Zuerst sind die Viecher nich' auf die Hauptinsel, aber nach 'ner Weile wollten sie dann doch.
|||||||main island||||||||
|||bichos||||ilha principal||||||||
At first the critters didn't want to go to the main island, but after a while they did.
Scheint als wär' den'n danach gewesen, sich unter die Mensch'n zu mischen un' zusammen Zeremonien an den großen Tagen abhalten --- Maiabend und Hallowe'en.
|||then|||itself|||people|||||ceremonies||||||May evening||Hallowe'en
|||allora||||||persone||||||||||tenere|sera di maggio||Halloween
|||então||||||pessoas||||||||||realizar|Noite de Maio||
Seems like they felt like mingling with the people and holding ceremonies together on the big days --- May Eve and Halloween.
Schau ma', die konnten sowohl im als auch über'm Wasser leben --- nennt man Amphibien, glaub' ich.
|me|||both||||over the|||||amphibians||
||||||||sobre o|||||||
Look, they could live both in and above the water --- they're called amphibians, I think.
Die Kanaken haben den' erzählt, dass die anderen Inselvölker sie ausrotten wollen, wenn sie Wind bekommen, dass die hier sind aber die meinten nur, das kümmere sie nich', weil sie die ganze Menschenbrut ausrott'n könnt'n, wenn sie sich die Mühe machen wollten --- das heißt, alle, die nich' bestimmte Zeichen kennen, wie sie einst von den verlor'n'n Großen Alten benutzt wur'n, wer immer die auch war'n.
||||||||island peoples||exterminate||||||||||||||||||||||human race|exterminate|could|||||||||||||||||||||lost||||were|||||
||||||||popoli insulari||sterminare|||||||||||||||preoccupa|||||||Menschenbrut|ausrott'n|possono||||||||||||||segno|||||||verloren||||erwähnten|||||
||||||||povos insulares||||||||||||||||||||||||Menschenbrut|exterminar||||||||||||||||||||||verloren||||wur'n|||||
The Kanaks told them that the other island peoples would exterminate them if they got wind that they were here, but they just said they didn't care because they could exterminate the whole human race if they bothered --- that is, anyone who didn't know certain signs like those once used by the lost Great Old Ones, whoever they were.
Aber weil sie da keine Lust drauf hatt'n, ha'n sie sich bedeckt gehalt'n wenn ir'ndwer die Insel besucht hat.
||||||to it|had|||||kept||anyone||||
But because they didn't feel like it, they kept a low profile when anyone visited the island.
Als es darum ging, sich mit den froschig'n Fischen zu paaren, ha'n die Kanaken sich erst mal gescheut aber letztendlich was gelernt, das dem Ganzen ein neues Gesicht gab'.
When it came to mating with the froggy fish, the Kanaks shied away at first but eventually learned something that gave the whole thing a new face.
Scheint, dass Menschen eine Art von Verwandtschaft mit diesen Wasserviechern hab'n.--- dass alles lebendige ursprünglich mal aus'm Wasser kam un' nur ein paar Veränderungen braucht um wieder zurück zu könn'n.
|||||||||water creatures|have||||originally||from the|||||||||||||
||||||parentesco|||animais aquáticos|têm||||originalmente||do|||||||||||||
Seems that humans have some kind of kinship with these water creatures--that everything alive originally came out of the water and just needs a few changes to get back.
Die Dinger ha'n den Kanaken erzählt, dass wenn sie ihre Blutlinien misch'n, das Kinder brächte, die erst menschlich aussehen aber später mehr un' mehr wie die Dinger wer'n, bis 's sie letz'en'lich zum Wasser zieht un' sie zum Rest der Viecher da unt'n stoßen.
||||||||||linhagensanguíneas||||traria|||||||||||||||||por fim|||||||||bichos|||estão
The things told the Kanaks that if they mixed their bloodlines, they'd have children who'd look human at first but later become more and more like the things, until eventually they'd be drawn to the water and join the rest of the critters down there.
Un' das hier iss der wichtige Teil mein Jung' --- die, die zu Fischviechern wurd'n un' ins Wasser gingen, sterben niemals.
||||||||||||fish creatures|become||||||
||||||||||||peixes|se tornaram||||||
And this is the important part, my boy --- those who became fish and went into the water never die.
Die Dinger sterben nie, außer durch Gewalt.
These things never die, except by violence.
Nun, mein Herr, scheint als ob zu der Zeit als Obed die Inselbewohner kenn'lernte, die schon voll mit Fischblut von den Tiefseedingern waren.
||||||||||||island dwellers|met|||||fish blood|||deep-sea fish|
||||||||||||moradores da ilha|||||||||profundas criaturas do mar|
Well, my lord, it seems that by the time Obed got to know the islanders, they were already full of fish blood from the deep sea seeders.
Wenn sie alt wurd'n un' sich das zeigte, wur'n sie versteckt bis es sie zum Wasser hin un' vom Land weg zog.
When they grew old and showed it, they were hidden until they were drawn to the water and away from the land.
Ein'ge war'n stärker davon berührt als and're un' manche hab'n sich nie genug verändert, dass es die zum Wasser zog, aber größtenteils hat sich das genauso gefügt wie die Dinger gesagt hatt'n.
Some were more touched by it than others and some never changed enough to be drawn to the water, but for the most part it worked out just as the things said.
Die, die stärker wie die Viecher geboren war'n veränderten sich früher aber die, die fast wie Menschen aussahen, blieben manchmal bis sie über siebzig war'n an Land, obwohl die schon davor öfters auf Probeausflüge runter gingen.
||||||||||||||||humans|||||||||||||||||probe excursions||
|||||||||||||||||pareciam||||||||||||||||excursões de teste||
The ones that were born more like cattle changed earlier, but the ones that looked almost like humans sometimes stayed on land until they were over seventy, even though they often went down on trial trips before that.
Leute, die's zum Wasser gezog'n hatte, kamen generell oft zurück zu Besuch, so dass ein'ge mit ihr'n eig'n fünffach'n Urgroßvätern sprach'n, die das trock'ne Land vor'n paar hundert Jahr'n verlassen hatt'n.
||||feito||||||||||||||cinco|bisavôs||||seco||de um|||||
People who had been drawn to the water generally often came back to visit, so that some spoke to their own five times great-grandfathers who had left the dry land a few hundred years ago.
Alle hatten die Idee vom Sterb'n aufgege'n --- außer in Kanu-Krieg'n mit den an'ern Inselbewohnern oder als Opfer an die Meeresgötter tief unt'n oder durch Schlangenbisse, Pest oder gallopierende Krankheit oder ir'ndwas, bevor's sie ins Wasser zog --- sondern erwarteten alle die Veränd'rung, die nach 'ner Weile kein bissl schrecklich mehr war.
|||||dying|given|||canoe|war|||other|island dwellers||||||sea gods|||||snake bites|plague||galloping|||to die|before|||||||||change||||||a little|||
||||||abandonaram|||||||||||||||||||picadas de cobra|||galope||||antes|||||||||||||||bites|||
Everyone had given up the idea of dying --- except in canoe wars with the an'ern islanders or as sacrifices to the sea gods deep below or by snakebite or plague or galloping disease or something before they were drawn into the water --- but all awaited the change, which after a while was no longer a bit terrifying.
Sie dachten, was sie draus zog'n war alles wert, was sie dafür aufgege'n hatt'n --- un' ich denk' Obed hat sich das so ähnlich überlegt, als er so über Walakeas Geschichte nachgedacht hat.
They thought what they got out of it was worth everything they spent on it --- and I think Obed was thinking something like that when he thought about Walakea's story.
Aber Walakea gehörte zu den wenig'n die nix von dem Fischblut in sich hatten --- kam aus einer Adelslinie, die sich mit Adelslinien von anderen Inseln verheiratete.
|||||few||||||||||||noble lineage||||noble lines|||islands|married
|||||||||||||||||linhagem nobre||||linhas de nobreza||||
But Walakea was one of the few who had none of the fish blood in them --- came from a noble line that intermarried with noble lines from other islands.
Walakea zeigte Obed eine Menge Riten un' Beschwörungen die mit den Seeviechern zu tun hatten un' hat ihm ein'ge von den Leut'n gezeigt, die sich stark von ihrer Menschenform verändert hatt'n.
|||||rituals||incantations||||sea creatures||||||||||people|||||||human form||
|||||||conjurações||||criaturas aquáticas|||||||||||||||||||
Walakea showed Obed a lot of rites and incantations that had to do with the sea creatures and showed him some of the people who had changed greatly from their human form.
Irgendwie, obwohl er ihn nie eins von den normalen Dingern aus'm Wasser seh'n ließ.
Somehow, even though he never let him see one of the normal things out of the water.
Am Ende gab' er ihm 'n merkwürdiges Dingsbums aus Blei oder so, dass so sagte er, die Fischdinger hervorbringen würde, von je'm Ort im Wasser, wo's ein Nest von denen gäb'.
|||||||thingamajig||||||||||fish things||||each|||water||||||were
||||||estranho|coisa||chumbo||||||||peixes||||de mim|||||||||
In the end, he gave him a strange thing made of lead or something, which he said would bring out the fish things from any place in the water where there was a nest of them.
Die Idee war, das zusammen mit den richti'en Gebet'n un' so herabzuwerfen.
|||||||right|prayers|||to throw down
|||||||giusti|preghiere|||buttare giù
The idea was to throw it down together with the right prayers.
Walakea erlaubte das, da die Dinger über die ganze Welt verstreut war'n un' jeder, der danach suchte, ein Nest finden konnte un' die herbeirufen könnte, wenn er sie brauchte.
Walakea allowed this because the things were scattered all over the world and anyone looking for them could find a nest and summon them if they needed them.
Matt mochte dieses Treiben überhaupt nich' un' wollte, dass Obed sich von der Insel fern hielt, doch der Käp'n war scharf auf Profit un' fand raus, dass er die Golddinger für'n Spottpreis bekommen konnte, so dass es sich lohn'n würde, sich darauf zu spezialisier'n.
||||||||||||||far||||captain|||||||||||gold diggers|for a|bargain price|||||||to|||||specialize
||||||||||||||||||capitano||||||||||||per un||||||||profitto|||||spezializzarsi
Matt|||movimento|||||||||||||||||||lucro|||||||douradinhos|por um|preço de banana|||||||salário|||||especializar
Matt didn't like this hustle at all and wanted Obed to stay away from the island, but the captain was keen on profit and found out that he could get the gold things for a ridiculous price, so it would be worth specializing in them.
Die Dinge liefen so für Jahre un' Obed bekam genug von dem Goldzeug, dass er die Raffinerie in Waite's alter, verkommener Walkmühle aufmachen konnte.
||||||||||||gold stuff||||||Waite's||dilapidated|fulling mill||
||||||||||||||||||Waite||fatiscente|mole di battitura||
||corriam||||||||||ouro||||||Waite||decrépita|moinho de malha||
Things went on like that for years and Obed got enough of the gold stuff that he was able to open the refinery in Waite's old dilapidated fulling mill.
Er hat's nie gewagt, die Stücke zu verkaufen wie sie war'n, weil die Leute sonst ständig Fragen stell'n würd'n.
|||||||||||||||||avrebbero fatto|avrebbero
He never dared to sell the pieces as they were, because otherwise people would keep asking questions.
So oder so kamen seine Matrosen manchmal an so'n Stück un' wur'n das hie un' da los, obwohl sie geschwor'n hatten, Ruhe zu halten.
||||||||such a|||||||||||sworn||||
Either way, his sailors sometimes came across such a piece and got rid of it here and there, even though they had sworn to keep quiet.
Un' er hat die Frau'n in seiner Familie 'n paar von den Stücken, die für Menschen passender aussah'n als die meisten, tragen lassen.
||||||||||||||||mais adequados|aussavam|||||
And he made the women in his family wear a few of the pieces that looked more suitable for men than most.
Un' dann, ungefähr Achtun'dreißig als ich sieben war --- fand Obed das ganze Inselvolk von einer Reise auf die nächste ausgelöscht.
|||thirty-eight|||||||||island people|||||||
|||oitenta e três||||||||||||||||exterminado
And then, about eight and thirty when I was seven --- Obed found the whole island people wiped out from one voyage to the next.
Schien als hätten die and'ren Inselvölker Wind davon bekomm'n was da vor sich ging un' hatten sich der Sache selbst angenomm', Ich glaub' die hatten doch welche von den alten magischen Zeichen von den'n die Seeviecher sagten, dass sie davor als einziges Angst hatt'n.
||||other||wind||received||||||||||||taken|||||||||||||||sea creatures||||||||
Seemed like the other island people had gotten wind of what was going on and had taken care of it themselves, I think they had some of the old magical signs that the sea creatures said were the only thing they were afraid of.
Nich auszudenken was diese Kanaken sich alles zu schnappen trauen, wenn der Meeresboden 'ne Insel hervortreibt mit Ruinen, die älter sin' als die Sintflut.
||||||||snatch||||seabed|||brings forth|||||are|||
|a pensare|||||||prendere|si azzardano|||fondale marino|||fa emergere|||||sono|||diluvio
It's hard to imagine what these Kanaks dare to grab when the seabed is floating up an island with ruins older than the Flood.
War'n andächtige Typen, denn sie ha'n nix stehen gelassen, weder auf der Hauptinsel noch auf der klein'n Vulkaninsel, bis auf die Ruinen, die zu groß war'n um sie abzureißen.
|devout|||||||||||main island||||small|||to|||||||||
They were devout types, because they didn't leave anything standing, neither on the main island nor on the small volcanic island, except for the ruins, which were too big to demolish.
An manchen Stellen lag'n kleine Steine verstreut --- wie Schutzzauber --- mit 'nem Symbol drauf, dass sie heute Hakenkreuz nennen.
|||lay|||||protective magic||||on it||||swastika|
|||erano sdraiati|||||incantesimo protettivo||||||||svastica|
||||||espalhados||feitiço de proteção||||||||suástica|
In some places there were small stones scattered around --- like protective spells --- with a symbol on them that they now call a swastika.
War'n wohl die Zeichen der Großen Alten.
Must have been the signs of the Great Old Ones.
Die Menschen war'n ausgelöscht un' es gab' keine Spur von irgendwelchem Goldzeugs un' keiner der anderen Kanaken wollte ein Wort über die Sache verlier'n.
||||||||||any|gold||||||||||||to lose
The people were wiped out and there was no trace of any gold stuff and none of the other Kanaks wanted to say a word about the matter.
Ha'n sogar geleugnet, dass da jemals Leute auf der Insel gelebt hatt'n.
They even denied that people had ever lived on the island.
Das traf Obed natürlich sehr hart, da auch seine sonst'gen Geschäfte schlecht gingen.
Of course, this hit Obed very hard, as his other business was also going badly.
Es traf auch ganz Innsmouth, denn in den Seefahrertagen fiel der Profit eines Kapitäns auch proportional seiner Crew zu.
||||||||sailor days|||||captain's||proportionally|||
||||||||dias de navegação||||||||||
It also affected the whole of Innsmouth, because in the seafaring days, a captain's profit also accrued proportionally to his crew.
Die meisten Leute in der Stadt nahm'n die harten Zeiten wie die Schafe hin un' resigniert'n, aber sie waren in einer schlecht'n Situation, denn der Fischfang versiegte un' den Fabrik'n ging's auch nich' gut.
||||||took|||||||||resigned||||||bad|||||dried up|||factories||||
||||||presero||||||pecore|||resignati||||||cattiva|||||si esaurì|||||||
Most people in the town took the hard times like sheep and resigned themselves, but they were in a bad situation because the fishing was drying up and the factories weren't doing well either.
Zu der Zeit begann Obed auf die Leute zu fluchen, weil sie dumme Schafe seien un' zum christlich'n Himmel bet'n, der ihnen nix half.
At that time Obed began to swear at the people because they were stupid sheep and prayed to the Christian heaven, which didn't help them.
Er hat ihnen erzählt, er kenne Leute, die beteten zu Göttern, die das geben, was man wirklich braucht un' wenn genug Männer zu ihm stünden, könnt' er vielleicht gewisse Kräfte anrufen, die jede Menge Fisch un' ein'ges an Gold bringen wür'n.
||||||||prayed||gods|||||||||||men|||stood||||||to summon||||||some||||
He told them he knew people who prayed to gods who give what you really need and if enough men stood by him, he might be able to call on certain powers that would bring lots of fish and some gold.
Auf je'n Fall wusst'n die, die auf der __Sumatry Queen__ gedient hatten un' die Insel kannt'n, was er meinte un' war'n nich sehr begierig, den Seeviechern von denen sie gehört hatt'n nahe zu komm'n aber die, die nich' wusst'n worum's ging wur'n von dem, was Obed zu erzählen hatte beeinflusst un' fingen an, ihn zu frag'n, was er tun könne um sie auf den Pfad des Glaubens zu schicken, der ihnen Ergebnisse liefere.“
|ogni||sapevano||||||||||||conoscevano||||||||||||||||||venire||||||a cosa||||||||||||||||frag'n|||||||||||||||||
|||sabiam|||||||servido|||||conheciam||||||||ansiosos||animais aquáticos||||||||chegar|||||sabiam|o que||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||resultados|entregar
In any case, those who had served on the Sumatry Queen and knew the island knew what he meant and were not very eager to get close to the sea creatures they had heard about, but those who didn't know what it was about were influenced by what Obed had to say and began to ask him what he could do to send them on the path of faith that would give them results."